Ecology MSU. Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow State University

Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University
15.02.2017 - 26.04.2017

Open Ecological University of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
and Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Moscow Government
in the Year of Ecology in Russia,
to the 100th anniversary of the birth of academician N.N. Moiseev and the 30th anniversary of the Moscow State University
invite everyone to a free
educational project
"Green paradigm of life on Earth"

(Project manager – Rector of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Sadovnichy)

Lectures will be held from 02/15/2017 to 04/26/2017
in the Great Chemical Auditorium of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University from 6 to 8 p.m.

To participate in the project you must register by email [email protected] until January 15, 2017.

Those who listened to all lectures will be awarded Certificates of the Open Ecological University,
signed by the Rector of Moscow State University, Academician V.A. Sadovnichy

Project program
"Green paradigm of life on Earth"

I.E. Chestin, Doctor of Biology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director of the World Wildlife Fund of Russia

A.V. Markov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof., Head. department Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University

I.P. Blokov, Ph.D., Director of Programs, Greenpeace Russian Federation

V.S. Petrosyan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof., UN expert on chemical safety, Vice-President, Chairman of the Chemistry Section of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the Environmental Council of the Moscow Government

Salvatore Lorusso, professor at the University of Bologna, Italy

T.V. Guseva, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof., Corresponding Member. RANS

A.O. Kulbachevsky, Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Moscow Government

S.N. Bobylev, Doctor of Economics, Prof., Head. department Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, UN expert on green economy

T.V. Petrova, Doctor of Law, Prof. Department of Environmental Law, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University

N.P. Tarasova, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof., Corresponding Member. RAS, Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Sustainable Development of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. Mendeleev, President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)

Training program

The training program for the specialty "ecology" provides for the study of the theoretical and practical foundations of such subjects as general and applied ecology, ecology of plants, animals, microorganisms, radiation ecology, toxicology, human ecology, environmental

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Training program

Ecology and environmental management (Faculty of Soil Science)

The training program for the specialty "ecology" provides for the study of the theoretical and practical foundations of such subjects as general and applied ecology, ecology of plants, animals, microorganisms, radiation ecology, toxicology, human ecology, environmental epidemiology, geo-urban studies, etc. Much attention is paid to the development of modern physical sciences. -chemical methods for studying environmental objects, system analysis of biosphere processes, as well as in-depth study of the organization and technology of environmental management, the basis of which is: environmental assessment, environmental management and marketing, audit, assessment of technogenic systems and environmental risk. An ecologist specialist must master the most modern methods of studying the state of the environment, be able to predict and model various natural-anthropogenic processes and situations. Therefore, during the training process, students receive in-depth training in the field of geoinformatics, geographic information systems and modeling, computer processing of monitoring data and remote sensing. Particular attention in the learning process is paid to the formation of systematic environmental thinking in students, an integrated approach to solving problems of human interaction with the environment, and the influence of the role of natural and man-made factors on human health. In accordance with professional interests, students can specialize in the field of environmental assessment, environmental management and audit, chemical and biological environmental control, human ecology and environmental safety. The training of an ecologist allows you to solve the following tasks: to competently assess the impact on the environment, as well as the examination of socio-economic and economic activities in the territories; conduct environmental assessments of various types of design analysis; design standard measures for nature protection and rational use of natural resources, ensure environmental safety of various spheres of human activity, carry out control and audit activities and environmental audits, professionally organize and implement environmental management systems at enterprises, organizations, as well as in administrative and municipal structures. In the field of soil science, each department of the faculty has its own, and sometimes several, profiles: Genesis and evolution of soils, Geography and cartography of soils, Physics of soils, Soil reclamation, Soil chemistry, Protection of soils from erosion, Agrochemistry and plant biochemistry, Soil ecology, Management land resources, Land cadastre, Soil and landscape design, etc.

Dean - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Shoba Sergei Alekseevich

The Faculty of Soil Science is a relatively young and dynamically developing faculty of Moscow University and the largest educational institution in this field in the country’s university education system. The faculty trains soil scientists and ecologists - specialists in the research and rational use of land resources, environmental assessment of the state of the natural environment. The need for such specialists is great in various spheres of life and economic activity of society, especially in the conditions of new economic relations.

Soil science studies the patterns of formation and functioning of soils and soil cover of the Earth, their ecological functions in the biosphere and role in natural and cultural landscapes.

Soil science is closely related to ecology - a science that understands the complex connections between various components of nature, the influence of the activities of human society on these connections and on natural objects, therefore the Faculty of Soil Science provides training in two specialties: "soil science" and "ecology".

