The star closest to the earth after the sun. Closest star system to the sun

Since ancient times, man has turned his gaze to the sky, where he saw thousands of stars. They fascinated him and made him think. Over the centuries, knowledge about them accumulated and systematized. And when it became clear that the stars are not just luminous points, but real cosmic objects of enormous size, a person had a dream - to fly to them. But first we had to determine how far away they were.

The closest star to Earth

Using telescopes and mathematical formulas, scientists were able to calculate the distances to our (excluding solar system objects) cosmic neighbors. So, which star is closest to Earth? It turned out to be little Proxima Centauri. It is part of a triple system located at a distance of approximately just over four light years from the Solar System (it is worth noting that astronomers more often use another unit of measurement - the parsec). She was named proxima, which means “nearest” in Latin. For the Universe, this distance seems insignificant, but with the current level of space shipbuilding, it will take more than one generation of people to reach it.

Proxima Centauri

In the sky this star can only be seen through a telescope. It shines about one hundred and fifty times weaker than the Sun. It is also significantly smaller in size than the latter, and its surface temperature is two times lower. Astronomers consider this star and the existence of planets around it to be unlikely. And therefore there is no point in flying there. Although the triple system itself deserves attention - such objects are not very common in the Universe. The stars in them revolve around one another in bizarre orbits, and sometimes they “devour” their neighbor.

Deep space

Let's say a few words about the most distant object discovered so far in the Universe. Of those visible without the use of special optical devices, this is, without a doubt, the Andromeda Nebula. Its brightness is approximately a quarter magnitude. And the closest star to Earth in this galaxy is located from us, according to astronomers, at a distance of two million light years. Mind-blowing magnitude! After all, we see it as it was two million years ago - that’s how easy it is to look into the past! But let's return to our “neighbors”. The closest galaxy to us is a dwarf galaxy, which can be observed in the constellation Sagittarius. She is so close to us that she practically absorbs her! True, it will still take eighty thousand light years to fly to it. These are the distances in space! The Magellanic Cloud is not worth talking about. This satellite of the Milky Way is almost 170 million light years behind us.

The closest stars to Earth

There are fifty-one relatively close to the Sun. But we will list only eight. So, meet:

  1. Proxima Centauri, already mentioned above. Distance - four light years, class M5.5 (red or brown dwarf).
  2. The stars Alpha Centauri A and B. They are 4.3 light years away from us. Objects of class D2 and K1 respectively. Alpha Centauri is also the closest star to Earth, similar in temperature to our Sun.
  3. Barnard's Star - it is also called “Flying” because it moves at a high speed (compared to other space objects). Located at a distance of 6 light years from the Sun. Object class M3.8. In the sky it can be found in the constellation Ophiuchus.
  4. Wolf 359 is located 7.7 light years away. 16th magnitude object in the constellation Draco. Class M5.8.
  5. Lalande 1185 is 8.2 light years away from our system. Located in Object class M2.1. Magnitude - 10.
  6. Tau Ceti is located 8.4 light years away. M5,6 class star.
  7. The Sirius A and B system is eight and a half light years away. Stars class A1 and DA.
  8. Ross 154 in the constellation Sagittarius. Located at a distance of 9.4 light years from the Sun. M class star 3.6.

Only space objects located within a radius of ten light years from us are mentioned here.


However, looking at the sky, we forget that the closest star to Earth is still the Sun. This is the center of our system. Without it, life on Earth would have been impossible, and our planet was formed along with this star. That’s why it deserves special attention. A little about her. Like all stars, the Sun is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. Moreover, the first one constantly turns into the last one. As a result, heavier elements are also formed. And the older the star, the more they accumulate.

In terms of age, the closest star to Earth is no longer young, it is about five billion years old. is ~2.10 33 g, diameter - 1,392,000 kilometers. The temperature on the surface reaches 6000 K. In the middle of the star it rises. The atmosphere of the Sun consists of three parts: the corona, the chromosphere and the photosphere.

