French special forces legion. What do you need to know about the Foreign Legion? French Foreign Legion

The French Foreign Legion (French: Legion étrangère) is a unique unit in the French Army, created in 1831. The Legion was specifically created for foreign citizens wishing to serve in the French armed forces, but under the command of French officers.

However, it is also open to French citizens, who make up 24% of conscripts. After the July Revolution of 1830, foreigners were prohibited from conscripting into the French army, and so the Legion was created to allow France to bypass this restriction. The Legion is also seen as a convenient way to command large numbers of recently arrived foreign citizens. (thus being able to test their political views) by sending them to Algeria.

The Legion was primarily used to defend and expand the French colonial empire in the 19th century, but they also fought in almost all French wars including the Franco-Prussian War and both World Wars. The Foreign Legion remains an important part of the French military, having survived one empire, two world wars, the rise and fall of armies, the fall of the French colonial empire and the loss of the Legion's homeland, Algeria.

LEGION forms one inseparable whole...

FRENCH-FOREIGN-LEGIONF - all legionnaires have one goal: to serve France professionally and well.
The relationship between those who give orders and those who receive them is based on several basic principles:
- discipline and honor;
- reward for a job well done;
- attachment to the past, supported by strong traditions.

Traditions in the Foreign Legion are expressed as follows:
- its special form;
- your music and songs;
- its pace for a solemn procession;
- his honoring ceremonies in the Foreign Legion.

After three years of service, a legionnaire can apply for French citizenship and may also be eligible for a residence permit. The residence permit is valid for ten years and can be renewed. At the end of his career, the legionnaire is assisted in his return to civilian life.

New opportunities for a new life...

Regardless of origin, nationality or religion, regardless of your social or professional status, the French Foreign Legion gives you the chance to start a new life. Join 7,699 legionnaires from 136 different countries, including France. Build yourself an exceptional future in which “honor” and “loyalty” are fundamental values.

French Foreign Legion today:

The Legion is today known as an elite military unit whose training focuses not only on traditional military skills, but also on a strong team spirit. The Legion comes from people from different countries with different cultures, it is a common decision to strengthen them enough to work as a team. Consequently, preparation is often not only physically difficult, but also extremely difficult psychologically.

An integral part of the French army, the French Foreign Legion is a professional fighting unit. Legionnaires are, first of all, volunteers, of any nationality, race or religion, always ready to serve France.

They are able to perform assigned tasks anywhere at any time. Upon joining the French Foreign Legion, you become part of the events, not in France on maneuvers, but will take part in operations abroad (French Guyana, New Caledonia, Mayotte, Reunion, French West Indies, etc.).

The Legion was able to adapt to any situation in all the hot spots where it was used (the Gulf War in 1990-1991; Kampuchea, Somalia in 1992-1993; Rwanda in 1994, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia in 1993 to 2003; Central African Republic in 1996...).

Today, legionnaires serve in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Chad, and wherever France may need them.
Vienot area, Aubagne, near Marseille, France - the headquarters of the French Foreign Legion is located here.

How to get into the French Foreign Legion? Silently!

Surely at some point you have heard of the French Legion. Oh, I’m not afraid of this word, the legendary French Foreign Legion! It is covered with 170 years of glory of battles and peacekeeping actions. Many men dream of joining the French Foreign Legion in order to break with the whole world, but even if women don’t dream of it, they don’t belong there!

So, you decided to join the French Foreign Legion in order to return to your homeland as a gallant officer, or even not return at all. Think about it first... Is it worth it?

As soon as you give yourself into the hands of the Legion, you will lose contact with the outside world for five years, the Legion will become your Motherland, your family and home. No wonder the legion’s motto is: “The Legion is our Fatherland.” And, quite naturally, you are not welcome there with open arms.

I believe you have thought about it and decided everything for yourself. And if you still decide to try yourself in the military field, then read these essentially simple recommendations.

If your lack of knowledge of the language stops you, you will be taught French, and you will have plenty of practice.

Mercenary activity is punishable by law in most countries, so selection points are only located in France itself. No one will help you get there - it’s all a scam, even embassies won’t help. Go to Paris, definitely on Sunday or Tuesday. From Paris on Mondays and Wednesdays there is a departure to Aubagne, you may be late. Here's the address: Paris 94120, Fontenay-sous-Bois - Fort de Nogent. And phone number: 01 49 74 50 65.

There are several options to get to the recruitment point: on a tourist package or illegally. I don’t recommend doing it illegally - problems may arise upon returning to your homeland, and even at the time of recruitment.

If you reach the recruitment point, you will see a military unit. There is always a legionnaire at the entrance - approach him and remain silent. Be diligently silent, otherwise he won’t let you in. Then he will ask you about your nationality (you answer “Rus”) and demand your passport. After this, you will be taken inside, and then, after some time, you will be searched and given a medical examination. This is the primary selection. For a while you will get up at 5.00 in the morning, make your bed, clean, help in the kitchen, carry something... For disobedience - push-ups or a slap on the wrist.

Before leaving for Aubagne, you will undergo another medical examination - a more complete one. You will then be transferred by train to Marseille. From there it’s on to Aubagne. In Aubagne you will be searched even more thoroughly, and then given clothes, toiletries - everything you need. Then they will move in. You will work again, but it will be even better for you - it will not be so boring.

The most important thing is that you will take additional tests. This is why you came to Aubagne. Presumably (!), if nothing has changed, you will undergo three types of tests: psychotechnical, medical, physical.

