Gratitude to the teacher psychologist from the parents. Gratitude to a psychologist at kindergarten graduation

When small problems
Or children are not obedient,
A psychologist can help us
He will solve these problems.

He will help us understand
How to overcome doubt
How can we calm the anxiety?
How to find inspiration.

And today on this holiday,
On Psychologist's Day in Russia
We congratulate psychologists,
Let's thank them loudly!

We will give them our gift,
Humble short congratulations,
We wish them patience
And a flood of rich clients!

You are good, our psychologist,
And your soul is pure
You both internally and externally
Simply wonderfully beautiful!

You are attentive, cordial,
Both beautiful and smart
And your soul is beautiful
Always full of warmth!

I wish you happiness
And I give you a poem,
It is soulful and heartfelt
Very cool congratulations!

Dear, you are our psychologist
We congratulate you,
Happiness, joy, good luck
We wish, lovingly!

So that everyone loves you,
And they were highly valued
To avoid bad things
Nothing in your life!

To make life beautiful
And bloomed like a flower
And get it as a gift
Poetic congratulations!

All psychologists in Russia
Warm congratulations,
And we hope for yours
Very strong shoulder!

And we wish that work
Aroused interest
To be subservient to you
Fear, and hatred, and stress!

To have more patients
We went to see you,
We generously give you congratulations,
And we wish you happiness in your home!

Congratulations today to those
Who is successful in psychology?
Reasons for actions, human conflicts,
You definitely know better than others!
Processes of thinking, secrets of consciousness,
This is your life's calling!
Let's raise our glasses to you,
May everything be wonderful for you!

Boundaries of knowledge, feelings and thinking,
Memory, fantasy and imagination -
All the secrets of the psyche and behavior
It's no secret to you without any doubt!

Today please accept our congratulations,
You definitely know a lot about psychology!
May everything be just fine for you,
Always motivated and harmonious!

Unhappy love, dreams and fears,
Traces of childhood emotional grievances,
Lots of complexes, stress and suffering,
Oh! What to do, who to talk to?
And if suddenly you have a dream at night,
Vague and incomprehensible and strange,
What to do, who to tell,
To make your soul feel light and pleasant?
And there is a way out - a psychologist will help,
He will sort out all doubts,
He will give advice on what to do, what does it mean,
And how to find a way out of a difficult situation
He will be happy to tell you!
And today, on a holiday on the day of the Russian psychologist,
Let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts,
And we will give them our congratulations,
And we wish you happiness, joy, love!

Psychologist - healer of mental wounds,
Everyone comes to you with a problem,
If suddenly you cannot solve the problem,
You will always draw us a diagram for the exit!

And on your holiday we give you congratulations
There are several lines of gratitude in it.
And we wish that every client is yours again
He felt joy, and love returned to his soul!

To create balance
And comfort of the whole soul.
There are specialties everywhere
We must honor and know it.

Thoughts are spinning in chaos
Like a snowflake in the wind,
They'll play hide and seek with us,
In a moment they will disappear in the morning.

The task for a psychologist
Unravel the tangle of fate.
We know for sure that luck
Lights up like a beacon.

Who will save you from problems,
He will listen in silence
Nods understandingly
And offer help?

If the wife doesn't understand,
Or where does the husband go for walks?
Or your bosses don’t appreciate you, -
The soul healer will replace alcohol!

Will protect you from misfortunes,
There is a lot of happiness on his holiday!

At a kindergarten graduation, parents and children have an important role to play - to say thank you to the kindergarten staff for years full of love and care. At the same time, you always want to avoid hackneyed phrases and poems. Especially for the special holiday, we have prepared poetic gratitudes that will decorate any occasion. The reading of the poem can also be supplemented with beautiful homemade medals, which children award to teachers, nannies and others at the holiday.

Gratitude to teachers at kindergarten graduation:

Who greets us at the door
It's only eight o'clock.
The teacher got up early
I gathered all the guys in the group.

I taught in class
And he gave us cocoa to drink.
Before bed I read poetry
And he played on the street.

He was our second mother -
Kind, gentle, dear.
Our teacher
There is no one sweeter and more beautiful than you.

We will miss you very much
We will visit often.
We'll get straight A's.

We will never forget you.
Let's grow up a little -
We will bring the children to you.

