Four stages of human development. The fourth stage of personality development 4 stages of development

Question: How to characterize the inanimate, plant and animal levels of human development?

Answer: The inanimate level is a period when a person has very little energy, which still does not in any way encourage him to connect with others. He passively exists in the world, without changing practically anything around him, but only slightly cultivating the land with his own hands or primitive tools (practically even this is not yet available) and obtaining food for himself.

This is a non-living level of development, i.e. not improving, always at the same level, not yet growing like the next level.

The plant level is characterized by the fact that a person is already “growing,” but, as we say: “Still a plant.” That is, he still does not have enough movement - he is not capable of great conquests, of all kinds of transformations. He transforms the space around him, but like a plant that takes root and little by little takes from everything: he conquers something, but in a very limited form, since his egoism, his capabilities do not allow him to “swallow” what he has conquered. Therefore, there is no point in taking risks, investing effort, suffering.

The animal stage is, first of all, the development of technology: that which is outside of man. We are beginning to develop tools with which we can conquer the world all the way to outer space. This phase began in the Middle Ages with the invention of printing presses and other innovations.

In fact, the Middle Ages were a difficult level of development, a rather turbulent period that arose in a certain internal form. But today, studying the process of evolution, we understand that at that time very interesting, powerful, although hidden, processes of the emergence of the next stage were taking place.

It should be emphasized that this was not observed at the previous stages, because there is very little difference and too much connection between the earth and the plant - they contain each other, turn into each other, etc.

And there is a huge difference between the plant and animal states: in movement, in one’s own space, in conquering space, etc.

In accordance with this, the internal development of man took place - people literally rushed to conquer nature, space, and discover new lands. Plowing of the land, agriculture, crafts, cities, the division of people into groups, into clans - in general, everything changed. Then the movement for parliament, for freedom, etc. began.

Humanity has become more active on all levels compared to the previous state, and this activity has grown and grown.

In the last 20th century, it reached unification: we came to, to egoistic interaction. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a new level, which began to appear in the middle of the 20th century. The Club of Rome, Academician Vernadsky in Russia, various international organizations began to notice that the holistic level of nature was emerging, which accordingly had an impact on society. If we do not follow it, we will suffer from imbalance with nature.

Many then already began to write and talk about this - each at their own level: at the level of biology, sociology, political science, mineralogy, social development, or even economic and financial (economics and finance are two different human functions).

All this gradually accumulated and led to the emergence of prerequisites for moving to the next level. But the manifestation of these prerequisites, like any movement in development, begins with small disturbances, which increasingly increase until they reach states where it is no longer possible to stop, to remain in the previous state, and then a birth at a new level occurs with a jerk.

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The stages of personality development are one of the most interesting and mysterious topics. Everyone really wants to learn more about themselves, the possibilities of their development, improve their skills and bring themselves to a state of ideal. Philosophers and psychologists consider these issues from different points of view, so forming a consensus in this aspect is impossible.

In this article you will become acquainted with such concepts as the formation and stages of personality development, you will be able to develop your own point of view on the social issue of growing up and some methods of self-knowledge.

Stages of personality development by age

Most often, age gradation is used - personality development according to Freud and personality development according to Erikson, which involve a change in a person’s consciousness as he grows up. There is also the concept of the evolution of a person according to his social and spiritual level of perception of life.

Let's begin to consider the stages of personality development according to age criteria, since this theory is most popular and widespread everywhere.


This period is distinguished by Erikson and Freud (“Oral stage”). At this stage, the foundations of personality and attitude towards the world around us are laid - trust or distrust, confidence or lack thereof.

Of course, an important role in a child’s life is played by his mother, who represents the whole world for the baby. He needs maternal care, which allows him to feel consistency and recognition in his experiences. Further development of personality largely depends on the first days of life.

If there is trust, the child perceives the world in a positive way, as reliable, predictable, and calmly endures difficulties, even the temporary absence of the mother nearby. In the absence of adequate maternal care, feelings of mistrust, fear and suspicion arise. Thus, the basis of the first period is the relationship: “trust-distrust”.

Early childhood

The period from 1 to 3 years, corresponds to the “Anal stage” according to Freud, the child masters the ability to control his excretory functions. In addition, the baby becomes physically stronger and can perform more complex actions - walking, climbing, washing.

