Esoteric psychotherapy. Work to find missing people

September 21st, 2017

Quite often I receive requests to search for missing people, so let me explain the situation both for those seeking help and for practitioners.

General information and input data:

1. The search for missing people is carried out by the so-called. "search engines". These are specially trained people with decades of experience. The gift of a search engine is initially extremely rare and must be developed through practice, which is not so much under normal conditions. Personally, I don’t know such people, there are only a few of them and usually they cooperate with the authorities, where you should ask.

The main reason for the low number of search engines is the reluctance to play with information about other people’s lives or to be a messenger of unwanted news, because any mistake has huge consequences, and no one is immune from mistakes. Think about what responsibility is transferred to the search engine by the relatives of the missing person, and you will easily understand what we are talking about. This burden of responsibility, as well as general fluctuations in the information field caused by excessive anxiety of loved ones, can significantly complicate the search on the subtle plane for any professional (emotions of nervousness and despair create mental noise, similar to radio interference)

2. It is not always possible to find a person who left of his own free will, because he himself subconsciously erases his traces on the subtle plane (hereinafter referred to as TP) and this is his right. We need to look for the root causes of WHY he left, thereby working with cause-and-effect relationships and plotting the way back to the TP (see below)

3. If a person is truly lost and did not leave at will, it is still worth looking at possible root causes.

4. It is better to view any person through a close relative, because their connection is much stronger. The ideal option is a mother or sister, because... Women are much better at intuition and receiving information in general. But here there are nuances, described below.

If the person left voluntarily:

Let me explain a few points using simple examples (please try to understand the concept, I described it as briefly as I could):
Nothing happens for nothing; every event has roots from which it grows. Our subconscious, based on the thoughts we create, generates our reality.

For example, a disease of a physical organ is often associated with severe stress in any form, but this stress is usually generated by the carrier himself - his grievances, anger, rejection, etc. In other words, a physical illness is a hint from the universe that something not so at the level of thoughts and emotions. If a person works through his grievances (or simply realizes their worthlessness and lets go), the diseased organ can recover within a few days or even hours, because an adjustment occurs on the energetic or subtle plane, and the karmic knot is untied.

The same is with events: each of them is formed on the TP long before an incident in the physical world and serves as a lesson to all participants until they understand its essence. For example, with the same excessive resentment and anger, a person (or group) can create the likelihood of an accident or fire, and these accidents/fires/illnesses will accompany him until he understands the essence of his lesson and practices it.

The disappearance of a child is MANDATORY a lesson for all participants, so you need to try to understand the reasons that led to this.
Parents and loved ones need to remember everything they could have done to offend the baby and SINCERELY, from the bottom of their hearts, ask him for forgiveness right now. They must also absolutely FORGET ABOUT ANY PUNISHMENT that they planned to give to the troublemaker upon his return (especially if he has already left home before).
By offering their sincere apologies to the child, loved ones correct the events at the TP and untie the knot they created. This is roughly comparable to prayer, only you need to turn not to someone invisible in heaven, but to the situation as a whole and each of its participants, taking into account the nuances known only to your close circle (and not relying on the fact that “if the psychic is good, then he himself will see everything” in case you decide to seek outside help).

The situation here is similar to an illness: when a child is sick, adults run to doctors, trying to save him. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, because... the child reflects the state of the family and in 95% of cases “clings” to adults with their ailments, because the family is a UNITED SYSTEM in which children are the “weak links” due to low immunity, weak physical security, etc.

In the vast majority of cases, the root of which is usually a lack of acceptance and love, but there are a lot of nuances. If adults begin to treat each other with greater acceptance, avoid scandals, etc., children recover fairly quickly.

So in case of disappearance, the same situation arises: before looking for the missing person in the cities with hundreds of volunteer helpers, you need to FIND OUT WHY the child left, REALIZE the reason for this lesson, APOLOGIZE to the child and FORGIVE him, thereby beginning to restore the sequence of events towards his return .
If everything is done sincerely, from heart to heart (lesson learned), the subconscious will shape events in such a way that the child returns as soon as possible.