Once upon a time, about five years ago
The kids came here.
They didn’t sing, they didn’t count
And they didn't read the books.
Put it on the wrong hand
Mittens could be in winter,
Neither fasten nor tie...
How small they were!
And now they can do everything.
Well, or almost everything.
And soon it’s time to go to school
All the kids should go.

Let's remember, friends,
What a family this was!
We had two mothers here,
You can count such mothers on one hand!
They knew everything about the kids,
We weren’t tired at all
Taught them everything, everything -
Habits, skills, intelligence!
Thank you, dear ones!
And not all words can do it,
which we are talking about here,
Say how much we thank you!
We will remember you for a long time.
You taught here for five
Children to think and create.
We will thank you!

Gratitude to the nanny at the kindergarten graduation:

It's good that kindergarten
It became home for all the kids.
It's always warm and clean here,
The sun is shining radiantly.

The nanny here keeps an eye on everything
So that there are no problems.
Waters, feeds, dresses
And he helps us with everything.

You are a hostess - just class,
Children adore you.

You helped children
You, like no one else in the world,
Caring and responsible!
You come first
Kids and work
And help and care!
Others will come after us...
And we - we are going to first grade!
No one there will help us!
We can do everything - thank you!

Gratitude to the speech therapist for graduation in kindergarten:

We went to a speech therapist
For a fun conversation.
How does our tongue growl?
What is zucchini?
What from the beginning, what then...
The speech therapist will tell you about that.
People began to understand
What do we want to tell them?
Thank you very much,
Why do we say so beautifully?

Gratitude to the music director at kindergarten graduation:

We always wanted to sing
You just have to know how...
There are seven notes - you need to know them
And develop your voice.

Went to classes
There were round dances there.
Brilliantly prepared -
We are real artists.

We'll be performing soon
I invite you to the concert.
You nurtured our talents -
Singing diamonds.

Let not all the children be ours
They sing and dance well,
But everyone enjoys the process!
Loved it here!
Will be able to love music,
You can tell a waltz from a polka!

Author - Natalya Prishchepenok

Gratitude to the physical education teacher at the kindergarten graduation:

Sporty and brave
Dexterous, skillful.
Let's jump and jump
We never cry.

Physical education teacher
About posture and figure
He told us all the time
Taught me how to run fast.

We are now friends with sports -
And we don’t strain one bit.

Left-right, left-right!
Here comes our brave squad!
We can jump, we can run,
We can even make a bridge!
Well, we are not, of course, children,
But you are the best in the world!
You taught us to play sports,
We loved you very much!

Who's in charge of the parade?
Our glorious kindergarten?

Who is in charge here, most important of all,
Who has a million ideas?

It's children's book week!
Here we are sewing a dress for a baby.

Let's ride horses
We prepare sweet pancakes.

We felt good here
It's a shame the year has passed so quickly.

We thank you for everything!
We thank you for your work!
Under your guidance
This is where first-graders are forged
Of the foolish little ones,
Why is there such a rush to get to the group in the morning...
Thank you! You are the best!
May success always await you here!

Author - Natalya Prishchepenok

Gratitude to the nurse at kindergarten graduation:

The nurse has an office
And what’s not there.
Vitamins and pills,
Gauze, bandage and pipettes.

If someone suddenly fell
And he skinned his knee.
Let's quickly run to the nurse -
Zelenka is the best friend of children.

For the fact that we are all healthy,
We want to say thank you.
For your concern,
For your work,
We will thank you today!
We entrusted you with something dear,
What is most expensive!
They entrusted our children,
And you justified him!
Everyone developed and grew
And so - we went to first grade!
Let new children grow too,
After all, they have you
In our kindergarten - here!
Years have passed...
They brought with them
Lots of bright moments.
Let it continue
Dear kindergarten
Bring comfort to children.
We'll run away
By school and class,
We have grown up, we will leave.
But the kindergarten is dear
In your heart
We'll take it with us!

Gratitude to a psychologist at kindergarten graduation:

The boys went to a psychologist for classes -
There they studied forms and various concepts.

We fought fears and drew tests,
They painted and counted Christmas trees with mushrooms.

And they talked a lot about smart and important things.
What if we grow up to be psychologists one day?

