Russian language quiz tasks. I'm the dark horse game

As a rule, schoolchildren are much more willing to begin an entertaining task than an ordinary one, because the unusual is always more attractive. Quizzes are also in the entertaining category: it’s nice to feel like an expert, to succeed in a fair competition.

Thirty entertaining tasks for Russian language quizzes are taken from my work experience. Of course, all tasks with answers.

Questions and jokes

1. Which word has forty vowels?

2. Which words have one hundred consonants?

3. What consonant sound must be hidden behind another consonant sound to make a simultaneous shot from several guns?

4. Which word complains that it is missing a hundred?

5. What alphabet consists of only six letters?

6. How to turn tall grass growing along the banks of reservoirs into a small rodent?

7. Which pronoun will turn into a conjunction if read from right to left?

8. Which numeral contains the order?

9. Sometimes they hang him up, bully him, shove him everywhere, and sometimes they stay with him. What is this?

10. Which word has 100 negatives.

More serious questions

11. What is the difference in meaning between the words Hindu and Indian?

12. What is the origin of the word capital?

13. What is the difference between the meanings of the words diminish and minimize?

14. What is the origin of the word bag?

15. The word Wednesday has two meanings: “day of the week” and “what is around, environment.” In what case and in what way exactly is the difference between these two meanings manifested?

16. Determine the category of the adjective hare.

17. What is the vocative case?

18. Explain the semantic difference in the phrases two hours - two hours.

19. What pronoun feminine turned into a noun - a sports term?

20. Name 3 verbs that cannot be used without -sya.

21. Educate perfect look from the verbs speak, catch, take.

22. One student wrote in an essay: “The vast expanses of our country are vast and necessary.” What was his mistake? What did he really mean?

23. Is there an adverb in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Sail". Explain your answer.

24. How were the adverbs today and tomorrow formed?

25. What is the infinitive form of the verb will cure?

26. Do the words grandfather, Cossack, hut, income sound the same when reading from left to right and vice versa?

27. In a word easy the letter g is pronounced like x. Remember 2 more words that have the same feature

28. Which noun has 7 letters o?

29. Guess the riddle in verse:
With the letter o I have a circle of friends,
With the letter a - event.

30. And here is another poem. What does it remind you of?
Look, hear, see everything,
Addict, hate,
Twirl, hold, breathe,
To endure, to offend, to persecute.


Questions and jokes

1. Magpie.

2. Table, groan, stack, stop.

4. It will become.

5. ABC.

6. Ka-mouse - mouse-ka (swap syllables).

7. He - but.

10. Moans.

More serious questions

11. Hindu - resident of India; Indian is a representative of the indigenous population of America.

12.V ancient Rus' the word table meant throne, throne, chair on which the prince sits. That's why main city The principalities were called capital cities or capitals.

13. Decrease - reduce a little (the prefix - has the meaning of incomplete action). Downplay - greatly reduce (pre- = very).

14. The word bag comes from the word fur, since at first bags were made from skins and had fur.

15.V accusative case the emphasis falls on different syllables, for example: take place on Wed e do - place in an alkaline environment y.

16. Possessive and relative, depending on the context: (whose?) hare’s tail - (which?) hare’s sheepskin coat.

17. In ancient times, the vocative case was used for addresses: prince - prince, father - father, etc. We still use the form vocative case, and even in colloquial speech, for example: My God! God!

18. Two hours is time; two watches - two objects, devices that measure time.

19. Draw.

20. Laugh, be afraid, be proud, try, etc.

21. Say, catch, take.

22. The student did not understand lexical meaning participles are necessary, so I used it incorrectly: I wanted to say “impossible to look around and go around,” but it turned out “immense and very necessary.”

23. No. The word brighter is comparative degree adjective light.

24. This (this) + day = today. For + morning = morning = tomorrow.

25. Two verbs have this form in the 1st person singular: fly out And cure.

26. They sound the same, i.e. only shalash [shalash] and kazak [kazak] have the same sound composition from left to right and from right to left; grandfather [d`et], income [dakhot] when read from right to left have a different composition and sequence of sounds. If we take into account stress, then not a single word sounds the same from left to right and from right to left.

27. God, soft.

28. Defense capability.

29. Company - campaign.

30. About the fact that these verbs -et and -at belong to the second conjugation.

Literature used

1. Arsiriy A.T., Dmitrieva G.M. Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language. Part 1. - M.: State. educational and pedagogical publishing house, 1962.

