“2016 will be the most difficult year for everyone. “2016 will be the most difficult year for everyone. China will declare war on America.

In 2016, we were exposed to radiation, which provoked our desire to get everything at once, here and now, without thinking at all about the consequences and responsibility for our actions. It was a kind of euphoria; a state about which they usually say “a drunken sea is knee-deep.” Self-criticism was minimal, and the feeling of strength was so overwhelming that I wanted to turn everything upside down. So we got things done this year.

I warned about many things back in January 2016 - I said what you could try to avoid, and what, alas, you won’t be able to do. For example, he mentioned that mass gatherings of children in summer pose a danger, and if this is the case, total control is necessary. This tragedy could have been prevented, but unfortunately it happened. But no one could have predicted what happened at the end of the year. Many things in our lives are predetermined much earlier. This is how the events of December were programmed not a year, not two, not ten, but, to a greater extent, centuries ago. This is a very old story that has found its realization in the current moment.

I called 2016 the year of people who know how to transform themselves. This is the year of actors, the year of swindlers - artistry, after all, can be different. The year of those who know how to carry people along. I warned that you should not follow the lead of others, but try to make decisions on your own, based on your own motives, and not imposed from the outside.

If we are talking about today, it is too early to calm down. The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time; it will partially take over 2017. It will dry up only somewhere around the first ten days of February. But, since this month is difficult in itself, I expect peak stress loads on people around the 17th, plus/minus five days. It will be easier later.

To protect yourself from vibrations that will last until February, be as careful as possible in making decisions. It is very important to give up immediate benefits and not fall into the traps that fate sets. The coming January is very good for correcting what we have already done. If you doubt that you are right, some kind of conflict persists - be sure to talk to the other person and even ask for forgiveness. It is important to do this before February - the month that sums up the results of 2016.

Each month is dedicated to a specific activity. If we talk about December, this is the best time to get away from your usual lifestyle. I know very few families who get together once a year and plan their future, brainstorm, and set specific goals for themselves. It seems to us that we are living according to plan - and this is true. Only this plan, most often, is not ours, but imposed by some institutions, public and industrial organizations... Until the fifth of January is a really good time to start planning. Use it for its intended purpose! Don't follow instructions, create them yourself. The energy of December allows you to stand on a par with leading people, and not remain led. Don’t be afraid to ask - the universe needs to communicate your intentions.

Why is all this happening in December? This process has physical prerequisites. Firstly, low air temperature, which allows the brain to be in maximum working condition. Secondly, the shortest days of the year - this allows us to stay in the fourth dimension (sleep - ELLE note) for a longer time, where we can observe ourselves in the past and future, experience genuine emotions of happiness, grief, horror, pride, joy and sadness... That's the story.

The past 12 months have affected the lives of many people. Some considered the cause of the misfortunes to be the fact that the year of the Fire Monkey was a leap year, others blamed the unstable situation in the world, and some suggested that the misfortunes were influenced by the position of the stars. Astrologers, numerologists, clairvoyants and psychics have their own answer to these questions.

Before the New Year, StarHit decided to remember what 2016 was like. Over the past 12 months, many changes have occurred not only in the life of our country, but throughout the world: several terrorist attacks in different parts of the world, the outbreak of military conflicts, as well as a plane crash with a Tu-154 aircraft. On top of that, many marriages have been dissolved this year. Moreover, this affected both world celebrities and representatives of Russian show business. Some astrologers agree that a leap year opens a new cycle, so it is important for people to make room in their lives. And the Fire Monkey, according to astrologer Veronica Andreeva, loved to test people’s feelings for strength.


Yulia Samodelova confirms all the most insidious fears, declaring that this year has passed under the banner of fire. Every day was filled with emotional outbursts that led to rash actions. Samodelova does not deny the fact that the future is built according to an individual horoscope, but the general patterns are the same for everyone.

“I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the red Monkey. It is during these years that many provocations that achieve their goals occur. And when one provokes in a couple, the other may react with the words: “Then let’s break up.” The result is obvious,” said astrologer Samodelova.

The planets could have a great influence on the mutual understanding of partners this year. There is an opinion that Saturn has a negative effect on couples. When it is in the right cycle, it freezes communication, cools it down, often leading to the separation of lovers.


