What to take if you don’t know anything. Create the impression of an erudite person

Even excellent students who never look up from their books are afraid of exams. Before the event, they walk around with and scare everyone they come across with their own fear of the exam. And less academically successful individuals begin to panic: if the “nerds” are worried, then what will happen to them? And even good people are sometimes tormented by questions if you don’t know anything. After all, everyone knows that there are tests for which you don’t want to prepare, or perhaps you are very tired from the previous exam. What to do? Learn to pass exams!

Arrow after arrow

Advice will only help you if you have at least a little time. If you are still at home, take your textbooks (notes) and a piece of paper, read the textbook fluently and write down the key words, connecting them with an arrow. These micro-cheat sheets will not be useful to you in their original form; I do not recommend taking them with you to the exam. But while you do them, the information in your head will be structured, and you will not be afraid of at least the terms. The teacher is usually very good at seeing whether the student is familiar or unfamiliar with basic concepts. Most teachers don’t want to deal with retakes at all, so they only insist on a satisfactory grade if the student knows at least a little about the subject. So, your superficial and literally acquired knowledge in this way will be enough for a passing grade.

Between the lines

How to pass the exam on tickets if there is almost no time? It is worth printing out the questions so that they are on a separate sheet of paper. If you have them in Word format, open the document in a word processor and increase the spaces between the rulers, and only then send them to print. In these spaces you will write a short outline of your answer. That is, when you are preparing quickly, looking through the textbook, write a 3-4 point plan for each item on the ticket. This advice will be useful not only to those who want to know how to pass the exam if you don’t know anything, but also to excellent students who are quite accustomed to large amounts of work.

About the benefits of a well-hung tongue

If the upcoming exam is in humanities subjects, and the teacher does not have the habit of clinging to words, allowing you to explain “in your own way,” then you can rely on general erudition and try to “swim out” through logical thinking. But before the test itself, it is advisable to look through the textbooks so as not to confuse Hegel with Gogol.

Before the start

If you don't know anything? When you are already at the door, open your ears and absorb everything that the “nerds” are talking about among themselves. They often worry and ask tricky questions to each other, to which the collective mind usually finds answers. You can write them down little by little. It often happens that a person comes across exactly the question that was just discussed at the door. So don't go out for coffee and complain less and listen more.

How to pass the exam if you don't know anything? Read the textbook or notes and listen carefully at the door. And also draw conclusions for the future and not take the situation to an extreme, but simply study more in the semester. And then you won’t have to face the “I don’t know anything” situation before the exam.

About successfully passing the session. Here are some more tips for you.

Do you want to know how to pass exams without preparation, on the first try, with a huge number of absenteeisms behind you? You've come to the right place - open your notes and write them down.

Shy and quiet people fail

Many students are accustomed to thinking that passing exams at a university is difficult. But this is not true: there are several effective tips on how to pass the exam without cramming, even if you don’t know anything.

But before we reveal a few secrets to you, you need to understand a few important points, without which our advice may not work:

  1. Nothing will work out if you mumble, behave insecurely, constantly doubt and twitch. Set yourself up for success by practicing at home in front of the mirror. If you are a naturally shy and hesitant person, try to imagine yourself as an actor capable of performing the stunts that will be discussed later.
  2. An examiner is a person waiting for a direct answer to a directly posed question. But first of all, he is a human being, so nothing human is alien to him (temperament, pride and other pressure points).

It’s good if you initially have a set of certain qualities that will help you pass the exam with an A (for example, confidence, composure, calmness, talkativeness, etc.). But even the biggest prudes and prudes should not despair. There are several rules for how to successfully and easily pass the exam even without prior preparation.

Ready to find them out? Let's go!

Rule #1: Don't be silent

It doesn’t matter what happens during the exam: your tongue is swollen, a fish bone is stuck in your throat, your voice is lost, or something else. As soon as the teacher asks about something, you cannot hesitate, you must immediately answer something. No pauses! Even thoughtful silence can lead to failure, as teachers tend to perceive it as ignorance or, worse, doubt.

And vice versa: the student’s constant speech convinces the examiner, if not of confident knowledge, then at least of the student’s high level of culture. And sometimes this is enough to pass the exam (and sometimes automatically).

Rule No. 2: Chat, chatter, chatter

The faster you speak, the more difficult it is for the examiner to understand whether you are telling the truth or not. However, fast speed sends a signal to the teacher’s brain: wow, he’s confident! He probably knows the answer, so you can sleep with your eyes open.

