If you constantly feel bodily inferiority. Causes of inferiority complex - psychological trauma

What could be worse than the feeling that you are worse than everyone else, that you are superfluous at this celebration of life. You take an observation position in the darkest corner - complex, cowering inside from a sickening feeling of your own inferiority, you watch how other people live. You look, but you don’t live. Hatred of yourself and the people around you for their superiority over you. Is this life?

Many people, dissatisfied with themselves and their attitude towards themselves, ask the question - how to get rid of an inferiority complex?

« Love yourself and your inferiority complex will go away!“- “experts” philosophize on the Internet. " Accept yourself as you are!“- gurus advise on psychological support forums. These tips don't work, they don't help. Love yourself? Don't be ridiculous. The feeling of one’s own inferiority and inferiority in all respects: from appearance to social status, is there anything to love here?

Inferiority complex - what is it?

Those suffering from this illness, acutely aware of their own inferiority in comparison with other people, are unable to live, receiving pleasure and joy - in the background there is always a sense of dissatisfaction with themselves.

Inferiority complex is a rather general and vague formulation. To get rid of such an insidious, vile and powerful “enemy”, you need to know him in person and understand the psychological aspects of this phenomenon.

Let's try to break this complex problem down into its components. After analyzing many forums, I identified the most common “symptoms”:

The word inferiority is perceived as a middle name.
Unreasonable feelings of guilt. Feeling resentful: towards parents, people, life.
Destructive envy.
The habit of underestimating and devaluing one’s personal qualities.
Suspiciousness, fears.
Fear of embarrassment, indecisiveness.
Rejection of one's appearance.
Constantly comparing yourself to other people.

The list can probably be continued endlessly, but let’s move on to the main question: how to deal with an inferiority complex and is it even possible? Let's consider this issue using the materials from the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

Inferiority complex among the most... ideal

These are wonderful people in every sense - thoughtful, honest, straightforward. They strive to do everything perfectly, because love for perfectionism is their natural quality. These are the owners of the anal vector.

Why can such a person feel defective and suffer from an inferiority complex?

Having an ideal memory, in addition to pleasant things, people with the anal vector also remember very well unpleasant moments (acquired negative experiences), which can influence their life scenario even after many years.

Since childhood, striving to be the best, a child with an anal vector will try his best to get his reward - praise. First of all, from the closest, most significant person to you - from your mother. A mother for anal children is sacred.

Let's imagine the following picture:

What do we get as a result? From childhood, doubts about one’s own strengths and abilities are instilled. No matter how much he wants to become the best in the eyes of the person dearest to him, no matter what he does, he cannot. For a person with an anal vector, who is naturally doubtful, lacking determination and initiative, this can develop into a very difficult problem and a feeling of inferiority. What is often called complex. In addition to this, a feeling of resentment is rapidly developing, which will become a serious obstacle to a happy life and self-realization in society.

To understand how to cope with feelings of inferiority in this case, it is important to understand yourself and understand what became the trigger. This can be done by realizing the characteristics of your psyche.

Struggling with an inferiority complex...emotionally

If a person has a combination of anal and visual vector, then the problem may be aggravated due to the suspiciousness inherent in the visual vector.

The visual vector gives a person a rich imagination and hyper-emotionality, which, unfortunately, can work against its owner if he is in a state of fear.

What's the result? An indecisive person with an anal vector is already afraid of public shame, and the presence of a visual vector increases the problem in scale. Constant doubts and fears: “What if it doesn’t work out…” - as a result, desires remain unfulfilled, and the feeling of one’s own inferiority and worthlessness grows every day. It is unlikely that you will be able to change yourself and become brave and confident. Fighting with yourself is not profitable; it is much more productive to begin to understand the peculiarities of the psyche and act according to your nature.

Is it worth fighting complexes due to excess weight?

It is worth separately noting that women have complexes due to excess weight. Most often, it is the owners of the anal vector who suffer because of this. Due to their slow metabolism and psychological inability to strictly limit themselves in the absorption of various goodies, they easily gain weight.

In pursuit of generally accepted “standards” of beauty, they, feeling their supposed inferiority in comparison with the divas from the covers and tormenting themselves with diets to no avail, try to play sports. In the end, tired of fighting with themselves, they eat up the stress received from unsuccessful attempts to limit themselves, feeling guilty for being weak-willed.

Unfortunately, these women do not know that not everyone needs to have model parameters. Boasting parameters of 90-60-90 and being distinguished by their love of diets and sports is good for skin-visual girls, this is their nature, and their psyche is directly opposite to the psyche of girls with an anal vector.

Due to an imperfect, subjectively, of course, figure, experiences and a feeling of inferiority often arise not only in women, but also in men. System-vector psychology explains that the structural features of the body are directly related to the human psyche. If for one it is enough to visit the gym and the effect will be obvious, then for another a completely different approach is needed.

Having realized your psychological nature, you can understand the causes of your problem, easily get rid of really extra pounds, bring your body to its natural norm and stop being hostage to false attitudes and feelings of inferiority.

Leaders have an inferiority complex by nature, how to fight it?

You look at such people and sigh sadly: “I wish I could be like that!” Successful businessmen, engineers, people who know how to organize their own business. Always have plenty of money, self-confident, proactive and always striving to be first. People with the skin vector are like that. Unless, of course, they have psychological traumas that deprive them of all these benefits.

