Additional tasks Russian language 4.1.3. Write the text from dictation

The fourth task of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language tests the ability of graduates to correctly place stress in various words. For correct execution, you can receive one primary point; To do this, you need to choose a word with the wrong accent. Placing stress often causes difficulties even for adults and educated people - the orthoepic norm does not always coincide with the variant of pronunciation that is familiar to us.

In order to complete this task correctly, you need to put in some effort in preparation. The rules below will help with this.

Theory for task No. 4 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

In verbs that end in “-it”, the emphasis falls on the endings –ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat):

  • turn on - turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on;
  • call - call, call, call, call, call;
  • make it easier - make it easier, make it easier, make it easier, make it easier, make it easier;
  • strengthen - strengthen, strengthen, strengthen, strengthen, strengthen;
  • borrow - borrow, borrow, borrow, borrow, borrow;
  • hand over - hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over over;
  • tame - tame, tame, tame, tame, tame;
  • to pinch – it aches;
  • tilt - tilt.

Exceptions in which the accent does not fall on the ending: vulgarize, inquire .

In feminine verbs in the past tense, the emphasis falls on the ending “a”:

  • tookA (tookA), cleanedA (cleaned up), realizedA, tore off, overtookA, startedA, lied, left

Exceptions: past tense verbs with the prefix “you” - the emphasis in them goes to the prefix, as well as the following words: put, stole, sent, sent, sent .

In short feminine passive participles in the past tense, the emphasis also falls on the ending:

  • occupied, created, removed, occupied

In verbs formed from adjectives, the emphasis falls on “-it”:

  • light - make it easier
  • deep - deepen
  • complex - complicate

Exception: evil - Angry.

In active past participles that contain the suffix “-вш-”, the stress falls on the vowel before this suffix; the same rule applies to gerunds:

  • started, understood, completed, bored
  • starting, understanding, completing, giving, arriving

Exception: exhausted.

In the following words, the emphasis falls on the prefix:

  • bent, curved, bent

The accent does not fall on the root “-bal-”, therefore:

  • spoiled, pampered, pampered, pampered, pampered

IN In past participles formed with the suffix “-yonn-”, the emphasis falls on this suffix in the short form of the masculine gender, and in the short form of the feminine and neuter gender it goes to the ending:

  • disabled – disabled – disabled – disabled
  • repeated - repeated - repeated - repeated
  • tamed – tamed – tamed – tamed
  • populated – populated – populated – populated
  • enabled – enabled – enabled – enabled

In nouns of foreign (mostly French) origin, the stress falls on the last syllable:

  • blinds, parterre, bureau, jury, heretic, dispensary, quarter, obituary

Verbal nouns usually have the same stress as the original verb:

  • provide - provision
  • BUT conducts gas - gas pipeline

However: ease - relief .

In the following words, the stress is fixed and remains on the root in all cases:

  • AIRPORT – airports
  • scarf - scarves
  • Cake – Cakes
  • CRANE - taps
  • bAnt – bAnty

The emphasis falls on the prefix “za-” in words such as:

  • beforehand, after dark, before dark

It is important to remember that this rule does not apply to the word envious.

The emphasis falls on the prefix “do-” in words such as:

to the top, to the bottom, to the dryness.

It is important to remember that this rule does not apply to words red-hot, white-hot, deep-red .

You also need to remember the stress of the following words:

  • more beautiful, most beautiful, plum, kitchen

Algorithm for completing the task

  • We carefully read the task.
  • We mentally pronounce the words suggested in the answer options, placing emphasis on different syllables.
  • Words in which the stress is placed correctly are not taken into account.
  • When in doubt, we recall the rules for placing stress in words of the Russian language and the exceptions to these rules.
  • Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 4 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The fourth task of the demo version 2018

  1. profited
  2. Boyhood
  3. veinAxis
  4. true
  5. took up
Execution algorithm:
  • Acquired - the stress is placed correctly, in active past participles with the suffix -вш- the stress falls on the vowel before this suffix; Adolescence - that's right, you need to remember; lived – that’s right, in past tense verbs the emphasis is on the ending; true – the emphasis is placed correctly, since in short adjectives the emphasis is placed on the ending.
  • The last word raises doubts: taken or taken? Let us remember the rule: in 3rd person feminine verbs the emphasis falls on the ending. This means the emphasis is incorrect.

Answer: I did.

First version of the task

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

  1. overtookA
  2. busy
  3. self-interest
  4. will make it easier
  5. joined
Execution algorithm:
  • You need to find a word in which there is an error in the placement of stress.
  • According to the rule about feminine past tense verbs, the emphasis in the first two words is correct; the same applies to option number 5. The emphasis in the word “self-interest” is also correct, you just need to remember it.
  • In the above words the emphasis is correct.
  • Option 4 is wrong; This is confirmed by the rule about verbs with the ending of the infinitive in “-it-” - the correct stress in this word is on the letter “and”. So, the answer is it will make it easier.

Answer: it will make it easier.

Second version of the task

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

  1. illness
  2. encouraged
  3. fruit
  4. beet
  5. poured
Execution algorithm:
  • You need to find a word in which there is an error in the placement of stress.
  • The emphasis in word number 2 is placed correctly, according to the rule about short past participles formed from words with the suffix “yonn”: encouraged - encouragedA. In word number 5, everything is also correct: it is a feminine passive participle of the past tense, the emphasis in which falls on the ending. In word number 4 there is no error in stress: in words with the letter E the stress often falls on it. Then, in the word “fruit” the emphasis falls on “and”, you just need to remember
  • In the above words the emphasis is correct.
  • The word illness raises doubts. You need to remember that the emphasis in it falls on the letter U. Therefore, this will be the correct answer.

Answer: illness.

Third version of the task

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

  1. cakes
  2. put
  3. document
  4. tamed
  5. you'll find out
Execution algorithm:
  • You need to find a word in which there is an error in the placement of stress.
  • Positive - the emphasis is correct, in verbs on -it the emphasis falls on I, document - the word needs to be remembered, tamed - in the past participles with the suffix -yonn- the emphasis falls on this suffix, you will know - the word needs to be remembered.
  • In the above words the emphasis is correct.
  • Cakes raise doubts. In fact, the correct emphasis in it is Cakes. This needs to be remembered.

Answer: cakes.

It turns out that in order to confidently know the rules for setting stress in the Russian language, you need to periodically look into the spelling dictionary; We provide a dictionary that contains words used to compile versions of the Unified State Examination.

The collection was compiled by primary school teacher Noskova I.Yu.

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root.

1.Insert the missing letters, write the test words. Make three sentences from these phrases.

Sat on the bench, wash the laundry, wash down the medicine, grandmother sat, wash the child, sing the song, live in the house, climb off the roof, open the door, chew the meat, eat the jam, open the potatoes.

2.Write a poem. Choose test words orally.

Kill_gali (2) red_kicks

along the flowery fields to the river.

I loved left-handed flowers -

to_bells (2) and to_silks.

Happy birds were chirping,

like strings, the shm_li hummed,

and the lawns are as colorful as chintz,

they smelled sweet (2) and bloomed for a long time.

3.Copy down the text, insert the missing letters.

The little baby was running across the big clearing. Beautiful spotted butterflies flickered all around. The buzzing of a bee or a furry bumblebee could be heard. (4) Among the green grass, smelly clumps of flowers could be seen. The little baby picked several beautiful flowers. He wanted to pick them up from the page. The heavens were covered with dark (3) clouds. A storm was approaching. It started to rain. V_da t_kla with n_bes. She got in the eye and moved away.

4. Find mistakes and correct them. Write down the sentences without errors.

I often admire the canopy of the morning sky. (4) The sun rises from behind the large hood and illuminates the roads and paths. A stream flows loudly in a ravine, and the birds of the galos echo it (3). I sit down in the middle of the palyan (3) on the licking trunk. Nearby stands a shaggy, twisted pine tree. I stroke the wood of the tree with my hand. Then I walk lazily down the stairs.

Unpronounceable consonants .

5. Insert the missing letters and write them down. A valiant soldier, heavenly blue, a starry night, superficial knowledge, late evening, a powerful voice, a furious cry, a merry holiday, a rainy day, a terrible event, a sailing boat, a mustache answer, a dangerous path, beautiful weather, a delicious dinner, a wonderful fairy tale.
6.Write down phrases, replacing the highlighted word with one close in meaning with unpronounceable consonants. Local inhabitant - …, cloudy day - …, sad painting - …, truthful answer - …, heroic action -..., Beautiful scenery - …, famous actor -..., amusing story - …, note anniversary -..., huge building - … .
7 .Copy down the text, insert the missing letters. The famous professor Ilya Anatolyevich, very sad, was descending (down) a long staircase. He was a serious but sensitive person. He terribly (dis)liked late autumn (4). She seemed to him ugly and dangerous to his health. The bad weather made it difficult to think. No sun warmed well (3). The professor felt a heaviness on his heart (3). To (not) get sick, he took medicinal baths and went to the swimming pool.

Separating b and b.

8.Insert the desired spelling. Be aware of the "traps".