Psychotechnical: tests for attentiveness, memory. It all depends on your quickness. Medical: medical examination and questions about injuries and illnesses. I recommend getting your teeth treated. Physical: 2.8 km cross-country in 12 minutes, it is advisable to run more. I also recommend doing more push-ups; for any offense you will have to do push-ups.

You will also undergo an interview where you must tell your entire biography. The main thing is to answer truthfully, quickly, and clearly. The interview will take place in three stages. Each next one repeats the previous one, this is a check for lice.

Next, everyone will be lined up and the names of those who have passed the selection will be shouted out. There are about twenty of them, as a rule. If you are not in this top twenty, you are paid money (25 euros for each day that you lost). Not enough for a ticket home, but at least it’s something. Maybe the next try will be more successful.

Otherwise, they start chasing you. Cross country, swimming... Then you take the oath and go to boot camp.

Mercenaries have been known to mankind since ancient times. Paid foreign soldiers were part of the troops
 Egyptian pharaohs in the third millennium BCera. Mercenary troops existed in the Babylonian kingdom and Ancient Rome, among the Persian rulers and in Carthage.

The most brutal and merciless mercenaries served
 bodyguards of ancient Greek tyrants. During the period of formation of centralizedfeudal states are truly flourishing

Corrupt warriors were widely used
 kings to strengthen their power, were populargoods at the courts of Spain, Italy, France, who could not imagine their existence without military campaigns.So, for example, the Prussian willingly used mercenariesKing Frederick the Great. Soldier for sale willinglysupplied poorer feudal lords from among their serfsfrom the Scandinavian countries, German kingdoms and duchies. The most common name for a mercenary soldier, “landsknecht,” came into general use from the German language.
For almost two centuries in France there has been a = military unit that is part of the French ground forces - the Foreign Legion or, as it was called in the countries of Africa and Asia - the Legion of Assassins. The tall white caps of the legionnaires terrified the inhabitants of these regions.

Even today decent people in Western Europe call him that when they are faced with the impudence and sneakiness of recruiters for a legion that trains professional killers.

Under the slogan “Down with the legion of murderers!” Thousands of workers took to the streets of Paris to protest against the bloody atrocities of legionnaires sent to the Zairean province of Shaba (formerly Katanga) to suppress the popular uprising that broke out there in April 1977 against the reactionary regime of General Mobutu.

So what is the French Foreign Legion?

Let's remember the past. 1831 France. King Louis Philippe decides to seize the wealth of the countries of North Africa. But there was still a generation of Frenchmen alive who destroyed the stronghold of feudal violence - the Bastille prison in Paris. The ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity of the Great French Revolution continued to live among the masses. These masses did not want to serve the imperial plans of Louis Philippe. Then the idea was born to send a multi-tribal and purse-obedient rabble of mercenary soldiers from different countries to seize colonies.

The ashes of peaceful cities and villages remained after the first operations of the legion on Algerian soil. In 1855, the legion took part in the war of Turkey, England, France and Sardinia against Russia for dominance in the Middle East. 1863 The Foreign Legion is trying to bring rebellious Mexico to its knees and place Napoleon III's protégé on the imperial throne there.

In 1871, legionnaires could be seen among the executioners of the Paris Communards. 1884. The legion marches through Indochina with fire and sword, laying its rich lands at the feet of the masters of the Third Republic.

1914 Trenches of the First World War. The legionnaires' weapons are aimed... no, not against the troops of the German Kaiser, but at the back of the French soldiers, to prevent their retreat.

Later, there were years of bloody expeditions to Syria and the French colonies in Africa, who rose up to fight for independence. The Legion had to return to the once conquered countries when the foundations of the French colonialists were shaking in them. In 1948, the imperialist circles of France again sent the legion to Indochina. But these were no longer the old days. Six years of dirty war and atrocities ended in the defeat of the imperialists.

Then there was Algeria again. Here the legion was going to firmly establish itself. Forever, as his bosses planned. Before the victory of the Algerian people, as it turned out in reality...

Over the years, different roads led to the legion. At first it was formed from the remnants of the defeated Napoleonic armies. After 1917, it was replenished by the White Guard rabble and other enemies of Soviet power, thrown out by the revolution.

After the Second World War, undead SS men and Hitler’s criminals, hiding from retribution for their atrocities, poured here. They made up the majority of the legion. Criminals from different countries, people who did not have the means to live in the “free world,” found their place in it.

Adventure seekers and disadvantaged people, crushed by life, come here. There are scandalous cases of recruitment into the legion of young people from Belgium, France and other European countries, with the help of blackmail and deception, wine and drugs. Entangled in the tenacious networks of recruiters, they turned into a tool of those who needed to kill the rebel Algerians, Vietnamese, Guianese...

Over time, the Foreign Legion turned into the main reserve of the most extreme reaction, into a hotbed of fascism not only in Algeria, where mercenary camps were established, but also in France itself.

The legion played a sinister role in the attempt of French imperialism to strangle the national liberation struggle of the Algerian people, which broke out in 1954. The Legion became the main card of the reactionary Algerian generals and colonels, who in mid-1961 created the secret armed organization OAS, which set goals to prevent the granting of independence to Algeria and to establish a military-fascist regime in France itself. The OAS members acted using methods of mass terror. To carry out murders and explosions, they recruited “activists” mainly from the mercenaries of the Foreign Legion. And when the Franco-Algerian ceasefire negotiations began, the reactionaries saw the legion as a force capable of disrupting these negotiations.

Incited by their leaders, the paratroopers of the Foreign Legion announced their readiness to “land on Paris.” They waited for the signal in their barracks in full combat readiness. Transport planes stood at airfields with their engines running, and from the windows of the barracks came the drunken voices of paratroopers, shouting the song “I don’t regret anything,” which was popular at that time.