How can someone whose psyche is aimed at success and primacy, and whose ability to earn money is the envy of anyone, suffer from a feeling of inferiority and have a complex?

In system-vector psychology there is such a thing as a loser complex. Any skincare undertaking with this complex is doomed to failure. Consciously, he naturally desires success, good earnings, but every time something gets in the way. It’s as if a person is haunted by constant failures and gets into new troubles in various ways.

What are the reasons for this situation? This happens if in childhood the skin child was often humiliated, maybe even beaten. People with the skin vector have a very flexible psyche that can adapt to any conditions. Initially, from childhood, he strives for success, but if he is constantly humiliated verbally or beaten, then he is forced to adapt to such conditions. To protect against pain, the brain releases natural opiates to relieve painful sensations. Next, the “painful = pleasant” scenario is formed, and subsequently it is possible to enjoy life only after a portion of pain and humiliation.

Consciously, he still wants victories, but his psyche has learned to receive pleasure differently. The desire for masochism, repressed into the subconscious, turns a person with a skin vector into a loser. From one failure to another, the feeling of his inferiority grows; from failure to failure, he becomes more and more complex and unhappy.

There is another property of skinned people that can make them feel inferior - envy.

The natural desire of a skin person to compete to be first has two results:

Competing with those who are better in order to overtake - this makes a person competitive, forces him to realize his talents to the maximum.
Envy those who are more successful, trying to devalue other people's successes rather than receive their own.

Whether envy will be destructive to oneself or whether it will spur one to take action depends on what psychological state the person is in.

When, with the help of system-vector psychology, we understand what motivates us, we have the opportunity to change our lives.

“...After 3 months I realized what it means to live excitedly! When I read about this in other reviews, I always tried to imagine how it could be for me, but for me it turned out to be completely different than I imagined ... "
Anastasia G., Moscow

“...During the process of completing the training, I suddenly re-experienced one important feeling that I had once experienced in early childhood. From that distant time, when I was 4-5 years old and was just beginning to realize myself, I clearly remember one thought: “It’s good that I am exactly who I am...”
Olga Ch., philologist, candidate of philological sciences, university teacher, St. Petersburg

Getting rid of feelings of inferiority and inferiority is a process that anyone can do. You can start it now with the free online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

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Hello dear readers! When considering the problem of an inferiority complex (IC), it is very important to call everything by its proper name, because in most cases a person suffering from an inferiority complex is absolutely normal, but for some reason he firmly believes that he is inferior. Of course, there are reasons for this too, and we will look at them. But the main thing we will do in this article is to give precise definitions of CN, and also determine its authorship.

You need to understand that a person with an Inferiority Complex once acquired this complex, once believed in his own abnormality, insignificance, and inferiority. And almost always there is an author of this complex (this program).

Author KN- this is the person who convinced you that you are inferior. Often the authors are parents or close relatives of a person who instilled in him negative programs towards himself. For example, in childhood a person was told many times that he was worthless, etc. And if the child’s psyche was weak and vulnerable, then he developed a complex of his own inferiority.

Sometimes the author of this complex is the person himself, and he was prompted to believe this by some negative events in his life, failures, disappointments and psychological traumas, after which he made such incorrect negative conclusions about himself.

It also happens that a person’s soul brings an inferiority complex with it from its previous incarnation. That is, in this life a person is already born with it. In this case, you need to go to the root cause in order to understand what happened in a past life, which is why this complex was formed and remove it.

What is an Inferiority Complex? Definitions

Inferiority complex- this is the internal conviction that you are an unfinished person, flawed, initially worse than others, deprived, weak, insignificant, unlucky, etc.

In other words, an inferiority complex is an internal negative program that destroys the positive one and his adequate perception of himself. This negative program or set of programs greatly distorts a person’s ideas about himself and blocks the perception of his own merits (a person sees himself and his life only in a dark color).

In essence, the Inferiority Complex is: 1. and 2. (negative attitude towards oneself). That is, in order to get rid of an inferiority complex, you need to work, first of all, with your self-esteem.

Also, a good definition from Wikipedia:

Inferiority complex- a set of psychological and emotional feelings of a person, expressed in a sense of one’s own inferiority and an irrational belief in the superiority of others over oneself.

Is it possible not to depend on physical defects, shortcomings and even injuries?

Answer: Of course you can!

Often people develop an inferiority complex due to some physical defects: short stature, big nose, crooked legs, acne on the face, etc.

So, I want to remind you, and maybe enlighten you - you are not your physical body, not an organism, not meat with blood and bones, but the divine, Consciousness, . Therefore, you should not deify your body and its shortcomings; this is not all that you have.

History knows thousands of outstanding people who had certain physical defects, were crippled, disabled, blind, deaf, dumb, and this did not prevent them from becoming famous and even great people of their eras.

Some examples:

Albert Einstein– didn’t speak until he was 3 years old. I had difficulty mastering mathematics during my school years, and also struggled to master written language.

Thomas Edison. In his early years, he was considered retarded because he could not read until he was 12 years old. The guy later admits that he became deaf after putting children's toy trains in his ears.

