2 N and Nekrasov historical poem grandfather. Nikolai Nekrasov - Grandfather: Verse

(Dedicated to Z-n-h-e)

Once at my father's office,
Sasha saw the portrait
Shown in the portrait
There was a young general.
"Who is this? - asked Sasha. -
Who?..” - “This is your grandfather.” -
And dad turned away
He hung his head low.
“Why don’t I see him?”
Dad didn't say a word in response.
Grandson, standing in front of his grandfather,
He looks keenly at the portrait:
“Dad, why are you sighing?
Is he dead... alive? speak!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll know.”
- “That’s it... you say, look!..”

“Do you know grandpa, mom?” -
The son speaks to his mother.
“I know,” and Sasha held his hand
He drags his mother to the portrait,
Mom goes against her will.
“Tell me about him,
Mother! Is he unkind or something?
Why can't I see him?
Well, dear! well, do it
Mercy, say something!”
- “No, he is both kind and brave,
Only unfortunate." - On the chest
Mother hid her head
Sighs heavily, trembles -
And she burst into tears... And Sasha
He looks keenly at his grandfather:
“Why are you crying, mom?
You don’t want to say a word!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.
Let's go for a walk better..."

There is great anxiety in the house.
Happy, bright-faced,
Cleaning the house again
Mom and dad are whispering.
How fun their conversation is!
The son notices and remains silent.
“You will see your grandfather soon!” -
Sasha's father says...
He's only raving about his grandfather
Sasha, can’t sleep:
“Why hasn’t he been going for so long?..”
- “My friend! He has a long way to go!”
Sasha sighs sadly,
He thinks: “What an answer!”
It's finally coming
This mysterious grandfather.

Everything, having been waiting for a long time,
Suddenly we met an old man...
He blessed, weeping,
Home, and family, and servants,
I shook off the dust at the threshold,
Solemnly removed from his neck
Image of a crucified god
And, having been baptized, he said:
“Today I have come to terms with everything,
What have I suffered forever!..”
The son bowed before his father,
He washed the old man's feet;
White curls scratched
Grandfather Sasha's mother,
I stroked them, kissed them,
She called Sasha for a kiss.
Right hand to mom
Grandfather grabbed, and the other
Stroking rosy Sasha:
“What a handsome guy!”
Grandfather with a gaze
Sasha looked, - suddenly
The boy's tears are streaming
They rushed to grandpa's grandson
He rushed: “Grandfather! where are you
Lived and disappeared for so many years?
Where are your epaulets?
Why aren't you wearing a uniform?
What are you hiding on your leg?
Was your arm wounded or what?...”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.
Well, kiss the old man!..”

Cheerful, revived,
The whole house breathes joy.
Sasha became friends with his grandfather,
The two of them are always walking.
They walk through meadows, forests,
Cornflowers are tearing among the fields;
Grandfather is ancient for years,
But still cheerful and beautiful,
Grandfather's teeth are intact
Walk, posture is firm,
The curls are fluffy and white,
Like a silver beard;
Slender, tall,
But how a baby looks
Somehow apostolically simple,
Exactly always says...

They will come ashore sloping
To the great Russian river -
The thieving sandpiper whistles,
Thousands of paws on the sand;
The barge is led by a towline,
Chu, barge haulers' voices!
The smooth surface beyond the river -
Cornfields, meadows, forests.
It blows with a slight coolness
From the slow, slumbering waters...
Grandfather kisses the ground
She cries and sings quietly...
"Grandfather! what are you dropping
Large tears, like hail?..”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out!
Don't be sad - I'm glad..."

I'm glad I see the picture
Sweet to my eyes since childhood.
Look at this plain -
And love her yourself!
Two or three noble estates,
Twenty churches of the Lord,
One hundred peasant villages
Like in the palm of your hand on it!
A herd is grazing in the forest -
It's a pity that the animal is small;
A song is being sung somewhere -
It's a pity - it's incredibly bitter!
Murmur: “Give me your hand.”
Hurry to the poor peasants!”
Thousand-year torment
Sasha, can you hear in her?..
“We need to be healthy
Sheep and their horses,
There must be cows
Thicker than Moscow bills of sale, -
There will be joy in the song,
Instead of despondency and torment.
Is it necessary? - “Grandfather, we must!”
- “That's it! remember, grandson!..”

Winter lush shoots,
I'm glad for every flower,
Grandfather praises nature
Petting the peasant boys.
Grandfather's first job
Talk to a guy
The conversation drags on for a long time,
Grandfather will say later:
“Soon it won’t be difficult for you,
You will be a free people!”
And he will smile so wonderfully,
Everything will blossom with joy.
Sharing his joy,
Everyone's heart skipped a beat.
What a holy smile!
What a captivating laugh!

“Soon they will be given freedom,”
The old man remarked to his grandson: -
That's all the people need.
I saw a miracle, Sasha:
A handful of Russians were exiled
Into the terrible wilderness, for the split,
They were given freedom and land;
A year has passed unnoticed -
The commissars are going there,
Lo and behold, the village is standing there,
Rigs, sheds, barns!
The hammer is knocking in the forge,
The mill will be built soon.
The men have already stocked up
A beast from the dark forest,
Fish from a free river.
We visited again a year later,
A new miracle has been found:
Residents collected bread
From a formerly barren land.
There are only guys at home
Yes, hefty dogs;
Geese scream, piglets
They poke their noses into the trough..."

So gradually over half a century
A huge planting has grown -
The will and work of man
Wonderful divas create!
Everything started to get better!
How many pigs are there, Sasha,
In front of the village there is white
Half a mile from the geese;
How are the fields cultivated there?
How abundant are the herds there!
Tall, beautiful
Residents are always cheerful,
Apparently - a penny is being spent!
A man is grooming a woman there:
On holiday she wears a warmer -
The collar is made of sable!

“Children up to age are in bliss,
Horse - at least now to the factory -
In a forged, durable cart
He will take away a hundred pounds...
The horses there are well-fed, well-fed,
Everyone lives well there,
The huts there are covered with planks,
Well, so are the people!
Growing up in harsh morals,
They themselves carry out judgment,
Recruits are placed in healthy
Live soberly and honestly
Taxes are paid before the due date
Just don’t bother them.”
- “Where is that village?” - "Far,
Her name: Tarbagatai,
A terrible wilderness, beyond Baikal...
That's it, my darling,
You are still young,
You will remember how big you will be..."

