9th artillery division. Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region


The 78th Rifle Division was formed on June 6, 1939 in Novosibirsk. After 5 days it is loaded onto trains and arrives at the station on June 29. Guberovo, Primorsky Territory, occupies a defense along the state border. In October 1939, it was redeployed to Khabarovsk and subsequently existed as a territorial division, consisting of one rifle regiment and support units (6,000 people).
In the spring of 1941, it was redeployed to the Primorsky Territory and deployed to full strength (12,000 people). It included the 1st Rifle Brigade (2 rifle regiments), stationed in Vladivostok on the First River. The division headquarters was also located in Vladivostok. The main forces of the division were deployed to cover the border of Primorye along the Ussuri River from Iman (Dalnerechensk) to the station. Burlit (along a 90 km front) and were involved in months-long exercises of the Far Eastern Front. The field headquarters was located in the village. Znamenka Pozharsky district. These exercises on the eve of the war, in conditions close to combat, played an important role in the formation of the division as a strong combat-ready military unit.
In October 1941, the division was transferred from the Far East near Moscow, to the area of ​​​​the city of Istra, and became part of the 16th Army under the command of Lieutenant General K.K. Rokossovsky.

“The transfer was controlled by the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. We felt this all the way. The railway workers opened a green street for us. Accurate schedule, strict control. As a result, all thirty-six divisional echelons crossed the country from east to west at the speed of courier trains. The last echelon left Vladivostok on October 17, and on October 28 our units were already unloaded in the Moscow region, in the city of Istra and at the stations closest to it.”
(Beloborodov A.P., Always in battle. M.: Voenizdat, 1978).

40th Infantry Regiment
131st Infantry Regiment
258th Infantry Regiment
159th Light Gun Artillery Regiment
210th Howitzer Artillery Regiment
Special units and units: 139th separate anti-tank fighter division, 435th separate anti-aircraft artillery division,
60th reconnaissance battalion, 89th engineer battalion, 140th separate communications battalion, 104th medical battalion, motor transport company, field postal station, field cash desk of the State Bank.
Total in the division: 14 thousand people, 23 light tanks, 53 artillery pieces, 22 howitzers, 59 mortars, 6 anti-aircraft guns, 441 vehicles, 3,400 horses.

November 1941 From left to right: head of the political department of the 78th Infantry Division, battalion commissar M.M. Vavilov, division commander Colonel A.P. Beloborodov and the head of the operational department of the division headquarters, Lieutenant Colonel A.I. Vitevsky.
Combat order No. 2 for the 78th division dated October 31, 1941. Noteworthy is paragraph 2 of the order - the division that has just arrived near Istra has to act alone. (TsAMO, f. 208, op. 2511, d. 34)

The dividing red line is the junction of the 16th (commanded by Lieutenant General K.K. Rokossovsky) and 5th armies (Major General D.D. Lelyushenko) of the Western Front.
The map clearly shows that at the junction of these armies a void was formed into which the enemy rushed. The 258th Infantry Regiment of the 78th Division, which had just arrived from Primorye, was tasked with covering this void. The map also shows how extended the front of the regiment that replaced the 27th Tank Brigade was. (TsAMO, F. 1066, op. 1, d. 4, l. 130)

The first to engage in battle with the enemy fell to the lot of the soldiers and commanders of the Vladivostok 258th Infantry Regiment of the division. The regiment not only covered the huge gap between the defending 16th and 5th armies of the Western Front. He was given the task of an offensive - to knock out the enemy from the populated areas of Mikhailovskoye and Fedchino and to cut the road along which the Nazis were preparing to transfer reinforcements to their troops advancing on the Volokolamsk highway.
The regiment managed to partially complete its combat mission: a bridgehead was created on the western bank of the Ozerna River, in the area of ​​the village of Fedchino, but the village of Mikhailovskoye was not captured.
On November 6 and 7, the enemy counterattacked the positions of the 258th Regiment in the Fedchino area, bringing units of the SS Reich Division into battle. Over the course of these two days and the following week, the Germans tried to no avail to dislodge the regiment from the bridgehead at Fedchino. In these battles, parts of the regiment suffered serious losses: in some companies there were 40-50 people.
Shoulder to shoulder with Panfilov's heroes, the 78th Rifle Division for a month staunchly defended one of the most critical areas - the Volokolamsk highway.
The most intense fighting took place at the end of November 1941. The 40th, 131st and 258th rifle regiments of the division at that time occupied defense on the eastern bank of the Istra River in the Trusovo, Istra, Sannikovo zone. Their actions were supported by fire from the 159th and 210th artillery regiments. The enemy attacked here with the forces of the 10th tank and motorized divisions of the SS "Reich", the 252nd and 87th infantry divisions along the Volokolamsk highway. Artillery fire, massive air strikes, continuous tank attacks - everything was used by the Nazis. But the Far Easterners survived. This time the enemy failed to break through their defenses.

Extract from the petition of the commander of the Western Front G.K. Zhukov about awarding the 258th Infantry Regiment of the 78th Division with the country's highest award - the Order of Lenin. December 31, 1941 (TsAMO, f. 208, op. 2511, d. 34, l. 30)

November 26, 1941 - just 3 weeks after entering the battle near Moscow - for courage in battle, perseverance and courage, the 78th Infantry Division was transformed into 9th Guards Rifle Division.

The division retreated 40 km under enemy pressure. But not a single line was left without stubborn resistance. On November 29 and 30 alone, its soldiers destroyed 1,950 fascists, 13 tanks, 11 vehicles, suppressed the fire of one artillery and three mortar batteries, and shot down three aircraft.
On December 2, the fascist German command sent two tank divisions with aviation support to the positions of the 9th Guards Division. More than 50 German tanks and armored personnel carriers with infantry rushed towards Nefediev. The battalions defending the village fought heroically. No less stubborn fighting broke out in other sectors of the division's defense. The village of Selivanikha on the site of the 40th Infantry Regiment changed hands four times. The Nazis lost more strength here than during the capture of Paris.

The counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Moscow began on December 5-6, 1941, when it became clear that the enemy’s offensive forces had been exhausted. Despite severe frosts, deep snow cover, and most importantly, despite the fact that Hitler gave the order to cling to every meter of land and not retreat under any circumstances, it developed successfully. For the first time, Soviet troops wrested the initiative from the enemy. One after another, the cities of the Moscow region - Rogachevo, Istra, Solnechnogorsk, Volokolamsk, Klin and others - were liberated from temporary occupation.
During the counteroffensive, the 9th Guards Rifle Division with the 17th Tank Brigade, 89th Separate Tank Battalion, 36th, 90th Rifle Brigades formed the strike group of the 16th Army. On the morning of December 8, the troops of the group under the command of Major General A.P. Beloborodov went on the offensive on the left flank in the direction of Istra. Widely using bypasses of defense centers, the attackers liberated Trukholovka, Snegiri and on the morning of December 11th they broke into Istra. At the end of the month, the division's regiments reached the Ruza River in the Tsarev area.
“The Nazis blew up the reservoir dam. The gushing water formed a powerful stream, which created enormous difficulties for our troops... Before my eyes, the Siberians A.P. Beloborodov, in severe frost under enemy fire, forced a raging ice stream. All available means were used - logs, fences, gates, straw rafts, rubber boats - in a word, everything that could float on the water. And with these available means, the Siberians overcame such a serious obstacle and put the enemy to flight. The assault was well supported by artillerymen and mortarmen who covered our infantry during the crossings.”
(Rokossovsky K.K. Soldier's duty. M.: Voenizdat, 1997)

At the beginning of January 1942, the counteroffensive in the western strategic direction was completed. Over 11 thousand settlements were liberated from the invaders, and units of the Red Army consolidated their positions on lines located 100-250 kilometers from Moscow.

The battle banner of the division is today in the Museum of the Russian Army in Moscow among the banners of the most famous military units

Extract from the order of the NPO (Newspaper “Red Star” dated November 27, 1941)

In February 1942, the division was part of the 33rd Army, and from March - part of the 43rd Army. Since May, the Supreme High Command headquarters has been in reserve as part of the 58th Army.

On May 3, 1942, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the 9th Guards Rifle Division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and its 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment was awarded the Order of Lenin.