There's one catch. Often teachers know about this trick and constantly reprimand the student and ask him to speak more slowly. Don't panic! Calmly (but quickly!) tell the examiner that this is your natural speech. If you try to speak more slowly, it will be unusual and much more difficult for you to do well on the exam.

Rule #3: Use difficult words

Try to use as many foreign, complex, and incomprehensible words as possible. Your task is to get the teacher to start thinking about one word, and not about your full answer.

Do you think every examiner knows what tactility, aberration or procrastination is? Prepare in advance so that if something happens, you will be ready to explain an unclear term to the examiner. This in turn will give you significant credibility.

Rule #4: Add theatricality to your performance.

If you are tormented by the question “Will I pass the exam?”, try to practice your usual talkativeness at home in front of the mirror as often as possible. Your task is to completely get rid of this eternal “I’m afraid to take exams!” and speak more meaningfully. At the same time, pay attention to the tone of speech.

By speaking meaningfully and openly, we win over the listener, separate him and ourselves from the rest of the audience, classifying you as equal participants in the conversation.

Also, meaningfulness allows you to quickly “move away” from an incomprehensible question, smoothly moving on to another topic. What’s not a great way to successfully pass any exam (even a written one) if you don’t know anything?

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Rule #5: Be provocative

If you see that you cannot pass the exam, you have no choice but to try all the methods. Try to provoke the examiner, lead him away from the path of the chosen topic and push him into discussing an issue that is as controversial as possible.

What are we trying to achieve with this? Sometimes, in order to pass the exam correctly and with excellent marks, it is enough to change places with the teacher, take his place as an examiner or the position of an equal interlocutor.

Yes, not all teachers like to be argued with. But if the teacher is one of those who pays attention to the quality of the knowledge acquired, then by placing him in the position of an equal interlocutor, you will have the opportunity to pass the exam by creating an atmosphere of equality and a full-fledged discussion.

Rule No. 6: Distract the teacher's attention

Is it easy to pass exams without prior preparation? Quite if you know how to distract the examiner’s attention. If you manage to distract the professor from your question, you can pass off completely “leftist” information as truth.

Many tricks serve this purpose: rustling a piece of paper, twirling a pen, stamping a foot, etc. If the teacher asks you to stop, remind him that you are now in the position of the subject, which is making you very nervous.

At any time, you can turn to the help of the student service to rid yourself of everyday student worries. In the meantime, you better practice the art of eloquence or just learn your tickets, in the end!

Firstly, force yourself to do something. As you know, before an exam you want to do whatever you want, just not to prepare for it. Just don't overdo it. At this time, you can remember long-forgotten and postponed matters. Distract yourself under the pretext that it’s time to have a snack. Show yourself as an exemplary son (daughter) and carry out some parental assignment (go to the market, fix a shelf, sweep the floor). But no more. Did you do it?

Secondly, Now we need to make an effort on ourselves. Set a standard - say, one hour or, for example, one ticket. We've sorted out the topic of one ticket - take a break.

Thirdly, If you need to remember some historical date, try to remember what this date means to you personally? Maybe it's your mom's or aunt's birthday? Or maybe on this day you did something for the first time or went somewhere? What if this date resembles someone’s phone number?

Fourthly, What is the best way to remember the material? There are different opinions on this matter. For example, I am categorically against cramming. I consider mnemonics to be the most successful way of memorizing. What kind of “beast” is this? The thing is quite complex, including, in particular, memorization by associations. Need to remember the formula? Try looking at it from a different angle and reading it as a word. Match each letter in the formula with a word and make up a funny sentence that will “get stuck” in your head. I’ll tell you a secret: the more indecent the association, the better it is remembered. It is convenient to remember any definitions, phenomena, events, reducing them to what you already know. You memorize some long definition and compare it with some phenomenon. Moreover, it is important to understand the essence of the definition, and not to memorize it. Rarely do any teachers take hostility to your explanation of the definition in your own words instead of the memorized version. On the contrary, if you can restate the definition in your own words, then you understand the material.

Fifthly, Different people have developed different types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. It will be more useful for people with developed visual memory to read the material. Then I remember the page on which the desired topic is presented. For those who have developed motor memory, it is better to write down the material (that is, start writing cheat sheets). If you feel that the process has finally begun, you understand the material, can explain it and are not yet tired, continue!

Sixthly, In the evening, allow yourself to relax. Take a walk, chat on the phone, read a detective story, visit a friend. But be home before midnight. If you don't get enough sleep overnight, sleeping during the exam can lead to a retake!