Franklin Roosevelt. He was sick with polio, but, nevertheless, he first became the ruler of New York, and then was elected President of the United States! He served as President of the United States of America for as many as 4 terms, i.e. an unprecedented number of times.

George Washington. I could barely write, I never mastered grammar. US President.

Helen Keller. This woman dedicated her entire life to people with disabilities. She was blind, deaf and dumb - from birth. And at the same time full of joy and love of life. Author, political activist, lecturer. The first deaf and mute person to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. Fighter for the rights of disabled people.

Ludwig van Beethoven. A popular musician in his time, the greatest German composer, was deaf for the last third of his life.

So the greatness of a person, his success, self-confidence, self-awareness, self-respect - does not depend one bit on what kind of physical body he has, but only on what kind of Soul he has and how he will relate to himself!

How to get rid of an Inferiority Complex

1. It is necessary to try to understand and remember when and why the inferiority complex appeared and who its author is.(you yourself, your parents, other people, etc.). If at one time the author was able to instill in you an inferiority complex, then you consciously or subconsciously gave him such an authoritative right to influence you. The question is - Is this person an authority on this issue? does he have the right to humiliate your dignity? does he wish you good or bad?

2. Internally, for yourself, you need to completely deprive all shoulder straps and rights of that authority who is the author of the KN and does not wish you well. Why should you actually believe his words? If they shouldn’t, if this person is not an authority on matters of the human soul and personality, then his opinion about you is not worth a penny and will almost always be biased and erroneous. This means that all the programs and negative names that you received from this person (from the author) are nonsense, lies and evil that you need to get rid of as quickly as possible.

3. All the negative names that you have been called must be debunked! You need to do this exclusively in writing, in your workbook and not be lazy to write a lot. For example:

They told you “you’re a nonentity” - you write: I’m not a nonentity, I’m a person, I’m a human being, an immortal soul with great potential, I have a lot of merits (to list...) and I respect myself for that. I, like all people, have shortcomings, but I work on them, and for this I respect myself. I'm not worthless - I'm a worthy person.

They told you “you are short, midget” - you write: height is not the most important thing, what is important is what is in my soul, my goals, my thoughts, a kind heart, a strong spirit, my talents and qualities - this is what determines whether I will be successful or not, I will become happy or I will suffer. There are millions of tall people who were failures and achieved nothing. And there were millions of great people of small stature, and this did not stop them from achieving everything they dreamed of in their lives. Therefore, my goal is not to develop complexes, but to rely on my soul, my inner core, my faith and talents.

In this way, the subconscious is reprogrammed - the elimination of negative programs (NP) and the formation of positive ones that strengthen you. Ideally, you need to give a detailed positive response to every negative name that you were once called, to every destructive program that was instilled in you, such as “you are a zero, an empty place and you won’t succeed...”, etc.

The article reveals the influence of psychological complexes on a person’s life, thinking and actions. Methods for solving the problem are described.

An inferiority complex is a feeling of lack of confidence in oneself and one’s own strengths, born of fear of failure. Moreover, this fear is so great that it completely subjugates thinking and willpower.

Regardless of the nature of the manifestations, psychological complexes have a destructive effect on a person, making him unhappy and lonely.

Symptoms of an inferiority complex.
Types of psychological complexes

There are many symptoms of an inferiority complex, since a person is very inventive and constantly adds something new. The most common are:

  • constant dissatisfaction with oneself without objective reasons
  • fear of new contacts
  • attracting attention to oneself by evoking sympathy or aggression from others
  • arrogance, with which they protect themselves from the whole world, “otherwise they will suddenly hurt you”;
  • attaching great importance to status things
  • passion for alcohol, which allows you to relax and feel important
  • need for constant approval from others, fear of mistakes
  • underestimation of the merits of others
  • shifting responsibility for your life to others: God, parents, the powers that be, the Universe

There are two types of psychological complexes:

  1. superiority complex
  2. inferiority complex

The first type includes complexes of an excellent student, Napoleon, a beauty, an assistant for everyone (to the detriment of oneself). The second includes complexes of guilt, physical disabilities, unfair treatment, lies (the constant feeling that everyone is always lying), etc.

Signs and manifestations of an inferiority complex

Signs of complexes in men and women often differ:

  • Men, experiencing a feeling of insecurity, can become aggressive, assertive, rude, hiding behind this childhood grievances, fear and vulnerability
  • Often this behavior is accompanied by taking large doses of alcohol and drugs. His judgments can be one-sided - everything that does not fit into his ideal picture is looked down upon
  • Women behave differently. Some become “gray mice”: they don’t take care of themselves, dress in baggy clothes, and try not to stand out. It is difficult for them to make contact because they consider themselves unworthy of attention
  • Others begin to improve without seeing any reasonable limits: they lose weight, exercise until exhaustion, buy the most fashionable clothes. Often such women become dependent on plastic surgery
  • People with complexes often complain about life, that their fate is difficult, that it is impossible to do anything, because life is unfair to them. The danger is that in severe cases, deep depression develops, which can lead to suicide

What leads to an inferiority complex?

Most complexes are developed in childhood. At this time, the psyche is very receptive and vulnerable, and children absorb everything. Parents are the first source of complexes.