In May 1942, the 9th Guards Division was transferred to the Southwestern Front to defend Kharkov, positioned east of it. At the same time, the division became part of the 38th Army, commanded by General K.S. Moskalenko. There were many examples of iron staunchness in defense and high fighting spirit in the offensive. In the hot summer of 1942, the division took part in fierce battles beyond the Don, in the Serafimovich area.
On July 17, 1942, the division was transferred to the Stalingrad Front as part of the 21st Army. In September, he was part of the 4th Reserve Army at the Supreme Command headquarters. In October, as part of the Moscow Military District.
In November 1942, as part of the 43rd Army of the Kalinin Front, from December as part of the 5th Guards Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army. Near Velikiye Luki, the division moved forward at a slow pace, but uncontrollably, through forests, swamps and enemy fire. Then two reinforced enemy infantry divisions operated against the 9th Guards. A battalion of six-barreled mortars hit the regiments and battalions; they were confronted by almost fifty tanks. But the enemy defenses were broken through, the division cut the Novosokolniki - Velikiye Luki railway. In offensive battles from November 25 to 29, 1942, the division liberated 18 settlements, destroyed 2,200 officer soldiers, 8 tanks, and dozens of weapons (division losses: 420 people killed, 2009 wounded).
From December 10, 1942 to January 27, 1943, the division was in defensive battles near Velikiye Luki. In this confrontation in the division’s defense sector, the Nazis had a 13-fold superiority in infantry, a complete superiority in motorized infantry, a 1.5-fold superiority in artillery, and a 10-fold superiority in tanks. He urgently needed to hold on to the strategic hub – Velikie Luki – with all his might, so he pulled up large reserves and prepared to deliver a powerful blow in order to break through the front line and connect with the encircled group.
In the fiercest deadly confrontation, the division's guards not only survived, but also inflicted enormous damage on the enemy. 7580 fascists, 33 tanks, 10 guns, 5 aircraft, 34 vehicles, 61 machine guns were destroyed. (Our losses - 1921 people were killed and wounded).
In June 1943, the division became part of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps of the Kalinin Front, and from August together with the corps as part of the 39th Army. In October, the division returned to the 5th Guards Rifle Corps of the 39th Army.
From November 1943, as part of the 1st Baltic Front, from February to March 1944, the division was under front-line subordination.
Since April 1944, as part of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps of the 6th Guards Army, in which the division fought until the end of the war.
In the summer of 1944, the division took part in the Belarusian strategic operation. From June 12 to August 1, offensive operations covered 810 km and cleared an area of ​​227 square meters from the enemy. km., having fought 55 km. Liberated 58 large populated areas, inflicting significant damage on the enemy (1,164 soldiers and officers were killed, a large amount of equipment and weapons were captured).
Subsequently, the division took part in the liberation of the Latvian SSR. It advanced in the direction of Daugavpils, pursuing the retreating enemy.
At the beginning of October 1944, she took part in the Memel offensive operation, from the area northwest of Siauliai in the Libau direction.
Over the next seven months, she fought stubborn battles with a group of fascist German troops pressed to the sea and cut off on the Courland Peninsula, a section of the front east of Libau between the river. Venta and Priekule region.
In April 1945, as part of the Leningrad Front, it was preparing for a decisive offensive with the goal of the final defeat of the enemy’s Courland group.
Since May 9, 1945, the 9th Guards Red Banner Rifle Division has been receiving enemy units, their weapons, military equipment and property in the Aizpute area.

Sergeant major from Spassk: one against fourteen
The heroic feat of company sergeant Vladimir Suvertey (before the front he lived in the city of Spassk-Dalniy) was recorded in the combat log of the 78th division, stored in TsAMO. And here is how it is said on the award sheet signed by division commander Beloborodov and commissar Bronnikov.

As can be seen from the award sheet, the 23-year-old company sergeant-major found himself in trouble on the battlefield, one might say unexpectedly - he was organizing food for his soldiers. But desperately acting with a grenade, pistol and bayonet, he destroyed all 14 attacking fascists. It is worth recalling that in 1941 awards were rare, and the country's highest award - the Order of Lenin - was awarded only for special merits.
We do not know how and where the heroic guy from Spassk-Dalniy fought after being wounded near Moscow. The documents preserved only a sad fact: as part of the 17th motorized rifle brigade, Vladimir Suvertey died a heroic death in August 1942 near Smolensk.

Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Council on awarding the 9th Guards Rifle Division with the Order of the Red Banner

The 9th Plastunsky Rifle Krasnodar, Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov and Red Star volunteer division named after the Supreme Soviet of the SSR of Georgia was formed on the basis of the disbanded 9th Caucasian Mountain Rifle Red Banner and Order of the Red Star division.

Combat composition of the division:

36th Plastun Rifle Regiment

121st Red Banner Plastun Regiment

193rd Plastun Rifle Regiment

1448th self-propelled artillery regiment

256th Artillery Regiment

55th separate anti-tank fighter division

26th separate reconnaissance company

140th separate engineer battalion

232nd separate communications battalion (1432nd separate communications company)

123rd separate medical battalion

553rd separate chemical defense company

161st motor transport company

104th field bakery

156th Divisional Veterinary Hospital

203rd Field Postal Station

216th field cash desk of the State Bank.

In the active army from 09/05/1943 to 05/12/1945.

The division's personnel were recruited from those liable for military service in the Krasnodar Territory, of which 6,425 people arrived from September 12 to September 23, 1943.

At the beginning of September 1943, the division was withdrawn to the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters and reorganized into the 9th Plastun Rifle Krasnodar Red Banner Order of the Red Star division named after the Central Executive Committee of the SSR of Georgia, mainly from the Kuban Cossacks. The division's regiments were divided into Plastun battalions and hundreds.

According to the combat order of the headquarters of the Separate Primorsky Army No. 0165/OP dated February 25, 1944, the division marches to the station. Krymskaya, from where during 29.2-9.3.1944 it is transported by rail to the station. Fertility, where, according to the combat order of the 69th Army No. 003/OP dated March 2, 1944, it is part of the 69th Army, remaining in the reserve of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. Units of the division are deployed:

36th Plastun Regiment - Pervomaisky, Oktyabrsky, Costgeym.

121st checkpoint - Fertility, Novo-Nikolaevka, Mariamgeym, Alexandrogeym.

193rd Plastun Regiment - Wasserau, Razdolny, Radostny.

256th artillery regiment and 140th separate engineer battalion - Rozovka, Smirennaya.

1448th self-propelled artillery regiment and 55th separate anti-tank fighter division - Dmitrov.

544th separate anti-aircraft artillery division - two batteries at the Reichenfeld OP.

The rear of the division is the eastern outskirts of Reichenfeld.

Division and special forces headquarters - Leitershausen.

In the new concentration area, the division continued to engage in combat training.

On April 15, 1944, in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the Red Army No. Org/2/357 dated April 2, 1944, a separate anti-aircraft machine gun company was formed in the division, staff No. 04/578, numbering 97 people, 18 heavy machine guns and 19 vehicles.

On May 4, 1944, on the basis of combat order of the headquarters of the 4th Ukrainian Front No. 09229 dated April 10, 1944, the division was loaded into trains at the Plodorodie and Prishib stations from April 16, 1944 and had the task, while remaining in the reserve of the Supreme High Command Headquarters, to concentrate in the Novozybkov area. On the way to Novozybkov, the division's route was changed and the unloading station Kamenets-Podolsky was assigned, where the last train arrived on May 1, 1944. Here the 9th PKD is part of the 95th Rifle Corps.

Based on the combat order of the 95th SC No. 02 dated April 26, 1944, units of the division, from April 27, 1944, march in marching order along the route: Kamenets-Podolsk, Khotyn, Klishkovtsy, Malintsy, Altzuchka, Novo-Mamevtsy.

In the new concentration area, units of the division were engaged in combat training in readiness to defend the occupied area. They carried out reconnaissance and combing of the area southwest of Chernivtsi with the task of fighting the Benderov gangs.

At the end of April as part of the 18th Army, and from August 20th as part of the 1st Ukrainian Front. She participated in the Lvov-Sandomierz, Vistula-Oder, Upper Silesia, Moravian-Ostrava and Prague operations, the liberation of the cities of Krakow, Ratibor Raciborz, Leobschütz (Glubczyce), Troppau (Opava), Moravska-Ostrava (Ostrava).

In August 1944, the division, together with Soviet troops, entered Poland.

On August 21, the division as part of the 33rd Guards Rifle Corps of the 5th Guards Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front began combat operations in the Krakow direction.
On August 21, on the approach to the combat area, the division received an order to take over the sector from the 14th Guards and 78th Rifle Divisions and, together with the 4th Tank Corps, advancing in the direction of Dębica, capture the city by the end of the day.

The division had 5-6 hours to prepare for the offensive. Its 256th artillery regiment had not yet returned from the location of the 14th Guards Rifle Division, to which it was temporarily subordinated; the 1448th self-propelled artillery regiment, due to lack of gasoline, remained in the forest east of Trzesnia. Thus, by the beginning of the offensive, the division had actually lost its artillery, and due to limited time, it was not possible to study the terrain and the grouping of enemy troops.
At two o'clock in the afternoon the 9th Division went on the offensive. To the right the 14th Guards Rifle Division was advancing. The area was a plain covered with bushes, with groves and rare settlements. Despite weak artillery support in the first days of the offensive, the division advanced quite successfully. The enemy retreated from one strong point to another, often launching counterattacks. By the end of August 22, division units, together with units of the 15th Rifle Corps, stormed the city of Dsmbitsa.

