Formulation of goals. A correctly formulated goal is half the success

Success and well-being largely depend on desires and actions. In an effort to achieve a guiding goal, a person makes efforts that largely characterize him as a person - what he has come to and what his future plans are. Set goals, large and small, can inspire and put you in a positive mood or, conversely, dissuade you and instill in the subconscious confidence in your ability to act. The simplest tool for a positive charge is.

But if we talk about people who are role models, then, undoubtedly, their qualities and aspirations can only surprise. For them, logical sequence - thought and implementation - is a special way to find their place in life. Without proving to anyone the necessity of their actions, they strive to translate the conceived scenario into a live film, where each frame becomes a stage of development and transformation. I would like to thank them very much for the presence of emotions and the story about human capabilities. By following their example, many will be able to overcome difficulties, move mountains and join the ranks of the lucky ones.
To embark on the path of success and prosperity you must:

  • Learn to select the correct formulation of goals and objectives;
  • Patiently follow the intended path;
  • Put aside fears and prejudices;
  • Reconsider goals, discarding what is no longer meaningful;
  • Use the experience of famous people;
  • Thank you for mistakes and understanding of difficulties.

A correctly formulated goal is half the success

Thoughts conveyed in precise verbal phrases are realized much faster. Understanding what you want to achieve gives a huge incentive. For a person, it is important to have a clear distribution of life potential: what one wants to achieve, and in what ways to realize what one has planned. To do this, break one goal into sub-points, write down specific steps, and mark the expected time. The solved problem at a certain stage will be a step to the top and moral support for the emergence of confidence.
A life goal, main or secondary, is usually presented in the form of some kind of achievement. But if you just think about it, without transforming it into a verbal image, it will flash by without leaving a trace. Reality lies in action, and the more specifically your future life is reflected in your plans, the easier it is to understand your capabilities. Sometimes in the process of working on oneself, additional reserves arise, hiding until a certain time and called “second wind”.

Patience and work - everything will grind

A persistent attitude and respect for the intended goals transforms a person into an individual. Thinking over his life many times, he becomes organic with himself, complemented by new features and feelings. He is comfortable with his thoughts and deeds, and the gradual load stabilizes not only his position, but also the condition of the people around him. Seeing passion and a burning desire to change in the eyes, loved ones and acquaintances receive a charge of energy necessary for development and improvement of living conditions.
In a labor-intensive process on the way to achieving a goal, a person becomes dependent on the final result. Interest appears, skills are strengthened, character improves. Completed tasks and the possibility of their implementation add strength and give an idea of ​​the significance of each day. You have to value time in order to achieve your plans as quickly as possible, and then think about new desires, serious and complex. However, do not forget that in this bustle sometimes more important responsibilities concerning family, soul and life itself slip through.

Fear is the engine of progress

At the beginning of your journey, any endeavor seems impossible. A child, starting his first steps, does not think about the difficulties ahead, but patiently repeats the movements, sincerely rejoicing at his successes. Borrow his bright mood and try to put aside prejudices about your own inadequacy. Instill in yourself the idea that your main, desired, vital and deliberate goals are the property of internal experiences, a test of conscious actions and the result of lengthy reasoning.
Personal doubts remain with you. The individual essence and qualities of a person largely presuppose the current situation. Uncertain and turning back people will never be able to reach the finish line and get a share of the adrenaline from dizzying success. Change in consciousness comes in the process of small, sometimes imperceptible to others, accomplishments. By emphasizing their importance, you build a line of behavior that is different from the stages you have passed. Perhaps this will confuse and surprise someone.

A thing that has lost its meaning - let go without regret

Think about the fact that no one except you has any idea about all the dreams you have written down. At any time you can break the sequence and remove an unclaimed item from the list. It happens that the solution found is completely opposite to the previous opinion. And then the basic, numbered life plans and goals of an adult become unpredictable and inconsistent. But this is only at first glance. As time passes, everything falls into place.
Sometimes something that is important at a certain period turns into superfluous and unnecessary. By letting go of it, you begin to understand your abilities more deeply: what you can achieve, what level you can achieve. It's like the steps of a ladder: the further you go up, the more free space you cover with your gaze. But without the preparatory work done, the real meaning would not be seen. Therefore, appreciate all your endeavors, desires, dreams and praise yourself for your courage and perseverance.