2. Arsiriy A.T. Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language. Part 2. - M.: Education, 1967.

3. Vartanyan E.A. Journey into the word. - M., 1982.

4. Ivanova V.A., Potikha Z.A., Rosenthal D.E. Interesting about the Russian language. - L., 1990.

5. Mekrezhinskaya E.K., Gurevich A.Yu., Zaritsky S.A. Fun grammar. - Kyiv: Radyanska school, 1968

6. Sidorov S.V. Organization of literature week at school: Methodical recommendations. - Kurgan: IPKiPRO Kurgan region, 1997.

7. Trembovolsky Ya.L., Chekalov I.V. Your word, scholars! - M.: Education, 1990.

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Quiz on the Russian language “About the Russian word”

We don't know exactly when and how people learned to talk. In one of the oldest Babylonian myths It is said: “When the sky above was not named, the earth below was nameless.” There was chaos in the world. After the victory over him, the sky, the earth and everything that is on them were called by the word"

In ancient times, the meaning of the word was understood as follows: what is said is carried out. This is where the belief in the magical power of words arose. Words can save, they can heal, but they can also destroy. The word can do anything.

Presenter: Writer Lev Vladimirovich Uspensky said: “If there are things in the world worthy of the name miracle, then the word is undoubtedly the first and most wonderful of them.” Our quiz is dedicated to the Russian word, in which 2 teams and 2 opponents participate.

We announce 1st round. It is called “Beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.”

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote: “The Russian language in in capable hands and experienced lips - handsome, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.” Prove it. So, the task of the 1st round for the teams: The wisdom of language lies in proverbs and sayings. We hope you use them often in your speech.

Continue the proverbs.

Don't be proud of your title - (be proud of your knowledge)

What a spinner is (such is his shirt)

How many heads, (so many minds)

I confess my head and (the sword does not cut)

Thin world better (good fight)

Let's sit side by side (let's talk well)

On someone else's mouth (you can't put a scarf)

Taking off your head (they don’t cry over your hair)

The captains receive the task: to match the foreign language proverbs with synonymous Russian ones.

Making a pitchfork out of a needle (making a molehill out of a molehill)

Get into a drainpipe from the rain (get to the ship at the ball)

Live like a fattening rooster (live like a king in his bosom)

Hit the fence with a bullet (point your finger to the sky)

Wheel a butterfly (shoot sparrows from a cannon)

And in a good garden there are rotten vegetables (every family has its black sheep)

When a pig in yellow slippers climbs a pear tree (when a crayfish whistles on the mountain)

Like a hare in a pineapple (like a pancake in butter)

Like a fly to a dog (like a dog's fifth leg)

Wet poodle (wet chicken)

Reflections at the front entrance.

Petrov's nest chick.

Happy Hours are not observed.

The truth speaks through the mouth of a child.

All ages are submissive to love.

Where do the firewood come from?

Things have been going on for a long time days gone by.

We only dream of peace.

Presenter: We announce 2 round our quiz, which is called “Live and Real”

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said: “The Russian language is real, strong, strict, serious where necessary, lively and lively where necessary.”

You will have to demonstrate your agility in this tour. The team answers questions quickly and promptly.

1.How to write the word eye in 3 letters? (eye)

2.How to write dry grass in 4 letters? (hay)

3.What pronoun can be a suffix? (That)

4.What adverb is written with two soft signs? (exactly)

5.What is unusual about the phrase There is milk around Misha? (shifter)

6.Which verb contains 100 negatives? (moans)

7.What sound does the word Yerevan begin with? (Y)

8. Name a word starting with 4 consonants (look)

9.Name the union-affiliation book style of 3 letters (for)

10. Name the colloquial conjunction, replacement if (if)

(Task for captains) “Alive and real”

Round 2 questions for captains.

1. There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on it, in each nest there are 4 eggs, in each egg there are 7 chickens. What is this? (months, weeks, days)

2. Two stand, two lie, the fifth walks, the sixth drives, the seventh sings songs. (doors)

3. Two mothers have five sons, all with the same name (hand and fingers)

4. Four brothers are belted with one sash, standing under one hat (table)

Presenter: We have come to 3rd round of our competition, which is called “Brief and Accurate,” because everything in the Russian language has its own name, sometimes given with such accuracy that you are amazed. N.V. Gogol once noted that “another name is even more precious than the thing itself.” So, your task is to call a word what it means.