Gratitude to the cooks at the kindergarten graduation:

So that we are all well-fed,
Drinking compotes,
With salads, cutlets,
Healthy sweets.

There is a magic cook -
The food is prepared here.
It was very tasty for us
Eh, it's sad to leave.

We had a great time here!
And without you we will be sad!
We sometimes remember:
The food here is like in a kindergarten...
Let the smells from childhood
Memories awaken sadness:
About compote and cutlets,
What is tastier than anything in the world?
About mashed potatoes and sausages,
And about delicious soup in bowls,
Cottage cheese casserole
And about semolina porridge too!
Thank you, chefs!
And from us to you all Hurray!

Our favorite kindergarten,
You're seeing the guys off.
It's time for us to go to school -
The kids have grown up.

You and I were strong friends -
We listened to a fairy tale about a turnip,
Jumped, galloped,
They memorized the poems.

Let's go to first grade now.
The school door opened.
Sad, don’t be bored without us -
Meet the new babies.

At the end of kindergarten graduation, children read:

We are all so different - blondes and brunettes...
We go sledding, and some people love summer.

We laugh, we get offended, we squint at the ray of sunshine.
We try to grow faster, we frown at comments.

We came to you as babies, we barely knew how to walk.
And before the eyes of those who cared, they grew up so much.

We are so serious, we know how to reason...
We know how to convince adults of our desires.

We learned a lot this way, thanks to the teachers.
They didn't waste their efforts at all.

We firmly promise to grow worthy.
And we will bear the name of first-graders proudly.

You can end your kindergarten graduation by handing over to all preschool employees a poster with portraits of teachers, nannies and others as a souvenir. Portraits must be drawn by children. In the middle of the poster there is a verse:

Every smile for you, our Kindergarten,
You were our second home, you are always welcome to us.
He met us and saw us off, guarded us with a wall.
Covered with snow in winter, leaves in spring.
The farthest corner is known to us.
Kind children's hands are warm with you forever.

Here are examples of texts for a thank you letter to a psychologist. The collection of samples is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Texts on behalf of officials, organizations and institutions.
  2. Texts on behalf of parents (parental committee and parent community).

Samples of gratitude and for are located on separate pages of the site.

All names and surnames, names of settlements and institutions were used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

I. From officials (organizations and institutions)

Option #1

MBDOU Educational, Methodological and Information Center of Gornozavodsk expresses gratitude to the psychologist of MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten "Solnyshko"


Zarina Nikolaevna

for his great personal contribution to the development of the educational environment of preschool educational institutions, professional excellence, and fruitful work in the preschool education system.

Director of MBDOU UMIC

V. A. Kukushkina


Option 2

State regional budgetary institution

Employment Center of the City of Belozersk

expresses gratitude

Morkovkina Raisa Solomonovna

for holding a master class

“Professional self-identification. My choice"

as part of a city career guidance event for students in grades 10-11

"Finding Your Purpose"

Director of State Budgetary Institution "TsZN"

E. O. Ochkovsky

Belozersk, 2019

Option #3


Grachevskaya Irina Aristarkhovna,


municipal budgetary preschool institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 23" of the Solikamsk urban district,

for conscientious work, high professionalism, innovation and initiative in work.

Deputy Head of the city district

Solikamsk – Head of the Department

I. L. Zasomov

Option No. 4

Vavilova Y. E.,


municipal budget

educational institution

secondary school No. 2

Dear Yana Eduardovna!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for the high professionalism, innovative approach and talent that you invest in your professional activities.

With deep knowledge and experience, a responsible and caring attitude towards the positive changes taking place in Russian education, you strengthen the reputation of Yaroslavl - a city living a multifaceted intellectual life, forming a unified educational space.

I wish you the implementation of creative plans, spiritual improvement, family and material well-being, boundless love, trust and gratitude from your wards.

Chairman of the municipality

M. U. Khorkov


Option #5


psychologist TsMPSS

Norkina Ariadna Sergeevna,

for assistance in organizing and conducting the city preventive campaign “Being a child should not be difficult!”

within the framework of the all-Russian project

“The importance and value of respecting the rights of the child”

Head of Affairs Department

youth administration

Borisoglebsk city

Kh. D. Ushkin

April 2019

Option #6

Administration of the Olonetsky district of the Republic of Karelia

expresses gratitude


Larisa Alekseevna

(teacher-psychologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution TsPPMS)

for his work as a trainer-expert at the educational platform “Art Therapy” of the youth educational forum of the municipal formation Olonetsky district.