The experience of famous people is a real treasure

Without information based on real examples, it is difficult to achieve success. If there is no person in your environment showing the path to glory, then you will have to look for the ideal through the literary word, summarizing videos or self-development classes. At the start, when there is no confidence in either goals or work, you need the support of an influential person who has declared himself in the starry sky of respected people. Then, when enough time has passed, books and articles will lose their initial power. You will become bold and visionary.
Comparing his capabilities with the attached manual, a person considers the goals of the near future, but under his own bias and with the emerging worldview. Don't ask for exorbitant tasks that won't be vital to you. Look for reserves and adjust your individual success story. Someday you will be happy to share the plans you have achieved, leaving out the small failures in the story.

Mistakes are the basis of purposeful activity

Mistakes are a reason for rethinking. Don't be afraid to do them. When reviewing your goals, never regret wasting your time, because an unused chance will remain a common thought, disturbing and exciting. Having tried to implement the highlighted point, you will be convinced of the feasibility of its application. Sometimes it's just an ordinary, meaningless fantasy that takes up useful space in the brain.
Mistakes provide certain knowledge and experience. For a person, practical exercises bring more tangible benefits than instructions deciphered in detail. Coming into contact with life's difficulties, he sets himself the boundaries of what is permissible and begins to make his way to the future. No one can predict what an ordinary desire will turn into. We must rely on internal sensations, the logic of the plan and a tiny amount of luck.

What are the goals?

To accurately specify upcoming tasks, you need to understand the meaning of their purpose. All goals can be divided into three categories:

  1. Higher, promoting personal development and service to society;
  2. The main ones, including self-realization and relationship;
  3. Providing, providing the basis: money, life, rest.

These types cannot be excluded, or one or two cannot be used. For example: Without higher goals, a person’s life will turn into satisfying simple needs. Losing his sight of family, love, passion, he is destined to be lonely. Without full financial support, he does not fully realize happiness and pleasure.

  • Higher
    They calculate the disclosure of a person’s potential, his abilities, talents and service to people. Working on himself, he eradicates bad habits and weaknesses, eliminates negative qualities that lead to the destruction of personality, and also engages in free activities to improve the world and society.
  • Basic
    They confirm professionalism and benefit to the environment. The right choice of direction contributes to pleasure and pleasure. Successful work brings money, career growth and positive dynamics for society. Family harmony lifts your spirits, and true friends become an integral part of the created well-being.
  • Providing
    They help to strengthen yourself and gain reliable material support. Money cannot buy happiness, but it improves life, maintains stability and makes it possible to realize goals, reducing some difficulties for a person. Comfort and mandatory rest create a platform for a state of mind where the presence of purity and relaxation fills with a sincere desire to develop and benefit.

All three categories are vital. But the main tasks and vital periods and goals depend on the desire of the person. How he sees his own life and future happiness within the framework of certain tasks. The right goals not only characterize a person, but also help society accept a worthy citizen of the country.
There are no less significant or more desirable goals in a person’s destiny. A connected chain of tasks and actions suggests a happy future. Without mistakes and assumptions, without support and faith, without structure and calculation, even basic daily plans can collapse like a crystal house.
To turn your goals into a reliable foundation for happiness and joy, try to listen to your soul and consciousness. Then integrity will lead a person to harmony and purity.

A goal is a dream with a deadline.

Napoleon Hill

We traditionally devote the last month of the year to summing up the results of the outgoing year and developing plans for the next one. How to formulate the “right” goals? How to turn dreams of career growth into the reality of strategic planning? How not to get bogged down in the routine of daily worries and get out of the “firefighting” mode? Let's try to figure it out.