“Well... in the meantime, think about it,
Do you see around:
Here he is, our gloomy plowman,
With a dark, murdered face:
Bast shoes, rags, cap,
Torn harness; barely
The nag is pulling the roe deer,
I'm barely alive from hunger!
The eternal worker is hungry,
I'm hungry too, I promise!
Hey! take a rest, my dear!
I’ll work for you!”
The peasant looked with fear,
The plow gave way to the master,
Grandfather has been at the plow for a long time,
Wiping off the sweat, he walked;
Sasha hurried after him,
Didn't have time to catch up:
"Grandfather! where did you learn
Are you that good at plowing?
Exactly man, you're in control
A plow, but he was a general!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll know
How I became a worker!”

Spectacle of national disasters
Unbearable my friend
Happiness of noble minds
See contentment around.
Nowadays it’s easier for people:
Verse, lurking in the shadows
Master, having heard freedom...
Well, just like these days!

* * *
Like a whirlpool, an estate
Every man went around.
I remember a terrible wedding
The priest has already changed the rings,
Yes, pray for trouble
The landowner entered the church:
“Who allowed them to get married?
Stop!” - and approached the priest...
The wedding has stopped!
It's a bad joke with the master -
The impudent man gave the order
Consign the groom to the recruits,
In girlhood - poor Pear!
And no one contradicted!..
Who is he who has a soul?
Could he bear it?.. who?

However, that was not the case!
And not only gentlemen,
Juice from the people pressed
A horde of vile clerks.
No matter how the official is a money-grubber,
For the purpose of mining on a hike
He came out... and who is the enemy?
Army, treasury and people!
Everyone got it right.
Strike, bail all around:
The brave ones obviously robbed
The cowards were carried in secret.
impenetrable night
Darkness hung over the country...
Saw - having eyes
And I was rooting for my homeland.
The moans of the slaves are drowned out
Flattery and whistling whips,
A greedy pack of predators
Death was in store for her...

The sun doesn't shine forever
Happiness does not last forever:
Every country comes
It's early or late,
Where there is no dull obedience -
Friendly strength is needed;
A fatal disaster will strike -
The country will tell in an instant.
Unanimity and reason
There will be celebrations everywhere,
May they not come at once,
Suddenly you won’t create anything, -
An eloquent appeal
You won't warm up the slaves,
You won’t illuminate with understanding
Dark and rude minds.
Late! Oppressed people
Deaf in the face of common misfortune.
Woe to the devastated country!
Woe to the backward country!..
One army is not protection.
Yes, and the army, child,
It was packed at that time
The strap was pulled groaning...

By the way, grandfather is a soldier
Met me, treated me to wine,
Kissed me like a brother
He spoke to him kindly:
“Today service is not a burden for you -
The bosses are meek now...
Well, just like in our time!
Whatever the boss is, he’s a beast!
Hammer your soul into your heels
That was the rule then.
No matter how hard you work, there are shortcomings
The boss will always find:
“There is effort in marching,
The stand is completely fine
Only breathing is noticeable...”
Do you hear?.. Why are they breathing!”

“And I’m not happy with the parade,
Swearing will flow like a river,
Teeth will rain down like hail,
Flogs, drives through the gauntlet!
With foam at the mouth he will search
The entire frightened regiment
Will look for bigger victims
Frenzied Wolf:
“Frantiki!” vile souls!
I’ll rot under guard!“
Listened - having ears,
I was thinking my thoughts.
The abuse is worse than the guard,
Bullets and buckshot are worse...
Who, in whom honor did not fall asleep,
Who would reconcile with her?..”
- "Grandfather! do you remember
Is it something scary?.. tell me!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll know
Always value honor...
Adults are not children
A coward is one who does not take revenge a hundredfold!
Remember that there is no
Irresistible grievances."

Grandfather fell silent and sadly
He hung his head on his chest.
“You never know, my friend, what happened!..
Let’s go and rest.”
Grandfather's vacation is short -
He could not live without difficulty:
I dug the ridges until lunchtime,
Intertwined sometimes;
In the evening with an awl and a needle
He was briskly grinding something,
A sad and long song
Grandfather reduced labor.
The grandson will not utter a sound,
Will not leave the table:
A new riddle for my grandson
Grandfather's song was...

He sang about the glorious campaign
And about the great struggle;
Sang about a free people
And about the slave people;
Sang about deserted deserts
And about iron chains;
Sang about wonderful beauties
With angelic caress in the eyes;
He sang about their withering
In the wild, distant wilderness
And about the wonderful influence
Loving female soul...
About Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya
Grandfather sang and sighed,
Sang - and Babylonian melancholy
He announced his cell...
“Grandfather, further!.. And where are you
Do you recognize your song?
You repeat the verses to me -
I'll sing them to my mother.
You remember those names
Sometimes at night you..."
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you will know -
I'll tell you everything myself:
Where did I learn to sing?
With whom and when did I sing..."
- "Well! I will learn to be patient!” -
Sasha said sadly...

We rode often in the summer
Our friends in the shuttle
With loud, cheerful greetings
Grandfather approached the river:
“Hello, beautiful Volga!
I have loved you since childhood."
- “Where have you been for so long?” -
Sasha asked timidly.
“I was far, far away...”
- “Where is it?..” The grandfather thought.
The boy sighs deeply
Eternally anticipating the answer.
“Well, was it good there?”
The grandfather looks at the child:
“You better not ask, honey!
(Grandfather’s voice trembles.)
Deaf, deserted, deserted,
The steppe is completely half dead.
It’s hard, my dear, it’s hard!
You wait for news for a year,
Do you see how energy is wasted -
God's best gifts
You dig the graves of your loved ones,
You are waiting for yours for the time being...
Slowly, slowly you are melting..."
- “Why did you live there, grandfather?..”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out!”
Sasha shed a tear...

"God! It'll get boring listening!
“You will grow up!” - the mother says,
Daddy loves, but torments:
“You’ll grow up,” he also repeats!
Same with grandfather... That's it!
I've already grown up - look!..
(He stood on the bench of the canoe.)
Better speak now!..”
Grandfather kisses and strokes:
“Or are you all at the same time?..”
Grandfather can't handle his heart
It beats like a dove.
“Grandfather, do you hear? I want
You will definitely find out everything!”
Grandfather kissing his grandson
Whispers: “You won’t understand.
We must study, my dear!
I'll tell you everything, just wait!
Gather your strength,
Look around you more closely.
You're a smart guy, Sasha, but still
Need to know history
And geography too."
- “How long, grandfather, should we wait?”
- “A year or two, whatever happens.”
Sasha runs to his mother:
"Mother! I want to study! -
Screams loudly from afar.

