How does a strong person differ from a weak one? Avoid unnecessary connections

I don’t know about you, but I am completely convinced that the phrase “The best man wins” will be relevant at all times. Only if previously everything came down to physical characteristics, then modern reality forces a person to improve on all fronts. Therefore, it is not surprising that people began to think more often about how to become stronger. Of course, we are talking about the context of the whole life...

First of all, you need to set yourself up for positive success. It is not enough to just think: “I want to become stronger.” You need to firmly and confidently say: “I will become stronger” and put as much emotion into this phrase as your heart is capable of. This kind of setup, despite its absurdity, allows you to achieve good results. Try it, just don't be a hack.

So, for those who want to know how to become a strong person, I have prepared 17 tips that can bring amazing results. They make up only a small fraction of the entire journey, but do you remember where the journey of a thousand miles begins? You can apply them all at once, or one at a time. You can implement one thing every month or every week. You can completely score. Remember that everything depends on your choice.

1. Form your view of things.

It is very important to learn to formulate your own thoughts on any issue. In our century, people themselves become slaves to other people's opinions, so it is very difficult to maintain individuality of thinking. I brought this point to the first place precisely because of its complexity. Learn to get rid of other people's opinions and form your own objective judgment. Perhaps the post “How to Find Freedom” will help you.

2. Do physical exercise.

It is also important to know how to become physically stronger. A truly strong person is strong not only in spirit and mind, but also in body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your physical norm. You don't have to sign up for a gym. You can start running or doing morning exercises. Usually this is enough. If you want something more exciting, you can try some sports. I bet you'll like it.

3. Set goals.

It's important to know where you're going. The best guide is a dream or goal. But if a dream is something vague, then a goal is a real finishing line that can be torn off. In fact, setting and achieving goals brings unprecedented personal growth.

4. Survive falls.

Failure is the best mentor. Believe me, nothing brings as much life experience as falling. Only by experiencing real difficulties can we become stronger. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of failures, just do what you set out to do. You can never truly taste success if it comes too easily. Treat falls like a good teacher who is genuinely interested in your knowledge.

5. Love yourself.

It is important to understand one thing - you have incredible potential hidden within you, thanks to which you can achieve anything you want. It doesn’t matter how grandiose your plans are. If you can truly love yourself, then no obstacles will prevent you from achieving your results.

6. Read more.

Did you know that our brain perceives information projected in the imagination as real? But, unlike animals, we are able to independently control the flow of our thoughts. This way we can lose many difficult situations that may arise in the future. Books are a real treasure trove of such situations. We literally play every scene live and draw the necessary conclusions. It's not for nothing that all successful people read a lot.

7. Learn to lose.

It is important to understand that you are responsible for your life. It doesn’t matter who exactly is to blame for the current situation. If this has somehow affected your life, YOU ARE TO BLAME. If a girl leaves you, don’t complain about her, but look for the reason in yourself. If you were fired from your job, don’t insult your boss, but become a better person. That's the only way.

8. Finally, start learning for real.

Education is actually a very useful thing. Many underestimate it, citing as an argument phrases like: “I will never need this.” Yes, we never use most of the knowledge we acquire at school or university, but it helps us develop. For example, geometry develops logical thinking very well and can teach you how to correctly reason your answer. By getting to know different areas of philosophy, we can find answers to some questions in the future.

9. Give free rein to your imagination.

In the most ordinary things, you can achieve unusual results if you use your imagination. Try doing everything with your left hand the next time you have to clean the house. It will turn out quite funny, and you will probably remember this cleaning for a long time. But fantasy can also be used in other situations, for example, you can learn a passage or formula and do push-ups at the same time. Oh yes, I already wrote about this in the material “How to develop memory.” Fantasy can open up unprecedented boundaries for you and find ways even in the most difficult situations.

10. Find something you love to do.

Nothing gives such a powerful impetus to action as doing something you love. These could be some true goals or just a hobby. Such activities will give you strength and make your heart beat joyfully in anticipation of future activities. It is much better if your favorite activity is your life goal. Together, such actions will not only make you stronger, but will bring real greatness.

11. Learn to say no.

And we are not just talking about some requests. It is very important to learn to focus on one thing, discarding all external factors. If you look at all the things you did today, you will probably notice that most of them do not have any practical benefit. They just destroy you. Give them up in favor of truly important things!