We often hear that the secret to success in any endeavor is proper goal setting. Research shows that setting specific and achievable goals is one of the most effective tools for promoting a successful career. Correctly set goals help to understand the meaning and also clearly formulate the expected result. All this allows us to focus our attention and efforts on what really matters, throwing away the husk of secondary tasks. Additionally, by properly calibrating our goals, we will have a better idea of ​​which direction to take.

Correctly formulated goals will also help answer your own existential questions:

  • What is the point of my efforts?– Understanding your own mission in the profession (and in life), your ambitions ( What do I want to achieve by setting these goals for myself?)
  • Who/what should I focus on?– Visualization + benchmarking. Who is your role model, the authority you look up to? By comparing your achievements to those of industry leaders, you will be able to better formulate your goals and also have the opportunity to learn from others' examples and mistakes.
  • What should I always remember?– Memento mori was spoken in Ancient Rome. And we will say - remember the main thing, so that during the daily “extinguishing” of the work fire you do not miss the goals and objectives of a higher order.

Goals are not a list of tasks. This is a focus on the end result that we want to ultimately achieve through proper prioritization. As you think about this, try to answer the following questions:

  • As I look ahead to next year, what are the top five priorities I need to accomplish to be proud of my accomplishments?
  • Why are these tasks important to me?
  • What actions do I need to take to achieve these goals?
  • By what criteria can I understand that I have achieved my goals?


A high-quality strategy should consist of clearly formulated and understandable goals and objectives that you want to achieve over a certain period of time (within a year). Our goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

We have all probably heard about the principle of setting goals in the format of the final result. Let's repeat it again using the example of setting goals for an internal communicator.

Main characteristics of SMART goals:

(1) Specificity (S specific). Formulate five clear, understandable goals focused on specific results, and three goals that will be your personal achievements in the field of professional development

Goal #1. Launch of a new mobile application for employees

Goal #2. Relaunching a new version of the Intranet

Goal #3. Conducting a study among employees about their level of satisfaction with internal communications

Goal #4. Launch of a non-financial motivation program for employees

Goal #5. Corporate newspaper update

Personal goal #1. Speak at an industry conference on internal communications

Personal goal #2. Complete an advanced training course for a VC specialist

Personal goal #3. Write an article on motivation and engagement

(2) Measurability (M easurable). Next to each of your goals, put a KPI (Key Performance Indicator), a quantitatively measurable indicator of the results actually achieved. At the end of the year, you will be able to understand whether you managed to achieve your goals.

Goal #1. Launch of the application in the first quarter of 2018; number of downloads - 30% of the total number of employees

Goal #2. The number of Intranet users increased by 30%

Goal #3. 50% of employees took part in the study

Goal #4. Conducting 7 sessions within the program

Goal #5. 6 issues per year

(3) Reachability (A chievable). The goals and KPIs you set should be realistic and even slightly underestimated - so that at the end of the year you can say that you have achieved significantly more impressive results than you originally planned.

(4) Relevance (R elevant). Your goals must meet the challenges your business sets for you. Launching an Intranet portal or mobile application is a great plan. But if most of your production employees don't have access to the Internet, then this might not be the best idea.

(5) Time limitation (T ime-bound). Your achievements will be assessed at the end of the year, so make sure you can meet the deadlines. Sometimes, due to the scale of the project, we are not able to implement it within one calendar year ( for example, launching an Intranet). In this case, mark the stages implemented during the project ( timing of approval of the updated Intranet concept, selection of contractor, content generation).


Once you have formulated your goals, test yourself again by answering the following questions:

  • What? What result do you expect to receive upon achieving your goal?
  • Why? Why did you decide that your goals are meaningful? What is their value to the company?
  • How? How do you plan to achieve your goals? Do you have an understanding that you have enough resources to do this? Is your management supportive?


Make sure your management knows about your big plans and supports you in achieving them. Meet regularly with your line manager to discuss your future and current goals and objectives and receive feedback from them. We are not talking about formal certifications conducted for reporting purposes twice a year (the so-called mid-year and end-year reviews).

Make it a rule to discuss your plans with management at least once a month. The importance of such meetings is difficult to overestimate: you simultaneously receive support for your projects and the respect of your superiors.