Idleness, harvest, bunch, bur_yan, cop_e, measure, monkey, explained, in_young, cloud, body, tousled, baked, bar_let, ants, sh_et, waterless,

siren_y, rod_ya, in_ezd, give birth, shred_ya, union, beat, drove up, leaves, Mary, s_ezd, gun, Ul_ana, night, raven, became, dog, Yurievich, bad weather, furious, separated.

9. Find errors and correct them. Write the words correctly.

Sews a dress, murmuring stream, leaves are being eaten, drove up to the entrance, seven birds, large volume, weigh cookies, slept under the bed at night, drove up to the stream,

ate an apple, drinks freely, sweet drink, white wings, construction site, steep fall, find out, rain is pouring, snow flakes, pondered the proposal, spring flood, funny monkey.

10.Open the brackets, write the text without errors.

(On) Sunday a bus was driving towards the school. He drove around a large snowdrift and drove towards the entrance. My friends and I got out of the school driveway and headed to the bus. The dog V(b,b)yunok was running around the door. The teacher explained how to behave on the bus.

A disheveled bird was sitting under the tree. The house is on fire. The firefighters arrived, put out the fire and left. There were pieces of pie lying on the floor. The leaves of the flowers shrank from the cold. Ilya drove around part of the forest and drove up to a mountain.

b after hissing ones.


Kill others_, open wide_, from distant groves_, very fresh_, near finish_, hope_ for help_, reason for failure_, light_ a fire, get small things_, a little prickly_, spread_ on bread, ride a boat, let them_ gallop, from three tasks_, offensive lie_ , Russian borscht, listening to your parents, light raincoat.

12. Write down the word combinations, checking the missing spellings.

Taking care_ of books, vigilantly guarding_, hot bread_, lush wilderness_, _making a hut_, lily of the valley_, eating_ a bun, compote of pears_, getting married_, beautiful brooch_, walked away_, backhand_, red clown_, getting ready_ to him, walking weakly_, new drawing, because of the school_, he opened the door wide_, there were a lot of puddles_, he got his hair cut in the salon.

13. Write down, insert the missing letters.

Doctor__ Sergei Kirillovich__ watched a football match__ and ate borsch__ and lavash__. The night__ threw (3) a starry (3) cloak__ over the vault of heaven. My grandfather is a former performer. Now he is a watchman. We go out onto the wasteland__ and see a wonderful landscape__. The sky was completely covered with clouds. (4) The horses galloped all the way.

14. Write down, insert the missing letters. Perform a morphological analysis of the indicated words.

The sun flashed (3) from behind the clouds_, (3)

And the last ray was hot.

The evening became clear and good_.

A slight trembling of the leaves is noticeable.

There was an icy spring under the mountain.

The lily of the valley was blooming, tender and fragrant.

Suddenly a hedgehog came out into the clearing.

I can’t bear to ask him:

“Who are you in a hurry, hedgehog, to help?”

And why are you uncomfortable with _?

Or is something driving you away?

Or did you confuse day and night?

Letters I - Y after C

15. Write down the word combinations, checking the missing spellings.

The final station, central cylindrical figure, coward cultures, digital set, stand on central kidneys, gypsy camp, church program, fluffy chubby man, rich merchant, freedom fighter, correctly evaluate, old gypsy woman, central alley, white acacia, sports section, durable armor.

16. Write down the word combinations, checking the missing spellings.

Central player, central record, dug well, central dancing brood, central dance, analysis for leukocytes, central meeting, go to the central district, free medicine, railway central, t_rgovts_gold, swimming with a hook, using a circle, face boy, clicking on his s_buck .

17. Write by inserting the missing letters.

To the usual “ts_py!” ts_py!” A dozen chickens came in. They count their babies in the fall. The cheat approaches the tree on its buds. (4) The Ts_gans noisily entered the hut. A dark-skinned boy was sitting at a desk. Ts_rkach_ took out (3) carrots and cucumbers from the cylinder. C_nga is a dangerous disease. The hero hung up his armor: shield, armor and helmet. Easter is the main church holiday. The bus stopped at the city hotels. On the central street there was a monument to A.S. Pushkin. A decoction of meat(3) from animals or birds is called broth.

Letters O - E after sibilants

18. Write down the word combinations, checking the missing spellings.

Still_fresh_, sat on_the_shoulder_, cheap_goods, yellow_paint, save_time, heavy_load, crystal_key, burning_legs, play_ball_m, ripe goose_berries, old chauffeur, great_friend, bake_pies, stranger, fresh_on_the street, gold_ring_, cover yourself with a cloak, exercise with a hoop, looks ominously, wild bees, covered clouds, learned, wrestling competitions.

19. Write it down. Put the nouns in the correct case.

Garden in front of (hospital), bag of (wheat), watched (walrus), above (floor), treated (borscht), met with (teacher), traveled with (luggage), admired (lily of the valley), spoke with (Grisha) , laid out (brick), was drawn in (cloud), sat over (drawing), cloud over (grove), helicopter over (dacha), opened (key).

Sort out the words according to their composition: full of smell, housed, rarely, cinema.


20.Read. Make two groups from these phrases. Write them down in two columns.

Honor at work_, droplets of moisture_, damage from drought_, approached the Volg_, ran along the roads_, along the edges of the roads_, at the sirens_, gathered at the pier_, rested in a sanatorium_, approached an aspen_, grandfather wrote_, the smell of bird cherry_, drove up to the station_, lived in tent_.

21. Distribute the words into two columns: in the first - words whose endings contain spellings that violate the basic law of writing, in the second - words whose endings are written according to the law of writing.

Without watercolors_, near the gazebo_, on the territory_, in the solarium_, in the zoo_, without tricks_, in the planetarium_, about excitement_, about the emerald_, about grandfather_, in the museum_, to Lidia_, to Tais_, about the collection_,

at sunset_, about courage_, at liberation_, in radiance_, in a carriage_, without memory_, in the gallery_, at a play_, in the laboratory_, in a competition_, in a poem_, about illness_, to Yulia_, to Marin_.

22.Copy down the sentences. Write the nouns in brackets in the correct case, determine the case of these nouns.

The football players met in the (center) sports (ground). Train tickets were bought at (ticket office) at (station). A crow was sitting on (the top of the tree). The kite disappeared behind (the forest). The cat Murka was in (room, bed). On(plot) around our (dacha) there are a lot of (strawberries). In the (thicket) of the forest, in the (den) a little dog is sleeping. Wolf tracks appeared on the (road) that leads to the hut. In the forest you should always remember about (danger) - about (wolf).

23. Write down the text, insert the missing letters. Determine the case of the underlined nouns.

There was a fire in the forest clearing. People put out the fire. L_snik began to walk around the clearing. Suddenly he heard a quiet cry. Near the stump lay a keyball. The right side was charred. Zv_rek leaned against the cold land. Two wet shelves pierced my cheeks. The hedgehog was crying.

L_snik took the bastard home and filled the hedgehog with milk from a pipette. By evening he took the patient out into the fresh air. The animal fell asleep sweetly (under) the rustle of rain in its moss bed.

24. Write down, insert the missing letters.

A forest spreads across the Ros River. There is a steep climb from the river to the groves. It’s wonderful to take a walk through the forest in winter. The trees stand in silvery frost. (4) Fluffy shining snow lies in caps on the branches. They ate especially well in winter. Everything is flooded with bright sunlight. In the frosty air you can clearly hear (3) every sound. It's even better in the forest on a winter evening. The treetops are illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A gentle breeze blows snow dust along the trail. But then the sun disappeared.

25.Write it down, insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.

Thawed patches appeared in the garden. The rooks arrive (3) in March, the rook - in April, and the swallow and nightingale only in the beginning of May. Everywhere there was a smell of ch_erfly: from the streets_ to the alley_ to the house_. The swan, due to its size, beauty and majestic posture, has long been recognized as the king of water birds. In music schools_ children learn to play the piano_ violin_ b_yan_. In the village_ in the mountain_ul_ in the st_pnoy_stanitsa_ children are going to school.(3)

26. Write down, insert the missing letters.

It was early in the night. We walked along the same path. Suddenly wonderful sounds were heard. Behind the trees we saw jays. They sat on tree branches and sang. Previously, we (didn’t) know that jays could sing beautifully. Usually they (3) can be seen on forest roads or forest edges. A jay notices a bird or a person (3) and emits a roaring cry. By screaming, animals and birds learn about imminent danger. And here they sing! We started listening to sweet music.(4)

27. Check the missing spellings and write down the text.

Mysteries of the forest.

Late autumn can no longer contain the heat. The cold wind penetrated far to the south. The meadows are sad, blah. Remove_bodies from trees. The forest is all shining.

We are approaching a familiar place. There (on) the field a mighty oak reigns. The yellow leaves stick stubbornly to the oak tree. They make a quiet noise. Sometimes the oak tree wears its autumn attire until sleep.

In the evening we went out to the shore of the lake. The night_carefully moved_on_the deep snow. White stars sparkled in the sky. The ducks flew to their rest with a heavy whistle.

Sort out the words according to their composition.