It should be noted that the winner of the sixth “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Litvin, has his own opinion about the past 365 days. He believes that we have become victims of severe radiation. In his opinion, this year every person fell under a wave of euphoria, which resulted in a whole list of rash actions. A year ago, Litvin warned that it was necessary to learn to make independent decisions and not be led by others. This could be fraught with negative consequences.

“The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time; it will partially take over 2017. It will dry up only somewhere around the first ten days of February. But, since this month is difficult in itself, I expect peak stress loads on people around the 17th, plus/minus five days. It will be easier in the future,” Litvin promises.

What does the Year of the Monkey, which will begin according to the eastern calendar on February 8, 2016, promise us? What do astrologers predict will 2016 be like? How do planetary cycles relate to cycles of social and economic development? Professional Tatyana Kudryavtseva answers these and other questions.

Pavel Globa: detailed forecast for 2016

The two main aspects of 2016 are the square of Pluto and Uranus and the square of Saturn and Neptune

— Tatyana, horoscopes predict that the Year of the Monkey is a year of revolutionary changes and some adventurous events. Is this true?

— The Year of the Monkey suggests that you need to listen to your intuition and you need to be very careful. The backdrop of a number of negative aspects continues, since we have not yet emerged from the phase of a severe crisis.

The most intense global aspect of recent years - the square with Uranus, symbolizing economic and inevitable social transformations - in 2016 enters its final phase, actually diverging.

We will again feel the outgoing influence of this aspect in the second half of 2016, in autumn and winter. And the first half of the year will be somewhat calmer. True, January, April and the beginning of July inspire some concern. One can still conclude that this is the last year of the acute phase of the crisis. Next we will deal (for about 4 more years) with its consequences.

Another significant aspect of 2016 will be the conflict between Neptune. This conflict has to do with a crisis of power and status, and uncertainty in these areas. The aspect is characterized by serious provocations. You should not immediately react to unverified information, otherwise you may become a victim of scammers and suffer.

The epicenter of the aspect's action occurs in the summer months - late June - early July, then - in August; and in September the conflict is exacerbated by the solar eclipse on September 1st. These periods can be characterized by an imbalance in power, uncertainty of status, and misinformation about what is happening.

In addition, the aspect promises other factors of possible tension. A difficult social situation in the labor market is predicted; increase in unemployment. In the field of culture and human relationships, this aspect also promises difficulties. Many relationships will be tested.

The factor of mistrust among people, colleagues, and married couples will increase, largely due to the complicated economic situation. Therefore, caution will be the keyword of the year.

On the other hand, if a person has intuition and calculated risks, he can take risks in the year of the Monkey, since the current year, for various reasons, is conducive to this. Here we must act not in the spirit of the “character of the Monkey”, this is still a metaphor, but try to choose good days. If the project is ripe, then you can take a risk, but in this case it is good to consult with an astrologer in order to choose a suitable transit period. But you don’t have to risk it, it all depends on the individual forecast.

— Is a new default possible this year? And in what time frame?

Throughout the year, destabilization is possible in financial markets: fluctuations, unexpected jumps. The most critical time in this regard is the end of summer and autumn of 2016. Try to treat your income and expenses, acquisitions, loans and other financial transactions without false optimism.

Do not overestimate your strengths, be a careful, flexible pragmatist. This difficult time is the best time to cut the company's unnecessary expenses and carry out restructuring at the company. Do not get involved with unreliable, unnecessary, unprofessional partners.

- If the Monkey is so jumpy, so adventurous and risky, and we have not yet come out of the series of tough aspects, then maybe it’s better to wait it out?

Why put off life until tomorrow, you need to act in the year that is, and not stop your activities just because the Year of the Monkey is coming. In general, postponing your activities due to the fact that some animal year according to the eastern horoscope is activated is simply stupid.

There are two strategies - either you need to trust your intuition and, as an aid, use a popular calendar, taking into account new moons, full moons, eclipses and not act on hard aspects. And this is a normal, universal strategy. Or you can carefully build a person’s horoscope, study his personal chart, cycles and transits. It is advisable to do this with a professional astrologer.