Solar activity significantly affects life on Earth. It is argued that climate, weather and the state of the biosphere depend on it. It is known about the eleven-year periodicity of solar activity.

Do you know which stars are closest to us?

Distances to our closest stars were first determined in 1838 using the trigonometric parallax method, which is still in use. Of the approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, only about 2.5 million are close enough to us for their parallaxes to be measured accurately. Only three stars - Alpha Centauri, Procyon and Sirius are here on the list of the 20 brightest stars. Most relatively nearby stars are fainter than the Sun and invisible without the aid of a telescope.


The stars closest to us: the Sun

To the question which star is closest to us, the answer is very simple: it is the Sun. The star around which our planet revolves, and all the others that make up the solar system. The Sun is a star with a diameter of about 1,392,000 kilometers and itself makes up 98.2% of the total mass of the solar system.

The distance from the Sun to the Earth depends on its relative position, but the average is 149,600,000 km. Sunlight takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds to travel this distance, so if you look at the Sun, you will see it approximately as it was eight minutes ago. Imagine this: if for some bizarre reason the Sun disappears at this exact moment, we will have sunlight for 8 minutes and 19 seconds.

Alpha Centauri

The closest stars to us: Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Centauri) is the closest star system to the Sun, located 4.37 light years away (41.3 billion kilometers).

It consists of a system of three stars, gravitationally bound. A binary system of stars orbiting a center of mass, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, plus a third red dwarf star, Proxima Centauri, which orbits the 2 stars Alpha Centauri A and B.

The system also contains at least two Earth-sized planets Alpha Centauri Bb with approximately 113% of Earth's mass with a rotation period of 3236 days. Orbiting 6 million kilometers from the star at 1 or 4% of the Earth's distance from the Sun, the planet has an estimated surface temperature of at least 1,500 K (approximately 1,200 °C).

Star Barnard

The stars closest to us: Star Bernard

Diameter: 0.20 sun
Brightness: 0.000441 sun
Class: M4V
Temperature: 3000ºC
Orbital period: 4 days
Distance to Earth: 5.9 light years
Mass: 0.15 sun
Age: 10,000 million years

At 5.94 light years (1.82 parsecs), Barnard's Star is the fourth closest star to us and the second star system closest to our Sun after the Trian system Alpha Centauri. It lies in the northernmost part of the constellation Ophiuchus, west of Chebelar (Beta Officers) and was discovered in 1916 by Edward E. Barnard.

Because it is a red dwarf, it cannot be seen from Earth without a powerful telescope.

Barnard's Star is approaching us at an unusual speed of 108 kilometers per second, so the distance decreases by 0.036 light years every century. Barnard's Star also has the greatest motion of any star, about 10.4 arcseconds per year or the equivalent of a lunar diameter every 180 years. This and its proximity make it an ideal candidate for exploring extrasolar planets, since any wobble motion as it passes across the sky caused by orbiting worlds will be relatively large. However, planets around Barnard's Star have not been confirmed.

Luhman 16

The stars closest to us: Luhman 16

WISE 1049-5319 (its full official name is WISE J104915.57-531906), also called Luhman 16, is a binary brown dwarf located in the southern constellation Velus 6.5 light-years from the Sun, making these brown dwarfs the third star. closest to the solar system, after the Alpha Centauri system (known since antiquity) and Barnard's star (discovered in 1916).
The primary, Luhman 16A, has a star rating of L8 ± 1, and the secondary, Luhman 16B, is likely nearby. The pair orbit each other at a distance of about 3 AU. with an orbital period of about 25 years.

WISE 0855–0714

The stars closest to us: WISE-0855-0714

WISE 0855–0714 is one of the stars closest to our planet, and one of the coldest objects of its type in space.

WISE 0855–0714 was discovered in 2014 by American astronomer Kevin Luhmann using the WISE infrared telescope, after which it was named. By its type, it belongs to the class of subbrown dwarfs - stars whose weight is below the brown dwarf limit. This star is located in the constellation Hydra and is a single star.