Head of Olonetsky district

M. S. Myshkin

Option No. 7

Department of the State Employment Service of the Voronezh Region

expresses gratitude


MBOU Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support

Oleneva Varvara Ignatievna

for cooperation and active participation in the exhibition of educational services 2019.

I. o. Head of Department

R. D. Gryzunov


Option No. 8

Far Eastern regional

Public organization of donors

"Helping Hand"

expresses gratitude

teacher-psychologist of Vladivostok State Budgetary Institution “Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance”

Petrovskaya Alexandra Yakovlevna

for active assistance in the development of a project aimed at helping and supporting people with disabilities in the city of Vladivostok,

for assistance in carrying out charity events for people whose health capabilities are limited.

Chairman of the Children's Educational Institution "Helping Hand"

N. E. Plazmovsky

November, 2019

Option No. 9

Dear Alena Rodionovna!

The Department of Psychology of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business thanks you for organizing the participation and preparing students of grades 10 and 11 of your educational institution for the VII career guidance Olympiad for high school students “Psychology: what do we know about it?”

We wish that all the changes in your life are positive, the news is excellent, the prospects are limitless, and the energy is inexhaustible!

We express our hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee,

candidate of psychological sciences,

Head of the Department of Psychology, NIMB

L. Yu. Dushkina

Nizhny Novgorod

December 2019

Option No. 10

I express my gratitude

Dudkina Elvira Leonidovna,


Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 19,

for the active and creative work of educational psychologists as part of the SMS,

organization and conduct of city methodological events in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Director of Municipal Educational Institution TsIMPO Vyborg

E. K. Yakovleva

May, 2019

Option No. 11

Vasilevskaya Daria Zakharovna,

Director of the Chelyabinsk branch

State educational

institutions of higher professional

education "Baltic Institute

ecology, politics and law"

Dear Daria Zakharovna!

The administration and teaching staff of the state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type "Snowdrop" in the city of Chelyabinsk express sincere gratitude to you, as the head of the university, the department of practical psychology of the social and humanitarian faculty of the Chelyabinsk branch of the "Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law", personally to the head of the department Luchnikova Olga Potapovna, for scientific and methodological support in the process of developing a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the social and emotional development of students.

We wish the staff of the department scientific and creative achievements. We look forward to further cooperation!

Head of GBDOU d/s "Podsnezhnik"


A. B. Struchkova

Option No. 12

Association of Practical Psychologists and Consultants

expresses gratitude

Cheryomushkina Zhanna Vladislavovna

for active participation and presentation on the topic: “Consultant in business: demand, position in the company management system, position profile, requirements for the level of training” at the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of the APK “Psychologist and Consultant in Business”

Vice-President of APC, Ph.D.

O. D. Dachkova


Option No. 13

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge" (ISHZ)

expresses gratitude to the organizers of the charity project “Busy Mom” for participating in the popularization and holding of an Open Day for applicants with higher education and interested in obtaining information about master’s educational programs.

The institute expresses special gratitude to the psychologist of the “Busy Mom” project, Svetlana Koreykina, for organizing psychological training for visitors to the ISHZ Open Day.

Rector of ISPP

G. L. Kofeikin


Option No. 14

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Far Eastern Federal University

expresses gratitude to the teacher-psychologist of the State budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 191”

Tsukatova Alla Markovna

for highly professional teaching practice of a student studying in the specialty “Applied Psychology”.

Thank you for your fruitful work. We wish you prosperity and professional victories!

Head of practice from FEFU and the Kyrgyz Republic

K. U. Yablokov


Option No. 15

State Budgetary Institution "Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the City of Galich"

sincerely thanks


Oksana Nikolaevna

for an active life position, constant initiative and enthusiasm, a creative approach to work and active participation in the activities of the City Methodological Association of Psychologists.

Director of "CSPS and D. Galich"

E. Yu. Belkin

Chairman of the city

methodological unification


P. A. Sheikin

II. From parents (and/or parent committee)

Option #1

We express our gratitude


Anfisa Timofeevna Vasilkova,

for high professionalism, sensitive and attentive attitude towards children and parents, impeccable adherence to professional ethics and the ability to improve the quality of life of people, constant self-improvement and significant contribution to preparing children for school.