12. Give up unnecessary connections.

We often surround ourselves with people who negatively influence us. We feel awkward around them and want to leave the company as soon as possible. Or maybe we're just annoyed by their endless whining and complaining. Remember what they say: “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.” We often adopt our behavior from those around us, so it won’t be surprising if you soon start complaining too. Surround yourself with people you truly enjoy spending time with and you will immediately notice the difference.

13. Start realizing your dreams.

You can become a truly strong person when you realize your dreams and help realize the dreams of others. Every day, devote at least five minutes to getting closer to your desires and then success is guaranteed to you.

14. Throw away all negativity.

This does not mean that you need to put on rose-colored glasses and rejoice at every leaf (although this option will also work). You just need to treat the world not as a firing line, but as a sea of ​​opportunities that you can realize. If you constantly think about the negative, then sooner or later depression will begin to strangle you with its huge hands. Believe in a positive result and it will definitely come.

15. Ask for forgiveness.

Have you ever had situations that you still regret and constantly remember? Perhaps this is one of the effective ways to become stronger spiritually. Ask for forgiveness from everyone you've ever bullied. Especially if your conscience constantly reminds you of these cases. In this day and age, it is very rare to hear a sincere “Sorry,” so you can become a role model for other people.

16. Get rid of all debt.

You can't continue to grow stronger if you're saddled with debt. It's like ballast, constantly dragging you to the bottom. First, deal with your financial debts. Then follow through on all your promises. Only if nothing is holding you back can you move forward truly quickly.

17. Help others.

Just like that, without any hidden intentions. You can sign up to volunteer or help your neighbor-grandmother lift bags of groceries. You can even do something more: plant trees or organize a holiday. Such actions fill our lives with meaning and completely kill bad character traits.

The article could be supplemented with a bunch more points, but I decided to focus on these 17. If you have anything to add or ask, write in the comments.

Illustration: Elena Lishanskaya

Our thoughts shape our actions, our actions shape our habits, and our habits shape our character. In this way, we literally create ourselves.

Here are 13 things morally strong people don't do:

1. They don't waste time feeling sorry for themselves.

Morally strong people will not sit idly by, complaining about their circumstances and talking about how they were wronged. They take responsibility for their role in life and accept the fact that life is not always easy or fair. If the situation is not the most pleasant, they may well respond with the phrase “Well, okay.”

2. They don't lose control of themselves.

They do not allow others to control them, and they do not give anyone else power over them. They understand that they are experiencing the situation with their own emotions, and they decide how to react. They realize that their strength lies in the ability to manage their reactions.

3. They don't run from change.

Morally strong people do not try to avoid change. Instead, they welcome them and are always ready to respond accordingly. Their biggest fear, so to speak, is to fall into stagnation and lose the taste for life. The environment of change brings out the strongest traits in these people.

4. They don't waste energy on things they can't control.

You won't hear a morally strong person complain about lost luggage, traffic jams, or other people because they understand that these factors are beyond their control. Instead, they focus on what they can control, and often this is just their attitude towards what is happening. And they skillfully use this.

5. They don't try to please everyone.

There are people who are always trying to please everyone. There are people who go against everyone and try to assert their “power” in this way. Neither of these methods is acceptable. Morally strong people recognize that they don't have to be liked by everyone all the time. They are not afraid to say “No” or argue when necessary. They strive to be fair, but respect their time and know how to politely decline another's request.

6. They are not afraid to take calculated risks.

They do not take reckless or stupid risks, but are not afraid to take calculated risks. Morally strong people weigh risks and benefits before making important decisions, and carefully gather information about potential losses before taking action.

7. They don't dwell on the past.

Morally strong people don't waste time thinking about the past and how things could have been different. They acknowledge their past and learn from it. However, they do not relive bad moments and remember the days of past glory. Instead, they live in the present and plan for the future.

8. They don't make the same mistakes over and over again.

We all know what stupidity is, right? Making the same decisions and hoping that this time it will work out better. Morally strong people take responsibility for their behavior and learn from their mistakes. As a result, they do not repeat mistakes many times. Instead, they move on and make better decisions for the future.

9. They don't envy other people's successes.

Morally strong people can appreciate and enjoy the successes of other people in life. This is very important. They do not envy or feel cheated when others are superior to them (but will take note of their experiences). Instead, they recognize that success comes through hard work, and they are willing to work hard to achieve their own success.

