Does a word have two endings? Word-forming and form-building morphemes

An ending is a variable significant part of a word, which forms the forms of the word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences. This formative morpheme expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case.

Not all words have an ending. Only mutable words have it. It happens that a word has an ending, but it is not visible or heard, i.e. it is not expressed in letters and sounds - it is a zero ending. In addition, the ending does not always come at the end of the word. A word can have two endings. Sometimes, to highlight the ending, you have to use phonetic transcription.

The ending is a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of a word (gender, person, number, case), and not lexical meanings as derivational morphemes.

The ending differs from formative suffixes in the nature of the grammatical meaning it expresses.

Only changing parts of speech can have an ending(declinable, conjugated or changing according to gender and number):

  • inflected nouns,
  • adjectives,
  • numerals,
  • pronouns,
  • verbs,
  • participles.

To highlight the ending, you need to change the form of the word:

  • change number:

    meadow () - meadow (A),
    herbs (A)- herbs (s),
    brave () - dared (s);

  • change gender for adjectives and participles:

    white (th)- white (oh)- white (th), thinking (ii)- thinking (th), sat () — sat (A);

  • case for parts of speech that are inflected: house () - house (A)- house (y), syn (ii)— syn (his)— syn (to him) ;
  • verb face: write (y)- write (yeah)- write (ut) .

The part of the word that changes when changing the form of a word, it is an ending.

End is not part of the word, since it has only grammatical meaning.

The ends of words of different parts of speech may be the same, but their endings are different, i.e. words have different morphemic structures. Examples:

  • small And vision - adjective small and noun vision at the end of the word have -ies . Changing the gender of the adjective: small (s) - small (s) -small (s) , we define the changing part - the last two letters change, therefore, -ies - ending. Declining noun vision(s) - vision(s) - vision(s), determine the ending -e .
  • yawning And angry - participle yawning has no ending, because it is an unchangeable word and an adjective hl(s) - evil(s) - evil(s)) has an ending -th .
  • in vain And Earth - adverb in vain has no ending, because it is an unchangeable word and a noun landl (ya) - earth (oh) - earth (y) has an ending -I .
  • banner And biology - nouns banner(s) - banner(s)-banner(s) And biologist(s)-biologist(s)-biologist(s) have the same ending -i.

Attention! Second person plural verbs The present and future numbers and forms of the imperative mood of these verbs may coincide, but have a different morphemic structure, i.e. have two options for morphemic parsing:

Execute (imperative mood, you-full-and-(those), -and- — imperative mood) second task after completing (present tense, you-full-(ite)) first.
you-let-and-(those) (imperative mood) - you-let ;
you-heal-and-(those) (second conjugation, imperative mood) - you-treat-(ite) etc.

Verbs of the first conjugation have an unstressed ending -(yeah) has the same sound as the imperative mood, but is written differently:

jump out-and-(those) (command tilt) — jump out ) (first conjugation (jump), second person, plural).

With the help of endings, the forms of inflected words are formed.

The ending expresses different grammatical meanings of parts of speech:

  • number and case of nouns, numerals, personal pronouns (without a preposition or with )
    noun 2nd declension, Tv.p., singular by whom?, by what? elephant( ohm), father( ohm), con( eat
  • gender, number, case of adjectives, participles, pronouns
  • person and number for verbs in the present and future tense:
  • gender and number for past tense verbs and short adjectives

In addition to distinguishing word forms, endings sometimes serve meaningful function:

bread(s) - cereals and bread(s) - products baked from flour; men are husbands, teeth are teeth, leaves are leaves.

Sometimes it's easy in the end define not only the form, but also part of speech. For example:

In a phrase, unchangeable words are subordinate to the main word in meaning, using word order and intonation: run fast, run upstairs.

Immutable words have no endings:

Unchangeable parts of speech Examples
participles seeing, hearing, collecting, washing
adverbs naked, fun, better, in German, first of all, unbearable, married
indeclinable nouns (usually borrowed): cocoa, necklace, flowerpot
indeclinable adjectives: khaki, burgundy, beige
comparative adjectives: stronger, higher
possessive pronouns denoting belonging to a third party: his, her, theirs
interjections and onomatopoeias: hurray, ah!
Functional parts of speech:
unions at least

Attention! The absence of an ending in a word is not graphically indicated. During morphemic and word-formation analysis, you cannot put a zero ending sign! The whole word is included in the base.

