I want to find an English tutor. Where to find a good English tutor? Who is a tutor

The article was written by an English language tutor who has been successfully working with clients for more than 5 years, so the information is relevant, first-hand. Here you will get answers to the following questions:

  • what is the role of the tutor in the educational process;
  • what goals to set for yourself;
  • how to find the teacher you need.

Who is a tutor?

Tutor- this is, first of all, mentor, mentor. This is a person who will show you the direction, correct your mistakes and charge you with energy and enthusiasm to study on your own. All.

The tutor should not do homework for your children or communicate with you informally, in a familiar way. The lessons should maintain a friendly atmosphere, business communication, and mutual respect.

I am convinced that a professional English tutor will not chat in Russian on abstract topics during lessons, give tasks to complete or turn on, and immerse himself in reading a tablet. A real teacher will not raise his voice at your children. I understand that life always makes its own adjustments, but if there is a non-working atmosphere in the lesson, the tutor should leave.

Do you need an English tutor?

The best and most cost-effective solution is to start learning English on your own, read, buy any teaching aid with answers for self-test, expand your vocabulary to, and also watch. And only then, having reached intermediate, find someone with work experience and good reviews. On the other hand, studying with a tutor from scratch will make progress faster, but this option will be more expensive.

A good tutor is only 20% of your success. 80% is your motivation and availability of free time. I am often asked, . And I already have a good answer ready. In the appendix to my diploma it is written that we studied English 2846 hours. So, in order for me to have time to teach the Inyazov program in your favorite intensity mode (twice a week for 90 minutes), I will need 16 years old. And this does not take into account the school curriculum and related disciplines at the university. Do you still want to “learn English in a month”?

💡 Answer yourself the question, why do you need English , and then read the typical answers below. Do you recognize yourself in a certain profile? In certain cases you need to think twice. 💡

1) To pass a test or international exam, for example , FCE, . Great! You are most likely well motivated and know why you are taking this or that test. In the average untreated case, you should start studying a year before you are supposed to take the exam.

2) For work. Commendable! But keep in mind that only you know the specifics of your work; the tutor does not know it. Most business English textbooks are about 10 percent useful, unless of course you work as a guide or in a call center. In other words, you will get more from reading professional literature and. You can find a tutor specifically for these purposes. At the same time, improve your spoken English.

3) Pass an interview in English or any other short-term order. You have excellent motivation, you are ready for brainstorming and intensive training! You definitely need a tutor. However, not everyone can afford urgent orders, because the teacher’s schedule is usually drawn up a year in advance! On the other hand, at lunchtime you are always welcome.

4) For study. Very good, especially if classes are supposed to be with a student. Stable and regular exercise brings rich fruits in the future. Perhaps, by the 11th grade, the student will know the language almost at the level of a language university, and he will not have to spend money on language courses, he can easily find a job in a foreign company. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to go ahead of the school curriculum, give much more, and the child must complete all homework at school independently. But working with a tutor for years is, of course, expensive. Or maybe you are a student? This is not very good, the tutors don’t like you... Today you again have an urgent test, an exam, a sudden lecture, so the lesson will have to be canceled urgently? A good tutor will stay with you only if he has regular lessons without cancellations.

5) For travel. This is where the red zone begins, think twice about why you need a tutor. You will lose some of the benefits of group learning that are available in English courses, namely: working in a group, communicating with non-native speakers in broken English, dialogues with different people and different things. Do you think that in Italy, Turkey and Egypt they speak pure Royal English? On the other hand, some teachers can help (but certainly not your complex).

6) For yourself. Badly! You don't know why you need a tutor. You don't set any goals for yourself, you have no motivation. Maybe you want someone to entertain you? Think three times, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, buy, watch and evolve into another category. If all this is not interesting to you, then do something else, find another hobby.

How to find an English tutor?

The best teachers are usually recommended by friends. Ask your friends and colleagues, post on social networks. If word of mouth does not work, then you need to go to the so-called "tutor website" These are special agencies for the selection of teachers, and various specialists in general. I'll recommend a few:

– market leader, the largest database of tutors in all regions of the Russian Federation. Many tutors have their passport details, higher education diplomas, etc. checked. There is a feedback system.

Repetit.ru is second place among tutoring sites. They also check passport details to protect clients. They don’t bother you so much on the phone; they communicate more cordially and at home.

