Leadership Test «Personality Tests. Identifying leaders in a team Leadership tests with a key

Being a leader is an important skill that can make life much easier for its owner, and in leadership positions one cannot do without this quality. Therefore, when applying for top positions, application forms contain questions to identify leadership qualities; some companies use psychological tests for this purpose. But even if you are not applying for leadership positions, developing leadership skills will not hurt. A test to determine leadership qualities will help identify the front of the upcoming work.

Leadership Test

This technique is aimed at identifying a person’s leadership qualities and includes 50 questions to which you only need to answer “yes” or “no.”

  1. Are you often in the spotlight?
  2. How many of the people around you have a higher official position than you?
  3. If you are in a meeting with people who are your peers, do you feel the urge not to speak up even when it is necessary?
  4. As a child, did you like to lead your friends' games?
  5. Does it give you great satisfaction when you convince your opponent?
  6. Did they call you?
  7. Do you think that we owe the most useful things in the world to only a small group of outstanding people?
  8. Do you need an advisor to guide your professional activities?
  9. Have you ever lost your cool when interacting with people?
  10. Do you like feeling that those around you are afraid of you?
  11. Do you always try to take center stage at the table in order to control the situation?
  12. Do you think you make an impressive impression on people?
  13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer?
  14. Do you get easily lost if others don't agree with you?
  15. Have you, on your own initiative, been involved in organizing sports, work groups and teams?
  16. If an event you organized fails, would you be happy to blame someone else?
  17. Do you think that a real leader, first of all, should be able to carry out the work he is leading and participate in it?
  18. Do you prefer working with submissive people?
  19. Do you try to avoid heated discussions?
  20. As a child, did you often feel overbearing from your father?
  21. In discussions on a professional topic, do you know how to win over those who disagree with you?
  22. Imagine that you lost your way while walking with friends in the forest. Will you leave it to the most competent person among you to make a decision?
  23. Do you agree with the proverb: “It is better to be first in the village than second in the city”?
  24. Do you feel like you have an influence on others?
  25. Could failure to take initiative permanently discourage you from doing so?
  26. Do you consider the one who demonstrates the greatest competence to be a true leader?
  27. Do you always try to appreciate and understand people?
  28. Do you respect?
  29. Would you prefer to have a leader who decides everything himself, without listening to anyone's opinion?
  30. Do you think that for the institution in which you work, a collegial leadership style is better than an authoritarian one?
  31. Do you often feel that others are taking advantage of you?
  32. Are you more suited to the characteristic “Loud voice, expressive gestures, won’t go out of your way for words” than “Calm, quiet voice, restrained, leisurely, thoughtful”?
  33. If at a meeting they don’t agree with your opinion, but it seems to you the only correct one, would you prefer to remain silent?
  34. Do you subordinate the behavior of other people and your interests to the work you are doing?
  35. Do you feel anxious if you are entrusted with a responsible and important task?
  36. Would you rather work under a good person than work independently?
  37. Do you agree that for a successful family life, the decision should be made by one of the spouses?
  38. Have you bought anything based on the beliefs of other people, and not out of your own need?
  39. Do you think your organizational skills are above average?
  40. Do difficulties usually discourage you?
  41. Do you harshly rebuke people who deserve it?
  42. Do you think your nervous system can withstand the stresses of life?
  43. If you need to reorganize your institution, will you implement the changes immediately?
  44. Will you be able to interrupt an overly chatty interlocutor if necessary?
  45. Do you agree that to be happy you need to live quietly?
  46. Do you believe that every person is obliged to do something outstanding?
  47. Would you rather become an artist (composer, scientist, poet) than a team leader?
  48. Do you prefer to listen to powerful and solemn music rather than lyrical and quiet music?
  49. Do you feel nervous about an important meeting?
  50. Do you often meet people with a stronger will than you?

Once the leadership test has been completed, it is time to start scoring. Give yourself one point for positive answers to questions numbered: 1-2, 4, 5, 7, 10-12, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 31-34, 37, 39, 41 -43, 46, 48. Also give one point to the answers “no” to questions: 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16-19, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 56, 47, 49, 50. Do not award points for answers that do not match. Calculate your total points and see how your leadership skills are assessed.