If a person is lost :

In this case, the search should be carried out by his relatives, and not by someone from the outside (they often turn to psychics who do not have search engine qualifications). Better mom or sister, because... Their contact is direct, and it is easier for women to receive information.

If the child’s mother is ready to call or meet for a session, a prerequisite is her understanding of the process and calmness, otherwise she will not be able to immerse herself in the desired state. If she is under severe stress, this will be extremely difficult. If she is afraid to plunge into meditative states (does not know what meditation is) or does not trust you as a specialist, the process will also be extremely difficult.

It is worth understanding that in order to receive any pure information, the consciousness of the immersed will have to undergo preliminary cleaning, because without it considerable resistance is possible. Depending on the specific conditions, situation and individual, sufficient cleansing can take anywhere from 2 hours to a dozen sessions.

I will also note that viewing the area on a subtle plane differs from viewing it with physical eyes. Details are not always clear, and landmarks may be blurred, especially if the area is unfamiliar.

It is also worth considering that if a child is lost, then the relatives could have done something wrong somewhere, not only when interacting with the child himself, but in general, in any area of ​​life, incl. and in relation to other people. And if the child is the maximum emotional attachment (they love him very much), and there have been repeated situations, then the child can be “hit” as if it were the most sore spot.

We also do not forget that each creature has its own plan for incarnation and passing its lessons; perhaps the child himself prescribed such an experience for himself before incarnation. But this does not mean that you should not look for him, but sit and wait until he returns.


From the above, it turns out that searching for missing people through meditation and other practices is possible, but it is highly not recommended due to too much haste and other restrictions on full-fledged work. All blog materials say that haste in work is unacceptable, and work is done only when personal readiness is achieved, but not at the snap of a finger, when the immersive is under stress and information is needed urgently. There are many reasons why obtaining information can be difficult, especially for beginners.

Any method of immersion in meditative states is an excellent tool for working on oneself, but it does not always work for others, so searching with its help is recommended only if a loved one of the missing person, who already has experience in such work, and at least a little trust, is immersing to yourself to obtain information. Otherwise, adjusting your perception to receive this information can take a lot of time. Conducting a search through a stranger is not recommended at all (see point 1 above).

In any case, you need to think about the root causes and then, perhaps, the situation will resolve itself, because... the fundamental lesson will be learned, the karmic knot will be untied.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or more faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to obtain information autonomously)


From a philosophical point of view, nothing in this world belongs to us. Even life in our own body is given to us only for a limited time. However, when we become attached to something or someone, we begin to perceive objects and people as if they belong to us to some extent. And then the loss of a loved one or an object dear to the heart causes mental pain. Some losses are especially painful. If you have lost a dog or a missing child, you need to use all the methods that can help you return your loved one. Help can also be provided by people with supernatural abilities - psychics, clairvoyants, fortune tellers. On this page you can talk online with one of these EZOTERICUM specialists or about the possibilities of searching for people and objects.

Experts in the category Lost and found

In what cases can psychics help return what was lost?

If you want to find a person, but the search does not yield results, it makes sense to contact a specialist endowed with the gift of clairvoyance. It is no coincidence that in some cases even representatives of the law involve psychics in the investigation in order to identify the criminal. The subtle sense of such experts is capable of indicating the location of a person with incredible accuracy. To do this, they need to look at a photograph or personal item. And sometimes one request from you is enough for the psychic to be able to restore a psychic connection with the missing person and indicate the right place. To do this, there is no need to meet in person - a consultation with a psychic via video chat will be no less useful than a regular conversation.

This also applies to objects. If you have forgotten where you hid important or valuable documents, a psychic can clearly see the image of your hiding place and describe in detail the place where you should look. Consultation with an expert will also help if your car is stolen or your apartment is robbed. The strength of your intention is of great importance. If you really really want to find a missing person or a lost thing, the main search tool is your faith.

Seek help from a psychic, and he will help you find or return what is dear to you!

Quite often I receive requests to search for missing people, so let me explain the situation both for those seeking help and for practitioners.