Parents of group No. 12 “Bunnies”

MBDOU No. 10 Amursk

Option No. 2

Teacher-psychologist of GBDOU No. 4, Tver

Protasova Marina Mikhailovna

Please accept our sincere gratitude for your hard, painstaking and important work, for the fact that every day you give your warmth, time and strength to our children. Thank you for your selfless love and touching care. We sincerely wish you a successful creative search, worthy awards for your contribution to the development of the younger generation and a healthy society as a whole. May what you give be returned multiplied many times over, may your work bring satisfaction. Happiness, prosperity and good health to you and your family!

Parents of the group "Gnomes"

Azov, 2019

Option #3

We express our gratitude for the friendly and sensitive attitude towards children, the individual approach to the child’s personality to the psychologist of kindergarten No. 5 “Cherry”

Saltykova Antonina Vitalievna.

You give people positive emotions, set them up for positivity, help them overcome difficulties and instill confidence in themselves, their abilities and strength.

We wish you creative inspiration, success in your professional field and further victories on the path of goodness and justice!

Parents of 2019 graduates


Option No. 4

We, the parents of graduates of 2019, group No. 11 of GBDOU No. 9, Novosibirsk, express our sincere gratitude to psychologist Maria Vitalievna Piskareva

for the desire to help our children grow into full-fledged individuals, active participants in the children's team.

For the constant improvement of professional skills and abilities, the use of invaluable experience, tireless self-development, counseling parents and constant interaction with them, well-established feedback - a special thank you to parents.

We sincerely wish you justification of all hopes, worthy return from your painstaking work, an easy professional and life path, and successfully realized plans!

Best wishes,

parents and parent committee of GBDOU No. 9

represented by the Chairman

R. O. Petrova


Option #5

Miroshkina R. B. –

teacher-psychologist of the State

budget preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 3" Belogorsk

Dear Ruslana Borisovna!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for your high professionalism, initiative in work, impressive results of professional activity and comprehensive assistance in the socialization of children - future full-fledged members of our society. May your kindness and generosity of spirit, the personal time and support you give us, return to you in the form of multiplied vital energy, active longevity, good health, satisfaction and well-being.

We wish you prosperity, love, warmth and grateful people on your life's journey!

Parents of student of group No. 8

Kotelkova Anna


Option #6

Dear Lidia Vyacheslavovna!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your professionalism, sensitive attitude and care shown to us and our children.

Thank you for your patience, kindness, pedagogical skills and individual approach to each child, for creating a warm, comfortable atmosphere in the group. Thanks to the classes you conduct, children were able to gain greater joy from friendship, active interaction with peers, expanded their horizons and overcame obstacles in communicating with both the children's team and their parents. For the fact that we began to understand our children better - special thanks to you.

We wish you indestructible health, fruitful further implementation of your talent in your chosen field, well-being and prosperity!


parents of group No. 1 “Planet”

kindergarten No. 18


Option No. 7

Dear Polina Larionovna!

We, the parents of graduates of 2019, Preschool Educational Institution No. 18 in Cherepovets, express our deep gratitude to you for your choice of profession, your teaching talent, skill and workshops for parents conducted at a high professional level. A creative approach and the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of a teacher-psychologist make the learning process information-rich, strictly differentiated and individual. Thank you for your contribution to our successful relationship with children.

We wish you to meet on your path only grateful and understanding people, the warmth and care of loved ones, love and respect. Let your work meet all expectations, let your work results receive well-deserved rewards, and let your life and profession open up new horizons!

Parents and Parents Committee

GBDOU No. 18


Option No. 8

Dear Ekaterina Anatolyevna!

We express our gratitude to you for your contribution to the personal development of our children!

Your high professionalism as a teacher-psychologist, human warmth and patience, along with an individual approach to each pupil, help in the successful socialization and adaptation of children in a preschool institution and, as a result, in later life.

Thanks to your skill, the children successfully interact with each other, feel confident among their peers, tirelessly improve vital communication skills and discover new talents. And we, parents, better understand the needs of our children and know how to help and how to support in difficult times. Thank you for your responsible and caring approach to your work, to your students and their parents.

