Fullerenes: unexpected biological properties of carbon nanoparticles. Methods for obtaining and using fullerenes

The molecular form of carbon or its allotropic modification, fullerene, is a long series of atomic clusters C n (n > 20), which are convex closed polyhedra, built from carbon atoms and having pentagonal or hexagonal faces (there are very rare exceptions here). Carbon atoms in unsubstituted fullerenes tend to be in an sp 2 hybrid state with a coordination number of 3. In this way, a spherical conjugated unsaturated system is formed according to the theory of valence bonds.

General description

The most thermodynamically stable form of carbon under normal conditions is graphite, which looks like a stack of graphene sheets barely connected to each other: flat lattices consisting of hexagonal cells with carbon atoms at the tops. Each of them is bonded to three neighboring atoms, and the fourth valence electron forms a pi system. This means that fullerene is just such a molecular form, that is, the picture of the sp 2 hybrid state is obvious. If geometric defects are introduced into a graphene sheet, a closed structure will inevitably form. For example, such defects are five-membered cycles (pentagonal faces), which are just as common along with hexagonal ones in carbon chemistry.

Nature and technology

Obtaining fullerenes in their pure form is possible through artificial synthesis. These compounds continue to be intensively studied in different countries, establishing the conditions under which their formation occurs, and the structure of fullerenes and their properties are also being considered. The scope of their application is expanding more and more. It turned out that a significant amount of fullerenes is contained in soot, which is formed on graphite electrodes in an arc discharge. No one had seen this fact before.

When fullerenes were obtained in the laboratory, carbon molecules began to be found in nature. In Karelia they were found in samples of shungites, in India and the USA - in furulgites. Carbon molecules are also abundant and common in meteorites and sediments at the bottom, which are at least sixty-five million years old. On Earth, pure fullerenes can be formed during a lightning discharge and during the combustion of natural gas. taken over the Mediterranean Sea were studied in 2011, and it turned out that fullerene was present in all the samples taken - from Istanbul to Barcelona. The physical properties of this substance cause spontaneous formation. Also, huge quantities of it have been discovered in space - both in gaseous and solid form.


The first experiments in the isolation of fullerenes occurred through condensed graphite vapors, which were obtained by laser irradiation of solid graphite samples. It was possible to obtain only traces of fullerenes. It was not until 1990 that chemists Huffman, Lamb and Kretschmer developed a new method for extracting fullerenes in gram quantities. It involved burning graphite electrodes with an electric arc in a helium atmosphere and at low pressure. The anode was eroded, and soot containing fullerenes appeared on the walls of the chamber.

Next, the soot was dissolved in toluene or benzene, and grams of pure C70 and C60 molecules were released in the resulting solution. Ratio - 1:3. In addition, the solution contained two percent of heavy fullerenes of higher order. Now all that was left to do was to select the optimal parameters for evaporation - atmospheric composition, pressure, electrode diameter, current, and so on, in order to achieve the highest yield of fullerenes. They made up approximately twelve percent of the anode material itself. This is why fullerenes are so expensive.


All attempts by scientific experimenters at first were in vain: productive and cheap methods for producing fullerenes were not found. Neither the combustion of hydrocarbons in a flame nor chemical synthesis led to success. The electric arc method remained the most productive, making it possible to obtain about one gram of fullerenes per hour. Mitsubishi has established industrial production by burning hydrocarbons, but their fullerenes are not pure - they contain oxygen molecules. And the mechanism of formation of this substance itself still remains unclear, because the processes of arc combustion are extremely unstable from a thermodynamic point of view, and this greatly hinders the consideration of the theory. The only irrefutable facts are that fullerene collects individual carbon atoms, that is, C 2 fragments. However, a clear picture of the formation of this substance has not been formed.

The high cost of fullerenes is determined not only by the low yield during combustion. Isolation, purification, separation of fullerenes of different masses from soot - all these processes are quite complex. This is especially true for the separation of the mixture into separate molecular fractions, which is carried out using liquid chromatography on columns and high pressure. At the last stage, the remaining solvent is removed from the already solid fullerene. To do this, the sample is kept under dynamic vacuum conditions at temperatures up to two hundred and fifty degrees. But the plus is that during the development of fullerene C 60 and its production in macro quantities, organic chemistry acquired an independent branch - the chemistry of fullerenes, which became incredibly popular.