Directly against the Cossack formation were units of the 371st Infantry and 18th Tank Divisions of the Germans, which launched a powerful counterattack on the Soviet troops on August 23. However, despite the fact that up to 60 enemy tanks, supported by an infantry battalion, took part in it, the attack was stopped. Having lost 9 tanks and 200 personnel, the enemy rolled back.

On August 23, having obtained fuel somewhere, the 1448th self-propelled artillery regiment unexpectedly appeared at the positions. This allowed the division command to put together a task force from the 36th Plastun, 256th artillery and 1448th self-propelled artillery regiments under the command of the commander of the 36th regiment, Lieutenant Colonel A.K. Orlov. Cutting off the group of Germans defending on the left bank of the Wisłoka River and in the Dębica area, the 36th Regiment broke far ahead, penetrated 30 km into the German defense and was surrounded along with fire support units.

The night passed relatively calmly. At 8 o'clock in the morning, the enemy opened heavy artillery and mortar fire and attacked the plastuns from three directions at once: in the center - to Borowa, through the right flank of the regiment Vevyurk, on the left flank - to the Charny station. This and subsequent attacks were repulsed by plastuns with the support of artillerymen and self-propelled guns. All the next night, German loudspeakers blared in front of the front line, promising “one hundred thousand marks, one’s own stone house and three hectares of land” to anyone who would go over to the Germans and deliver regiment commander Orlov “dead or alive.” The Nazis began artillery preparation for the attack only at three o'clock in the afternoon. Then dozens of tanks and motorized infantry were thrown into the center of the regiment's defense. The fierce battle lasted for more than eleven hours straight. The first wave of attackers was stopped by plastuns in front of the front line. Of the 12 light tanks, eight were on fire, and the infantry, hugging the ground, began to retreat. However, through the smoke of burning vehicles there was already a second wave of attackers - 12 medium tanks. They managed to break into the defenses of the 36th regiment at the junction of the 1st and 3rd battalions. Artillerymen and self-propelled gunners fired direct fire, soldiers crawled towards the tanks with grenades in their hands.

At the height of the battle, when Lieutenant Colonel A.K. Orlov, having collected everything that was at hand, tried to restore the regiment’s defenses dismembered by the enemy, a third wave of fascist tanks appeared. Four of them were knocked out, but the enemy managed to set fire to several of our self-propelled guns and break through to the firing positions of one of the divisions of the 256th artillery regiment. Self-propelled gunners under the command of Major V.Ya. Gumenchuk and artillerymen led by Major D.I. Teplov fought courageously and stubbornly, but the forces were too unequal. It was dusk. Burning vehicles illuminated the battlefield. Communication with the battalions was interrupted. The 2nd and 3rd battalions continued to fight steadfastly on the previous line of defense, but the 1st battalion, having suffered very heavy losses, retreated south to Charny station. Eight German tanks broke through to the command post of Lieutenant Colonel A.K. Orlov. The regiment commander called fire on himself, and thereby forced the German tankers to retreat. By two o'clock in the morning the battle had subsided, and Lieutenant Colonel Orlov managed to restore control of the 2nd and 3rd battalions. However, the 1st battalion was surrounded by the Nazis at the Charny station. For two days the battalion under the command of Captain Ya.S. Nosaev was surrounded. When ammunition began to run out, we decided to fight our way to our own. Soldiers armed with daggers broke through the German encirclement hand-to-hand. Subsequently, due to the threat of a flank bypass, German troops were forced to abandon their positions.

And here is what the gun commander of the 121st regiment, senior sergeant M.I. Yakhin, said about the battles near Dębica on August 23-25: “On the evening of August 23 we entered the battle. We take up firing positions on the move and, without having time to dig in, we repel the Nazi counterattack. On the morning of August 24, the enemy launched an “armor squadron” against us: 2 Tigers, 30 light tanks and 15 armored personnel carriers, and all this against our one battalion. The battlefield was shrouded in smoke, there was a terrible chatter of machine guns and machine guns, gun shots and explosions of shells and mines continuously thundered. The Plastuns not only did not retreat a single step, realizing that the enemy was trying to cut off our units operating to the south, but they also moved forward. True, we all had to work hard: we fired under continuous fire, turning at times 180 degrees, both direct fire and from indirect positions. In just 2 hours, we fired 79 shells from just one of our guns. And so the fierce battle smoldered until the evening.” In the evening, through a cunning maneuver, moving with the “grandmas” of the sheaves in the order in which they stood on the compressed field, and thus getting closer to the enemy, the plastuns rushed to the attack and took the line of defense.

At the end of the offensive, in the Krakow direction near the city of Tarnow, units of the 371st Infantry Division, 18th Tank Division, as well as a number of individual battalions and subunits, acted against the 9th Plastun Cossack Division. None of the formations of the 5th Guards Army of Lieutenant General A.S. Zhadov had such a numerous enemy at that moment!

In January 1945, Soviet troops again went on the offensive. During the offensive period from January 12 to 19, 1945, the 9th Plastun in stubborn battles defeated the 304th Infantry Division and inflicted significant losses on the enemy's 359th and 344th Infantry Divisions. The successful operations of the division in the Krakow direction are noteworthy in that it had to conduct a rapid offensive with a virtually open left flank. The offensive under these conditions required great flexibility and frequent regroupings from the command.

On January 23, units of the division as part of the 5th Guards Army again went on the offensive and, overcoming stubborn resistance and enemy counterattacks, approached the center of the Dąbrowski coal basin - the city of Chrzanów, and on January 25 - to the Przemsha River.

On January 29, after a five-minute artillery raid on the front line of the enemy’s defense, the Plastuns quickly captured a number of settlements, including the Auschwitz concentration camp. Tens of thousands of barely alive prisoners from all over Europe languished in the camp. When the Plastuns, having broken the gate, told the people that they were free, they cried with joy. None of them expected to survive. The mountains of ashes and clothes left in the camp spoke without words about the fate that awaited them.

At the beginning of February 1945, the division entered Germany. On February 9, the Cossack formation received the task of reaching the highway connecting the large industrial cities of Rybnik and Ratibor, and thereby cutting off the path of enemy troops retreating to the Oder. And the enemy in this case was completely special. Unlike the battered German 712th Infantry and 97th Mountain Infantry Divisions, as well as the remnants of the 2nd Panzer Division (almost without tanks), which had to be dealt with in the last stage of the battles in Poland, the Plastuns were opposed by fully equipped 1 and the 2nd ski regiments, reinforced with mortars and even tanks. The skiers were well equipped, had white insulated suits, snowshoes and other equipment that allowed them to be active in winter conditions.

According to the recollections of participants in the battles, including the division commander P.I. Metalnikov, to this day it is believed that the division never fought such bloody battles as on the Oder bridgeheads either in Poland or in the Kuban. For example, the village of Neudorf changed hands several times - either the plastuns threw the Germans out of the town with grenades and machine gun fire, or the German skiers, having recovered from the blow, returned the city under their control. In these battles there were so many mutual wedges that it was difficult to make out who surrounded whom. The Plastun division consisted of only 4,148 people and everyone who could bear arms was thrown into battle. People acted to the limit of their strength. There was a case when artillerymen of the 121st regiment, having burst into a German town and checked the lower floors and basement of a house suitable for spending the night, immediately went to bed. At this time, German soldiers were sleeping on the upper floors. In the morning the “tenants” met, and the battle began to boil with renewed vigor. At the end of February, the division was withdrawn to rest, but on March 12 it moved to the front again.

On the night of March 13, the division took its initial position on a bridgehead in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Pohl-Gross-Neukirch, Gräfenstein, Oderwilde and received the task, in cooperation with the 31st Panzer Corps, to break through the enemy defenses north of Pohl-Gross-Neukirch and together with units of the 302nd 1st Infantry Division to capture the city of Leobschütz. The front of the division was defended by the 67th Infantry Regiment of the 371st German Infantry Division, the 39th Motorized Regiment, the engineer battalion of the 18th Motorized Division, the penal battalion and the battalion of the 1st Ski Regiment. The enemy's defense consisted of several continuous trenches and resistance centers, covered by wire barriers, anti-personnel and anti-tank minefields.

