Basic department at the enterprise. Karina Shahgeldyan: what is a basic department at a university

Basic departments

One of the effective tools for integrating education and the labor market is the creation of basic departments of educational institutions at enterprises.

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (No273FZ dated December 29, 2012 Article 15. Network form of implementation of educational programs) introduced the concept of “network form of implementation of educational programs” and opened up wide opportunities for the creation of basic departments, having formed sufficient legal grounds. With the adoption of the law, professional educational organizations can create departments and other structural units that provide practical training for students on the basis of enterprises operating in the profile of the relevant educational program.

Within the framework of cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises, it is possible to carry out the following events:

Participation of enterprise employees in the development of training courses, their educational and methodological support; closer cooperation between departments and enterprises in the training of future specialists;

Reading of some special courses by company employees;

- establishing information exchange between public organizations and industrial enterprises about innovations, the needs for their implementation, which can be implemented through joint efforts;

Conclusion of an agreement for targeted training of students for individual enterprises

with the involvement of funds from the federal and regional budgets;

-creation of a system for constantly informing students about employment opportunities at enterprises in the region;

Business participation in improving the quality of education, strengthening the material and technical base and supporting teaching staff.

The main areas of cooperation between the public organization and the partner enterprise are determined by the regulations on the basic department. As a rule, first of all, basic departments participate

in the educational process: lectures, seminars, supervision of diploma and coursework, internships, internships, etc. In addition, the programs

elements of dual education are built in: training is provided at production sites with the involvement of specialists from production, assignment of qualifications to a worker or employee according to the training profile. Among other possible

areas of activity of the basic departments, one can distinguish the organization

student conferences, competitions, meetings with leading experts.

Reasons for creating a basic department in the structure of the technical school


a) decision of the pedagogical council of the educational organization on the creation of a structural unit;

b) an agreement on the creation of a structural unit concluded between an educational organization and an enterprise.

The main stages of creating a basic department in the structure

The technical school can be represented using the following diagram as an example:

Agreement on the creation of a basic department - the purpose of the BC - a list of resources (laboratory and educational premises, equipment) - the organization of the process of creating the BC;

Order on the creation of a BC - coordination of funding sources:

Regulations, staffing - personnel selection - planning.




Educational organization

"______" ___________________ 2016


General manager-


name of the enterprise


"______" ___________________ 2016.



name of the department


1.1. Basic department "__________________________________________" name of the department

(hereinafter referred to as the “basic department”) is created for the purpose of targeted training of workers, employees, specialists in basic and additional for the enterprise __________________________________________________________ name of the enterprise

1.2. The basic department is the main structural unit of the technical school, conducting educational and methodological training of personnel and improving their qualifications.

1.3. The basic department is part of the cycle commission of mechanical engineering

1.4. The basic department is responsible for training certified workers, employees and specialists for the enterprise. The basic department provides training in specialties, the list of which is established annually by a joint decision of the technical school and the enterprise.


1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations regulate the procedure for the creation, activity and liquidation of a basic department - a structural unit of a technical school providing practical training for students on the basis of other organizations operating in the profile of the relevant educational program (hereinafter referred to in the text as “partner organization”, “Basic partner”).

1.2. The basic department in its activities is guided by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”,

“The procedure for creating professional educational organizations and

educational organizations of higher education of departments and other structural units that provide practical training for students, on the basis of other organizations operating in the profile of the relevant educational program,” approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 14, 2013 N 958, the Charter of the Technical School, and these Regulations.

1.3. The basic department is created subject to the following conditions:

compliance with the educational program implemented by the technical school

the profile of the Basic Partner;

availability of property necessary to achieve business goals

basic department;

providing internships, practical classes, seminars, laboratory workshops and other types of educational activities provided for by the curriculum at the base department;

 providing the Basic Partner with conditions for students to prepare final qualifying works and other types of work provided for by the educational program, including participation in the formation of topics for final qualifying works and other works, providing scientific guidance and reviewing

final qualifying works and other works, free provision of students with access to the information necessary for the preparation of final qualifying works;

creating a safe learning environment;

compliance with special conditions for students with disabilities to receive education.