10. They don't give up after the first failure.

Every defeat is a chance to do better. Even the best entrepreneurs admit that their early attempts led to a lot of failure. Morally strong people are ready not to give up and keep trying until they achieve their goal, if each such failure moves them closer to the goal.

11. They are not afraid of loneliness

Mentally strong people enjoy and even appreciate moments when they can be alone. They are not afraid to be alone with their thoughts, and use this time to think and plan. They do not depend all the time on other people and their moods. They can be happy with others, but they can also be happy alone.

12. They don't think the world owes them

Morally strong people do not feel entitled to everything in this life. They were not born with the knowledge that others would care about them or that the world had something to give them. Instead, they seek opportunities based on their own strengths and capabilities.

13. They don't expect instant results.

Whether they're working to improve their health or start a new business, mentally strong people don't expect instant results. They invest their energy and time in certain doses and celebrate every achievement in their business. They have the “gift of endurance” and understand that qualitative changes take time.

People are not born physically strong, and no one is gifted with incredible mental strength from birth. Psychological strength emerges over time for people who make self-development a priority. In addition to avoiding things that might bother them, mentally strong people develop healthy habits that support their psychological well-being.

Here are 8 of the things that mentally resilient people do every day.

1. Use their psychic energy wisely

It is very easy to get distracted during the day by many unimportant and useless things. Psychologically stable people prefer to use their time and energy carefully. They dedicate their efforts to what matters most to them in order to achieve their goals.

2. Reconsider your negative thoughts

Everyone has negative thoughts sometimes, but psychologically strong people do not allow them to hold them back or weaken them. Instead, they respond to their pessimistic expectations and harsh criticism with more productive self-talk. They stay motivated by treating themselves like trusted friends or helpful coaches.

3. They strive to achieve their goals

Mentally strong people set clear personal and professional goals that have meaning and purpose. They forego immediate gratification while keeping their long-term goals in mind, and view obstacles as challenges rather than barriers to success.

4. Monitor their progress

Strong people reflect daily on how they are progressing toward their goals. They give themselves time to evaluate what they do well and what areas they need some improvement in. They hold themselves responsible for their mistakes and constantly strive to improve.

5. Endure discomfort for greater goals.

While some people are willing to go to great lengths to avoid facing any stress, others endure pain just to prove that they are strong. Strong people tolerate discomfort when it is necessary to achieve their goal. Whether they exercise despite being tired or perform in public despite being very nervous, they use their suffering to...

6. Develop a sense of gratitude

You can't be your best if you insist that you deserve better. Strong people recognize that they already have everything they need. They consider themselves quite lucky and are grateful for all things, big and small.

7. Balance emotions with logic.

Psychologically strong people know that their experiences play an important role in how they perceive everything and how they behave. They pay attention to how emotions can influence their judgment and carefully balance them with logic to make the best decisions.

8. Live by your values

Although it is very tempting to build your self-esteem based on comparing yourself with others, competing with them, psychologically strong people are not distracted by such things. They focus on living their values ​​and doing their best despite the circumstances. At the end of the day, they don't ask themselves if they beat everyone today. Instead, they would rather ask themselves whether they were true to their principles today.

We envy, but don't think about why they can survive in a difficult situation, but we can't. In fact, anyone can become strong if they behave differently. Strong people:

1. They communicate to exchange ideas, not to convince someone of something.

They express ideas, justify their feasibility, but do not put pressure or defend themselves. They share information freely and openly with others, are good listeners, and value the wisdom and advice of others.

Strong people are confident in themselves, they know about their weak points. They recognize that in some situations it is better to seek support from more skilled, experienced, or educated friends and colleagues. They believe that there is no shame in asking for help.

3. Adequately perceive reality

They notice obstacles in their path, but do not focus on them for too long because they understand that difficulties are a prerequisite for moving forward. They evaluate the situation taking into account different possibilities and see the future in any situation.

4. Live in the moment

They are aware that the past cannot be changed. The strong learn from the mistakes of the past and move forward, rather than wasting hours on regrets and thinking about what could have been done yesterday or a year ago.

5. They work a lot

They know that nothing happens by itself, they are ready to work both on their careers and on relationships. They are envied, but the envious cannot imagine how much effort has been put into projects and difficulties overcome on the way to the goal.