Karta-repetitorov.ru is convenient when the tutor lives near you. On this site you can visually see where your English teacher lives. Moscow is big. On the other hand, proximity should not be a deciding factor in this matter.

On any of these sites you can leave a request for a tutor. It is advisable to indicate your goals, a convenient time, and also decide whether you will study at home or go to the teacher’s home yourself. You can also choose a tutor yourself, based on the questionnaire data. If you are taking international exams, make sure that the teacher has the required certificate. But the best thing to say about him is certificates of his students who successfully passed this test.

By the way, to help with the school curriculum, it is not necessary to look for a tutor with 10 years of experience. A responsible senior student at a language university would be a good fit for you. In other cases, it is better to rely on the professionalism of the tutor. In the first classes, a training program is usually built, a class schedule is fixed... and then everyday schoolwork begins and the mandatory completion of homework, without independent work - no way.

With great pleasure I am ready to continue the discussion of this topic in the comments or on the forum!

For quality preparation, it is important that the student begins studying at least a year before passing the upcoming exams; only in this case can we talk about any serious results. In a situation where it is difficult for you to find an experienced teacher on your own, you can always go to the Unified State Examination Tutor ru website, and experienced specialists will promptly provide you with the number of an English tutor.

Which teacher would be the best option for teaching your child?

As a rule, tutors are divided into 3 main groups, namely a university teacher, a school teacher, and a private tutor.

When your child needs to pass the DVI with a very high score, it would be a good idea if he starts classes with a university tutor. The latter has a good amount of knowledge behind him, as well as an understanding of the structure of exam tasks. To confidently pass the OGE and the Unified State Exam, studying with a school teacher may be enough, provided that he is well versed in his subject.

Is it easy to select a competent teacher?

If you understand the basic skills that are necessary for an experienced teacher, then after receiving the number of an English tutor, three minutes of conversation will be enough for you to determine whether he is suitable for your child or not.

  • It is important that the teacher can find a common language with the student, and not just attend classes for show, dryly reading the required material.
  • Set specific goals. After all, only in this way will the tutor be able to draw up a competent training plan and strictly follow it, which will allow the student to achieve impressive results;
  • Timely control of knowledge. This procedure allows timely detection and elimination of training gaps.

Sometimes they need to pass the interview in English. Some are coming with a specific task to pass an exam like IELTS and TOEFL. My vast experience of teaching plays a vital role as well. Moreover some are seeking to improve their business skills and business conversation.

Why choose Salman S.

"Salman is an excellent teacher with an individual approach to each student. In addition, he is a very interesting and creative person. Lessons and communication with him bring a lot of pleasure, but at the same time they force you to develop all the time. Is it possible to combine pleasure and benefit? In studying with Salman, the answer is YES. I really like Salman's lessons. They are very lively, interesting and productive. Lesson assignments and homework are individually tailored to my level of interests, abilities and skills. Salman builds on the student's strengths, the level of complexity of homework does not force me to strain. strongly, but at the same time he constantly moves further and further in mastering the necessary skills. He approaches the content of training very flexibly. The training takes place on material (books, films, discussion topics) that is interesting and evokes an emotional response.
Salman understands me and corrects me very carefully. His sincere desire to understand and professionalism make my speech clearer as a result. When we find ourselves at a dead end and it is almost impossible to understand me, we discuss what I meant and construct completely understandable expressions from my incomprehensible phrases. He speaks in such a way that I understand him 99 percent of the time. Over the course of 6 lessons, my phrases became mostly understandable and logical. We can discuss topics in more detail. I understand English better by ear, and I can now watch with interest some short story without subtitles. It becomes more interesting and interesting for me to study and meet with Salman in class.
About myself and my goals. I am a child psychologist. My learning goal is to improve my English so that I can speak fluently with American colleagues and participate in international conferences. Understand oral speech, ask questions, understand what they ask me and what they answer me in free conversations. The minimum program must be completed by October 2019. The next international conference is in October. I have never had conversation-oriented English language instruction. And my training has never been long and systematic. It seems that I know a lot of different things from English, but it is very difficult for me to construct phrases so that they understand me and understand me by ear. My ability in English is very fragmented and there are many blind spots that make it almost impossible for me to communicate in English. And I also have bad pronunciation (so much so that my colleagues don’t understand what I’m trying to say).
But in a small number of lessons (6 lessons), I felt my progress in exactly what I needed primarily to communicate in English in a professional environment."