1.4.The grounds for creating a basic department are:

decision of the teachers' council on the creation of a basic department;

an agreement on the creation of a basic department, concluded between the partner technical school and the enterprise.

1.5.The basic department is a structural unit of the technical school

corresponding to its activity profile.

The basic department is not vested with the powers of a legal entity. The parties do not legally separate the property used in the activities of the base department. Basic departments can be created by converting existing departments

1.6.The basic department can be both a graduate department and one that provides a practice-oriented orientation of the educational process.

1.7.The base department, as a rule, is located on the territory of the Base

partner. If necessary, it can be located on the territory of the technical school (if the enterprise places its equipment in the workshops or laboratories of the technical school, on the basis of a concession agreement).

1.8. The educational activities of the base department must comply with the plans of educational and production activities of the Base Partner and scientific and educational activities.

In addition, in accordance with the current legislation, for each branch of the university a separate annex to the license for the right to conduct educational activities must be drawn up, indicating the name and location of such branch (Part 4, Article 91 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 -FZ " ").

The representative of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science emphasized that if the bill is approved, universities and colleges will be able to create not branches, but base units under other organizations, including enterprises, even if the latter are not located in the same municipality in which the university or college is located.

Moreover, Alexander Sobolev indicated that, in accordance with the developed document, special licenses for educational activities will not be required for basic departments of universities, since the latter will be taken into account in the license for the educational program as a whole. At the same time, according to him, after the adoption of the amendments, universities will not have to collect a significant number of documents and even enter the address of the base unit into the license.

The expert also emphasized the importance of another provision of the draft law, which will allow the appointment of general designers, large production workers and scientists as heads of basic departments, that is, representatives of the enterprises at which the departments will be created. The document allows for the simultaneous performance of the duties of both an employee of the enterprise and the head of a basic unit of the university on a part-time basis. Today, let us remind you that the official duties of the head of a state or municipal educational organization or a branch of a state or municipal educational organization are prohibited from being performed part-time ().

He also drew attention to the fact that today the form of cooperation between universities and enterprises is not directly established by law, so they do not build interaction with each other through specially created units. Most often, they enter into cooperation agreements, under which the company undertakes to take on internships or internships for university students and graduates.

In this regard, it is assumed that all details of the relationship between the university and the enterprise for the practical training of students in basic departments should be regulated in a standard agreement. The expert said that the Russian Ministry of Education and Science has already developed the form of such an agreement, with special attention paid to its essential conditions.

It should be noted that today universities interact with enterprises, including within the framework of organizing student internships. Educational institutions enter into agreements for educational or practical training with organizations where students will undergo practical training (). But the form of such an agreement is not established by any body, since it is determined by the university.

According to the speaker, there are no risks or difficulties in the presented model of interaction, and the innovation is important for both universities and enterprises: the former will have access to modern technologies for teaching students, and the latter will be able to use the intellectual potential of universities to develop production. It was emphasized that it is impossible to introduce such a concept of basic enterprises at the level of by-laws, and therefore it will be necessary to make systemic changes to the law on education.

In general, according to the developers of the initiative, the work of the basic units will improve the quality of the educational process and will contribute to the integration of educational and practical activities, in particular, in the fields of engineering, medicine and transport. Representatives of universities adhere to a similar position.

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Thus, the dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Yuri Zinchenko emphasized that the need for basic departments exists, and this issue is not the subject of discussion. He also drew attention to the fact that such departments can become the basis for future employment of students. At the same time, in his opinion, it is necessary to determine the minimum requirements for enterprises at which basic units will be created in order to avoid the risks of dishonesty in their interaction with universities.

And vice-rector for organizational, legal and economic disputes of the Moscow City Pedagogical University Artemy Rozhkov pointed out that the adoption of the bill is also important for the field of teacher education, since it is largely focused on the practical training of students.