Participles and adverbs are unchangeable parts of speech, so they have no endings. Don't be confused gerunds and adverbs with adjective endings. The endings of adjectives can be changed:

  • doom/ A/t - dum/ A/I- gerund suffix;
  • mil( oh) is the ending of an adjective that can be changed: dear, dear.

Null endings

Declined or conjugated (changeable!) parts of speech in some forms may have a zero ending.
The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter in writing. You can detect it by changing the forms of the word. If, when changing the form of a word, an ending appears, expressed in letters and sounds, then
The null ending conveys a specific grammatical meaning:

table(), horse() - Im. n., masculine, second declension; clouds(), puddles(), mam() - the meaning of the plural genitive case.

When the form of such words changes, after the stem a pronounced ending appears (by sounds, letters).

Zero endings have: Examples
masculine singular nouns of the 2nd declension in the nominative and accusative cases:

forest() - forest(a), forest(y);
house() - house(s), house(s);
elephant() - elephant(a), elephant(y);
hero() — hero(s) [g'irOy"(a)];

feminine nouns of the 3rd declension in the nominative singular case:

mouse() - mouse(s);
night() — night(s),
network() — set(s)

nouns in the genitive plural. different genera:

cloud() - cloud(s) - cloud(s),
fox() - fox(s) - fox(s),
soldier() - soldier(s),
windows() - window(o);
articles() - become(s) [article(s)]

short adjectives and masculine singular participles:

handsome() - handsome, clumsy - clumsy,
bad() — bad(a);
wounded() — wounded(s) — wounded(s),
conceived - planned(s), conceived(s);

possessive adjectives in I.p. m.r. unit

fox-y() - fox(i) -fox[y"(a)], shark(), wolf() (see below why this is so)
mother(), father()

past tense verbs masculine singular in the indicative and subjunctive mood:

sang(), sang() would - sang(a),
washed - washed;

verbs of the imperative mood have singular parts:

teach(), watch(), write();

numerals in the nominative and accusative cases:

ten() - ten(s), ten(s)

Attention! It is necessary to distinguish between words with a zero ending and unchangeable words, because in a word with a zero ending it is indicated during morphemic parsing of the word, but in unchangeable words it is not (there is no ending)!

  • noun already() (already (y), already (ohm)) has a zero ending, and the adverb really - an unchangeable word and therefore has no ending.
  • net() - noun ( set(s), set(s)),
    ) - a verb where the ending is indefinite (th),
    launch(s) - verb,
    five() - numeral ( heel(s)),
    path() - noun ( put(s), put(s)),
    at least - a conjunction and an unchangeable word, so there is no ending,
    let , unchangeable word - no ending,
    thinking - gerund, unchangeable word - no ending.

The ending can be inside the word:

  • If a word has , then the ending is located before it, inside the stem of the word: uch (y) sya, uch (ish) Xia, having studied (ii) Xia(after the ending there is a verb -sya/-sya - the most common case); let's go (eat)-te ; in the middle of compound pronouns: How (Ouch)-either as (Wow)-either as (Wow) something, to (oh) someday.
  • In some difficult words: to Komsomolsk (e)-on-Amur (e) .

Two endings in a word.

In complex words, two endings can be distinguished:

  • for nouns: armchair (O)-bed () - armchair (A)-bed (And) ;
  • for numerals: five () ten () - toe (And) ten (And) .

But, in complex nouns and adjectives that are written together, after the first there is a connecting vowel, and not an ending: myself- O-years () , red- O-leather (ii) .

The ending is distinguished by its sound composition

using transcription, since the spelling does not reflect the morphemic composition of the word:

  • Masculine possessive adjectives in -й:

    fox(), wolf(), bear(), Where - th is a suffix and has a null ending. When declining, fluent - And - drops out of the suffix, leaving a suffix that sounds like [th’] , and in writing it is conveyed with a soft separating sign: fox (him) [fox'-y-'(willow)], wolf (him) [wolf'-y'-(willow)], bear (him) [m'edv'ezh-y'-(willow)] - the suffix sounds in the transcription [th’] and ending.