The faculty has approximately 450 undergraduate and 110 graduate students. Paid educational programs “Land Resources Assessment and Management” and “Soil and Landscape Design” have been opened.

Training in the specialty "soil science" is based on courses in soil science, soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, agricultural chemistry, etc. A significant part of the study time is devoted to special courses taught in departments and the preparation of coursework and diploma works. Much attention is paid to the study of the fundamentals of computer science, mathematical modeling of natural and especially soil processes; students gain in-depth skills in working on personal computers and master modern information technologies.

The education received at the faculty in the field of soil science allows graduates to work in research institutions and production organizations, in business, as well as to engage in teaching activities in higher and secondary educational institutions.

The most important task of soil science is the assessment of land resources. Currently, in the context of commercial turnover of certain categories of land, this task becomes especially urgent. Its solution requires determining the quality of the soil, qualified economic and environmental assessment and, finally, determining its value. On a national scale, graduates of the faculty participate in the development and implementation of the land cadastre.

Soil science serves as the basis for organizing rational land use. Knowledge about the state of soil cover is a necessary condition for the rational use and management of land resources, taking into account their economic and environmental assessments - position in the landscape, aesthetic value. An intensively developing direction in this area of ​​application of soil science is soil-landscape design, which aims to create landscapes with specified aesthetic and functional properties. In addition, soil scientists participate in solving issues related to environmental pollution, develop and implement standards for environmental regulation of the state of land resources, natural waters and forests, and determine the causes of the greenhouse effect and changes in biological diversity.

Currently, the most relevant for the sustainable development of both our country and the world community as a whole are environmental problems associated with human impact on the environment. Many of them threaten environmental disaster. Responding to the demands of the time, the Faculty of Soil Science trains highly qualified specialists in the field of ecology.

The training program for the specialty "ecology" provides for the study of the theoretical and practical foundations of such subjects as general and applied ecology, ecology of plants, animals, microorganisms, radiation ecology, toxicology, human ecology, environmental epidemiology, geo-urban studies, etc. Much attention is paid to the development of modern physical sciences. -chemical methods for studying environmental objects, system analysis of biosphere processes, as well as in-depth study of the organization and technology of environmental management, the basis of which is: environmental assessment, environmental management and marketing, audit, assessment of technogenic systems and environmental risk.

An ecologist specialist must master the most modern methods of studying the state of the environment, be able to predict and model various natural-anthropogenic processes and situations. Therefore, during the training process, students receive in-depth training in the field of geoinformatics, geographic information systems and modeling, computer processing of monitoring data and remote sensing.

Particular attention in the learning process is paid to the formation of students' systemic ecological thinking, an integrated approach to solving problems of human interaction with the environment, and the influence of the role of natural and man-made factors on human health.

In accordance with professional interests, students can specialize in the field of environmental assessment, environmental management and audit, chemical and biological environmental control, human ecology and environmental safety.

The training of an ecologist allows you to solve the following tasks: competently assess environmental impacts, as well as examine socio-economic and economic activities in the territories; conduct environmental assessments of various types of design analysis; design standard measures for nature protection and rational use of natural resources, ensure environmental safety of various spheres of human activity, carry out control and audit activities and environmental audits, professionally organize and implement environmental management systems at enterprises, organizations, as well as in administrative and municipal structures.

Types of professional activity of an ecologist: scientific research in the field of ecology and nature conservation in academic institutions and universities; in environmental services of departments, municipalities and state and commercial enterprises, in design organizations, in auditing, insurance, marketing companies and services.

Field training practices play a very important role in preparation. The faculty has a training and experimental soil-ecological center "Chashnikovo" in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region, which serves as a base for educational and practical training for students. A special place is occupied by the so-called zonal practice, where in field conditions students become familiar with the soil and vegetation of the main natural zones of our country.

The important advantages of the education received at the Faculty of Soil Science are its fundamentality and breadth. Students study special disciplines based on thorough training in chemistry, mathematics, computer science, geology and other fundamental sciences. This allows them in the future, in independent scientific or industrial activities, to easily navigate a wide range of issues not only in their chosen specialty, but in related fields of knowledge.

The Faculty of Soil Science is one of the leading research centers in its field. Faculty members fruitfully develop major scientific problems in various fields of soil science and ecology. Students take direct part in scientific research conducted at the faculty.

The faculty employs 65 doctors of science and 125 candidates of science. In total, the faculty employs about 300 employees. Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.G. teaches and conducts research at the faculty. Mineev, full member of the Academy of Natural Sciences I.I. Sudnitsyn, corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences M.S. Kuznetsov, Honored Professor of Moscow University D.S. Orlov and D.G. Zvyagintsev.