1. Vocabulary composition language (vocabulary)

2. Words that entered the language from a certain literary or historical source(quote)

3. An image of something in a fantastic, ugly-comic form, based on sharp contrasts and exaggeration (grotesque)

4. A word that has fallen out of use due to the disappearance of those realities that they denoted historicism)

5.Same as the underworld (hell)

6. Same as a cruel torturer (despot)

7.What Russian people hope for (maybe)

8. Science that studies languages ​​and folk art (philology)

Round 3 questions for captains. Find the extra word

1 actress, hare, cow, fox (actor, hare, fox)

2 flour, pepper, sugar, tulle, snow (f.r.)

3 bleat, moo, purr, neigh (2nd conjugation)

4 stews, sconces, coupe, lady, taxi (f.r.)

5 sleighs, kohlrabi, cream, vice (units)

6 singer, crybaby, actress, orphan (f.r.)

Presenter: We announce the next one 4th round, called by us “Rich and Powerful”

Russian language is one of the richest languages peace. Famous writer Konstantin Dmitrievich Paustovsky, addressing his contemporaries, that is, you and me, reminds us: “We have been given the possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” It is necessary to learn to master the word. To do this, we turn to the works of different writers.

1. “He forced himself to be respected” (A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”)

2. “Genius and villainy are incompatible things” (A.S. Pushkin “Mozart and Solieri”)

3. “Brevity is the sister of talent” (A.P. Chekhov)

4. “And they went, burning with the sun” (N.A. Nekrasov “Reflections at the front entrance”)

5. "Through" visible to the world laughter and tears invisible to the world" (N.V. Gogol)

6. “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married” (D.I. Fonvizin “The Minor”)

7. “You can’t understand Russia with your mind” (F.I. Tyutchev)

8. “Much Ado About Nothing” (W. Shakespeare)

9. “Many are called, few are chosen” (Bible)

10 “And the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us” (A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”)

11. "Fight with windmills"(Cervantes "Don Quixote")

12. “Look at the root” (Kozma Prutkov)

Round 4 questions for captains

1 The house burned down. What is tlo? (bottom)

2.What vegetable did the Spaniards call tartufoli, i.e. “ground mushrooms?” What name did this vegetable receive in Russia? (potato)

3.What case is in Old Russian language was called a tale? How did M.V. Lomonosov rename it? (prepositional)

4.Which of the names is Russian: Ivan, Bogdan, Fedor? (Bogdan)

5 What word did M.V. Lomonosov use to replace the previously existing terms of the same concept: planti, former, vegetabili. (plants)

6. What plants were called so in ancient Russian dialects: empty, stupid, pathinnik. (dandelion, toadstool, plantain)

7 From what words are the following words formed: thicket, grove, forest, horsetail? (often, grow, empty, tail)

8. Which city on the Volga was born and baptized three times? List all 3 city names? (Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad, Volgograd)

Presenter: We went to the final one Stage 5 our competition: " Native language“, that is why we must love him and take care of him. Love for words reveals many of the mysteries of language. Let's try to solve two of them.

1.What is the difference between the sentences, is the meaning the same?

A grandfather in a shaggy hat and hemmed felt boots sits on a heap.

Grandfather, in a shaggy hat and hemmed felt boots, sits on a heap.

(The commas in the second sentence are placed in order to emphasize that this information is additional, the person being talked about is known to us. In the first sentence we are reporting about a person unknown to us. This is the only information about him)

What was written on the poster?

….o…o …o….a…o…a!


Questions for captains.

1.Which pronoun does not have nominative case:

a) you b) him c) me d) yourself

2. Which word does not have the sound s (soft):

a) nail b) braid c) be surprised d) smile

3.Which word has 4 sounds:

a) sews b) linen c) sing d) core

4.Which noun does not have a plural form? Numbers:

a) festival b) foliage c) competition d) doctor

5.Which adjective has no degrees of comparison:

a) lame b) white c) sad d) neat

6.Which verb has only an imperfective form:

a) close b) keep up c) see d) be in poverty

Host: It's time to sum up. And remember, even if you did not become winners today, you touched the treasures of our language. This is a great asset that has been given to us. (poem by A. Akhmatova)

Russian language quiz

Good afternoon, participants of our quiz! Mastering the Russian language is a difficult task. I hope you are not afraid of difficulties on the path to knowledge. Russian language - extraordinary language, and we will be convinced of this today.

