Zoom player pro скачать с ключом. Скачиваем Zoom Player MAX

Это очень хорошее приложение, если учитывать его полную бесплатность. Программа отличается отменным интерфейсом и поддержкой всех форматов, в которых может быть записано видео. Также присутствует очень хорошая оптимизация в системе Windows. Это такой себе Макс Плеер, который умеет все и при этом не требует много системных ресурсов.

Описание Zoom Player

Функционал утилиты впечатляет, но главное, что все это очень просто понять и научиться использовать. Zoom Player Home напоминает покорного слугу, любая задача, которую поставит перед ним пользователь, будет тотчас же выполнена (естественно, в рамках допустимого). Скачать программу вы можете внизу странички. Искать торрент, кряк, ключ активации или серийный номер ненужно, программа уже активирована. Есть тут и широкий функционал по работе с плей листами, возможность масштабирования интерфейса и полноэкранный режим.

Zoom Player Free может сохранить позицию, на которой вы смотрели фильм с точностью до секунды, чтобы после возращения начать смотреть его с того же момента. Также поддерживается и настройка внешнего вида, причем делать это можно очень просто при помощи жестов мыши. Основными достоинствами данного плеера являются отсутствие каких-либо проблем, простота использования и скорость работы. Это касается даже не слишком современных и мощных ПК.

Важно знать, что у данного приложения существует много версий. Есть и бесплатная, но, чтобы получить полный функционал, придется платить, но это неактуально для вас, ведь внизу статьи можно скачать уже активированную версию бесплатно. Также очень интересной и удобной особенностью плеера является возможность защиты контента паролем. Это важно если, например, у вас есть ребенок. Более старые версии есть и в portable, для 12.5 пока такой сборки нет.

На этом достоинства программы еще не заканчиваются, вы можете открывать в ней заблокированные файлы, поврежденные или те, которое скачались не до конца или не прошли проверку целостности. Программа даже может проанализировать файл и в случае необходимости самостоятельно найти в сети недостающие компоненты к нему и загрузить их. Также тут можно создать собственное слайд шоу в довольно высоком качестве.

Скачиваем Zoom Player MAX

Немного ниже есть кнопка, по которой можно бесплатно загрузить версию MAX на русском языке которая обладает полным функционалом. Приложение перепаковано, поэтому проводить процедуру лечения не нужно, просто устанавливайте его и пользуйтесь. Программа может работать на любых операционных системах от Microsoft включая Windows 7, 8 и 10. Работа на XP не тестировалась, но приложение поддерживается и там.

Разработчик: Infomatrix

Zoom Player умеет работать практически со всеми современными видеоформатами. Программа работает в двух режимах - Media mode, в котором может воспроизводиться любой файл, поддерживаемый DirectShow, и DVD mode, в котором используются предустановленные DirectShow DVD фильтры, для проигрывания DVD дисков.

Имеется поддержка MP3 ID3 тэгов, скинов, субтитров и функция, позволяющая продолжать просмотр c того самого места, на котором он был остановлен.

B качестве одной из отличительных особенностей этого плеера представляется zoom-функция, позволяющая повысить качество ТB изображения. Программа имеет множество разнообразных настроек, удобную систему управления, включая File Navigator для работы c файлами и управления плеером (с поддержкой устройств ДУ) и развитую систему помощи.

Zoom Player is the most Powerful, Flexible and Customizable Media Player application for the Windows PC platform. Based on our highly-touted Smart Play technology, more media formats play with less hassle, improved stability and greater performance.

Behind Zoom Player"s classic media player look, hides a powerful Media Center application designed with a simple 5-Key (up/down/left/right/select) fullscreen navigation interface. The 5-Key system provides simple navigation with advanced interfaces. Interface such as the Media Library, File Browser, Playlist, Color Control, Audio Equalizer, Bookmarks, Play History and many more. Zoom Player"s media center simplicity makes it ideal for users with no previous computer experience.

With Zoom Player, you can instantly Convert any PC into a Home Entertainment Center (HTPC) with no specialized hardware requirement or operating system. Zoom Player runs with every version of Windows.