For managers, such meetings should also become an important component of their interaction with subordinates. The opportunity to regularly discuss goals and objectives, as well as difficulties encountered in the implementation of projects, helps to significantly increase the motivation and involvement of employees. Clarity in understanding and interpreting goals makes it easier to set goals and achieve them. When employees understand the company's goals and their contribution to its achievement, it is much easier for them to carry out even the most routine work.


Benjamin Franklin (the one whose image appears on the $100 bill), a man of outstanding intelligence, author of the catchphrase “Time is money,” was confident that control over events brings peace of mind to a person.

At the age of 20, he developed his own motivational system, which he used quite effectively throughout his life (as evidenced by his biography and the mark left in history).

The essence of his method is to break down a global task into smaller ones, down to the simplest actions.

Life values- This is the foundation on which everyone builds their life.

This could be justice, honesty, freedom, respect, etc. Each person must determine for himself exactly those values ​​that best reflect his essence.

Global goal– based on previously defined life values, it represents the maximum desired result, the goal of all life.

For an athlete, it could be winning the Olympics; for a politician - election to the presidency. For an internal communicator – international recognition as a VC expert (for example).

Master plan– step-by-step instructions, a plan for how the global goal will be achieved. Using the example of an intracom specialist, this could be 1) obtaining a specialized education; 2) serious work experience in the specialty; 3) achieving a leadership position, etc.

Long term plan— planning the next 3-5 years to achieve specific goals. Imagine your professional future in 5 years. Who do you want to be? Where would you like to be? For example, this could be working in a large international company as a department head. Or your own consulting agency. The choice is yours!

Short term plan- part of achieving the point of the long-term plan. We plan for several weeks or months. We choose a university or advanced training courses to upgrade our knowledge and skills. Sign up for public speaking courses. Let's start writing articles.

And remember: everything depends on you - on correctly set goals and perseverance in achieving them. Try to see the big picture. Good luck to you!

Goal setting technology. How to correctly formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson?

One of the leading components of the lesson and the educational process as a whole are goals. They determine the content of the upcoming activity, serve as a guide in the work process, and form the basis for the criteria for the student’s training, education and development. Methodologically well-formulated goals make it possible at the end of the lesson to check the degree of their achievement, draw the necessary conclusions, and adjust activities in subsequent lessons, ensuring the interconnection of lessons on the same topic. Thus, the goals are the planned results of pedagogical activity (Vishnyakova S.M. Professional education. Dictionary. Key concepts, terms, current vocabulary. - M.: NMC SPO, 1999. -538 pp.).

The goals are designed to implement the systematic nature of the learning process, since they constitute a certain hierarchy. For each subject, general, thematic and lesson goals are distinguished.

General goals are long-term goals that describe the contribution of the subject to students' worldviews. They remain relevant throughout the course of study. For example, one of the goals of a basic computer science course is “….” (GOSO).

Thematic goals are more specific and express the requirements for student learning achievements for each course topic. Such goals are designed for several lessons and constitute one topic. For example, “to develop skills in working with text documents.”

Lesson goals are the goals of each specific lesson. They express certain steps in achieving thematic goals and determine the learning activities in the lesson. For example, “formation of the ability to highlight, move and copy a piece of text.”

The thematic goal does not reveal the specifics of each specific lesson of the topic. So, in the first lessons of a topic, it is usually planned to become familiar with the educational material, then work on mastering the basic concepts of the topic and developing skills, then consolidating knowledge and developing skills, and the conclusion of the topic is a generalization of what has been learned. Thus, different lessons of even the same topic involve different learning activities, which are subordinated to different goals.

More than once I have heard the question: how to correctly set and formulate lesson goals and objectives . Let's say right away unambiguous there is no answer to this question.