Very often there are calls for independence “I myself”; an important point is the help of parents in independent actions. It is necessary to provide an opportunity for the development of personality and the formation of autonomy of the child. If he is constantly looked after and everything is done for him, then this is detrimental to development, along with unreasonable demands.

Such things cause further insecurity and weakness of will. With positive development, will and self-control develop.

Preschool age

Preschool age, 3-6 years, is also called the “Age of Play”; according to Freud, the “Phallic Stage”, the period of awareness of gender differences. This period is characterized by an increase in social interactions - games, communication with peers and adults, interest in work matters.

Self-development is manifested in the ability to take responsibility for those who are smaller or weaker, caring for animals. The main slogan: “I am what I will be.” Now the Super Ego is being formed, as a result of understanding social restrictions. It is possible to train and raise a child, there are all the prerequisites for this.

Children experience the joy of independent actions, begin to associate themselves with special, important people, and begin to set goals for themselves. In addition, they show imagination in choosing games and creating their own entertainment. It is worth encouraging the child’s independent actions, which will be the basis for the development of initiative, independence and help in the development of creative abilities.

School age

School age (6-12 years), if we turn to Freud’s theory of personality development - “Latent period”. There is a calm in the psyche; mastering and studying the outside world and creating contacts are now in first place. The basis of everything is the desire to master new knowledge, everything that is important within the society where the child grows up.
The main motto: “I am what I can learn.” Children are taught discipline and participation in solving various problems. There is a desire to express creativity. Children need adult support for personal development. In negative development, doubts about oneself and one’s own competence can be observed.

Youth (12-19 years old), personal identity and self-determination. An important period for the formation and development of personality. Stage of search and self-determination. The teenager tries to determine his place in this life and choose a role that is suitable for him. There is a rethinking of life and values.
At this stage, mistakes from past periods that were made earlier in upbringing often come to light. As a result, negative self-identification may arise - belonging to informal groups and, moreover, drug addiction, alcoholism, and violation of the law. There is also a tendency to create idols and strive to be like them.
With positive developments, one observes the self-development of such qualities as loyalty and the ability to make independent decisions and determine the path of life.


Youth (20-25 years), beginning of adulthood. This is the period of the emergence of love, affection, creation of a family and independent life. During this period, there is a need for intimate intimacy, and comprehensively, not only on the physical level.

It is important to have mutual feelings and respect in a relationship, to learn to merge with your loved one without losing your identity. A person learns to build interpersonal relationships. If you fail to find this balance in relationships with the opposite sex, then a feeling of loneliness appears.

In this period, a feeling is of great importance to a person - love, which is considered as trust in a partner, fidelity under any circumstances, care for one's neighbor. All stages of personality development must be completed on time - “Blessed is he who was young from a young age...” (A.S. Pushkin), although it happens that development occurs late, and this is quite normal.


Maturity (26-64 years old), personal development is manifested in caring for the younger generation. Moreover, even in the absence of children, under normal circumstances, they concentrate more on the outside world and helping others. Otherwise, a “midlife crisis” arises and a feeling of the meaninglessness of life appears.

As a rule, by this time a person has already achieved certain results in life and has a need to pass on knowledge and skills to others, to help his children and grandchildren. It is observed to a sufficient extent.

Old age

Old age (from 65 years), the last stage of personality development. Another rethinking of life occurs, a person increasingly remembers the past years and realizes the correctness or error of his actions and decisions. They often say: old age is wisdom. For those who have come a long way in life and have analyzed their lives, this is so.

This stage of personality development comes when you have already managed to go through a lot in life and conquer the highest peaks. And it is very important to be satisfied, to find joyful moments in your life. Then old age will be calm and confident, and the approach of death will no longer be scary, because life continues in the descendants and creations of man.

If a person cannot find peace, then only sadness over missed opportunities and torment of conscience await him. Therefore, throughout your life you need to try to live in such a way that, years later, you can enjoy your achievements and accomplishments, write memoirs and tell your grandchildren about your life.

So we analyzed the development of personality throughout life. However, this is ideal, wisdom comes with old age, and in childhood we live by impulses and desires. It all depends on the person and his desire to develop, as well as the experience he has experienced and understanding the lessons of life and mistakes along the way.

