Boris Sakharov and the third eye. Boris Sakharov yoga from primary sources Boris Sakharov Indian physical training hatha yoga

Boris Sakharov

Yoga from the Sources

To my beloved friends Alice Schuster and Elsa S. Kraus, as a sign of spiritual connection and respect, I dedicate...


Since the publication of my book The Great Secret, in which I pointed out the two main dangers in the development of the teachings of YOGA - the scholastic dogmatization of a theory passed on for many millennia, and the fakirishly bizarre ossification of the practice based on it - attempts have become more frequent without falling into either of these extremes , Europeanize or Germanize both this theory and practice in the light of Western relations. YOGA is not somehow tied to one area, limited by a philosophical direction, but is the same socially acceptable science as chemistry or mathematics.

These considerations prompted me to write a short practical guide about the Teachings of YOGA, described in the original classic work YOGA SUTRA, as well as other authentic texts, in a form acceptable to readers.


Along with the ever-growing interest in the field of knowledge and practical methods of YOGA, voices are loudly heard that this is essentially an alien direction of thought for Europeans and cannot say or give us anything as a factor in the expression of life. It is argued that we Europeans have taken a completely different path in our history, culture, and not just the development of the body. Therefore, both YOGA exercises and what can be said about the amazing effects of these exercises are completely unusual for our race.

There is nothing more false than this statement. Neither in our history, nor in cultural or even linguistic points of view, have we Europeans taken a significantly different path. While in Europe the main current of thought of the ruling race, since the times of the Greeks and Romans, in contrast to the so-called barbarians (by the way, this name did not come from the Greek barvaros, as is generally accepted, but from bagvara), the leitmotif of our history was the constant struggle of European peoples for power and money, then ancient Indian history speaks of a fabulously bizarre and yet historically reliable struggle of gods or Aryans with demons, such as: ashurs (Assyrians), mlecchas (barbarians), nagas (blacks, mostly black, the original peoples of India), etc., which are not only purely mythological names.

And just today - although not without fair inspiration from the unparalleled work of Gandhi - the Indian people, who by European standards are too passive, hear the glorious cry of the fanfare: Rise and fight, O son of the Bharatas! - which today sounds as powerfully in the hearts of nations and every individual as it did thousands of years ago. And the echo of this call, which we hear in every Indian sacred text, gives the final note in our understanding that the passivity we so despise means something completely different.

Based on this, our European languages ​​have been influenced by ancient Indian to such a huge extent that such prominent Sanskrit scholars as Max Müller and others were forced to admit, as they said, that a European, and especially a German, should have study Sanskrit rather than Greek or Latin! Every student of the Sanskrit language will be amazed to find in any work of Germanic, French, English, Italian or Russian poetry almost exclusively Indian words or roots. But if the external signs of life point to a striking similarity with the ancient Indian, then it goes unnoticed that our European way of thinking, in view of these powerful factors, could not follow special paths of development, as is claimed from all sides. I will name only two examples - the works of Eckhart, one of the greatest mystics of the West, coincide almost word for word in passages with the works of Shankara, the greatest Indian philosopher and yogi, as well as the most significant work of German poetic art, Goethe's Faust, by his own admission, with the main thoughts of Sakuntali , the famous drama of Kalidasa - this Hindu Shakespeare, although in the first case they are separated by half a millennium, and in the second by a whole millennium!

Well, what else indicates this, in conclusion, is that the general Indian understanding of life, in contrast to the Western one, is detached from the world, even seems to be life-denying; this statement must be objected, because, on the contrary: The owner who does not work for multiplying your wealth is nothing, as MAHANIR-VANA TANTRA notes, and the continuation of wealth now requires extreme life affirmation and appeal to the whole world. But if the spiritual prerequisites are quite identical, we also need the practical implementation of those represented by the teachings of YOGA, as a method of lifestyle, which we have taken as a kind of basis. It is divided into three main parts.


The first and most important stage of physical training is body cleansing. Here the arrogant apostles of the purity of enlightened countries should learn a lot, for not only external washing of individual parts of the body and a fairly hot weekly bath (sauna), but also thorough cleansing of the external integuments, and, above all, the insides of the body, are the rule. Not only the head, eyes, teeth, ears, mouth, but also the tongue, larynx, esophagus, stomach, small, large and rectum are subjected to regular washing. Particularly thorough rinses are prescribed for the nose, then for the stomach and even for the bladder, which have a hygienic, preventive and even healing effect. So, for example, chronic runny nose and inflammation of the frontal sinuses, as well as high acidity and other gastric diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc., are eliminated completely without a trace through systematic cleansing and hardening, without medication.