The distance from WISE 0855–0714 to Earth is only 7.27 light years. This star is the fourth closest star to us, after the Alpha Centauri system, Barnard's Star and the binary star Luhmann 16. The exact age of this star is unknown. It is believed to be between 1 and 10 billion years old.

WISE 0855–0714 has the lowest temperature in space among objects of its type. Astronomical studies have shown that the temperature of WISE 0855–0714 is within 245 Kelvin, which is approximately -30 degrees Celsius. Further research on WISE 0855–0714 continues to this day.

Wolf 359

The stars closest to us: Wolf 359

This extremely faint star is located just 7.8 light years from Earth in the Constellation Leo. Like red dwarf stars in Earth's night sky, the star is too hazy to be visible to the naked human eye. Its correct motion was discovered by Max (Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius) Wolf (1863-1932), a pioneer of astrophotography, who discovered hundreds of variable stars and asteroids and about 5,000 nebulae by analyzing photographic plates.

Laland 21185

The stars closest to us: Laland 21185

Lalande 21185 is a red dwarf - spectral class M2.0V, whose effective temperature is 3526 K.2 Has a mass and diameter less than half that of the Sun. Its brightness corresponds exactly to 2% of the brightness of the sun and its relative amount of elements that are heavier than helium is 52% of the sun ( = -0.28). It moves perpendicular to the galactic plane at a speed of 47 km/s. Although much older than the Sun, whose age is about 4600 million years, Lalande 21185 is believed to be no more than 10,000 million years old.

Lalande 21185 is 8.31 light-years from the solar system and within 20,000 years, is only 4.7 light-years from Earth.


The stars closest to us: Sirius

Sirius is the only bright star in the night sky.

It is located 8.60 light years (2.64 parsecs) from Earth, in the constellation Canis Major. Sirius is not the brightest star, but it is more visible than other stars because it is located so close to the solar system.

Sirius is slowly approaching Earth and will gradually brighten over the next 60,000 years before it begins to retreat. However, it will remain the brightest star seen on Earth for the next 210,000 years.

Sirius can be observed from almost any populated place on Earth. Only those who live beyond the parallel of 73º, a few degrees above the Arctic circle, cannot see this, for example, in St. Petersburg, where it reaches only 13º.93.


The Sun is one of the hundred million stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and is approximately the 4th largest among them. According to the spectral classification, the Sun is classified as a yellow dwarf, and its age, according to rough calculations, is about 4.5 billion years. The Sun is currently in the middle of its life cycle. The closest star to the Sun is called Proxima Centauri and is located at a distance of 4 light years from it. The distance from planet Earth to the Sun is 150 million km; light travels this distance in 8 minutes. The Sun is located at a distance of 26 thousand light years from the center of the galaxy, and its rotation speed relative to the center is 1 revolution per 200 million years.

When the Sun reaches an age of about 7 billion years, this star will turn into a red giant. Its outer shells will expand and reach the orbit of the Earth or even Saturn, pushing these planets to a greater distance. The star consists of 92% hydrogen and 7% helium, having a very complex structure.

At the center of the Sun is its core, the radius of which is approximately 150,000 - 175,000 km, which is about 25% of the total radius of the star. In the center of the core, the temperature reaches 14,000,000 K. The core rotates around its own axis at a high speed, which significantly exceeds the outer shells of the star. It is here that, as a result of the reaction, helium is formed from 4 protons, which releases a large amount of energy. This is what is emitted from the photosphere as kinetic energy and light.

Above the core of the Sun there is a zone of radiative transfer with temperatures in the region of 2-7 million K. This zone is followed by a convective zone with a depth of approximately 200 thousand km. In this zone there is no re-emission and energy transfer; plasma mixing occurs here. the surface of this layer reaches 5800 K. The photosphere, which makes up the visible surface of the star, is the main part of the solar atmosphere along with the chromosphere. The last outer shell of a star is considered to be the corona, from the outer part of which the solar wind emerges - a stream of ionized particles.