  • Complexes are often caused by indifference to children, overprotection when children cannot learn to act independently, rudeness, insults, comparison with others, ignoring the child’s merits, constant nagging, pulling back and moralizing. This leads to the child feeling “different”, defective and carrying this attitude into adulthood.
  • The second source is the environment. Children are often cruel, and if a child is different (smarter/stupid, taller/shorter, with physical disabilities), they begin to shun and bully him. If parents are wise and carefully monitor the child’s reactions, then they will be able to influence this by making it clear to the child that the children’s reaction to him is not objective. If not, then the child develops a complex
  • In adult life, the source of complexes, as a rule, becomes the environment. Some failures in the personal and business sphere, evil words, resentment can give rise to inferiority complexes and peculiarities if they overlap with children's fears

Causes of inferiority complex - psychological trauma

All psychological complexes arise at the moment of very strong emotional trauma. Anything can cause this trauma: injustice, rudeness, failure.

When a person experiences severe mental pain, the body protects itself from this pain. As a result, the pain itself, thoughts and defensive responses are intertwined into a single lump.

If a similar situation is repeated often, then a stable inferiority complex is fixed and a certain behavior is developed based on a defensive reaction. If the injury occurs once, then after a long time it can unravel.

Then the person can react the way he behaved at the time of injury, and not in modern conditions. Thus, the complex can be resurrected and affect later life.

Inferiority complex in women.
How to get rid of complexes for a girl?

Women are more emotional, more suspicious than men, and society places more demands on them. Accordingly, they have more inferiority complexes and they manifest themselves stronger and more often.

Working with inferiority complexes in girls begins with awareness of the problem. First of all, it is necessary to identify all the complexes and their causes. After this, the complexes must be divided into two groups:

  1. complexes that can be corrected (weight, stoop, inability to speak beautifully, lack of knowledge of the rules of etiquette);
  2. complexes that cannot be corrected (height, foot size, national characteristics).
  • You can start working with the first group of complexes. And not to take on everything at once, but gradually, in small steps, but constantly. It’s good to do this under the guidance of a specialist (nutritionist, fitness trainer), as well as in the company of a friend to motivate each other
  • The second group of complexes will simply have to be recognized and loved. You need to come to terms with them, accept them as an unchangeable part of yourself or make them your highlight, for example, like Marilyn Monroe, who developed a unique gait due to lameness
  • And most importantly, learn to love yourself, this gentle, affectionate, unique woman in yourself. Indeed, in such a state, women around them see only her advantages, and even some real shortcomings seem small and insignificant to them

Inferiority complex in men.
How to get rid of complexes for a man?

The most common complex in men is the complex of impotence, because the sense of importance for men is the most sore point. The best “cure” for a man is a woman who loves him and endlessly believes in him. Such a woman will be able to melt the ice of his soul, wounded by defeats, will create a zone of confidence, peace of mind and will be able to help a man believe in himself.

If such a woman is not around, you will have to cope on your own.

  • The first step is to become aware of your complexes and fears
  • The second is reconciliation with them: there are complexes and fears, they are embedded in the past and they are part of me
  • Third - clearly identifying your strengths
  • Fourth - changing your lifestyle, playing sports, taking up hobbies and daily, even minimal, victory over your fears

All these actions will definitely bear fruit.

Inferiority complex in children

Children who suffer from an inferiority complex, or who are very quiet, shy, uncommunicative, can constantly apologize for something, ingratiate themselves, or, on the contrary, show aggression and excessive self-confidence. The appearance can be sloppy or defiant and provocative.

Such children rarely make eye contact. They are constantly under stress. They have excessive self-criticism, but cannot tolerate criticism from outside. She hurts them greatly.

Complexes interfere with the development of a child’s personality and can provoke the development of neuroses, speech defects, and depression. Parents need to monitor the mental state of their children, and, in cases of heated situations, contact specialists.

How to get rid of childhood complexes?

Getting rid of childhood complexes is difficult and painful. At the same time, you have to remember and forgive a lot to your parents, teachers, educators, classmates, friends and acquaintances. But it is better to open the abscess, no matter how painful it is, than to constantly endure the aching pain. The algorithm for working with children's complexes is as follows:

  1. To determine the cause of the complex - “remember everything.” If you know the reason, it is easier to find a solution to the problem.
  2. Look at the situation as if from the outside and assess the actual scale of the problem. Many problems turn out to be not so global and significant, then it is easier to let them go
  3. Start to fight your fear, do things that are very scary to do.
  4. Believe in yourself. If you prove to yourself every day that “I can”, then a feeling of confidence will definitely come.
  5. Remember your strengths and do not belittle them
  6. Love life, because it is beautiful

How to get rid of fears and complexes?

All complexes feed on fears: fear of pain, failure, loss, disappointment. The stronger the fears, the stronger the complexes control us. But fear is only the body’s reaction to something new, unusual or contrary to beliefs.