Seventh, Before going to bed, I advise you, if not studying, then at least skimming through the material you have covered. Try, looking at the title, to remember the general content of the question (if you can’t, look at the section). Psychologists say that information received during falling asleep and waking up is best remembered.

What not to do

First of all, never go to extremes. If you surround yourself with textbooks, turn off your phone and barricade yourself in your room, I doubt that such preparation will be highly effective.

Secondly, I do not recommend studying for the exam with a friend (unless he (she) understands the material better than you). Such preparation most often turns into a lot of chatter and a waste of time.

Thirdly, even if you wrote cheat sheets, I don’t recommend using them. When you have such “burning” paper in your pocket, your head doesn’t work well. It's better to write and leave it at home.

People often find themselves in hopeless situations. The truth is that it is very easy to get into them, but to get out is real work on your understanding of life and the problem that has occurred. But all the same, we can find a way out, but it will be so painful for us, it depends only on us and no one else.

What to do when you don't know what to do?

Have you encountered this? I'm sure yes. We all find ourselves in situations from time to time where we feel lost and helpless. This, as you might guess, is not good. :) And it’s very good to understand this, understand what is happening and how to deal with it. Well, what’s happening seems obvious at first glance - there’s something a person doesn’t know... and-and-that’s all?

Of course not. Such things can happen to us even when we are well prepared in terms of knowledge and even experience. In one of my previous articles, I already said that any negativity is a habit. Moreover, the habit we most likely inherited from very early childhood. In this case, this is exactly the case.

All habits work like computer programs, that is, a clear sequence of commands. And they are triggered by the events that happen to us. And if this event somehow resembles some unpleasant event you experienced in distant childhood, then there is a very high probability that you will experience the same experiences that you experienced then. And in childhood, we all very often felt confused.

Well, I think everything is clear with this. The main thing that follows from this is precisely the understanding that we have to resist the habit. And they act very similar to reflexes. What do we do if the need arises to resist some reflexive action? We are preparing yourself towards him, so that at the right moment you do not do what he requires.

So it is here. However, there are too many moments when we could potentially feel confused... is it like constantly walking around waiting? Of course not. And it won’t work, although being in a state of vigilant anticipation is the best behavior strategy. But we will proceed from our real capabilities. And all we need to do is to accustom ourselves to begin breathing deeply and evenly IN ANY UNEXPECTED SITUATION.

This is very easy to do if you put in a minimum of effort. A sea of ​​unexpected little things happen to us every day that we usually don’t pay attention to. But now you can use them to your advantage: I realized that the event that happened was unexpected - I began to breathe deeply and evenly. After a few days this will begin to happen without much effort. And the most interesting thing will happen when you have already gained the necessary experience and something happens that really unsettles you. You will catch yourself starting to breathe evenly and deeply, remember why you trained This is the action and the actual meaning of this article.

All these actions will not allow the program of confusion to start and you will quickly figure out what is best to do in this situation.

The very first thing is to stop feeling sorry for yourself, assess the situation sensibly, and fight pessimism and fear. You need to fight your fear, which does not allow you to breathe deeply. We must train ourselves to look positively at the current situation and the whole world that surrounds us.

We accept the choice

It is very difficult to make a choice, and it doesn’t matter what area of ​​life it concerns. And when between two roads, we think about where to go, we are held back by the fear of making the wrong choice, and we remain in place, suffering. Therefore, you always need to move forward, being responsible for every step you take, as an adult, independent person does. You need to control yourself, learn to weigh the positive and negative consequences, and accept that you too can make mistakes.

First step

There is no need to be afraid that you will make a mistake. Try not to ask yourself the question: I just don’t know what to do in this situation, what to do? There is no such person who does not make mistakes, even the smartest and wisest person makes mistakes. You need to be grateful that you have your own “chest of experience”, which you buy, since this is the most important thing in your life and it is this experience that will allow you to become stronger and more able to endure other hardships of life. So, take control of your life and under no circumstances allow fear to command your actions! Also, you should not be afraid of changes in life, only in a swamp everything flows quietly and calmly, but in a mountain river the water is always seething. So, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! You should always repeat to yourself, both out loud and silently, that change is only good and any change will lead you to a new and better result. By doing this mini-training on yourself, you will begin to understand that your hopeless situation is just a situation from which there is more than one way out.