  1. Less than 25 points: leadership qualities are weak and should be developed.
  2. From 25 to 35 points: leadership skills are moderately developed, this level is sufficient for middle managers.
  3. From 36 to 40 points: leadership qualities are well developed, you are an ideal top manager.
  4. More than 40 points: you are an undoubted leader, prone to dictatorship. Perhaps it's time to change something.

If the diagnosis of leadership qualities has shown their lack, do not be upset; if desired, they can be developed.

Scales: level of leadership qualities

Purpose of the test

The presented methodology allows us to assess a person’s ability to be a leader.

Test instructions

You are offered 50 statements to which you must answer “yes” or “no”. There is no average value for the answers. Don’t think too long about your statements. If in doubt, still mark “+” or “-” (“a” or “b”) in favor of the alternative answer to which you are most inclined.


1. Are you often the center of attention of others?
1. yes;
2. no.
2. Do you think that many of the people around you occupy a higher position in the service than you?
1. yes;
2. no.
3. When you are in a meeting of people who are your peers, do you feel a desire not to express your opinion, even when it is necessary?
1. yes;
2. no.
4. When you were a child, did you like being a leader among your peers?
1. yes;
2. no.
5. Do you experience pleasure when you manage to convince someone of something?
1. yes;
2. no.
6. Do you ever get called an indecisive person?
1. yes;
2. no.
7. Do you agree with the statement: “All the most useful things in the world are the result of the activities of a small number of outstanding people”?
1. yes;
2. no.
8. Do you feel an urgent need for an adviser who could guide your professional activity?
1. yes;
2. no.
9. Have you sometimes lost your cool when talking to people?
1. yes;
2. no.
10. Does it give you pleasure to see that others are afraid of you?
1. yes;
2. no.
11. Do you try to occupy a place at the table (at a meeting, in a company, etc.) that would allow you to be the center of attention and control the situation?
1. yes;
2. no.
12. Do you think that you make an impressive (impressive) impression on people?
1. yes;
2. no.
13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer?
1. yes;
2. no.
14. Do you get confused if people around you disagree with you?
1. yes;
2. no.
15. Have you ever, on your own initiative, been involved in organizing labor, sports and other teams and groups?
1. yes;
2. no.
16. If what you planned did not give the expected results, then you:
1. you will be glad if responsibility for this matter is assigned to someone else;
2. take responsibility and bring the matter to the end yourself.
17. Which of the two opinions is closer to you?
1. a real leader must himself do the work he is leading and personally participate in it;
2. a real leader should only be able to lead others and not necessarily do the work himself.
18. Who do you prefer to work with?
1. with submissive people;
2. with independent and independent people.
19. Do you try to avoid heated discussions?
1. yes;
2. no.
20. When you were a child, did you often encounter your father’s authority?
1. yes;
2. no.
21. In a discussion on a professional topic, do you know how to win over to your side those who previously disagreed with you?
1. yes;
2. no.
22. Imagine this scene: while walking with friends in the forest, you lose your way. Evening is approaching and a decision needs to be made. What will you do?
1. leave the decision making to the most competent of you;
2. You simply won’t do anything relying on others.
23. There is a proverb: “It is better to be the first in the village than the last in the city.” Is she fair?
1. yes;
2. no.
24. Do you consider yourself a person who influences others?
1. yes;
2. no.
25. Could failure to take initiative cause you to never do it again?
1. yes;
2. no.
26. Who, from your point of view, is a true leader?
1. the most competent person;
2. the one who has the strongest character.
27. Do you always try to understand and appreciate people?
1. yes;
2. no.
28. Do you respect discipline?
1. yes;
2. no.
29.Which of the following two leaders do you prefer?
1. the one who decides everything himself;
2. one who always consults and listens to the opinions of others.
30. Which of the following leadership styles do you think is best for the type of institution you work for?
1. collegial;
2. authoritarian.
31. Do you often get the impression that others are taking advantage of you?
1. yes;
2. no.
32. Which of the following portraits most closely resembles you?
1. a person with a loud voice, expressive gestures, will not be at a loss for words;
2. a person with a calm, quiet voice, reserved, thoughtful.
33. How will you behave at meetings and conferences if you consider your opinion to be the only correct one, but others do not agree with you?
1. remain silent;
2. you will defend your opinion.
34. Do you subordinate your interests and the behavior of other people to the business you are engaged in?
1. yes;
2. no.
35. Do you feel anxious if you are given responsibility for something important?
1. yes;
2. no.
36. Which would you prefer?
1. work under the guidance of a good person;
2. work independently, without managers.
37. How do you feel about the statement: “In order for family life to be good, it is necessary that decisions in the family be made by one of the spouses?”
1. agree;
2. I don’t agree.
38. Have you ever bought something influenced by the opinions of other people, and not based on your own needs?
1. yes;
2. no.
39. Do you consider your organizational skills to be good?
1. yes;
2. no.
40. How do you behave when faced with difficulties?
1. give up;
2. there is a strong desire to overcome them.
41. Do you reproach people if they deserve it?
1. yes;
2. no.
42. Do you think that your nervous system is able to withstand the stresses of life?
1. yes;
2. no.
43. What will you do if you are asked to reorganize your institution or organization?
1. I will introduce the necessary changes immediately;
2. I won’t rush and think everything through carefully first.
44. Will you be able to interrupt an overly talkative interlocutor if necessary?
1. yes;
2. no.
45. Do you agree with the statement: “In order to be happy, you need to live quietly”?
1. yes;
2. no.
46. ​​Do you think that every person should do something outstanding?
1. yes;
2. no.
47. What would you rather be?
1. artist, poet, composer, scientist;
2. an outstanding leader, political figure.
48. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
1. powerful and solemn;
2. quiet and lyrical.
49. Do you feel nervous when waiting to meet important and famous people?
1. yes;
2. no.
50. Have you often met people with a stronger will than yours?
1. yes;
2. no.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