Methods of dealing with fear:

  • accepting fear and acting in spite of fear. If you understand what exactly you are afraid of, then it becomes easier to act, because “you know the enemy by sight.” And when you act, fear recedes
  • presentation of the worst-case scenario. If you imagine the worst that can happen in a given situation and find a way out of it, then finding a solution in an already existing situation is much easier. After this, you are internally prepared for anything, which allows you to feel much calmer in a real situation
  • decision making. When you make a firm decision, without allowing yourself to deviate from the intended direction, fear goes away, since its element is indecision
  • preparation and analysis. If you are afraid to go somewhere or agree on something, prepare, mentally work through possible scenarios and results. Then you won’t have to be afraid of surprises, since such preparation will allow you to quickly navigate almost any situation

And most importantly, you need to start small and gradually. If a very shy person immediately starts speaking in front of an audience of thousands, then, most likely, nothing meaningful will come of it, and the complex and fear will grow even more. And if you start training in front of 2-3 close people and then progressively, then success is guaranteed.

How to get rid of complexes and increase self-esteem?

The higher the self-esteem, the smaller the complexes and vice versa. Not to be confused with narcissism. When a person gives himself an objective assessment, he becomes internally free, because he is aware of all his strengths and weaknesses and lives in peace with them. Such a person is not dependent on other people’s opinions, because he simply clearly knows his own worth.

Methods to increase self-esteem:

  • stop comparing yourself to others
  • In general, stop scolding yourself and start praising even small achievements;
  • make a list of your life achievements, include everything, even the funniest and most ridiculous ones. This list will show that you have actually achieved a lot
  • give other people more warmth, smiles, good words, attention, but only sincerely
  • help people unselfishly
  • live the way you want, not your parents, friends, colleagues. Start small changes, for example, start drawing for yourself, even if you think you can’t
  • don’t make excuses; if you’re right, then calmly explain your position to your opponent; if you’re wrong, simply and sincerely apologize
  • try not to deceive yourself in anything! It is very difficult to be honest with yourself, but such honesty helps you understand yourself and come to terms with yourself;
  • give yourself permission to make mistakes, there’s nothing wrong with that, all people make mistakes someday
  • do exercises - sport always lifts your spirits
  • control your thoughts, especially before going to bed - painful thoughts worsen your mood, reduce immunity, and can lead to neuroses and depression
  • fight laziness. To change, you need to constantly practice, and laziness will pull you back into the swamp of despair and hopelessness, because it’s easier, more convenient;
  • stop complaining, you only have one life and you shouldn’t waste it complaining, it’s better to spend this time usefully and have fun

How to get rid of complexes about appearance?

  • As cliché as it sounds, you can get rid of appearance complexes only after accepting yourself with all your real and imagined shortcomings. After all, many shortcomings that seem global to us are simply not noticed by others
  • First of all, you need to highlight your strengths and begin to emphasize them, look after them, take care of them. Such actions will gradually awaken self-love, the desire to take care of yourself and improve yourself.
  • After a girl or young man accepts his body and loves it, you can begin to work with shortcomings that can be corrected. Because the motivation to work on yourself will change. If, before accepting oneself, a person will lose weight in order to lose weight. Then after acceptance, a person will exercise for health, for self-improvement, for the sake of the process itself
  • It is possible and necessary to correct such shortcomings as bad hair, acne, excess weight, and a sagging belly. Such external disturbances indicate health problems that will worsen over time. It is necessary to work with them from the perspective of improving health

It should be remembered that when a person is happy, healthy, self-sufficient, lives in harmony with himself and with the world, those around him stop noticing all his shortcomings. And happiness is an internal state, which, with rare exceptions, depends only on ourselves and our perception of life.

How to get rid of the small breast complex?

To get rid of the small breast complex, you need to understand that small breasts have many more advantages than disadvantages.

Advantages of small breasts:

  • will not sag with age and after feeding the baby
  • she is more sensitive, she has a neater shape, which men like more than her size
  • such breasts look touching, tender, defenseless, it’s nice to cover them with your palm - this is also the opinion of men
  • the most beautiful and interesting underwear is sewn in sizes 1-2
  • does not pull on the back, thin bra straps do not cut the skin

And if you choose the right wardrobe, the look will be even more spectacular!

How to get rid of the fatness complex?

  • First you need to decide who wants you to lose weight. Do you need it? When obesity threatens your health, it is necessary to lose weight, but this is done under the supervision of a doctor. Everything else is a layer of public opinion that changes every decade. Can you imagine Rubens' beauties weighing 50 kg? But it’s beautiful, which is recognized by world connoisseurs
  • In addition, many women look good on curves. And if only friends, colleagues, parents and public opinion are waiting for you to lose weight, then you shouldn’t lose weight. This will be of little use, since there is no necessary motivation, but there is a chance of completely ruining your health
  • The best way to start getting rid of fat complexes is by changing your wardrobe. If you choose the right clothes (possibly with the help of a stylist), you can begin to love even your imperfect body. And after that, without stress, start working on improving your health, and with this, the extra pounds and the remnants of complexes will melt away like smoke

How to get rid of a tall complex?

  • Tall growth cannot be hidden or downplayed. If a person begins to stoop, he appears even taller. The only thing you can do is use it to your advantage! After all, a tall girl is a model, and a tall and strong man is the secret dream of all women
  • Tall growth is beautiful, impressive and sexy. The main thing is to believe in it and not be shy. You also need to learn how to choose the right clothes so that your figure doesn’t look disproportionate. This is very noticeable when you're tall.
  • All a tall girl needs to be a queen always and everywhere is beautiful posture, correctly selected clothes and cosmetics (everyone needs this) and a beautiful gait. Then absolutely everyone will admire and admire, because it is really beautiful

How to get rid of the short stature complex?