The German resistance was very stubborn, and in addition, enemy units were seen on the front line in front of the division: the 14th Assault Regiment, the battalion of the 17th Panzer Division, the reserve regiment of the SS Panzer Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler". In the sector of the 36th regiment, the enemy repelled four attacks. For the fifth time, the regiment commander himself, Colonel Orlov, led the Plastuns. With the exclamation “For the Motherland!” soldiers and officers quickly rushed to storm the fortified settlement and occupied it. Orlov was wounded by an enemy bullet. The commander of the 1st battalion, Major Nosayev, and the commander of the 3rd battalion, Major Pronkin, were killed. The assistant chief of staff of the regiment, Captain Gutman, was mortally wounded.Both sides suffered heavy losses in these battles, but they were especially great among the enemy, who often acted recklessly, trying to stop our further advance. The prisoners showed that everywhere on the walls of houses you can find slogans with the following content: “This is our last industrial area. If you give it away, you will give away Germany."But nevertheless, the SS men were driven back, and at the end of April 1945, by order of the commander of the 60th Army, the 9th Plastun Division as part of the 28th Rifle Corps entered Czechoslovakia, where until the end of hostilities it participated in the liberation of the cities of Moravska-Ostrava and the suburbs capital of the country - Prague.

In September 1945, the 9th Cossack Plastun Division returned to its homeland in the Krasnodar region.

For the exemplary fulfillment of command tasks and the valor and courage displayed at the same time, on April 26, 1945, the division was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree.

For military exploits during the war, more than 14 thousand soldiers of the division were awarded orders and medals.

Division commanders during the Great Patriotic War:

Colonel Dzabakhidze Valerian Sergeevich - 10/16/1941 - 03/15/1942.

Colonel Evstigneev Mikhail Vasilievich - 03/16/1942 - 03/06/1943.

Colonel Shapovalov Afanasy Efimovich - 03/07/1943 - 04/04/1943.

Lieutenant Colonel, from 03/31/1943 Colonel Cherny Stepan Makarovich - from 04/05/1943 - 07/01/1943.

Colonel, from 10/14/1943 Major General Pyotr Ivanovich Metalnikov - 09/05/1943 - 05/12/1945.

TsAMO RF, fund 988, inventory 1, file 8, https://ru.wikipedia.org,http://cossac-awards.narod.ru

03.04.1932 - 09.05.1945

The 78th Infantry Division was formed on April 3, 1932 in Tomsk on the basis of the 40th Infantry Regiment and the Tomsk Infantry Division. In 1940 it was redeployed to Khabarovsk.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War it was stationed in the Ussuri region, was part of the Far Eastern Front.

In October 1941, the division was transferred from the Far East near Moscow, in the area of ​​the city of Istra, and became part of the 16th Army of the Western Front.

On November 1, the 258th Infantry Regiment of the division occupied the front sector on the line Mary - Sloboda - Gorodishche along the Ozerna River with the task of covering Volokolamsk highway. The rest of the division was left as a reserve for the 16th Army. On November 4 and 5, the 258th Infantry Regiment, with the support of artillery units of the division, took part in a private offensive operation of the 16th Army.

On November 26, 1941, for courage in battle, perseverance and courage, the 78th Rifle Division was reorganized into the 9th Guards Rifle Division.

In February 1942, the division was part of the 33rd Army, from March as part of the 43rd Army. Since May in the Reserve Headquarters of the Supreme High Command as part of the 58th Army, since June in the 7th Reserve Army.

On May 3, 1942, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the 9th Guards Rifle Division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and its 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment was awarded the Order of Lenin.

On July 2, 1942, the division came under the command of the 38th Army of the Southwestern Front and took up defensive positions. on the eastern bank of the river. Oskol, July 5 crossing the river Oskol near the village of Kamenka, July 9 to the line Naked - Poddubnoe - Ozerov - zap. env. Rovenki - Shiyanov - Dubovoy - Belokurakino, where it went on the defensive, and fought back on July 10 to a new defensive line along the river. Derkul, on July 14 the division was in the Novogrigoryevskaya area.

On July 17, 1942, the division was transferred to the Stalingrad Front as part of the 21st Army. In September it was part of the 4th Reserve Army of the Supreme Command Headquarters. In October, as part of the Moscow Military District.

In June 1943, the division became part of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps, subordinate to the Kalinin Front, and from August together with the corps as part of the 39th Army. In October, the division returned to the 5th Guards Rifle Corps of the 39th Army.

From November 1943, as part of the 1st Baltic Front, from February to March 1944, the division was under front-line subordination.

In August 1944 she took part in battles on the river Memel, at the end of August the division was transferred to the area southwest of Mitava (Jelgava), took positions on the approaches to the city on the Dobele - Žagare line, preparing for defensive battles.

At the beginning of October 1944, she took part in the Memel offensive operation, from the area northwest Siauliai on Libau direction.

Over the next seven months, she fought stubborn battles with a group of fascist German troops pressed to the sea and cut off on the Courland Peninsula, a section of the front east of Libavi (Liepaja) , between r. Venta And Priekule district .

In April 1945, as part of the Kurland Group of Forces of the Leningrad Front, it prepared for a decisive offensive with the goal of the final defeat of the enemy’s Kurland group.

Since May 9, 1945, the 9th Guards Rifle Red Banner Division has been receiving enemy units, their weapons, military equipment and property in Aizpute area .


  • Colonel Kindyukhin Vasily Arkadevich from March 4, 1941 to July 11, 1941
  • Major General Beloborodov Afanasy Pavlantievich from July 12, 1941 to October 14, 1942
  • Major General Prostyakov Ignatius Vasilievich from October 15, 1942 to January 30, 1944
  • Colonel Gudz Porfiry Martynovich from January 31, 1944 to June 6, 1944
  • Major General Nikolai Ivanovich Babakhin from 7 to 29 June 1944
  • Colonel Verbov Yakov Yakovlevich from June 30 to July 21, 1944
  • Colonel Savchuk Valery Ivanovich from July 22 to November 1, 1944
  • Major General Dmitry Semenovich Kuropatenko from November 2 to December 20, 1944
  • Lieutenant Colonel Fedor Grigorievich Krivomlin from December 21, 1944 to January 27, 1945
  • Colonel Baurdzhan Mamysh-Uly from January 28, 1945 to May 9, 1945

Compound :

  • 18th Guards Rifle Red Banner Regiment
  • 22nd Guards Rifle Order of Lenin Regiment
  • 31st Guards Rifle Red Banner Regiment
  • 28th Guards Artillery Regiment
  • 2nd Separate Guards Anti-Tank Fighter Division
  • 12th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Company
  • 3rd Separate Guards Engineer Battalion
  • 51st (4th) Separate Guards Signal Battalion
  • 479th (11th) separate medical battalion
  • 5th Separate Guards Chemical Defense Company
  • 479th Motor Transport Company (70th Motor Transport Battalion, 168th and 10th Motor Transport Companies)
  • 608th (1st) field bakery
  • 566th (14th) Divisional Veterinary Hospital
  • 05337 (485th) field postal station
  • 451st field cash desk of the State Bank


  • X. Jurkalne - 15-17.05.1945
  • X. Vartaya 24-26.03.1945
  • X. Leinieki 20-26.03.1945
  • X. Priednieki 02.21-25.1945
  • X. Spindeni 24-27.03.1945
  • X. Abelnieki 01/23-03/29/1945
  • mz. Baga-Asite 01/26-02/24/1945
  • X. Zhibaly 02/20-23/1945
  • X. Priednieki 02.27-03.03.1945
  • 14.02-15.03.1945
  • plz. Elka 02.20-22.1945
  • X. Arai 21-27.01.1945
  • X. Perkoni 01/21/1945
  • X. Briezhi - 14.10-30.11.1944
  • Art. Vainode - 02.13-21.1945
  • X. Pirtkuri - 26-30.10.1944
  • X. Yunkureni - 10/29/1944
  • mz. Elkuzeme - 27-28.10.1944


