Sample application form for obtaining SNI for a foreign citizen. How to get a duplicate SNILS if you don’t work

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, every citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a citizen of another country or a person who does not have any citizenship, permanently or temporarily residing (or staying) in the territory of Russia, is subject to registration in (OPS).

Currently, it is advisable to register in the OPS system to all citizens, including military personnel and persons serving in law enforcement agencies, people who are unemployed and do not have.

Personal accounts are opened for insured persons in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, on which information about their work, length of service, insurance periods and transferred contributions, pension points is generated, and individual (personalized) accounting of all incoming information is organized. All this data is used by the Pension Fund upon the occurrence of insured event For . Such cases may be:

SNILS - what kind of document is this and why is it needed?

Each insured person is assigned a unique lifetime ID and is issued a document confirming registration of the established form - (green card), which contains information about the insured:

  • insurance number;
  • date of registration in the OPS system;
  • personal data.

The citizen must keep the certificate and, if necessary, upon request, show it or provide a copy of it. SNILS is necessary for a person to account for his pension rights, and also besides this to identify it:

  • when contacting a pension fund to obtain information about the state of pension savings, or on other issues;
  • when using your personal account on the Pension Fund website;
  • to receive government benefits or social services (free medicines, vouchers for sanatorium treatment, etc.);
  • when receiving state and municipal services in electronic form;
  • when seeking medical help;
  • when registering a child for kindergarten or school.

The presence of a certificate with SNILS in certain cases reduces the need to provide additional documents when receiving various types of government services.

Using this number, through the interdepartmental system, various bodies to which the citizen has applied can independently obtain the information they require.

Necessary documents for registration with the Pension Fund

To obtain an insurance certificate, you simply need passport And questionnaire approved form. The document itself can be obtained in different ways:

  • In person (or through a proxy) to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia or in a multifunctional service center (MFC), if there is an agreement between it and the Pension Fund.

    It should be noted that the MFC only deals with accepting documents and filling out an application for a certificate, but only the Pension Fund of Russia authorities issue it.

  • Through the employer when applying for a job. The employer, within two weeks from the date of hiring the citizen, fills out a questionnaire for him and transfers him, along with his personal data, to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • Military personnel stationed in garrisons can receive SNILS in their military unit.

Review of the submitted documents and registration of the SNILS certificate takes place within three weeks. At the same time, if a citizen himself applied for a certificate, then he must also receive it himself, and if the registration went through the employer, then the SNILS in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is received by the employer and transferred to the insured against signature on the receipt.

Questionnaire of the insured person to obtain a certificate

The application form for obtaining a certificate has the established form ADV-1. It can be filled out by hand in legible block letters, or on the computer.

The questionnaire contains the citizen’s personal data necessary to register him in. All personal information included in it must match exactly with the details of the identity document of the person being contacted.

In some branches of the Pension Fund of Russia, this document is filled out by the fund employee himself on the basis of the presented passport. The questionnaire states:

  1. Full name of the insured person and his gender (m/f);
  2. citizenship, date and place of birth;
  3. the address at which the citizen is registered;
  4. actual residential address;
  5. passport details;
  6. date of registration and signature of the insured.

How can a foreign citizen get SNILS?

Foreign citizens (or persons without citizenship) who temporarily or permanently reside or stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of those citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are among highly qualified specialists, can also register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and by contacting the territorial pension authority:

  • independently with a passport or other document that proves his identity, a document confirming the legality of his presence on the territory of the Russian Federation and a questionnaire;
  • or through an employer with whom he has a contract.

Previously, registration in the OPS system for foreign citizens was a mandatory requirement availability of an employment contract with the employer. From January 1, 2015 this is a requirement canceled.

Both working foreigners and non-working foreigners can receive SNILS. Moreover, the validity period of the employment contract, if it exists, does not matter.

Regarding this category of people there is important point: if the identity document of a foreign citizen contains information in a foreign language, then it must be translate into Russian and translation notarize.

As mentioned above, the information entered into the questionnaire must completely coincide with the data of the provided document.