Utilizing Zoom Player"s modular design and flexibility, you can easily design a safe viewing environment, limiting or extending functionality, making it ideal for both newbies and professionals.

Zoom Player is fully scalable, supporting the latest media formats and interfaces. New features are incorporated constantly with release schedules and feature integration clearly announced on our support Forum, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Install Center:
Zoom Player"s Install Center quickly scans your system for missing or outdated media components and automatically present you with an installation list of recommended updates, keeping your system up to date with the latest technology.

Supported Video Formats:
Cellphone 3GPP (3GP/3G2), MPEG2 Transport (TS/TP/TSP/TRP/M2T/M2TS/MTS/PVA/TOD), MPEG4 ISO (MP4), QuickTime (MOV/HDMOV), VP3, MPEG2 Program (M2V/VOB/MOD), Flash (SWF), DVD, Flash Video (FLV), Theora (OGV), MPEG4 (SP/ASP), Motion JPEG (MJPEG), H.264 & AVCHD (MPEG4 AVC), VP6, DIVX, Real Media (RM/RMVB), MPEG (MPG), Ogg Movie (OGM), Super VideoCD (SVCD), CamCorder (MOD/TOD), Digital Video (DV), VP7, Windows Media (WMV/ASF), Matroska (MKV), BluRay (Decrypted Main Movie playback), AVI, VideoCD (VCD), Media Center DVR (DVR-MS), XVID, FLIC (FLI/FLC) and more . . .

Supported Audio Formats:
MTM, SHOUTcast (Streaming), Free Lossless Audio CODEC (FLAC), Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), IT, OGG Vorbis (OGG), MusePack (MPC), MIDI, S3M, Wave Audio (WAV), MP3, True Audio (TTA), Shorten (SHN), Dolby Digital (AC3), Monkey Audio (APE), Windows Media (WMA), CD-Audio (CDA), OptimFROG (OFR), WavPack (WV), Real Media (RA), Matroska (MKA), Apple Lossless Audio Coding (ALAC), LPCM, MO3, AIFF, Cell Phone (AMR), XM, Digital Theatre Surround (DTS), UMX and more . . .

Supported Interactive Formats:
DVD, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Flash (SWF).

Supported Image Formats:

Дата: 2014
ОС: Windows 7/Vista/XP/Win 8 (32/64 bit)
Язык: Multi + Русификатор
Таблетка: Crack

* New "Favorites" fullscreen navigation interface.
Any media can be added to the favorites list through the media library or
file browsing navigational interfaces.

Please note that this change required resetting the "Navigation
interfaces on main navigator" feature to it"s default value
(Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation).

* When using the "Open URL" function, a new "Clear playlist" checkbox is now
available (previously the playlist was always cleared).

The torrents plugin should now shutdown a little faster if Zoom Player
closes while the plugin was fetching an updated file list.

What"s new in Zoom Player v14.1 release candidate 3:

Opening the media library, especially on 4K displays showed a low
resolution image of the media library for a split second before
displaying the full resolution version.

The double-draw event caused both the described visual glitch as well as
a performance penality.

What"s new in Zoom Player v14.1 release candidate 2:

* New setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Audio / Visualizations) to enable
Zoom Player"s DSP filter only for visualizations.

* New setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Audio / Visualizations) to set an
initial audio re-synchronization value for visualizations (Zoom Player"s
DSP filter is required for this setting to function).

Media Library plugin result entries now display the media"s title instead
of the file name or URL in list mode (previously the title only showed
in thumbnail mode).

Fixed a bug introduced in a previous beta that caused a mess when trying
to move items in the playlist.

Scrolling down in the download tracking fullscreen navigation interface
then exiting and re-opening the interface caused an empty list to show
instead of the previous list.

The media library"s playlist plugin no longer shows an invalid duration
value if the playlist entry has no duration.

What"s new in Zoom Player v14.1 release candidate 1:

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation /
File Tracker) to specify the download tracking plugins refresh rate.

This value only affects the media library and file browsing navigation
interfaces, the download tracking navigation interface refreshes at
a higher rate automatically.

Please note that using a low number (under 10 seconds) may impact
performance when tracking large file lists (over 10,000 entries).