  • In the following words, the suffix -й- also appears in the sound composition of the word: guns [roug-y’-(a)],gun [roug-y’-(o)]; sparrow ya[sparrow’-th’-(a)], sparrow yu[sparrow’-th’-(y)] ; edge, edge [kra-y’-(u)]. Suffix -th- is also preserved when forming related words: rifle, passerine [ sparrow'-y'-in-(y)] . In these words and others like them (dancer, grumbler; gorge, knowledge, aspiration; May, tram etc.) not in all forms the ending is indicated by letters.

List of used literature

  • Kazbek-Kazieva M.M. Preparation for Russian language Olympiads. 5-11 grades. – 4th ed. – M.J. Iris-press, 2010
  • Panova E.A., Pozdnyakova A.A. Reference materials on the Russian language for preparing for exams. - M.: - Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2004.-462 p.
  • Svetlysheva V.N. Handbook for high school students and applicants to universities / V.N. Svetlysheva. - M.: AST -PRESS SCHOOL, 2011 - ISBN 978-5-94776-742-1.

    A simple word can have either one ending or no ending at all, like unchangeable words. There are no exceptions here. But in complex words there is the possibility of having two endings in the word. First of all, these are nouns that are written with a hyphen. Many such words have one ending, because they often have an indeclinable first part, and less often a second part, but some nouns that mean household items, inventions, other phenomena and objects, as well as many names of professions, are inflected in both parts, which means that such words can have two endings.

    Here are examples of such words: Invoice-Invoice, Izba-Reading Room, Masquerade Ball, Engineer-Metallurgist.

    Some complex numerals are also declined in two parts: Seventy, Seven hundred.

    Yes, a word can have two endings. This statement applies to complex numerals consisting of two roots. Both parts of the word are declined and, accordingly, there will be two endings. Let's make sure of this by declining, for example, complex numerals sixty And eight hundred:

    i.p. six_ten_, eight_hundred_ (zero endings);

    r.p., d.p., p.p. pole- And- ten- And, eight- And-ten- And;

    etc. six- yu-ten- yu, eight- yu-ten- yu.

    **Yes, two endings can be in a word! If they told me about this when I was still a first-grader, I wouldn’t even believe it!

    ** This applies primarily difficult words.

    When I arrived, my grandmother was sitting on rocking chair, and inhaled the aroma of spring flowers.

    chair( O)-rocking( A) is a word that has 2 endings: the first -- O--, second -- A--.

  • Inflection (ending) in the variable lexemes of our language, as a rule, is one and only, and it is the final morpheme, the last in a series of other morphemes. The inflection can be followed by a postfix, but not in all words, but only in a small part of them:

    • in verbs and participles -СЯ (-Сь): refusal no Xia, admitted And smiling, defensive th Xia, back oh Xia;
    • in indefinite pronouns these are postfixes called suffixes in school -EITHER, -ANYTHING, -THAT: h his-that's how them something, to wow-That.

    But There are words in our language with two endings. When you think about these, the first thing that comes to mind is cardinal numbers complex, that is containing two roots. There are not many of them: only 12 words denoting

    They can be used on their own, or they can be part of larger formations called compound numerals.

    By inflecting these lexemes, we put both of their parts into the desired case, therefore, inflected morphemes, that is, inflections, are found not only at the end of such words, but also in their middles: from six And ten And, tr name st ami, by four m st am, from seven yu ten yu oh hey And st Oh.

    There are also in our language formed by adding whole words compound nouns, in which, when changing shape every part bows, that is, again in stock two endings each, located after each part of such a complex lexeme. Similar complex lexemes are the words restaurant car, sofa bed, rocking chair, chair bed, launch vehicle, invoice, boarding school, nursery school, etc. I will not completely decline any of them, but I’ll just show their intermittent stems (they are interrupted by the ending after the first part) using the example of several word forms:

    • armchair O- rocking chair A, to the chair at- rocking chair e, armchair ohm- rocking chair Ouch oh chair e- rocking chair e;
    • missiles s-carrier I, rockets e-carrier yu, rockets Ouch-carrier I eat oh rockets e-carrier e;
    • schools s-boarding school A, schools e-boarding school at, boarding school ov, about schools Oh-boarding school Oh;
    • no manger to her-garden A, to the nursery yam-garden at, with nursery yami-garden ohm oh manger I-garden e.