At the same time, during the event, the shortcomings of the bill were also mentioned. Among other things, the discussion participants pointed out the complexity of the document's wording. Alexander Sobolev said that the Russian Ministry of Education and Science plans to make the document more understandable for citizens.

The need to finalize the draft law was also pointed out by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Education and Science Lyubov Dukhanina, while noting that the need for the proposed innovations is enormous.

She emphasized that the vast majority of proposed amendments to the bill relate not to the field of education, but to legal aspects, and therefore it is necessary to make changes to other regulations, and not just to the law on education. Thus, she admitted that it would be changed, since enterprises as a result of interaction with universities will have profits and corresponding tax obligations. In addition, she suggested that the possibility of combining work at the base unit and at the enterprise should also be reflected in.

Along with this, Lyubov Dukhanina stated that the bill would be difficult to pass due to the proposed option, according to which the basic unit would not be separately licensed. “If we begin to remove some blocks from the licensing system altogether, then from the point of view of consumer rights this is incomprehensible. We can talk about some other mechanism, about other requirements for this part of the educational program [for the activities of basic units. – Ed.], but the proposed mechanism does not completely comply with all standards on licensing and accreditation of educational institutions,” said the State Duma representative.

At a government meeting on August 21, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Livanov, named the creation of basic departments as one of the priority forms for developing interactions between universities and enterprises. Leading Russian universities already have experience in such cooperation. The acting director spoke about its features in an interview with RIA Novosti. Dean of the Faculty of Business Informatics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Svetlana Maltseva.

Livanov: universities are not producing the specialists the labor market needsThe capabilities of domestic universities do not meet the needs of the economy, admitted the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov. Earlier, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that universities whose graduates cannot get a job should be closed.

— Svetlana Valentinovna, where did the idea of ​​basic departments come from? Is this a Russian or foreign invention?
— The idea of ​​creating basic departments appeared in our country quite a long time ago. Some of the first basic departments were created at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
The so-called industrial departments of universities can be considered foreign analogues of basic departments. In most cases, they work with many companies in a particular industry at once. Industrial departments organize training and internships for students in companies, attract teachers from business, and help companies select students to participate in projects.
Unlike industrial departments, a basic department is a platform, sometimes located not at a university, but at an enterprise, for cooperation between a university and one specific company or scientific institute, and the framework of cooperation in each case is formed individually.

— What, in your opinion, is the ideal return on basic departments for business and universities?
“For universities, the main benefit is to improve the educational process, incorporate the best practices of leading companies, and ultimately ensure that education better meets the needs of the economy and society.
Business and scientific organizations are also interested in them: thanks to the work of basic departments, they receive university graduates with the competencies that they now need. The closer the cooperation, the higher the impact.

— How should cooperation be organized? After all, there are cases when the basic department is just a sign.
— I can talk about the experience of the HSE Faculty of Business Informatics, where 11 basic departments have been created since 2002. For us, the main indicator of their effectiveness is student work and projects implemented under the guidance of employees of basic departments.
For example, under the guidance of teachers from the basic department of the FORS company, students of the faculty recently took part in a company project related to information support for business processes in the sports industry, and made reports on the topic of work at an international conference.
Another example: training in the courses of the basic department of the SAP company allowed a team of students from our department under the leadership of Nikolai Shuisky to take first place in the competition "SAP CodeJam Moscow" and second place in the competition "InnoJam @CeBIT 2013".
Our experience shows that basic departments work successfully if the university and the company have mutual interest and coincidence of interests. The HSE National Research University has developed a regulation on the basic department, which defines the main directions of such cooperation. First of all, the basic department is involved in the educational process: company employees conduct lectures and seminars, master classes, supervise diploma and coursework, practices and internships, and involve students in projects and research. And then different forms are possible: organizing student conferences, competitions, meetings with leading experts.