Golden, lit up, place, rain, migratory.

Difficult words

1. Write it down. Find difficult words in sentences. Determine their morphemic composition.

Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Nikolai Dobrolyubov is a Russian writer and critic who lived in the nineteenth century. Chistoprudny Boulevard is one of the old streets in the center of Moscow. Volgodonsk is a city in the south of Russia, in the Rostov region.

2. Write it down. Find difficult words in sentences. Determine their morphemic composition.

Not far from the city of Zelenograd there is a wide reservoir. In summer, white-trunked birches grow green along its banks, and the leaves of oaks and maples whisper.

And in winter, only evergreen spruces are pleasing to the eye. And the reservoir itself turns into a snow-white field. From morning until dark, red-cheeked fishermen sit on it. Their catch is perch, ruff and rudd.


    Open the brackets. Explain your actions.

(Don’t) say what you studied, but say what you learned. (Don’t) praise yourself, let people (do) praise you. Seven are (not) waiting for one. (Don’t) put off until tomorrow what you can (s, h) do today. He who knows how to settle in is (not) afraid of grief. (Don’t) spit in the well: it will come in handy for drinking. He who loves to work does not sit idle.

(It’s not) good to boast. The bad soldier is the one who (doesn’t) hope to be a general. The one who (doesn’t) do anything is (not) mistaken. (Not) late_shish_ - (not) come_ on time. (If you don’t) take care of the tree trees, you (don’t) get a harvest. (Not) to uncook a nut - (not) to eat the kernels.

    Write by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.

Yes, mom and dad Larsson had an accident. (They) had (3) a son who (didn’t) want to be cunning!

It seems to me that he is playing with the wrong people,” Larsson’s mother began to wail. – His friends are disgustingly bad. They (don't) teach him shit.

- (W)who did you contact? – asked Dad Larsson.

These are my best friends - the bunny Yukka and Tuffa. (They) have books at home where they can read that everyone should be kind to each other. I (don’t) want to be cunning, (don’t) want to deceive and (not) won’t lie.

3. Insert b where necessary. Explain your actions.

Knowledge is valued in words, not in words. Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better. They are afraid of wolves - (not) to go into the forest. If you know someone who is smart, you will gain intelligence. Happiness does not fly into the air, but is obtained by hand. He's lazy, he's lazy, and not just moving. He takes on everything, but not everything succeeds. If you work, there will be bread. You have to bend over to drink from the stream. Every person is recognized by the case. In the world, work is progressing. The cat's and mouse's eyes will shed.

4. Remember which proverbs are included in these proverbs. How do you understand them? Write down the verbs and indicate the spelling.

1. A friendly herd of wolves (not)__________________.

2. Two bears in one den_ (not) ______________.

3. Love__________, love and sleigh_in.

4. Drinking and grasping for a straw ___________________.

5. Everything is good, everything that is good ______________________.

5. Write, inserting endings into 3rd person plural verbs, determine the conjugation.

Conduct_t, rub_t, hold_t, heat_t, turn_t, salt_t, offend, pay_t, hear_t, clean_t, see_t, go out, count, think_t, cherish_t, hall, set, feel, doze off, moor_t.

6. Write down the proverbs. Highlight the endings of the verbs, determine the conjugation, person.

M_ster and the city(3 ) chin_t. He heals with the bitter, and cripples with the weak. In Moscow there is (not) enough bread, but they eat more than ours. Horses (not) look for food, and good (not) look for good. Money comes and goes. A person is valued by his deeds. cat(3) against the grain (not) smooth_t. And catching fish in troubled waters. Whomever is revered, he is magnified. Se_t - cry_t, hammer_t - jump_t. Chicken eggs (not) considered.

7. Write by inserting the missing letters. Explain spelling in place of missing letters.

A mournful wind drives (3) a flock of clouds to the edge of heaven, the broken spruce groans, the dark forest whispers dully. Sasha will get enough sleep, get up early, tie her black braids at her waist and kill her, and in the open air she will breathe sweetly and freely. And there are groves, green canopies, where birds chirp (3), where deer gallop. The beds are made, there is no place for beds. Look at the transparent ice and see how, under this ice, a stream is driving a huge herd of bubbles.

8. Copy the text by inserting the missing letters.


What signs of spring do you know? Have you ever been to a spring forest? Was there any wandering among the first truck? Do you like first flowers? When you look around, you involuntarily stop at these gentle beauties. And (k, kk) carefully go to the flower (3) and carefully inhale the light aroma, but (not) break it and (not) lip the flower. In the middle of the forest, I immediately pay attention to the special air. They breathed deeply and felt joy.

9 . Write down the text, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks.

The dispute between us and ours.

Sleep was creeping in slowly. (C) They often fought with her last in the south. The clouds are filled with a dark haze and spit out damp flakes of snow. (4) The young greenery bends and suffocates. And the sun will disperse the clouds and see the scoundrels on the ground who will come to her. The weak greenery shakes off the snow cover (3) and straightens out.

Almost until May there was a dispute between winter and sleep in the taiga. But in_sleep(3) the dark clouds disappeared and the taiga forgot them.

10. Find and correct errors. Write the text without errors, emphasizing the spelling.

We wander along the seashore and admire the scenery. We look with pleasure into the blue distance and see endless space. A gentle breeze wrinkles the surface of the sea. Seagulls circle above the water. They are fishing in the waves. When you breathe the sea air and hear the seagulls, your soul feels good. So you walk thoughtfully along the shore.

Sort out the verbs according to their composition.

Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning.

11. Find and correct errors. Write the text without errors, emphasizing the spelling.

Early spring is coming. The last snow has melted from the ground. The joyful time of the year has come. The ground is still cold. The gentle spring sun warms everything around. Blue skies are high. A light cloud floats across the sky. The strong ice on the river turned dark. The sleepy forest stands bare. The fucking kidneys are already on booze. Last year's leaves and dry blades of grass lie on the ground. The spring wind rustles at the tops of the trees.

Look at the composition of the words.

Flew, approach, bloom, take care, twist.

Rпб-Ёв_ ЇЁбЄ .doc


Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of foreign languages" of the municipal formation of Noyabrsk

Cards with tasks in the Russian language for individual work of students


primary school teacher

Zdebskaya Margarita Vladimirovna

Noyabrsk 2010

List of used literature

    Monitoring to test the knowledge of 4th grade students.

    Reference manual on the Russian language. 4th grade.

Securing the topic Adjectives.doc

Around pine... forests, between well-fed... animals, before the polar... lights, in spite of the fair... wind, in the gray... sky, under green... blankets... oh yellow... parrot..., for hasty... decisions, despite respectful... treatment , for the right... cause, to follow practical... advice, with a devoted... dog, oh contemptuous... look..., in front of an intermittent... wind... in an autumn... morning, quiet... in the evening.

Wet scarf (t.p.)__________________________________________

Soft pillow (P.p.)_____________________________________________

Swampy tundra (D.p.)__________________________________________

North side (V.p.)__________________________________________

Warm wind (W.p.)__________________________________________________________

dense gloomy long stripestransparent air.


4. Correct mistakes.

How winter fought with spring.

Winter declared a war on the sky. The wind came and gathered threatening clouds. They did not let the sun's rays hit the ground. Visna sent warm drops of rain to the young traffic. Winter froze them. The buds shriveled on the trees. Winter bit them with frost. Mixed rain with snow, spring thunder with blizzard. The enraged winter tried to strike at the very heart of the visna, but could not.

Adjective (answer).doc

Reinforcing the topic: Spelling unstressed endings of adjectives.

    Determine the cases of adjectives.

Around the pine forest R.p, between well-fed animals T.p, before the polar lights R.p, despite the tailwind D.p, on the gray sky V.p, under a green blanket m T.p, about the yellow parrot P.p , for the hasty decision of m T.p, despite the respectful address of V.p, for the just cause of R.p, to follow the practical advice of D.p, with a devoted dog T.p, about the contemptuous look of P.p, in front of the intermittent wind T.p , on an autumn morning V.v., on a quiet evening etc.

    Put these phrases in the indicated case:

Wet scarf (etc.) wet scarf

Soft pillow (PP) about the soft pillow

Swampy tundra (D.p.) swampy tundra

North side (V.p.) north side

Warm wind (W.p.) warm wind

3. Write it down. Indicate the case of the highlighted adjectives.

A snowy mountain rose in the east. Low hills crowded at its foot. They're overgrown dense gloomy forests. Here and there in the treetops they were still holding on long stripes pale fog, but their edges were already melting into transparent air.

4. Correct mistakes.

How winter fought with spring.

Winter declared winter in a dream. The wind came and gathered menacing clouds. They did not let the sun's rays hit the ground. Spring sent warm drops to the young grass before the rain. Winter froze them. The buds on the trees shrank. Winter bit them with frost. Rain mixed with snow, spring thunder with a blizzard. The angry winter tried to strike at the very heart of spring, but could not.

Adjective 1(answer).doc

Write down and correct mistakes.

Father announced to us that he was leaving. The car pulled up to the entrance. Everyone sat down. We drove away from the city and approached the river. Across the river one could see an immense plain. Here is the village. Aunt Mary met us. We rushed into her arms.