People with short stature suffer no less. It's a little easier for short women - you can wear high heels, but for men it's more difficult.

The main thing is to understand that short stature for a girl is a gift of fate. In this case, the girl/woman will always be miniature, fragile, tender, defenseless for a man. You want to take care of her, surprise her, delight her, pamper her, and carry her in your arms. You just need to learn to use your short stature, emphasizing all the advantageous aspects.

Short men will have to work hard on themselves to prove their worth. But we come into this world precisely in order to develop! Short men have more incentive to do this.

How to get rid of a guilt complex?

A guilt complex only brings destruction. A person experiences a feeling of guilt for absolutely everything, even if he has nothing special to do with what is happening. He is very sensitive to the opinions of others, is afraid of offending them, and is very self-critical.

Methods for getting rid of guilt:

  • admit your right to make mistakes
  • analyze past events in order to find out the reasons for the ugly situation that occurred, so as not to fall into it again
  • Forgiving yourself is very difficult, no one scolds us more and longer than we scold ourselves
  • try to correct the situation, apologize, but this must be done with all sincerity, they will notice the falsehood
  • make a firm decision to act differently in similar situations
  • let go of the guilt, and not scroll through it every day, poisoning the soul

How to get rid of the victim complex?

When people constantly blame someone else for their failures, embarrassment, fear, and insecurities, this is called a victim complex. Such people consider themselves a “victim of circumstances” without even realizing that they themselves are the provocateurs of their own misfortunes.

Through complaints about an unfair life, people receive attention and sympathy, which they use to replace love.

Methods for getting rid of the victim complex:

  1. Understand that everything that happens to us is the result of our actions and thinking. We independently choose our partners, road, work, friends, place of residence, how much to eat, sleep
  2. Stop complaining and thinking negatively, start looking for positive aspects and try to talk about them as often as possible
  3. Change your thinking program. We usually think in stereotypes that we develop throughout our lives. Stereotypes such as: “men/women only need one thing”, “money is evil”, “nothing will work out because the oligarchs have taken over everything”, “I will never be able to lose weight because of the constitution” do not allow making decisions that would allowed us to refute these stereotypes
  4. Stop looking everywhere (especially in the news) for negative information, try to look only for the positive. All information must be strictly and thoughtfully filtered
  5. Don't talk about yourself worse than you really are

Only through a positive attitude, a strong belief in a better future and a careful analysis of the relationship between “stereotypes - actions - results” can one overcome the victim complex.

How to get rid of the complex
unloved child?

  • Parents' dislike for a child is a severe trauma for life. The child, although small, understands that no one needs him, that he is rejected. When they grow up, such people often become embittered, withdrawn, and find it difficult to trust the world and people.
  • The unloved child complex can trigger mechanisms of self-destruction: alcohol, drugs, fast driving. A person can grow up to be a masochist with a weak will to live and a bunch of diseases. Or maybe he has a narcissist complex and indulges in narcissism all his life

Such problems are very deep and it is better to solve them together with a specialist. You can do the following yourself:

  • try to forgive parents who did not love. This is very difficult, difficult and painful, but this is a huge step towards your own happiness, because resentment destroys
  • understand that you are not to blame for your parents’ dislike
  • believe that you are worthy of the happiness and joys of life, although the beginning of this life was full of pain
  • learn to sincerely enjoy every new day
  • helping those in need - through helping other people the soul begins to blossom

How to get rid of complexes in bed?

The main problems in bed are:

  • fear of not meeting expectations in the skill of performing sexual games, making mistakes
  • fear of disappointing your partner by looking naked

Everything else is a variation of these two fears that prevent partners from relaxing, receiving and giving pleasure.

Fighting methods:

  • gradually improve your health. This will help women feel freer and men to be confident in their combat readiness
  • study the elements of erotic massage and different techniques of sexual intercourse in order to be fully equipped
  • do yoga, especially for women
  • sincerely desire to receive and please your partner

And remember, if your partner wants to be with you, then he wants to be with you, and not with anyone else!

How to get rid of complexes: exercises

There are several exercises that, over time, will certainly lead to increased self-esteem and the elimination of many complexes and fears:

  1. Divide a sheet of paper in half. Write your positive qualities on one half and your negative ones on the other. In the sheet with negative traits, carefully cross out all the qualities and burn the sheet! Or tear it into small pieces. You have no negative qualities, you are who you are and that’s wonderful.
  2. Now focus on your positive qualities. Review them every day, repeat to yourself
  3. Write on a piece of paper those qualities and traits that you would like to have: “I don’t depend on other people’s opinions”, “I can give compliments easily and beautifully”, “I know how to control my fears and panic before a new business”, etc. and repeat them every day. Gradually these traits will actually appear
  4. Compare yourself only with yourself yesterday, and always praise yourself for the slightest achievements
  5. Replace all the negativity in your life with positivity. Gradually you will see life in new bright colors

Any conscious inferiority complex is a powerful incentive for self-improvement, physical and spiritual development, a path to inner freedom, harmony, honesty and openness.