The second stage of physical training is represented by body positions that, on the one hand, resemble gymnastic exercises in Western countries, but on the other hand, can be described as a kind of acrobatics for adults, although they are neither one nor the other.

This is just a system of complex body positions, which at first glance seem fakir-like, but quite artistic, but when performed accurately they are nothing like that, since they do not cause pain or any violence to the body. They are based on the well-known Arndt-Schultz law (if only for comparison of both of these cultures): weak irritations raise vital forces, large irritations inhibit them, and the strongest irritations destroy them. Thus, any progression in this area, which, by the way, should occur by millimeters, helps to expand the capabilities of each individual, so that the student, with the correct choice and consistent alternation of positions, does not even notice their constantly growing difficulty. Secondly, they are based on an equally important, and also of Germanic origin, the law of blood action, on the so-called Wier blood stagnation, discovered by Professor Dr. August Wier: any position of the body aims to cause blood flow to the desired organ or part of the body. Moreover, our own blood, this very special juice given to us by nature itself, takes on the role of a healing, strengthening and rejuvenating elixir of life, in addition, it acts without medications, in the most natural way. Thirdly, we are talking about the (again German) homeopathic principle of Dr. Hahnemann, according to which, in connection with both first basic principles, the wedge is knocked out with a wedge (through the weakest, revitalizing dosages of irritation). Thus, it is said, all bodily ailments must, and can be proven to be, eliminated.

The fact that this unique method, also in terms of duration, in no way undermines health and is not unnatural, is proven, firstly, by the fact that neither gender nor age plays any role in this. Older people have a certain advantage over young people: they are more patient, calmer, more enduring and more successful! Secondly, and this is something that hardly any other method of physical education can boast of, these trainings do not require ascetic restrictions, as is generally believed. Quite the contrary: every exerciser himself feels, after a certain time, an emerging aversion to meat, fish, alcohol, tobacco, etc., as well as the ability to control himself sexually, which cannot be underestimated at all in our modern age of glorification of eroticism.


The second part, breathing exercises, might not give rise to thought, although purely Indian breathing exercises, as a rule, are much less known and less valued in Europe and America than those replacement exercises, which are generally recommended as original, and yet bring many complications.

Boris Sakharov

Yoga from the Sources

To my beloved friends Alice Schuster and Elsa S. Kraus, as a sign of spiritual connection and respect, I dedicate...


Since the publication of my book The Great Secret, in which I pointed out the two main dangers in the development of the teachings of YOGA - the scholastic dogmatization of a theory passed on for many millennia, and the fakirishly bizarre ossification of the practice based on it - attempts have become more frequent without falling into either of these extremes , Europeanize or Germanize both this theory and practice in the light of Western relations. YOGA is not somehow tied to one area, limited by a philosophical direction, but is the same socially acceptable science as chemistry or mathematics.

These considerations prompted me to write a short practical guide about the Teachings of YOGA, described in the original classic work YOGA SUTRA, as well as other authentic texts, in a form acceptable to readers.


Along with the ever-growing interest in the field of knowledge and practical methods of YOGA, voices are loudly heard that this is essentially an alien direction of thought for Europeans and cannot say or give us anything as a factor in the expression of life. It is argued that we Europeans have taken a completely different path in our history, culture, and not just the development of the body. Therefore, both YOGA exercises and what can be said about the amazing effects of these exercises are completely unusual for our race.

There is nothing more false than this statement. Neither in our history, nor in cultural or even linguistic points of view, have we Europeans taken a significantly different path. While in Europe the main current of thought of the ruling race, since the times of the Greeks and Romans, in contrast to the so-called barbarians (by the way, this name did not come from the Greek barvaros, as is generally accepted, but from bagvara), the leitmotif of our history was the constant struggle of European peoples for power and money, then ancient Indian history speaks of a fabulously bizarre and yet historically reliable struggle of gods or Aryans with demons, such as: ashurs (Assyrians), mlecchas (barbarians), nagas (blacks, mostly black, the original peoples of India), etc., which are not only purely mythological names.