SNILS for a child: what documents are needed?

Currently, it is used not only to determine the pension rights of citizens, the scope of its use is expanding. Therefore, it is necessary to receive it not only for adults, but also, and this can be done even for a newborn. Registration of a child and registration of SNILS for him occurs as follows:

  • One of the parents(mother or father), or another legal representative of the child (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) personally contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund. You must have your passport or other identification document with you, birth certificate(if the child is under 14 years old), a questionnaire in form ADV-1, signed by the child’s representative. The presence of the children themselves, for whom registration is carried out, is not necessary.
  • Children who have reached their 14th birthday can on one's own apply to the pension fund for registration of SNILS, providing the branch employee with your passport.

In some regions, agreements have been signed between the civil registry office and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, making it possible to obtain a SNILS for a newborn. When registering a child’s birth certificate, the registry office transmits information about it to the Pension Fund of Russia, and parents, when the document is ready, pick it up directly from the territorial fund.

The insurance number for children and adolescents of foreign citizens is obtained by the foreigners themselves (parents, guardians) when applying to the Pension Fund.

Is it possible to get SNILS through State Services?

It would be more convenient for some citizens to register with the pension fund and receive SNILS by using the Internet through the government services portal. Today, many documents and requests from citizens are processed through this service. This is convenient because you can receive the service at a convenient time, you don’t have to go anywhere and sit or stand in line. However, issuing a certificate of registration in the OPS system and obtaining SNILS not possible via the Internet. This is explained as follows:

  • Registration of SNILS is accompanied by the transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the person’s personal data, which are confidential.
  • In order to maintain the confidentiality of personal information, you can only obtain an insurance number directly from the Pension Fund of Russia, through an employer, through an MFC or a registry office (if the Pension Fund has signed an agreement with them). Other ways to obtain this document by law not provided.

How to find out your pension insurance certificate number

A citizen may need the insurance number of an individual personal account in various situations, so it is advisable to carry the document with you.

If the certificate contains SNILS, the insured must make a duplicate of it. If a citizen has changed his personal data (for example, changing his last name), then after receiving a new passport the certificate must be replaced.

In both cases, the registration procedure is the same as for. In this case, the insurance number itself remains the same, since it is assigned once for life and cannot be changed. How can a person registered in the OPS system recognize it:

  • SNILS is indicated on.
  • If you don’t have a certificate at hand, but you need a number, you can get it at the Pension Fund office by presenting your passport.
  • SNILS can be obtained from the employer in the accounting department or human resources department.
  • If a citizen is registered on the government services portal and has a personal account there, you can try to get a pension savings service by requesting “Extended notification about the status of an individual personal account”. This information must indicate the required SNILS.

The insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS) is indicated on the front side of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. SNILS is assigned to each person once and is unique. Certificate of compulsory pension insurance (green plastic card) is a document confirming your registration in the compulsory pension insurance system.

Upon registration, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) opens your individual personal account with a permanent insurance number. This account receives all contributions paid by the employer to the insurance and funded parts of the pension. In addition, the pension insurance system contains information about your work experience, which is necessary in the future when assigning a pension.

3. What documents are needed?

To obtain a certificate with SNILS, you will need to fill out a form, indicating in it:

  • information about the identity document;
  • surname, first name, patronymic;
  • citizenship;
  • permanent residence address.

When issuing a certificate at a Pension Fund office or through an employer, other than the application form, no documents are required. If you want to issue a certificate through the “My Documents” government services center, you will need to submit:

  • identification document (passport; for children under 14 years of age - birth certificate);
  • identification document of the legal representative (parent, adoptive parent, guardian, etc.) - for citizens under 14 years of age.

If your representative is submitting the documents, he will also need a notarized power of attorney.

4. When will the certificate be ready?

If you are applying for a certificate through your employer, he must send your data and completed application form to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia within two weeks. An insurance certificate with SNILS will be issued within three weeks, after which it will be handed over to the employer, who, in turn, will issue it to you.

If you issue a certificate yourself through a Pension Fund branch or the My Documents government service center, you will be able to receive an insurance certificate no later than two weeks after submitting the application form.