In adulthood, there are also stages of personality development, which are based on the level of development of the mind and spiritual filling of the human essence. Of course, we can consciously influence these processes using self-development.

6 stages of adult personality development

The stages of growing up are described from a purely biological point of view, and if we take into account Freud’s opinion on this issue, we will come to the eternal question of sexuality, but is everything so simple? Many will agree that the theory of the famous scientist and psychotherapist is perfect and contains a structured presentation of information about a person. But in order to form your own opinion, knowledge of just one book on psychoanalysis is not enough.

Let us consider the stages of human personality development in a different gradation.

1. The stage of primitive man

The lowest level of development of the human personality is the stage of primitive man. Human behavior approaches the animal world - it is based on the satisfaction of animal instincts. Moreover, at this stage a person is of little interest in social issues and restrictions.

If a person gets stuck at this stage, then this can negatively affect loved ones and others, and the person himself cannot be happy if he lacks control over his desires and needs. All this leads to crime and violation of the laws of society. Moreover, “man” is restrained only by the criminal code and, to a lesser extent, moral principles.

A person at this stage may develop an interest in other stages. For self-development and the transition from this level to the next, it is necessary to realize the need and accept the idea that everything comes back, and a negative attitude towards life and people as well. It is necessary to eradicate violence at the level of thoughts and subconscious processes.

2. Layman level

The second level is the level of the average person who thinks little on his own about life and gets most of his information from television programs, magazines and the media. At the same time, it does not subject the information to critical analysis. There is already an understanding that we need to avoid violence in life. And this is associated with karmic experience or upbringing and a more highly developed human consciousness.

At the same time, a person in society behaves quite normally, according to existing rules, but on a more subtle level, in his thoughts, he allows him to insult, accuse, and deceive. The basis of this stage is the need for pleasure; drinkers, smokers, or simply gluttony are often found.

If we remember the development of personality according to Freud, he spoke about the possibility of the development of such consequences, regression in self-development. A person can be quite adequate, and at the same time, in difficult situations or during periods of stress, slip to this level - begin to consume large quantities of sweets, drink alcohol, etc. People try to find peace of mind through pleasure.
The origins lie in childhood; often people in this category did not receive enough love and attention at an early age, or their parents were too demanding, so they “pampered” themselves in adulthood. Regression occurs when a person cannot cope with the next stages of personal development.

For further growth, you need to make a deep analysis of the foundations of your behavior, understand and work out the psycho-emotional reasons for the early periods, or develop skills to overcome life’s difficulties in another way. In the second case, the consequence is treated, in the first - the causes of this phenomenon (regression).

3. “Boss” level

The next stage of personality development is the “boss” level. At the same time, they do not mean the boss in terms of career, although professional development of the individual can be observed. First of all, a person becomes the master of his feelings and demands order from the people around him. Physiological needs are no longer fundamental to behavior.

The basis of behavior is the desire to own, manage, subjugate. In relationships, this manifests itself in the desire to win the attention of a member of the opposite sex, after which interest often fades. Only meeting a person of a higher level can detain a person for a while. After all, learning something new is always interesting, and people of a subtle level are very sensitive and perceive life differently and react to it.

On a subconscious level, we are looking for a person one level higher than us for further development. It is interesting that a person of the third level can communicate with people of a lower level out of necessity, or, if he has not completed all the lessons of past periods, regression occurs, life sends us to re-study.

Conventionally, the first three periods are the development of personality in social terms, and the next three stages are spiritual improvement and self-development.

4. The period of “blessed”

The stage of real growing up is what I call the “blessed” period. A person no longer concentrates all his attention on his Ego, ceases to be a child and is ready to take responsibility and take care of other people. Not all people move to this stage; many prefer to remain children and want to be the center of the Universe, to subjugate the world. People of the first three stages do not show interest in this topic; they are satisfied with the existing state of affairs.

Let's think, can such a person really be happy? Even if all your wishes come true, there will be a feeling of loneliness. This period is characterized by changes in the perception of life, a depth of feelings and emotions appears, and an understanding comes that negative emotions and feelings - hatred, anger, deception cannot make a person happy.

If the third level allows you to gain a social position and stability, then now you have the knowledge to manage your power. An understanding comes that life is not worth wasting on worries and reflection, it is beautiful and it is worth enjoying every day you live, creating a beautiful world and helping loved ones.