So there are somerecommendations at the moment, which seem to be the most thoughtful.
A goal is an ideal, mentally anticipated result of activity in a training session, and not the process itself,
so-called “global goals”, a certain ideal, guidelines for human activity,a result planned in advance by the teacher, which must be achieved not only by the teacher, but also by the students at the end of the lesson, upon completion of studying a chapter or section. The lesson goal states the key result that students should strive for. The goals of the lesson should be as specific as possible so that when summing up the lesson, we can reasonably answer the question “Did the lesson achieve its goal?”
A teacher sometimes understands the purpose of a lesson as a goal for himself - what he would like to do during the lesson. In factlesson goal must determinewhat students should learn in class.

Cspruce lesson - should be one and expressed Overbal noun ( a noun formed directly from a verb). Examples: walking(from walk), formation (from to form).

Currently, as a result of the development of a technological approach to learning, the ways of setting goals are being reconsidered. The method of goal setting offered by educational technology is characterized by increased instrumentality. It consists in the fact that learning goal(lesson goal) are formulated through learning outcomes, expressed in actions students (what he will know, be able to do, etc.). The following requirements apply to the goal:

The goal must be specific;

Clearly focuses on mastering facts, concepts, etc.;

Goals are specified in tasks, all tasks are explained to students

When formulating the purpose of the lesson, we will proceed from the fact thatlearning is a very complex and individualized process.Recent research has defined learning as a complex combination of dispositions, experiences, social relationships, values, attitudes and beliefs that together shape the way a person uses specific opportunities to acquire knowledge./Teacher's Guide. Third edition. p.121/

Why is it that when constructing lesson goals, the so-called triune goal is most often formulated? This comes from the fact that in psychology there are usually three different areas of learning: cognitive, psychomotor (social) and affective.

Based on this, in 1956, the American scientist B. Bloom created one of the first schemes of pedagogical goals, which describes the goals of the cognitive (cognitive) sphere. In subsequent decades, D. Krathwohl and other scientists created the second part of the Taxonomy (in the affective area).

The characteristics of activities and learning objectives in accordance with the areas of study are given in the following table:

Field of study


Characteristics of areas of activity

Objectives that the scope of activity covers

Cognitive (cognitive)

B. Bloom's taxonomy

analysis and problem solving skills

The goals of learning range from memorizing and reproducing studied material to solving problems, during which it is necessary to rethink existing knowledge, build new combinations of them with previously studied ideas, methods, procedures (ways of action), including the creation of new ones.

Affective (emotional-value)

Taxonomy of D. Kratvol

reciprocal relationships such as affection, love/hate or worship

the goals of forming an emotional and personal attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding world, ranging from simple perception and interest to the assimilation of value orientations and relationships, their active manifestation. The following goals fall into this area: the formation of interests and inclinations, the experience of certain feelings, the formation of attitudes, its awareness and manifestation in activities.


D. Simpson's taxonomy

skills that require a complex interaction of intellectual and motor skills

Goals related to the formation of certain types of motor (motor), manipulative activity, neuromuscular coordination. These are writing skills, speech skills; goals put forward by physical education and labor training.

There are 2 groups of pedagogical goals: educational (cognitive) and personal development goals for students.
If cognitive goals can be achieved during one lesson and the degree of their achievement can be diagnosed, then there are objective difficulties in formulating and achieving the goals of personal development of students, since it is impossible to clearly describe and diagnose the intellectual and moral gains of students within one or several lessons.

Table 1. Categories of learning goals in the cognitive domain.

Main categories of learning goals.

Examples of generalized types of learning goals.

1. Knowledge.

This category refers to remembering and reproducing learned material. We can talk about different types of content - from specific facts to holistic theories. A common feature of this category is recall of relevant information.

Student: Knows the terms used, specific facts, methods and procedures, basic concepts, rules and principles.


An indicator of the ability to understand the meaning of what has been studied can be the transformation (translation) of material from one form of expression to another, its “translation” from one “language” to another (for example, from a verbal form to a mathematical one). An indicator of understanding can also be the student’s interpretation of the material (explanation, summary) or an assumption about the further course of the phenomenon or events (prediction of consequences, results). These learning outcomes go beyond simply memorizing the material.

The student: Understands facts, rules and principles, interprets verbal material, diagrams, graphs and diagrams, converts verbal material into mathematical expressions, hypothesizes future consequences arising from available data.