They were waiting for the order of General Salan, the leader of the fascist conspiracy against the French and Algerian peoples, to unleash an armed avalanche on the metropolis, to deal a decisive blow to its republican system. And when a single mass action of French workers thwarted an attempt at a fascist coup in the country, and terrorists from the OAS began their “bomb festival” in France and Algeria, it was the legionnaires who made up the most active combat groups of the OAS, it was the legionnaires who became the “heroes” of numerous murder trials from - around the corner, assassination attempts, arson, explosions.

Terror did not help, and neither did the mercenaries. In March 1962, the Evian Agreements were signed for a ceasefire and Algerian self-determination, and two months later Algeria celebrated winning its independence. And the Foreign Legion had to get out of the country on whose soil it was created more than a century ago and where it shed streams of blood of peaceful, innocent people.

The legionnaires tried to settle in “French” Guiana, but the attitude of the country’s population towards the mercenaries was so hostile that this intention had to be abandoned.

Then professional killers chose the island of Corsica. This is where their camps were set up. They said that such a neighborhood would “give impetus” to the flourishing of the island’s economy. The “impulse” was not slow to manifest itself. But what! With the advent of the “white caps”, the peaceful Corsicans were literally terrorized. In collaboration with local bandits, the legionnaires began to systematically commit robberies, violence, and murder. The “fame” of their outrages began to scare off foreign tourists, whose visits were one of the significant sources of income for the island’s residents.

Later, a new legion base was established in Djibouti, the capital of French Somalia. Violence, robberies, executions of civilians, construction of prisons and concentration camps - this is what the soldiers of the Foreign Legion did in this country.

There is a dark symbolism in the fact that after the expulsion of the French colonialists from Algeria, the Foreign Legion set up one of its bases in the small town of Oban near Marseille, where during the Second World War Hitler’s concentration camp was located - a “death camp”, as they were called throughout Europe. Prisoners were tortured and killed there, among whom were many French patriots - participants in the Resistance movement. Today, the methods of Hitler’s monsters are being studied and adopted by hired warriors.

The Legion exists. This is greatly facilitated by the legal status of mercenaries in France, although it is not customary to talk or write about the legion there. A stranger can visit the legionnaires’ camp only with the permission of the French Minister of War.

The legion, in the ranks of which there are about 8 thousand mercenaries, although French in name, is more similar in composition to foreign ones. In addition to the French, who make up about 40% of the legionnaires, the British, Irish, Portuguese, Italians, Greeks, Arabs, Swedes, Americans and people of other nationalities serve here. They all live and act under fictitious names.

A mercenary signs a contract to serve in the legion for 5 years, after which he can resign with false documents and under a false name. There are mercenaries in the legion who decided to stay in it for life. These people usually get a tattoo on their arm – “The Great Unknown”. There is no need to talk about the greatness of a professional killer, but as for the “unknown”, that’s for sure. Throughout his life, a legionnaire loses his name, the names of his father and mother, loses his nationality, loses his homeland. How scary it must be for a person to remain unknown among people all his life!

As a rule, those who are morally mature for this profession enter the legion. Many legionnaires have difficulty meeting the deadline set by the contract. There are also many who, having decided to end the craft of hired killers; fleeing camps and military formations.

To return deserters to the legion barracks, an extensive network of recruitment offices operates in a number of Western European countries. They were created in Marseille, Dusseldorf, Hamburg. Deserters are found. They are not asked to return. They say briefly: “They don’t just leave us. At best - to the next world..."

Over half a million lovers of military profit passed through the French Foreign Legion over the years of its existence. Tens of thousands of them laid down their lives in the name of the aggressive, colonialist interests of their masters.

In August 1985, teletypes carried the news that soldiers of the French Foreign Legion carried out an armed raid on the city of Kourou in Guiana, a French overseas department located in the northeastern part of South America.

The legionnaires were sent to Guiana, ostensibly to protect the rocket and space center located near Kourou. The city was also raided by legionnaires in 1984. Then there was only one explanation - to prevent, they say, the threat of an attack by local residents on the rocket and space center. This time the legionnaires burst into the city, destroying everything that came along the road, killing people.

After the legionnaires' raid on Kura, a mass protest rally took place in the city. Those gathered decided to create a committee, which they called: “French Foreign Legion—get out of Guiana!”

General Massu awards Lieutenant Le Pen.

At the beginning of 1985, France was rocked by a scandalous story. Major newspapers, television, and radio published materials about how in 1956-1957, during the Algerian colonial war, Foreign Legion lieutenant Jean-Marie Le Pen tortured independence fighters - members of the National Liberation Front - using the most barbaric means.

The revelation of Le Pen caused a great stir when it became known that the fanatical lieutenant of the Foreign Legion and the leader of the current neo-fascist National Front are one and the same person.

Today, Le Pen led the movement of the most reactionary forces in France. He is an ardent anti-communist. Today he is one of the leaders of the National Front and the father of Marine Le Pen.

86-year-old Jean-Marie Le Pen is known for his scandalous statements justifying the actions of the Nazi regime in Germany, as well as openly racist ideas. The hired killer became a full-blown fascist. This is natural. Another alarming thing is that his family, at the head of the far-right movement, is rushing into the European political arena.

And earlier, in the 80s of the last century, the progressive public of France and other European countries, into which the French Foreign Legion extends its tentacles, repeatedly demanded to disband the legion of murderers, liquidate its camps, and stop the recruitment of young people. But the legion is alive. It lives because it is needed as one of NATO’s striking forces to preserve the positions of the builders of mutocapitalism in those countries that until recently were the object of habitual colonial plunder for European powers.