Time passes. OK
The boy learns everything -
Knows history well
(He is already ten years old)
Boyko will show you on the map
And Petersburg and Chita,
He'll tell you better than a big one
Much in Russian life.
Hates stupid and evil people
Wishes good for the poor
Remembers what he hears, what he sees...
Grandfather notes: it's time!
He himself often gets sick,
He began to need a crutch...
Soon, soon he will find out
Sasha sad story...

In the 70s, Nekrasov worked extensively and fruitfully in the lyric epic genre - the genre of poem. He continues what he began in the previous period, his largest work - “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, creates poems about the Decembrists - “Grandfather” and “Russian Women”, writes a satirical poem “Contemporaries”. The first in a series of these works was the poem “Grandfather”.

The impetus for the creation of “Grandfather” was an earlier event. In 1856, a manifesto was announced to the exiled Decembrists. Few were able to take advantage of the imperial favor 30 years after the uprising. Among them was former general Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky, a man of great nobility and charm. To some extent, S. G. Volkonsky was the prototype of the main character of “Grandfather”, although, of course, the similarity of this hero with the prototype should not be exaggerated. The image of the grandfather appears through the strict purity of children's perception:

Once in my father's office,

Sasha saw the portrait.

Shown in portrait

There was a young general.

"Who is this?" - asked Sasha,

Who?.. This is your grandfather.-

And dad turned away

He hung his head low.


“Dad, why are you sighing?

Is he dead... is he alive? Speak!”

- When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.

“That’s it... you say, look!..”

“When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out!” - the boy hears from his mother. And then the grandfather appears in the parental home - despite his years, vigorous, handsome, with a firm step. The acquaintance and rapprochement of grandfather and grandson begins. In these scenes, the most important motive of Nekrasov’s poetry is fully indicated - a sense of responsibility (not only personal, but also class) for the fate of the people, a sense of guilt and repentance of the best people of the privileged class, which prompted them to open protest and indignation.

A decent person cannot be happy if other people around him are unhappy, especially if he recognizes himself as living at their expense - this mood brought together the “repentant nobles” of different generations, and the connection between generations is manifested in the grandfather’s passionate desire to pass on to his grandson the experience he had suffered, his The most cherished principle is to always value honor.

In my grandfather’s memoirs, an important place is occupied by the story of the Tarbagatai “miracle” (borrowed by Nekrasov from the “Notes of the Decembrist” by A.E. Rosen). A handful of Russian peasants and Old Believers were exiled “to the terrible wilderness,” thus paradoxically giving them the opportunity to control their own destinies without interfering with them. A year later, a village stood here (received the name Tarbagatai), the men stocked up on “animal from the dark forest, fish from the free river,” and began collecting bread from the previously barren land.

The same idea of ​​continuity between different generations of the intelligentsia can be seen in “Russian Women”. It is not for nothing that the poem “Princess M.N. Volkonskaya” has the subtitle “Grandmother’s Notes” and is addressed to her grandchildren:

I bequeath to them an iron bracelet...

Let them protect it sacredly:

His grandfather forged it as a gift for his wife

From my own chain once...

Thus, the image of the hero of the previous poem, “grandfather,” appears again.

Source (abbreviated): Russian literary classics of the 19th century: Textbook / Ed. A.A. Slinko and V.A. Svitelsky. - Voronezh: Native Speech, 2003

Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather" was written in 1870. In this article we will describe its brief content and talk about the interesting history of the creation of the work. We will also analyze the poem “Grandfather” by Nekrasov. So, let's start with a summary.

Poem "Grandfather" (Nekrasov): summary

Little Sasha once saw a portrait of some young general in his father’s office and decided to ask who it was. The father replied that this man was his grandfather. But he did not talk about it in detail. This is how Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather" begins.

Sasha then ran to his mother and began asking her where this man was now, and why the boy had never seen him. The mother had tears in her eyes and sadly answered her son that he would find out everything himself when he grew up. Soon this mysterious grandfather came to visit the boy's family. Everyone greeted him friendly and were happy. Sasha decided to ask his grandfather why he had not been in the house for so long, and where his uniform was. But he answered, repeating his mother’s words: “When you grow up, you’ll know.”

Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather" continues as follows. Sasha quickly became friends with the main character, they spent a lot of time walking together. Grandfather gave the impression of a very wise and experienced person. He was slender and stately, with a gray beard and white curls. By nature this man seemed simple; no work frightened him. He talked a lot about the village of Tarbagatai, located somewhere beyond Lake Baikal. Sasha could not yet understand where exactly it was located, but hoped to find out when he grew up.

The poem we are describing tells, in particular, about what the main character did when he arrived home. Grandfather was a general, but despite this, he was excellent with a plow, even plowing an entire field alone. He never sat for a minute without difficulty. Arriving home, the grandfather walked, enjoyed nature, communicating with his grandson, and worked all the time (either in the garden, then at the plow, or darning or repairing something). He also sang songs and told stories that greatly interested the boy, who grew up in a good family, which instilled in him an interest in the fate and history of the Russian people. Grandfather often felt sad when remembering something. When Sasha inquired about the reason for this sadness, he replied that everything had already passed, everything was fine. After all, it’s a completely different time now, it’s easier for people these days.

Previously, he had seen so much suffering in the country that now everything around him seemed calm and peaceful. Grandfather often sang songs about free people, glorious campaigns, and wonderful beauties.

Time was ticking by. Grandfather always answered any of Sasha’s questions by saying: “When you grow up, you’ll know.” The boy thus developed a keen interest in learning. After some time, he was already studying geography and history. The boy could show on the map where St. Petersburg and Chita are located, and tell a lot about the life of the Russian people. Due to past wounds, my grandfather began to get sick more and more often. He now needed a crutch. He understood, looking at Sasha, that the boy would very soon learn about the terrible events that had recently occurred in Russia - this is how Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather” ends. Let us now tell you about the history of its creation.

Kostroma basis of the work

In the early seventies of the 19th century, Nekrasov worked on a cycle consisting of poems about the fate of the Decembrists: “Grandfather” (written in 1870), as well as “Russian Women”, which consisted of two parts: in 1871 “Princess” was completed Trubetskaya", and in 1872 - Princess Volkonskaya.

At first glance, addressing this topic may seem uncharacteristic for a poet like Nekrasov, who is indifferent to historical subjects. However, as Nikolai Leonidovich Stepanov noted, this was precisely an appeal to the revolutionary pages of the past, and not to history as such, a reminder of selfless figures and the first attempt at revolution in our country.

Grandfather's prototype

The plot of the work is the story of how an old Decembrist came to the estate to visit his son. He was freed from Siberia in 1856 according to a manifesto published at that time.