Having received qualified advice, the client will be able to make decisions more consciously throughout the coming year, taking into account all his positive or negative periods. It increases confidence and helps in life.

Astrology is a partly rational path

- You just said that the Year of the Monkey is expected to be irrational and impossible to calculate, but on the other hand, you advise weighing everything carefully. Doesn't one contradict the other?

When I deciphered the aspects of the year, I said that you need to use your intuition, trust it and, perhaps, use the calendar. This is the first recommendation. And the second is to entrust the forecast to a professional astrologer and fully tell the context of the expected events. Then the astrologer will talk about a person’s personal cycles. This will make sense if a person lives by reason and calculation; such a consultation will help him better understand what is happening and make an informed decision. If a person lives by intuition, the first path is more suitable for him.

This is partly a rational path, because a person is trying to study his innate potential, his previous cycles in life, understand the current moment and draw some conclusions.

— In 2016, we will have four eclipses. Is this fateful time?

Yes, eclipses await us in March and September. The stressful aspects of the year are not always bad for creativity, for example. When something new needs to be built, the old has to be destroyed.

— At the beginning of the conversation, it was said that another significant aspect of 2016 would be the conflict between Saturn and Neptune. This aspect is characterized by serious provocations and you can unwittingly become a victim of scammers. Is it possible to say that the number of various scams will increase in society?

If we focus on the negative semantics of an aspect, then we attract the entire spectrum of this negativity; whereas if we simply warn about some increased tension, then we have room for maneuver. It makes sense to simply act in the semantic field of the client’s questions, then correctness and the required degree of specificity are maintained, depending on the client’s readiness to interact with his future.

If you change yourself, you change your destiny

— Why not give the client clear recommendations - attitudes or trends?

Astrology is what gives trends. Astrology deciphers cycles and guides a person on how best to plan his actions. We can tell the exact dates of some aspects, but this does not mean that the events will occur exactly on this date. Astrology is a humanitarian, symbolic science, it is a language; This is not mathematics or accounting.

Astrology does not deal with “settings” and programming people; this is unethical and unprofessional. The future is formed at the moment and depends on the choices of a person. If a person has a desire to change his future, he can work hard at it. Some factors are more difficult to change, and some factors are easier to change.

The immediate future is programmed more rigidly than the more distant future, since many factors have already taken place and are difficult to change. The distant future is generally unpredictable and something that is less likely may happen - this happens all the time.

— That future that can be changed—how to work with it?

This is why a person comes to an astrologer. He has some far-reaching plans, but he sees that there are some obstacles, something is not going the way he wants. These obstacles are revealed, and the person, taking into account the knowledge, changes his plans. And the future is changing.

Someone changes their place of residence, place of work, their personal life or attitude to what is happening; and the future transforms along with it. Someone works on themselves to change themselves internally, to attract other events to themselves externally - this is also a very effective method.

There is no clear and rigid forecast in astrology; this does not correspond to the picture of the Universe. I think that tarot readers, specialists in various fortune-telling practices, should work in much the same way: a forecast is made so that a person can change something and manage his future more consciously. Otherwise, it is meaningless and even harmful - this is human programming!

When a specialist looks at a forecast of the future, he can say: “If you don’t change anything and act in the same direction, then it is most likely that circumstances may turn out this way” and, having received such a forecast, a person needs to quickly act in accordance with the recommendations and his desires if he wants to change the future.

Any soothsayer can only warn a person, and it is unethical to say that everything has already happened and nothing can be changed. Why then do we need such a forecast if it cannot be changed?

In fact, from my many years of experience in astrology, I can say that the future exists at the level of potential and at the level of working with it. The future must be dealt with depending on the person’s choice and desire.

Transits in astrology

— When you build a map for a client, do you correlate it with the political or social situation in the country? Or are these parallel hypostases?

I work only with private clients and their requests, I am not a political astrologer. If the horoscope is constructed correctly, then first I look at the general potential of the card, because this is the basis of everything. If a horoscope is correctly constructed for the right date and time, then it is simply impossible to make a mistake about a person’s potential.