Life on planet Earth exists mainly only thanks to the Sun. The planet rotates around its axis, and every day a person can observe the dawn and, and at night, stars in the dark sky. The Sun has a huge influence on the life activity of all life on the planet: the star participates in photosynthesis and contributes to the formation of vitamin D in the human body. The penetration of solar wind into the Earth’s atmosphere is visible to the naked eye. These are the northern lights, which also cause storms. About every 11 years, solar activity decreases or increases.

Heavenly bodies, which include stars, are some of the most unique creations on the planet. Thousands of astronomers have been studying them for hundreds of years, but they never tire of making new discoveries.

Admiring the starry sky in clear weather, you can notice both bright and dim stars. It seems that the stars closest to Earth should be brighter and more noticeable, but most often the opposite happens - the radiance of distant stars overshadows the light of nearby ones and they become less noticeable. The existence of some stars closest to our planet became known not so long ago, when more powerful equipment began to be used to see them.

"Neighbors" in the Galaxy

The closest star to Earth and at the same time the most famous and contemplated almost all year round is, of course, the Sun. It is far from the largest, but life on the planet depends on it. Many scientific articles have been written about its size and power, so people in general have a general idea of ​​what it is. But the Sun has many “neighbors” that are located not far from the Earth. Almost all of them have now been thoroughly studied by astronauts. The exception is very small and dim stars.

So, the list of nearby stars:

  1. Centauri. This star consists of three parts. All of them are within a radius of 5 light years from the Sun. The first of them is Proxima Centauri, the second is Alpha Centauri A, and the third is Alpha Centauri B. According to recent studies, their age is about 4,850,000 years. The temperature on them is from 3,000 to 5,700 degrees Kelvin;
  2. Barnard. It is also known as Barnard's Flying Star. It is a red dwarf and, unlike other stars, moves quickly and approaches the Sun. According to the forecast, in 10 thousand years it will become the closest star to it, but over time it will move away again;
  3. Wolf 359. Also a red dwarf, with an apparent magnitude of 13.45;
  4. Lalande 21185. It is more than 8 light years away from the Sun. It is a red dwarf with an apparent magnitude of 7.49 and a luminosity of 0.0052;
  5. Sirius. Just like Centauri, it consists of several parts, or rather two: Sirius A and Sirius B. The Dog Star (Sirius A) is the brightest star, if you do not take into account the Sun. Its luminosity exceeds, according to various sources, from 17 to 23 solar levels. Sirius B or Puppy is her satellite, a white dwarf.

This is just the top 5 stars that are close to Earth. They are followed in turn by the star Leuthen or Ceti (consists of two parts: A and B), Ross 154, Ross 248, Epsilon Eridani and Luthien 786-6. Each star has its own characteristics (weight, luminosity, temperature, size). But, nevertheless, they all belong to the “closest star to Earth” category. This means they are of particular interest not only for astronauts, but also for those who admire the night luminaries.

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Space has long attracted people with its mystery. Even in ancient times, astronomers tried to at least slightly lift the curtain hiding the secrets of the universe, to find out where the star closest to us is located. Inventing various devices, they looked at the lights flickering in the night sky. Today, scientific advances make it possible to study celestial bodies located at a great distance from our planet. Thanks to this, it was possible to establish which stars are closest to our planet.

The Sun is the closest star to us

The closest star, almost 15 million km away from the Earth, is the Sun. It, like all stars, does not have a solid surface. This is a ball containing helium and hydrogen gases. They are held together by their own gravity. The Sun is a yellow dwarf and emits almost white light.

The most interesting facts are the following:

  • the star is the only luminary in the solar system;
  • the age of the Sun is approximately 4.6 billion years;
  • temperature on the surface of the star – 5.5 million °C;
  • temperature in the center of the core – 15 million °C;
  • To recreate the amount of energy a star produces, about 100 billion tons of dynamite would need to be detonated every second.