In age gradation, this is a period of maturity, but not everyone comes to understand the necessary criteria for personal maturation and the need for self-development.

5. Sage Stage

The next period is called the “sage stage.” A person gains knowledge of managing his own consciousness, and his understanding of the way the world works and cause-and-effect relationships increases. The realization comes that all life events have their root causes, they are lessons that need to be worked through in order to transform the picture of your life.

A person learns to see the deep meaning of all processes; the transition to the fifth stage is associated with disappointment in the ideals of the world and knowledge of the spiritual essence of man. It is important to go through the stages of personality development gradually, because if you miss the fourth period - overcoming pride, then a feeling of the meaninglessness of life and deep disappointment arises.

With the correct course of development, real wisdom and understanding of the evolution of life and personality development arise. A person of this period finds balance in all manifestations of life and reacts to events calmly, always finding solutions. This balance is maintained at a deep level.

It is usually believed that wisdom comes in old age, however, first of all, its formation depends on the development of self-awareness and life processes, and experiences. There is an expression - “wise beyond his years.”

6. Personal enlightenment

At the last stage, the enlightenment of the individual occurs. The transition to this period is perceived as a revelation or illumination of consciousness. A person suddenly understands where the real truth is, a real revolution is taking place in consciousness. At the same time, a person can live an ordinary life, and understand everything at a more subtle level.

Enlightenment is the awareness of the existence of life at a specific moment in time, the past and future are just an illusion. Manifestations - calmness, contemplation of life, “everything is going as it should and what needs to happen will happen.” A person perceives himself as a phenomenon that spontaneously arises in the river of existence.

I remember Buddhists and monks who have experienced life and are in no hurry. Life is a thought. It is determined by our idea of ​​it. There are such people in our lives - they are incredibly calm and surprise with their resistance to any life situations.


So, we examined the stages of personality development according to various criteria and touched on the origins of personality formation. It is important to understand: regardless of our current situation, there is always the opportunity to move forward and not waste time, which can easily be used for good deeds. Whether it’s self-knowledge or developing your own business, building a career or creativity, use all the necessary tools and achieve success with the Self-Development and Self-Knowledge project.

Each of us develops in our own rhythm, consciously or unconsciously - the law of evolution. Some people get stuck at the first stage, others have already moved on to the second or third since childhood...

Stage No. 1 – consume, enjoy

In a broad sense - to use the world to satisfy all your desires. And make this the sole purpose of existence.


  • buy a new expensive car,
  • go on an all-inclusive tour to a tropical island,
  • buy a cottage in the countryside, etc.
  • go to restaurants, cinemas and boutiques after work

Desires: be cooler than others, dress fashionably, visit expensive restaurants, have fun, have fun.

Actions: working and building a career just for money or fulfilling desires at the expense of others.

Problems: boredom, even depression, a feeling of “running in circles”, the emptiness of life and unfulfillment, the search for more and more new pleasures, a stronger “dose” of pleasures.

How to pass the stage? Dose out the pleasures. Realize that besides consumption there are other, more noble goals in life. That they will bring real joy, give a feeling of fullness and happiness.

Stage No. 2 – search, think

At some point, a person realizes that in pursuit of his consumer desires he has never found happiness. And he begins to look for meaning in something else.


  • find your life's work,
  • self-realization,
  • understand who I am and what the meaning is.

Desires: gain an understanding of why you were born and what benefit you can bring to the world, find your personal formula of happiness.

Actions: go on a trip (but not for pleasure, as at the previous stage, but in search of your true self), study different philosophies and religions, read books, meditate, play sports, try yourself in new things.

Problems: fanaticism, excessive admiration for any theory, blindly following someone else's path, the inability to hear one's own inner voice, chaotic rushing from one “meaning” to another.

How to pass the stage? Listen to your heart and intuition. Study other people's theories, philosophies and discoveries, but remember that everyone has their own path. It's important to find it and not copy someone else's. Don't rush from one to another. Consistently study the world around you and listen to your feelings.

Stage No. 3 – give, share

Finally, a person finds: a favorite thing, work or hobby, a way to be happy, harmony with the world and mutual understanding with himself.


Desires: to see people around you also joyful and happy, to make the world more beautiful.