The total points for your answers are calculated using the questionnaire key.

Key: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11a, 12a, 13b, 14b, 15a, 16b, 17a, 18b, 19b, 20a, 21a, 22a, 23a, 24a, 25b, 26a, 27b, 28a, 29b, 30b, 31a, 32a, 33b, 34a, 35b, 36b, 37a, 38b, 39a, 40b, 41a, 42a, 43a, 44a, 45b, 46a, 47b, 48a, b, 50b.

For each answer that matches the key answer, the subject receives one point, otherwise - 0 points.

Interpretation of test results

less than 25, then the qualities of a leader are weakly expressed.
. If the sum of points is within from 26 to 35, then the leader’s qualities are expressed averagely.
. If the sum of points turns out to be from 36 to 40, then leadership qualities are strongly expressed.
. If the sum of points more than 40, then this person as a leader is prone to dictatorship.

A person’s ability to be a leader largely depends on the development of organizational and communication skills. What characterological personality traits should a true leader have? Such signs, as noted by E. Zharikov and E. Krushelnitsky, may include the following manifestations:

Strong-willed, able to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.
. He is persistent and knows how to take reasonable risks.
. Patient, ready to do monotonous, uninteresting work for a long time and well.
. He is proactive and prefers to work without petty supervision. Independent.
. He is mentally stable and does not allow himself to be carried away by unrealistic proposals.
. Adapts well to new conditions and requirements.
. Self-critical, soberly assesses not only his successes, but also his failures.
. Demanding of himself and others, knows how to ask for reports on assigned work.
. Critical, able to see weaknesses in tempting offers.
. Reliable, keeps his word, you can rely on him.
. Hardy, can work even under overload conditions.
. Receptive to new things, inclined to solve unconventional problems using original methods.
. Stress-resistant, does not lose composure and performance in extreme situations.
. Optimistic, treats difficulties as inevitable and surmountable obstacles.
. Decisive, able to make decisions independently and in a timely manner, and take responsibility in critical situations.
. Able to change behavior style depending on conditions, can both demand and encourage.


Diagnostics of leadership abilities (E. Zharikov, E. Krushelnitsky) / Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuylov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. – M. 2002. P.316-320

Test "Diagnostics of leadership abilities (E. Zharikov, E. Krushelnitsky)"

To take the test you will need a piece of paper and a pen.