Fullerene derivatives are used in various fields of technology. Fullerene films and crystals are semiconductors that exhibit photoconductivity under optical irradiation. C60 crystals, if doped with alkali metal atoms, go into a state of superconductivity. Fullerene solutions have nonlinear optical properties, and therefore can be used as the basis for optical shutters, which are necessary for protection against intense radiation. Fullerene is also used as a catalyst for the synthesis of diamonds. Fullerenes are widely used in biology and medicine. There are three properties of these molecules at work here: lipophilicity, which determines membranotropicity, electron deficiency, which gives the ability to interact with free radicals, as well as the ability to transfer their own excited state to the ordinary oxygen molecule and convert this oxygen into singlet.

Such active forms of the substance attack biomolecules: nucleic acids, proteins, lipids. Reactive oxygen species are used in photodynamic therapy to treat cancer. Photosensitizers are introduced into the patient's blood, generating reactive oxygen species - fullerenes themselves or their derivatives. The blood flow in the tumor is weaker than in healthy tissues, and therefore photosensitizers accumulate in it, and after targeted irradiation, the molecules are excited, generating reactive oxygen species. cancer cells undergo apoptosis and the tumor is destroyed. Plus, fullerenes have antioxidant properties and trap reactive oxygen species.

Fullerene reduces the activity of HIV integrase, a protein that is responsible for integrating the virus into DNA, interacting with it, changing its conformation and depriving it of its main harmful function. Some of the fullerene derivatives interact directly with DNA and interfere with the action of restictases.

More about medicine

In 2007, water-soluble fullerenes began to be used for use as antiallergic agents. The studies were carried out on human cells and blood that were exposed to fullerene derivatives - C60(NEt)x and C60(OH)x. In experiments on living organisms - mice - the results were positive.

Already now, this substance is used as a drug delivery vector, since water with fullerenes (remember the hydrophobicity of C 60) penetrates the cell membrane very easily. For example, erythropoietin, introduced directly into the blood, degrades in significant quantities, and if it is used together with fullerenes, the concentration more than doubles, and therefore it enters the cell.

Physicists and chemists have found many uses for fullerenes: they are used in the synthesis of new compounds in optics and in the production of conductors. For a long time, there was ambiguous data about the biological properties of fullerenes: biologists either declared them toxic, or discovered the antioxidant properties of fullerenes and proposed using them in the treatment of such serious diseases as bronchial asthma.

Long-lived rats

In 2012, a publication was published that attracted the attention of gerontologists - specialists working on aging problems. In this work, Tarek Baati and co-authors * demonstrated impressive results - rats fed a suspension of fullerenes in olive oil lived twice as long as usual, and, in addition, showed increased resistance to toxic factors (such as carbon tetrachloride). The toxicity of this compound is due to its ability to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), which means that the biological effects of fullerenes can most likely be explained by their antioxidant properties (the ability to “intercept” and deactivate ROS).

* - The “biomolecule” has already talked about this in detail: « » . - Ed.

The connection between reactive oxygen species and processes occurring during aging is now virtually beyond doubt. From the 60s of the twentieth century, when the free radical theory of aging was formulated, until now, the amount of data confirming this point of view has only been accumulating. However, until now, not a single antioxidant - neither natural nor synthetic - has given such a striking increase in the life expectancy of experimental animals as in the experiments of Baati and colleagues. Even the “targeted action” antioxidants specially designed by the team led by Academician Skulachev - the so-called “Skulachev ions”, or compounds of the SkQ series - demonstrated less significant effects.

These substances are lipophilic positively charged molecules with an attached antioxidant “tail”, which, due to their structure, are able to accumulate in mitochondria (it is in these organelles of eukaryotic cells that reactive oxygen species are generated). However, compounds of the SkQ series extended the life of experimental mice by an average of only 30%.

Figure 2. Left- a mouse whose aging is slowed down thanks to the intake of “Skulachev ions”, right- mouse from the control group.

Why did fullerenes turn out to be so effective in the fight against aging?

