5 largest states by area. The largest empire in the world in history

Surely everyone knows that the largest in the world is Russia. TravelAsk wants to introduce you to its scale.

Largest territory

Russia is the largest country in the world, with an area of ​​17.1 million square kilometers, which is approximately twice the size of Canada, the country with the second largest area. And this is one sixth of all the land on the planet.

By the way, if Antarctica were a state, it would rank second in the world after Russia, with an area of ​​14.4 million square kilometers.

In the 18th century, Russia was the third largest empire in human history. Its territory began from European Poland and ended in North American Alaska.

Russia grew especially during the reign of the Romanov dynasty. Each monarch left to his heir a larger country than he had received from his predecessor.

Russia is almost twice as large (1.8 to be precise). The area of ​​the country is approximately equal to the entire planet Pluto.

The Russian Federation has borders with 16 countries, and this is the largest border in the world. The total length of the borders is 60 thousand kilometers, 20 thousand of them are land.

Russia is the only state whose territory is washed by twelve seas.

The country has 10 time zones, as it has a large extent from West to East.

In terms of population, Russia ranks seventh in the world, the country is home to about 145 million people, and 79% of the population are Russian.

Harsh climate

Russia has a very different climate. So, in winter the average temperature is +5 degrees, and at the same time in Novosibirsk -15 degrees. But the Oymyakon region of Yakutia is breaking records: here the average monthly temperature in January is -61 degrees.

Nowhere else in the world are there places where people constantly live and work at such low temperatures. By the way, it was in Oymyakon that the lowest air temperature in history was recorded - 71.2 degrees. This happened in 1924.

Interesting facts about Russia

Fact No. 1. The West Siberian Plain is the largest plain on the planet.

Fact No. 2. Forests occupy about 60% of the territory of all countries.

Fact No. 4. There are many bodies of water in Russia: 2.5 million rivers and 3 million lakes.

Fact No. 5. Russia is considered a European country, but 2/3 of the country is located in Asia.

Fact No. 6. The longest railway in the world is located in Russia. This is the Trans-Siberian railway. The Great Siberian Way connects Moscow and, at 9,298 kilometers long, it crosses 8 time zones, 16 rivers, and passes through 87 cities and towns.

Fact No. 7. Siberian Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and the largest source of fresh water on the planet.

The lake has 23 cubic kilometers of water. All the world's largest rivers must flow for almost a year to fill a basin of this size.

Fact No. 7. Russia is separated from America by 4 kilometers. This is the distance between the islands in the Bering Strait: Ratmanov (Russia) and Kruzenshtern ().

Fact No. 8. Before the 1917 revolution, the Russian family was one of the largest in the world. In Russia it was believed that 8 children in a family was very few. It was normal to have 12–14 children.

Fact No. 9. The Moscow Kremlin is the largest medieval fortress in the world.

The total length of the Kremlin walls is 2235 meters.

Fact No. 10. Russia has the largest reserves of natural gas, peat, timber, salt, drinking water, crabs, sturgeon, tin, zinc, titanium, niobium, nickel, iron ores, diamonds, and silver.

Fact No. 11. The country has 103 nature reserves, 43 giant national parks and 70 game reserves. The total area of ​​specially protected natural areas in Russia is about 600 thousand square kilometers, which is approximately 4% of the entire area of ​​the country. The park area in Moscow is much larger than in any Western city.

Thus, Izmailovsky Park has an area of ​​15.34 sq. km, which is six times larger than Central Park, beloved by New Yorkers.

Fact No. 12. The Siberian taiga is the largest forest in the world.

Fact No. 13. 40 percent of Europe's area is the territory of the Russian Federation.

Fact No. 14. Russian oil and gas pipelines are very long: almost 260 thousand kilometers.

Fact No. 15. Russia also has the largest volume of renewable water resources in the world. It is 4498 km3.

Who else is in the lead?

It ranks second in area, its dimensions are 9,984,670 square kilometers. However, despite the high standard of living, it is sparsely populated: there are only 3.5 Canadians per square kilometer. It's all about the harsh climate.

China rightfully occupies third place. Its area is 9,598,962 square kilometers. It is the most populous country.