We sincerely wish that the feeling of triumph from your victories does not leave you throughout your life! Let your health never leave you, your inspiration never run out, your ideas overflow, your plans multiply, and your precious experience and energy help you realize everything you have planned!

And may you always be accompanied by the feeling that your life is a success!


parent group of group No. 5

Preschool educational institution No. 17 Dalnerechensk

  • After the header (top of the page), the main text is laid out in the center. If the design of the sheet (drawing) or the volume of the text does not allow it to be laid out in the center, layout along the width or along the left edge is allowed.
  • After the main text, the position of the author of the letter is indicated on the left. If there are several authors, then the positions are placed one below the other.
  • Opposite the position, on the right edge of the page, indicate the initial letters of the name and surname (in full) of the author.
  • Between the position and surname, the seal of the organization and the personal signature of the author are placed.
  • If the author is a group of relatives, then positions and surnames are not listed (see as in the samples).
  • The order number (if any) is placed at the end of the page, placing the entry in the center or along the left edge of the sheet.
  • The last entry on the page will be the date and name of the locality. The date may be shortened, leaving only the month and year of writing, or only the year.
  • If the main text has already mentioned the date (for example, the academic year was indicated) or the name of the locality (usually it is indicated in the full name of the educational institution), then at the end of the page they can (if desired) not be indicated again.

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution “Center for Social

St. Petersburg"

Ivanishchev A.V.

from client Yulia Nazova

department of psychological and pedagogical

help #1

Letter of thanks

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the staff of the social center, Natalya Pelevina and Shamira Simonova, for the moral assistance they provided. Thanks to conversations with Natalya and Shamira, I set many goals for myself, solved most of my problems and became self-confident. Thank you very much for your attitude, for the feeling that you can trust


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution “Center for Social

assistance to families and children of the Nevsky district

St. Petersburg"

Ivanishchev A.V.

from a client of the psychological-pedagogical department

help #1

Letter of thanks

I would like to thank you for the time spent with you, for your patience, attention, for the interesting information that helped me look at my family from the outside.

It’s great that there is such an opportunity for ordinary people to take courses on relationships with children. I would like to meet again. Many thanks to psychologists Natalia Pelevina and Shamira Simonova.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution SON

From Bogdanova V.G.


I express my gratitude to the employees of the Center, department of psychological and pedagogical assistance No. 2, for their attention, participation in life and understanding of our problems. The desire to help, especially the manager. department Pinchuk Evgenia Vladimirovna and psychologist Pelevina Natalya Valerievna. I am the grandmother of Kim Ilya, a disabled person of group 2, an orphan.

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution SON

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

From clients of OPPP branch No. 1:

Sakharova A.P.

Lastovskoy Yu.G.

Arkhipova P.S.


We thank Irina Vladimirovna for the wonderful lessons. They develop children wonderfully, they really like it. Thank you for your professionalism, patience and wonderful attitude towards the kids.

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution SON

A.V. Ivanishchev

From Korovushkina T.V.


I would like to thank specialist Evgenia Aleksandrovna Makarskaya for helping our family in a difficult life situation. For excellent performance of your duties.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution SON

"Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children"

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"

A.V. Ivanishchev

From Shestakova A.V.


We sincerely express our sincere gratitude to Irina Vladimirovna Zhuromskaya, a specialist in working with families, for her attentive, warm and sincerely friendly attitude in the “Mom + Baby” group

We were all very pleased and will remember it with warmth and gratitude.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution SON

"Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children"

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"

A.V. Ivanishchev

From Andreeva Natalya Alekseevna

Letter of thanks

I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of “CSPSiD” for their highly qualified pedagogical work with children. And also for conducting educational and entertaining events. For help and assistance in placing the child in the day care department for minors No. 2.

I feel an incredible sense of pride that a government agency provides such services completely free of charge. Thanks to the administration of the Center for such opportunities and for the wonderful team.


"Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children"

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"

A.V. Ivanishchev

from Zavorovskaya Maria Sergeevna

Letter of thanks

I express my sincere gratitude to the staff of the Center, Natalya Pelevina and Shamira Simonova, for the “Responsible Parenthood” course.

During the group sessions, psychologists found an individual approach to each child and adult, created a trusting atmosphere in the group, and provided feedback on all issues of interest.