Having asked this question, we began to consider the possibility of the existence of an additional mechanism of the biological action of fullerenes - in addition to the already known antioxidant one. A clue was discovered when studying one of the compounds of the SkQ series - SkQR1, containing a rhodamine residue. This connection belongs to the group protonophores- molecules capable of transferring protons from the intermembrane space through the membrane into the mitochondrial matrix, thus reducing the transmembrane potential (Δψ). As is known, it is this potential, which exists due to the difference in the content of protons on different sides of the membrane, that ensures the production of energy in the cell. However, it is also the source of ROS generation. In essence, reactive oxygen species here are akin to “toxic waste” from energy production. Although they have a number of useful functions, ROS are mainly a source of damage to DNA, lipids and many intracellular structures.

Figure 3. Scheme of the structure of mitochondria ( left), transfer of protons by organic acids - “soft uncouplers” ( in the center) - and dinitrophenol - the most famous of the “uncouplers” ( right).

There is evidence that some reduction in mitochondrial transmembrane potential may be beneficial for cells. Reducing it by just 10% leads to a 10-fold decrease in ROS production! There are so-called “soft uncouplers” that increase the proton conductivity of membranes, resulting in “uncoupling” of respiration and ATP phosphorylation.

Perhaps the most famous “uncoupler” is DNF, or 2,4-dinitrophenol (Fig. 3). In the 30s of the twentieth century, it was very actively used in the treatment of obesity. Actually, dinitrophenol is the first “fat burner” used in official medicine. Under its influence, the cell switches to an alternative metabolic pathway, triggering the “burning” of fats, and the energy received by the cell is not stored in ATP, as usual, but is emitted in the form of heat.

The search for easy ways to lose weight will always be relevant as long as representatives Homo sapiens will worry about their appearance; However, for our study, more interesting is the fact that such “soft uncouplers” reduce the production of ROS and, in small doses, can help prolong life.

The question arises: can fullerenes, in addition to antioxidant properties, also exhibit the properties of “carriers” of protons, thus acting on both sides at once? After all, the spherical fullerene molecule is hollow from the inside, which means that small particles, such as protons, can easily fit in it.

Modeling in silico: what physicists did

To test this hypothesis, the team of the Research Center “Nanoscale Structure of Matter” performed complex calculations. As in the story with the discovery of fullerene, in our study computer modeling preceded experiments. Modeling of the possibility of proton penetration into a fullerene and charge distribution in such a system was carried out on the basis of density functional theory (DFT). It is a widely used quantum chemical calculation tool that allows the properties of molecules to be calculated with high precision.

In the simulation, one or more protons were placed outside the fullerene, and then the most optimal configuration was calculated - one at which the total energy of the system would be minimal. The calculation results showed: protons can penetrate inside the fullerene! It turned out that up to six protons can accumulate inside the C 60 molecule at the same time, but the seventh and subsequent ones will no longer be able to penetrate inside and will be repelled - the fact is that the fullerene “charged” with protons acquires a positive charge (and, as is known, similarly charged particles repel ).

Figure 4. Distribution of positive charge inside the “fullerene + protons” system. From left to right: two, four or six protons inside a fullerene. The color indicates the charge distribution: from neutral ( red) to weakly positive ( blue).

This happens because protons penetrating inside the fullerene “ball” attract electron clouds of carbon atoms, which leads to charge redistribution in the “protons + fullerene” system. The more protons penetrate inside, the stronger the positive charge on the surface of the fullerene, while protons, on the contrary, are increasingly approaching neutral values. This pattern can also be seen in Figure 4: when the number of protons inside the sphere exceeds 4, they become neutral (yellow-orange color), and the surface of the fullerene becomes increasingly blue.

Initially, calculations were performed only in the “fullerene + protons” system (without taking into account the influence of other molecules). But in a cell, the fullerene is not in a vacuum, but in an aqueous environment filled with many compounds of varying degrees of complexity. Therefore, at the next stage of modeling, physicists added 47 water molecules surrounding the fullerene to the system and checked whether their presence would affect the interaction with protons. However, even in the presence of water, the model operated successfully.

Biologists confirm the hypothesis?