We have to find out who knows Russian better.

For those who love the Russian language without a doubt,
Who will give all his desire to the language,
The path is open in our game, show your knowledge.
Fair jury, appreciate your efforts!

Guys, the Russian language is so beautiful and rich and you are at the very beginning of learning it. You have a lot to learn, you will learn something unknown to you now, you will discover all the secrets of our native Russian language.

My Russian language is beautiful
Both in joy and in sadness
He is with me every time.
My Russian language is beautiful,
Like a dear homeland!

The game begins. I wish you good luck!

Warm-up “Question-answer”

Question 1 class.

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

Question 2 grade.

How many consonants? (21)

Question 3 grade.

What part of speech words can replace nouns in sentences? (pronouns)

Question 4th grade.

What is the name of the part of speech that denotes the action of an object? (verb)

Question 1 class.

How many syllables are in a word border ?

Question 2 grade.

The first sound in the word Apple? (th)

Question 3 grade.

What is it called main member sentences answering the question “who?” or “what?” (subject)

Question 4th grade.

What part is common in words with the same root?


1 class

    What does it consist of? written language? (from suggestions)

    What does a sentence consist of (words)

    Do they see or hear sounds?

    What needs to be written to make a word (letters)

    Replace one letter in the word “guest” to make a dog treat (bone)

    List the months whose names end in hard consonants (March, August)

    Make up a sentence: pike, and, fisherman, bream, caught. (the fisherman caught pike and bream)

    Which speech, oral or written, appeared first? (oral)

    What rule do you need to know to correctly write the words “pen” and “precise”

3-4 grade

    Come up with one word each with double consonants: -ss- (class), -nn- (autumn), -mm- (telegram, gram), -zh- (buzz), -ll- (million), -bb- (Saturday ), -pp- (flu), -rr- (terrace)

    Which word is extra: verb, adjective, prefix, noun

    What will it be like test word: starling, starling, starling orchonok, starling (skvOrushka)

    Place a voiced or voiceless consonant in each word: timid, smooth, soft, sparse, light, liquid, unsteady, narrow, low, sweet

    The question "what?" belongs to which cases? (nominative and accusative)

    How “not” behaves in relation to verbs

    What is the name of one person’s speech (monologue)

For all classes

Our next competition is “Troubles”! you need to unravel the words using the first letters of the objects




There is a puzzle to be solved!

Competition "Make words"

On the board is the word TRANSPORT. Make as many other short words as possible from the letters of this word. Only words must exist for real, and not be made up. (Sport, cake, mouth, nose, dispute, cable, port, litter, growth, toast, post, crust, ar, tone, note, trail).

And now I invite you to play a little ! But our game is unusual, verbal!

I will tell you words and objects in singular, and you answer me - you call plural. Answer in unison.

Leg - …. Hand - … Arc - … Flour - … (?)

That's where we made a mistake. The word "flour" has no plural .

Chick - …. Kid - …. Barrel -... (barrels).

We were wrong again. The plural of the word "barrel" is not barrels, but barrels .


Competition “Correct the mistakes”:

Now you will receive sheets with texts. But be careful! There are a lot of mistakes there. Correct them. The winner is the one who not only faster, but also more accurately and more carefully sees all the mistakes and corrects them. Are you ready?
The moon illuminated the fox's fur. Grasshoppers were chattering in the grass. For green barsch you need sorrel. Birds chirp in the clearing. (13 errors)

- Are grades 1-2 ready? Let's solve some riddles, shall we?

Foal every day
He grew up and became... (a horse).

Who will color our album?
Well, of course... (pencil).

Round, crumbly, white
Came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little,
After all, the truth is delicious... (potatoes).

What's that creak, what's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I... (cabbage).

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,
The ice just creaks
Let the lights flicker!
Who's carrying me? ... (skates).

Our Mashenka is walking along the road,
She leads the goat by the rope.
And passers-by look with all their eyes
- The girl has a very long... (braid).

He sleeps in a hole during the long winter.
But the sun will start to warm up a little,
On the road for honey and raspberries
Sending... (bear).

White hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white
Who is this hare? ... (chalk).

In the underground, in the closet
She lives in a hole.
Gray baby
Who is this? ... (mouse).

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
I sucked a brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to roar
This forest animal... (bear).