The total area of ​​planet Earth is 510 million km2, and the area of ​​all continents is only 149 million km2 (30% of the total area). About 50% of this territory belongs to just ten countries, which will be discussed in our ranking - This is the top 10 largest countries in the world. By the way, there are a total of 206 countries on the planet, of which 194 are independent states.

10. Algeria

Territory: 2,381,740 km2 Population: 37 million people Capital: Algeria

Opens ten largest countries in the world the only representative of the African continent, the Algerian People's Democratic Republic, or simply Algeria, is the northernmost and largest independent African state. Most of Algeria is covered by the Sahara Desert. The country's main source of income is the gas and oil industry. The country occupies one of the leading positions in the world in terms of oil and gas reserves. Despite this, more than 17% of the population lives below the poverty line. Although the country is not included in the top ten, . A familiar picture.

9. Kazakhstan

Territory: 2,724,900 km2 Population: 17 million people Capital: Astana

A post-Soviet country with a rich historical and cultural past, Kazakhstan is in 9th place. Like Russia, Kazakhstan is a Eurasian state, most of which is located in Asia. Like Algeria, Kazakhstan can be classified as a gas and oil magnate.

8. Argentina

Territory: 2,766,890 km2 Population: 41 million people Capital: Buenos Aires

One of two Latin American countries in our ranking- Argentina. The homeland of the two past and present times, Maradona and Messi, is named after the precious metal - silver, of which there later turned out to be not much there. An interesting fact - in the capital of Argentina you can walk along the longest street in the world - the number of houses on the street exceeds 20,000.

7. India

Territory: 3,287,590 km2 Population: 1,223 million people Capital: New Delhi

One of the two world leaders in terms of population, India also has a huge area, more than 3 million, and the seventh largest country in the world. The country's economy is struggling to keep up with its excellent population and area figures. Potentially, the Indian economy is one of the leading economies of the world in the future. The birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism and, of course, tea.

6. Australia

Territory: 7,686,850 km2 Population: 23 million people Capital: Canberra

The only mainland country in the ranking is Australia, a continent in which everything is the other way around - in winter it is hot and summer, and in summer it is cold and winter. Despite the vast territories in Australia's possessions, not all of them are accessible to life. On the territory of Australia and in its coastal waters there are many unique and very large ones, but the population of the country, on the contrary, is not very numerous. Despite this, Australia's Human Development Index is second in the world, and its GDP is 12th. Interesting fact: use a search engine to ask “how do Australians see the world?” and you will be pleasantly surprised. Perhaps even something will turn inside you.

5. Brazil

Territory: 8,511,965 km2 Population: 197 million people Capital: Brasilia

The second and last Latin American country on this list largest countries- the largest state in South America. The birthplace of carnivals in Rio de Janeiro and, of course, the most football country in the world. For any person interested in sports, Brazil is, first of all, the 5-time world champions in football and the homeland of Pele, the king of football. The capital of Brazil, the city of Brasilia, was built in just 3.5 years.

4. China

Territory: 9,640,821 km2 Population: 1,347 million people Capital: Beijing

Every sixth inhabitant of the planet is Chinese. In the course of history, the country's almost 1.5 billion population received the 4th largest state territory in the world (6% of the total land area on the planet). It’s difficult to talk about China, because it is the first in almost everything. Look at the country of origin of 10 household appliances in your home and you are guaranteed to find something from China. There is no need to talk about the achievements of Chinese athletes. The USA now has someone to compete with at the Olympic Games.

3. USA

Territory: 9,826,675 km2 Population: 314 million people Capital: Washington

The United States of America, with , won in this ranking, largest countries an unusual bronze award. The most “democratic” country in the world, well, at least that’s what they say, has all the prerequisites for this: the first GDP indicator in the world, a huge territory in the center of North America. It is washed on both sides by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The country's population, as well as its area, is the third largest among all countries. One thing is bad - tornadoes and cyclones with frantic force and enviable regularity give the residents of the United States a beating.

2. Canada

Territory: 9,976,139 km2 Population: 34 million people Capital: Ottawa

The northern neighbor of the United States, which has surpassed its competitor in territory by only 3 France or Spain. But not the entire territory of Canada is as suitable for life, and the population of the country is ridiculous compared to the territory it occupies - only 34 million people, which is why the population density is one of the lowest in the world. Despite all this, Canada, with its ecology and nature, remains a “promised land” and a lifelong dream for many. Interesting fact: The northernmost settlement in the world is in Canada, and the length of its borders is a record. All this is thanks to the large population of the eastern part of the country.