The news that fullerenes can adsorb protons, and even acquire a positive charge, inspired biologists. It seems that these unique molecules actually act in several ways at once: they inactivate reactive oxygen species (in particular, hydroxyl radicals, attaching them to numerous double bonds), target accumulation in mitochondria due to their lipophilic properties and acquired positive charge, and, on top of that, , reduce the transmembrane potential by transferring protons into mitochondria, like other “soft uncouplers” of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation.

To study the antioxidant properties of fullerenes, we used a system of rapid tests based on bioluminescent bacterial biosensors. Biosensors in this case are genetically modified bacteria capable of detecting an increase in the intracellular generation of ROS and “signaling” this to researchers. When creating biosensors in the genome of one of the harmless strains of Escherichia coli Escherichia coli an artificial construct is introduced, consisting of luminescence (glow) genes placed under the control of specific promoters- regulatory elements that “turn on” when the intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species increases, or under the influence of other stress factors - for example, when DNA is damaged. Once such a stress factor begins to act on the cell, the bacterium begins to glow, and by the level of this glow, the level of damage can be determined with sufficient accuracy.

Figure 5. Glowing bacteria on a Petri dish ( left) and the principle of operation of biosensors ( right).

Such modified strains are being developed at the State Research Institute of Genetics and are widely used in genetic toxicology in studying the mechanisms of action of radiation and oxidative stress, the action of antioxidants (in particular, SkQ1), as well as to search for new promising antioxidants among substances synthesized by chemists.

In our case, the use of a bacterial model is due to the following: bacteria, as is known, belong to prokaryotes, and their cells are simpler than eukaryotic ones. The processes occurring in the mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotes are realized directly in the cell membrane in prokaryotes; in this sense, bacteria are “their own mitochondria.” (The amazing similarity of the structure of these organelles with bacteria even served at one time as the basis for the so-called symbiotic theory of origin eukaryotes.) Consequently, such a model is quite suitable for studying the processes occurring in mitochondria.

The first results showed that an aqueous suspension of C60 fullerene, treated with ultrasound for more effective dissolution, when added to the culture of biosensors, increased their resistance to DNA damage by reactive oxygen species. The level of such damage in the experiment was 50–60% lower than in the control.

In addition, a decrease in the level of spontaneous production of superoxide anion radical in the cells of the SoxS-lux strain was recorded when a C60 suspension was added. The peculiarity of this strain is precisely the connection between the level of its luminescence and the amount of superoxide anion radical. This is exactly the effect that should be expected from a compound that acts on the principle of “soft uncouplers” - if the transmembrane potential decreases, then ROS (in particular, superoxide) will be produced in smaller quantities.

The results obtained are, of course, very preliminary, and work is still ongoing, which is why there is a question mark in the subtitle of this section. Time will tell if we can eventually replace it with a confident exclamation. One thing is clear - in the near future, fullerenes will inevitably be the focus of attention of scientific teams studying the problems of aging and searching for geroprotectors- substances that slow down aging. And who knows whether these tiny “balls” will become the hope for extending such a short human life?

The work was carried out in the laboratory of experimental mutagenesis and the laboratory of industrial microorganisms of the Research Institute of Biology of the Southern Federal University, as well as in the Research Center “Nanoscale Structure of Matter”, Southern Federal University, under the guidance of prof. A.V. Soldatova. The main results of modeling the “fullerene + protons” system and biological effects are described, respectively, in the works:

  1. Chistyakov V.A., Smirnova Yu.O., Prazdnova E.V., Soldatov A.V. (2013). Possible Mechanisms of Fullerene C60 Antioxidant Action. Biomed. Res. Int. 2013, 821498 and
  2. Prazdnova E.V., Chistyakov V.A., Smirnova Yu.O., Soldatov A.V., Alperovich I.G. (2013). Possible Mechanisms of Fullerene C60 Antioxidant Action. In: II German-Russian Interdisciplinary Workshop “Nanodesign: Physics, Chemistry and Computer modeling”. Rostov-on-Don, 2013, 23.


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In 1985, a molecule consisting of 60 carbon atoms, arranged like a football, was discovered - a fullerene, named after the engineer Richard Fuller, who became famous for designs of this particular shape. Besides its amazingly symmetrical shape, this molecule, which is the third (after diamond and graphite) allotropic form of carbon, has turned out to be something of a philosopher's stone of the alchemists.