Who is Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather" dedicated to? The prototype of the main character is considered to be Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky (life - 1788-1865) - a prince, a former major general, a famous Decembrist. S. G. Volkonsky arrived in the Kostroma province in the summer of 1857.

In August 1857, the governor of Moscow sent Andrei Fedorovich Voitsekh, his colleague in Kostroma, a special order to establish supervision over this man, who went to Buysky district, to his daughter’s estate. By this time she was already widowed, since Dmitry Vasilyevich Molchanov, her husband, who served under Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky (Governor General of all Eastern Siberia) as an official on special assignments, died in 1856. Elena Sergeevna, Volkonsky’s daughter, in 1854 a son was born, who was named Seryozha in honor of his grandfather. Thus, the poem “Grandfather” (Nekrasov) as the main storyline has a basis taken by Nikolai Alekseevich from life (from the trip of Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky to the Kostroma province).

The history of the creation of the poem "Grandfather"

Nekrasov could have learned about this trip from his old friend - Prince M. S. Volkonsky (life - 1832-1902), with whom he often went on winter hunting from St. Petersburg. This man was the son of S. G. Volkonsky.

One of the main sources for the creation of this poem was, according to the fair remark of Yu. V. Lebedev, the book “Siberia and Hard Labor” by S. V. Maksimov, published in the magazine “Domestic Notes” (which was published by Nekrasov) in 1868-1869.

The most reliable sources that the poet had when working on these two poems were the information he took from the third part of this book - “State Criminals”. It contained detailed descriptions of Siberian life and exiles of the Decembrists. The author not only visited all these places, but also visited the famous Tarbagatai. Nekrasov's story about him served as the ideological seed of the poem.

The impact of censorship on a work

The author had to change the outline of the poem "Grandfather" (Nekrasov) due to censorship. So, at the beginning of his acquaintance with the main character, Nekrasov writes that the grandfather entered his house with the words that he had made peace with everything that he had to endure in his lifetime. That is, this man realized that he was rightly punished and reconciled with the regime that crippled his life. In fact, however, this was not the case at all. We draw this conclusion based on the grandfather’s subsequent speeches. Consequently, Nekrasov wrote these lines to disguise his work (the poem “Grandfather”) from censorship.

The image of the main character

The grandfather is depicted as gray-haired, very old, but still active, cheerful, with intact teeth, firm posture and a humble look. Nekrasov pays special attention to the gray hair to show how long this man spent in Siberia, how difficult it was for him to live in that harsh land, what suffering he had to endure.

Grandfather is happy to the point of tears to see his native nature, because in Siberia it is completely different - merciless, gray, alien. He dreams that the peasant people will finally be given freedom, and all of them - nobles, peasants - will live in harmony with each other, will be happy with everything.

We continue the analysis of the poem “Grandfather” (Nekrasov is the author). The old Decembrist says: “There will be a free people!” He believes that soon all difficulties will end, that is, he believes in the liberal reforms that Alexander II carried out at that time, that serfdom will end.

A story about life in Siberia

Grandfather said that “wonderful wonders are created” by the labor and will of man. His belief in these qualities is confirmed by the story of how in Siberia, with the help of a small group of people, a livable settlement was built, grain was grown on what was considered barren, harsh northern land in the distant village of Tarbagatai. Now “beautiful, tall” people lived there richly and happily.

Attitudes towards different social groups of people

Grandfather calls clerks, officials and landowners money-grubbers (that is, self-interested people). They ruined the fates of serfs, upset their marriages, beat them, robbed them, and sent young men as recruits. But there were also good people in our country who sincerely worried about the fate of the country and people. They were among the Decembrists on Senate Square in 1825.

To fight and defeat darkness and acquisitiveness, reason, unanimity and united strength are needed. The true grief, according to grandfather, was that our country was ruined, backward, and people turned deaf to any attempts to develop it, revive it, since the people were already suffering without it.

But the main character calls for remembering that there are no “irresistible victories” in the world. That is, sooner or later all saboteurs and villains will come to an end, their evil will return to them a hundredfold, and the people will be avenged.

Time of creation of the poem

This poem was created during a new social upsurge that occurred in the late 1860s and early 70s, and was associated with the activities of the so-called revolutionary populists. With his work, Nekrasov wanted to remind people of the heroic feat performed by the Decembrists, who openly opposed the government, and thereby focus on the importance of liberation ideas in Russia. In addition, he sought to draw the attention of his contemporaries to the fact that the situation of the Russian people had changed little after the abolition of serfdom. Nekrasov raised the question of the need to continue to fight for workers’ rights and for social justice.

Topicality and relevance of the work

In the poem "Grandfather" the main character strives to open his grandson's eyes to the people's disasters, to instill the idea that it is necessary to serve truth and goodness. And his speeches meet with a lively response. Sasha, communicating with his grandfather, begins to look at the world differently and think more deeply. Now he hates the evil and stupid, and wishes good to the poor. The grandfather sought to raise a future citizen in his grandson. The topicality and relevance of the poem lies precisely in this. It resonated with the tasks that figures of that time, including N.A. Nekrasov, set for themselves.

"Grandfather" is a poem that was created taking into account the censorship requirements for literature of that time. In the work, Nekrasov, for obvious reasons, could not speak openly about the matter for which the hero was exiled to hard labor. The story of the Decembrist uprising sounds muffled in the poem. But the holy, lofty idea of ​​serving the people runs through the entire work as a bright line.

Development of the theme in Nekrasov’s further work

The poet continued to work on reflecting the Decembrist theme. The next stage was an appeal to the feat accomplished by the wives of the Decembrists, who went to distant Siberia to hard labor for their husbands. In the poem about the princesses Volkonskaya and Trubetskoy, Nekrasov expresses his admiration for these best representatives of the noble circle, who realized the meaning of the cause for which their spouses suffered.

This concludes the analysis of such a work as the poem “Grandfather” (Nekrasov). The essay does not pretend to fully cover the topic, but we tried to consider everything in as much detail as possible.