Fill in the missing letter.

Blizzard, happiness, announcement, leaves, eat, family, drove in, broth, drive in, streams, blowing, volume, moved out, exit, branches, drove up, gun, drove off.

The tray floated quickly along the smooth surface of the water. My little one is sweetly dozing in his cradle. The days and years were approaching autumn. Pests appeared on beans and cabbage. By nightfall the rain stopped. Do not forget your comrade, neither in joy nor in sorrow.

Lightly touch, light touch, summer tan, paper caught fire, lightly touch, it doesn’t concern you, sunbathing, dress is faded, you touch, tangent line, milk is warm, light bulb burnt out, wires touch, wires touch, carbon deposits on candle, burnt sheets of books.

The children stopped at a large house. Everyone expected more. A little jackdaw sat on a perch. Get up with the first ray of sun. The dandy put on a silk tie. The store sold chocolate, millet and stale bread. Bees flew over the gooseberries.

Adjective 1.doc

Write down and correct mistakes.

Father announced to us that he was leaving. The car pulled up to the entrance. Everyone sat down. We drove away from the city and drove up to the river. A vast plain could be seen across the river. Here is the village. Aunt Marya met us. We rushed into her arms.


Fill in the missing letter.

In_south, happiness, announcement, leaf_I, s_is, family, drove, bul_on, drive, brooks, blow, volume, moved, left, bitch, drove up, gun, drove away.

Copy the text correcting errors.

The tray floated quickly along the smooth surface of the water. My little one is sweetly slumbering in the cradle. The days and years were approaching autumn. Pests have eaten on beans and cabbage. At night the rain stopped. Do not forget your comrade, neither in joy nor in sorrow.


Fill in the vowel gaps in the root words.

Speak down, light hood, summer pouring, poured out paper, slightly hood, it doesn’t get into the sun, the dress is leaned, you will be hooded, the milk was red, the bulb was overlapped, the wires were k_nated, the wires were bought, the wires were baked, the wires were nag. sheets of books.

Fill in the blanks. When checking words, highlight spellings.

The children stopped at a large house. Everyone expected more. A little pebble sat on the rail. Get up with the first ray of sun. Sh_gol put on a silk tie. The store sold chocolates, millet and stale bread. The bees were flying over the gooseberries.

R.Ya.No.2 (answer).doc

    Divide words for hyphenation:

Gardeners, starlings

Du-shis-taya, vol-cha-ta

Snakes, la-dosh-ki

    Sort out the words according to their composition.

St green grass, color of dots on the left, forest path, river wave, sea water...yes, night star, native places, pine forests, fruit trees, mushroom places , animal tracks.

on the tablecloth, from fatigue.

    Correct the mistakes.


In the fall, we dug up a slender, curly birch tree and planted it in a box. The box was brought into the brightest room. Let the beauty stay green all winter.

In the fall, 3 rooms, T.p., birch tree 1 room, V. p., in a box 2 rooms, V. p., room 1 room, V. p., beauty 1 room, I. p.


    Divide words for hyphenation:


Fragrant_________________________wolf cubs______________________________


    Sort out the words according to their composition.

Illuminated, finished reading, flower, leaves, long, frost, teapot, new,

fearless, gait, milkman, young, restless.

    Insert the missing unstressed vowel:

St...pnaya, n...left color...dots, l...snay tr...kick, r...chnaya in...lna, m...rskaya in...yes, n...naya star...zda, r...dnye m...hundred, with, pl...dove d...reveys, gr...f...hundreds, animal tracks.

    Highlight the ending, determine the declension and case of the nouns.

Book, swamp, captain, steppe, frost, December, housewarming, under the oak tree, in the mirror,

with a raincoat, in a store, in a lake, around the square, without a notebook, in the oven, to bitterness,

on the tablecloth, from fatigue.

    Correct the mistakes.


In the fall, we dug up a slender, curly birch tree and planted it in a box. Box

They brought the brightest room. Let the beauty fade all winter.

Write down the nouns, determine the declension: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Russian language No. 3 (answer).doc


Pull out - drags to ... rock - pitching

B...left - pain boastful - brag

The city of Rodki is a city of silence - silently

G..rlova - throat of the m..slenka - oil

Sl...tank - weak storage room - warehouse

Sli...ka - plum carrot...ka - carrot

Koro...ka - cow lo...kiy - dexterous

Tuck...ka - tuck in the button...ka - button

Look... - the look of the grape... - grape

Buma...ka - paper top...ka - top


A 7 sounds, 7 letters IN 6 sounds, 7 letters

B 7 sounds, 6 letters G 5 sounds, 7 letters


A joke IN porch

B smile G Kind

6. Find a word that does not have a prefix and circle the letter that represents it.

A gait IN coast

B flight G peace

7.How many sounds and letters are there in the word “ears”? Circle the letter next to the answer you chose.

A 6 sounds, 7 letters B 5 sounds, 7 letters

B 7 sounds, 7 letters D 7 sounds, 6 letters

8. Find a word whose spelling does not match its pronunciation and circle the letter that represents it.

Ashkola B is noisy

B bushes D late

Russian language №3.doc

    Analyze the proposal according to its composition.

Masha, Kostya and Alik bought a juicy and sweet watermelon.

In the dense forest, early birds began to wake up.

Mysterious lights over a forest swamp greatly scare rare lonely people


    Insert an unstressed vowel, write down the test word.

Pull out... to... to... to...

B...left - swaggering -

G..births - m...silence –

G..rlova - m..slenka –

Sl...tank - cell...dovaya –

    Insert a paired consonant, choose a test word.

Sli...ka - morko..ka –

Koro...ka - lo...kiy –

Zapra...ka - pugo...ka –

Look... - grape... -

Buma...ka - top...ka –

4. How many sounds and letters are there in the word “feeling”? Circle the letter next to the answer you chose.

A 7 sounds, 7 letters IN 6 sounds, 7 letters

B 7 sounds, 6 letters G 5 sounds, 7 letters

5. Find a word whose spelling does not match its pronunciation and circle the letter that represents it.

A joke IN porch

B smile G Kind

wow girl, dare wowboy, with fragilethem flower,

in the evening 1st shift, with a fluffy bun, to a spotted insect,

besides the great discovery, I see a bird of paradise, in good health,

oh rarely about metal, about foreign sounds, with a timid girl,

for luxury oh dress, about well-fed cats, for a ruddy child,

skinny girl wow child.




3. Sort out the words according to their composition.


a skinny... child.

2.Make and write down sentences. Sort them out by member.

Pink, brightening, morning, heavenly, appeared, on, dawn, vault.


In the sharp, circling autumn air, the cries of rooks were heard.


Warm, high, blowing, reeds, breeze, swaying, from.


3. Sort out the words according to their composition.

Rowan, scarlet, gateway, small, whistling, trees.

4. Insert the missing letters and indicate the spelling patterns.

N...rider, s...smell, s...write, p...var, s..sweat, s...hit, s...jump, s...frost, s...squeak, s...cook, s..throw, s...crawl.

Olympiad tasks in the Russian language for primary school students

1. Underline the words that contain only hard consonants:
Kids, puddles, fingers, entrance, table, orchestra.

2. Replace the expressions with one verb.
Nose -...
Notch on the nose -...
Scratching with tongue -...
Give a shout -...
Puzzle -....

3. Insert suitable prepositions into the poem.
I... am... walking in the forest in the morning,
... the dew got me all wet.
But now I know... birch and... moss,
... raspberries, blackberries,
... the hedgehog and... the hedgehog,
...which... are being squeezed
All the needles are shaking.

4. Write down synonyms consisting of the same number of letters as the corresponding words:
forest -...
grief -...
freezing -...
message -...
unprecedented -...

5. Put an accent mark in the words.
Shop, conscript, hate, tool, sorrel, cement, approve, put, beets.

6. Distribute nouns by gender.
Corn, cocoa, flannel, roofing felt, highway, wormwood, tunnel, jam, queen, tulle.

7. Replace these phrases with a verb close in meaning.
a) Turn up your nose -...
b) to kick the bucket -...
c) Count crows - ....

8. Write down proverbs in which the word “seven” appears.

9. Write down three words with more letters than sounds, and three words with more sounds than letters.

10. Once Dunno made up 12 words from the word “team”. Which ones did he list incorrectly?

Com, queen, poppy, pocket, queen, hell, mandate, bottom, ode, fashion, given, anaconda.

11. Form verbs from these nouns.
Ringing-..., sound-green-..., shine-light-..., food-..., scream-..., story-....

12. Compose and write a sentence from these words. Underline the soft consonants in the words. Divide the words into syllables.
The park, from our house, is not far, beautiful.

13. Read the words. Underline those that cannot be transferred.
Seagull, Olya, cool, table, boy, forest, family, coat of arms.

14. Come up with nicknames for the animals.
Dog - cow - cat - horse - parrot - sparrow -....

15. Read the text. Put the necessary marks at the end of the sentences. Correct the mistakes. Underline the verbs.

My grandmother's name is Vera Petrovna, she lives in Moscow on Rusakova Street. I often visit Grandmother, we love to go to Sokolniki Park.