6. These are grateful people

They understand that their happiness and success depend not only on themselves. Without the participation and support of other people, a business project will not be truly successful. And a family cannot be strong only thanks to one of the partners. Such people appreciate those who help them, know how to express gratitude and often do so.

7. Able to cope with serious problems

No matter what happens, the death of a loved one, divorce or loss of business, they do not allow this event to become a part of them. In other words, they separate themselves from the sad event, but recognize that it has become part of their life. And they know that life goes on, despite all the adversity. This attitude makes them stronger.

8. They know how to endure pain

They don't try to avoid problems. They have the courage to be fully present in the moment when they are hurt, offended or unpleasant. They perceive this pain as an important lesson and do not try to use anesthesia or escape from the crisis, for example, with the help of alcohol. And this does not mean that they are insensitive. They are aware of the pain, but do not identify with it.

19/09/08, Tiara
You have to be strong to be able to lend a hand to the weak. No one can ever be stronger than me, I must recognize my primacy, without discussion, and it will be good for you, and for me too. And there is no need for this useless struggle.

20/10/08, Castano
Strength is not only in physical capabilities, simply because our society has evolved a little in comparison with animals and the law here acts a little differently, in a variety of ways, but the essence is the same. So it was, is and will be, starting from the struggle of sperm to competition in all spheres of our lives.

07/11/08, Cherry pie
This is true. Only in ancient times was physical strength implied. And today there is the power of position, power, money. He who has power on his side is right. Or support.

04/03/09, Kronos Dark Lord
Small correction. Unfortunately, it is not the strongest or the smartest who survive, but the fittest. However, well, a fair law. The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. Of course, in human society the law has been transformed from “survive” to “thrive.” Everyone survives one way or another (I don’t include illnesses or accidents). Fair. If you want to succeed, try, become the strongest (read “smartest”, “most experienced”, “most adapted”). If you don't want to succeed, remain weak. So be it, others will ensure your “survival”.

23/09/09, Johnston
This law stimulates self-improvement and self-development. In turn, self-improvement and self-development is learning and putting into practice something new (and many people are afraid of new things). I believe that a more developed person has a much more interesting life than someone who does not want to use this law. By the way, for others, a person who knows and can do a lot is more interesting than a less developed one. What pleases a person the most and gives him pleasure? - This is the best of its kind (a beautiful wife, a huge and cozy house, an expensive car, first place in world competitions, a book that is read all over the world, etc.) And those who achieve the best are only the strongest!!!

23/09/09, Juliet87
I love this law because it is the Law of Nature! Some here consider him cruel, I want to tell them - isn’t it cruel how many disabled children are born by those who, by the will of nature, are supposed to die and not spoil the gene pool of the planet?! Why should I, as a taxpayer, pay for the treatment of all kinds of cripples, diabetics, drug addicts, and HIV-infected people?!? It's their own fault! Genghis Khan killed monsters and he did everything right! And these stupid doctors go against nature and spoil the Gene Pool, and as a result, there are so few healthy people now! If there were a law of nature, all genetic and other diseases would be eliminated, and now all people would be much healthier!!

08/10/09, Johnston
I'll tell you a short parable about a butterfly. One man found a cocoon with a butterfly. He began to watch how the butterfly struggled to free itself from the cocoon. The butterfly stopped and it seemed that there would be no further movement. And the man decided to help the butterfly. He took the scissors and cut the cocoon. The butterfly was free. But something strange happened. The butterfly had a swollen body and wrinkled wings. She spent the rest of her life crawling with a swollen body and deformed wings, never having taken off. The man did not understand that overcoming the obstacle in the form of a cocoon, and the efforts that the butterfly made while making its way through the hole in the cocoon was necessary for it to strengthen its wings and body so that it was ready to fly as soon as it was freed from the cocoon. Sometimes overcoming difficulties is exactly what we need at certain moments in life. If there were no obstacles in our lives, we would be weak and would not have the strength that we always wanted to have. And we would never be able to fly.

17/10/09, Juliet87
Passer-by0001, I see you are a newbie, well, I’ll explain to you: on this site everyone expresses their own opinion, this is the meaning of the LH site. I love the law of Survival of the fittest, because it is a natural law, the law of Nature! And Genghis Khan was right in everything, at least they should have bothered to first read the biography of this great Eastern commander before judging him! Yes, in Rus' before him they didn’t even know how to wash themselves! He stopped the bloody hostility that then reigned between the Russian principalities, enriched culture and literature! Yes, and learn to correctly write the nickname of the person you are addressing. Welcome!