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* * *

Dedicated to Z-n-h-e

Once at my father's office,
Sasha saw the portrait
Shown in portrait
There was a young general.
"Who is this? – asked Sasha. -
Who?..” - This is your grandfather. -
And dad turned away
He hung his head low.
“Why don’t I see him?”
Dad didn't say a word in response.
Grandson, standing in front of his grandfather,
He looks keenly at the portrait:
“Dad, why are you sighing?
Is he dead... alive? speak!”
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out. -
“That’s it... you say, look!..
“Do you know grandpa, mom?” -
The son speaks to his mother.
“I know,” and Sasha held his hand
He drags his mother to the portrait,
Mom goes against her will.
“Tell me about him,
Mother! Is he unkind or something?
Why can't I see him?
Well, dear! well, do it
Mercy, say something!”
- No, he is both kind and brave,
Only unfortunate. - On the chest
Mother hid her head
Sighs heavily, trembles -
And she burst into tears... And Sasha
He looks keenly at his grandfather:
“Why are you crying, mom?
You don’t want to say a word!”
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.
It’s better let’s go for a walk... -
There is great anxiety in the house.
Happy, bright-faced,
Cleaning the house again
Mom and dad are whispering.
How fun their conversation is!
The son notices and remains silent.
- You will see your grandfather soon! -
Sasha's father says...
He's only raving about his grandfather
Sasha, can’t sleep:
“Why hasn’t he been going for so long?..”
- My friend! He has a long way to go! -
Sasha sighs sadly,
He thinks: “What an answer!”
It's finally coming
This mysterious grandfather.
Everything, having been waiting for a long time,
Suddenly we met an old man...
He blessed, weeping,
Home, and family, and servants,
I shook off the dust at the threshold,
Solemnly removed from his neck
Image of the crucified God
And, having been baptized, he said:
- Today I have come to terms with everything,
What have I suffered forever!.. -
The son bowed before his father,
He washed the old man's feet;
White curls scratched
Grandfather Sasha's mother,
I stroked them, kissed them,
She called Sasha for a kiss.
Right hand to mom
Grandfather grabbed, and the other
Stroking rosy Sasha:
- What a handsome guy! -
Grandfather with a gaze
Sasha looked, - suddenly
The boy's tears are like hail
They rushed to grandpa's grandson
He rushed: “Grandfather! where are you
Lived and disappeared for so many years?
Where are your epaulets?
Why aren't you wearing a uniform?
What are you hiding on your leg?
Was your arm wounded or what?...”
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.
Well, kiss the old man!.. -
Cheerful, revived,
The whole house breathes joy.
Sasha became friends with his grandfather,
The two of them always walk together.
They walk through meadows, forests,
Cornflowers are tearing among the fields;
Grandfather is ancient for years,
But still cheerful and handsome,
Grandfather's teeth are intact
Walk, posture is firm,
The curls are fluffy and white,
Like a silver beard;
Slender, tall,
But how a baby looks
Somehow apostolically, simply,
Exactly always says...
They will come ashore sloping
To the great Russian river -
The thieving sandpiper whistles,
Thousands of paws on the sand;
The barge is led by a towline,
Chu, barge haulers' voices!
The smooth surface beyond the river -
Cornfields, meadows, forests.
It blows with a slight coolness
From the slow, slumbering waters...
Grandfather kisses the ground
She cries and sings quietly...
"Grandfather! what are you dropping
Large tears, like hail?..”
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out!
Don't be sad - I'm glad...
I'm glad I see the picture
Sweet to my eyes since childhood.
Look at this plain -
And love her yourself!
Two or three noble estates,
Twenty churches of the Lord
One hundred peasant villages
Like in the palm of your hand on it!
A herd is grazing in the forest -
It's a pity that the animal is small;
A song is being sung somewhere -
It's a pity - it's incredibly bitter!
Murmur: “Give me your hand.”
Hurry to the poor peasants!”
Thousand-year torment
Sasha, can you hear in her?..
We need to be healthy
Sheep and their horses,
There must be cows
Thicker than Moscow bills of sale, -
There will be joy in the song
Instead of despondency and torment.
Is it necessary? - “Grandfather, we must!”
- That's it! remember, grandson!.. -
Winter lush shoots,
I'm glad for every flower,
Grandfather praises nature
Petting the peasant boys.
Grandfather's first job
Talk to a guy
The conversation drags on for a long time,
Grandfather will say later:
“Soon it won’t be difficult for you,
You will be a free people!”
And he will smile so wonderfully,
Everything will blossom with joy.
Sharing his joy,
Everyone's heart skipped a beat.
What a holy smile!
What a captivating laugh!
“They will soon be given freedom,”
The old man noticed his grandson. -
That's all the people need.
I saw a miracle, Sasha:
A handful of Russians were exiled
Into the terrible wilderness, for the split.
They were given freedom and land;
A year has passed unnoticed -
The commissars are going there,
Lo and behold, the village is standing there,
Rigs, sheds, barns!
The hammer is knocking in the forge,
The mill will be built soon.
The men have already stocked up
A beast from the dark forest,
Fish from a free river.
We visited again a year later,
A new miracle has been found:
Residents collected bread
From a formerly barren land.
There are only guys at home
Yes, hefty dogs
Geese scream, piglets
They poke their noses into the trough...
So gradually over half a century
A huge planting has grown -
The will and work of man
Wonderful divas create!
Everything started to get better!
How many pigs are there, Sasha,
In front of the village there is white
Half a mile from the geese;
How are the fields cultivated there?
How abundant are the herds there!
Tall, beautiful
Residents are always cheerful,
Apparently, a penny is being spent!
A man is grooming a woman there:
On holiday she wears a warmer -
The collar is made of sable!
Children up to age are in bliss,
The horse is at least at the factory now,
In a forged, durable cart
He will take away a hundred pounds...
The horses there are well-fed, well-fed,
Everyone lives well there,
The huts there are covered with planks,
Well, so are the people!
Growing up in harsh morals,
They themselves carry out judgment,
Recruits are placed in healthy
Live soberly and honestly
Taxes are paid before the due date

Just don't bother them. -
“Where is that village?” - Far,
Her name is “Tarbagatai”,
A terrible wilderness, beyond Baikal...
That's it, my darling,
You are still young,
Remember how big you will be...