16. Write two adjectives that match the meaning

Bread, .
Lily of the valley, .
River _, .
17. K.I. Chukovsky has a wonderful book - “From two to five.” It contains fascinating stories and stories about the speech of young children. Read some of them, indicate errors, write down the correct version.
- The hand on the clock moved once.
- Oh, how my stomach hurt!
- I only took a small bite of the pie.
- What a wormy apple!
- What sandy sand!
- Dentist.
- Scary eyes.
- Look, what a bug is crawling!
- The forest is lost.

18. Which of these words rhymes with the word STICK? (Come up with any couplet or quatrain with these words.)
Polka, herring, shelf, rolling pin, roller.

19. Eliminate a word that means a different type of vegetation than the other words on the list.
Jungle, spruce forest, forest, meadow, oak grove.

20. The kiosk owner was wondering how to sign the Orbit label. Help him choose the right option:
Chewing gum, chewing gum, chewing gum, chewing gum, chewing gum.

21. Which of these words denote a group of people?
Crowd, crowd, herd, horde, flock, heap?

22. Which of these words are significantly different in meaning from the rest?
Storm, hurricane, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.

23. Complete the phrase: “they are with each other...”.

On an equal leg, on a short leg, on a close leg, on one leg, on two legs.

24. How many common sounds are in the words “sickle” and “pers”?

25. Indicate all combinations of words formed incorrectly. Correct the mistakes.
A pair of socks, no stockings, no soldiers, five tomatoes, a group of Georgians.

26. In Vadim Egorov’s song “Clouds” there are lines:
The grasses are raging above the ground, The clouds are floating like peahens.
Here peahens are: a) ships; b) airplanes; c) boats; d) birds; e) logs?

27. How can you say about a hare that runs very fast?
Headlong, so that it is cracking behind the ears, neck twisted, at full speed, without hind legs, like mad.

28. How to say it correctly?
Put on both shoes, put on both shoes, put on both shoes, put on both shoes.

29. Sometimes one letter changes the meaning of an entire sentence. What happened to these sayings? They just became funny! What are they really like?
Mishka's tears will flow to the cat.
There is a time for every horsetail.
The city is not an aunt.
The frightened crow is afraid of the piece.
The forest is being cut down - caps are flying.
My date is on the edge.
Caviar is worth the candle.
Easier than fried turnips.
All rapids lead to Rome.
Your burden does not sink.

30. Remember the whole proverb from its beginning.
Nightingale with fables...
Every sandpiper...
Scared crow...
The word is not a sparrow... Chickens in the autumn...

31. Put emphasis on words.
Chain, spark, sorrel, glue, kilometer, alphabet, document, briefcase, mining, carpenter.

32. Write the words correctly.
Portret, center, tranway, comfort, kolidor, kokleta
33. Connect the words of the left and right columns to form new words.

Hay Gadfly
Jerzy's table
Oda Hall
Gas Val
Mushroom Glasses
Khor Bor
He Yar

34. Explain the meaning of words. Make sentences with them.
Congress, sneak around.

35. Read the riddles, fill in the missing letters. Write down the answers.
a) Through the field and l...juice The g...l...juice is served, It lives along the...v...lady You say it here, But you can hear it there.

B) In the Linen Country, A steamboat floats along the Sheet River...
Now back..., then forward..., And behind him there is such a smooth surface that you can’t even see a ripple.

36. An evil wizard mixed up sounds and letters in words. Put things in order, write the words correctly.
Agaroth, raya, yula, maros, doup.

37. How many [n] sounds are there in a sentence?
In the clearing stood an oak tree that was twice as big.

38. The teacher asked the children to come up with a word that has 3 letters and 3 sounds. The first letter is P, the second letter is a vowel, and the third is a consonant, denoting a dull, hard sound. There were five groups of children in the class, each of which came up with their own word.
Group 1 - “Cancer” Group 4 - “Rus”
Group 2 - “genus” Group 5 - “ripples”.
Group 3 - “mouth”

39. Which of the following words are combined with both the word “small” and the word “small”?
Dirty, boring, crybaby, stupid, beautiful?

40. Find a synonym for the stable phrase “get into trouble.”
Sit in a galosh, get out of hand, get lost in three pines, hang your nose, go into your shell.

41. How many sounds [w] are there in the poem? Why did the author need so many of them?
The mice walked on foot along a narrow path,
From the village of Peshki to the village of Lozhki.
And in the village of Lozhki their legs were tired.
The mice rode back to Pawns on a cat.
And they sang until the threshold, and cracked nuts -
From the village of Lozhki to the village of Peshki.
It's not close to walk when you go back,
And on the fluffy pussy it’s soft and pleasant.
If the cat is on the way, why not give it a ride?!
(V. Prikhodko)
42. How can you turn the word “chalk” into a shallow place, “corner” into fuel, “pole” into a number?

43. In the names of which months in Russian are the soft sounds [р*] and [н"] pronounced?

44. Determine which third word is superfluous in each line?
Of course, on purpose, a toy
What, to, something.
Feeling, pampering, long live.
Silent, compassionate, moral. –

45. Find words in which two vowel sounds are located next to each other.
Theater, cocoa, shine, union, jet, fighter, spy, duet, oasis, piano, rubber?

46. ​​How many “o”s are there in this sentence? How many sounds [o]? Explain where they went?
All the bells are ringing.

47.Find the hidden sound.
I am in lakes and rivers, but I am not in the water.
I am in watermelons and cucumbers, but I am not in melon.

48. Igor wrote on the board in cursive “One hundred and forty and one hundred and forty will be two hundred and forty.” Did he make a mistake in the subtraction?

49.Have you ever come across words in which three identical letters are in a row? Is this possible in Russian?

50. Put the words in the plural.
Man - leaf (of paper) - leaf (of wood); tooth (wolf) -...; tooth (saw) - ....

51. Match these words with words that are consonant with them (rhyming). Compose a quatrain using any of the resulting
Fight - ...; border - ...; thrush - ...; nails - ...; helped - ...; handsome - ...; laughter - ....

52.From the letters of each pair of words, make up the name of the animal:
Lick + rock =

Field + gift = Shawl + do = Fishing + buoy =

53. Some words starting with the letter A “disappeared” from the poem.
Guess what words these are and insert them into the text.
It was hot and hot.
Oh, how stuffy it is in the zoo!
lost from the pony
wither on the lawn
But the monkey does not suffer -
gobbles it up.

54. Write a chain of 7 vocabulary words so that the first letter of the next word is the same as the last letter of the previous word.

55. Write down the nouns and write their plurals next to them.
Chicken, sea vessel, miracle, sky, child, man.

56. Find phrases that contain animate masculine nouns.

Dream about summer, hide behind an oak tree, sit on the shore, stand in front of your father, watch the house, draw with a pencil, relax under a tree, look under the table, play with a friend.

57. Complete the popular expressions taken from fairy tales.
Go there, I don’t know where...
Soon the fairy tale will tell...
This is all a saying... /

58. Rewrite the words, insert “ь” or “ъ”.
S.ride, happiness, announcement,, monkey, in...tsya,

59.What is it called:
a) a hut where the watchman lives;
b) jewelry in the ears;
c) hard fastener on the belt;
d) part of a table or chair?

60. Fill in the missing letters.
Eno... - the handsome man looks down...,
There was a sweet... ry... there.
A mighty hippopotamus is swimming...
Medicine over the seal's roar...,
And a white dove flies there,
We invite everyone to relax.

61. How does a letter differ from a sound?

62. In Moscow there are Muscovites, and in Kyiv - ? Continue the line to the end.

Moscow - Muscovite - Muscovite - Muscovites.
Kyiv - ... - ... - ....