All together

Next competition “Finish the proverb”

I read the beginning, and you finish it. Whoever knows the answer raises his hand. Don't shout!

    What is written with a pen... (you can’t cut it out with an ax).

    Hurry up... (you'll make people laugh).

    A book is not red in writing, ... (red in mind).

    The word is not a sparrow... (if it flies out, you won’t catch it)

    The mind is good, but...(two is better)

    Learned b e - light, but .... (not teaching - darkness)

    Human labor feed it, and ... (laziness port it)

5. Competition "Antonyms"

Healthy -

7. “Get the Word” competition.

From the set of letters, remove the letters denoting unvoiced consonants and read the resulting word.



Remove the letters indicating voiced consonants and get your word.

Lrkmnodshrkvga- (cat)

Competition "Catchphrases".

They came to us from Russian folklore and are used by us in speech . Replace phraseological units with other words that are similar in meaning.

With all my might -fast

    Just a stone's throw - close

    Bite your tongue - shut up

    Headlong -very quickly

    To be at broken trough- be left with nothing

    Crocodile tears - lying tears, insincere

    Know by heart - by heart

    Ignore - listen

Competition "Grammar Arithmetic"

6 4 1 7 2 5 3 7 2 6 3 5 1 4

K, O, B, I, U, V, K I, V, R, U, A, Z, K


3 6 4 2 8 1 5 7 7 2 4 3 1 6 5

A, T, M, R, I, G, O, E I, N, T, A, Z, K, O

Competition: “Find the odd one out”

1-2 classes

Be careful! Eat extra words. Explain why one word is "extra"

Rain, snow, hail, moon

Notebook, book, diary, plane


Earth, gray, yellow, green

See, paint, paint, run

White, whiteness, turns white, squirrel

Competition: “Halves”

Children, having read the first part of the proverb, must remember and match it with the second.

1-2 classes

Do you like to ride, …………… also love to carry sleds.

old friend better……………… the new two.

It’s time,……………. fun time.

3-4 grades

Live forever, learn ……………….

Man’s labor feeds……………………. and laziness spoils.

One per person birth mother, …………………….he has only one homeland.

Contest. Replace with one word.

You must express the meaning of the phrase in one word. The one who gives the most correct answers wins. Example phrases:

Rush at full speed (fast);

- scream at the top of your lungs (loudly);

Sleep soundly (soundly);

Work tirelessly (hard);

A teaspoon per hour (slowly);

Do it in a hurry (hurriedly);

Get out of your head (forget);

Working carelessly (bad).

Competition "Visiting the Consents".

Replace one consonant in each word to create a different word.

For example: color-light.

headlight, game, house, bump.

lion, grove, rat, seagull.

rose, oak, duck, sea.

Competition "Visiting the Vowels".

Words with missing unstressed vowels are written on the board.

Participants go to the board one by one and insert the desired letter per word.

Gr...for st...on

M...ry st...foreheads

N...ha g...ra n...ra

D...wait sn...ha r...ha k...for

Competition "Funny Misunderstandings".

Listen to the poems and find errors in them.

    The sea turns blue before us,

    T-shirts fly over the waves. (Seagulls)

    Mom went with the barrels

    On the road along the village. (daughters)

  1. The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

    The branches are full of doctors. (rooks)

  1. We collected cornflowers

    We have puppies on our heads. (wreaths)

  2. At the top of the tower

    Doctors scream day and night.

What are they shouting about? You ask the rooks. (rooks)

    They say there is a fisherman

    I fished out a shoe in the river,

    But then he

    The house was hooked. (som)

Competition "Phraseological Menagerie"

Add the missing word - the name of the animal.

Hungry like ………..(wolf)

Cowardly like………..(hare)

Prickly like………….(hedgehog)

Talkative like…………(magpie)

Cunning like……….(fox)

Healthy as………(bull)

As resourceful as………(really)

Dumb like………(fish)

Stubborn as………(donkey)

Questions and jokes

    What word has forty vowels (forty)

    Which words have a hundred vowels (table, groan, stack, stop)

    What consonant sound must be hidden behind another consonant sound to make a simultaneous shot from several guns (volley)

    How to turn tall grass growing along the banks of reservoirs into a small rodent (reed - mouse)

    Which numeral contains the order (three)

    Sometimes they hang him, bully him, shove him everywhere, and sometimes they stay with him. What is this? (nose)

    What word has a hundred negatives (groans)

    Explain the semantic difference in the phrases two hours - two hours.