And then I act in the key of the person’s questions. I clarify that he is interested in what he expects from life, I look at the cycles of the planets, and make predictions. It may well be that there is a financial crisis in the country, and a person won all the tenders, received all the expected loans to the maximum because houses related to finance were positively activated in his chart, and a period of financial recovery began.

For that matter, there are enough people who make money and prosper during the war. The entire population is poor, but people earn money.

— In one of your forecasts, you said that there will be no growing cycles this year? How to understand this?

This means that some values ​​need to be looked for in the past. These are different things: personal cycles for an individual and cycles for the whole earth. It may be this: there is stagnation in society, but a person has a breakthrough.

But you also have to try on a general forecast for each day. Let's put it this way - 60 percent of the general forecast of general transit works and 40 percent of the personal forecast works. Any forecasts, any future is a very subtle thing. Here you need to enter into the context of the person, understand what he is specifically asking about.

If a person knows the usual transit calendar, then it is already good, because he is armed, understands how to protect himself, and does not act blindly. And this is especially important for an active person who is making a bright career as a leader or politician.

Many people know that, for example, you cannot choose eclipse dates for important meetings, because the negative dynamics of the entire event will develop. Another question is that these days you also have to live! But then you can just calmly think through strategies and collect information.

— Do we need to take into account negative days if we want our websites, online stores, and pages on social networks to develop and make a profit?

It definitely needs to be taken into account. When registering companies, websites, pages, I advise you to take all this into account. If a person does not take into account the ancient science and the elementary understanding of the cycle, even at the level of the calendar, it turns out that he does not live in harmony with the general rhythms. And this can seriously slow down his activities.

— At the end of the conversation, is it possible to get some kind of pleasant forecast? What could be good this year in general terms - personal life, creativity, relaxation, joy?

Well, I didn’t say that the picture was extremely sad. You just need to be more flexible. This, by the way, is the main feature of the Monkey, whose year we are entering in February. Flexibility, adaptation, the ability to enjoy little things, laugh at difficulties - this is the program for next year! And then it will be timely to reap the fruits of what was previously started, previously created - this also describes the character of the year.

The events of the year will be unpredictable, irrational - but only at first glance. If you analyze the past, you will easily find the roots of what is happening there. By thinking about all this in a calm environment, many people will be able to change the situation for the better.

- This makes me happy! And also about personal achievements of the year and, perhaps, limitations?

The monkey promises changes in life, dynamics, justified expectations. Marriages, personal and creative unions, the birth of children and works of art, the implementation of long-planned projects are very promising! An incredible rise awaits us in our career. The income of many of us will increase due to additional sources, several jobs, and irrational approaches.

However, the year is a leap year. You need to take care of yourself and not take physical risks. Do not overload and do not expose yourself to danger. Take disease prevention seriously in a timely manner and undergo preventive examinations. Be careful and you won't be left without bananas in the Year of the Monkey!

As the famous song says, “people are wired that way; they want to know what will happen.” There are many ways to look into the future - you can use the services of an astrologer, fortune teller or psychic, but we follow tradition! – we turned for advice to a teacher with many years of practice, master of ancient energy techniques and knowledge, who was trained at Unity University in India, Diana Shcherbanskaya.

Nobody said it was easy

Each year has its own energy that characterizes it and distinguishes one from another. The coming year 2018 will not be the simplest and easiest year in our lives, and in this sense it is a logical continuation of its predecessors - 2016 and 2017. But if the events taking place in the previous time could be called “flowers,” now we are talking about “berries”: thus, 2016 became a process of realizing the need for life changes, and 2017, like 1917, brought revolutionary changes that were dictated both by time and by our needs.

Everything that is done is for the better

As a result, our life has become different, and for now we believe that everything that happened has changed us and the space around us, but, alas, not for the better, as we would like, but for the worse. As a result, we experience fatigue and depression, we are tired of constant upheavals, metamorphoses and winds of change, it seems to us that we will never return to the past life that we miss so much - calm, happy, established, predictable and stable.

In fact, this is not so, everything is working out for the better, but we cannot yet realize it, because we have not yet gone through the path of change - both personal and global - to the end. In the coming year, we will have to complete the formation of our personality and finally become adults - that is, learn to make difficult decisions and, most importantly, bear responsibility for them, without trying - out of habit - to shift it to others. Such qualities, as a rule, are inherent only in fully formed personalities, and only those who can master them have a future.