Video: Inferiority complex. Marina Chizhova

The roots of the inferiority complex

An inferiority complex is a set of certain psychological and emotional states of a person, characterized as a feeling of depression, worthlessness, and insignificance. Like many destructive mental processes,

complexes only progress over time and have a significant impact on a person’s behavior and, as a consequence, his fate. According to psychologists, an inferiority complex begins to form in early childhood, when the child first realizes the limitations of his capabilities and desires, as well as the impermanence of his physical body. Our Ego is desperately trying to achieve balance, to return again to the world of its omnipotence. However, at the same time, a person cannot live outside of society; in isolation there are no factors for the formation of a full-fledged personality, but at the same time it imposes certain restrictions. Representatives of depth psychology argue that one of the most powerful motivators of human activity is the fear of death. It is he who makes people live in society, take care of each other, and think about tomorrow. Man has created an artificial world for himself in which he feels more or less comfortable, he does not feel alone in front of the power of the Universe. And the inferiority complex, which at first glance seems only to be a fear of rejection, actually has deeper and more ancient roots.

The mechanism of behavior of a complex person

As the “father” of the “collective unconscious” Carl Jung believed, in society we are only

We play a role behind which we hide our true face. An inferiority complex is only the result of the fear of the collapse of one’s inflated “I” when confronted with
reality. The process of its formation is as follows: fears give rise to self-doubt, which prevents you from using all available life opportunities. Despair from a lost chance breaks out from the unconscious into our thoughts in the form of negative emotions: envy, sadness, anger, guilt, melancholy. In order to return to a normal state of mind, an insecure person seeks to assert himself at the expense of loved ones, friends, and simply those who are weaker. People with such a complex are characterized by painful egoism, in severe cases reaching delusions of grandeur. The reason for this is the compensatory mechanism of the subconscious, which seeks to compensate for the individual’s self-hatred with the admiration of others.

Inferiority complex and overcoming it

It’s not for nothing that they say that awareness of a problem is already 50 percent of a successful result.

You shouldn’t immediately look for reasons in others, just as you shouldn’t build castles in the air or, even worse, fall into alcoholic oblivion. It takes a lot of mental work to cope with yourself. It is important to delve deeply into yourself and understand what the reasons for your behavior and your problems lie. It is recommended to conduct such sessions with an experienced psychologist who can correctly indicate the path to overcoming mental trauma. Meditation is another effective method of self-analysis. Experts recommend keeping a personal diary, in which you should be as honest with yourself as possible. Only by realizing all your weaknesses and admitting: “Yes, I have an inferiority complex,” can you begin a self-esteem rehabilitation program.

The concept of an inferiority complex stems from psychology. It is often used in everyday speech to refer to depressed people with low self-esteem. Everyday and scientific concepts are intertwined, so in some ways they are similar, but there are also some differences between them. The first to describe this psychological phenomenon was

What is a “complex” in psychology?

Despite the fact that in everyday life the word “complex” in relation to a person has a very negative connotation, in psychology everything is somewhat different. This term refers to a set of attitudes, mechanisms and sensations that are formed around one specific affect. They influence life and personal development.

Basically, these processes take place at the subconscious level, even if they were formed at the conscious level. When a certain object (thought) is in the zone of consciousness, we can control and manipulate it. If this something goes into the subconscious zone, then it begins to control us. Therefore, complexes influence our lives without our consent. Affect in this case is called an emotion or emotional process.

"Gift" from childhood

Unlike talents and abilities that are given to us from birth, an inferiority complex is an acquired thing. As a rule, the reason or environment for its acquisition is society. Do not forget that a family is also a society.

Most often, the whole bunch of negative self-destructive attitudes are born after the thoughtless words of parents or peers. It is worth adding that for a normally developing, thinking child, the words of an adult are the constitution. Until the age of 10-11, children are guided by their elders, then by their peers.

One word from a mother - “sloppy”, “ugly” or “stupid” - said to her child is equivalent to the cry of a crowd.

A word tied to a person is a seed that may not germinate for several years, but sits firmly in the subconscious. Under the slightest favorable condition, it will make itself felt. And that's just one word.

What to say about those cases when such statements are part of everyday communication. If you call a person a pig a hundred times, on the hundred and first he will grunt. The inferiority complex in men, as well as in women, is formed from childhood.

Denying your desires

Our entire existence is driven by our desires. In newborns they are simpler and more primitive. The older a child gets, the more complex his desires and needs become.

Wants provoke certain emotions that activate our body and give us the strength to fulfill them. Initially, for any creature, personal desires are a priority. And while they move a person, he is controlled by them more than by everything else.

A child who has clearly defined needs is more likely to listen to them than to the advice of adults. At this moment, parents lose control over their child. In order not to bother themselves with thinking about why this happened, they simply pull the rug out from under their feet with one phrase: “Oh, what a bad boy (girl) you are.”

Sometimes this is formulated through the hint that your desires are worthless, they are irrelevant, too expensive, stupid, wrong.

Think about what the following phrases can lead to: “Your hands are from the same place,” “You’re worthless,” “It would be better if I didn’t give birth to you,” “Only a stupid person can do that,” etc.

What does devaluing desires lead to?