Change your attitude towards the problem

You are not the only person on Earth who has been in difficult situations. There are a lot of famous and famous people who have experienced the hardships of life even more seriously. How many unknown people survived? We think a lot! You can easily find several similar stories on the Internet and read how people were able to overcome them. We repeat again, perhaps you simply do not want to leave the usual state of your life, but this is exactly what you need. This very often happens when people maintain outdated relationships, or work at a job that brings only a negative impression, because they don’t respect or value you there. Why is this happening? The fact is that the reason for our hopelessness is low self-esteem. This is why it is important to understand our problem and get out of it, no matter how difficult it may be for us.

Working on self-esteem

When you tell yourself: I don’t even know what to do, this means that your self-esteem is greatly underestimated. So start working on it. If you don't do this, then you did not undertake you will have a high probability that you will return to your previous deplorable place. You need to love yourself and not be a “saint”, that is, allow everyone to mock you or offer the other cheek for a slap. And you don’t need to be lazy, because often it is laziness that creates a dead-end problem. By telling your “fables” and excuses all around, you begin to believe in them yourself! So, think carefully about what you say, perhaps you yourself have “talked” the problem to yourself, and are simply too lazy to solve it.

Laziness is your enemy

Fight laziness as if it were your worst enemy! Increase your motivation, and don't just throw words into the wind. You can write down possible solutions to your situation on paper. Write down even the most fantastic ones, for example: “fly to the moon” or “Teleport someone to Africa.” Write everything down, and read it after a while, you will see that of all your entries a few are worthy of applause!

Pity away

Who hasn't felt the pleasure of feeling sorry for themselves? “Like, I’m so unhappy, pat me on the head, tell me that everything will be fine...” And how it will become good, no one asks at that moment... You, on the contrary, set goals for yourself, forget about the people who offend you and bring you only negativity into your life, even if you depend on them financially, think about how to solve this dependence. Don’t allow people to feel sorry for you, don’t allow them to admit that you have no way out, that “fate” is to blame for everything, this is all not true! Look at the country's elite; many have made it in life thanks to their strong qualities. Imagine also for a moment James Bond. Think about it, would he feel sorry for himself in such a situation, would he sit with his hands folded? The answer is obvious, of course not! We hope that you have understood your problem a little and realized that for the most part, our problems are far-fetched and are purely psychological in nature.

Therefore, if you say to yourself: I just don’t know what to do, then you need to stop and think about everything that’s happening and in the process of thinking about nothing do not undertake and then go forward and arrange your life!

So, 7 steps

Step one - calm down

Give up, stop hysterics, stop tearing your hair out and fainting from uncertainty. Allow yourself to relax: take a bath, drink a cup of coffee (tea, compote). It's better not to get carried away with cognac. If possible, be sure to get a good night's sleep.

Step two - forward to nature

How often do people in cities, especially large ones, lock themselves in their birdhouses. And if you are reading these lines, then you probably periodically dive into social networks, personal diaries, online games and other delights of the Internet, from which it is not so easy to escape even for a person with a stable psyche.

So, let's go to nature! Preferably for a week. But if circumstances do not allow - for the whole day. If it’s really bad, go to the park for 2-3 hours with a dog, a bike, roller skates, with children, or just alone with yourself, contemplating the harmony of nature and enjoying the beauty of the current time of year.

After this, fear will begin to dissipate and anxiety will melt away. And useful thoughts descend from Olympus. If this does not happen, then

Step three - release

Take a piece of paper and write down everything you don't like about your life. Describe in detail the situation that you have driven yourself into, or someone has driven you into. Describe “someone” well too, just in case (he won’t know about it). Don't skimp on paper.

Decide that this really doesn't suit you. Then you can, without much regret, part with your unloved job, harmful acquaintances, and emotions of fear, pity, and anger once and for all.

Forgive everyone, and yourself first of all. Forgiveness will free you and give you additional energy.

If something is a pity, you will have to live as you lived until it hits you again.

What do you need to pass the exam? Everyone knows how to get high scores in an exam. To do this, you just need to prepare well and learn the subject. But students are a difficult people. They always have many more important and interesting things to do than sitting over textbooks. Therefore, they often ask the question, how to pass the exam if you don’t know anything?

The main rule of the grade book has not been canceled

“First the student works for the student, then the student works for the student.” It’s hard for first-year students to believe that the test will work for them in the last few years of study, but this truth has been confirmed more than once. Almost all teachers pay attention to performance in other disciplines and in previous courses; this information directly affects the exam result. The same applies to current grades in the subject. If the magazine is decorated with bad grades and absenteeism, then getting a good score on the exam will not be easy.

Senior students know how to pass the exam well - they just need to be the owner of a “beautiful” record book. But there is also a little trick for those whose grade book is not a reason for pride. Just secure the first pages of the record book with a paper clip so that it is inconvenient for the teacher to flip through it.