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Natalya Vladimirovna

Private teacher Experience 21 years

from 2,400 rub/hour

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I am the developer of the Unified State Exam in English, I have a deep knowledge of the features and specifics of the Unified State Exam for passing the exam with a high score, I can help Expand with preparation for an additional internal test. I know all the intricacies of the exam, all the “traps”. I teach you to see and hear the key words of the text. I pay special attention to the “Speaking” section and essay writing. I teach how to build arguments and counterarguments in language, develop scientific thinking starting from middle school. Registration for classes starting in September 2019 is currently underway. Hurry up to sign up! The number of places for individual lessons and lessons in pairs is limited! Extensive experience working with children, more than 20 years, with students and adults. There are students who have entered various universities in Europe and the USA, as well as leading universities in Russia, such as: Harvard University, HSE, Moscow State University, MGIMO, REU. G.V. Plekhanov, etc. Classes with schoolchildren and students are conducted only using specially developed methods that take into account the set goal, as well as the characteristics of each student. Experience in teaching language courses. I explain complex things in an accessible and understandable way. I provided language training to managers of various industries who took part in the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. I regularly communicate with native speakers and philologists from the UK and the USA. I thoroughly develop all materials for teaching with native speakers. I prepare for interviews in English. I bring you to confident use of the language. A practical business English course for marketers. My colleagues, who themselves teach English at Moscow State University, trust me with their children. Among my students are school English teachers who want to improve their skills and master the real language. I trained an actress for filming in a famous TV series in English, filming in the UK in 2019. I am engaged in translation activities, preparing speakers for speaking in various countries at thematic conferences. Individual psychological and a playful approach to children, voluminous visual aids on grammar. I painstakingly set up phonetics, reading rules, with speech therapy techniques and use neuropsychological training, if necessary. Lessons on overcoming the language barrier and getting rid of fears in spoken language. I teach you to think in the language and speak right away. I teach grammar, reading rules and phonetics in an easy and playful way. Students learn to use language as a skill, as a working tool in real life. In my lessons, I teach children to work independently, to take a systematic approach, to regularly listen and read in the original from primary school. I know and use various school and foreign teaching methods in my work. Preference for applicants entering serious universities. Classes are conducted individually, in pairs, in micro-groups of 2-3 people, and in a mini-group of 4-5 people.

Very good tutor! The approach is correct, knowledge and information are at the highest level! We went for 3 months. All reviews (40)

Children 6-7 years old Schoolchildren of grades 1-11 Students Adults

m. Kolomenskaya

Maxim Petrovich

Postgraduate student 12 years of experience

from 3,000 rub/hour

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English tutor

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Before choosing my profile, please read the information below carefully. I am happy to cooperate with students who have strong motivation Expand and interest in learning and development, regardless of the initial level. During classes, I try to create a deep and clear understanding of the subject, give knowledge of the subject based on the basics, and restore gaps. Including to prepare for exams. If other tasks are set, I am ready to discuss. It is possible to quickly and effectively study the subject if the student is ready and motivated. I work with cases of lack of basic knowledge, discouraged interest, problems with understanding, with distracted attention. It is possible to work in the following areas: study of mathematics , chemistry, physics in English; an integrated approach to learning, simultaneous study of several disciplines, including those not listed in the application form; drawing up methods for studying other disciplines; assistance in managing time and other resources. Standard lesson duration - 90 minutes, cost - 4500 rubles In the case of a 60-minute lesson, the cost will be 4000, 120 minutes (if possible) - 5000. In some cases, if I see that solving a problem requires my limited participation (or after a certain point the effectiveness does not meet my or your expectations), we can discuss this, and the classes may end. Information for adult students: please select my profile only if you are sure that you really need a teacher in the subject, and that the first trial lesson will be held within a week, so that you can talk with a high degree of certainty about continuation of classes if they are necessary and meet expectations.