Well... in the meantime, think about it,
Do you see around:
Here he is, our gloomy plowman,
With a dark, murdered face, -
Bast shoes, rags, cap,
Torn harness; barely
The nag is pulling the roe deer,
I'm barely alive from hunger!
The eternal worker is hungry,
I'm hungry too, I promise!
Hey! rest, my dear!
I'll work for you! -
The peasant looked with fear,
The plow gave way to the master,
Grandfather has been at the plow for a long time,
Wiping off the sweat, he walked;
Sasha hurried after him,
Didn't have time to catch up:
"Grandfather! where did you learn
Are you that good at plowing?
Exactly man, you're in control
A plow, but he was a general!”
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll know
How I became an employee!
Spectacle of national disasters
Unbearable, my friend;
Happiness of noble minds -
See contentment around.
Nowadays it’s easier for people:
Verse, lurking in the shadows
Master, having heard freedom...
Well, just like these days!
Like a whirlpool, an estate
Every man went around.
I remember a terrible wedding, -
The priest has already changed the rings,
Yes, pray for trouble
The landowner entered the church:
“Who allowed them to get married?
Stop!” - and approached the priest...
The wedding has stopped!
It's a bad joke with the master -
The impudent man gave the order
Consign the groom to the recruits,
As a girl - poor Pear!
And no one contradicted!..
Who is he who has a soul?
Could he bear it?.. who?..
However, that was not the case!
And not only gentlemen,
Juice from the people pressed
A horde of vile clerks,
No matter how the official is a money-grubber,
For the purpose of mining on a hike
He came out... and who is the enemy?
Army, treasury and people!
Everyone got it right.
Strike, bail all around:
The brave ones obviously robbed
The cowards were carried in secret.
impenetrable night
Darkness hung over the country...
Saw - having eyes
And I was rooting for my homeland.
The moans of the slaves are drowned out
Flattery and whistling whips,
A greedy pack of predators
Death was in store for her...
The sun doesn't shine forever
Happiness does not last forever:
Every country comes
Sooner or later it's time
Where there is no dull obedience -
Friendly strength is needed;
A fatal disaster will strike -
The country will tell in an instant.
Unanimity and reason
There will be celebrations everywhere,
May they not come at once,
Suddenly you won’t create anything, -
An eloquent appeal
You won't warm up the slaves,
You won’t illuminate with understanding
Dark and rude minds.
Late! Oppressed people
Deaf in the face of common misfortune.
Woe to the devastated country!
Woe to the backward country!..
One army is not protection.
Yes, and the army, child,
It was packed at that time
The strap was pulled groaning... -
By the way, grandfather is a soldier
Met me, treated me to wine,
Kissed me like a brother
He spoke to him kindly:
- Today, service is not a burden for you -
The bosses are meek now...
Well, just like in our time!
Whatever the boss is, he’s a beast!
Hammer your soul into your heels
That was the rule then.
No matter how hard you work, there are shortcomings
The boss will always find:
“There is effort in marching,
The stand is completely fine
Only noticeable breathing..."
Do you hear?.. Why are they breathing?
And I’m dissatisfied with the parade,
Swearing will flow like a river,
Teeth will rain down like hail,
Flogs, drives through the gauntlet!
Foaming at the mouth he will search
The entire frightened regiment
There will be bigger victims
Frenzied Wolf:
“Frantiki! vile souls!
I’ll rot under guard!”
Listened - having ears,
I was thinking my thoughts.
The abuse is worse than the guard,
Bullets and buckshot are worse...
Who, in whom honor did not fall asleep,
Who would reconcile with her?.. -
"Grandfather! do you remember
Is it something scary?.. tell me!”
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll know
Always value honor...
Adults are not children
A coward who does not take revenge a hundredfold.
Remember that there is no
Irresistible grievances!.. -
Grandfather fell silent and sadly
He hung his head on his chest.
– You never know, my friend, what happened!..
We'd better go and rest. -
Grandfather's vacation is short -
He could not live without difficulty:
I dug the ridges until lunchtime,
Intertwined sometimes;
In the evening with an awl and a needle
He was briskly grinding something,
A sad and long song
Grandfather reduced labor.
The grandson will not utter a sound,
Will not leave the table:
A new riddle for my grandson
Grandfather's song was...
He sang about the glorious campaign
And about the great struggle;
Sang about a free people
And about the slave people;
Sang about deserted deserts
And about iron chains;
Sang about wonderful beauties
With angelic caress in the eyes;
He sang about their withering
In the wild, distant wilderness
And about the wonderful influence
Loving female soul...
About Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya
Grandfather sang and sighed,
Sang - and with Babylonian melancholy
He announced his cell...
“Grandfather, further!.. And where are you
Do you recognize your song?
You repeat the verses to me -
I'll sing them to my mother.
You remember those names
Sometimes at night you..."
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out -
I'll tell you everything myself:
Where did I learn to sing?
With whom and when did I sing... -
"Well! I will learn to be patient!” -
Sasha said sadly...
We rode often in the summer
Our friends in the shuttle
With loud, cheerful greetings
Grandfather approached the river:
- Hello, beautiful Volga!
Since childhood I have loved you. -
“Where have you been for so long?” -
Sasha asked timidly.
– I was far, far away... -
“Where is it?..” The grandfather thought.
The boy sighs deeply
Eternally anticipating the answer.
“Well, was it good there?”
The grandfather looks at the child:
- Better not ask, honey!
(Grandfather’s voice trembles)
Deaf, deserted, deserted,
The steppe is completely half dead.
It’s hard, my dear, it’s hard!
You wait for news for a year,
Do you see how energy is wasted -
God's best gifts
You dig the graves of your loved ones,
You are waiting for yours for the time being...
Slowly, slowly you melt... -
“Why did you live there, grandfather?..”
– When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out! -
Sasha shed a tear...
"God! It'll get boring listening!
“You will grow up!” - the mother says,
Daddy loves, but torments:
“You’ll grow up,” he repeats the same thing!
Same with grandfather... That's it!
I've already grown up - look!..
(Standed on the bench of the boat)
Better speak now!..”
Grandfather kisses and strokes:
“Or are you all at the same time?..”
Grandfather can't handle his heart
It beats like a dove.
“Grandfather, do you hear? I want
You will definitely find out everything!”
Grandfather kissing his grandson
Whispers: “You don’t understand.”
We must study, my dear!
I'll tell you everything, just wait!
Gather your strength.
Look around you more closely.
You're a smart guy, Sasha, but still
Need to know history
And geography too. -
“How long will we wait, grandfather?”
– A year or two, whatever happens. -
Sasha runs to his mother:
"Mother! I want to study! -
Screams loudly from afar.
Time passes. OK
The boy learns everything -
Knows history well
(He is already ten years old)
Boyko will show you on the map
And Petersburg and Chita,
He'll tell you better than a big one
Much in Russian life.
Hates stupid and evil people
Wishes good for the poor
Remembers what he hears and sees...
Grandfather notes: it's time!
He himself often gets sick,
He began to need a crutch...
Soon, soon he will find out
Sasha sad story...


Nikolay Nekrasov

Once at my father's office,
Sasha saw the portrait
Shown in the portrait
There was a young general.
"Who is this? - Sasha asked.
Who?..” - “This is your grandfather.” -
And dad turned away
He hung his head low.
“Why don’t I see him?”
Dad didn't say a word in response.
Grandson, standing in front of his grandfather,
He looks keenly at the portrait:
“Dad, why are you sighing?
Is he dead... alive? speak!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.”
- “That’s it... you say, look!..”