5. Where can I find out SNILS if I already have a certificate?

  • look at the front side of the certificate, where your last name, first name and patronymic are indicated. Above this data you can see a sequence of numbers - this is your individual personal account insurance number, or SNILS. For example: 129-653-523-69;
  • contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence;
  • Contact the accounting department at your current or previous place of work, where you provided a copy of your insurance certificate when you were hired.

6. How to restore a lost certificate from SNILS?

If you have lost your insurance certificate, within a month from the date of loss you must apply for its restoration:

  • to your employer (if you are employed). The employer must submit the application to the Pension Fund within two weeks;
  • to the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence (if you do not work). If your place of registration and place of residence are different, when applying to the Pension Fund in person, you must present an identification document and a document confirming your place of residence;
  • to the Pension Fund of Russia branch at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur (if you are registered as an individual entrepreneur).

A duplicate of the insurance certificate with SNILS will be ready within a month after the Pension Fund office receives your application.

7. How long is SNILS valid and when should it be changed?

You can contact your employer with an application to exchange the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance in the event of a change in your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth or gender, or if you establish inaccuracy or error in the information contained in the insurance certificate.

The employer, within two weeks from the date of receipt of your application for exchange of the insurance certificate, is obliged to transfer it to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of Russia will produce a new certificate within a month and give it to your employer so that he can give it to you. Your SNILS will remain the same.

Every year, 5 million people - both adults and children - register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and receive a certificate of compulsory pension insurance with a unique SNILS - “insurance number of an individual personal account”.

In addition to the fact that SNILS is needed to form a pension, it is necessary to receive government services in electronic form and benefits, reduce the number of documents when receiving various services, etc.

How to get SNILS for adults

  • When applying for a job.

When concluding an employment contract or a civil contract, the employer sends the employee’s data and the completed questionnaire to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund within two weeks. An insurance certificate with SNILS is issued within five days and is first transferred to the employer, who issues it to the employee.

    Independently in any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as in the MFC, if an interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund and the MFC.

You must present your passport and fill out a form. When contacting the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and issuance of an insurance certificate is carried out in “real time”. If you contact the MFC, obtaining an insurance certificate with SNILS takes five days.

How to get SNILS for children

To obtain an insurance certificate with SNILS for a child under 14 years of age, a mother or father with their own passport and the child’s birth certificate can apply to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as to the MFC, if an interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund and the MFC. When submitting an application to the Pension Fund of Russia, registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and issuance of an insurance certificate is carried out in “real time”. If you contact the MFC, obtaining an insurance certificate with SNILS takes five days.

Children over 14 years of age can apply independently with their own passport.

The Russian Pension Fund recommends that all adult citizens who, for various reasons, do not yet have it, receive SNILS. These are, as a rule, military personnel and law enforcement officers without civilian experience who will receive or are already receiving a pension through their department, as well as citizens who do not have insurance experience. For example, housewives.

To obtain SNILS, you must contact any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the MFC, if an interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund and the MFC. Military personnel who serve in garrisons remote from the locations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can receive SNILS through their military unit.

Foreign citizens or stateless persons (with the exception of highly qualified specialists in accordance with the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”), permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of Russia receive a certificate from SNILS in person at the territorial the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay) or through your employer.

IMPORTANT! When receiving an insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance, you must carefully check the personal data specified in the insurance certificate. If errors are discovered, immediately inform the specialist who issued the certificate to the insured person. If the certificate is issued by the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia, corrections will also be made online. A situation where the insured person has a certificate containing incorrect personal data can lead to multiple registration of the insured person, which in turn will cause problems when assigning a pension, paying SPT, MSK, paying SPT to NPFs, submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, etc.

In case of loss of the “green card” from SNILS

SNILS is provided to each citizen once and is forever assigned only to his individual personal account. But the “green card” itself can be lost. If such a problem occurs, it is easy to restore the certificate.