Purpose of the test:

The presented methodology allows us to assess a person’s ability to be a leader.

Test instructions:

You are offered 50 statements to which you must answer “yes” or “no”. There is no average value for the answers. Don’t think too long about your statements. If in doubt, still mark “+” or “-” (“a” or “b”) in favor of the alternative answer to which you are most inclined.

Test material:

1. Are you often the center of attention of others?

a. Yes;
b. No.

2. Do you think that many of the people around you occupy a higher position in the service than you?
a. Yes;
b. No.

3. When you are at a meeting of people who are equal to you in official position, do you feel the desire not to express your opinion, even when it is necessary?
a. Yes;
b. No.

4. When you were a child, did you like being a leader among your peers?
a. Yes;
b. No.

5. Do you experience pleasure when you manage to convince someone of something?
a. Yes;
b. No.

6. Do you ever get called an indecisive person?
a. Yes;
b. No.

7. Do you agree with the statement: “All the most useful things in the world are the result of the activities of a small number of outstanding people”?
a. Yes;
b. No.

8. Do you feel an urgent need for an adviser who could guide your professional activity?
a. Yes;
b. No.

9. Have you sometimes lost your cool when talking to people?
a. Yes;
b. No.

10. Does it give you pleasure to see that others are afraid of you?
a. Yes;
b. No.

11. Do you try to occupy a place at the table (at a meeting, in a company, etc.) that would allow you to be the center of attention and control the situation?
a. Yes;
b. No.

12. Do you think that you make an impressive (impressive) impression on people?
a. Yes;
b. No.

13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer?
a. Yes;
b. No.

14. Do you get confused if people around you disagree with you?
a. Yes;
b. No.

15. Have you ever, on your own initiative, been involved in organizing labor, sports and other teams and groups?
a. Yes;
b. No.

16. If what you planned did not give the expected results, then you:
a. you will be glad if responsibility for this matter is assigned to someone else;
b. take responsibility and see it through to the end.

17. Which of the two opinions is closer to you?
a. a real leader must himself do the work he is leading and personally participate in it;
b. a real leader should only be able to lead others and not necessarily do the work himself.

18. Who do you prefer to work with?
a. with submissive people;
b. with independent and independent people.

19. Do you try to avoid heated discussions?
a. Yes;
b. No.

20. When you were a child, did you often encounter your father’s authority?
a. Yes;
b. No.

21. In a discussion on a professional topic, do you know how to win over to your side those who previously disagreed with you?
a. Yes;
b. No.

22. Imagine this scene: while walking with friends in the forest, you lose your way. Evening is approaching and a decision needs to be made. What will you do?
a. leave the decision making to the most competent of you;
b. You simply won’t do anything relying on others.

23. There is a proverb: “It is better to be the first in the village than the last in the city.” Is she fair?
a. Yes;
b. No.

24. Do you consider yourself a person who influences others?
a. Yes;
b. No.

25. Could failure to take initiative cause you to never do it again?
a. Yes;
b. No.

26. Who, from your point of view, is a true leader?
a. the most competent person;
b. the one with the strongest character.

27. Do you always try to understand and appreciate people?
a. Yes;
b. No.

28. Do you respect discipline?
a. Yes;
b. No.

29.Which of the following two leaders do you prefer?
a. the one who decides everything himself;
b. one who always consults and listens to the opinions of others.

30. Which of the following leadership styles do you think is best for the type of institution you work for?
a. collegial;
b. authoritarian.

31. Do you often get the impression that others are taking advantage of you?
a. Yes;
b. No.

32. Which of the following portraits most closely resembles you?
a. a person with a loud voice, expressive gestures, will not reach into his pocket for a word;
b. a person with a calm, quiet voice, reserved, thoughtful.

33. How will you behave at meetings and conferences if you consider your opinion to be the only correct one, but others do not agree with you?
a. keep silent;
b. you will defend your opinion.

34. Do you subordinate your interests and the behavior of other people to the business you are engaged in?
a. Yes;
b. No.