1. Russia

Territory: 17,075,400 km2 Population: 143 million people Capital: Moscow

With a large lead over pursuers and competitors - Russian Federation largest country in the world. A Eurasian state, most of which is located in Asia and in lands unsuitable for human life. The richest country in the world in terms of reserves of raw materials and fuel resources. It is also the longest country in the world - when people go to bed in the European part of the country, in the other part they can already lazily stretch and wake up. The most “neighboring” country borders 18 countries.

Over the course of the long history of mankind, the outlines of state borders have changed greatly. However, in the second half of the 20th century, humanity came to the borders between countries that we see today, nevertheless, minor changes are taking place to this day. The top will also indicate the population and GDP indicator (nominal, IMF list for 2015). And so This top will present the 10 largest countries for 2015.

Algeria 10th place

Area 2,381,340 sq km. Population 38,087,000. Density 14.8 people per sq. km. GDP nominal per capita 4,345 dollars. Capital Algeria. Currency dinar. The official language is literary Arabic. Most of Algeria is occupied by the Sahara Desert; the population lives in the north of the country near the coastline. Summer temperatures in the Sahara Desert can break all anti-records. A large number of Algerians immigrate to Europe.

Kazakhstan 9th place.

Area 2,724,902 sq km. Population 17,541,000. GDP per capita nominal value 11,028 dollars. Capital Astana. Currency Tenge. Population density 6.4 people sq km. Official languages ​​are Kazakh and Russian. The soil of Kazakhstan contains almost all the elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table. Most of Kazakhstan is occupied by steppes, however, Kazakhstan has all types of landscapes: forests, lakes, mountains, deserts, canyons and river valleys. It is worth mentioning the sharply continental climate of Kazakhstan, where temperatures in summer can reach up to +46 and in winter can drop to -58.

Argentina 8th place.

Area 2,780,000 sq km. Population 42,610,000. Currency Peso. Capital Buenos Aires. GDP nominal per capita is 13,428. The official language is Spanish. Population density 15 people sq km. The territory of Argentina is occupied by the Andean mountains and the eastern plains where most of the population lives. The climate is quite mild and conducive to grazing. However, in the south of the country the temperature may drop to below zero. What sets Argentina apart from other Latin American countries is its homogeneity in terms of population, with the majority of people having Spanish and Italian roots. Argentina has disputed territories with Great Britain. Argentina also reserves the right to part of Antarctica.

India 7th place.

Area 3,287,263 sq km. Population 1,281,941,000. Population density 364 people sq. km. Currency Rupee. Official language: Hindi, English and 21 other languages. Capital New Delhi. GDP nominal per capita is $1,688. In ancient times, India was the richest country; thanks to the climate and fertility of the land, crops could be harvested four times a year. However, India suffers from overpopulation. Most of the population lives near rivers, polluting them. As a result of the division of the East Indies by Britain, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Burma were formed. India is a potential superpower.

Australia 6th place.

Area 7,692,000 sq km. Population 23,130,000 people. Population density 3.01 people. Currency Australian dollar. GDP nominal value is $51,642. Capital is Canberra. The official language is de facto Australian English. Almost the entire population of Australia lives in the southeast of the country. Most of the country is occupied by lifeless deserts. Australia is a former British colony. The nation's core consists of immigrants from Asia, Western and Southern Europe. The standard of living in Australia is one of the highest in the world.

Brazil 5th place.

Area 8,514,877 sq km. Population 201,000,000. Population density 22 people sq km. Currency Real. The capital is Brasilia. GDP nominal per capita is $8,802. The official language is Portuguese. Brazil is a federal state divided into states. The concept of Brazilians is as arbitrary as Americans. The basis of the nation is made up of people of mixed origin (mulattoes) 43%, Whites 48% Portuguese, Germans, Arabs, Italians, Blacks 7%, Indians about half a million, Japanese 1,500,000 million. The climate in Brazil is very humid; most of Brazil is occupied by the impenetrable Amazon jungle. Brazil is the strongest country in Latin America, however, a large part of the population lives in poverty, which leads to cheap labor. Brazil is a potential superpower.

USA 4th place.