The war in Mali and the deployment of the French contingent to this country gave rise to recall one of the most famous military formations in the world - the French Foreign Legion. This topic will be quite relevant for our compatriots, because many Russian guys are interested in how to get into a foreign legion.

In addition, our readers have access to.

History of the French Foreign Legion

First, a little history. The French Foreign Legion was founded under King Louis Philippe I in 1831. The reason for the creation of the Legion was the desire of France to include the territory of Algeria and, accordingly, the need for new combat-ready units.

The basis of the rank and file in the new combat unit was made up of natives of the countries of Southern and Western Europe, the officer corps was formed from veterans of Napoleon’s army. In this regard, traditions have been preserved to this day - only a French citizen can receive an officer rank in a foreign legion, while privates and sergeants are recruited all over the world.

The French Legion took part in more than three dozen major conflicts alone, from Mexico to Vietnam. The foreign legion proved itself most successfully in Africa and Indochina, where France’s positions and interests are traditionally strong. However, there was one sensitive defeat in his history. In the spring of 1954, Ho Chi Minh's superior troops managed to encircle and defeat French troops, including units of the foreign legion, in the Dien Bien Phu area.

Legionnaires in hot spots: Mali

Now the French Foreign Legion mainly performs peacekeeping functions. Although. If you want to test your strength, then try joining a foreign legion and get to the base in Djibouti. Apart from the specific climatic conditions that only a real man can withstand, it is really dangerous in this small country. And recent events surrounding the conflict in Mali have given some units of the French Foreign Legion a chance to prove themselves in battle with a serious enemy.

Some units of the legion are already in Mali and several are in a state of combat readiness to be sent to the conflict zone. The legionnaires in the war in Mali will be opposed by well-trained and well-armed Tuareg formations that have proclaimed the independent state of Azawad and Islamic radical Salafist militants from Al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb, Ansar Dine and other groups.

It must be said that among the fighters of the foreign legion there are quite a lot of Russian guys. They now face a difficult task - a new battle against global terrorism. One cannot underestimate the capabilities of Islamists in Africa and consider that Mali is too far from Russia. This African country has large deposits of uranium, and allowing extreme radicals, who are in principle incapable of dialogue with Christian civilization, to access the sources of such raw materials is suicidal.

Therefore, we should now wish military success to the Russian guys in the foreign legion. While they are waging war in Mali now, they are doing everything possible so that we do not have to fight it on the streets of Moscow and other Russian cities in the foreseeable future.

Legionary. Who is he?

There is a category of men for whom the adrenaline obtained in everyday life, even through extreme sports, is not enough. Young men who want to go through a real school that can mold them into men, but for whom the armed forces of their home country are not exotic and edgy enough.

Former career military personnel who have not yet reached the age of forty, who want to once again feel the incomparable smell of weapon steel and powder gases. Or just tough guys who are tired of the everyday hustle and bustle. All of these are potential legionnaires. By the way, unlike the early period, persons who have serious problems with the law in their country will not be able to enlist in the French Foreign Legion. Nowadays, information about the background of candidates is checked through Interpol channels.

French Foreign Legion. How to get there?

The French Foreign Legion provides the opportunity to join its ranks for almost everyone. To do this you must be:

  • - a man (women are not accepted into the Legion under any circumstances);
  • - aged 17 to 40 years (seventeen year olds will need parental permission certified by the French Embassy);
  • - physically fit for service in a foreign legion;
  • - holder of a valid passport and is legally present in France.

Immediately forget about all offers of “help” when entering a foreign legion. The President of France himself will not be able to influence the decision to enroll a candidate. Those who know French can search for information themselves using the query “legion etrangere recruitment”. First of all, you need to contact one of the information and recruitment centers in continental France.

They are in the following cities: Paris, Lille, Strasbourg, Nantes, Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Perpignan and Aubagne. Afterwards you will have a preliminary interview and an initial medical examination at the selection center in Paris. Then the main selection stage begins at the base in Aubagne near Marseille.

Candidates for admission to the foreign legion undergo three types of tests: - psychotechnical. You will be asked many questions about attention, memory and logical thinking, as well as about your background in additional tests. At this stage, it is extremely important to answer truthfully; believe me, experienced psychologists will quickly be able to recognize deception and then your chances of admission will be close to zero. By the way, think again if you want to appear “too smart” on tests. Still, the Legion is not Oxford. - in-depth medical examination.

Be prepared for the fact that close attention will be paid to the health of your teeth, so we recommend visiting your dentist in advance. It is also necessary to have a medical card with you. There is no chance of admission to the French Legion for candidates suffering from such serious diseases as hepatitis, HIV, diabetes and some others. - physical tests.

You will be asked to pass fairly easy standards, for example, to do at least 4 pull-ups on the bar, to climb without the help of your legs to a five-meter height on a rope, to do a standard abdominal exercise 40 times, as well as a running standard: shuttle running or endurance running (at least 2800 meters in 12 minutes). As you can see, the standards are inferior even to the requirements adopted by the RF Armed Forces.

If you are not accepted, you will be given monetary compensation - about 30 euros per day of being a candidate. If there are no problems at this stage, then you can be congratulated on finding a new family - Etrangere Legion! After signing a five-year contract, you receive an “anonymous document” - a document in which your name, date and place of birth will be changed. By the end of the first year of service, those who wish can submit an application and, if considered positively, serve in the legion under their own name.