— Is there a difference in the work of basic departments of scientific institutes and commercial structures?
— Organizationally, the work is structured in a similar way, but in terms of content, the basic departments of scientific institutes are focused, first of all, on the development of scientific competencies, because the university prepares personnel for scientific work, as well as for practical work. In addition, scientific competencies are also in high demand today by leading companies.

— How do you assess the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science to develop basic departments in universities?
— The initiative is correct, but one important nuance must be taken into account. Companies for cooperation with universities must be selected very carefully. These should not just be businesses that want university graduates to come work for them. They must represent promising sectors of the economy, be leaders, and employees of the relevant basic departments must be highly qualified experts.
For more active interaction, universities and companies could create joint services - for example, banks of ideas, projects that appear in the academic and student community could be of interest to enterprises. Or such a service as students searching for enterprises to implement their ideas, and vice versa - enterprises searching for students for their projects. For example, in our department we are going to create a common database of students who completed projects in the field of information technology, with data on their competencies and work results, and it will certainly be of interest to companies.

The material was prepared by Ekaterina Rylko (Higher School of Economics).

- Karina Iosifovna, what are the basic departments of external IT companies and academic institutes in universities?

Basic departments are an opportunity to combine external resources (companies or academic institutions) and university resources in order to improve the quality of the educational process by involving practitioners and scientists in teaching, as well as modern equipment that is available in commercial companies and academic institutions.

It was created and works jointly (IAPU FEB RAS). Its goal is to improve the professional level of graduates and systems (ITS). Our university is the only one in the Far East that has a basic IT department.

- What benefits do students receive by studying at the basic department?

The employees of the base department are leading scientists from the Institute of Automated and Applied Sciences, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - professors, doctors and candidates of science. These are renowned scientists with extensive experience in implementing scientific projects, contractual work, and publications in leading professional publications. These scientists not only give lectures and conduct laboratory and practical classes for our students, but, firstly, they use high-tech equipment at the disposal of the institute for laboratory work, and secondly, they involve students in projects in which they themselves participate.

Therefore, our students not only communicate with outstanding scientists, but also master the latest modern high-tech equipment, gain experience in practical and research work, experience in team work, thus ensuring their competitive advantage in the labor market. Thanks to the work of basic departments, the labor market in the future receives graduates with the necessary competencies, and such graduates have clear competitive advantages.

- How is a student assigned to a teacher at a basic department?

The applicant enters the university. Work with scientists of the basic department begins with the 2nd year of the bachelor's degree and the 1st year of the master's degree. In the last semester of the 3rd year, undergraduate students decide for themselves which teachers and areas of the basic department are interesting to them, and are assigned to a scientist to complete coursework and final qualifying work. Master's students make this decision much earlier, in the first semester, since IAPU scientists work with them almost immediately.

Today, at the base department of the Institute of Information Technologies of VSUES, students study the disciplines: “Physical foundations of nanoelectronics”, “Sources and receivers of optical radiation”, “Fiber-optic communication lines”, “Optical access networks”, “Components of an optical communication system”, “Cloud technologies”, “Requirements Management”, Programming Technology”, “Intelligent Systems”.

Our master's students are actively involved in projects led by the Institute of Automated and Applied Sciences, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thus, two master’s students are participating in a joint project between VSUES and the Institute of Autonomous Pedagogical Sciences of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the implementation of Big Data technology in medicine. Two graduates of 2015 remained to work at the Institute of Automation and Control of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In addition to organizing disciplines taught by representatives of base companies, and managing coursework and diploma projects, base departments are involved in organizing internships for university students at the Institute of Automated and Applied Sciences, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Close interaction with the base department is a good chance to express yourself, gain professional skills, experience of real work in your specialty - and all this during the learning process.

Today, education in the field of information technology at VSUES provides students with significant advantages. Thanks to the basic department, practical training is carried out, students acquire real professional skills. I will add that, in addition, VSUES cooperates with such IT enterprises as Farpost, Ronda, Service Center, DNS, where students undergo internships, gain work experience and stay there.