And just today - although not without fair inspiration from the unparalleled work of Gandhi - the Indian people, who by European standards are too passive, hear the glorious cry of the fanfare: Rise and fight, O son of the Bharatas! - which today sounds as powerfully in the hearts of nations and every individual as it did thousands of years ago. And the echo of this call, which we hear in every Indian sacred text, gives the final note in our understanding that the passivity we so despise means something completely different.

Based on this, our European languages ​​have been influenced by ancient Indian to such a huge extent that such prominent Sanskrit scholars as Max Müller and others were forced to admit, as they said, that a European, and especially a German, should have study Sanskrit rather than Greek or Latin! Every student of the Sanskrit language will be amazed to find in any work of Germanic, French, English, Italian or Russian poetry almost exclusively Indian words or roots. But if the external signs of life point to a striking similarity with the ancient Indian, then it goes unnoticed that our European way of thinking, in view of these powerful factors, could not follow special paths of development, as is claimed from all sides. I will name only two examples - the works of Eckhart, one of the greatest mystics of the West, coincide almost word for word in passages with the works of Shankara, the greatest Indian philosopher and yogi, as well as the most significant work of German poetic art, Goethe's Faust, by his own admission, with the main thoughts of Sakuntali , the famous drama of Kalidasa - this Hindu Shakespeare, although in the first case they are separated by half a millennium, and in the second by a whole millennium!

Well, what else indicates this, in conclusion, is that the general Indian understanding of life, in contrast to the Western one, is detached from the world, even seems to be life-denying; this statement must be objected, because, on the contrary: The owner who does not work for multiplying your wealth is nothing, as MAHANIR-VANA TANTRA notes, and the continuation of wealth now requires extreme life affirmation and appeal to the whole world. But if the spiritual prerequisites are quite identical, we also need the practical implementation of those represented by the teachings of YOGA, as a method of lifestyle, which we have taken as a kind of basis. It is divided into three main parts.


The first and most important stage of physical training is body cleansing. Here the arrogant apostles of the purity of enlightened countries should learn a lot, for not only external washing of individual parts of the body and a fairly hot weekly bath (sauna), but also thorough cleansing of the external integuments, and, above all, the insides of the body, are the rule. Not only the head, eyes, teeth, ears, mouth, but also the tongue, larynx, esophagus, stomach, small, large and rectum are subjected to regular washing. Particularly thorough rinses are prescribed for the nose, then for the stomach and even for the bladder, which have a hygienic, preventive and even healing effect. So, for example, chronic runny nose and inflammation of the frontal sinuses, as well as high acidity and other gastric diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc., are eliminated completely without a trace through systematic cleansing and hardening, without medication.

The second stage of physical training is represented by body positions that, on the one hand, resemble gymnastic exercises in Western countries, but on the other hand, can be described as a kind of acrobatics for adults, although they are neither one nor the other.

This is just a system of complex body positions, which at first glance seem fakir-like, but quite artistic, but when performed accurately they are nothing like that, since they do not cause pain or any violence to the body. They are based on the well-known Arndt-Schultz law (if only for comparison of both of these cultures): weak irritations raise vital forces, large irritations inhibit them, and the strongest irritations destroy them. Thus, any progression in this area, which, by the way, should occur by millimeters, helps to expand the capabilities of each individual, so that the student, with the correct choice and consistent alternation of positions, does not even notice their constantly growing difficulty. Secondly, they are based on an equally important, and also of Germanic origin, the law of blood action, on the so-called Wier blood stagnation, discovered by Professor Dr. August Wier: any position of the body aims to cause blood flow to the desired organ or part of the body. Moreover, our own blood, this very special juice given to us by nature itself, takes on the role of a healing, strengthening and rejuvenating elixir of life, in addition, it acts without medications, in the most natural way. Thirdly, we are talking about the (again German) homeopathic principle of Dr. Hahnemann, according to which, in connection with both first basic principles, the wedge is knocked out with a wedge (through the weakest, revitalizing dosages of irritation). Thus, it is said, all bodily ailments must, and can be proven to be, eliminated.

The Great Mystery, The Hidden Side of Yoga Exercises
Boris Sakharov

We have done everything possible to remove the veil of secrecy from practice and theory Yogi. For the practical part Yogi We rely on our own many years of experience, as well as the experience of our students.