Law of Negation of Negation

An equally important role in the life of each of us will be played by the so-called law of negation of negation, which will operate in the coming year: if we do not accept something, neglect something or refuse something, the Universe, in turn, will displace us from different spheres of life, often not at all those that we think we do not need, but, on the contrary, very important for us, which can be very unpleasant and even painful.

What to do in such a situation? First of all, do not brush aside different aspects of life, even if it seems that they are not interesting to you. To restore order in all areas of life, to keep everything under control and thus get rid of troubles that would otherwise be inevitable. So, if you don’t like paying for utilities and your bills are never in order, the first thing you need to do this year is to clean it up, or even better, at the beginning of each month, the first thing you do is fill out receipts and pay for electricity and gas , and then do everything else.

The city takes courage

As for success, in the coming year it awaits, first of all, those who will be able to overcome themselves - their fears and doubts, and even better - challenge them. It’s not difficult to determine where your weak link is - each of us knows what we fear most in the world. But, as a rule, we do not resist the fears that, like monsters from a famous cartoon, hide in our closet. The energies of 2018, on the contrary, will push us to meet them halfway and win.

For example, if you are afraid to go to the doctors for fear of hearing some unpleasant diagnosis, especially if there are some prerequisites for this in the form of corresponding symptoms. In the new year you will have no choice, unless, of course, you want to live like the heroes of fairy tales - happily ever after. You will have to make an appointment with the specialist you need and either remove all your suspicions and make sure that you are healthy, or find out the truth about the state of your health and, following all the doctors’ instructions, get rid of your ailments - in any case, the quality of your life will only improve . Not only will it feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, but you will also be very pleased with your courage - and this, by the way, is a great way to increase your own self-esteem.

Alexandra Voloshina

Astrologer Ivan Gorsky (www.znaki-zodiaca.ru)

The outgoing year 2016 is very rich in various dramatic events - both on the scale of world history and in the lives of ordinary people. Now many are eagerly counting the days until its end, hoping that next year will be both calmer and more successful. Astrologer Ivan Gorsky partly supports this hope:

Indeed, 2016, which passes under the sign of the Fire Monkey, is not easy. The monkey is an animal whose behavior is difficult to predict. From cheerful and sweet, she can become aggressive and selfish in an instant. Overwhelming emotions, mood swings and risky stunts - we could see all this throughout the year. And most of us are tired of constant surprises, instability and impermanence in our lives.

The Rooster is an innovator and revolutionary. This year the Rooster will be Fiery, and this gives him the strongest manifestation of such qualities as responsibility, efficiency, reliability and determination. If you dream of peace and tranquility, then I must disappoint you - next year will be quite stormy. But if we show initiative and leadership skills, we can quickly move up the social ladder. For the active and courageous, the time will come for interesting projects and new opportunities will open up.

2017 will bring a cheerful mood, a lot of energy and positivity. It should be remembered that the Fire Rooster will help and provide protection to people who are courageous and purposeful, leaders by nature. Therefore, next year you should not be lazy and remain in apathy. You need to boldly set the most incredible goals and move forward no matter what.

The Fire Rooster will help everyone, without exception, gain self-confidence. Be bright, optimistic and active, purposeful, and then you will have additional strength and energy to implement your plans.


In the coming year, you need to take your finances seriously and not waste money. You need to weigh your options. It is not recommended to make risky financial transactions in the first half of the year. This may cause difficulties in the future. A calmer and more stable situation will come in the fall. Then it is possible to invest capital and make large purchases. Try not to borrow significant amounts of money. Success will favor businessmen and people who take decisive action.


For those who are building a career, the year will be successful. Especially in establishing business and personal relationships. You can learn a new profession and achieve heights in this field, you can profitably change your place of work. Everything will be beneficial, the main thing is to believe in your own strength! Where you should be careful is when communicating with colleagues. Don't trust them as if they were your friends.


This year will be quite interesting and promising in terms of relationships. If there were no worthy partners on the horizon before, then this year you will definitely meet them. Listen to your heart, it will help you make the right choice.

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