Having studied the amount of nuclear energy in the Sun, scientists have determined that the star can still exist for about 5 billion years. After depleting its hydrogen reserves, the Sun will become a Red Giant. Subsequently, the core will collapse, the star will become a White Dwarf, and the final phase of its existence will begin.

The closest star to Earth after the Sun is Proxima Centauri. Its distance from our planet is about 4.22 light years. It is almost seven times smaller than the Sun. This star was discovered in 1915. It is impossible to see it without a telescope, since it is a red dwarf and emits a small amount of energy.

Proxima Centauri is part of the Alpha Centauri system. Scientists believe that planets may revolve around this star. It is quite difficult to observe them. In 2018, a powerful space telescope will be launched, with the help of which astronomers plan to study the star and its planets in more detail.

Alpha Centauri

The third place in the ranking in terms of distance from our planet is occupied by the stars Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. The distance to these luminaries of the Centaurus constellation is about 4.36 light years. It is impossible to see these two stars in the sky at once with the naked eye. Due to the close distance, they practically merge into one bright point. But armed with even a small telescope, you can see both luminaries.

Alpha Centauri A is one and a half billion years older than the Sun. The star is also a yellow dwarf, but is slightly larger than the star of our system. Alpha Centauri B is an orange dwarf.

Bernard's star is in fourth place in terms of proximity to our planet. The red dwarf was discovered by American astronomer Edward Barnard in 1916. It is located 5.96 light years from Earth. You can only see the star using a telescope, since it emits little energy. Scientists have not yet been able to establish whether the only star in the constellation Ophiuchus has planets.

Luhmann 16

At a distance of about 5.98 light years from Earth in the constellation Vela, the stars Luhmann 16 A and Luhmann 16 B were discovered, which occupy fifth place in the ranking of proximity to our planet. These brown dwarfs were discovered in 2013 by the famous American astronomer Kevin Luhmann, after whom they were named. The distance between the stars is 3 astronomical units. It has not yet been possible to discover whether stars have planets.

Kevin Luhmann discovered the sixth closest star to Earth in 2014. It was possible to see it using the WISE telescope, whose name it now bears. A brown dwarf has weak radiation, making it invisible to the naked eye. The distance to it is 7.27 light years. Astronomers have determined that WISE 0855-0714 is the coolest star in outer space that has already been studied.

In 1918, using astrophotography, German astronomer Max Wolf managed to discover a star that was in seventh place in the ranking of proximity to our planet. The red dwarf was named after its discoverer. The radiation of this star is very weak, so it can only be observed with the help of astronomical equipment. Wolf 359 is approximately 7.78 light years from Earth.

The star Lalande 21185 was also included in the top ten closest stars to Earth. The discovery of this star, made in 1801, belongs to the French astronomer Joseph Lalande. It is a red dwarf star located about 8.29 light years from our planet. Thanks to ongoing research, it became known that Lalande 21185 is a flare star that is part of the constellation Ursa Major. Astronomers have not yet been able to detect planets orbiting this star.

In ninth place in terms of proximity to the Earth are two stars: Sirius A and Sirius B. Until 1844, it was believed that this was one star, until Friedrich Bessel suggested that there were two luminaries merging into one. This was proven by Alvan Clark, who discovered the star Sirius V in 1862.

Sirius A is a white dwarf, and Sirius B is a yellow dwarf. Both stars are approximately 8.58 light years away from Earth. The double star Sirius AB is clearly visible in the night sky. It can be observed from all corners of the planet, not counting the northernmost region.

The final place in the top ten stars closest to Earth is occupied by Leuthen 726-8. This is a double star approximately 8,728 light years distant from our planet. Both luminaries are located in the constellation Cetus. The Dutch-American astronomer Jacob Leijten was able to see them in 1948. It was found that both flare stars are red dwarfs.

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