It cannot be said that all children’s whims should be fulfilled without complaint by parents, adults or peers. This also provokes personalities. But if you respond to every “I want” with a sharp refusal, complete with reproaches, screams, condemnation or classic ignoring, this will lead to the person growing up, but the personality in him will not, because the core that feeds on the desires and ambitions of the individual, initially broken.

It cannot be said that such a person has no future or hope for “healing.” We’ll talk about what exactly can change the mechanisms and settings below.

Devaluation of the desires and needs of the individual leads to low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. If a person’s desires are equated to zero, then he feels like a nobody.

How it manifests itself

Signs of an inferiority complex can be either pronounced or latent (hidden).

Sometimes one glance at a person is enough to understand whether he is satisfied with life or not. may be as follows: a person slouches, tilts his head all the time, speaks slurred, stutters when speaking, crosses his arms over his chest all the time, etc.

But sometimes an inferiority complex is hidden behind a bright mask of liberation, brilliance and gloss.

This problem can manifest itself in two ways. On the one hand, there is a fear of people, especially strangers, and on the other, a constant search for new acquaintances.

Since people with an inferiority complex feel worse than others, they need regular approval of their actions from others. It’s easier to achieve this from people you don’t know well.

Feelings of worthlessness may be accompanied by constant talking about one's imperfections or obsessive bragging. It depends on what compensation mechanism a person chooses.

An example of an inferiority complex can be a whole wardrobe of things from fashionable world brands, expensive cars or other deliberate status symbols, or a retreat into marginality. The latter is manifested by integration into a subculture, actions contrary to society.

People with this complex regularly have a self-condemnation program. Going into marginality provides an opportunity to cling to a less successful society, in which you can begin to condemn everyone else and thus assert yourself.

Departure into various deviations (both positive and negative) can also be considered a sign of an inferiority complex. Drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking are a desire to join society and not be a black sheep.


How to get rid of an inferiority complex? Unfortunately, it is impossible to recover completely from this psychological illness, since there is always a risk that self-flagellation mechanisms are activated when encountering an irritant. But you can muffle it, compensate or get rid of the cause.

Compensation brings only temporary satisfaction or no satisfaction at all. All actions are performed for the public, and not for oneself. The person still considers himself worse than others. At the same time, he does everything so that those around him do not suspect it, wastes his energy and receives only momentary joy.


An inferiority complex in women, like men, is accompanied by self-flagellation and an inability to listen to one’s personal desires. This can be compared to a tasteless salad that you buy because its photo looks beautiful on Instagram.

“I want to lose weight so that I can feel more at ease” and “I want to lose weight so that I won’t be considered fat” are completely different things. In the first case you fulfill your desires, and in the other - society. In the same way, “I want to drive quickly and comfortably” and “I want a Mercedes” are two different topics. The first is self-satisfaction, the second is working for status.

Humiliation of others can also be considered compensation. Often people with an inferiority complex, in order to feel normal, do their best to look for flaws in others. Usually the range of searches is limited to those traits and characteristics that these people themselves possess. So, a stupid person will look for narrow-mindedness, an absent-minded person will look for absent-mindedness, a bow-legged person will look for bow-leggedness, a sloppy person will look for sloppiness, etc. And whoever looks for it always finds. By emphasizing this flaw in another, a person temporarily feels complete.

Working on shortcomings

You can get rid of an inferiority complex by coping with a personal (internal) reason or changing your attitude towards it.

If a feeling of worthlessness arose after you did not tell about the Pythagorean theorem, it is enough to learn it. If this is due to a long nose, then correcting the situation is much more difficult.

All external flaws that people look for in themselves can be corrected. In extreme cases, plastic surgery will help. Therefore, there is no need to torment yourself by savoring the mistakes nature made when creating your image.

Lifestyle change

Sometimes, to get rid of an inferiority complex, it is enough to change the environment or society. If it arose in a circle of certain people (be it family, classmates, friends or colleagues), then in this environment it will either doze or seethe, but will not disappear.

You need to make a huge effort to change yourself and change your attitude towards yourself at the same time. This is why many people get rid of their inferiority complex by leaving their family or changing their place of residence.

You need to remove yourself for some time from the sight of those people who provoke the development of complexes in you, and at the same time change yourself. This disrupts the usual mechanisms that operate in response to a stimulus.

However, returning to often again triggers the hated mechanisms.

Cultivating self-esteem

This strategy is chosen by strong-willed people. If I didn’t know math well at school, I’ll go to study to become a math teacher (“I’ll prove to everyone that I know this subject”). You can give many examples of compensation: “I moved poorly - I’ll become a dancer,” “I was afraid to leave my mother - I’ll become a traveler.” It’s not life, but complete compensation for such people, but passion helps get rid of the cause of the inferiority complex. Such people often become highly qualified specialists.

No lies!

As a rule, people with an inferiority complex are accustomed to lying or fantasizing. These may be trifles that do not bring any benefit, but are aimed at hiding one’s low self-esteem. There are a lot of examples of such petty lies: a girl who touches up her appearance in Photoshop, a guy who tells how he drove “his” car.

At the same time, these people are very honest in global issues. If you are experiencing these symptoms, getting rid of them may be the key to solving the problem.

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