Windows 10 creators edition changed how fonts are rendered by enabling
clear-type rendering at higher resolutions. Clear-type is a lot slower
to draw and at resolutions above 1080p causes severe performance
degradation in Zoom Player"s fullscreen navigation interfaces.

Previously, to solve this issue, you could set Zoom Player to override
windows" font rendering. From this version, the setting is enabled by
default (you can still change it manually under "Adv. Options / System").

Further optimized the download plugin code to the point where a data
refresh on the download navigation interface should no longer cause
any UI lag whatsoever.

Fixed a crash when playing a live video stream using MadVR as the video
renderer and trying to use the pause button on the control bar.

What"s new in Zoom Player v14.1 beta 3:

* Automatic support for native Windows 7-10 media library folder structure
(previously only the more basic Windows XP-Vista library structure
was supported).

Zoom Player"s default window size for the onyx skin was changed to
present a default video size of 960x540 (up from the previous 604x340) and
for the alba skin, the default video size was changed to 1280x720.

You can now press any navigation key to cancel a "play all files in folder"
feature mid-action.

Fixed a possible crash that would trigger sometimes on an initial run
after a fresh install.

A function optimized in beta 2 had a bug which caused the visualization
plugin list to reset (no plugins listed).

What"s new in Zoom Player v14.1 beta 2:

* New setting (Adv. Options / File Format Association / File Extensions" to
instruct Zoom Player to process ".m3u8" playlists.

This setting is disabled by default as it can cause conflicts with services
that require DirectShow filters to process this type of playlist format.

* New setting on the Torrents download & tracking plugin to prevent it
from passing file entries to Zoom Player that do not actually exist on
the disk drive. This setting is off by default but can increase
performance when dealing with a large number of torrents that were
only partially downloaded.

* The last play position is now drawn over the thumbnail in TV Jukebox mode.

The download plugins synchronization has been completely rewritten, and
should no longer cause any user interface slow-downs.

The torrents plugin has been greatly optimized, working much faster with
large file lists.

The download fullscreen navigation interface should scroll much smoothly
when dealing with a large number of files.

The YouTube (Channel/Search/Trending), Playlist and RSS Feed media library
plugins have been optimized for greater performance.

Optimized core string handling routines, improving script parsing
(e.g. Skin parsing) and other areas.

A "processing, please hold ..." message now appear when it takes
Zoom Player longer to close due to background tasks (media scraping,
download plugin sync) still being active.

The currently selected playlist editor entries would lose their selection
if a playlist update was triggered after the listed media"s duration has
been scraped.

Trying to play a streaming media URL that contained trailing spaces would
fail. Trailing spaces are now trimmed (you can still use encoded space
characters in the URL).

What"s new in Zoom Player v14.1 beta 1:

You can now press the escape key to cancel a "play all files in folder"
feature mid-action. Accidentally playing an entire drive could have
caused Zoom Player to appear unresponsive.

Switching between fullscreen and windowed mode while the media library is
opened should be cleaner and faster (less visual junk in the transition).

Fixed a scraping bug where the ".nfo" file detection algorithm would fail
with files/folders names containing unicode characters.

interfaces will no longer freeze for two seconds if the Torrents download
plugin is enabled and qBittorrent isn"t running.

Opening the file browsing and download manager fullscreen navigation
interfaces will no longer freeze for long periods if qBittorrent
is seeding many torrents.

The media library should no longer freeze for a few seconds when
retrieving large file lists from qBittorrent using the Torrents plugin.

The information dialog ("I" keyboard macro) did not show up when playing
in fullscreen on a secondary monitor.

The torrents download plugin was not recognizing a file"s download
priority correctly after the latest qBittorrent release.

The torrents download plugin was listing files returned by qBittorrent
but no longer existing on the disk drive in the root folder instead of
their (no longer existing) path.

The Lock-UI (user interface) feature used to prevent accidental clicks
did not block some click and double-click actions.

The Dolby Digital Plus audio format was not being displayed with an icon
on the TV and Movie jukebox screens.

The play position tool-tip was sometimes displayed in the wrong screen
position on multi-monitor displays.

MIDI audio playback should be more reliable.

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