1. Kids, puddles.
2. Doze, remember, chat, run away, think.
3. The following option is possible: with, in, from, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, y, for (from).
4. Bor, trouble, cold, notice, outlandish.
5. Shop, conscript, hate, tool, sorrel, cement, approve, put, beets.
6. Feminine: corn, flannel, wormwood; neuter: cocoa, highway, jam; masculine: roofing felt, tunnel, queen, tulle.
7. Be preoccupied, idle, distracted.
8. Seven troubles - one answer. Measure seven times and cut once. Seven do not wait for one. One with a bipod - seven with a spoon.
9. The task is arbitrary.
10. “Extra” words: pocket, mandate, anaconda.
11. For example: it rings, sounds, turns green, shines, shines, feeds, screams, tells.
12. There’s a beautiful park not far from our house.
13. Olya, table, forest, family, coat of arms.
14. Creative task.
15. My grandmother’s NAME is Vera Petrovna. She lives in Moscow on Rusakova Street. I often visit my grandmother. We love going to Sokolniki Park.
16. For example: bread - fresh, rye; lily of the valley - fragrant, silvery; river - mountainous, shallow; metro - Moscow, Stolichnoe.
17. Possible: went, pricked, bitten off, wormy, loose, dental, frightening, insect, impenetrable.
18. Shelf, rolling pin, roller.
19. Meadow.
20. Chewing gum (preferably: chewing gum).
21. Crowd, crowd, horde.
22. Hurricane.
23. They are on short terms with each other.
24. 2 sounds: [e], [r].
25. A pair of socks, a group of Georgians, five tomatoes.
26. Peahens are birds.
27. The hare rushes like crazy.
28. Shoe (f. r.), therefore “both shoes”; put on someone, dress someone, therefore the correct option is “put on both shoes.”
29. Words in which errors were made: myshkins, vegetable, hunger, bush, chips, hut, game, gifted, roads, pulls.
30. .... not. fed;... praises his swamp; he’s afraid of the bush;... if he flies out, you won’t catch him;... they think.
32. Portrait, quintal, tram, comfort, corridor, cutlet.
33. Hayloft, carpenter, fallow land, lawn, mushrooms, round dance, beard.
34. Congress - 1) a meeting of representatives of some organi-
nizations, population groups. 2) The place where they slide down is a descent.
To sneak through is to go inside something or disappear.
35. a) Telephone, b) iron.
36. Vegetable garden, Paradise, spinning top, frost, oak.
37. 3 sounds.
38. Correctly completed tasks of groups 1, 2, 3 (cancer, genus, mouth).
39. The nouns dirty, boring, crybaby, stupid, depending on the context, can be masculine and feminine. These are words of the so-called general gender. The word beauty is feminine and can only be combined with the word small.
40. Sit in galoshes.
41. There are 27 sounds [w] in the poem: in the words track, spoon, leg, threshold, [w] is also heard. The author uses sound recording.
42. It is necessary to “soften” the final consonants. It turns out: stranded, coal, six.
43. January, June, September, October, November, December.
44. “Extra” words: toy (pronounced not [shn], but [chn]); something (pronounced not [pc], but [t]); pampering and moral ([f] is pronounced and not dropped, as in other words).
45. Two vowel sounds next to each other in words: theater, cocoa, spy, duet, oasis, piano, rubber. In other words, between vowels - [th]: si[ya]t, stru[ya], bo[ye]ts, so[y]z.
46. ​​There are 5 letters O in the sentence, but not a single sound: without stress in place of the letter O it sounds [a].
47. This is the sound [r].
48. No. If he correctly placed the emphasis in the word sorokhk.
49. In the Russian language, more than two consonants are not written in a row. But writing three identical vowels in a row is acceptable. For example, snake eater, long-necked.
50. People, leaves, leaves, teeth, teeth.
51. Creative task.
52. Rabbit, leopard, horse, buffalo.
53. Various answer options are possible, for example: August, appetite, asters, pineapples.
54. For each correctly written word - 1 point.
55. Chickens, ships, miracles, heaven, children, people.
56. Standing in front of your father. Play with a friend.
57. Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. This is all a fairy tale, a fairy tale lies ahead.
58. Congress, happiness, announcement, pours, monkey, curls, save.
59. Guard, earring, buckle, leg.
60. Raccoon, down, sweet, lynx, hippo, bear, roars, dove.
61. Letters are written and read, and sounds are pronounced and listened to.
62. Kiev resident, Kiev woman, Kiev residents.

Maltseva Olga Yurievna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 54 named after Yu. A. Gagarin
Locality: city ​​of Sevastopol
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Collection of exercises in the Russian language for grade 4
Publication date: 20.07.2017
Chapter: primary education


1. Unpronounceable consonants in word roots

1. Write words with and without unpronounceable consonants in two

Heavenly, rope, unusable, hello, iron, hairy, terrible, sun, sailing, vain.
2. Insert into proverbs words that are suitable in meaning with unpronounceable words

1) ____________ mothers better ______________ warm. 2) The trouble with _______________ is his envy. 3) A hardworking person is the most _______________.
Words for reference: so_ntsa, happy, heart, zavis_nika.

3. Write down, replacing the highlighted words with words close in meaning to

unpronounceable consonants.
A cheerful person -_____________________, a famous poet - ________________________, a beautiful flower - __________________, a huge building - __________________.
Independent work

4. Form and write words that have the same root as unpronounceable words

Star - _____________, valor - ____________, sadness - ______________, cane - ____________, honor - _________, place - ___________, happiness - __________.
5. Insert unpronounceable consonants where needed.

Furious, famous, hearty, kind, cramped, lovely, terribly, joyful, cabbage, tasty, strong, mustache, forest, dependent, gigantic.
2. Spelling of prefixes

1. Highlight prefixes in words. How are prefixes with words written?
Blizzards came to us and covered the cracks with snow. The old man frosted the window with a painting of ice. (G. Ladonshchikov)
2. Write words with a stressed vowel in the prefix and words with a stressed vowel

vowel in the root in two columns. Highlight the root and prefix in the words.
Embankment, cutout, application, knock out, start, exit, pour, smell.
3. Add prefixes that suit their meaning. Select the roots and

____the wind was flying, ___ the trees were rustling. Snow flakes fell down. ___a squirrel looked out from the hollow. ____looked around and jumped onto a branch.
4. Write unstressed vowels into prefixes. Select consoles.
R_thawed, _walked, _t_moved, looked, _s_said, _melted, _extinguished, _walked, _talked, _t_asked, _twisted, _circled.
5. Write down words with the same root with various prefixes.
I write - I run - I eat salt -

6. Write words with prefixes and words with prepositions in two columns.
(over) taking, (behind) the wall, (at) throwing, (at) running, (from) the wind, (before) talking, (about) looking, (about) the book, (without) water, (for) freezing, (from) winged.
3. Spelling of the prefixes roz- (raz-), roz- (raz-)

1. Write words with a stressed vowel in the prefix and words with a stressed vowel

vowel in the root in two columns. Draw a conclusion when in the console

the letter O is written, and when A.
Dissolution, dissolve, drawing, pouring, playing out, pouring out.
2. Write down the words by inserting the missing letters in the prefixes. Highlight

the letter C and with a prefix ending in the letter Z. Make a conclusion about

writing these prefixes.
Paintings, story, break, kindle, distribute, roll out, develop, lose.
4. From these words, form two new words: one with the prefix C-, the other

with the prefix RAZ- (RAS-). Select the root and prefix.
Make, burn, buy, sew, reap, cover.
5. Write the sentences by inserting the missing letters. Explain

The lynx ran and jumped over the ravine. Rashes appeared in the distance. Frost draws patterns on the windows of houses. It was dawning, and the sky was becoming lighter. A small village sprang up in the valley of the r_ _. R_ _data
The children really liked the gifts from Santa Claus. We were located next to the river.
4. Spelling of the prefixes ras-, raz-, pre-, pri-

Fill in the missing letter. Explain the spelling.
1. Build, get angry, ra_look, untie, ra_rip, ra_cart, ra_rat, ra_drive, ra_grind, ra_de, ra_sada, ra_rub, ra_plant, ra_try, ra_drink, ras_talk, ra_nit, ra_burn, ra_decorate, ra_pay, , create, develop, develop, sawing, unloading, ra_crush, ra_wash, ra_crush, ra_stoyanie, ra_kola, ra_cheerful, cordial, ra_unhappy, ra_beautiful, ra_wonderful, ra_pack, ra_weave, play, ro_tales, ra_skaz, play, ras_svet, s_trampling, ra_utsya, ra_print, ra_run, ra_push, to be angry, to be glad, to be glad, to be angry, to be angry, to be poured, to be poured, to be poured, to be thrown, to be dissolved. 2. To_beat, to_grab, to_interesting, to overcome; pr_tear, pr_school, pr_boring, pr_enlarge, pr_funny, pr_carry, pr_approach, pr_open, pr_burn, touch, pr_pass, pr_red, pr_station; pr_open, pr_approach, pr_pretty, pr_flies, pr_glue, pr_brave, pr_shil, pr_red, pr_rose, pr_hail, pr_build, break through, pr_approach, pr_raise, pr_stroke, pr_good, pro_loit, pr_aps, pr_coastal, , pr_carry, pr_sea, knit, pr_grow, pro_acquire, pr_stand up, pr_sit down, pr_decorate, pr_bend, pr_think, pr_cover, pr_strong, pr_unpleasant, pr_long, pr_fed, pr_rise, pr_old, pr_interesting, break, criminal, pr_graduate.
5. Spelling words with a dividing soft and hard sign

1. Insert b or b sign. Sort out the words according to their composition. Explain the spelling

these spellings.

Zash_to_show the cash_yuraz_raged_the_chair_was_to_ride lived_evz_ruffled
2. Insert b where necessary.
Approach, under_cut, under_arrive, clear_up, cut off, snacks, take-down, over_wrote, flew in, lifting, under_cut.
Write the words in two columns: with and without the separating letter.

3. Correct mistakes. Write it down.
An enraged monkey, gurgling streams, gray leaves, dine on jam, throws a board, a vyuga grows.
4. Choose words with the same root with the separator b or b.
Yasny - ____________, Yura - ___________, leaf - ___________, ride - __________, pour - _________, eat - ___________, drink - __________.
5. Write by inserting the missing letters. Understand the highlighted words

Don't teach with idleness, teach with handicraft. To eat fish, you have to get into the water. Merry - saved from all troubles. The work of people unites. Don't whip your horse uphill.