The curriculum provides for the preparation of bachelors (duration of study - 4 years) and masters (duration of study - 2 years).

Assessment of the state of ecosystems based on environmental monitoring data, evolutionary ecology of the life cycle, construction of conceptual and mathematical models of zonal types of terrestrial ecosystems, computerization of biological research.


Heads of the department since the founding of the department

Directions of scientific research

The department employs 30 employees, including 7 doctors of science and 10 candidates of science. Postgraduate students and interns are trained at the department. The department provides teaching of ecology at the biological, geological, philosophical and historical faculties, at the faculty of global processes and at the faculty of bioengineering and bioinformatics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, as well as giving interfaculty lecture courses on current environmental problems.

The department is equipped with modern teaching aids and equipment for the effective implementation of educational and research processes, a modern computer class has been created, on the basis of which the department conducts the general faculty course “Mathematical methods in biology”. The department runs a permanent scientific seminar “Population and system ecology” (, scientific supervisors are Doctors of Biological Sciences D.G. Zamolodchikov and L.V. Polishchuk); employees of the department created and supported the scientific and educational portal “Fundamental Ecology” (, executive editor Ph.D., senior researcher E.V. Budilova), information system "Ecology of fresh waters in Russia and neighboring countries" (, executive editor, senior researcher N.G. Bulgakov), website "Vasily Vasilyevich Nalimov - an outstanding scientist, mathematician and philosopher" (with the participation of researcher Zh.A. Drogalina).

Since the founding of the department, the following professors have worked there:

Alexey Merkuryevich Gilyarov (1999-2013),

Anatoly Timofeevich Terekhin (1999-2010).

Department courses

  • “Ecology” (Prof. Zamolodchikov D.G.)
  • “Ecology” (Prof. Polishchuk L.V.)
  • “Concepts of ecology - history and current state” (Prof. Polishchuk L.V.)
  • “Modern problems of macroecology: from comparative species analysis to biosphere processes” (Prof. Polishchuk L.V., Zamolodchikov D.G., Karelin D.V.)
  • “Mathematical methods in biology” (Associate Professor Myatlev V.D.)
  • “Ecology and nature conservation” (Prof. Karelin D.V.)
  • “Bioindication and biotesting” (Prof. Yuzbekov A.K., senior researcher Bulgakov N.G.)
  • “Urboecology” (Prof. Yuzbekov A.K.)
  • “On the development of the biosphere. Ecology" (leading researcher O. V. Chestnykh)
  • “Quantitative ecology” (Prof. Smurov A.V.)
  • “Marine communities and ecosystems” (Prof. Smurov A.V.)
  • “Energy of an individual and demography of populations” (senior researcher Romanovsky Yu.E.)
  • “Biopolitics” (in English) (Prof. Oleskin A.V.)
  • “Intercellular Interaction in Microorganisms: the Role of Neurotransmitters” (in English) (Prof. Oleskin A.V.)
  • “Biology and modern society” (Prof. Oleskin A.V.)
  • “Human Ecology” (senior researcher Budilova E.V.)

Cathedral practices

General faculty workshop “Mathematical methods in biology” (Myatlev V.D., Mikeshina N.G., Duzhenko V.S., Uger E.G.)


Employees of the department (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. D.G. Zamolodchikov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. D.V. Karelin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. L.V. Polishchuk, Dr. B.Sc., Prof. A.K. Yuzbekov, D.Sc., Prof. V.D. Smurov, Ph.D., senior researcher .s., senior researcher E.L. Rostovtseva, researcher A.I. Ivashchenko) take an active part in the implementation of international and national projects, programs and grants, regularly conduct field observations and collect samples at hospitals “ Talnik" (Vorkuta district), "Lavrentia" (Eastern Chukotka), "Taiga Log" (Valdai, Novgorod region), Zvenigorod and Belomorsk biological stations of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, on the basis of the Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


  • Institute of the Earth's Cryosphere RAS
  • Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Center for Problems of Ecology and Forest Productivity RAS
  • Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution named after. A.N. Severtsov RAS
  • Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science RAS
  • Institute of Microbiology RAS
  • Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Institute of Pharmacology RAMS
  • Institute of Philosophy RAS
  • Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population RAS
  • TsNIIP of urban planning RAASN
  • Murmansk State Technical University
  • Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technology Center
  • Leiden University Medical Center