Until recently, it never ceases to amaze scientists with its extremely low toxicity (especially in comparison with nanotubes that have a similar structure) and other amazing properties. The mechanisms of interaction of fullerenes with cells are not yet clear, but the result can truly be called magic.

This is not a complete list of those properties that have interested doctors and biologists. Fullerene and its derivatives can be used:

  • to protect the body from radiation and ultraviolet radiation;
  • for protection against viruses and bacteria;
  • for protection against allergies. Thus, in in vivo experiments, the administration of fullerene derivatives inhibits anaphylaxis in mice, and no toxic effect is observed;
  • as a substance that stimulates the immune system;
  • as a powerful antioxidant because it is an active radical scavenger. The antioxidant activity of fullerene is comparable to the effect of antioxidants of the SkQ class (“Skulachev ions”) and is 100–1000 times greater than the effect of conventional antioxidants, such as vitamin E, butylated hydroxytoluene, β-carotene;
  • as drugs to combat cancer;
  • to inhibit angiogenesis;
  • to protect the brain from alcohol;
  • to stimulate nerve growth;
  • to stimulate skin regeneration processes. Thus, fullerene is an important component of GRS and CEFINE anti-aging cosmetic products;
  • to stimulate hair growth;
  • as a drug with anti-amyloid action.

In addition, fullerene can be used to deliver various medicinal substances into cells and non-viral delivery of genetic vectors into the cell nucleus.

It would seem that there is nowhere else to expand this list, but recently it was replenished with another, perhaps the most surprising and incomprehensible, quality of C60 fullerene. In a study of the toxicity of C60 fullerene dissolved in olive oil, French researchers found that rats regularly receiving a solution of C60 fullerene live longer than those given just olive oil or a regular diet. (A brief retelling can be read in the article “Olive oil with fullerenes - the elixir of youth?” - VM.)

Dissolution in oil dramatically increases the effectiveness of C60 fullerene, since its large aggregates (16 or more molecules) are not able to penetrate into cells.

At the same time, life expectancy increased not by just 20-30%, as in experiments with the best “medicines for old age” (such as resveratrol or rapamycin), but by no less than twice! Half of the animals receiving fullerene lived up to 60 months (the oldest rat lived up to 5.5 years). Moreover, in the control group (with a normal diet), the life expectancy of 50% of the animals was 30 months, and the oldest lived only up to 37 months. Animals given olive oil without fullerene lived slightly longer - 50% of them lived to 40 months, and the oldest rat lived to 58 months.

Survival diagram for rats fed: a regular diet (blue line), in addition to the diet, olive oil (red) and olive oil with C60 fullerene dissolved in it (black line). Drawing from.

The authors of the article attribute the life-giving effect of fullerene C60 to its antioxidant properties. However, it is possible that it may be associated with the ability of C60 fullerene to interact with vitamin A. It is known that retinoids (which include vitamin A) play an important role in the expression of key genes of the immune system, and that local synthesis of retinoids appears to play a key role in the regulation of embryogenesis and regeneration.

Unfortunately, these experiments were carried out on small groups of animals and therefore require careful verification. Considering the fact that purified fullerene C60, produced in Russia, costs only about 1,800 rubles per gram, repeating these experiments and clarifying the dosage and duration of the “treatment” is not so difficult. Something else is more difficult. Will this “aging therapy” be as effective for humans? After all, people are not rats, and there are dozens of examples of how a drug that works very effectively in experiments on mice turned out to be completely useless (if not harmful!) when the tests went into the clinic. Well, time will tell. It would also be interesting to compare the life-extension activity of fullerene C60 with its numerous water-soluble analogues synthesized in Russia recently.

Written based on the original article.


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Portal “Eternal Youth”

Properties... But first things first.

At the beginning - about shungite.

Shungite is a black mineral containing 93-98% carbon and up to 3-4% compounds of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and water. The ash of the mineral contains vanadium, molybdenum, nickel, tungsten, and selenium. The mineral received its name from the village of Shunga in Karelia, where its main deposits are located.