Russian language in questions and answers

Quiz with answers on the Russian language in primary grades: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades.
For each correct answer in the quiz, the team receives 1 point.

Russian language quiz for 1st grade (with answers)

1. If a sentence asks about something, what punctuation mark is needed at the end of such a sentence?
2. How many vowels are in the word “educational”?
3. Find the mistake: the word “lynx” has 4 letters and 4 sounds.
4. How many syllables are in the word “berry”?
5. Add a letter to the word “table” to make a new word.
6. What word is hidden in “threat”?
7. Remove a letter from the word “paint” and you will get a new word. Which?
8. Which word is misspelled: “A lily grew in the lily’s garden”?
9. Think about what you can do with the word “forest” so that it has 2 syllables, 3 syllables.
10. In which word is the second syllable stressed: chicken, cucumber, orange, nest?


1. Question mark. 2. Four. 3. Three sounds. 4. Three. 5. Pillar. 6. Rose. 7. Helmet. 8. “at Lily’s” 9. Forest, forest. 10. Nest.

Russian language quiz for 2nd grade (with answers)

1. Find the mistake: “Stasik gave his Puppy the nickname Sharik.”
2. The letters ran away, it is necessary to return them: “There was a thick, green s.sleep in the”
3. The paired consonants are confused about which of them should be included in the words: uly.ka, bere.ka, piro., lebe.b, bula.ka, kni.ka,.
4. Which word got lost: frost, frosty, freeze, overseas, freezer, frost?
5. Where is the suffix in the word?
6. Are there words without a prefix, without a root?
7. Find the hidden word. To search, you will need questions “who?” and “what?”: grandmother, magpie, cook, Zoya, chamomile, puppy.
8. You need to choose adjectives for the word “raspberry” so that you immediately want to eat it.
9. You need to be a little magician and transform the names of beings. into verbs: cart, saw, feeder, pilot, drawing, letter.
10. Can a sentence consist of one word?


1. “puppy” 2. E, o, o, e, o. 3. B, h, d, d, c, g. 4. Overseas. 5. Between the root and the ending. 6. Yes, no. 7. Chamomile. 8. Ripe, juicy, sweet, tasty, scarlet. 9. Carry, saw, feed, fly, draw, write. 10. Yes.

1. What is the name of the small part of the text between the 2 red lines?
2. Is there a phrase in which the word “crystal” has direct meaning: crystal sound; crystal goblet; crystal water?
3. Choose the punctuation marks that are placed after the address: dash, comma, colon, exclamation mark, semicolon.
4. From a common sentence, make an uncommon one: “Nimble sparrows love birch seeds.”
5. Which part of a word can increase or decrease an object?
6. Name a new word if the root is from “mountain”, the prefix is ​​from “galloped”, the suffix is ​​from “snowball”, the ending is from “house”.
7. Which word is not related: brownie, house, home, house, home.
8. Which sign: “ъ” or “ь” is written after the prefixes?
9. Which words do not have prefixes: smell, dispute, hike, cook, watchman, threshold, inspection.
10. Prefixes and prepositions are mixed up. We need to put things in order. “Kolya followed his friend. They went to school together."


1. Paragraph. 2. Crystal cup. 3. “,”,” “!”. 4. Sparrows love. 5. Suffix. 6. Hillock. 7. At home. 8. "ъ". 9. Dispute, watchman, threshold. 10. I went in, let's go to school.

Russian language quiz for grade 3 (with answers)

1. Identify the parts of the word that include doubled consonants: horse, ton, fake, quarrel.

2. How does the P. case differ from other cases?

3. Change the noun. 1st declension so that they become 3rd declension; mother, mouse, Christmas tree, bone, notebook, carrot.