As for the theoretical part, we tried to confirm our justification on the authentic Scriptures. Therefore, we allow the words of Vivekananda to be applied to us: “If I have ever uttered a true word, then I owe it to my Teacher. Mine in my words are only errors.”

Let the strong become stronger!

Yoga from the Sources
Boris Sakharov

Since the publication of my book The Great Mystery, in which I pointed out two main dangers in the development of the doctrine Yoga- the scholastic dogmatization of a theory passed on for many millennia, and the fakirishly bizarre ossification of the practice based on it - attempts have become more frequent, without going to either of these extremes, to Euroleize or Germanize both this theory and practice in the light of Western relations. Yoga is not somehow tied to one area, limited by a philosophical direction, but is the same socially acceptable science as chemistry or mathematics.

These considerations prompted me to write a short practical guide about Yoga teachings, described in the original classic work Yoga Sutra, as well as other authentic texts, in a form acceptable to readers.

Opening the third eye
Boris Sakharov

Boris Sakharov, who studied ancient Sanskrit texts yoga and has tried and conducted physical and spiritual exercises for decades, speaks in this book about the ability to see with the so-called “third eye”. Based on the theory and practice of Raja Yoga, Sakharov sets forth the Method of "spiritual archery" by which a person can open his spiritual center of clairvoyance, located in the middle of the forehead, and make it effective.

Because Sakharov continued to conduct various exercises with his students for many years and accurately describes their results, the correctness of his statements can be verified. Breathing training and concentration exercises occupy an important place in practical performances, which are intended both for specific purposes and for spiritual experiences and lead to interesting results.

I cannot ignore such a sharp and controversial object as the “third eye”! How many different distortions and speculations are generated around this serious and at the same time incomprehensible topic.

Ajna ( Third eye)

Ajna chakra

Skt. आज्ञा ājnā - order, command - the eyebrow chakra of dispassion and supernatural abilities (clairvoyance, hypnosis).

This chakra is depicted as a two-petalled lotus, on one of whose petals is the Sun, on the other the Moon, 49 and 50 in the total count of those depicted on the petals of all 6 chakras combined, which makes up the complete Sanskrit alphabet. The lotus contains a white triangle with the top down - the symbol of yoni, and inside the triangle there is a black one. The mantra of this chakra is Aum (OM). Ajna is associated with the center between the eyebrows, which is traditionally called bhrumadhya(from bhru- eyebrows and madhya- center). These two centers are extremely important in meditative practices, and in principle they can be considered one whole - the “third eye”.

Awakening the “third eye” - Ajna chakra - is an extremely popular motif in a huge number of religious and psychological traditions, and controversial techniques are widely reflected in the relevant literature. In particular, Buddha statues are often made with a gemstone in the area between the eyebrows. This center is one way or another designated by many deities of Hinduism (and not only) and mythical heroes.

The Ajna chakra (and the “third eye” in general, regardless of any additional symbolism) is very often associated with pineal gland(epiphysis, pineal gland) - a special gland the size of a pea (about 8 mm in humans), which is located between the cerebral hemispheres opposite the center of the eyebrows. The pineal gland has a ganglion connection with the retina and serves to produce the hormone melatonin, which is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms.

Ajna is responsible for insight and is blocked by the illusory perception of the world. By destroying various illusions that surround him, a person develops the sixth chakra. According to additional sources, a person who opens Ajna becomes the owner of an ideal balance of intellect and intuition.

According to other sources, the Ajna chakra emits harmonizing energy, the energy of the Ajna chakra is quite “weighty” (based on materials from the Internet encyclopedia).

Many pseudo-methods for opening the “third eye” have flooded the Internet, as have self-proclaimed “gurus” who teach outright nonsense and cause unique harm to the psyche of students.

I want to emphasize that the only true and practically substantiated work on the issue of the “third eye” is the book written by Boris Sakharov, the greatest of all European yogis XX century. The book describes the intricacies of focusing on the third eye area in meditation, which enhances clairvoyance. An important place is given to breathing training and concentration exercises; the methodology of “Raja Yoga” exercises is presented in the most understandable and accessible form.

Some yogis believe that it was the publication of this book, revealing the secrets of the discovery of the ajna chakra, that was the reason for the premature and tragic death of Boris Sakharov in a car accident in 1959. This opinion confirms the opinion of many mystics and occultists about the danger of publishing the mystical secrets of Hindu deities to a wide range of uninitiated people.