Problems: excessive categoricalness, an attempt to impose your way of life and thoughts on others, misunderstanding on the part of loved ones, lack of understanding in which direction to develop further.

How to pass the stage? Don’t be proud of yourself, don’t think that you’ve already reached the pinnacle of development, don’t tell others how to live, but gently and quietly inspire them to move forward and achieve new achievements.

Stage No. 4 – create, create

The realization that the highest joy of life is in creation. And creation should be based on personal experience and discoveries that we received in the second and third stages.


  • write a book
  • draw a picture,
  • build a house,
  • record a music album,
  • create a business that is useful for people (developmental/creative courses, sports section, kindergarten, medical center, etc.)

Desires: create something that will help other people, that will give them something good: inspiration, motivation, knowledge, beauty, health, comfort, joyful mood, etc.

Actions: choosing a specific goal and working on it until the desired result is created.

Problems: self-doubt, excuses, compromises, procrastination, disappointment at the first difficulties, inability to complete what was started, return to the second stage and search for new goals.

How to pass the stage? Don’t stop, don’t doubt the chosen path, don’t wait for inspiration and an opportunity, go to the end, believe in yourself and your dream, act, act, act.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and All-Merciful!

Relationships, like a living organism, have their own stages of development and “unfoldment”. And ignorance of these stages can often lead to the fact that natural changes in relationships are perceived by partners as signs of their deterioration or harbingers of an impending breakup. These stages are typical for almost all relationships: friendships, parent-child relationships, partnerships, and even business ones. Let us consider them in more detail using the example of parent-child relationships.

The first stage is the stage of codependency.

This is the stage of maximum convergence. It lasts from the moment of conception to the first six months. During this period, children especially need parental affection, love, and care. They need to be held, touched gently, songs sung, talked to, and looked into their eyes. In this way, the child develops trust in the world and in people. This is the fervor of love that parents put into him based on the example of their own attitude.

The same picture can be observed in marital relationships. The first stage is the stage of acquaintance, great illusions, maximum sympathy and affection for each other. Many people believe that this stage is love. But everything is a little more complicated...

The second stage is the stage of counterdependence.

In children, this stage lasts from 6-7 months until they reach the age of three. This is the period when the child strives to get out of the care of his parents and learn more about the world around him. When parents complain about their children's disobedience and stubbornness, their children are usually in this period. The child strives to separate himself from his parents and demonstrates this to others - for example, he strives to dress independently, play separately, does not allow him to approach his toys, says “no” to even the smallest requests, although he internally agrees.

During this period, the child needs to be given enough freedom and space so that he realizes his goals - separating his “I” from the world, from his parents. Otherwise, stagnation at this stage will encourage him to assert himself and separate himself from others all his life. Well, or until this stage is internally completed.

In partnerships, this stage looks approximately the same - the partner can “disappear”, as if showing his independence, hold the opposite point of view, make decisions without consulting, etc. The common goal connecting such actions is the separation of one’s “I” from the “I” of another. If a person received sufficient support from his parents at the stage of counter-dependency, then in adult relationships this period will not cause much damage to the relationship and the other partner.

The third stage is the stage of independence.

This stage lasts from three to five years. This is the period when children and parents become closer again. By this time, the child gains confidence in his abilities (if the parents were understanding and accepting at the previous stage) and is ready to use internal energy to solve problems. He learns to play and interact with other children.

In partnerships, this stage looks like a re-approximation. But now this rapprochement is taking place on the basis of deeper trust in each other. Each has proven that they can do without the other and now they do not need to measure themselves against each other. Calm and interaction with each other returns to the relationship. Partners, like children, having competed with toys, again begin to share them in common games.

The fourth stage is the stage of interdependence.

This stage lasts from six to twelve years. And according to another version - until the age of twenty-nine. This is the most difficult stage, which not everyone reaches and not on time, since many get stuck on the previous ones. How is it different from the previous three? The interdependence stage is the stage of developing compassion, empathy and the ability to interact with others. At this stage, a person can maneuver between the previous three - sometimes be codependent, sometimes counterdependent, sometimes independent.

But in each case, he is aware of his needs and knows how to negotiate with others about interaction and mutual satisfaction. During this stage, skills for a successful life are acquired as the person gains understanding of himself and others and about methods of interacting with others.