Area 9,519,431. Population 325,607,000 people. Density 32 people per sq km. Capital Washington. Currency US dollar. The official language is de facto American English. GDP nominal per capita is $55,904. The eastern coast of the United States is densely populated, unlike the middle zone of the United States, this is due to the presence of water resources and maritime trade routes, as well as a favorable climate. Most of the US territory was purchased from France and also conquered from Mexico. Among other things, the United States acquired Alaska from the Russian Empire. Today, America has 50 states (states), but the US territories, Puerto Rico as the 51st and Guam as the 52nd state, also want to receive state status. However, obtaining the status of a state as a (federal state) is very long, it can drag on for decades. The core of the American nation is made up of immigrants: 78% white, mostly of Irish, Scottish, German, Anglo-Saxon, and Latin American descent. Black 13%. Asians 5%. Indians, Aleuts, Eskimos up to 2%. The USA is the world hegemon, imposing its conditions on other countries, and carrying out the policy of a global police baton. The USA is currently the only superpower.

China 3rd place.

Area 9,596,960 sq km. Population 1,368,660,000 people. The population density is 139 people per sq. km. The currency is yuan. The official language is Chinese. Capital Beijing. The nominal GDP per capita is 8,280. Almost half of China's territory is made up of national autonomies; there are only 5 of them. However, the Chinese are not the majority in such remote autonomies as Tibet and the Uyghur autonomy, living in the east of China in historical provinces, with a favorable climate, an abundance of rivers and fertility of the land. Not long ago, China became the second economy in the world, overtaking Japan. At the moment, China is one of the most important economies in the world and the fastest growing power in the world. China is the main holder of US government debt and government securities, overtaking Japan in this indicator, which has moved into second place in this indicator. China is an economic superpower and a potential world superpower.

Canada 2nd place.

Area 9,984,670 sq km. Population 35,675,000 people. Density 3.41 people per sq km. Currency Canadian dollar. Capital is Ottawa. The official language is English and French. GDP nominal per capita is $43,935. The Canadian economy is closely linked to the US economy for this reason, as well as climate, 80% of Canadians live no further than 160 km from the US border. Canada, along with Australia, is headed by the British Queen. Canada has large natural resources. Most of Canada is covered by forests, lakes and mountains. Currently, people from all over the world are immigrating to Canada, as it is famous as a peaceful, high-tech country, free from political and ethnic unrest, where you can raise children in a calm environment. Canada is one of the most prosperous countries on the planet.

Russia 1st place.

Area 17,125,407 sq km. Population 146,270,000 people. Density 8.39 people per sq km. Capital Moscow. Currency ruble. The official language is Russian. GDP nominal value is 8,447 dollars. Russia is the largest state in the world, with a rich historical past, but more than 70% of the territories of Russia, due to the harsh climate and remoteness, are not suitable for life, the construction of large cities and agglomerations. Most of the population of Russia lives in the western part with a temperate climate, as well as in the southern zone of Russia. Russia is the main opponent of US hegemony in world politics. In addition, Russia is an energy superpower, possessing a large reserve of minerals. Russia has enormous military and economic potential, including the availability of energy resources, in order to compete for the title of superpower.


A hundred years ago, countries strived to become the most powerful and developed powers in the world, capturing more and more territories and spreading their influence. This is the top 10 most great empires world in history. They are considered the most important and longest lasting, they were powerful and played an important role in history. The Russian Empire and even the great Macedonian Empire created by Alexander the Great did not make it into the top 10, but it was the first European empire that advanced into Asia and defeated the Persian Empire, and perhaps one of the most powerful in the ancient world. But it is believed that these 10 great empires were more important in history, made a greater contribution.

Mayan Empire (c.2000 BC-1540 AD)

This empire is distinguished by its longevity, its cycle lasted almost 3500 years! This is twice the life of the Roman Empire. So far, scientists know very little about the first 3,000 years, as well as about the mysterious pyramid-like structures scattered throughout the Yucatan Peninsula. Well, is it worth mentioning the famous doomsday calendar?

French Empire (1534-1962)

Second largest in history great empire- French colonial empire, occupied 4.9 million square miles and covered almost 1/10 of the total area of ​​the Earth. Her influence made French one of the most widely spoken languages ​​at that time, bringing fashion to French architecture, culture, cuisine, etc. to all corners of the globe. However, she gradually lost influence, and two world wars completely deprived her of her last strength.