Scientific and educational achievements of the department

Year(s) of work on the topic Full name Topic, achievement
1993-2014 D.G. Zamolodchikov, D.V. Karelin A conceptual model has been proposed to explain climate-dependent shifts in the tundra carbon budget, articles have been published in the Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Global Change Biology and a monograph from the Nauka publishing house
1999-2010 V.N. Maksimov,
A.P.Levich, N.G.Bulgakov
A new approach has been proposed for the development of principles for environmental regulation of pollution, called the “concept of environmental tolerance”
1980-2014 A.P. Levich A variation model of consumption and growth for ecological communities has been developed. The model was tested on laboratory and natural phytoplankton communities. The model allows one to calculate the numbers of species in a community, predict growth-limiting environmental resources, and control the community structure.
1995-2014 A.P. Levich, V.N. Maksimov, N.G. Bulgakov, D.V. Risnik. An in-situ technology for monitoring the natural environment using field data has been developed. The technology makes it possible to calculate normal limits for biological indicators of the state of ecosystems and for environmental factors influencing this state. The boundaries of the norm can play the role of environmental quality standards, range boundaries in quality classifiers, target quality indicators and adaptive analogues of background factor values.
1998-2014 L.V. Polishchuk and colleagues Based on an analysis of the birth rate of planktonic crustaceans Daphnia A new method has been proposed for comparative assessment of the impact of predator pressure on the population (the “top-down” effect) and the lack of food (the “bottom-up” effect). The results were published in the international journal Oikos (Polishchuk L.V., Vijverberg J., Voronov D.A., Mooij W.M. 2013. How to measure top-down vs bottom-up effects: a new population metric and its calibration on Daphnia. Oikos. V. 122. No. 8. P. 1177-1186).
1999-2010 A.T. Terekhin, E.V. Budilova Series of works “Optimization modeling of life cycle evolution.” From the point of view of evolutionary optimization of the life cycle, it was possible to explain such fundamental patterns of the life cycle as the exponential increase in mortality with age, described by the empirical Gompertz law, sexual dimorphism of human life expectancy, patterns of changes in the body weight of newborns on a global scale. The research results were published in Acta Oecologica, Behavioral Ecology, Human Biology, Evolutionary Ecology Research, J. Evol. Biol., International Journal for Parasitology, Proc. R. Soc. London, B, « magazinegeneralbiology»
2002-2009 A.T. Terekhin and co-authors A new method for testing statistical hypotheses has been developed, based on binomial modifications of the Bonferroni multiple test. The research results were published in the Journal of General Biology, the Journal of General Biology and BMC Bioinformatics.
2008 A.T. Terekhin and co-authors A mathematical model of a person’s subjective perception of time has been constructed: the phenomenon of “reminiscence failure” has been discovered, which makes it possible to explain the so-called “telescopic effect” of the subjective temporal perception of past events, i.e., the approximation in time of long-standing events and the removal of close ones; The model allows us to explain the phenomenon of subjective acceleration of the passage of time in old age, and also predicts the possibility of the existence of a “collective reminiscence failure.”
2006-2009 A.T. Terekhin, E.V. Budilova A neural network model of changes in the cognitive properties of the brain during the life cycle has been constructed and studied. Based on this model, the processes of differentiation and integration in brain development, the properties of wisdom and cognitive flexibility are explained, and a hypothesis is put forward about the “varifocality” of thinking. The results were published in the journals “Biophysics”, “Psychological Research”, “Journal of Higher Nervous Activity”, “Psychological Journal”
2012-2014 V.S. Rumak Search for integral indicators of the stability of a state of environment contaminated with dioxins that is safe for human health
1990-2014 A.K. Yuzbekov The hypothesis about the plasticity of photosynthetic carbon metabolism in plants of various ecological groups has been experimentally substantiated