Material side. Salary, benefits of foreign players

Those who want to earn money are interested in the salary in the foreign legion. Don't believe it if they tell you about mountains of gold. Only a private who enlists will be able to earn at least 1,043 euros, and will also receive free accommodation and food. In addition, there are a number of allowances depending on the region of service, participation in hostilities, length of service, and rank.

Today, the highest paid unit is the 13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion, stationed in Djibouti. An ordinary legionnaire of 13 DBLE after a year of service can count on at least 3,500 euros per month in “net” salary. Although, Russian legionnaires who are now fighting Islamists in Mali may have even larger bonuses.

Legion soldiers are entitled to annual leave of 45 working days. Those who have served for 3 years have the right to apply for French citizenship. Legionnaires who were wounded in a military operation have an unconditional right to obtain French citizenship. For eight years of impeccable service, a substantial bonus in the amount of two annual salaries is awarded. Those who have served in the French Foreign Legion for more than 19 years guarantee themselves a lifelong pension of at least a thousand euros.

Service in the Foreign Legion

So, after being accepted into the ranks of the French Foreign Legion, you will have to go through the training phase on the basis of the 4th regiment. During this time, you will learn the traditions of the French Legion, undergo mountain and technical training, and complete a number of difficult forced marches. Be prepared for the fact that the loads may exceed those familiar to those who have gone through our “trainings”. Not everyone is able to withstand them and become a full-fledged fighter of the foreign legion. The final test will be the “March of the White Caps,” during which recruits will have to overcome more than 100 km of rough terrain in full gear.

After this, return to Aubagne before assignment to the unit and place of permanent deployment. At the moment, the French Foreign Legion includes 11 regiments. 7 of them have permanent locations in mainland France, and there is also a parachute regiment in Corsica, an infantry regiment guarding the French spaceport in Guiana, a unit in the Comoros Islands and a semi-brigade in Djibouti.

In addition, parts of the legion can be quickly transferred to anywhere in the world, as they are now in Mali, for example. A career in a foreign legion is made solely on the basis of success in service. According to statistics, every fourth legionnaire eventually becomes a non-commissioned officer, and every tenth reaches the officer rank.

Absolutely every legionnaire is a superbly trained fighter. At the same time, the positions of a cook, musician, computer scientist or paramedic are also replenished from the legion, without the involvement of outsiders. Soldiers are given the opportunity to leave the unit's location after 17:00, but must be present at the morning formation at six o'clock. However, we should not forget that the Foreign Legion is not an institution for noble maidens, but a place where real military professionals are forged, and accordingly, not everyone will have the strength to be fired.

People from 136 countries of the world serve in the legion, which means that manifestations of racism are a direct path to expulsion. In much the same way that the traditions of “compatriotism” were strong in the Soviet Army, they are also strong in the foreign legion. A significant percentage of the total number are people from Slavic countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia and others. Naturally, they try to stick together and help each other.

Many Russian guys are naturally interested in issues related to hazing. Of course, as in any army in the world, this phenomenon is present to some extent in the French Foreign Legion, but on a much smaller scale than in our army. In addition, the command, to put it mildly, does not welcome manifestations of hazing. During working hours it is customary to speak French. Please note that the relationship between sergeants and privates differs from those in the post-Soviet space. Especially if you want to serve in the legion longer.

Foreign Legion units

In total, about 7,500 people serve in the French Foreign Legion. This is not very much, but the highest professionalism of everyone, from private to brigadier general, makes the French Legion a formidable fighting force in conflicts of any level.

One of the most exotic places of service is the Kourou base in French Guiana, where the 3 REI (3rd Legion Infantry Regiment) is stationed. This military unit is responsible for protecting the cosmodrome. Those who get there should prepare in advance for the difficult tropical climate, swamps and hordes of insects. This will be felt especially acutely by those who will undergo an internship at the C.E.P.E camp. in the middle of the equatorial forest. Think carefully about whether you are up to such a test?

More comfortable living conditions, but no less simple service, are promised by assignment to the 2nd Parachute Regiment in Corsica. Despite the fact that there will be many bars and cafes at your service right on the territory of the unit, you will not be allowed to forget for a minute that you are a Legionnaire and what stands behind this proud name. 2 R.E.P. - this is a regiment in which they try to gather the best of the best. Each battalion of the regiment has its own narrow specialization, from night operations and urban assault to mountain and sabotage operations.

The oldest unit that carefully preserves the traditions of the Legion is the 1st Regiment, located in Aubagne and working with recruits. The main administrative services are concentrated here.

There is also a kind of “academy” for officers and sergeants. This is the 4th Regiment, stationed at Castelnaudary in France. Young legionnaires are also trained here.

The 1st Armored Cavalry Regiment is located in Orange and is considered a powerful offensive unit within the Legion. The regiment regularly goes on combat missions to different parts of the planet.

The 2nd Infantry Regiment is also ready to promptly leave the French city of Nimes and arrive at the new place of duty.

The only unit of the Legion that does not leave continental France in peacetime is located in Avignon. This is the 1st Engineer Regiment, which is considered one of the best of its kind in the world. It also includes a unit of elite swimmers-saboteurs.

The 13th semi-brigade in Djibouti is another place where not every physically and psychologically strong man can endure service.

There is also a small special unit in the Comoros - D.L.E.M.

In some of these regiments and units of the French Foreign Legion, the service is a little easier, in others it is more difficult, but in each of them they train first-class specialists, and the path to this lies through hard daily training, sweat and possibly blood.