Spanish Empire (1492-1976)

One of the first large empires that seized territories in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania, creating colonies. For hundreds of years it remained one of the most important political and economic forces in the world. The main contribution to history is undoubtedly the discovery of the New World in 1492 and the spread of Christianity in the Western world.

Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)

The last ruling dynasty of China in its imperial past. It was founded by the Manchu clan Aisin Gioro in the territory of modern Manchuria in 1644, quickly grew and developed and eventually covered all the territories of modern China, Mongolia and even parts of Siberia by the 18th century. The empire covered an area of ​​more than 5,700,000 square miles. The dynasty was overthrown during the Xinhai Revolution.

Umayyad Caliphate (661-750)

One of the fastest growing great empires in history, whose life, however, was just as short. It was founded by one of the four caliphates - the Umayyad Caliphate, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and served to spread Islam throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Sweeping away everything in its path, Islam seized power in the region and retains it to this day.

Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BC)

Most often it is called the Medo-Persian Empire. Stretching from the Indus Valley of modern Pakistan to Libya and the Balkans, this empire is the largest Asian empire in ancient history. The founder was Cyrus the Great, best known today as an enemy of the Greek city-states during the Greco-Persian Wars, who was killed by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. After his death, the empire split into two large parts and several independent territories. The model of state and bureaucracy invented in this empire still works today.

Great Ottoman Empire (1299-1922)

Became one of the largest and longest-lived great empires of the world in history. At its height (under the rule of Suleiman the Magnificent) in the 16th century, it stretched from the southern borders of the Holy Roman Empire to the Persian Gulf, and from the Caspian Sea to Algeria, effectively holding control over much of southeastern Europe, western Asia and northern Africa. . At the beginning of the 17th century, the empire included no fewer than 32 provinces, along with numerous vassal states. Unfortunately, ethnic and religious tensions and competition from other powers led to a gradual disintegration in the 19th century.

Mongol Empire (1206-1368)

Despite the fact that the empire lasted only 162 years, the pace at which it grew is frightening. Under the leadership of Genghis Khan (1163-1227), the entire territory from Eastern Europe to the Sea of ​​Japan was captured. At its peak, it covered an area of ​​9,000,000 square miles. Perhaps the empire would have been able to capture Japan if the ships had not been destroyed by the tsunamis of 1274 and 1281. By the mid-14th century, the empire began to gradually disintegrate due to internal conflicts and eventually split into several states.

British Empire (1603 to 1997)

Despite its short life span of only 400 years, the British Empire (essentially several British Isles) managed to become the largest in history. At its peak in 1922, the empire dominated almost 500 million people (1/5 of the world's population at that time) and covered more than 13 million square meters. miles (1/4 of the Earth's area)! That empire had colonies on all continents of the world. Alas, everything must come to an end. After two world wars, Britain was financially devastated and, after the loss of India in 1947, gradually began to lose influence and colonies.

Greater Roman Empire (27 BC to 1453)

Founded in 27 BC. Octavian Augustus it existed for 1500 years! And it was eventually overthrown by the Turks under the leadership of Mehmed II, who destroyed Constantinople in 1453. For 117 AD. heyday came great empire. At this time she was the most powerful on earth, although not the largest in history. The population was 56.8 million people, the territory under its rule was 2,750,000 km². The influence on modern Western culture, language, literature, and science is difficult to assess because it is incredibly large.

It is in history that answers to many modern questions can be found. Do you know about the largest empire that ever existed on the planet? TravelAsk will tell you about two world giants of the past.

Largest empire by area

The British Empire is the largest state that has ever existed in the history of mankind. Of course, here we are talking not only about the continent, but also about colonies on all inhabited continents. Just think: this was even less than a hundred years ago. At different times, the area of ​​Britain was different, but the maximum was 42.75 million square meters. km (of which 8.1 million sq. km are territories in Antarctica). This is two and a half times larger than the current territory of Russia. This is 22% of land. The British Empire reached its peak in 1918.

The total population of Britain at its peak was about 480 million (about one-quarter of humanity). This is why English is so widespread. This is a direct legacy of the British Empire.