Word structure

1. Find the “extra” word. Write words with the same root, highlighting the root.

2. Highlight the ending, stem, root in the words. Determine how

the second words of each pair were formed. How the meaning has changed

Eyes - ocelli; ears - ears; tail - tail; school - school.
3. Read, determine the ending, stem and root in the words. How

were words formed? How has their meaning changed?
Write - write, sign, write off, write out, add, rewrite, write down, write down.
4. Write it down, choosing prefixes that suit their meaning. Highlight them.
The woman (over-, re-, re-)planted the grain into a flower pot. From the grain (pro-, you-, under-) a flower grew. How (pre-, on-, on-) he was! The flower (opened-, at-, opened). There was a little girl sitting in the cup itself. She was (pro-, on-, re-) called Thumbelina.
Root words, cognates

1. Find words with the same root. Write down rows of words with the same root, highlight


Bread, oak grove, creaky, bread bin, lake, oak, bread, oak, lake, creaking, loaf, lake, oak, creaking.
2.Write down groups of related words. Find the root in them.
 Bold, determined, courageous, courageous.  Courage, bold, bold, emboldened.  Quick, fast, agile, impetuous.  Fast, speed, quickly, soon.
3. Find the “extra” word. Write words with the same root, highlighting the root.
Yolk, yellow, yellow, iron; fight, warrior, wrestler, fighters; stove, seal, stove, stoves; hour, clock, watchmaker, part; enemy, enmity, enemy, enemies.
4. Write it down. In words with the same root, highlight the root.
On a hot day, animals walked along a forest path to drink. A baby elephant was stomping behind the elephant. A little fox was sneaking behind the fox. A hedgehog rolled behind the hedgehog. A bear cub followed the bear.


1. Noun as part of speech

Safe - ..., happy - ..., disagreeing - ..., boastful - ..., sad - ..., cowardly - ... .
2. Determine which part of speech each word belongs to.
Handsome, show off, beauty, beautiful; distant, far, further, distant, distant; radiant, shine, radiance; white, whiteness, turn white, whitening, white; cold, cold, getting cold, cold, cold, getting colder.
3. Write down the sentences. Parse them. Define

parts of speech.
We bought two pieces of scented soap. Valya was washing the window in the room. The water stopped flowing. The boat developed a leak.
4. Choose words and write their numbers next to the corresponding

1) Doll, 2) running, 3) pig, 4) notebook, 5) autumn, 6) swallow, 7) jump, 8) baby, 9) Vasya, 10) crying, 11) mother, 12) laughter, 13) house, 14) snow, 15) bad weather, 16) wind, 17) hike, 18) berries, 19) fireworks, 20) swimming, 21) joy, 22) Katyusha, 23) silence. Items:______________________; living beings:___________________________; natural phenomena:__________________________; events:____________________________; process, action:___________________________; abstract concepts:___________________________.

5. Write down the nouns in two columns: in the first - names

nouns denoting the attribute of an object; in the second - names

nouns denoting the action of an object.
Courage, search, laughter, courage, sitting, beauty, omnipotence, persuasion, gambling, brevity, breathing.
6. Read the words.
Conversation, path, fire, conversation, work, fence, road, flame, labor, fence, strap, grief, wind, belt, battle, border, misfortune, fight, boundary, hurricane.
Choose synonyms from these words and write them in pairs. Emphasize

nouns with abstract meaning. With any couple

make two sentences and write them down.

2. Changing nouns by numbers

along with the checklists.
Slu_ka - …, skre_ka -…, lo_kost - …, le_cue -…, grip_ka -… .
2. Change the nouns according to numbers. Highlight the endings.
Sample: Star (singular) – stars (plural) Bush, swan, tree, log, crane.
3. Determine the number of nouns in each group. Try

change the number of nouns. Draw a conclusion.
1) Notebook, berry, cucumber, sea, cricket, bear. 2) Milk, sour cream, gold, sugar, grapes, straw. 3) Scissors, chores, glasses, gates, vacations, pliers.
4. Write down nouns that are used only in


Tents, trousers, shirts, pitchforks, eyes, yeast, bagels, toys, hair, glasses, factories, skis, pliers, gates, leaves, twilight.
5. Write down nouns that are used only in

Shadow, ink, book, sun, thing, milk, nut, rye, water, subway, oil, cotton.
6. Write by opening brackets and inserting nouns into

the required number. Highlight the endings. Indicate the number of nouns.
It was a strange room. It contains lifelike (things): straw (chair) and rubber (ball), plush (tiger) and old (doll). In the empty ones (box) they settled (mouse), and in the bookshelves (shelf) they huddled (gnome).
3. Gender of nouns

1. Choose a test word. Where necessary, insert

missing letter. Write down the words along with the test ones.
Vain_ny - ..., cramped - ..., heart_tse - ..., sad_ny - ..., naez_nik - ... .
2. Write down the nouns in three columns: in the first - names

nouns are masculine, in the second - feminine, in the third -

Pine, harvest, milk, hammer, steppe, uncle, ring, watchman, crow, shadow, sea, blizzard, grandfather, occupation.
3. Find the “extra” word in each row.
Rain, island, horse, shadow, bush, day. Rye, oven, carrots, fire, laziness, night. Land, taiga, time, family, relatives, station. Window, village, sea, field, towel, apple, table.

4. Fill in the blanks with names that make sense.

nouns, indicate their gender.
Fragrant ____________, fried______________, warm______________, iron_______________, Saturday_______________, friendly________________, famous______________, fragrant________________, volatile___________________, melted________________, red_________________, faithful_________.
5. Restore sentences. Indicate the gender of nouns.
(come, late) evening. (blaze, scarlet) dawn. (Sit down, hot) sun. (Darken, evening) sky.
6. Write down and determine the gender of nouns.
To the gazebo(), on the table(), in the bed(), on the lake(), behind the door(), without the crow(), about uncle(), for the whale(), for laughter(), around the tree(), under the closet(), on the surface(), without a coat(), to the country(), about the city(), along the path(), towards the sun(), from behind the wall(), at the mouse(), at dad's( ), with a club(), through the forest().
7.Make proverbs from these words. Write them down, indicate the gender of the names

1. Feeds, laziness, spoils, ah, labor. 2. Honor, nearby, labor, live, etc. 3. Work, grind, patience, and that’s it. 4. Face, modesty, to, everyone. 5. Bird, man -, wings, friendship, strong, a.
8. Determine the gender of nouns
Without envy (), for my sister (), because of a mark (), from a book (), without a screwdriver (), from meat (), about iron (), before class (), at school (), in class ( ), from the office(), about the student(), for the doctor(), without blood(), from the wall(), under the horse(), on
diesel locomotive(), in the closet(), on stage(), before the day(), before the start().
4. Feminine and masculine nouns with a sibilant at the end

1. Choose a test word. Fill in the missing letter and write down the words

along with the checklists.
Gi_kiy - ..., ro_kiy - ..., le_kiy - ..., shlya_ka - ..., oshi_ka - ... .
2. Write down the words, underline the soft sign that does not mean

softness of consonants.
Speech, day, rye, wool, trees, mouse, briefcase, night, power, rain.
3. Write down the nouns, male and female, in two columns

Stove, beach, ink, youth, knife, pencil, harness, lily of the valley.
4. Determine the gender of nouns. Write it down by inserting where it is

A soft sign is required at the end of words.
Swift.., lodge.., brooch.., doctor.., trifle.., key.., bream.., quiet.., rich man.., violinist.., thing.., brick.., daughter. .., ball.., ray.., trembling.., owl.., power.., reed.., horsetail.., boundary.., case.., luxury.. .
5. Make up combinations of words.
brick... . (which one?)__________________ trembling.. (which one?)___________________ cloak.. (which one?) ________________ crumb.. (which one?)___________________ speech.. (which one?) ___________________ mouse.. (which one?)__________________ borscht..( what?)_________________ reeds.. (which?)_________________

6. Insert the necessary words. Indicate their gender.
__________ has arrived. ______________ does not make a person beautiful. The car_nav_went to ____________. So_tsev_no_looked because of _______________. The first _____________ snow_climbed through the trees, and the roofs began to fade __________.
5. Changing nouns according to questions

1. Change the endings in words so as to restore the meaning

A tall pine tree grows at the edge of the forest. Near (pine) _________ a cowardly bunny froze. Under (pine)___________ a prickly hedgehog burrowed into the old needles. A nimble squirrel lurked on (pine)________.
2.Make sentences from the suggested words, changing the endings.

Write down the resulting sentences, highlighting the endings.
In, birch, rooks, grove, lived. Once upon a time, a cat climbed onto the roof. Lilacs, bushes, under, window, bloomed.
3. Change the endings in words to restore meaning

offers. Write down the corrected version, highlighting the endings.
I chop wood with an ax. Mitya was eating porridge. There was a beautiful house on the river bank.
4. Insert the missing letter where necessary. Explain your

Tornado.., river.., cloak.., floor.., birth.., midnight.., ladle.., power.., Easter cake.., knife.., help.., bitter.. .