If you are employed, contact the HR department to request a duplicate. If you belong to the category of self-employed people (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application for a duplicate. Unemployed citizens can also submit an application for the restoration of a “green card” to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

When submitting an application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate is carried out in “real time”. If you contact the MFC, it takes five days to issue a duplicate insurance certificate with SNILS.

IMPORTANT! A service for obtaining a duplicate in “real time” is available in the citizen’s Personal Account on the Pension Fund website.

SNILS when changing your last name

The personal data indicated on the “green card” must correspond to the data in the passport, therefore, when changing your last name, you must change the insurance certificate to a new one. To do this, you must submit an application for exchange of an insurance certificate to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (through the employer or in person). The previous insurance certificate is attached to the application. All changes are reflected in the citizen’s individual personal account, and he is issued an insurance certificate with the same SNILS, but with a changed last name.

The exchange of an insurance certificate when contacting the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out in “real time”. If you contact the MFC, obtaining an insurance certificate with SNILS takes five days.

FIU reminds

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation reminds citizens that they can obtain, replace or restore an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS - insurance number of an individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system) at any Pension Fund Client Service throughout Russia.

Customer services provide services for registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and issuance of an insurance certificate immediately upon application by a citizen.

This service, as well as all other government services of the Pension Fund, is provided free of charge.

Also on the PFR website in the personal account, a service has been implemented for obtaining a duplicate insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance online, which allows a citizen to obtain information about SNILS in electronic form without leaving home.

SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account, which is received by everyone who registers with the Pension Fund of Russia. This information is indicated on the certificate issued. Why is it needed, where is the child’s application form issued, and what is important to consider to fill it out correctly?

Why does a child need SNILS?

It is important to understand what SNILS is and for what purposes it is used. This number can be assigned only once, and therefore in the future, in connection with a change of surname or loss of a document, a new certificate form is issued, but the numbers in it remain the same. There are 11 of them in total, the last 2 are the control number.

Why do you need SNILS? There are many situations when a child may need this information. Namely:

  1. Medical services - the document is useful for receiving money under compulsory medical insurance.
  2. Work – if the child decides to work part-time during the summer.
  3. Registration for kindergarten and school - children's institutions require you to provide this number.
  4. Using government services – even to register on the portal, you will need to provide this information.
  5. Registration of benefits and pensions - when contacting government agencies, without an insurance number it will not be possible to fill out all the necessary applications and questionnaires.

Why do you need SNILS for a child? Parents often have questions about how legal and justified the requirement of child care institutions to provide SNILS is. Of course, there is no such requirement in the current legislation, but part of the funds for a child’s stay in kindergarten and school is allocated by the state. Accordingly, receiving these funds without an insurance number is simply impossible for the institution. Therefore, such a condition put forward upon admission is quite appropriate.

Video: how to get SNILS for a child

Documents for filling out the form for SNILS

To obtain SNILS you will need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by their parents; after reaching this age, they can complete all the necessary paperwork independently.

Also, if the child is studying at one of the educational institutions, the application form can be submitted to the Pension Fund by the administration.

In some cases, the required papers come directly from the registry office. Accordingly, after registering a child, an insurance number is assigned to him automatically, without any hassle on the part of the parents.

To contact the Pension Fund to obtain an insurance number, you will need to provide a standard package of documents. Typically, it includes:

  1. Birth certificate - for children who have not yet reached the age of 14.
  2. Parent's passport - any other document that can confirm identity can be provided instead.
  3. Application form - filled out for the child according to form ADV-1, and must be certified by the signature of the parent or guardian.

The standard period for receiving documents is about 3 weeks. It is worth taking this point into account by contacting the Pension Fund in advance so that at the right time the required papers are already “on hand”.

VIDEO: SNILS child what documents are needed

Sample of filling out a form for SNILS

A sample of filling out a SNILS application form for a child. The required form can be obtained directly from the Pension Fund of Russia office, or you can prepare in advance by downloading the application form, as well as a sample of how to fill it out. The procedure is not particularly difficult, because only basic data is indicated. Among them:

  • Full name
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Citizenship.
  • Address and phone number.