35. Do you feel anxious if you are given responsibility for something important?
a. Yes;
b. No.

36. Which would you prefer?
a. work under the guidance of a good person;
b. work independently, without supervisors.

37. How do you feel about the statement: “In order for family life to be good, it is necessary that decisions in the family be made by one of the spouses?”
a. agree;
b. I don't agree.

38. Have you ever bought something influenced by the opinions of other people, and not based on your own needs?
a. Yes;
b. No.

39. Do you consider your organizational skills to be good?
a. Yes;
b. No.
40. How do you behave when faced with difficulties?
a. you give up;
b. there is a strong desire to overcome them.

41. Do you reproach people if they deserve it?
a. Yes;
b. No.

42. Do you think that your nervous system is able to withstand the stresses of life?
a. Yes;
b. No.

43. What will you do if you are asked to reorganize your institution or organization?
a. I will make the necessary changes immediately;
b. I won’t rush and think everything through carefully first.

44. Will you be able to interrupt an overly talkative interlocutor if necessary?
a. Yes;
b. No.

45. Do you agree with the statement: “In order to be happy, you need to live quietly”?
a. Yes;
b. No.

46. ​​Do you think that every person should do something outstanding?
a. Yes;
b. No.

47. What would you rather be?
a. artist, poet, composer, scientist;
b. an outstanding leader and political figure.

48. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
a. powerful and solemn;
b. quiet and lyrical.

49. Do you feel nervous when waiting to meet important and famous people?
a. Yes;
b. No.

50. Have you often met people with a stronger will than yours?
a. Yes;
b. No.

Key to the test:

The total points for your answers are calculated using the questionnaire key.

Key: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11a, 12a, 13b, 14b, 15a, 16b, 17a, 18b, 19b, 20a, 21a, 22a, 23a, 24a, 25b, 26a, 27b, 28a, 29b, 30b, 31a, 32a, 33b, 34a, 35b, 36b, 37a, 38b, 39a, 40b, 41a, 42a, 43a, 44a, 45b, 46a, 47b, 48a, 49b, b.

For each answer that matches the key answer, the subject receives one point, otherwise - 0 points.
Interpretation of test results

*If the sum of points turned out to be less than 25, then the qualities of a leader are weakly expressed.
*If the sum of points is within from 26 to 35, then the leader’s qualities are expressed averagely.
*If the sum of points turned out to be from 36 to 40, then leadership qualities are strongly expressed.
*If the total points more than 40, then this person as a leader is prone to dictatorship.

The richest man in the United States, Huntington Hartford, once said that millionaires are not those people who get along well with their boss and do everything he says. Such people can only become highly paid employees. Along with Hartford, millionaire Paul Getty believes that no one on the planet will earn much if they work for someone else. When you need financial success in life, you should personally lead the business. What about you? Can you say that you see yourself in the ranks of managers in a couple of years, and firmly answer that “I can and will do!”?

Test “I am a leader!”

People think being a leader is a birthright, but that's not true. You can become such a person, the main thing is to develop the necessary qualities every day. And in six months you will be unrecognizable. In the meantime, you can check for yourself whether you have leadership potential by taking the tests with the answers below.

Team Leadership Test

A bad soldier is one who does not try to rise to the rank of general. This means that even with low test scores, it is clear that there is room for improvement. It is clear that some people have highly developed leadership qualities, while others have not used them at all. And it is not a fact that people whose leadership potential is poorly developed will be bad leaders in the future.

Do you have a lot of intellectual potential, do people listen to you, do many follow you? Then you are definitely a born leader. Do you doubt this? Then the leadership test will prove otherwise. It will show what you are strong in, what useful qualities and features you have, and how exactly you position yourself. Questioning will allow you to increase your personal influence on people.

Being a leader is not easy, but for such a person all roads in life are open. And he reaches leadership positions effortlessly. That is why, when hiring, companies check the creative, intellectual and leadership potential of the future employee. Do you have these qualities? Check it out for yourself.

Who are you? Leader or subordinate? Or maybe you are at a crossroads in your soul and don’t know what you’re worth? Take this questionnaire to find out if you have the makings of a leader within you. Can you become an organizer and lead the team? And if this is not the case, then what needs to be done to achieve this. Detailed answers will help you get to the bottom of the truth.