I really enjoyed the communication during the classes and found many important answers about raising children, about relationships within the family and their impact on children.

I express my gratitude for your professionalism and dedication to work, I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and success in your future work


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution SON

"Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children"

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"

A.V. Ivanishchev

from Kravchenko O.P

Letter of thanks

I would like to thank Natalya Pelevina and Shamira Simonova for the psychological assistance provided to me during the “Responsible Parenting” classes, for the ability to listen, for the valuable advice that helped me overcome difficulties in raising a child and gain faith in my capabilities.

All classes took place in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere


Ivanishchev A.V.

Letter of thanks

I express my deep gratitude to your Center. For your excellent treatment of my child and me. For responding the moment I asked for help. And also a huge thank you to our psychologist Natalya Valerievna Pelevina, who is not just an excellent specialist, but also a wonderful person.

With respect and gratitude, Zinchenko A.A.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.

Letter of thanks

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 641 expresses its deep gratitude to the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Nevsky District, whose employees, social work specialist Alexandra Aleksandrovna Danilova and psychologist Nadezhda Yuryevna Lupashko, have repeatedly conducted career guidance events among students in grades 8-11. We highly value our relationship with your Center as we strive to meet the needs of our students. We express our sincere gratitude to you for your conscientious attitude, high professionalism and mutual understanding, for good working contacts between our institutions. We express our hope for continued successful cooperation for the benefit of our common interests, as well as for a further increase in the achieved indicators of joint work.

Director of educational institution GBOU No. 641

M.A. Chuprakov

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
From Volkova Marina Vladimirovna

Letter of thanks

I, the mother of a child who attended the department of psychological and pedagogical assistance No. 1, would like to express my gratitude to your Center for organizing developmental classes for children from 1-3 years old “Mom + Baby”, and, in particular, to the specialist in working with families - Irina Vladimirovna Zhuromskaya , with whom we had classes. During the entire time that my child attended the group, we received only positive emotions from the classes. My child always enjoyed going to “Razvivashki” and always asked when the next ones would be. The classes taught by Irina Vladimirovna are varied. This includes children playing musical instruments, drawing, modeling from plasticine and salt dough. Thanks to Irina Vladimirovna, my child began to better identify and distinguish colors, sizes and shapes of objects. A specialist in working with families combines the highest professional qualities, deep knowledge of child psychology and extensive experience. Thank you.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and

children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.

The administration of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 326 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg expresses sincere gratitude to Olga Evgenievna Blokhina, a teacher of additional education, for providing assistance in educational work.

Director of GBOU No. 326

THEM. Turkova

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.

Letter of thanks

The local administration of the intra-city municipal district "Nevsky Okrug", performing the functions of the department of guardianship and trusteeship, expresses gratitude to the employees of the department for the prevention of neglect of minors No. 2 for their professionalism, responsible attitude to work and we hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Sincerely, Head of the local administration

A.A. Speshilov.

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.

Letter of thanks

We sincerely express our gratitude to Irina Vladimirovna Zhuromskaya, a specialist in working with families, for her attentive, warm and sincerely friendly attitude in the “Mom + Baby” group. We are all very pleased with the lessons. We will remember with warmth and gratitude the activities with our kids.

>03/22/2015 Parents of the group

"Mom + baby"

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from parents of children who took classes
according to the program "Mom and baby"

Letter of thanks

We express our sincere gratitude to the director of the center, Alexander Viktorovich Ivanishchev, the staff of the “Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance No. 1” department, especially the social teacher Irina Vladimirovna Zhuromskaya, who worked with our children for a month. All the children and parents were very pleased. We wish you further development and prosperity.

From parents of children who took classes in the “Mom and Baby” program


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Dunets N.E.

Letter of thanks

I would like to express my gratitude and deep gratitude to the staff of the Children’s Center for their professional, sensitive, humane attitude towards my children, for helping them discover children’s talents and helping them communicate more freely with peers, for excellent events, activities and entertainment that help children develop and become better.

Thanks a lot!

Sincerely, Dunets N.E.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Novikova M.A.

Letter of thanks

I express my sincere gratitude and gratitude to the team of Defense Industrial Complex No. 1 for their attentiveness and professionalism, for their sensitive approach to each orphan child, for their ability to quickly navigate difficult situations and help people.