General information and introductory data:

1 . The so-called search for missing people is carried out. "search engines". These are specially trained people with decades of experience. The gift of a search engine is initially extremely rare and must be developed through practice, which is not so much under normal conditions. Personally, I don’t know such people, there are only a few of them and usually they cooperate with the authorities, where you should ask.

The main reason for the low number of search engines is the reluctance to play with information about other people’s lives or to be a messenger of unwanted news, because any mistake has huge consequences, and no one is immune from mistakes. Think about what responsibility is transferred to the search engine by the relatives of the missing person, and you will easily understand what we are talking about. This burden of responsibility, as well as general fluctuations in the information field caused by excessive anxiety of loved ones, can significantly complicate the search on the subtle plane for any professional (emotions of nervousness and despair create mental noise, similar to radio interference)

2 . It is not always possible to find a person who left of his own free will, because he himself subconsciously erases his traces on the subtle plane (hereinafter referred to as TP) and this is his right. We need to look for the root causes of WHY he left, thereby working with cause-and-effect relationships and plotting the way back to the TP (see below)

3 . If a person is truly lost and did not leave at will, it is still worth looking at possible root causes.

4 . It is better to view any person through a close relative, because their connection is much stronger. The ideal option is a mother or sister, because... Women are much better at intuition and receiving information in general. But here there are nuances, described below.

If the person left voluntarily:

Let me explain a few points using simple examples (please try to understand the concept, I described it as briefly as I could):

Nothing happens for nothing; every event has roots from which it grows. Our subconscious, based on the thoughts we create, generates our reality.

For example, a disease of a physical organ is often associated with severe stress in any form, but this stress is usually generated by the carrier himself - his grievances, anger, rejection, etc.. In other words, a physical illness is a hint from the universe that something is wrong at the level of thoughts and emotions. If a person works through his grievances (or simply realizes their worthlessness and lets go), the diseased organ can recover within a few days or even hours, because an adjustment occurs on the energetic or subtle plane, and the karmic knot is untied.

The same is with events: each of them is formed on the TP long before an incident in the physical world and serves as a lesson to all participants until they understand its essence. For example, with the same excessive resentment and anger, a person (or group) can create the likelihood of an accident or fire, and these accidents/fires/illnesses will accompany him until he understands the essence of his lesson and practices it.

Disappearance of a child in MANDATORY order is a lesson for all participants, so you need to try to understand the reasons that led to this.

Parents and relatives need to remember everything they could have done to offend the baby and SINCERELY, ask him for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart right now. They must also be absolutely clear FORGET ABOUT ANY PUNISHMENT, which they planned to present to the troublemaker upon his return (especially if he had already left home before).

By offering their sincere apologies to the child, loved ones correct the events at the TP and untie the knot they created. This is roughly comparable to prayer, only you need to turn not to someone invisible in heaven, but to the situation as a whole and each of its participants, taking into account the nuances known only to your close circle (and not relying on the fact that “if the psychic is good, then he himself will see everything” in case you decide to seek outside help).

The situation here is similar to an illness: when a child is sick, adults run to doctors, trying to save him. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, because... the child reflects the state of the family and in 95% of cases"catches"with adults their ailments, because family is UNITED SYSTEM, in which children are the “weak links” due to low immunity, weak physical security, etc.

In the vast majority of cases a child's illness is an illness for the whole family, the root of which is usually a lack of acceptance and love, but there are a lot of nuances. If adults begin to treat each other with greater acceptance, avoid scandals, etc., children recover fairly quickly.

So in case of disappearance, the same situation arises: before you search for the missing person in cities with hundreds of volunteer assistants, you need UNDERSTAND WHY the child is gone, REALIZE the reason for this lesson, APOLOGIZE in front of the baby and FORGIVE him, thereby beginning the restoration of the series of events towards his return.

If everything is done sincerely, from heart to heart (lesson learned), the subconscious will shape events in such a way that the child returns as soon as possible.

If a person is lost :

In this case, the search should be carried out by his relatives, and not by someone from the outside (they often turn to psychics who do not have search engine qualifications). Better mom or sister, because... Their contact is direct, and it is easier for women to receive information.