The leadership test will help you determine your level of internal energy, your ability to make independent decisions, and your ability to influence others. Perhaps you still have to work on yourself to demonstrate leadership abilities.

Tests for managers will give you the opportunity to see whether you have the makings of a leader in your character, the ability to lead others, or whether you prefer that someone else take responsibility for choosing a successful strategy of action.

The team leadership test will clearly show your personal and leadership qualities and communication skills. You will be able to determine what behavioral characteristics you lack in order to feel confident in any company.

The intellectual potential test will allow you to objectively assess your level of intelligence, professional qualities and the level of their implementation. Perhaps you should pay more attention to systematizing the knowledge you have acquired and direct all your efforts to developing hidden potential.

The Which Leader Are You Test will help you look at yourself from the outside and objectively assess your qualities as a leader. Perhaps, for the successful development of the company, you should slightly change your attitude towards your subordinates or towards the organization of work.

The creativity test will help you discover all your hidden abilities. Now you can properly direct your energy to achieve new goals and achieve success in new areas of life.

The Manager or subordinate test will tell you which type of employee your professional and personal qualities best suit. It's up to you to decide whether to accept the result or change something in your behavior to achieve career growth.

The ranking potential test will tell you your ability and readiness to take the top position. It may be worth paying attention to some features of your behavior in order to quickly achieve your desired place in the hierarchy.

This technique is designed to assess a person's ability to be a leader. In this technique, the subject answers 50 questions, and based on his answers to these questions, a conclusion is made about whether he has the personal psychological qualities necessary for a leader.

Instructions: You will be asked 50 questions, each of which has two answer options. Please select one of the options and mark it.


1. Are you often the center of attention of others? a) yes, b) no.

2. Do you think that many of the people around you occupy a higher position in the service than you? a) yes, b) no.

3. When you are at a meeting of people who are equal to you in official position, do you feel the desire not to express your opinion, even when it is necessary? a) yes, b) no.

4. When you were a child, did you like to lead your little friends' games? a) yes, b) no.

5. Do you experience great pleasure when you manage to convince someone who previously objected to you? a) yes, b) no.

6. Do you ever get called an indecisive person? a) yes, b) no.

7. Do you agree with the statement: “Everything most useful in the world is the creation of a small number of outstanding people”? a) yes, b) no.

8. Do you feel an urgent need for an adviser who could guide your professional activity? a) yes, b) no.

9. Have you sometimes lost your cool when talking to people? a) yes, b) no.

10. Does it give you pleasure to see that others are afraid of you? a) yes, b) no.

11. In all circumstances (at a meeting, in a company, etc.) do you try to take your place at the table, located in such a way that it allows you to be the center of attention and control the situation? a) yes, b) no.

12. Do you think that you make an impressive (impressive) impression on people? a) yes, b) no.

13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer? a) yes, b) no.

14. Do you get easily lost if people around you disagree with you? a) yes, b) no.

15. Have you ever, on your own initiative, been involved in organizing work, sports and other teams and groups? a) yes, b) no.

16. If the event you planned did not produce the expected results, then you: a) you will be glad if responsibility for this matter is assigned to someone else; b) take full responsibility for the decision that was made.

17. Which of these two opinions is closer to you: a) a real leader must be able to do the work he is leading himself and personally participate in it; b) a real leader should only be able to lead others and not necessarily do the work himself.

18. Who do you prefer to work with? a) with submissive people, b) with obstinate people.

19. Do you try to avoid heated discussions? a) yes, b) no.

20. When you were a child, did you often encounter your father’s authority? a) yes, b) no.

21. In a discussion on a professional topic, do you know how to win over to your side those who previously disagreed with you? a) yes, b) no.

22. Imagine this scene: while walking with friends in the forest, you lose your way. Evening is approaching and a decision needs to be made. What will you do? a) give the most competent of you the opportunity to make a decision; b) you simply won’t do anything, counting on others.

23. There is a proverb: “It is better to be first in the village than second in the city.” Is she fair? a) yes, b) no.

24. Do you consider yourself a person who influences others? a) yes, b) no.

25. Could failure to take initiative cause you to never do it again? a) yes, b) no.

26. Who, from your point of view, is a true leader? a) the most competent person; b) the one with the strongest character.