Shungite was formed from organic bottom sediments - sapropel - approximately 600 million years ago, and according to some sources - 2 billion years ago. These organic sediments (the corpses of crustaceans, algae and other snails), covered on top with ever new layers, gradually became compacted, dehydrated and sank into the depths of the earth. Under the influence of compression and high temperature, the metamorphization process took place. As a result of this process, amorphous carbon dispersed in the mineral matrix was formed in the form of globule-fullerenes characteristic of shungite.

Now about fullerenes

What is this fullerene contained in shungite? Fullerenes are a type of carbon. So, from school we remember that carbon has several forms:

  • diamond,
  • graphite,
  • coal.

Fullerenes are just another form of carbon. It differs in that fullerene molecules are globule balls of regular polyhedra, composed of molecules of the same carbon:

But why are fullerenes so useful?

Fullerenes are used in semiconductor technology, for a variety of research (optics, quantum mechanics), photoresistance, in the field of superconductors, in mechanics for the manufacture of substances to reduce friction, in battery technology, in the synthesis of diamonds, in the manufacture of photo batteries and many other industries. Of which one is for the manufacture of medicines.

And again we return to our question - Why are fullerenes so useful?? Here you can contact Grigory Andrievsky, who is working with a group of scientists at the Institute of Therapy of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine on exactly this issue. In his research, the scientist revealed what was what.

Thus, fullerenes in shungite are in a special form - hydrated. That is, they are combined with water and can dissolve in water. Accordingly, fullerenes can be washed out of shungite and form fullerene solution- the only one active form of fullerenes for today.

Next, aqueous solutions of fullerenes are powerful antioxidants. That is, they, like vitamins E and C (and other substances), help the body deal with free radicals- substances that are formed in the body during inflammatory processes and very aggressively interact with the substances surrounding them - destroying the structures necessary for the body. But, unlike vitamins, fullerenes are not consumed when neutralizing free radicals - and can make them safe until they are removed from the body naturally.

Accordingly, the amounts of fullerenes that effectively work as antioxidants can be found in the body in much smaller quantities than vitamins. Compared to them

fullerenes can work in ultra-low doses.

Accordingly, using aqueous solutions of fullerenes, you can reduce the number of free radicals in the body - and help the body cope with negative processes. What, in fact, is what shungite water does - that same aqueous solution of fullerenes.

And a very important addition from Grigory Andrievsky regarding the healing properties of shungite fullerenes:

So far, only experiments have been carried out on volunteers, including myself. Therefore, one should not fuel the hype and instill unrealistic hopes in patients. Yes, we have promising results from basic research, mostly in animals and cell cultures. But until the drugs and methods have been tested and tested in the prescribed manner, we have neither the moral nor any other right to call them drugs and therapeutic methods.

And finally, to shungite water

Shungite water - let's return to it. There are two opposing opinions about the preparation and use of shungite water.

The first was voiced by Ph.D. chem. Sciences O. V. Mosin (Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after M. V. Lomonosov):

Water, infused with shungite, becomes not just clean drinking water, but also a molecular colloidal solution of hydrated fullerenes, which belong to a new generation of medicinal and prophylactic agents with a multifaceted effect on the body.

The second opinion on the use of shungite is voiced by the director of the Institute of Geology of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geology. n. Vladimir Shchiptsov:

It has been proven that shungite purifies water, but only if it is included as a component in special filters. Water infused simply with a piece of mineral can even be harmful - as a result of a chemical reaction, essentially a low-concentrated acid solution is formed.

So, to prepare shungite water, do you need to infuse the water with the mineral or pass it through special filters? Let's delve into the topic. And, since shungite water is an aqueous solution of fullerenes, we can’t get away from them.

Thus, fullerenes dissolve in water with great difficulty. But if they are dissolved, then around each fullerene ball a multilayer shell of regularly arranged water molecules, approximately ten molecular layers, is formed. This water, in other words hydration, shell around the fullerene molecule can be called structured water.

In its properties, the water surrounding the fullerene molecule differs significantly from ordinary water. And it is very similar to bound water in the cells of the body. So, in a living cell, in fact, there is very little ordinary, familiar free water. All water is connected to the molecules around it. And it is something like jelly. The mechanism for the formation of bound water in cells is similar to the mechanism for the formation of a water shell around a fullerene molecule.