Total: 646


machine gun platoon commander

1st Rifle Battalion 22nd Guards Regiment

1914 - 25.02.1945

  • Guards captain Volobuev Akim Ivanovich, commander of the PTR company of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Lieutenant Gulyay Ivan Savelyevich, commander of a rifle platoon of a rifle battalion of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 02/27/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Drozdov Fedor Zinovievich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards captain Zubrev Grigory Petrovich, commander of the commandant platoon of the division control, born in 1912.
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Ivanov Arsentiy Grigorievich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Lieutenant Ikonnikov Nikolai Gennadievich, commander of the 4th rifle platoon of the 4th rifle company of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/27/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Ilyichev Sergey Dmitrievich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Kalinin Viktor Aleksandrovich, platoon commander of a battery of 76 mm guns of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Karalitsky Semyon Moiseevich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Karpov Ilya Fedorovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/27/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Kovalev Viktor Egorovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 22nd GSP __.09.1916 - 02.13.1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Kosor Dmitry Fedorovich, commander of the sapper platoon of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1905.
  • Guards Art. Lieutenant Kudryashov Ivan Petrovich, commander of a rifle company of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Lavrenov Vasily Petrovich, commander of a foot reconnaissance platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment
  • Guards Art. Lieutenant Lavrentyev Pavel Alekseevich, regimental engineer of the 31st Guards Regiment 1913 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Lutsenko Ivan Matveevich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Art. Lieutenant Natekin Nikolai Alexandrovich, commander of a platoon of 45 mm guns of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards Lieutenant Noskov Ivan Andreevich, commander of the rifle company of the 1st battalion of the 22nd GSP __.07.1912 - 02.14.1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Panfilov Fedor Vasilievich, commander of a rifle platoon of a rifle battalion of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1916 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Lieutenant Podolsky Fedor Andreevich, commander of a VET platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1904.
  • Guards captain Popov Andrey Mikhailovich, commander of the machine gun company of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 02/27/1945
  • Guards Lieutenant Radzyuk Vladimir Petrovich, party organizer of the rifle battalion of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1908.
  • Guards captain Rozhko Pavel Grigorievich, art. adjutant of the rifle battalion of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Rychkov Mikhail Pavlovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Sadykov Ishankul Kanaevich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Samsonenko Mikhail Fedorovich, platoon commander of a battery of 120 mm mortars of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards Lieutenant Skidan Ivan Denisovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Sokolov Vladimir Alekseevich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Spolnikov Saveliy Fedorovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1914.
  • Guards Lieutenant Sukhov Egor Ivanovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Chepenko Dmitry Grigorievich
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Chernykh Pavel Ivanovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1924.
  • ml. Lieutenant Chipenko Dmitry Grigorievich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Captain Shaimardanov Garey Sultanovich, commander of the machine gun company of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1903 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Shevel Dmitry Demyanovich, commander of a rifle platoon of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1918.
  • Guards ml. Lieutenant Shumakov Ilya Petrovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment __.08.1922 - 02.13.1945

Rank and file:

scout of the 12th OGRR

1923 - 27.10.1944

  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Yakovlevich Belyaev, signalman of the 22nd GSP 1913 - 02/28/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Fedoseevich Beskorovainy, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1897 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Biveev Zurunta Doronevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1900 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Fedorovich Bilyugin, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 02/14/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Iosifovich Bogdanov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Bogdanov Viktor Karpovich, scout of the 12th OGRR, born in 1913.
  • Guards Corporal Bogdanov Dmitry Deomidovich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Fedorovich Bogomazov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Zakharovich Bolgov
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Yakovlevich Bolotov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Fedorovich Bondarev
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Bondarenko Alexander Fedotovich, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Terentievich Bondar, sapper of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1899.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Borzykh Alexander Alexandrovich
  • Guards Sergeant Borisov Vladimir Ivanovich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Konstantin Pavlovich Wartkin, telephone operator of the 28th Civil Aviation Regiment? - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Borodaev Stanislav Pavlovich, head of the communications department of the 22nd GSP, born in 1917.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Borodin Vasily Sergeevich, head of the radio station of the Republic of Belarus of the 51st OGBS, born in 1919.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Burdin Andrey Naumovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Ivanovich Burlakov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Vasilievich Burnusenko
  • Guards Corporal Butorin Arkady Petrovich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Georgievich Bydru, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Tarasovich Bykov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Petrovich Vaganov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vamishch Alexey Antonovich
  • Guards Sergeant Major Vanyukov Egor Ivanovich, commander of the B-120 crew of the 22nd GSP 1902 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Timofeevich Varyukhin, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Emelyanovich Vasilenkov, scout of the 12th OGRR 1924 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasiliev Prokop Isaevich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1903.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Vasiliev Semyon Vasilievich, squad commander of the 51st OGBS, born in 1919.
  • Guards Sergeant Vasin Savely Kirillovich, commander of the machine gun crew of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Verlan Maxim Ivanovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Iosifovich Vigurin
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Gerasimovich Virchin, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vitalinysh Karlis Martynovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Vobornov Anatoly Vasilievich, commander of the section of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Fedorovich Voznyarsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Philip Efimovich Volkov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1898 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Ivanovich Volchenkov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 02/14/1945 (missing)
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Stepanovich Vorobiev, shooter of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Vshivkov Alexander Stepanovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1908.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Ivanovich Vyborny, gunner of the 2nd OGIPTD 1926 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Gabidulin Georgy Talipovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Gavdey Grigory Ivanovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Anisimovich Gavdonik
  • Guards Red Army soldier Andrey Vasilievich Gavrilov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1897 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Gavrilyuk Korney Efimovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Regiment 1900 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Ivanovich Gaevsky, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Ivanovich Gashchenko, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Grigorievich Gayunov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 10/26/1944
  • Guards Sergeant Gerasev Alexey Danilovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Andrey Ivanovich Gerasimov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Nikolaevich Gerasimov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier German Stepan Nikolaevich
  • Guards Sergeant Gilev Pavel Efimovich, scout of the 12th OGRR, born in 1921.
  • Guards Sergeant Gilfus Arkady Markovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Gilyazev Zufar Mizgazovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Egor Yakovlevich Golubev, sapper of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1913.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Alekseevich Golubev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1912 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Vasilievich Goncharov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Boris Fedorovich Gorbunov
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Pavlovich Gorbunov, medical porter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Kuzmich Gordeev, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1925.
  • Guards foreman Gorchakov Nikolai Vasilievich, squad commander of the 12th OGRR 1918 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Corporal Grabovsky Ivan Dmitrievich, commander of the B-120 crew of the 22nd GSP 1920 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Ivanovich Grachev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1912 - 03/29/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Grachev Petr Ivanovich, telephone operator of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1902.
  • Guards Sergeant Major Grebennikov Alexey Andrianovich, commander of the mortar crew of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1913.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Gromov Nikolai Mikhailovich, commander of the machine gun crew of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1915.
  • Guards Sergeant Gryaznov Evgeniy Andreevich, scout of the 12th OGRR 1922 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Guida Mikhail Kuzmich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Gulin Yakov Evgenievich, scout of the 12th OGRR 1922 - 10/14/1944
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Gulkin Semyon Fedotovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldierGurin Alexander Nikolaevich , shooter of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Semenovich Gusev, shooter of the 18th GSP1926 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Gusev Ivan Agafonovich
  • Guards Sergeant Gusev Pavel Ivanovich, mortar gunner of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1925.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sergei Mikhailovich Gusev, signalman of the 22nd GSP 1897 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Daimbaev Nurkasym
  • Guards Red Army soldier Danilov Makar Egorovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Regiment 1906 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Jetpisov Ural