27. Do you always try to understand and appreciate people? a) yes, b) no.

28. Do you respect discipline? a) yes, b) no.

29.Which of the following two leaders do you prefer? a) the one who decides everything himself; b) one who always consults and listens to the opinions of others.

30. Which of the following leadership styles do you think is best for the type of institution you work for? a) collegial, b) authoritarian.

31. Do you often get the impression that others are taking advantage of you? a) yes, b) no.

32. Which of the following two “portraits” most closely resembles you? a) a person with a loud voice, expressive gestures, will not reach into his pocket for a word; b) a person with a calm, quiet voice, reserved, thoughtful, unhurried.

33. How will you behave at meetings and conferences if you consider your opinion to be the only correct one, but others do not agree with it? a) I will remain silent, b) I will defend my opinion.

34. Do you subordinate your interests and the behavior of other people to the business you are engaged in? a) yes, b) no.

35. Do you feel anxious if you are given responsibility for something important? a) yes, b) no.

36. What would you prefer in your professional activity? a) work under the guidance of a good person; b) work independently.

37. How do you feel about the statement: “In order for family life to be successful, it is necessary that decisions in the family be made by one of the spouses”? a) agree, b) disagree.

38. Have you ever bought something influenced by the opinions of other people, rather than based on your own needs? a) yes, b) no.

39. Do you consider your organizational skills to be above average? a) yes, b) no.

40. How do you usually behave when faced with difficulties? a) difficulties are discouraging; b) I have a strong desire to overcome them.

41. Do you harshly reproach people if they deserve it? a) yes, b) no.

42. Do you think that your nervous system is able to withstand the stresses of life? a) yes, b) no.

43. What will you do if you are asked to reorganize your institution? a) I will introduce the necessary changes immediately; b) I will propose slow, evolutionary changes.

44. Will you be able to interrupt an overly talkative interlocutor if necessary? a) yes, b) no.

45. Do you agree with the statement: “In order to be happy, you need to live quietly”? a) yes, b) no.

46. ​​Do you think that every person should do something outstanding? a) yes, b) no.

47. Which (of the proposed professions) would you prefer to become? a) artist, poet, composer, scientist; b) team leader.

48. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to? a) powerful and solemn, b) quiet and lyrical.

49. Do you feel nervous when waiting to meet important people? a) yes, b) no.

50. Have you often met people with a stronger will than yours? a) yes, b) no.

Evaluation of results and conclusions

In accordance with the following key, the amount of points received by the subject is determined.

Key: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11a, 12a, 13b, 14b, 15a, 16b, 17b, 18b, 19b, 20a, 21a, 22b, 23a, 24a, 25b , 26a, 27b, 28a, 29b, 30b, 31a, 32a, 33a, 34a, 35b, 36b, 37a, 38b, 39a, 40b, 41a, 42a, 43a, 44b, 45b, 46a, 47b, 48a, 49b, 50b .

For each answer that matches the key answer, the subject receives 1 point, otherwise - 0 points.

If the sum of points turns out to be

up to 25 points, then the qualities of a leader are weakly expressed.

from 26 to 35, then the leader’s qualities are expressed averagely.

from 36 to 40, then leadership qualities are strongly expressed.

over 40, then this person, as a leader, is prone to dictatorship.

Leadership tests are used to identify leadership qualities and the degree of their expression. For test takers who have fairly low test scores, it is advisable to think about their individual qualities, determine ways to develop leadership abilities and use appropriate exercises and training. Even if you do not aspire to become a leader, systematic work on developing leadership abilities will not be in vain, as it will increase your influence on others.

Source: Psychological tests / comp. S. Kasyanov. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 608 p. (pp. 153-161). Pugachev V.P. Tests, business games, trainings in personnel management: textbook. for university students. - M.: Aspect Press, 2003. - 285 p. (pp. 132-138). Fedoseev V.N., Kapustin S.N. Organizational personnel management. Study guide. - M.: Exam, 2003. - 368 p. (p. 138-143)

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