From the above, we can conclude that problems and conflicts that arise in relationships are not a sign of incompatibility, but an “echo” of unfinished childhood stages. And the reliability and loyalty of partners to each other is one of the effective ways to “drown out” it.

Asya Gagieva

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Throughout life, a person gains experience, goes through his own path laid down by his soul. But not every person chooses spiritual development for themselves.

This article is about 4 stages of development, which, in principle, have nothing to do with spiritual growth. This is the way of man. Most stop at the second stage, while others go further.

Understanding this process will help you look at yourself from the outside and realize where you are on your journey.

Stage 1. Problem appears

Unfortunately, people most often learn not from positive experiences, but from negative ones. And the point of growth is psychological, sometimes physical, trauma, a serious problem that cannot be ignored.

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The emergence of a problem is the first stage of human development.

This could be severe resentment, betrayal, disappointment, even physical violence. Sometimes there may be several such traumatic events, where the last of them will be the very point where development will begin.

Stage 2. Attempt to heal the trauma

At the second stage, a person trying to heal this trauma, but not to heal in the literal sense.

If we talk about 3D people, ordinary people, those around us, what is this attempt? They see in other people the same problem as theirs.

And to feel better, they try to help others heal.

The key point is that this attempt at healing injuries. There is no real healing here when you move on freely.

And this is done by helping other people highlight and demonstrate their own trauma.

At this stage, trying to educate people, show them something is completely impossible. This is why it is so difficult for us with loved ones and friends.

Why do they say: “don’t interfere without asking,” because people don’t see this trauma, they don’t realize it. Somewhere deep down they understand that it exists. And in this distorted way they are trying to transform it. Completely missing the point.

You will learn why a good deed leads to sad consequences, why, by helping others, you ruin your life.

Surely you have met such people? Or maybe they are like that themselves. When you don't understand that it's your problem.

But you see it in the people around you and give advice on what needs to be done, where to go, what practice, what methodology to apply. Because the wounded part of you is calling out.

You don’t hear her at this stage, and you offer other people a solution to this particular problem.

By the way, many coaches work at this level. They themselves have a deep problem inside, and with the help of other people they do not heal it, but help themselves feel more comfortable.

And this is where the Law of Attraction works. I attract people who show me my shadow aspect, my inner trauma.

If you work with people at this stage, you should not get into their souls and try to dissuade them of something. Because this way you will provoke aggression against yourself.

And your advice will turn against you. Only because the approach itself is initially incorrect. You don't see, you don't realize this problem. You are trying to solve it, or rather, alleviate it with the help of other people.

Stage 3. Immersion within yourself

The next stage is man starts to come back to itself.

His focus moves from the external, external problems, other people, into himself.

Sometimes the transition to this stage is accompanied by some kind of tragedy: someone ends up in a hospital bed, someone is left without a job, without a loved one.

For some, this moment of returning to oneself occurs without catastrophic accompanying situations.

And here questions arise: “Who am I?”, “Where am I going?”, “Why?”. You still don’t know what to do, but you understand that you need to look for the answer not in the outside world, but
inside yourself.

This is the key point from which, in principle, it begins spiritual awakening. Until a person has reached this point, trying to “convert” someone or open their eyes is useless. Because the only response will be aggression.

And when a person has already begun to return to himself, to look inside himself, he understands that the external world is a reflection of the internal.

If the outside world is reflective, then most likely there is something inside me that is worth paying attention to. I don't understand what yet, but I know there's something there. And I open myself to any opportunity to change my life, to transform something in it.

In this article you will find techniques for expanding consciousness that you can introduce into your daily practice.

Stage 4: Spiritual Awakening

And so a person moves on to the next stage - spiritual awakening. Because at this moment openness appears.

The desire to openly look and not correct something, to fix something in oneself, no. Namely, to open up, take a fresh look and expand. Expand beyond the trauma. Expand beyond the problem. Go for something more global.

This stage is exactly the same as the second, when you are trying to heal. But in this case, you are not trying to heal at the expense of the outside world.

And you take direct steps that lead you to real healing. When you uproot the problem, remove the roots, heal that part of you, and move on.

What does humility mean from a spiritual point of view?

They plucked up the courage, or were pushed to do so, to look inside themselves. And this understanding eliminates many conflicts in the family: with relatives, parents, children.

Because when you keep this classification in your head, there is an awareness of how this happens.

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