Russian traditions in the French legion

After the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and the defeat of the white movement in the civil war, the ranks of the legion were replenished by a significant number of former officers of the tsarist army, distinguished by excellent training and discipline. Largely thanks to the Russians, France was able to achieve great success in the conflicts of the 20s against the Tuaregs, Druze, Kabyles and other rebel tribes of Africa.

It was not without reason that recruiters began the hunt for tsarist officers immediately after Wrangel’s squadron entered the port of Constantinople. Five representatives of that generation received general ranks in the French Foreign Legion.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the number of Russians in the Legion began to grow again. Basically, these were not novices in military affairs, but retired officers of the Soviet Army or retired sergeants, who often had experience in combat operations, including in Africa - Angola and other countries.

Joining the French Foreign Legion for Russian boys in those years was a chance to start life from scratch. Much was falling apart in our army and society, however, when the Motherland again needed real defenders, many legionnaires returned to defend Russia during the wars in Chechnya, without demanding any payment for it.

No matter what unit of the Legion the Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians served in - everywhere they were one of the best fighters, the most persistent and well-trained. And now we wish good luck to the brave Russian guys in the French foreign legion in their fight against Al-Qaeda and their allies in Mali, a country otherwise nicknamed “African Afghanistan.”

Although, is it worth looking for a distant shore if we have formations and branches of troops that are at least no less legendary, for example, the special forces of the Internal Troops, military intelligence. Try to first go through before talking about the fact that in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine there is no worthy army elite.

Unusual, bright, curious military units of the world. French Foreign Legion. December 19th, 2013

"You and I have the same faith
Showed long paths.
Same Legionnaire Badge
On your chest and on mine.
No matter where fate throws you,
We will have dreams until our graves:
In the pinkish haze of the desert

The legion stands under arms."
N. Turoverov, Cossack poet and soldier of the Legion

Hello dears!
Today we will continue with you our story about the curious military units of the world and talk about one of the most famous such organizations - the French Foreign Legion (Legion etrangere). Let me remind you that last time we talked about the Swiss Papal Guard and you can see the post here:
But this elite branch of the French armed forces turned 182 years old this year. Serious age, you will agree.
The French Foreign Legion was created on March 9, 1831 by the last king of France, Louis Philippe I. The main units were also founded under him. Recruitment was carried out mainly among foreigners, and if the French were accepted, then they experienced serious friction with the law. It was not customary to ask the recruit's first and last name. The Legion operated exclusively outside its own country

Legion today...

The new unit was first used in the operation to conquer Algeria and since then has participated in all wars and conflicts in which France has been involved. The last time the legion’s forces showed their high efficiency was during the cleansing of Mali from gangs in the summer of 2013.
The first serious and well-deserved glory came to the legionnaires during the Mexican expedition of 1863, in the so-called “Battle of Cameron”.

Then a small detachment under the command of the mutilated (without one arm) captain Jean Danjou held back 10 times superior enemy forces for 24 hours. The entire detachment died, down to the last man, but completed the task and did not give up their positions. Since then, the legion has gained fame as a valiant and effective unit. By and large, in all the years of its history, the legion suffered a significant defeat only once - at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 in Vietnam. But this is Vietnam, and the Americans broke their teeth there. At that time, 75% of the legion consisted of former SS men who were trying to atone for past sins and start a new life.

Captain Danju.

Nowadays the French Foreign Legion consists of 7 regiments, one semi-brigade and 1 special detachment.
- The 1st foreign regiment is stationed in the city of Aubagne, near Marseille. The command of the foreign legion is also located there;
- The 1st Foreign Armored Cavalry Regiment is located in the city of Orange (Vaucluse department);
- The 1st foreign engineer regiment is located on the territory of the commune of Laudan-L’Ardoise (Vaucluse department);
- The 2nd foreign engineer regiment is located on the territory of the commune of San Cristol (Vaucluse department);
- The 2nd foreign infantry regiment is located in the city of Nimes (Gard department);
- The 3rd foreign infantry regiment is located in the city of Kourou (overseas department of French Guiana);
- The 4th Foreign Regiment is located in the city of Castelnaudary (Aude department), a training regiment of the Foreign Legion;
- The 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment is stationed in the city of Calvi on the island of Corsica (Haute Corsica department) And this is the “coolest”, most famous unit of the entire legion;
- 13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion, located in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
And finally, a special unit of the foreign legion is located on the island of Mayot, Commore Islands (in the Indian Ocean).

Legion headquarters in Aubagne

The total number of the legion today is about 7,500 people. The commander is Brigadier General Christophe de Sant-Chamas.
The principle of admission to the legion has remained unchanged for many years: only a single man (women are not allowed) aged 17 to 40 can enroll as a private.

The selection is very tough. Usually there is a competition of about 20 people per place. This is how one of the former legionnaires describes the admission procedure: “ Before you pass, you will be asked for documents. You need to present something official: a passport, driving license, for example. In short, a document, preferably with a photo. Even if it is a fake - I knew some of those who “surrendered” from false documents or forged passports - it worked. If the documents suit the corporal chief, you go inside. There they begin to ask you questions regarding your personality and the goals of your parish».

Foreign Legion in Mali.

Now your family is legion, and you have a new name. The entire past life remains outside the recruiting station. If you have passed the tests, and they are severe: physics, psychology, psychological tests (maniacs and people who have a very, very serious relationship with the law, now do not pass into the legion - the choice is already large), then the first minimum contract is concluded for 5 years.