In addition, you will definitely need to take any identification with you - most often it is a birth certificate. To fill out the application, you will need to provide all the required information, including number, series, and date of issue.

What is important to consider when filling out the SNILS form?

In order to reduce the number of visits to the Pension Fund to a minimum, it is important to initially fill out the required form correctly. Therefore, it is worth considering the current requirements so as not to waste your time. The following tips will be very useful:

  • Corrections are unacceptable - the slightest mistake will result in you having to start filling it out again, so it’s better to do it in advance.
  • Data must be entered in block letters only - the form can be filled out in both written and printed form.
  • The form can be filled out by both the future SNILS holder and his parent, guardian or representative, as well as personnel services.
  • The “Address” field must be filled in – residents of other countries must indicate the country, region, and locality.

Before submitting your application, it is important to double-check everything carefully, making sure that there are no even the smallest errors. To avoid mistakes during the filling process, it is worth taking a sample with you. And only after the final check, certify the completed form with a personal signature.

To obtain SNILS for a child, you should contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation located at your place of residence. There you can get the required form, as well as a sample form - entering data into the issued form will not be difficult.

In case of loss of an insurance certificate (SNILS), a person must contact his employer and provide the required list of documents to restore the previously issued certificate. In order for a lost document to be reissued, a person must fill out the ADV-3 form of the established form.

Form ADV-3

ADV-3 is an application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate, which is filled out only if the insurance certificate containing the person’s SNILS (individual personal account insurance number) has been lost.

In 2016, a new form ADV-3 was approved. Therefore, before you begin filling out the application, you must have an up-to-date application form.

The program - Documents PU 5 has an electronic service that allows you to generate this form and check its correctness. You can fill out ADV-3 manually or using computer technology. To do this, you need the ADV-3 form itself. You can download the form below.

The table in the ADV-3 form must be filled out in printed, capital letters, with a blue ballpoint pen (if filled out manually), strictly one character per cell. To fill out an application for the issuance of a duplicate of an insured person, you should be guided by the established rules prescribed by the Pension Fund for filling out ADV-3. A sample of filling is presented in this article.

If errors are made in the form, the Pension Fund will refuse to reissue SNILS when reconciling the data.

ADV-3 must be submitted to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by the employer of the insured person. This form consists of two blocks - one is filled out by the employee, the second by the employer. The form can be completely filled out by the employer’s authorized services, for example, the accounting department or the human resources department. Once completed, it must be checked and signed by the insured person. If this is not possible due to a long business trip or illness of the employee, the manager can certify the document.

Receiving a new SNILS to replace the lost one

An application for a duplicate is sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation along with a copy of the lost insurance certificate (if available) and a list of documents in the ADV-6-1 form. After which, within one calendar month, the application is considered by the Pension Fund. Next, a decision is made to reissue the certificate. If a positive decision is made, it is sent to the employer with an accompanying statement. The employee is issued a new document within one working week, with his signature confirming receipt on the statement, which is then returned to the Pension Fund.

How to get a duplicate SNILS if you don’t work

If the insured person is temporarily unemployed, then in order to issue a duplicate insurance certificate, he must independently contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, you must have the original passport and a copy of the lost certificate (if available). At the Pension Fund of Russia branch you will need to fill out form ADV-3 and leave the documents for review. The decision will be made within one month.

Form ADV-3. Sample of filling out the required data:

The section is filled out by the insured person:

  1. Enter exactly the data that was indicated in the lost certificate. Required filling: full name, gender, date and place of birth.
  2. The column “changed data” in ADV-3 is not filled in.
  3. The person’s current citizenship, registration and residence addresses, contact phone number. Please note that these items are filled in if there are changes to this information.
  4. Data from a person’s identity document. Mandatory column to fill out.
  5. Date filled.
  1. SNILS of a person, which was assigned to him when registering with the Pension Fund of Russia and was indicated on the lost certificate;
  2. Information about the person’s work experience and income. If this data has already been transferred to the Pension Fund, it is necessary to cross out - they were submitted; if not, they will be submitted.

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