18/10/09, Juliet87
Passerby0001, I'm glad that you learned to write my nickname. Regarding Hitler’s personality: I don’t see any connection with this topic, because he killed not the crippled and hopeless, but normal, healthy people, and naturally, what kind of thing is this crazy fascist is extremely disgusting to me. I will also note that you apparently misunderstood me, I am not at all in favor of killing the weak. Nature will do its own thing, you just don’t need to interfere with it :) Understand that by interfering with the natural course of evolution, you can ruin the gene pool of humanity, hereditary diseases have already spread. We didn’t come up with the rules of the game, natural selection is one of these rules, and it’s not up to us to change it.

18/04/10, Canzonetta
It is not the strongest who survive, but the most cunning and the smartest. I think this is right, it gives meaning to life and it manifests itself everywhere: in love, in study, in work, in life. In order to enter a university you must be the strongest in exams, in order for you to have a normal job you must be stronger than your competitors, in order for your loved one to be with you you must be stronger than your rivals Life is a game where you win the strongest. In order to win in this life, you must develop, read, analyze, study, think, understand people, their psychology. This is interesting, this is what we live for. And when you finally achieve what you want, when you have overcome all the obstacles and achieved your goal, you experience great happiness and satisfaction from life. If there was no competition, people would become like amoebas, without will, character, and desires. When there is everything, when there is no competition, then there is nothing to strive for and a person degrades. These are the laws of nature and only a loser does not like them.

02/05/10, Matriarch
I respect and recognize this law, it is absolutely true! I’ll be brief here, why rant about it when everything is already clear... so, why do we need all sorts of sick people, disabled people and others like them, and especially those with headaches? In short, it is those who do not benefit society and cannot serve themselves without outside help. Carrying them on oneself is a dubious pleasure and few people are now simply trying to help, let alone caregivers or, even more so, volunteers. Nobody likes a sick person or a burden! By carrying someone on us, we lose our energy, and this is extremely unhelpful. No, I don’t suggest abandoning the weak, they say, let them save themselves... but the attitude towards those who are not eager to help is, to put it mildly, inadequate... there is even an article for failure to provide help! By the way, if someone points an example at me, I will say right away that I would prefer to die than to humiliate myself and accept help! Survival of the fittest and that says it all!

13/06/12, Joseph Chamberlain
This law has worked since time immemorial and continues to this day. The whole life of any living creature on our planet is a struggle, a struggle for survival, from birth to death. This struggle takes place at all levels: both intraspecific and interspecific. Stronger and more resilient species eat those who are weaker, smaller and less resourceful, there is an active struggle within one particular species, a struggle for leadership, a struggle for a healthier female, which will also give birth to healthier offspring, and all living beings together fight for survival with the forces of nature, resisting its grin in the face of intense heat, frost, floods, earthquakes, etc. And man is no exception here, who also stands on a par with other animal species, but who surpasses them due to the fact that he has science. It is thanks to the struggle that we owe all the achievements of world science and progress, without it the world would have stopped developing.

20/02/14, Ololosha
Actually, the fact that the fittest survive is no secret to anyone. The strongest is not necessarily in the physical sense, but also in the mental and spiritual sense. A strong-willed person, an intelligent person, a strong person - these are the people for whom it will be easier to survive. However, a person who is weak in these senses can always work on himself and correct the situation.

27/12/14, Wolframing
Gods do not exist, rules do not exist, people themselves invented them for their own amusement. The only law of this world is: "Survival of the fittest."

21/07/16, EvlampiyInkubatorovich
We, the strong, must endure the weaknesses of the powerless and not please ourselves.

01/08/17, Sever84
This is the correct law. Reasonable or not, that’s the only thing that’s missing today. There are too many people who are weak and unable to survive. Sissies that just make you sick. They have a weak nervous system and are very dependent. Just pushing them into the masses is not reasonable.

01/08/17, Sever84
Don't like the fact that you have to survive? Well, forgive me, this is life and this is how it is. Nobody said that it would be easy and that you have to believe everyone and someone should do something

02/08/17, Covenant
A law dictated by nature itself. It doesn’t matter how you feel about it, with love or not, because the very fact of its existence cannot be denied, nor can it be cancelled. It's just the way the world works, that's it.

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