In addition to the usual variable words in the Russian language, there are words without endings. These words refer to unchangeable parts of speech, such as gerunds and adverbs. But before going into details, it is necessary to define what an ending is.

The ending is one of the significant parts of the word, a morpheme, with the help of which other forms of the word are formed, under the influence of gender, number, and case. Usually the ending stands at the end of a word and is a link for sentences and phrases. In some rare cases, the ending may appear in the middle. In order to highlight the ending, the word must be changed by number, case, etc. Words that do not change have no endings.

In the Russian language there are two types of parts of speech - independent and auxiliary. Interjections, particles, conjunctions and prepositions are auxiliary parts of speech; they have no lexical meaning, but only act as an addition and connection to independent parts of speech. That's why they have graduations. There are words with a lexical base without an ending. For example, taxi, coffee, high. They are full-fledged parts of speech, but they do not change over the course of historical circumstances and therefore have no endings. Prepositions complete these words.

To change the meaning of an unchangeable word, a dependent word is added to it, for example, black coffee - masculine, singular. This definition comes from the adjective (black) that complements the unchangeable word.

Unchangeable words also include those borrowed from other languages, for example, allegretto, rendezvous, puree. Adverbs are one of the unchangeable full-meaning words - quickly, highly. In such words, the last letter “o” is often mistakenly considered to be the ending, although this is a characteristic suffix for adverbs. The gerund, like everyone else, is an unchangeable member of the sentence, because it has the grammatical connotation of an adverb: having restrained, having read.

Words ending in zero

Another example is words without an ending, which, when changed, form it, for example, night, horse, door. When exposed to number, case, the ending appears - night - nights - nights, door - doors - doors. In Russian, philologists call such cases zero endings. In its initial form there is no ending.

The Old Church Slavonic language had a letter, which meant that the word had an ending when the form was changed, under the influence of cases and number. Col, table. Over time, the letter became obsolete and fell out of use, and words began to be written without it.

Words without endings in borrowed words

Borrowed words in many publishing houses are used as native words, for example, lie, safari, madam. But many such words never became full-fledged parts of the language: taxi, coat, subway. Words have vowels at the end; they are often perceived as endings. In fact, the entire word is the basis that we encounter almost every day. It is important to remember that such words do not change. Illiterate speaking: playing the piano, grandmother with a coat, a roll with coffee.

Examples of words without endings

Below are words that do not have endings:

  1. Magneto.
  2. Veto.
  3. Sushi.
  4. Variety show.
  5. Bungalow.
  6. Balance.
  7. Libretto.
  8. Milady.
  9. Casino.
  10. Pony.
  11. Indigo.

Words without a word ending and unchangeable parts of speech that do not have an ending can be distinguished. To do this, you need to know that words with a zero ending have endings when declensions and changes in number, etc., for example, the word “piano” is unchangeable, it has no endings under any circumstances. And the word “night”, when plural, has the ending “and” - night.

Note. In this answer, the null ending is indicated by " Ο » in the absence of the technical ability to designate it, as is customary in linguistics, with a square sign: tableΟ , kind Ο , read Ο .

1. End is a morpheme that usually appears at the end of a word and which indicates the connection of this word with other words. The ending expresses the meaning of gender, number, case, person. For example, in the noun table A ending -A expresses the meaning of the masculine singular genitive case in the verb chita no ending -et expresses the meaning of the 3rd person singular.

Note. The ending is not always at the end of the word:

  • in that case, the word has a postfix, then the ending is placed before it: bathed A s, to Wow something, h his-or th O-That,eid eat those;
  • in complex cardinal numbers the ending is not only at the end, but also in the middle of the word (after each base): 5ABOUT ten ABOUT , dv e st And . It is important not to confuse these numerals with ordinal numbers and complex adjectives formed from them, between the stems of which there is a connecting morpheme, and the ending is exclusively at the end of the word: fifty th, two hundred th, twenty And heels And thousand th, nine-story th, triangle th,two levels th .
  • 2. The ending is often called the variable part of the word: books A -books And -booksat. This means that changing the ending does not lead to a change in the lexical meaning of the word.

    3. Endings do not participate in word formation. These are always formative morphemes. Endings are used when forming forms of the 1st and the same word.