How the state was born

The British Empire grew over a long period: approximately 200 years. The 20th century marked the culmination of its growth: at this time the state possessed various territories on all continents. For this, it is called the empire “on which the sun never sets.”

And it all began in the 18th century quite peacefully: with trade and diplomacy, and occasionally with colonial conquests.

The Empire helped spread British technology, trade, the English language, and its form of government throughout the world. Of course, the basis of power was the navy, which was used everywhere. He ensured freedom of navigation, fought against slavery and piracy (slavery was abolished in Britain at the beginning of the 19th century). This made the world safer. It turns out that rather than seeking power over vast hinterlands for the sake of resources, the empire relied on trade and control over strategic points. It was this strategy that made the British Empire the most powerful.

The British Empire was very diverse, containing territories on every continent, creating a great variety of cultures. The state included a very diverse population, which gave it the ability to govern different regions either directly or through local rulers, an excellent skill for a government. Just think: British power extended to India, Egypt, Canada, New Zealand and many other countries.

When the decolonization of the United Kingdom began, the British tried to introduce parliamentary democracy and the rule of law in the former colonies, but this was not successful everywhere. Great Britain's influence on its former territories is still noticeable today: most of the colonies decided that the Commonwealth of Nations replaced the Empire for them psychologically. Members of the Commonwealth are all former dominions and colonies of the state. Today it includes 17 countries, including the Bahamas and others. That is, they in fact recognize the monarch of Great Britain as their monarch, but locally his power is represented by the governor general. But it is worth saying that the title of monarch does not imply any political power over the Commonwealth Realms.

Mongol Empire

The second in area (but not in power) is the Mongol Empire. It was formed as a result of the conquests of Genghis Khan. Its area is 38 million square meters. km: this is slightly less than the area of ​​Britain (and if you consider that Britain owned 8 million sq. km in Antarctica, the figure looks even more impressive). The territory of the state stretched from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan and from Novgorod to Cambodia. This is the largest continental state in the history of mankind.

The state did not last long: from 1206 to 1368. But this empire influenced the modern world in many ways: it is believed that 8% of the planet's population are descendants of Genghis Khan. And this is quite likely: Temujin’s eldest son alone had 40 sons.

At its height, the Mongol Empire included vast areas of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China and Tibet. It was the world's largest land empire.

Its rise is astonishing: a group of Mongol tribes that numbered no more than a million people managed to conquer empires that were literally hundreds of times larger. How did they achieve this? Well-thought-out tactics of action, high mobility, the use of technical and other achievements of the captured peoples, as well as the correct organization of rear and supply.

But here, of course, there could be no talk of any diplomacy. The Mongols completely slaughtered cities that did not want to obey them. More than one city was wiped off the face of the earth. Moreover, Temujin and his descendants destroyed great and ancient states: the state of the Khorezmshahs, the Chinese Empire, the Baghdad Caliphate, the Volga Bulgaria. Modern historians say that up to 50% of the total population died in the occupied territories. Thus, the population of the Chinese dynasties was 120 million people, after the Mongol invasion it decreased to 60 million.

Consequences of the Great Khan's invasions

By 1206, the commander Temujin united all the Mongol tribes and was proclaimed great khan over all tribes, receiving the title “Genghis Khan”. He captured northern China, devastated Central Asia, conquered all of Central Asia and Iran, ruining the entire region.

The descendants of Genghis Khan ruled an empire that captured most of Eurasia, including almost the entire Middle East, parts of Eastern Europe, China and Rus'. Despite all its power, the real threat to the dominance of the Mongol Empire was the enmity between its rulers. The empire split into four khanates. The largest fragments of Great Mongolia were the Yuan Empire, the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde), the state of the Hulaguids and the Chagatai Ulus. They, in turn, also failed or were conquered. In the last quarter of the 14th century, the Mongol Empire ceased to exist.

However, despite such a short reign, the Mongol Empire influenced the unification of many regions. For example, the eastern and western parts of Russia and the western regions of China remain united to this day, albeit under different forms of government. Rus' also gained strength: Moscow, during the Tatar-Mongol yoke, was granted the status of tax collector for the Mongols. That is, Russian residents collected tribute and taxes for the Mongols, while the Mongols themselves visited Russian lands extremely rarely. Eventually, the Russian people gained military power, allowing Ivan III to overthrow the Mongols under the Principality of Moscow.

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