“Do you know grandpa, mom?” -
The son speaks to his mother.
“I know,” and Sasha held his hand
He drags his mother to the portrait,
Mom goes against her will.
“Tell me about him,
Mother! Is he unkind or something?
Why can't I see him?
Well, dear! well, do it
Mercy, say something!”
- “No, he is both kind and brave,
Only unfortunate." - On the chest
Mother hid her head
Sighs heavily, trembles -
And she burst into tears... And Sasha
He looks keenly at his grandfather:
“Why are you crying, mom?
You don’t want to say a word!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.
Let's go for a walk better..."

There is great anxiety in the house.
Happy, bright-faced,
Cleaning the house again
Mom and dad are whispering.
How fun their conversation is!
The son notices and remains silent.
“You will see your grandfather soon!” -
Sasha's father says...
He's only raving about his grandfather
Sasha, can’t sleep:
“Why hasn’t he been going for so long?..”
- “My friend! He has a long way to go!”
Sasha sighs sadly,
He thinks: “What an answer!”
It's finally coming
This mysterious grandfather.

Everything, having been waiting for a long time,
Suddenly we met an old man...
He blessed, weeping,
Home, and family, and servants,
I shook off the dust at the threshold,
Solemnly removed from his neck
Image of a crucified god
And, having been baptized, he said:
“Today I have come to terms with everything,
What have I suffered forever!..”
The son bowed before his father,
He washed the old man's feet;
White curls scratched
Grandfather Sasha's mother,
I stroked them, kissed them,
She called Sasha for a kiss.
Right hand to mom
Grandfather grabbed, and the other
Stroking rosy Sasha:
“What a handsome guy!”
Grandfather with a gaze
Sasha looked, - suddenly
The boy's tears are streaming
They rushed to grandpa's grandson
He rushed: “Grandfather! where are you
Lived and disappeared for so many years?
Where are your epaulets?
Why aren't you wearing a uniform?
What are you hiding on your leg?
Was your arm wounded or what?...”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.
Well, kiss the old man!..”

Cheerful, revived,
The whole house breathes joy.
Sasha became friends with his grandfather,
The two of them are always walking.
They walk through meadows, forests,
Cornflowers are tearing among the fields;
Grandfather is ancient for years,
But still cheerful and beautiful,
Grandfather's teeth are intact
Walk, posture is firm,
The curls are fluffy and white,
Like a silver beard;
Slender, tall,
But how a baby looks
Somehow apostolically simple,
Exactly always says...

They will come ashore sloping
To the great Russian river -
The thieving sandpiper whistles,
Thousands of paws on the sand;
The barge is led by a towline,
Chu, barge haulers' voices!
The smooth surface beyond the river -
Cornfields, meadows, forests.
It blows with a slight coolness
From the slow, slumbering waters...
Grandfather kisses the ground
She cries and sings quietly...
"Grandfather! what are you dropping
Large tears, like hail?..”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out!
Don't be sad - I'm glad..."

I'm glad I see the picture
Sweet to my eyes since childhood.
Look at this plain -
And love her yourself!
Two or three noble estates,
Twenty churches of the Lord,
One hundred peasant villages
Like in the palm of your hand on it!
A herd is grazing in the forest -
It's a pity that the animal is small;
A song is being sung somewhere -
It's a pity - it's incredibly bitter!
Murmur: “Give me your hand.”
Hurry to the poor peasants!”
Thousand-year torment
Sasha, can you hear in her?..
“We need to be healthy
Sheep and their horses,
There must be cows
Thicker than Moscow bills of sale, -
There will be joy in the song,
Instead of despondency and torment.
Is it necessary? - “Grandfather, we must!”
- “That's it! remember, grandson!..”

Winter lush shoots,
I'm glad for every flower,
Grandfather praises nature
Petting the peasant boys.
Grandfather's first job
Talk to a guy
The conversation drags on for a long time,
Grandfather will say later:
“Soon it won’t be difficult for you,
You will be a free people!”
And he will smile so wonderfully,
Everything will blossom with joy.
Sharing his joy,
Everyone's heart skipped a beat.
What a holy smile!
What a captivating laugh!

“Soon they will be given freedom,”
The old man remarked to his grandson: -
That's all the people need.
I saw a miracle, Sasha:
A handful of Russians were exiled
Into the terrible wilderness, for the split,
They were given freedom and land;
A year has passed unnoticed -
The commissars are going there,
Lo and behold, the village is standing there,
Rigs, sheds, barns!
The hammer is knocking in the forge,
The mill will be built soon.
The men have already stocked up
A beast from the dark forest,
Fish from a free river.
We visited again a year later,
A new miracle has been found:
Residents collected bread
From a formerly barren land.
There are only guys at home
Yes, hefty dogs;
Geese scream, piglets
They poke their noses into the trough..."

So gradually over half a century
A huge planting has grown -
The will and work of man
Wonderful divas create!
Everything started to get better!
How many pigs are there, Sasha,
In front of the village there is white
Half a mile from the geese;
How are the fields cultivated there?
How abundant are the herds there!
Tall, beautiful
Residents are always cheerful,
Apparently - a penny is being spent!
A man is grooming a woman there:
On holiday she wears a warmer -
The collar is made of sable!

“Children up to age are in bliss,
Horse - at least now to the factory -
In a forged, durable cart
He will take away a hundred pounds...
The horses there are well-fed, well-fed,
Everyone lives well there,
The huts there are covered with planks,
Well, so are the people!
Growing up in harsh morals,
They themselves carry out judgment,
Recruits are placed in healthy
Live soberly and honestly
Taxes are paid before the due date
Just don’t bother them.”
- “Where is that village?” - "Far,
Her name: Tarbagatai,
A terrible wilderness, beyond Baikal...
That's it, my darling,
You are still young,
You will remember how big you will be..."

“Well... in the meantime, think about it,
Do you see around:
Here he is, our gloomy plowman,
With a dark, murdered face:
Bast shoes, rags, cap,
Torn harness; barely
The nag is pulling the roe deer,
I'm barely alive from hunger!
The eternal worker is hungry,
I'm hungry too, I promise!
Hey! take a rest, my dear!
I’ll work for you!”
The peasant looked with fear,
The plow gave way to the master,
Grandfather has been at the plow for a long time,
Wiping off the sweat, he walked;
Sasha hurried after him,
Didn't have time to catch up:
"Grandfather! where did you learn
Are you that good at plowing?
Exactly man, you're in control
A plow, but he was a general!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll know
How I became a worker!”