If the child’s mother is ready to call or meet for a session, a prerequisite is her understanding of the process and calmness, otherwise she will not be able to immerse herself in the desired state. If she is under severe stress, this will be extremely difficult. If she is afraid to plunge into meditative states (does not know what meditation is) or does not trust you as a specialist, the process will also be extremely difficult.

It is worth understanding that in order to receive any pure information, the consciousness of the immersed will have to undergo preliminary cleaning, because without it considerable resistance is possible. Depending on the specific conditions, situation and individual, sufficient cleansing can take anywhere from 2 hours to a dozen sessions.

I will also note that viewing the area on a subtle plane differs from viewing it with physical eyes. Details are not always clear, and landmarks may be blurred, especially if the area is unfamiliar.

It is also worth considering that if a child is lost, then the relatives could have done something wrong somewhere, not only when interacting with the child himself, but in general, in any area of ​​life, incl. and in relation to other people. And if the child is the maximum emotional attachment (they love him very much), and there have been repeated situations, then the child can be “hit” as if it were the most sore spot.

We also do not forget that each creature has its own plan for incarnation and passing its lessons; perhaps the child himself prescribed such an experience for himself before incarnation. But this does not mean that you should not look for him, but sit and wait until he returns.


From the above, it turns out that searching for missing people through meditation and other practices is possible, but it is highly not recommended due to too much haste and other restrictions on full-fledged work. All blog posts say that rushing in work is unacceptable, and the work is done only when personal readiness is achieved, but not at the snap of a finger, when the immersed person is under stress and the information is needed urgently. There are many reasons why obtaining information can be difficult, especially for beginners.

Any method of immersion in meditative states is an excellent tool for working on oneself, but it does not always work for others, so searching with its help is recommended only if a loved one of the missing person, who already has experience in such work, and at least a little trust, is immersing to yourself to obtain information. Otherwise, adjusting the perception to receive this information can take a lot of time. It is not recommended to conduct a search through a stranger at all.(see point 1 above).

In any case, you need to think about the root causes and then, perhaps, the situation will resolve itself, because... the fundamental lesson will be learned, the karmic knot will be untied.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or more faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because truth is limitless, and each level of consciousness has its own picture of the world and level of information processing. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to obtain information autonomously.


Esotericism is a set of special ways of perceiving reality through practice. Translated from Greek, the word “esoterics” means “internal.” Each person has his own special abilities and powers, and it is this teaching that reveals knowledge in a person, with the help of which you can look into the unknown corners of your soul.

This is why esotericism in VKontakte is gaining more and more popularity. Many users always strive to learn something new, to develop their inner qualities and abilities. Various VK communities can help with this, sharing information about this science with their readers. We will talk about some of them in our article today.

Group “Esoterics, self-development and personal growth”

This group is quite promising. It has more than one hundred and twenty thousand members. This, of course, is not so much compared to some particularly popular communities, but in this group you can find a lot of information about various practices, music, films and books. The group also often conducts webinars and trainings that help you understand yourself and the world around you.

Every day, community leaders post useful articles and notes on various esoteric topics. You can also find useful educational and developmental video materials there that will tell you about various teachings. It is also worth paying your attention to the group discussions. It is there that you can get acquainted with both the basics of esotericism and communicate with like-minded people.

Community "Esoterica"

The community of the same name is quite popular among VK users. More than a million users have joined it, which indicates its relevance and popularity. The community administration pleases subscribers every day with fresh and relevant information. It has a lot of photo albums in which you can find any pictures and photographs on this topic.

The downside of the community is the inability to comment on posts, but there are a lot of discussions on various topics where you can chat with like-minded people. It is also worth noting the ability to offer your own news, which can be considered an advantage of the community. Very often, users want to share their findings, and not all VK communities allow this.

Group “Philosophy. Esoterics. Psychology"

This group is the largest community on this topic in terms of the number of participants. There are more than one and a half million of them there, so you can definitely find like-minded people in esoteric matters. By the way, you may also be interested in reading the article, in which we review the most popular communities on this topic.