4. What is an “infinitive”?

5. What person and number is the pronoun “you”?

6. Should homogeneous members suggestions to answer the same question?

7. What is the conjugation of the verb “to breathe”?

There are questions that must be answered by first thinking about the catch that is necessarily hidden in each of these questions. For example, here is the simplest one similar questions: “How do day and night end the same way?” All of you will probably be thinking about some natural phenomenon- dawn, dawn and sunset, sunrise and sunset, etc. But in fact, it turns out that this riddle is just about words. About the word “day” and the word “night”. Now think about how they end the same way? That's right, at the end of each of these words the letter soft is written sign. And here are two more examples of similar questions related to the fact that when writing, the words in them are written separately from the prepositions, and in pronunciation this, naturally, disappears. These questions are probably well known to adults since school. The first question is: “What did the elephant do when he was on the field?” The correct answer is “Chewed grass.” But when pronounced, the words “he is on the field” are heard as a single word - Napoleon, therefore, everyone who is asked this riddle for the first time begins to wonder about which elephant from the times of 1812 year goes by speech. The second question is similar to the first, since it is connected with writing and pronouncing prepositions: “Why did Chaliapin wear a hat?” The correct answer is “On the ground.” But when pronounced, the preposition “by” merges with the word “what,” so the first word sounds like “why?”, giving unusualness to the whole phrase. The rest of the questions in this task have their own catch. Therefore, before you answer them, figure out what exactly each riddle is about. we're talking about, because most of them are just another exercise in intellect related to the peculiarities of words in the Russian language.

  1. What is in the middle of the earth? (Letter "M".)
  2. How does summer end and autumn begin? (The letter "O".)
  3. You will see it in the city, but never in the village. You will see it in the sea, lake, even in a swamp, but never in a river. (Letter "O".)
  4. What's at the beginning of the book? (Letter "K".)
  5. What month of the year is the shortest? (To this questionThere are two answers. In terms of the number of days - February, it most often has 28 days. And according to the number of letters in the name - May.)
  6. What do we hear at the end of the lesson? (Letter "K".)
  7. What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (Letter "C".)
  8. How does it all end? (Letter "E".)
  9. What's in the middle of a cabbage? (Letter "U".)
  10. What belongs only to you, but is used most often by others? (Your name.)
  11. Which two months' names end with the letter "T"? (March and August.)
  12. How can you remove a wheel in one second? (With a camera.)
  13. What is lighter - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (Equal - both per kilogram.)
  14. When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet.)
  15. What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway station.)
  16. Which state can you wear on your head? (Panama.)
  17. Which city flies? (Eagle.)
  18. Which river can you cut with a knife? (Rod.)
  19. What land never grows old? (New Earth.)
  20. What stones are not found in the sea? (Dry.)
  21. What disease on earth never gets sick? (Nautical.)
  22. When a boy is called female name? (When he sleeps for a long time - sleepyhead.)
  23. When a person turns seven, what happens next? (The eighth will go.)
  24. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)
  25. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One thing, the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach.)
  26. What word always sounds wrong? ("Wrong".)
  27. How many peas can fit into an ordinary glass? (Not a single one - peas can’t walk.)
  28. Which tree does a bird always perch on during heavy rain? (On wet.)
  29. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak.)
  30. When is a person in a room without a head? (When he puts her out the window into the street.)
  31. What clock does it show? right time only twice a day? (Those who stopped.)
  32. What can't you build a house without? (No corners.)
  33. What can't you bake bread without? (No crust.)
  34. Before you put something in a pan, what do you throw in it? (Sight.)
  35. At what time of year can you carry water in a sieve? (In winter, by freezing it.)
  36. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)
  37. What is the water in the glass for? (Behind the glass.)
  38. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth.)
  39. The man went to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening, and set the alarm clock so that it would wake him up at 10 o'clock in the morning. How many hours will he sleep? (Alone, since the alarm clock will ring in an hour.)
  40. What word consists of half a letter? (This word "shelf" is half of the letter "K".)
  41. What girl's name will you get if you write thirty "I's"? (Zoe.)
  42. List the five days of the week without naming them. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.)
  43. In what case will children and a dog climbing under an umbrella not get wet? (If it's not raining.)
  44. What can you hold only in your left hand? (Right hand.)
  45. What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (Are you sleeping?)
  46. Six legs, two heads, one tail. What is it? (Rider on a horse.)
  47. When we look at two and say fourteen? (When it's two o'clock in the afternoon.)
  48. What happened tomorrow and what will happen yesterday? (Today.)
  49. What doesn't exist but has a name? (Nothing.)
  50. How can you bow your head without lowering it down? (By cases.)
  51. How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea? (Giraffes don't swim.)
  52. How many suns are there in the middle of the night? (The sun doesn't shine at night.)
  53. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (None.)
  54. If you throw a red stone into the Black Sea, what will it become? (Wet.)
  55. If a rooster lays an egg, who gets it? (Roosters do not lay eggs.)

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