shooter of the 22nd Guards Regiment

1921 - 24.01.1945


5th Rifle Company of the 22nd Guards Regiment

1926 - 23.01.1945

  • Guards Red Army soldier Zeleny Grigory Nikolaevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Zemlyansky Alexander Vasilievich, commander of the rifle squad of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1911.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Semenovich Zinchenko, reconnaissance officer of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Zotochkin Vasily Kuzmich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Pavlovich Zubritsky, machine gunner of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Andrey Georgievich Zykov
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Zyubin Ivan Fedorovich, gun commander batteries of 76 mm guns 22nd GSP 1921 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Antonovich Ivanov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Ivanov Vasily Dmitrievich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivanov Konstantin Ivanovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1921 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Vasilievich Ivanov
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivishev Zabit, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1897 - 03/11/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ilya Fedorovich Ilashchuk, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1916 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ilyinsky Vasily Ivanovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Induchny Petr Antonovich
  • Guards Corporal Isadchenko Nikolai Efimovich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ismailov Satualde, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Kabeshkin Vasily Petrovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1905 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Konstantinovich Kadnikov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldierKadyrbaev Fayzdrakhmat , machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1913.
  • Guards Sergeant Kalashnikov Alexander Ivanovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Leon Pavlovich Kalenobrodsky
  • Guards Corporal Kalinin Fedor Alexandrovich, art. Telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1917.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Petrovich Kalinichenko, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Vasilievich Kanavkin, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1901 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Konstantinovich Kanishev, mortarman of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Kapitanov Vladimir Nikolaevich, commander of the foot reconnaissance platoon of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1915.
  • Guards Sergeant Karpov Ivan Andreevich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1917.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Semenovich Kapustenok
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kapustin Fedot Fomich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Karasaev Dair, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Karas Stepan Stepanovich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Kazimirovich Karvatsky, medical instructor of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1903.
  • Guards Sergeant Karev Alexey Vasilievich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Ivanovich Kareev, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Karelin Yuri Vasilievich, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1926.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Kartavtsev Viktor Andreevich, head of the central technical service of the 51st OGBS, born in 1916.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Karsheev Abdes, squad commander of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Nikiforovich Kachev, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Kashin Serafim Ivanovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Kashcheev Kirill Sergeevich, commander of the rifle squad of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1921.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kvashnin Alexander Evdokimovich, submachine gunner of the 31st GSP, born in 1925.
  • Guards Sergeant Kinyev Dmitry Davydovich, machine gunner of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Yakovlevich Kirillov
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Kishulka Ivan Iosifovich, commander of the section 1913 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Leonty Moiseevich Kleshnin, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Klimov Vasily Alekseevich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Major Klyuev Ivan Semenovich, sergeant major of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment Company 1917 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Andrey Ivanovich Klyasny, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Ivanovich Knyazev
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Dementievich Kobelev, sapper of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1912.
  • Guards Corporal Kovalev Afanasy Alexandrovich, PTR number of the 31st GSP, born in 1926.
  • Guards Sergeant Kovalev Vladimir Mikhailovich, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1925.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Fedorovich Kovalev, telephone operator of the 28th GAP 1917 - 02/22/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kovalev Semyon Dmitrievich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Mikhailovich Kovalchuk
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kozhukha Anikei Fedotovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1921 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kozhukhar Vasily Vasilievich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Antonovich Kozarenko, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/14/1945 (missing)
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Vasilievich Kozlov, sapper-carpenter of the 3rd OGSB 1903 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Komar Semyon Matveevich, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1916 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Matvey Sergeevich Konev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1898 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Vasilievich Konovalov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sergei Fedorovich Hemp, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Danil Ivanovich Kopylov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1901 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Koreshkov Fedor Sergeevich, number of the heavy machine gun of the 31st GSP, born in 1926.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Afanasy Pavlovich Koryavkin, light machine gunner of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1906.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Koryagin Vitaly Nikolaevich, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1926.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Petrovich Kosteltsev, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Kostrov Viktor Ivanovich
  • Guards Sergeant Kotenov Dmitry Ivanovich, room platoon commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1912 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kotorbay Alexander Kononovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Afanasy Vasilievich Kotuno, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kotsava Stepan Mikhailovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Semyon Stepanovich Kochaban, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1903 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Corporal Kravtsov Nikolai Sidorovich, machine gunner of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Kravchenko Egor Andreevich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Ilyich Kreshch, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Corporal Krissalny Alexey Fedorovich, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1908.
  • Guards Sergeant Krishtal Vasily Nikolaevich, driver of the 2nd OGIPTD 1924 - 02/22/1945
  • Guards Corporal Krupin Alexey Ivanovich, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1921.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Georgy Zakharovich Kruchinin, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kubrakov Ivan Mikhailovich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Kuzmich Kuvshinov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 01/28/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Petrovich Kudryashov, art. Morse telephonist of the 51st OGBS, born in 1920.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Kuzin Andrey Matveevich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1915.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Viktor Andreevich Kuznetsov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Kuznetsov Grigory Parfenovich, scout of the 12th OGRR 1914 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Kuznetsov Ivan Grigorievich, room commander of a rifle platoon of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Vasilievich Kuznetsov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Efimovich Kuzmenko
  • Guards Red Army soldier Andrey Ivanovich Kukolev, radio operator of the 22nd GSP, born in 1918.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Yakovlevich Kulemin
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Dmitrievich Kulikov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Ignatievich Kunitsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1899 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kurbanov Juma, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Egorovich Kurenkov, scout of the foot reconnaissance platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Kurenkov Fedor Grigorievich, room platoon commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Mikhailovich Kurochkin
  • Guards Red Army soldier Amvrosy Parfirievich Kurydze, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 03/28/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Timofeevich Kuchin
  • Guards Sergeant Major Kuchumov Vasily Egorovich, medical instructor of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1905.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Lavneev Dmitry Petrovich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Fadeevich Lebedenko, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Levchuk Boris Matveevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Vasilievich Lekarev
  • Guards Red Army soldierLemtyugov Stepan Leonovich , shooter of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1909.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Leshchenkov Stepan Demyanovich, sapper of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1911.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Livar Dorofey Martynovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Semyon Aleksandrovich Lisikh, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Yakov Pavlovich Litvinov, scout of the 12th OGRR 1911 - 10/14/1944
  • Guards Sergeant Lobanov Boris Alekseevich, commander of the section of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vlas Andreevich Lobanov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Lukin Vasily Egorovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Lukichev Petr Mikhailovich, foreman of the PA battery of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1912.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Fedotovich Lukyanov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Lyskov Joseph Martynovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Major Lyuty Prokopiy Naumovich, commander of the communications department of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards Sergeant Lyalashvili Nikolai Sharkovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Georgy Ivanovich Makar
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Vasilievich Makarov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Major Makarovsky Polinary Ilyich, platoon commander of the 51st OGBS, born in 1919.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Andrey Ivanovich Makovey
  • Guards Red Army soldier Makovoz Alexander Nikolaevich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Konstantin Fedorovich Maksimov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Corporal Makulin Ivan Tikhonovich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Alexandrovich Malkov
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Frolovich Markov, signalman of the communications company of the 31st GSP, born in 1917.
  • Guards Sergeant Maryin Alexander Ivanovich, commander of the section of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Ivanovich Masalev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Fedorovich Matveev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1921 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Stepan Ivanovich Matveev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Makhiyanov Zakiria, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Prokopiy Vasilievich Matsko
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Mashinsky Petr Anfimovich, scout of the 12th OGRR 1919 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mashutin Timofey Mikhailovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Nikandrovich Medvedev 1923 - 17.03.1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Medvedev Mikhail Afanasyevich, mortar gunner of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards Sergeant Major Merkushev Nikolai Fedorovich, room platoon commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 05/17/1945
  • Guards Corporal Merlinyuk Grigory Andreevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1926.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Ivanovich Metemish, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1905 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Mikhailovich Meshcharikov, signalman of the 22nd GSP 1926 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Minogorov Vasily Petrovich, room platoon commander of the 18th Guards Regiment 1911 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Grigorievich Minchuk, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Misyura Mikhail Ivanovich, gunner of the heavy machine gun of the 31st GSP 1908 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Arson Ivanovich Mikhailovsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 03/15/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Anatoly Alexandrovich Mikheev, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1925.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Mikheev Petr Petrovich, radiotelegraph operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1920.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Mishchenko Alexander Ivanovich
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Mishcheryakov Vladimir Ivanovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Semenovich Mogilevsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1914.
  • Guards Sergeant Major Mogoltsekov Adolf Petrovich, room platoon commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1920 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Moiseev Panteley Vasilievich, squad commander of the 51st OGBS, born in 1924.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Ivanovich Moroz, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Evgeniy Ivanovich Morozov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Moskalev Pavel Maksimovich, commander of the sapper squad of the 3rd OGSB 1911 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Alexandrovich Mokhin
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Vasilievich Muravitsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Trofim Grigorievich Muratov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Osipovich Murashkin, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Filafanovich Murzhevilov, sapper-carpenter of the 3rd OGSB 1909 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Mukharentsev Viktor Nikolaevich, signalman of the 31st GSP, born in 1925.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Demyanovich Myasnikov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nazemkin Agafon Romanovich, sapper of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1899.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Narzakulov Pardakul, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Ustinovich Nakhankov, gunner of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Illarionovich Nepushkin, castle 31st GSP 1908 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nestin Alexander Alekseevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1901 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Corporal Nikitin Kapiton Artemyevich, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1921.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Vasilievich Nikitin, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1905 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Nikitushin Pavel Fedorovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikiforov Alexander Nikolaevich
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Nikolaev Ivan Timofeevich
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Nikulin Vasily Ivanovich, squad commander of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1921.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nimbuev Tyashet, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Novik Vladimir Fedorovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Anisimovich Novikov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1916 - 10/30/1944
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Novikov Nikolai Yakovlevich, commander of the section of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Trofimovich Novoselov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 03/22/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Zakharovich Nunkin, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Ovsyannikov Vasily Fedorovich, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Nikolaevich Ovsyannikov, sapper of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1922.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Ovchinnikov Fedor Karpovich, scout of the 12th OGRR 1912 - 11/31/1944
  • Guards Sergeant Ogurtsov Nikolai Vasilievich, reconnaissance officer of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Odinets Andrey Korneevich
  • Guards Sergeant Odinets Ivan Markovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1903 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Ozerov Grigory Karpovich, commander of the communications department of the 51st OGBS, born in 1922.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Yakov Yakimovich Oleznitsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 01/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Mikhailovich Olyunin
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Kharlamovich Orbu, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Orel Grigory Mikhailovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards foreman Orekhov Alexander Konstantinovich, room platoon commander 1924 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Osipov Alexander Vasilievich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1901 - 02/14/1945
  • Guards Foreman Oskolkov Dmitry Alexandrovich, room platoon commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 01/28/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ostapyuk Davyd Pavlovich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pyotr Moiseevich Otchich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Ivanovich Okhlopkov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Alekseevich Oshchepkov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Pavlusenko Anatoly Tikhonovich, art. radiotelegraph operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1923.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Padyshev Pavel Matveevich
  • Guards Red Army soldier Palekha Terenty Protasovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Regiment? - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Stepan Efimovich Panasyuk, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Pankov Boris Ivanovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Vasilievich Perepelitsa, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards foreman m/s Pesterov Yakov Mikhailovich, sanitary instructor of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Major Pestov Ilya Mikhailovich, platoon commander of the 51st OGBS, born in 1920.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Petrenko Elizaveta Ivanovna, foreman of the communications company of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1919.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Sergeevich Petrenko, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Petrovich Petrov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Petrovich Petrov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1920 - 03/25/1945