    4. The endings express grammatical meanings:

    gender, number, case - y nouns (books A - ending - A adjectives (great oh book- ending - oh indicates feminine gender, singular, nominative case), participles (written oh book- ending - oh pronouns (mo I book- ending - I indicates feminine gender, singular, nominative case), some numerals (one A book- ending - A indicates feminine gender, singular, nominative case);

    case - for some pronouns(No To Wow - ending -Wow indicates the genitive case) and numerals (no heels And - ending -And indicates the genitive case);

    persons and numbers - y verbs in real and future time ( breathe at - ending -y points to 1st person, singular);

    gender and number - y verbs in the past tense ( read A - ending -A indicates feminine gender, singular).

    5. The ending can be expressed by one or more sounds: no knife A, cut with a knife ohm .

    6. The ending may be zero: tableΟ (cf. table A ), kind Ο (cf. kind s ), read Ο (cf. read And ). The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter in writing, but the absence of such a materially expressed ending has a certain grammatical meaning: knifeΟ - the zero ending indicates the masculine, singular, nominative case of the noun.

    Null endings appear in the following forms of words:

    1) at nouns in the nominative case, singular, masculine (2nd declension) and feminine (3rd declension) : table Ο , daughter Ο ;

    2) part nouns in the genitive case, plural: no strengthΟ , no businessΟ , no fighterΟ .

    Note. Final sounds (and letters) in the genitive plural form of the 1st declension and 2nd declension of nouns are not endings: arm th , foothills th , dishes ec . This is part of the base, and the ending here is zero. To check, it is possible to compare these forms with the forms of the nominative singular. Analysis of examples:

  • noun army [armyj- A] has the ending -a, and the sound [j] goes into the base. In order to prove this, it is possible to inflect the word: in the army,army[j- uh] th etc. In all these forms [j] is preserved. This means [j] is part of the base, since the ending is a differentiable part of the word. Exclusively in the form of the genitive case, this sound is graphically expressed using the letter th ( armies Ο ), and in other forms it does not receive a special designation;
  • in class forms foothills, saucer We are seeing a similar phenomenon. Only here there is also vowel fluency ( i, e): foothills - foothills Ο ; saucer- e - saucerΟ ;
  • 3) at short adjectives in singular, masculine form: Vif Ο , happy Ο ;

    4) at possessive adjectives with suffix -th: foxΟ , wolf Ο (-й is a suffix, because it is preserved during declension. Exclusively in other forms, the suffix is ​​presented in a truncated form - [j], and in writing it is not graphically expressed. The presence of this suffix is ​​indicated by the dividing ь: wolfishΟ -wolf[j- uh ]th , foxΟ -lis[j- uh ]th );

    5) at verbs in the past tense, singular, masculine: read Ο , sangΟ .

    7. There are words thatThere are no endings at all. Such words are called immutable. See: What words are considered immutable?

    It is necessary to distinguish between words without endings and words with zero endings. Analysis of examples:

  • In a sentence His gaze was directed into the distance word into the distance is an adverb. The adverb does not change and therefore has no ending. In the title of Tvardovsky’s poem “Beyond the Distance - Distance” distance- a noun, it changes according to cases and numbers, form distance stands alongside other forms: far, far, far etc. As follows, this word has a zero ending: dal Ο .
  • In sentences: She it's a shame looked at us And Her face was very it's a shame - two homonymous words. In the first case the word it's a shame is an adverb: looked(How?) it's a shame. Adverbs have no endings. Morpheme -O here is a suffix with the help of which an adverb is formed from an adjective. In the 2nd sentence the word it's a shame - short adjective: face(what?) it's a shame. Short adjectives change by number and in the singular by gender: girls are sad s -girl is sad A -the story is sad Ο . As it should -O here's the ending.
  • Exercises for the topic “R”distinguishing between words without endings and words with zero endings»

    1. alleys, knives, fields, roles, sleighs, dictionaries, steppes, poplars. Which one doesn't have the same ending as the others?

    Answer: alleys. This word has a zero ending, others have an -ey ending.

    2. The nouns are given in the genitive plural form: widows, thieves, cattle, socks, foundations, horseshoes, dreams, tables. Distribute them into two groups: those with a zero ending and those with an -ov ending.

    Answer: null ending: widows, cattle, foundations, horseshoes; -s ending: thieves, socks, dreams, tables.