Books, monographs

  • Kokorin A.O., Smirnova E.V., Zamolodchikov D.G. Climate change. A book for high school teachers of general education institutions. Issue 1. Regions of the north of the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. M.: World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 2013. – 220 p.
  • Maksimov V.N., Kuznetsova N.A. Standard of similarity: use in comparing the composition and structure of communities. M.: Partnership of scientific publications KMK, 2013. – 89 p.
  • Rumak V.S., Umnova N.V., Sfronov G.A., Pavlov D.S. Molecular toxicology of dioxins. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2013. – 60 p.
  • Levich A.P. Art and method in systems modeling: variational methods in community ecology, structural and extremal principles, categories and functors. – M.- Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Research, 2012. – 728 p.
  • Mathematics and reality: confrontation of rigor and complexity / ed. - comp. E.V. Budilova. M.: Soliton, 2012. – 630 p.
  • Oleskin A.V. Network structures in biosystems and human society. M.: URSS, 2012.
  • Oleskin. A.V. Biopolitics. The Political Potential of the Life Sciences. New York: NovaScience Publishers, 2012.
  • OleskinA. IN., KartashovaE. R., BotvinkoAND. IN. and others. Humanitarian biology and ecology. Textbook/ed. A.V. Oleskina. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2011.
  • OleskinA. V., MalikinaK. D., ShishovV. A. Symbiotic Biofilms and Brain Neurochemistry. Hauppage (New York): Nova Science Publishers, 2011.
  • Environment and human health in dioxin-contaminated regions of Vietnam /resp. ed. V.S. Rumak // Moscow, KMK. 2011. – 271 p.
  • Nalimov V.V. The face of science. M. – St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2010, 2011. – 367 p. 2010, 2011 – © Zh.A. Drogalina, compilation, preparation of the text, preface, publication of materials from the archive of V.V. Nalimova, application: From publication history(pp. 321–353).
  • Myatlev V.D., Panchenko L.A., Riznichenko G.Yu., Terekhin A.T. Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Mathematical models: a textbook for students. higher textbook Establishments. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2009. - 320 p. (University textbook. Higher mathematics and its applications to biology).
  • Oleskin A.V., Kartashova E.R., Botvinko I.V. and others. Terminological dictionary. Humanitarian biology / ed. A.V. Oleskina. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2009.
  • Karelin D.V., Zamolodchikov D.G. Carbon metabolism in cryogenic ecosystems. M.: Nauka, 2008. – 343 p.
  • Oleskin A.V. Biopolitics. Course of lectures. M.: Scientific world, 2007.
  • Oleskin A.V. Biopolitics. The political potential of modern biology. M.: Scientific world, 2007.
  • Granovsky Yu.V., Drogalina Zh.A., Markova E.V. I am a friend of freedom. V.V. Nalimov: milestones of creativity. Tomsk-Moscow: Aquarius Publishers, 2005. Vol. I – 374 pp., Vol. II – 474 pp.
  • Tutubalin V.N., Barabasheva Yu.M., Grigoryan A.A., Devyatkova G.N., Uger E.G. Mathematical modeling in ecology. Historical and methodological analysis. M.: Languages ​​of Russian Culture, 1999.
  • Karelin D.V., Zamolodchikov D.G., Chestnykh O.V., Pochikalov A.V., Krayev G.N., Zukert N.V.. Interannual changes in steam and soil moisture during the warm season may be more impotant for directing of annual carbon balance in tundra than temperature fluctuations // Societes. 2013. V. 74, N 1. P. 3-22.
  • Polishchuk L.V., Vijverberg J., Voronov D.A., MooijW.M. How to measure top-down vs bottom-up effects: a new population metric and its calibration on Daphnia// Oikos. 2013. V. 122. No. 8. P. 1177-1186.
  • Polishchuk L.V. The three-quarter-power scaling of extinction risk in Late Pleistocene mammals, and a new theory of the size selectivity of extinction // Evolutionary Ecology Research. 2010. V. 12. No. 1. P. 1-22.
  • De Meeûs T., Guégan J.-F., Teriokhin A. T. MultiTest V.1.2, a program to binomially combine independent tests with a comparison to other related methods // BMC Bioinformatics. 2009, 10:443. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-443.
  • Ponton F., Duneau D., Sánchez M., Courtiol, A., Terekhin A.T., Budilova E.V., Renaud F., Thomas F. Effect of parasite-induced behavioral alterations on juvenile development // Behavioral Ecology. 2009, 20(5), 1020 - 1025; doi:10.1093/beheco/arp092, 2009.
  • Popadin K., Polishchuk L.V., Mamirova L., Knorre D., Gunbin K. // . 2007. V. 104, No. 33. P. 13390-13395/
  • Polishchuk L.V., Vijverberg J.// . 2005. V. 144, No. 2. P. 68-277.
  • Thomas F., Teriokhin A. T., Budilova E.V., Brown S.P., Renaud F., Guégan J.F. Human birthweight evolution across contrasting Environment // J. Evol. Biol. 2004. V. 17. P. 542-553.
  • Teriokhin A.T., Thomas F., Budilova E.V., Guegan J.F. The impact of environmental factors on human life-history evolution: an optimization modeling and data analysis study // Evolutionary Ecology Research. 2003. V. 5. P. 1199-1221.
  • Brown S.P., Loot G., Teriokhin A.T., Brunel A., Brunel C., Guegan J.F. Host manipulation by Ligula Intestinalis: a cause or consequence of parasite aggregation // International Journal for Parasitology. 2002. V. 32. P. 817-824.
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