5. Change the nouns according to the questions. Highlight the endings.



to what?__________________________ to whom? _________________________

what?__________________________who? _________________________

what?___________________________ by whom? _________________________

about what?_________________________ about whom? _________________________

6. Write down the text, inserting missing letters where necessary. Put it

questions for nouns. Determine the case of names

T_kut (__) streams. There are noisy flocks of (__) starlings. (__) There are (__) nests (__) (on) trees. Birds are liking and singing. (By)_vilas_ green (__) track. (__) (There) is a lot of (__) work.
7. Write down the word combinations, inserting the missing letters and the appropriate ones

meaning of prepositions. Determine and indicate the case, gender and number of names

Shriveled __ cold; crossed __ river; smoldering __ trees; tried __ l_st; stopped at __ house; __ clouds appeared; warmed up __ fire; __ bush appeared; rested in __ clearing.
Words for reference: from, through, between, because of, about, from under, through, on,


8. Make sentences from these words. Title the resulting text.
1) In, it was, fun, zoo, noisy, etc. 2) From, the bear, the cage, food, he begged for pieces. 3) The watchman drove the hippopotamus into the house with a broom. 4) The elephant stomped with his foot. 5) There was an elk standing on a hill. 6) Fluffed his tail, beautiful, peacock, his own.

Copy the text. Indicate the gender and number of nouns.

9. Insert the missing letter. Explain your choice.
Sex_em, voluminous, in_junk, ot_ot_ot_ate, naughty, lifting, clarify, per_ya.
10.Write by inserting the missing letters. Find names

nouns, determine their gender and number.
A dazed lightning streak crossed the sky. Dust swirled on the streets. Nature became tense and held its breath. Storm clouds slowly poured into the forest and field.
11. Write down questions for the highlighted words. Highlight the endings in

the word happiness.
(________) Happiness is in the air, but is not given into your hands. Man was created for (____________) happiness, like a bird for flight. It is a great joy to give people (____________) happiness! The heroes of fairy tales went on a difficult journey for (____________) happiness. A person lives with a dream of (______________) happiness.
12. Compose and write down phrases using prepositions. Highlight

endings, determine the case.
Got (to) the city; flew out (from) the nest; read (in) a book; met (with) a friend; my head flew off.
6. Endings of the 1st declension of nouns

Determine the case of the noun, insert the missing letter, highlight


Sample: across the clearing (D. p.)
Grew up in the valley__ (___), worked at a construction site__ (___), thought about meetings__(____), approached the car__(____), on both sides
roads__(____), fell from a storm__(____), in a bear's den__(___), approaching greenhouses___(____), library worker___(____), lived with grandmothers__ (_____).
7. Connection of adjectives with nouns

1. Choose a test word. Insert the required letter and write it down

test words.
T_kla - ______________, cold_dnaya - ______________,_________________, in_da - ________________, dawn - ________________, posh_l - ________________, tr_pinka - ___________________, k_l_silya - _________________, ___________________, beautiful - _________________.
2. Complete the adjectives according to the example.

For example: plum (what kind?) oval, sweet, blue, large.
Cherry (________?)________________________________________________. Orange (__________?)____________________________________________. Apple (____________?)____________________________________________.
3. Write down the appropriate adjectives. Highlight them

Field___________________________________________________________. Tablecloth_______________________________________________________. Window___________________________________________________________. Nights__________________________________________________________. Story ________________________________________________________. Vote__________________________________________________________.
4. Add two adjectives to each noun like this:

to show its different meanings.
Musical - key - cold ______________ - star - _________________
______________ - sheet -____________________ _______________ - sheet - ____________________ _______________ - tongue - ____________________ _______________ - pen - _____________________
5. Write down the adjectives in the correct form.
(Dark) _____________ forest; (warm)______________ bed; (field)___________ mouse; (real)_______________ gold; (big)___________ city; (birch)_______________ grove; (white)___________ cloud; (brave)_________________ knight.
8. Changing adjectives by gender and number

1. Choose a test word. Write down the words by filling in the missing words

M_slenka - …, vypl_kat - …, eye_zok - …, Kor_levsky - …, n_gotok - … .
2. Complete the missing endings. Indicate the number and gender, if it is

Maybe. Highlight the endings of the adjectives.
Slender_ tree(_), underground_ road(_), green_ valley(_), cheerful_ story(_), happy_ event(_), bright_ colors(_), crane_(_), cheerful_ schoolchildren(_).
3. Change nouns and adjectives according to questions,

highlight the endings in questions and words.
What? poppy What? red What?___________ What?_____ What?___________ Which?______________ What?____________ Which?_____________ What?____________ Which?_____________ About what?_____________ About which?______________
4. Copy the text by inserting the missing letters. Emphasize

adjectives with a wavy line, and the nouns to which they

relate - in one line. Define and indicate (where possible) the number

L_sn__ p_lyanka On the p_lyanket_there is a noisy_ stream. There are emerald greens all around and many colorful flowers. Tireless bees work on the flowers. M_khnat__ bumblebees are buzzing. And the slender pine tree has mosquitoes.
9. Adjectives with endings –ey, -iy.

1. Write by inserting the missing endings of adjectives.

Determine their gender and number.
In front of stinging... nettles, in scorching... heat, without hot... sausages, about a past... meeting, in a nearby... grove, in a dense... forest, a singing... voice, at its best... drawing, repulsive... action, in fresh... greenery, fine... day, seething... stream, poor... old man, in an extra... pack, outside the near... village.
10. Declension of adjectives in the plural

2. Change the phrases according to cases, highlight the endings
I. p. snow caps bitter frosts R. p._______________________________________________________________ D. p.________________________________________________________________ V. p._______________________________________________________________ T. p._______________________________________________________________ Ave. p.______________________________________________________________
3. Write down, determine the case of adjectives, highlight the endings.
Multicolored... lights Kites make nests in high...d..roar..yahs. Roads are laid from the the near... and far... villages.
11.Changing verbs by tenses

1. Form indefinite verbs. Sort out the verbs

of uncertain form in composition.

Showed, howled, and swooped.
2. Using reference words, write down the answers to the questions.

What did you do in class yesterday?
Yesterday in class we (what did we do?) …, …, …, … .
What are you doing on

lessons today?
Today in class we (what are we doing?) …, …, …, … .
What will you do

in class tomorrow?
Tomorrow in class we (what will we do?) …, …, …, … .
What will you

what to do in class tomorrow?
Tomorrow in class we (what will we do?)…, …, …, … .
12. Changing verbs by tenses and numbers

1.Insert the missing letter. Explain your choice.
Streams, singing, on trees, sat down, leaves, in the south, drove up, united.
2. Write it down, putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Specify time

Nightingale (sing). The spectator (be) listening. Nightingale (sing). Spectators (listen). The nightingale (sing), the audience (applaud).
3. Form from these verbs: 1) past tense, 2) present tense,

3) future tense.
Sing, laugh, run, think.
4. Write the text, indicate the tense of the verbs.
Silver dewdrops The fog dissipated, generously washed the flowers and showered the ground with silver drops of dew. The grasses have drooped. All the insects hid.
But the spider gaped and lies there. He is shrouded in fog. And the fog strews the dragonfly with droplets. And he solders butterflies to flowers with his silver. But the sun will rise and melt the silver with its hot rays. And the grass will rise and rise. And insects flutter over the meadow.
13. Spelling of personal endings of verbs (February 5)

1. Determine the conjugation of verbs. Fill in the missing letters in personal

verb endings. Write it down according to the example.

Sample: blowing (Isp.) – blowing,
Come...t, wind...t,, feel...m, summer...m, blue...t, that...t, come to life...t, love...m,, light...t.
2. Rewrite, putting the verbs in the 1st person plural form. date of the present

time. Highlight the endings.
Flowers (plant) in front of the house, in the forest (pick) mushrooms, fish (catch) in the river, potatoes (fry) in a frying pan, table (cover) with a clean tablecloth, dill (sow) in the garden, often (walk) in the park, in winter (skate) on ice, exposition (write) in a notebook.
3.Write by inserting the missing letters. Indicate the verb conjugations.
He who sows peace will reap happiness. Man's labor is his food, and his laziness is his port. Strong friendship and (not) cut with an axe. I'm burning with tears (not)
4.Insert appropriate verbs in the 3rd person singular. number. Please indicate

verb conjugation.
Doctor... sick. Driver... car. Geologist... there are minerals in the earth. Poet... poetry. Teacher... schoolchildren. Tractor driver... ground. Mason... house made of stone.
14. Numeral as part of speech

1. Write down the words. Ask questions to them, determine which part of speech

each of the words applies.
deuce -
double – double – double – two – two –
2. Write down the sentences, find and indicate the numerals.
Eight students successfully wrote the tests. On May 10, the opening of a new cinema center took place. At about twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the first-graders' lessons ended. We brought twenty crucian carp from our morning fishing. The book is open on page fifteen. After the second quarter, the holidays began.
For each numeral, ask a question orally. Write these down

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