Boris Sakharov
Yogaraj Boris Sakharov (Arov)

Boris Sakharov was born on December 12, 1899, the second child in the family of a shipping owner in Odessa.

He spoke out against distortions in the science of yoga and against sectarian fakes. In the Western world, the names of yogaasanas translated by Sakharov are still used. He compiled something like an “Almanac of Asanas” from his 12 teaching aids. Published three books: “The Great Secret”, “Discovery” third eye", "Yoga from the Source."
Boris Sakharov (Arov) carefully studied the mechanism of opening the so-called. “third eye” - Ajna chakra, the psychic center located in the human brain. Sakharov established that the activation of this mystical organ, simultaneously with the emergence of clairvoyance, awakens the hidden power of a person - kundalini shakti. As a result of decades of experiments, Yogaraj Sakharov developed a detailed method for training and developing the Ajna chakra, which is the organ of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsmell and intuition.
Died on October 6, 1959 in a car accident. His grave is located in Bayreuth (a city in Bavaria) in the city cemetery.

He was a student of Swami Sivananda Saraswati and in 1947 received a diploma from the Divine Life Society and the title of Yogiraj.

Methodology of Boris Sakharov from the book “Opening the Third Eye”

This book was written by an authoritative practitioner of Hatha and Raja Yoga - Boris Sakharov (1899-1959). He, a student of the famous Indian yoga teacher Swami Sivananda, worked to create an effectively working mechanism for “opening the third eye” - the ajna chakra, a psychic center localized in the front volume of the human head.

Sakharov writes in his book that he established how the activation of this mystical organ, simultaneously with the emergence of clairvoyance, awakens the hidden power of a person - kundalini shakti.
According to the contents of the book, it states that as a result of decades of experiments, Sakharov developed a detailed methodology for training and developing the ajna chakra, which is the organ of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience and intuition.

Sakharov talks about the stages of development of clairvoyance using the example of his students and himself, and also gives a special formula that allows you to calculate the training time required to open the “third eye.”

The following is part of the introductory chapter from Opening the Third Eye:

Therefore, let's return to our word "kha". Another meaning is the space between the eyebrows. Here is, as many images of Hindu gods show, a vertically placed eye, which gives the yogi all magical powers, including the gift of “divine vision” (divya drishti) without the help of bodily eyes. In the book "Satchakra Nirupana Tantra" this center is mentioned as the eye of wisdom (jnana chakra), which is “like the flame of a great lamp.” It says (page 37):

“When the yogi, in inner concentration, removes his consciousness from the support (the external world) and awakens it, he sees in this place a luminous spark, and then a bright flame, which looks like the shining morning sun between heaven and earth.” According to the mystical teachings of yogis, it is in this flame that one “thinks”, i.e. is located through the imagination, the “third eye”. This is what it says in Shiva Yoga: “Think of the center between the eyebrows in the image of the flame of an oil lamp and in the middle of it the eye of wisdom.”

In fact, it is a tool not only for comprehending philosophical or religious truths, but also for any comprehension, all knowledge in general.

That's why "jnana chakra" means “eye of knowledge” precisely in the broadest sense of the word, i.e. “the eye of omniscience”, to which not only the entire present is open, but to the same extent the past and the future. In the book Tripurasa Samusaya we read:

“The practitioner of meditation (in this center between the eyebrows) has a memory of what he has done in past incarnations, as well as the ability of clairvoyance and clairaudience.”

Modern yogis agree with this. In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda calls this center the “omniscient spiritual eye” or the “thousand-leaf lotus of light.” And Swami Sivananda says: “Just as rays of light pass through glass, or X-rays pass through opaque objects, a yogi, with the help of his inner spiritual eye, can see objects behind a thick wall, know the contents of a letter in a sealed envelope, or find hidden treasures underground " This spiritual eye is the eye of intuition, Divya Drishta, or Jnana chakra. What is this "third eye", also called by the eye of Shiva, can see unlimitedly in space has already been proven by practical experiments, and cannot be reduced only to theoretical considerations. It remains to prove how this third eye overcomes time, i.e., operates in the fourth dimension. The fact itself does not need further proof. Since this “eye” is outside the action of space and time, the scope of its action also lies outside the three dimensions of space, that is, at least in the fourth dimension. Therefore, it must be unlimited by time, or, as the ancient yogis put it, "Trikalajna" what does it mean “knowing three times” - past, present and future, or omniscient.