Automatic exam

This method of passing exams will appeal to responsible and diligent students. Everyone knows: in order to get an “automatic machine”, you need to regularly attend lectures and practical classes, participate in olympiads and conferences in the subject, be active in classes and have good current grades. The teacher will definitely notice such a student throughout the semester and put grades in the student’s record book without additional testing of knowledge.

But, whatever one may say, this method of passing exams is difficult and requires a lot of effort. We, on the contrary, are interested in how to pass the exam if you don’t know anything and don’t want to learn.

Cheat sheets are required!

It is also important to ask yourself in time: will I pass the exam? If there is still a little time left before the “judgment” day, then you need to urgently start writing cheat sheets. Whether you can use them is a completely different question, but you definitely need to prepare them.

It is important not to just download ready-made spurs from the Internet, print them and cut them out, but to make them yourself. Writing prompts involves reading, selecting material, and spontaneously remembering the information you are working with. After this, during the exam it will be easier for you to navigate the cheat sheets that you yourself have compiled. If the teacher controls the situation in the classroom so strictly that it becomes impossible to cheat, memory will help. It is much easier to remember what you recently wrote on your own cheat sheet.

Remember that cheating is a risky activity, and it is important to know how many times you can take the exam with a particular teacher. Consider whether you will be allowed to come back for a retake if the deception is discovered.

We use modern achievements of science and technology

A Soviet film showed how students used headphones and a radio transmitter to pass exams. It is much easier for modern students in this regard. Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, voice recorders are much more compact than Soviet radio equipment, and connection to the Internet gives unlimited access to any information. Many people choose this method in order to pass the exam without knowing anything about the subject. Most likely, you won’t be able to pass the Unified State Exam using gadgets, because there are very strict checks for the availability of phones and other technical devices, but they may well save the situation during exams at universities.

A good reputation will save you

How to pass an exam well without making special efforts to study the subject, but using only charisma and good authority? You need to think about the fact that you are going to take an exam in advance and start creating a good impression of yourself from the first meeting with the teacher.

This could be participation in amateur performances, help in organizing cleanup days, writing articles for the student newspaper. You also need to create the impression of an inquisitive student. Ask questions often during lectures and share information that you have heard from television programs and read in magazines if it relates to the topic of the lesson. You can also be interested in the teacher’s scientific works and dissertations.

How to behave during the exam

So, the day of delivery arrives. How to pass the exam if you don't know anything? It is important to follow the rules of behavior that will help you get good points for questionable knowledge:

  • Behave confidently, do not show your lack of knowledge with your appearance.
  • Enter the audience in the top five. In this case, when you are lost in the answer, you can argue that it is excitement.
  • Speak without stopping, use introductory words and constructions; if you don’t know the exact answer, try to smoothly transition the topic to a question you know.
  • Show interest when answering, give examples from personal experience, TV shows or films.
  • Fight to the end, even if the teacher wants to fail you. Ask for additional questions, cry, express pity, blame everything on poor health or anxiety.

Extreme measures

If, despite all your efforts to pass the exam, without knowing anything, you understand that the only grade you can get is failure, you need to take extreme measures.

You can invite the teacher to resolve the issue amicably. Some of them agree to increase your score if you can be of some help to them. For example, clean the classroom, or buy a new set of flasks for chemistry experiments. Some teachers are able to exchange anger for mercy if you show up to them with a bottle of good cognac. In this matter, it is important to be very careful and try to find a personal approach to everyone. Remember that if the teacher refuses this option for resolving the issue, it will be more difficult for you to pass the exam on your knowledge. You may be faced with inflated demands on the quality of answers and additional tricky questions.

  • Before entering the classroom, eat a piece of chocolate or several chocolates. Sweets stimulate the brain and help concentration.
  • The day before the exam, read or watch the latest news that may relate to the subject you are studying. If you take economics, study economic news, political science, familiarize yourself with the political situation. By showing that you are oriented in the modern environment regarding the material being studied, you can make the most positive impression on the teacher.
  • Don't overdo it with energy drinks. Students often drink energy drinks while preparing for an exam. Remember that no matter how hard you prepare, you need to spend the night before the test in peace, forget about coffee and other energy drinks and just get some sleep.

You learned how to pass the exam if you don't know anything, and you saw that using a certain strategy, getting a high score with low knowledge is not difficult. But it should be remembered that the lack of knowledge outside the classroom can turn into a more serious problem than a “stake” in the exam.

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