    3. Which of the following words does not have an ending: hero, evil, foliage, vying with each other, hang up, bag, yours?

    Answer: vying with each other. This is an adverb, so it has no ending. Hero And lights out- masculine nouns in the nominative singular form, they have a zero ending. In feminine nouns foliage And bag, also in adjective wicked and pronouns your ending -oh.

    4. Words given: take, took, taking, taken, down, bottom, side, side, house, back, above, not bad, henceforth. Distribute them into two groups: with a zero ending and without an ending.

    Answer: null ending: took, taken, bottom, side, house, not bad; no ending: take, taking, down, sideways, reverse, over, henceforth.

    Source of material Internet site

  • Article by E.V. Muravenko “Morphemics” on the website
  • Chapter “Base and Ending” in the manual by L.V. Balashova, V.V. Dementieva “Russian language course”
  • Additionally on the site:

  • What is the root word?
  • What are bound and free roots in linguistics?
  • How to find the root in a word?
  • What is a prefix as part of a word?
  • In what words in the modern Russian language are the prefixes pre- and pre- no longer distinguished?
  • In what words in the modern Russian language is the prefix pri- no longer emphasized?
  • How to find a suffix in a word?
  • What are formative suffixes?
  • What are derivational suffixes?
  • Where can I find a list of null suffixes?
  • Where can I find a list of formative morphemes?
  • What is a word base?
  • What is a word nest?
  • What words are called similar?
  • What is an affix?
  • Can an affix be equal to the base of a word?
  • 1) Sound, syllable, stress will be studied by phonetics.
    2) Sounds are pronounced and letters are written.
    3) In the word “City” the last letter denotes a voiceless consonant.
    4) A word has approximately the same number of syllables as sounds.
    5) Consonant sounds are dull, voiced, hard and soft.
    6) There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet - 10 letters denoting vowels, 23 letters denoting consonants.
    7) Any word consisting of two syllables can be transferred from one line to another in writing.
    8) The letter “e” in different cases means either one or two sounds.
    9) After the letter “zh” you cannot write any letter denoting a vowel sound.
    10) The letter "ъ" always denotes the softness of the previous consonant.

    Which of the following statements is true? The verbs plant and disembark....

    A) are always synonyms
    B) Always antonyms
    C) They can be synonyms, but cannot be antonyms
    D) Can be antonyms, but cannot be synonyms
    D) Can be synonyms and antonyms

    2) The words flood, destructive, stepdaughter, stepson are given. How many of them contain (or previously contained) the prefix pa
    A) none
    B) one
    B) two
    D) three
    D) four

    9) Which of these words has a hyphen?

    1. (more) (bring)
    2. (on) further (to leave)
    3. (to do) a little (to do)
    10) Which of these phrases contains an adverb that is written with a hyphen?
    1. (through) the winter forest
    2. (by) autumn sky
    3. (over) the spring field
    4. (in) my opinion
    5. (winter-cold)
    11) Do parsing.
    A. The bright sun sparkled playing on the melted snow.
    Please do everything!!!Thanks in advance!

    From these sentences, write down sentences with separate applications. Dubrovsky, a retired guard lieutenant, was

    Troyekurov's closest neighbor. I, your old matchmaker and godfather, have come to make peace with you. On the window, silver with frost, chrysanthemums bloomed overnight. Their hair, silky and black, was loose. Rostov, as a caring squadron commander, wanted to take advantage of the provisions before the French.

    From these sentences, write down sentences with separate applications. Place punctuation marks in the written sentences.

    Old man Prokhor, a fisherman and basket maker, told me a tale about autumn. Styopka with a jagged spoon in his hands took his place in the smoke near the fire. Princess Marya sat lost and powerless in the hall. Smart animals, beavers spend the winter intelligently. Kutuzov, like all old people, slept little at night. When we children went to bed, my father sat down at the piano.

    Write these sentences into two groups - with separate definitions and separate applications. Place punctuation marks.

    Yesterday, tired from walking through the swamp, I wandered into the barn and fell asleep deeply. The son of a forester, he was born and raised in the forest. Pasteur, the famous scientist, studied smallpox bacteria in his laboratory. A black and heavy cloud was rising from the sea. Tell me, magician, favorite of the gods, what will happen to me in life? Warmed by the sun, slow-moving turtles set off in the lagoons.

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