Thus, in a solution of shungite water, two types of water can be distinguished:

  1. structured water surrounding fullerene molecules (like molecules of organic substances in cells),
  2. and free water.

When evaporating solutions, it is the free water that evaporates first. The same aqueous shell with a lower melting point is formed around DNA molecules in enzyme solutions. This makes them resistant to both freezing and heating.

So, let's return to two different methods of preparing shungite - infusion and passing through a layer of shungite. How are these methods different? They differ in contact time. That is, the time during which fullerenes can leave the shungite structure and form an aqueous solution.

As we mentioned earlier, fullerenes can work in ultra-low doses. That is, to form a truly effective solution of fullerenes, simply passing water through shungite or not infusing water for a very long time on shungite is sufficient.

Naturally, the intensity of dissolution of fullerenes from shungite depends on the degree of grinding of shungite granules. So, if you have a piece of stone weighing a kilogram, then you can steep the water for a long time :)

Since there are no completed scientific studies with unambiguous recommendations on the use of shungite, there is no exact pattern - how long to infuse (filter) through what size shungite granules to prepare a solution of fullerenes of the required concentration.

Accordingly, the only way out today is to experiment with shungite water on yourself.

And listen to your feelings. And, of course, change the effect if your health worsens or improves.

Write the results of your experiments!

We had to go a long way before we could offer you these waters.

Water SVETLA are the product of numerous studies by Russian and European scientists devoted to the study of the use of fullerenes in medicine for the treatment, prevention of diseases and aging of the human body.

Being a unique means for a comfortable life, health and wellness, fullerenes work real miracles. Their main effect in our body is the collection and neutralization of free radicals (oxidants), which have a destructive effect on the cells of our body. Fullerenes do not have a targeted therapeutic effect on a specific disease or organ, as is the case with the use of drugs. They act as long-term ones. Thus, helping to get rid of many diseases, and, more importantly, preventing their occurrence.

The list of diseases includes:

oncological diseases


It is these diseases, directly related to the attacks of free radicals, that antioxidants - fullerenes - help get rid of. We must not forget that they water is enriched, and water itself has amazing abilities and plays an important role in the healing process of the human body. As you know, we are 75% water. Without replenishing it in our body, we risk our health. It is also very important to drink water that is clean and has the correct composition, not passed through filters (reverse osmosis), but real living natural water. Only it carries life-giving energy for our body.

By combining these two very important properties - the intake of the purest water and the action of fullerenes, you will certainly achieve amazing results on the path to your health and longevity.

"SVETLA" medical dining room enhanced by additional effects inherent in Krainskaya water. It contains SO 4 sulfates - helping to cleanse and normalize the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, and pancreas. This water will also help in the treatment of diseases of the esophagus, urinary
pathways, chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretory function of the stomach, gastric ulcer, metabolic and digestive disorders after surgery.


To achieve the best results, we recommend drinking both waters throughout the year, but alternating their intake monthly - we drink one water for a month, and the second month -
another. At the same time, do not forget that “SVETLA” mineral medicinal table is drunk in 200 - 250 ml. before meals (15-20 minutes), and drinking “SVETLA” - 150-200 ml. 0.5 hour before meals. In both cases, 1.5 – 2.0 hours after eating, we recommend drinking an additional glass of still water “BioVita” or “Stelmas”.

A short and colorful experiment that answers the question “How to distinguish active water from dead water?” Let's compare a sample of common bottled water and Svetla water. For this, a colored solution is used - a carcinogen, which imitates the action of free radicals.

We speed up the recording to see the results faster...

How the activity of Svetla water can affect our health. Our body consists of trillions of cells living in the intercellular space (IS) where water, not blood, brings nutrition. The cells, having generated energy, carry toxins into it, which also enter it with the blood. MP is loaded, poisoned, energy is lost, we get sick. Toxins, as you have seen, are most quickly crushed and removed by Svetla water. The MP is cleansed, the cells produce more vital energy, the immune system is strengthened, antiviral protection increases, the risk of cancer is removed, and much more.

Dirty cage

Clean cage

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