I like his original approach, and the results that I achieved thanks to him, THANK YOU SO MUCH) All reviews (42)

Natalya Viktorovna

Private teacher Experience 14 years

from 700 rub/hour

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English tutor

Current language level: advanced (C1). I'm preparing to take the TOEFL exams. She completed an internship in England in 2012 (Churchill House School Expand of English Language). I know very well the structure and criteria for assessing the work of the OGE and the Unified State Exam (I have certificates of participation in webinars from 2015 to the present - see diplomas). In the learning process I use only communicative teaching methods, including methods used by native speakers ( registered and regularly improve on educational portals such as English Club TV. We play a lot, and not only with children (online games, board games, cards, tables, flash cards). My students actively expand their vocabulary with the help of individually selected audio resources with native speakers (Canada, Great Britain), which I send after each lesson as homework. In this way I try to immerse the student in the everyday language environment. This is the key to success! I constantly learn the principles of working with restless children with reduced attention and memory. .But all this is not as important as my sincere love for the English language. I like the structure and sound. I love passing on my love to my students. I like to see how what seemed complex and incomprehensible turns out to be clear. I love a non-standard approach to the learning process. My task is to captivate the student with English, give them a taste for the language, and only then teach grammar (although it is, of course, necessary). It is necessary. LOVE your mistakes and don't be afraid to make them. EVERYONE ALWAYS makes mistakes, even top-class professionals! I will help you overcome barriers, fears, teach you how to learn and correct your grammar.

We are very pleased with Natalya Viktorovna and grateful to her. After a year of training, my son reads perfectly and, most importantly, he has developed an interest in learning English Expand language is not unimportant. Natalya has a very interesting teaching method, even I, a mother, sitting next to her, know a lot, despite the fact that I have never taught English before. I recommend it to everyone!!! All reviews (36)

Yana Fizulievna

from 2,000 rub/hour

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Columbia University in New York City, intensive English language program (2009). Work experience in a branch of the famous Expand British charitable foundation, including translating articles from Russian into English for the organization’s website. Among the students are current students of leading Moscow universities, such as MGIMO, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin, RUDN University, RANEPA GS, REA im. Plekhanov, etc., as well as employees of Russian Railways, Gazprom and others. Travels a lot and is constantly in contact with native speakers. She values ​​internal motivation and diligence in her students. She uses the latest techniques to overcome the language barrier (Rapid Personal Transformation).

Many thanks to Yana Fizulievna! 4 months of classes with her greatly improved my level of English. In addition, Yana is very positive Expand and a friendly person, working with whom is a real pleasure! All reviews (55)

Maya Viktorovna

Private teacher Experience 15 years

from 2,500 rub/hour

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I lived and worked in New York (USA) for a long time, where I received my basic education. I speak English at a native level. My skills Expand teaching is accredited by the University of Cambridge, which is confirmed by the CELTA certificate (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) - a certificate giving the right to teach English as a foreign language to adults, which is internationally recognized, enjoys high prestige and is an indicator of high quality teaching. In my lessons I do not use the Russian language (with rare exceptions) in order to fully immerse students in the language environment and use the following methods: 1) Audiolingual Method, based on the postulate of behaviorism that it is possible and necessary to study and memorize various things through constant repetition. The method involves oral presentation of material and repeated repetition of various lexical and grammatical structures under the guidance of a teacher. 2) Direct Method, also called Natural Method. It is somewhat similar to the audiolingual approach, as it involves repeated repetition and practice of various structures. However, the main difference is that the language is presented inductively, that is, the teacher does not explain the rule to students, but, on the contrary, helps them to understand and deduce it on the basis of language material. It is also worth noting that in both the audiolingual and direct methods, the teacher uses exclusively English. 3) The Structural Approach, the main idea of ​​which is the hypothesis that any language consists of complex grammatical rules, and they need to be studied in in a certain order. For example, before studying the Present Continuous tense, you need to study the verb to be, with which this tense is formed. 4) The Silent Way (Silent Method), where much attention is paid to the independence of students: the teacher, as the name suggests, practically does not speak (for example, does not give detailed and extensive explanations of grammar). Instead, he acts as a facilitator who guides the students. Pronunciation is of great importance - it is given a lot of time in each lesson. The vocabulary and grammar covered are also regularly reviewed. Often, students do not even write formal tests on the material they have learned; instead, the teacher evaluates their progress from lesson to lesson. 5) Total Physical Response, which is based on the principle of “doing by learning.” It works well with younger students - preschoolers and elementary school students. During the lessons, we practice following commands and instructions, for example: “Stand up!” - “Get up!”, “Close the door!” - “Close the door!” In this way, the student remembers the simplest phrases, which become more and more complex over time. 6) Task Based Learning, where language learning is based on the completion of a communicative task. For example, a teacher gives students the task of acting out a dialogue on the topic “In a restaurant.” Students in pairs or groups perform it using only those lexical and grammatical means at their disposal. Then an analysis is made of what language is necessary to successfully complete the task, the teacher gives the students the necessary vocabulary and grammar, after which a similar task is performed using new language tools. 7) Community Language Learning (Community Method), where the basis is the work of students in a group; they help each other and share their existing language knowledge. The teacher again acts only as an assistant, and not as a teacher in the classical sense of the word. 8) Communicative Language Teaching (Communicative methodology) which is based on communication: the teacher with students, students in pairs or groups, the whole group together. The main task of teaching is to teach students to communicate, and not to thoroughly learn all the grammar or be able to translate texts. Communication between the teacher and students is conducted entirely or almost entirely in English. Student communication is also encouraged in any form; even if there are errors or inaccuracies in the speech, they are not as important as the communication process itself. I teach children and adults of any level from spoken English to preparation for exams such as the OGE (GIA), Unified State Exam, CAE, CPE, FCE, IELTS, KET, PET, SAT, TOEFL, YLE, TOLES and BEC. I work on contract terms with prepayment. 15 years of experience