3. Application.

This category denotes the ability to use specific material in specific conditions and new situations. This includes the application of rules, methods, concepts, principles, laws, theories. Appropriate learning outcomes require a higher level of proficiency than comprehension.

Student: Uses concepts and principles in new situations, applies laws, theories in specific practical situations, demonstrates the correct application of method and procedure.

4. Analysis.

This category denotes the ability to correctly break down material into components so that its structure clearly appears. This includes isolating parts of the whole, highlighting the relationships between them, and understanding the principles of organization of the whole. Educational results are characterized by a higher intellectual level than understanding and application, since they require awareness of both the content of the educational material and its internal structure.

Student: Identifies hidden (implicit) assumptions, sees errors and omissions in the logic of reasoning, distinguishes between facts and consequences, evaluates the significance of data.

5. Synthesis.

This category denotes the ability to combine elements so as to obtain a whole that is novel. Such a new product can be a message (speech, report), an action plan, or a set of generalized connections (schemes for organizing existing information). Appropriate learning outcomes involve action of a creative nature with an emphasis on the creation of new patterns and structures.

Student: Writes a short creative essay, attaches a plan for conducting an experiment, uses knowledge from various fields to compare a plan for solving a particular problem.

6. Evaluation.

This category denotes the ability to evaluate the significance of a piece of material (a statement, a work of fiction, research data) for a specific purpose. The student's judgments must be based on clear criteria. The criteria can be both internal (structural, logical) and external (compliance with the intended goal). The criteria can be determined by the student himself, or given to him from the outside (for example, by a teacher). This category involves the achievement of educational results in all previous categories plus value judgments based on clearly defined criteria.

Student: Evaluates the logic of constructing material in the form of a written text, evaluates the correspondence of the conclusions to the available data, evaluates the significance of a particular product of activity based on external quality criteria.

The specification of the goals of the educational subject based on this taxonomy is carried out in two stages. The first highlights the goals of the training course, the second highlights goals at the level of a specific topic.

A detailed specification of goals is presented in the form of a table, the rows of which represent the elements of the content of the educational material, and the columns represent the leading types of intellectual activity of students during the assimilation of these elements. Below, as an example, is a matrix of study group goals for the topic “Heredity and Variation” from the general biology course.

Elements of assimilation

Elements of knowledge







Heredity is a general property of organisms

Formation of the genotype

What is impermanence

Mechanism of variability

Mechanism of hereditary variability

Correlative nature of hereditary variability

Mutations as a type of hereditary variability

As you can see, in order to present the goals of the educational group through the elements of “knowledge”, “understanding”, “application”, “analysis”, “synthesis”, “evaluation”, it is necessary to carry out a deep scientific and methodological analysis of the content of the educational material, its structure , sequence of learning and correlate each element of content with elements of learning. Having such a table (matrix), the teacher can predict, plan the process of achieving the learning goals of a given group, and draw up an accurate diagnostic task map. The point is that each “plus” in the table requires that the process of implementing this element of knowledge itself be built. The matrix is ​​the basis for drawing up diagnostic tasks at both the intermediate and final stages.

Here are examples of lesson objectives:

Learning Objective (Cognitive)

Goals of personal development of students

Tse l training involves the formation in students of new concepts and methods of action, a system of scientific knowledge, etc. For example, it can be specified as follows:

Ensuring that students master the law, signs, properties, features...;

Generalization and systematization of knowledge about...

Practicing skills (specify which ones);

Addressing knowledge gaps;

Students’ mastery of concepts (which ones?).

Identifying and consolidating knowledge on the topic... Eliminating gaps in students’ knowledge... Forming new concepts (there is a list of them)... Teaching reading skills... Studying switching circuits... Studying the principle of operation and design... Expanding knowledge about... Identifying knowledge on the topic..., the ability to apply it in conditions... Studying methods of definition... Studying the sequence of actions... Studying general schemes... Studying the purpose of various... Studying the features of the occurrence of phenomena... Acquaintance with the order of performing actions... Systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic... providing students with knowledge of some concepts, definitions, theorems...

establishing the level of knowledge on the topic...

generalization of the material studied on the topic...

systematization of the studied material on the topic...