Spectacle of national disasters
Unbearable my friend
Happiness of noble minds
See contentment around.
Nowadays it’s easier for people:
Verse, lurking in the shadows
Master, having heard freedom...
Well, just like these days!

* * *
Like a whirlpool, an estate
Every man went around.
I remember a terrible wedding
The priest has already changed the rings,
Yes, pray for trouble
The landowner entered the church:
“Who allowed them to get married?
Stop!” - and approached the priest...
The wedding has stopped!
It's a bad joke with the master -
The impudent man gave the order
Consign the groom to the recruits,
In girlhood - poor Pear!
And no one contradicted!..
Who is he who has a soul?
Could he bear it?.. who?

However, that was not the case!
And not only gentlemen,
Juice from the people pressed
A horde of vile clerks.
No matter how the official is a money-grubber,
For the purpose of mining on a hike
He came out... and who is the enemy?
Army, treasury and people!
Everyone got it right.
Strike, bail all around:
The brave ones obviously robbed
The cowards were carried in secret.
impenetrable night
Darkness hung over the country...
Saw - having eyes
And I was rooting for my homeland.
The moans of the slaves are drowned out
Flattery and whistling whips,
A greedy pack of predators
Death was in store for her...

The sun doesn't shine forever
Happiness does not last forever:
Every country comes
It's early or late,
Where there is no dull obedience -
Friendly strength is needed;
A fatal disaster will strike -
The country will tell in an instant.
Unanimity and reason
There will be celebrations everywhere,
May they not come at once,
Suddenly you won’t create anything, -
An eloquent appeal
You won't warm up the slaves,
You won’t illuminate with understanding
Dark and rude minds.
Late! Oppressed people
Deaf in the face of common misfortune.
Woe to the devastated country!
Woe to the backward country!..
One army is not protection.
Yes, and the army, child,
It was packed at that time
The strap was pulled groaning...

By the way, grandfather is a soldier
Met me, treated me to wine,
Kissed me like a brother
He spoke to him kindly:
“Today service is not a burden for you -
The bosses are meek now...
Well, just like in our time!
Whatever the boss is, he’s a beast!
Hammer your soul into your heels
That was the rule then.
No matter how hard you work, there are shortcomings
The boss will always find:
“There is effort in marching,
The stand is completely fine
Only breathing is noticeable...”
Do you hear?.. Why are they breathing!”

“And I’m not happy with the parade,
Swearing will flow like a river,
Teeth will rain down like hail,
Flogs, drives through the gauntlet!
With foam at the mouth he will search
The entire frightened regiment
Will look for bigger victims
Frenzied Wolf:
“Frantiki!” vile souls!
I’ll rot under guard!“
Listened - having ears,
I was thinking my thoughts.
The abuse is worse than the guard,
Bullets and buckshot are worse...
Who, in whom honor did not fall asleep,
Who would reconcile with her?..”
- "Grandfather! do you remember
Is it something scary?.. tell me!”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll know
Always value honor...
Adults are not children
A coward is one who does not take revenge a hundredfold!
Remember that there is no
Irresistible grievances."

Grandfather fell silent and sadly
He hung his head on his chest.
“You never know, my friend, what happened!..
Let’s go and rest.”
Grandfather's vacation is short -
He could not live without difficulty:
I dug the ridges until lunchtime,
Intertwined sometimes;
In the evening with an awl and a needle
He was briskly grinding something,
A sad and long song
Grandfather reduced labor.
The grandson will not utter a sound,
Will not leave the table:
A new riddle for my grandson
Grandfather's song was...

He sang about the glorious campaign
And about the great struggle;
Sang about a free people
And about the slave people;
Sang about deserted deserts
And about iron chains;
Sang about wonderful beauties
With angelic caress in the eyes;
He sang about their withering
In the wild, distant wilderness
And about the wonderful influence
Loving female soul...
About Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya
Grandfather sang and sighed,
Sang - and Babylonian melancholy
He announced his cell...
“Grandfather, further!.. And where are you
Do you recognize your song?
You repeat the verses to me -
I'll sing them to my mother.
You remember those names
Sometimes at night you..."
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you will know -
I'll tell you everything myself:
Where did I learn to sing?
With whom and when did I sing..."
- "Well! I will learn to be patient!” -
Sasha said sadly...

We rode often in the summer
Our friends in the shuttle
With loud, cheerful greetings
Grandfather approached the river:
“Hello, beautiful Volga!
I have loved you since childhood."
- “Where have you been for so long?” -
Sasha asked timidly.
“I was far, far away...”
- “Where is it?..” The grandfather thought.
The boy sighs deeply
Eternally anticipating the answer.
“Well, was it good there?”
The grandfather looks at the child:
“You better not ask, honey!
(Grandfather’s voice trembles.)
Deaf, deserted, deserted,
The steppe is completely half dead.
It’s hard, my dear, it’s hard!
You wait for news for a year,
Do you see how energy is wasted -
God's best gifts
You dig the graves of your loved ones,
You are waiting for yours for the time being...
Slowly, slowly you are melting..."
- “Why did you live there, grandfather?..”
- “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out!”
Sasha shed a tear...

"God! It'll get boring listening!
“You will grow up!” - the mother says,
Daddy loves, but torments:
“You’ll grow up,” he also repeats!
Same with grandfather... That's it!
I've already grown up - look!..
(He stood on the bench of the canoe.)
Better speak now!..”
Grandfather kisses and strokes:
“Or are you all at the same time?..”
Grandfather can't handle his heart
It beats like a dove.
“Grandfather, do you hear? I want
You will definitely find out everything!”
Grandfather kissing his grandson
Whispers: “You won’t understand.
We must study, my dear!
I'll tell you everything, just wait!
Gather your strength,
Look around you more closely.
You're a smart guy, Sasha, but still
Need to know history
And geography too."
- “How long, grandfather, should we wait?”
- “A year or two, whatever happens.”
Sasha runs to his mother:
"Mother! I want to study! -
Screams loudly from afar.

Time passes. OK
The boy learns everything -
Knows history well
(He is already ten years old)
Boyko will show you on the map
And Petersburg and Chita,
He'll tell you better than a big one
Much in Russian life.
Hates stupid and evil people
Wishes good for the poor
Remembers what he hears, what he sees...
Grandfather notes: it's time!
He himself often gets sick,
He began to need a crutch...
Soon, soon he will find out
Sasha sad story...

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