scout of the 12th OGRR

Born 09/21/1923

  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Danilovich Petukhov , shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1905 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Vasilievich Pizhuk, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Ivanovich Pikelny, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pipkin Ivan Trofimovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pirgar Nikolai Ivanovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pisika Alexander Ivanovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Leon Nikiforovich Plachinta, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pleshka Ivan Nesterovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1900 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Pluzhnik Boris Pavlovich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Plyut Vladimir Tomasovich, commander of the section of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikonor Ivanovich Pogorelov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Dmitrievich Podik, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Viktor Vasilievich Pozdeev, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Politsin Grigory Timofeevich, scout of the 12th OGRR, born in 1915.
  • Guards Sergeant Polozov Petr Semenovich, gun commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 05/12/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Poluektov Ivan Azarovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Corporal Polyakov Nikolai Grigorievich, squad commander of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Andreevich Pomogaev, scout of the 12th OGRR, born in 1915.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ponamarash Ivan Semenovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards ml. sergeant Ponomarev Ivan Nikolaevich, commander of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/06/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Popovich Gavriil Afanasyevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1921 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Andrey Gavrilovich Poroskiv, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Konstantin Vasilievich Postolaki, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Potapenko Ivan Zakharovich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1918.
  • Guards Sergeant Potapov Alexander Vasilievich, commander of a 45 mm gun of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Leonid Grigorievich Pochebut, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1925.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Vasilievich Pratsko, artilleryman of the 31st Guards Regiment 1903 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Konstantin Demidovich Prendetsky
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Dmitrievich Pribylsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Prikhozhaev Alexander Timofeevich, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1925.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Prokurat Ivan Semenovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Prots Ivan Ivanovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pugachev Ilarion Lazarevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Anton Ivanovich Pustamlinov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Valentin Vasilievich Pushkin, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1920 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Semenovich Pchelintsev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ilya Alekseevich Rakov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Petrovich Ratnikov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 02/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Petrovich Ratnikov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Timofey Nikitovich Ratynsky, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Rakhmetov Ismail, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1901 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Major Relizov Alexander Nikolaevich, room platoon commander of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Rimar Anton Esipovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Ivanovich Rodionov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Mikhailovich Rodionov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Stepan Ivanovich Rodionov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Rozhko Evdokim Efimovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1899 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Danilovich Romanenko
  • Guards Red Army soldier Romanchuk Panteleimon Vasilievich
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Rostov Egor Ivanovich, commander of the anti-tank gun of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1907.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sergei Kuzmich Rudakov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Boris Spiridonovich Rudenko, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 10/29/1944
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Rusanov Fedor Ivanovich, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1926.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Ivanovich Rusnak, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Rutskikh Alexander Pavlovich, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Ryzhkov Nikifor Ivanovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Sabyanin Luka Eremeevich, gun commander of the 28th GAP 1914 - 12/27/1944
  • Guards Sergeant Sabrikov Hakim Bukhamizyan, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikita Stepanovich Savelyev, signalman of the 22nd GSP 1911 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Savin Nikolai Konstantinovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Savoskin Alexander Gavrilovich, commander of the economic department of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1918.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sadrakov Kamal Sondedin., shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Gavrilovich Salikov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Grigorievich Salnev, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Gerasimovich Samaluk, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1900 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Samygin Mikhail Filipovich, room commander of a rifle platoon of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Petrovich Sanin, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Viktor Mikhailovich Sapegin, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sapozhnikov Grigory Vasilievich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1905 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Konstantinovich Sapunov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Erofeevich Safonov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1905 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Safonov Yakov Iosifovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1910.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Konstantinovich Safronov, scout of the 12th OGRR 1922 - 03/29/1945
  • Guards Corporal Sedelnikov Alexander Mikhailovich, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1920.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Nikolaevich Sedlovsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Seliverstuk Ivan Petrovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Viktor Ivanovich Semenov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Semenov Ivan Fedorovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Sepkin Alexander Stepanovich, scout of the 12th OGRR, born in 1914.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Anton Tikhonovich Serbu, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Sergeev Evgeniy Trofimovich, orderly of the 18th Guards Regiment 1922 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sergeev Efim Sergeevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sergeev Ivan Alekseevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1895 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Illarionovich Sergeev, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 01/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Roman Semenovich Sivinskikh, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Avdeevich Silanov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1912 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Sinitsin Ivan Efimovich, gun commander of the 2nd OGIPTD 1920 - 02/22/1945
  • Guards Corporal Sirotkin Nikolai Vasilievich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sitdikov Gabrahman Zakirovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1922.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Siyukov Ivan Aleksandrovich, gunner of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1920 - 01/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Flaviy Nikolaevich Skorodumov, commander of a battery of 76 mm guns of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1925.
  • Guards Sergeant Skorokhodov Vasily Leontievich, commander of the communications platoon of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Skotnikov Fedor Egorovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Afanasy Seliverstovich Violin
  • Guards Red Army soldier Afanasy Selverstovich Skrypka, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1903 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Skyabus
  • Guards Red Army soldier Slara Ivan Nikitovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Anatoly Petrovich Slastushinsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 02/14/1945 (missing)
  • Guards Sergeant Slepenky Akim Nikitovich, telephone operator of the 1st mortar company of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1911.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Stratonovich Slobodenyuk
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Iosifovich Slyusar, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Corporal Smargovsky Vladimir Danilovich, gun number of the 2nd OGIPTD 1921 - 02/22/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Alexandrovich Smelov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Timofeevich Smirnov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1897 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Anatoly Vsevolodovich Smolin, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 03/15/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Smolyak Vladimir Prokopyevich, commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Smuk Fedor Nikolaevich, artilleryman of the 22nd Guards Regiment 1910 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Ivanovich Sokolov
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Grigorievich Solarev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Efimovich Soldaev, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1923.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Soldatenkov Petr Filippovich, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Solmanov Atakan Nasitovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1921 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Pavlovich Soloviev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Sorokeyev Panteley Nikolaevich, room platoon commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sergei Sergeevich Sotenko, orderly of the 31st Guards Regiment 1906 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Sochnev Alexander Evdokimovich, commander of the mortar crew of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1918.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Thank you Vladimir Dmitrievich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1898 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Major Stavitsky Vsevolod Leonidovich, commander of the communications department of the headquarters platoon of the 51st OGBS, born in 1917.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Dmitry Konstantinovich Staromuzhev, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Konstantinovich Stasenko, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 05/15/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Fedorovich Stegarescu, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1921 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Stepanov Konstantin Semenovich, scout of the 12th OGRR, born in 1918.
  • Guards Sergeant Stepnov Ivan Prokopyevich, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Stolbovsky Ivan Nikitovich, squad commander of the 12th OGRR, born in 1915.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Nikolaevich Strakhov
  • Guards Red Army soldier Kuzma Fedorovich Stuzhenko, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Kharitonovich Suvorov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Suvorov Nikolai Ivanovich, room commander of a rifle platoon of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Ivanovich Surzhko, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1916 - 01/14/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Surkov Vladimir Kuzmich, commander of the machine gun crew of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 01/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sutormin Pavel Egorovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sukhanov Karp Stepanovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Stepanovich Sukhov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Suchkov Alexander Vasilievich, castle 31st Guards Regiment 1926 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Yakovlevich Sysoev, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sych Savva Efimovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Akimovich Tabashnikov, sapper of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1925.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Vasilievich Taksheev, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1920.
  • Guards Sergeant Talalay Danil Ivanovich, medical instructor of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1895 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Antonovich Taranovsky, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/03/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Egor Ivanovich Tarasov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1917 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Tenderov Vladimir Filimonovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/05/1945
  • Sergeant Terentyev Khariton Terentyevich, commander of the section of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Fedorovich Timoschenko, commander of the communications company department of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards Corporal Tikhonov Ivan Vasilievich, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Tikhonov Nikolai Ivanovich, squad commander of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment? - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Kharitonovich Tkachuk, artilleryman of the 31st Guards Regiment 1900 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Tolochko Tikhon Alexandrovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 10/29/1944
  • Guards Red Army soldier Konstantin Ivanovich Topalo
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Yakovlevich Tregub, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1903 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Stepan Emelyanovich Tregubenko, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1899 - 01/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Sergei Alekseevich Trofimov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1903 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Tuktomisov Kostai Utyumevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 03/12/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Thousand Alexander Sidorovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Grigory Leontievich Tychinsky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Tyumin Ignat Nikolaevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Tyurnev Vladimir Vasilievich, commander of the battalion of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Corporal Ursu Ivan Stepanovich, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1912 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Urudzhev Urudzh Abakurovich, telephone operator of the 18th GSP 1918 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Usoltsev Grigory Grigorievich, commander of the section of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1914 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Ushakov Fedor Petrovich, room platoon commander of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Farvazitdinov Sirazitdin, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Feoktistov Dmitry Egorovich, gun number of the 2nd OGIPTD 1924 - 02/22/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Major Filipenkov Matvey Yakovlevich, room platoon commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Filippov Savoniy Antonovich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1920 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Mikhailovich Filiptsov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Grigorievich Fishtik, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Flora Petr Georgievich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1900 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Khabibulin Gibay Kalimovich, deputy squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Khazhin Khayakhmat Akhmedovich, scout of the 12th OGRR 1920 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Khanbekov Akhmetsha Ainulovich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Ivanovich Kharitonov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Khojaev Ishamkul, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Khozyaykin Alexey Yakovlevich, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1923.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Fedor Ivanovich Kholondash, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Khomraev Kurban, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1901 - 01/02/1945
  • Guards Corporal Khokhlov Yakov Antonovich, telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1916.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Afanasy Alexandrovich Khramtsov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Khudayberdenov Sato, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ana Khudaiberdiev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1897 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Khusnetdinov Shaikhutdin, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Tsapesh Mikhail Yakovlevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1909 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Alekseevich Tsarev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1903 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ilya Andreevich Tsarev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1902 - 02/23/1945
  • Guards Corporal Tsymbar Alexey Mitrofanovich
  • Guards Corporal Chaly Alexey Abramovich, machine gunner of the 18th Guards Regiment, born in 1925.
  • Guards Corporal Chashnikov Vitaly Pavlovich, radiotelegraph operator of the 2nd OGIPTD 1923 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Egorovich Chebotarev, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1913 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Mikhail Georgievich Chebotar, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1921 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Boris Mikhailovich Chekan, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1915 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Chepurnov Ivan Pavlovich, squad commander of the 51st OGBS, born in 1916.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Iosifovich Chepurnoy, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1919 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Mikhailovich Cherenkov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1908 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Andreevich Cherentaev, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1924 - 01/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Valentin Vasilievich Cherepyany, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 03/27/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vladimir Petrovich Cherkas, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Ivanovich Cherkashin, foreman of the rifle company of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1907.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Markovich Chernetsov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1910 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Chernitsky Vasily Pavlovich, commander of the machine gun squad of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Mikhailovich Chigintsov, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1925.
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Chirkunov Andrey Ivanovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1914.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Ivanovich Chichvarin, loading the 31st GSP, born in 1923.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Trifonovich Chora, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1912 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Fedorovich Chubarev, gun number of the battery of 76 mm guns of the 22nd GSP, born in 1926.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Egor Demyanovich Shabanov, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Petrovich Shabanov, scout of the foot reconnaissance platoon of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment, born in 1924.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Alekseevich Shablinsky, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1897 - 02/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Nikiforovich Shalnov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Art. Sergeant Shangin Nikolai Egorovich, room platoon commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1916 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Pavel Timofeevich Shantimurov, radiotelegraph operator of the 28th GAP 1911 - 01/21/1945
  • Guards Sergeant Shaparov Nikolay Maksimovich, squad commander of the 3rd OGSB, born in 1912.
  • Guards Corporal Shapovalov Nikolai Panteleevich, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1918 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Ignatyevich Shaporenko, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1922 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Milentiy Nikolaevich Sharbinsky, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1922.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Davyd Petrovich Shvatchenko, rifleman of the 5th rifle company of the 22nd Guards Regiment, born in 1905.
  • Guards Sergeant Shvets Ivan Emelyanovich, squad commander of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Semenovich Shiman, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Corporal Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich, art. Telephone operator of the 51st OGBS, born in 1918.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexey Stepanovich Shklyansky, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1907 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Ilyich Shklyaruk, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 01/24/1945
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Shuvalov Sergey Danilovich, gun commander of the 28th GAP 1921 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Ivan Karpovich Shcherbakov, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Foma Demyanovich Shcherbakov, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1906 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Petr Andreevich Shchok, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Eisman Alexander Grigorievich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1904 - 02/20/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Yuldashev Irgash, machine gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1925.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Yumakov Petr, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1911 - 03/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Yumakulov Zainula, reconnaissance officer of the 12th OGRR, born in 1924.
  • Guards Red Army soldier Nikolai Alexandrovich Yuryev, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1926 - 01/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Yakubov Abdukadyr, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1900 - 02/21/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Georgy Alexandrovich Yakushev, shooter of the 18th Guards Rifle Regiment 1912 - 02/24/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Yanin Vladimir Alekseevich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1920 - 03/25/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Vasily Grigorievich Yanushkevich, shooter of the 31st Guards Rifle Regiment 1923 - 03/26/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Maxim Iosifovich Yarimchuk, shooter of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1905 - 01/23/1945
  • Guards Red Army soldier Alexander Mikhailovich Yashin, mortar gunner of the 31st Guards Regiment, born in 1923.
  • Guards ml. Sergeant Yashchuk Mitrofan Antonovich, squad commander of the 22nd Guards Rifle Regiment 1925 - 01/24/1945