Based on an analysis of the facts... lead students to understand that...

Ensure that students master the following facts..., concepts..., ideas..., terms...

Identify and comprehend the reasons..., essence..., meaning...

Promote..., create conditions..., organize a situation that requires students..., facilitate...
Creation of conditions that ensure the development of self-control skills in students... Promote the acquisition of the necessary skills of independent learning activities... Contribute to the development of students' skills to generalize acquired knowledge, conduct analysis, synthesis, comparisons, draw the necessary conclusions... Provide conditions for the development of skills to establish cause-and-effect relationships between... Provide situations that contribute to the development of skills to analyze and distinguish... Provide conditions for the development of skills and abilities to work with sources of educational and scientific-technical information, highlight the main and characteristic... Promote the development of skills to apply acquired knowledge in non-standard (standard) conditions... Provide conditions for the development of skills competently , express your thoughts clearly and accurately... Provide conditions for the development of attentiveness, observation and the ability to highlight the main thing, evaluate various processes, phenomena and facts... Contribute to the development of skills in a creative approach to solving practical problems... Contribute to the development of technological (abstract, logical, creative) thinking... To provide conditions for students to master the algorithm for solving problematic and research problems...
create conditions for:

development of thinking (learn to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare, build

generalize and systematize analogies, prove and refute, explain and define concepts, pose and solve problems);

development of elements of creative activity (intuition, spatial imagination, ingenuity);

development of worldview;

development of oral and written communication skills;

memory development;

development of critical thinking, group self-organization, and the ability to conduct dialogue;

development of aesthetic ideas and artistic taste;

development of logical thinking (based on students’ mastery of cause-and-effect relationships, comparative analysis),

development of a research culture among students (development of skills to use scientific methods of knowledge (observation, hypothesis, experiment);

developing students’ skills to formulate problems and propose ways to solve them;

development of students' communicative culture (communication skills, monologue and dialogic speech);

development of reflective activity in students

developing the ability to clearly formulate your thoughts;

Typical goal setting mistakes

replacing the goal with content (“to introduce students to...”)

replacing the goal with a process of activity (“students do the work...”, “students write...”, “students solve problems on the topic...”)

For example: 1) create a situation of moral choice when considering biographical material about F. Lenard, Nobel Prize winner in physics and a prominent activist of the fascist movement; 2) create a situation of reflection in the lesson regarding self-determination for group work; 3) create conditions for the development of schoolchildren’s design abilities; 4) promote the development of trainees’ research skills, etc.

Examples of incorrect goal setting

Study the topic: “Dielectric materials”;

Deepen students’ knowledge on the topic “Conductors”;

3. Broaden the horizons of students

All these goals are not specific, not verifiable, and there are no criteria for their achievement.

How to set goals - the main question that worries people who want to change something in their lives. But before you begin to realize your desires, you need to have a clear picture of what you really want to achieve in this life.

Answers to questions that anyone who wants to change their life for the better and is ready to take action will help formulate clear goals.

In order to gain clarity about your goals, you should first ask yourself a few questions about the goals you are going to set for yourself. They will also help you understand whether this is what you really want.

Here is a list of questions to answer before setting goals:

How to set long-term goals

Before setting long-term goals for yourself, answer the following questions:

  1. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  2. What do you want to be doing ten years from now?
  3. What results do you want to achieve in ten years?
  4. What kind of person do you want to be in ten years?
  5. Where do you want to go in the next decade?
  6. How do you see your financial situation ten years from now?

Ask yourself the same question about the next five years and write down the answers in your goal journal. By writing down your thoughts, you will find the answer to the main question: how to set big goals.

How to set medium-term goals

Before deciding on long-term goals, you need to learn how to draw them up for the near future.

Take your diary and write down the answers to the following questions:

By answering these questions, you will have a clear picture of what you want to achieve in the coming year.