When taking the oath, you need to understand that your old life is over - you will have no connections with the outside world at the first stage of your service. You must strictly follow the rules of the charter and maintain iron discipline. For example, a legionnaire receives the right to wear civilian clothes outside of service only after 5 years. You can only get married with the permission of the commander and only if you have become a sergeant or senior corporal or have served in the rank of legionnaire for more than 10 years. After 3 years of service, a legionnaire has the right to apply for French citizenship. If a legionnaire is wounded while on duty, he can obtain citizenship regardless of his length of service in the legion.

On guard of France and the world.

At the end of the first contract, you can continue it or stop serving in the legion.
After recent reforms, a legionnaire can only count on retirement after 19 years of service. The legion has its own rest homes, a veterans' organization and a nursing home. Only a person who has served faithfully in the legion can get there.
By the way, not everyone can withstand the harsh conditions of service - and the legion has its own deserters. But they are not hunted for (as shown in the famous film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme).
The financial issue is also important. A legionnaire's first salary is about 800 euros per month. Further - more. They say that during the period of hostilities, even ordinary soldiers earn very good sums.

Flag and coat of arms.

The legion has long-standing symbols. The banner is green and red, with red always on top. Green symbolizes the country, red symbolizes blood, and one of the unofficial mottos of the organization is “Blood for the country!”
The legion's coat of arms is a grenade with seven flames.

Legion unit insignia

The official motto of the organization is the Latin expression “Legio Patria Nostra”, which can be translated as “The Legion is our Fatherland”.
The unofficial anthem of the organization is the song "Le Boudin", which is always sung while standing at attention!

Legion Pioneer

An ordinary legionnaire has 7 types of uniform: two camouflages, dress and casual. The everyday uniform, which is worn only inside the unit, is made of thin mouse-colored material. With the ceremonial and everyday uniform, the legionnaire wears a green beret with the unit badge (the legion's coat of arms on the right). Shoes - high landing boots. The casual uniform is intended for going out into the city (for those who are allowed to): shirt, trousers and shoes.
The dress uniform is slightly different. First of all, this is a high white cap (Képi blanc) - one of the symbols of the soldiers of the legion (for officers and non-commissioned officers the cap has only a white top), a special blue wide belt, as well as green shoulder straps with red epaulettes. True, the uniform of the engineering units, which are called pioneers, or sappers, is very different. Pioneers in the legion always grow a beard, and their dress uniform is complemented by white gloves, an apron of rough orange leather and an ax. At the parade, sappers always go first, even in front of the orchestra.

Legion parade in Aubagne under ""Le Boudin"

About the parade step. For legionnaires it is seriously different. While other army units march at a speed of 120 steps per minute, the legion takes only 88. This is due to the fact that the African deployment areas often had sandy soils, which made it difficult to march at a high pace. From the outside it looks as if the legion is in no hurry.
Many of our compatriots served in the ranks of the legion. Of the most famous, I will single out Zinovy ​​​​Peshkov - an international adventurer, brother of Ya. Sverdlov and godson of Maxim Gorky; Lieutenant General of the Tsarist Army B. Khreschatitsky and one of the most interesting marshals of the Soviet Union - Rodion Malinovsky.

Rodion Malinovsky before leaving for France.

I’ll finish the story with the second article of the “code of honor of the legion,” which expresses the whole essence of this military organization: “ Every legionnaire is your brother in arms, regardless of his citizenship, nationality, training and religion. You must demonstrate this unwavering solidarity at all times and everywhere.».

Military history has many pages in which various military formations are mentioned that are directly involved in hostilities and are located in the hottest spots of our planet. The most famous among them is the French Foreign Legion. This is a truly legendary military unit, whose military glory is covered in various myths and stories. Many books have been written about this elite unit and dozens of films have been made. For entire generations of men, service in this unit was considered the ultimate dream. Many have dreamed and continue to dream about how to become legionnaires and quickly put on a special military uniform. However, in reality, instead of bravado and ostentatious gloss, the foreign legion is hard service and work associated with constant risk and danger. Is a person ready to voluntarily give up all the advantages that civilian life promises, starting his military career in accordance with the harsh and strict military regulations?

You can refer to weighty arguments in favor of making such a decision: a good salary, full social security, the opportunity to subsequently obtain French citizenship. However, for all this one has to pay a high price: personal freedom, hard physical labor and deprivation, and finally, constant danger and threat to life, despite the fact that the romance of military service, future privileges and decent pay are serious motivations.

French Foreign Legion - what is it really?

It should be noted right away that the legion is not a club of interests in which everyone does what they want. This is a full-fledged military unit belonging to the armed forces of the French Republic. Not only the military regulations apply here, but also a number of provisions that regulate the procedure for serving. Unlike traditional armed forces, the legion has a different recruitment and recruiting system. The military personnel of this unit undergo a completely different, exorbitant level of training. Subsequent service in the legion takes place in conditions as close as possible to combat, in various parts of the planet.

Only representatives of the stronger sex can become legionnaires. Women are not allowed to serve in the foreign legion!

The history of this legendary military unit goes back less than two hundred years. In 1831, King Louis Philippe I of France undertook an adventurous military operation in North Africa. The military campaign, according to the plan of the French court, was supposed to divert the attention of civil society from internal problems in the state. The purpose of the military expedition to Algeria was the declared expansion of the borders of the colonial empire.

This dubious event required a significant number of troops, which France clearly did not have enough at that time. In addition, the French generals were not delighted with the military adventure of the French king and in every possible way opposed sending units of the regular French army to overseas possessions. Life itself suggested a way out of this situation.