If your family archive contains photographs of your relative and you send his biography, this will give us the opportunity to perpetuate the memory of a soldier who took part in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945, on the territory of the Republic of Latvia.

The feat that the soldiers performed in defense and the liberation of the Republic of Latvia led to Our Victory, and the memory of the people who gave their lives for this will not be forgotten.

    Artillery division of a breakthrough artillery formation in the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. As part of the breakthrough artillery corps or separately they were in the Reserve Artillery of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command and under ... ... Wikipedia

    Reserve unit of the Supreme High Command of the Soviet Armed Forces. The first anti-aircraft guns were created during the Great Patriotic War in the fall of 1942 and in the winter of 1942 43 and were used in the counteroffensive near Stalingrad. They were powerful... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Kiev-Zhitomir artillery breakthrough division- KIEV ZHITHOMIR ARTILLERY BREAKTHROUGH DIVISION, formed in March 1943 in Moscow. region like 17 I art. division (from April 1943 17th artillery division of the breakthrough of the Supreme High Command reserve). In June 1943 it was included in the 7th art. breakthrough body. As part of the troops... ...

    Artillery Division- ARTILLERY DIVISION, was part of the reserve artillery of the Supreme High Command. Artillery units were created in the fall of 1942, initially consisting of 8 artillery units. regiments (168 guns). Since 1943, there were breakthrough artillery engines and cannon ones. The breakthrough AD consisted of... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    Vitebsk-Khingan artillery division- VITEBSK KHINGAN ARTILLERY DIVISION, formed in November. 1942 in the Moscow region. like 8 I art. Supreme High Command reserve division. It was part of (was under operational subordination) 6th A, 3rd TA, 5th, 21st, 31st, 33rd, again 5th, 43rd and 39th A.... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    Glukhov artillery division- GLUKHOVSKAYA ARTILLERY DIVISION, formed in Oct. 1942 in the South West. fr. like 1st art. Supreme High Command reserve division. During the war, it was part of (was under operational subordination) the 21st, 65th, 70th, 60th, 13th and 3rd Guards A. Participated in Stalingrad... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Division (meanings). Division (from Latin divisio department, division) main tactical (ground forces) or operational tactical (aviation, Strategic Missile Forces) formation (formation) in ... ... Wikipedia

9th Artillery Division Breakthrough, 9th 3rd Aporozhye Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov 2nd degree breakthrough artillery division (Reserve of the Supreme High Command). Formed in July 1943 in Zlatoust, Kuvasha, Medvedevka, Chebarkul. In the lineup of divas. included brigades: 10th mortar, 30,115 and 123rd cannon, 23rd howitzer and 113th high-power howitzer artillery. brigades. Commanded by Div. general-m. A. I. Ratov. Div. began hostilities in Aug. 1943 Donbass offensive. operations (August 13 - September 22, 1943) as part of the 8th Guards. Army of the South-West front; liberated the city of Barvenkovo. She was honored for her participation in the liberation of Zaporozhye (October 1943). hiring Zaporozhye. She fought for many. population points of Donetsk, Kharkov, Zaporozhye and Odessa regions; fought on the territory. Moldova, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria. For distinction in the battles for Belgrade (October 20, 1944) 23rd howitzer artillery. brigade of divas awarded hire. Belgrade. Div. Twice participated in the capture of the Hungarian city of Szekes-Fehérvár: in the Budapest (December 23, 1944) and Vienna (March 22, 1945) operations; in full composition - in the liberation of Vienna (April 13, 1945); completed hostilities in the territory. Austria. Awarded horde. Kr. Banner, Suvorov and Kutuzov 2nd degree; marked with 12 thanks Top. Commander-in-Chief. Thousands of warrior divas. awarded hordes. and honey; title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The Union was awarded to A.I. Ratov and V.V. Shitov.

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