How to set goals and make a plan for the near future

In order to realize everything that you have planned for the coming year, you need to make a plan for every month, the next week, and day. Having written down the tasks on a piece of paper, all that remains is to stick to the written plan and carry out the necessary actions.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What can you do in the next hour to make your wish come true?
  2. What are you going to do in the next 24 hours to implement your plan?
  3. What tasks have you set for yourself for the next week, month?

This short exercise will help clarify how to set specific goals.

How to set goals in life: clear formulation

Write down all your dreams and a specific date by which you plan to achieve what you want.

Determine which of the following categories your tasks fall into:

  • Business or career;
  • Health;
  • Personal relationships;
  • Trips;
  • Finance;
  • Personal growth;
  • Help others.

Having chosen the necessary areas in which you want to achieve results, answer yourself why this or that desire is so important to you.

How to learn to set goals and achieve them: results

Having decided on your desires and goals, adhere to the following tactics:

After completing all of the above tasks and answering the questions, you will understand how to set goals correctly and achieve them.

How to set goals: books

Today, there is a large amount of literature that teaches how to formulate tasks and act.

The right books on achieving what you want help you not only formulate a clear plan of action, but also spark your dreams. Among the most successful books on how to learn to set goals are:

  • “Achieving the Maximum” (B. Tracy);
  • “The Courage to Achieve Success” (R. Gonzalez);
  • “52 Mondays: How to achieve any goals in a year” (D. Vick);
  • “Doing the Impossible: 25 Rules” (Patrick Bet-David)
  • "Focus. Achieving priority goals” (S. Covey);
  • “Rules for achieving goals: How to get what you want” (T. Richard).

The people who wrote these books are not theorists, but practitioners who have experienced the effectiveness of the methods described, with the help of which they themselves have learned how to set goals and achieve them.

Did you know that you can significantly increase your success in achieving your goals only by correctly formulating the goal itself? Choosing the right one the right words for its production?

How do you usually set a goal? A dream smoothly turns into a desire, a desire into an intention, which is already transformed into a goal... Well, okay, everything is simpler: life is pressing - you need to get, get or do something, and this something is the goal. How do we formulate the goal?

Typical goal statement: Starting tomorrow I’ll try to eat less, I’ll try to earn more, Maybe next year I’ll learn English...

With this type of goal setting, yours is zero, achieving the goal is doomed to failure in advance!

One of the rules: the goal must be specific! An even more powerful and important clarification: The formulation of the goal itself must also be specific!

Words like: I'll try, I'll try, maybe, sort of, kind of.... and the like, they assume that after the first failure (and they will happen, they will) - put your hands down.

These bad words for goal setting mean that you are programming yourself in advance for failure...

These “unconfident words”, which are used by insecure people, will say that a person who, perhaps, sets himself a noble goal: is also unfaithful, that he will not be enough, that he will not be persistent, that... (you get the meaning , I hope, insert yours)

Correct goal formulation

1. This is my goal, this is “I...”

Let me ask you, whose goal is this? Yours, are you sure? Where are you identified in this goal?

Always use the pronoun when setting and formulating goals: “ I»

I- that means this is your goal, I- that means you will carry it out.

I I will achieve..., I I'll lose weight I I'll get rich I I'll learn...

2. What? Where? When?

To the questions “What?” and “Where?” you can answer it yourself, but...

Not setting deadlines means not having the motivation to complete your goal. One wish for “maybe” and “someday” is not enough.

The goal must be defined by a deadline!

I will lose 20 kg by summer, I will increase my income by 20% by next quarter

3. And the main rule of goal formulation: what will I do for this? Now?

This is a verb that must, must, and be, in the affirmative form.

This is the verb that links your " I" And Date, when the goal is completed.

This the verb must oblige the unconditional firm fulfillment of the goal+ test question for yourself.

I I'll finish the construction home for summer! What am I doing Now to complete it!?

I I'll lose weight for your birthday! What am I doing Now for this to happen!?

Me by June 6, 2012 I'll learn English language! What am I doing Now to learn it by this date!?

A competent goal formulation will increase the chances of success significantly! That's what I wish for you!

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