France in the first half of the 19th century was going through hard times. The economy was in decline and the country's population was in dire straits. The consequences of fifteen years of continuous wars that France waged under Napoleon Bonaparte were felt. A huge number of idle males appeared inside the country, looking for any ways and opportunities to improve their plight, without disdaining robbery. Neither the police, nor the gendarmerie, nor the army could cope with such negative phenomena. The only way out of this situation was a royal decree on the creation of a new paramilitary unit under the leadership of French officers, which could be staffed by people who had problems with the law.

In this way, it was possible to immediately solve two problems:

  • by legalization, remove criminal and unreliable elements from the streets of French cities and roads;
  • gather the required number of people for subsequent training and sending to the colonies.

The only condition stipulated in the royal decree was that the newly created paramilitary force could not be used on the territory of the metropolis. As a result of such actions, in just a few months the required number of people was recruited through recruitment centers. The set did not have any special requirements. The recruits were neither asked for their name nor their social background. To become a legionnaire, a man from the street only had to be in reasonable health and have an idea of ​​how to hold a gun.

Shortly after the first months of basic military training, recruits were sent to Algeria to suppress the uprising of local natives and to participate in the expansion of colonial possessions. The new army was given the name Foreign Legion.

The first combat experience showed that the chosen tactics were completely justified. Legionnaires, unlike regular army soldiers, knew what they were fighting for. Having shown enviable ingenuity, tenacity and perseverance on the battlefield, the soldiers and officers of the foreign legion were able to quickly suppress not only pockets of rebel Arabs, but also establish a strict and harsh colonial regime in the colony. From that moment on, the foreign legion began to be involved in almost all wars waged by France. In the 19th century, legionnaires had to fight in Spain and Mexico. The French Foreign Legion also took part in the Crimean War, fighting Russian troops near Sevastopol.

In the next 20th century, legionnaires became participants in the largest military conflicts that affected not only France, but also shocked the whole world. The conquest of Indochina, participation in military operations in the French colonies in Madagascar, Morocco, then the First World War. Everywhere, in the most dangerous areas, soldiers and officers of the foreign legion were involved. The French Foreign Legion became a kind of special forces that solved the most complex tactical and strategic problems. At some points, the number of units of the Foreign Legion was about 50 thousand people. The soldiers of this unit had to serve in various parts of the world, from isolated islands in the Pacific Ocean to the dense jungles of South America and tropical Africa.

The essence of the Foreign Legion as a unit and how to get into it

Despite the fact that the Foreign Legion is officially part of the French army, in reality it is a separate military unit reporting directly to the head of state. At first it was the King of France, then the Emperor, and in modern times - the President of the French Republic. Neither army regulations nor orders of the Minister of Defense apply here. Today the legion has its own developed infrastructure. Each regiment that is part of the legion has its own quarters, with barracks, headquarters and even its own guardhouse. At its core, it is a closed organization, reminiscent in its structure of medieval orders of knighthood.

The legion is financed from the state treasury and through sponsorship. A significant part of the Foreign Legion's budget comes from financial and economic groups and lobbyists, who have great weight in the domestic and foreign policy of France. In other words, there are no permanent and fixed allocations for the maintenance of the legion. Unlike the regular French army, legionnaires do not have broad social government guarantees.

The French Foreign Legion is also distinguished by its military doctrine. There is an unspoken limitation on the equipment of the units that are part of the Foreign Legion. There are no full-fledged tank formations or its own aviation. Armed with armored personnel carriers, light artillery systems, and helicopters. The bulk of combat work has to be performed by infantry units. Today the legion includes:

  • one armored cavalry regiment;
  • two airborne units;
  • engineer regiment;
  • infantry and training regiments.

Some military units are stationed on the territory of continental France and on the island of Corsica. In the town of Aubagne, department of Bouches-du-Rhone, on the territory of the 1st regiment, the General Headquarters of the Foreign Legion is located. Other units are located in overseas territories controlled by France.

The procedure for recruiting military units belonging to the French Legion is curious. In contrast to previously used recruitment methods, when citizens with any reputation and any nationality could become legionnaires, today the conditions for recruitment into this elite unit have been tightened.

In order to become a legionnaire today, it is enough to know the mechanism of the admission procedure and have a relatively unblemished reputation. Gone are the days when the Legion was a convenient shelter for those who tried to hide from the law, even from another state. The main and main condition for starting the process is a voluntary desire, which must be shown along with your passport at the recruitment point. This is followed by a strict medical examination and assessment of your physical abilities. Today, the Legion is not ready to support soldiers who are in poor health and who do not fully understand what they will have to deal with. The first contract is signed for a period of 5 years, and the main article of the contract directly indicates that you will not have to sit out in the rear at a warm resort. The main function of legionnaires is to serve in hot spots, where the likelihood of hostilities and clashes is always high.

Not only a person of French origin, but also a foreigner can become a legionnaire. Over the years of the existence of this unit, representatives of more than 130 states served in the Foreign Legion. Only privates and sergeants are recruited into the Legion. Command at all stages is exercised by French officers, so French is the main command language.

After the end of the first contract, military personnel who have demonstrated valor, bravery and have an impeccable reputation receive either French citizenship or a residence permit in France. Having been wounded during operations, there is a chance to immediately receive not only French citizenship, but also a serious increase in salary. The service life of a legionnaire is limited only by the period of validity of the contract. In other words, if a legionnaire’s contract has expired and he is tired of fighting, he can leave. For those who served under the banners of the Foreign Legion for 19 years or more, a lifetime pension with the right to provide housing is assigned.

Despite the fact that today the number of military conflicts in which the French Foreign Legion participates is limited, the life of a legionnaire is not easy. In parallel with high salaries and relative living comfort in peacetime, soldiers of the foreign legion, as before, experience the hardships and hardships of military service to a double or triple extent.

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