What promising projects can you name today at the VSUES Institute of Information Technologies in which current and future students could take part?

This year we launched the project “Use of Big Data technologies in programs for preserving and developing the health of the population of the Primorsky Territory.” The project brings together, under the patronage of the Primorsky Territory Administration, scientists from VGUES, IAPU FEB RAS, Pacific State Medical University, Medical Information and Analytical Center, Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor. VSUES scientists carry out work related to storing and processing large amounts of information, building systems and services, including using GIS technologies. The project is aimed at improving the health of residents of the Primorsky Territory. Senior and undergraduate students take an active part in the project.

VGUES has been developing for many years. Students have always taken an active part in the development of services and systems. Graduates of 2015, for example, developed mobile versions of the “Student Portfolio” and “Employee Portfolio” services.

As part of a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), a doctoral dissertation on ship navigation is being prepared for defense. Students, undergraduates and graduate students actively participate in the project.

Basic department of PJSC INEUM named after. I.S. Brook" at MIPT

Basic organizations of the department: closed joint-stock company (JSC) “MCST” ( and public joint-stock company (PJSC) “Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after. I.S. Bruk" (), operating as a single design center.

Subject: design of high-performance microprocessors, computers and their software.

Head of the department: Deputy General Director of JSC MCST and PJSC INEUM, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Valery Ivanovich Perekatov.

General Director of JSC MCST and PJSC INEUM is Alexander Kiirovich Kim, Candidate of Technical Sciences, laureate of the USSR State Prize.

The Basic Department of Informatics and Computer Science trains bachelors and masters on a budget basis in the field of designing high-performance microprocessors, computers and their software.

By studying and working at the base, students can obtain qualifications and gain unique professional experience in the advanced areas of modern computer technology:

  • research and development of microprocessor architecture;
  • designing microprocessors (multi-core systems on a chip), memory systems, local and network controllers using modern technological standards, now mastered in the nanometer range;
  • designing computers (fault-tolerant, multiprocessor computing systems) based on microprocessors of our own design in various classes (server, workstation, personal computer) and implementation options (stationary, relocatable, embedded, laptop);
  • design of computer modules and logical devices;
  • designing highly efficient optimizing compilers;
  • designing binary compilers;
  • creation, development of capabilities and maintenance of operating systems, including real-time operating systems.

Specialists in these areas are in great demand in all Russian state-owned enterprises and non-state companies related to the development and application of microelectronics and computer technology. Several dozen young specialists who were trained in our base organizations successfully work at Intel Corporation; our graduates are also employed in research programs of leading Western universities.

Basic department of PJSC "INEUM named after I.S. Bruk" at MIREA

The department was created in 1977 on the initiative of the General Director of INEUM, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member. USSR Academy of Sciences Boris Nikolaevich Naumov (later academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences) for training engineering personnel in the field of development of hardware and software
control computer technology.

From 1989 to 2015, the department was headed by the scientific director of PJSC INEUM named after. I.S. Bruk", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation N.L. Prokhorov.

Since 2015, the department has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor N.B. Paramonov.

Direction of bachelor's training:

  • 09.03.01 Informatics and computer technology. Training profile: "Automation and control of technological processes and production".

Direction of master's training:

  • 09.04.04 Software engineering. Training profile: "Specialized information systems".

During the work of the department, about 500 engineers in the field of computer technology were trained. Graduates of the department work in the field of development of technical computer equipment, creation of system and application software, development of computer systems and computer networks.

The most experienced and qualified employees of PJSC INEUM named after. I.S. Brook" conduct lectures and practical classes with senior students using specially developed educational programs and are the authors of monographs and textbooks on the principles of construction and application of control computer technology.

Every year, dozens of students undergo practical training in the thematic departments of the institute on real problems of designing new technologies for control computer systems of SM computers. 10-15 MIREA graduates defend their theses on current topics of PJSC INEUM named after. I.S. Brook" Many of MIREA's graduates become full-time employees of the Institute and have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

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