At the same time, it must be especially emphasized that, as practical experiments of ancient times show - evidence of clairvoyants of that time, as well as experiments of our days, the ability of perception and visual acuity through this “eye” do not depend in any way on distance and time. This, of course, contradicts our usual teachings about the mechanism of perception. As is known, the force of a mass decreases in proportion to the square of its distance, so that at a certain distance the strongest radiations are stopped by screens of a certain thickness (for example, gamma rays by an iron screen one foot thick, cosmic rays by a lead screen up to two meters thick). The rays that are perceived by the “third eye,” also called Charpentier rays or H-rays, do not decrease their strength at any distance and are not stopped by any material barriers. This indicates their more subtle material nature. They are not only not limited by space, but also independent of it.

These conclusions are confirmed in practice, because, although the perception of a picture of long past times or the future requires a high degree of development of the “third eye” and is not always verifiable, the perception of current events is not inferior in accuracy and sharpness to the observation of an eyewitness.

Depending on the degree of openness of the third eye, 4 stages are distinguished: at the lowest there are visions of extraordinary things. One can see bizarre, attractive pictures, not products of sick imagination, but completely normal phenomena, images or parts of them in strange lighting, extraordinary shades of colors, as a rule, without connection with the direction of thought of the seer. Naturally, the assumption arises that these visions are hallucinations. But is reality really crude materiality, is reality only what is perceived by the limited five senses? If, as we showed above, the scope of perception of our senses can expand to an indefinite extent, where then is the border and criterion of “truly perceived”? Our Western psychology feels at a loss in the face of these “unreal” and yet perceptible things, and our scholastic, barely out of the swaddling science is more than inclined to classify such bizarre phenomena under the meaningless and contradictory rubric of “hallucinations.”

What does Indian psychology say about this? Yogi talking about the so-called Manas chakra or the center of thought, which is symbolized as a six-petalled lotus; it is described as a center of perception with six nerve channels, or trunks. Of these, five are the channels of our normal sensory perceptions - vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and the sixth channel, or Swammahaba Nadi, serves as a conductor for such impressions manifested from within as dreams and hallucinations. At first glance, the combination of healthy (dreams) and unhealthy (hallucinations) perceptions is surprising, but this combination is far from accidental.

Sixth petal Manas chakras connected With The “Thousand Petalled Lotus of Light”, which is considered the seat of our spirit - Jivatmas, while Manas chakra(sensorium) is the center of our waking consciousness. This fact is immensely important, because while our waking consciousness perceives the sensation of the five senses through the five nerve pathways (the five petals of this chakra), then this consciousness must, during sleep, when our senses are not functioning, carry out dream pictures or “fantastic images” through channel six, i.e. straight from the “Thousand Petalled Lotus” to “ third eye" When the five external senses are turned off in a dream or in some other way, it is the sixth petal of the flower that begins to work Manas chakras: it grows, becomes large and strong, dreams begin, and in the waking state so-called hallucinations, or more correctly speaking, extraordinary things appear.

[used materials and books by Boris Sakharov"", ""]

Sakharov B.L. - about the author

Boris Sakharov lived in Odessa until 1927, and then left for Germany. There he worked as a taxi driver and a teacher of Hindu gymnastics - yoga. He had many followers and students. He played the piano excellently and sang arias from operas that were popular at that time.

Published books: “The Great Secret”, “Opening the Third Eye”, “Yoga. Theory and Practice" and "Yoga from the Source". He published under the pseudonym “Boris Arov”.

Boris Sakharov is a representative of the Russian intelligentsia who devoted his life to the active exploration, development and popularization of the heritage of the East. The fact that Boris Sakharov went abroad saved him. In the USSR, at the end of the 30s of the twentieth century, everyone who practiced yoga was arrested and sent to camps. He was married twice, but had no children.

On the night of October 6, 1959, Boris Sakharov died in a car accident near the city of Bayreuth (Bavaria), where he was buried in the city cemetery.

Sakharov B.L. - books for free:

Boris Sakharov (Arov) is a prominent representative of that layer of Russian intelligentsia who devoted their lives to the active development, development and popularization of the heritage of the East, the author of many books on yoga, aimed at conveying to the reader...

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