The group regularly publishes news and other interesting information. There you can also listen to music and watch fascinating videos on a variety of topics related to personal development. In discussions, everyone can express their opinion and discuss with other group members. It cannot offer news or comment on posts, which is undoubtedly a disadvantage of the group. However, overall there is a lot of information here and it is very informative. Here is a link to the community itself on VK:

Thus, we see that the esotericism of VKontakte is very popular and in demand. There are a lot of communities that will help you find all the answers you need, and we told you about the most popular of them today.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot can help us work to find missing people, and everyone will have their own methods of such work and may differ greatly, as well as the conclusions themselves from viewing. In this connection, I want to tell you a story that happened quite recently. Esotericists from one esoteric portal were asked to look at a photo of a missing man. There have been quite a few comments about what people think about this situation.

Various assumptions have been made:

  • someone said that he lost his memory,
  • someone put forward the version that he was in slavery,
  • someone said that he would show up in 5 years,
  • someone sympathized with his family, saying that he was no longer alive.

When I was looking through the comments on this matter, for some reason I noticed the following text: “he drowned,” but so far this didn’t mean anything to me.

The first time I came across this photo was about 10 days ago and, due to my busyness, I didn’t attach any importance to it. Now something prompted me to *look* deeper and I started scanning this person’s photo.

What can be done here? You can, of course, trust your intuition, or you can take it to a *higher* level. In this version it was the 2nd lasso, in particular, working with the information field of the Planet. Information about everyone and everything is stored here. Another point is that it is extremely difficult to “take” this lasso, since it is a very high level of obtaining information. When I start working with a situation, as a psychotherapist and esoteric psychologist, it is difficult to predict which option of work will be chosen.

I can only identify an assistant - that portal (lasso) that is ready to help in such work. And then the Universe begins to provide some information that helps resolve the client’s situation. What happened here?

The image of Nikolai Ugodnik appeared. He simply gave me information on a mental level: " Do you want to know? Went". It is worth noting that the energy of the 2nd Arcana is dark, viscous, dense, it is perceived as a kind of space where there are stars, planets, plasmoids, etc. A very specific place.

I will say that I am quite well included in the Orthodox denomination, which helps a lot in working with clients, and indeed, when some kind of help or hint is needed, I often see helpers from above in the form of Seraphim of Sarov, Matrona, Nikolai Ugodnik or the image of the Savior . But along with this, if you work with portals (arcanas) with the same 11th channel “law”, about which I have already written several articles, then the Angels of the channels (akrans) also come. It’s like a kind of planetary consciousness that is capable of solving a client’s problem at a higher (not quite human) level.

So, I continue, in this version my assistant was Nikolai Ugodnik. He guided me in this work. So we entered the night. And they began to delve into our planet Earth. This is such a strange state when we quickly passed through the layers of the earth, reached the core, and then passed through the second half of the globe, i.e. This is an option for passing through the planet.

Next, I again felt something on a mental level, it was: " Look, you see he is nowhere on earth"Then I saw water, night and the moon, not yet fully understanding the meaning of this. And then there was a kind of continuation: " He is not on earth, in the earth (because there is water)... He was swallowed up by the lunar pool... he drowned".

Then I remembered that initially I was slightly intrigued by the statement of one of the magicians and esotericists that he drowned. And I decided to turn to that woman and understand how she received the information and what she saw. She answered me quite quickly: " I looked in his eyes - he was no longer alive, then it flashed in my head - he had drowned. I looked into the crystal ball, but didn’t see anything further, I stopped looking because I was tired...“I had a natural question: why do all esotericists say such contradictory information, and then the answer came, as if out of nowhere: “She has good involvement in the information field, she is the best among experts, all this gives her truthful information".

It is worth noting that, of course, we can receive different information and do it in all sorts of ways. Again, I will not be the ultimate truth and claim that everything is exactly like this. But still, you have to work with information of this kind, everyone has their own sources, and now you already know what this can look like at the level of arcana.

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