I really want to note the active participation and sincere interest in the decision to place my eldest son in the Pioneer children's camp to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment for two shifts.

Thank you very much for being you.

Sincerely, Novikova M.A.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Ustimenko A.M.

Letter of thanks

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the employees of ODPN No. 1 for the high level of professionalism and competence in matters of pedagogical influence and interaction with children with different characters, problems and types of temperament.

Thank you for your sensitive attitude, inclusion, atmosphere of warmth and acceptance, thanks to which my child rushes to the Social Center every morning. During his stay in the department, my son became calmer, more reasonable, less impulsive, more confident in himself and the love of those around him.

Sincerely, Ustimenko A.M.

July 18, 2013

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and

Ivanishchev A.V.
from Smirnova A.S.

Letter of thanks

I express my gratitude to the prevention department No. 1, personally to Evgenia Olegova Zhenikhovo and Anastasia Petrovna Berezina for their responsible work, sensitive attitude, attentiveness and help in solving my family’s problems.

Thank you!!!

Sincerely, Smirnova A.S.

May 15, 2012

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Novozhilova S.N.

Letter of thanks

I, Svetlana Nikolaevna Novozhilova, express my deep gratitude to the excellent employees of the Center (“Right Bank” branch) - Tatyana Vladimirovna Pomarchuk and Daria Andreevna Yakovleva, who conduct educational classes for children. The child really likes it and happily goes to classes at the center. The staff tries very hard, looks for an approach to each child, and conducts interesting educational and creative activities.

And special thanks for the offer and the provision of discounted theater tickets. Thanks to this, I strengthened my relationship with my eldest daughter during the difficult teenage period. She fell in love with the theater!


Sincerely, Novozhilova S.N.


To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Smirnova E.V.

Letter of thanks

I, Smirnova Elena Valerievna, want to express my deep gratitude to the staff of the department of psychological and pedagogical assistance at Shchelgunova, 17. My daughter, Smirnova Ksenia, attended classes at the Center from September to December 2011. These sessions were beneficial for both of us. I learned to feel better about my daughter, understand what is happening to her and how I can help her. And Ksyusha learned to control her actions. Impulsivity disappeared and self-esteem increased. Each lesson was a holiday for us, which my daughter was in a hurry to attend, and was very upset if she had to miss a lesson.

For the wonderful atmosphere in the classes, high professionalism and sensitive attitude towards people, I would like to say a special thank you to the psychologists Eichen Elena Robertovna and Bogdanova Olga Aleksandrovna.

Thanks to all the employees of the Center for the friendly, homely environment. The Center is always clean and very beautiful, not only in the premises, but also in the courtyard. It is clear that people work with their souls.

Thanks to the administration of the Nevsky district for the existence of such a Center. It is very necessary and brings great help to children and their parents.

Sincerely, Smirnova E.V.

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Chernozubova A.D.

Letter of thanks

I, Anastasia Dmitrievna Chernozubova, express my gratitude to the staff of the department of psychological and pedagogical assistance for the fact that they work with my children, play educational games, and they also visit very interesting and very educational places. I am very glad that such a Center exists and that my children can visit it. Thank you very much to all teachers and psychologists.

Sincerely, Chernozubova A.D.

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Kulnova T.A.

Letter of thanks

I, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kulnova, would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Nevsky District, Anna Vladimirovna Zhukova and Ekaterina Vladimirovna Senchenko. It is very easy and pleasant for me to communicate with them. They help me solve my problems. They help me mentally, physically and morally!!! Please express my gratitude to them!

Sincerely, Kulnova T. A.

To the Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Assistance to Family and
children of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg"
Ivanishchev A.V.
from Sazonova T.N.

Letter of thanks

I, Sazonova Tatyana Nikolaevna, express my gratitude to the entire team of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Nevsky District.

In the period from June 1 to August 31, my son, Alexey Sazonov, attends the day care department. The boy visits your Center with great pleasure and desire. Psychologists, educators, additional education teachers are working with my child professionally, very conscientiously, and generously; I would also like to note the clarity and competence of the staff of the organizational and methodological department. The educational process, leisure time, and nutrition for children are very thoughtfully organized. The entire staff is very polite, including the service staff.

Thank you all so much!!!

Sincerely, Sazonova T.N.

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