from 2,000 rub/hour

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English tutor

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2010 - passed the highest international Cambridge exam, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, confirming the level of English proficiency Expand language perfectly. 2011-2013 - University of Roehampton, UK. Teacher development. If you or your child needs to master or improve their spoken or written English, pass an exam, pass an interview, improve their performance or achieve another goal, I can help you.1) You have a desire to work with a teacher who speaks the language at the highest level level who received linguistic education in England? I will meet your highest requirements, since I speak English at the Russian level and all teaching methods.2) Do you need the teacher to be experienced and really do his job well? I have been teaching for 15 years and work with my students with maximum dedication.3) Do you need the classes to be not only effective, but also easy, lively, with a twist, and the teacher not to be boring? I am a sociable person, I love my job, and I show maximum attention to each student and always tailor lessons to their individual characteristics.4) Perhaps you experience discomfort due to your small and passive vocabulary or grammar, have difficulty hearing speech, are unnatural and insecure speak and experience other difficulties? I am able to help you in any situation at any level of language complexity, including fundamental preparation for any exams. This is not difficult if classes are organized correctly. A few words about my teaching methodology. This is a symbiosis of creativity and mathematics. We remember what interests us and forget what is difficult and boring. The more interesting the classes, the better the memory works and the more creativity and flexibility is required on the part of the teacher. On the other hand, knowledge needs structure, order and stability, and here mathematics comes to the rescue. For example, for people who don’t know what to say on a topic, I have prepared formulas that work wonders, and even the most silent person can start talking on any topic, and a student taking a state or international exam can be sure that that the formula given to him is suitable for all cases and will help him correctly and simply express his thoughts in an essay, letter, article, etc. Exam results for 2018: - Unified State Examination - 85 points; 92 points; 93 points; 95 points.- IELTS (academic) - 7.5.- First (FCE) - grade A.- KET - Pass with distinction (grade 5).- OGE - grade 5. Exam results for 2019:- KET - Pass with distinction ( score 5).- OGE - score 5; rating 5. - Unified State Examination - 96 points.

"Repetit Center" is one of the oldest associations of private teachers. The site is over seven years old. Private English tutors in Moscow for preschoolers, children and adults are the largest part of our database. There are more than 6,000 advertisements for such tutors on the site. We work throughout Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Finding a language tutor will be easy, the main thing is to set the necessary search parameters.

However, the selection of a tutor can also be entrusted to the administrator - we will advise you on suitable options.

However, a few tips for finding a private English teacher may come in handy.

  1. If you are interested in learning spoken language (removing communication barriers, establishing correct pronunciation), then you most likely need to hire an individual English tutor - a native speaker or an experienced Russian teacher who often deals with native English speakers or has lived in an English-speaking country for more than 5 years . Such a teacher will be able to quickly achieve results in these aspects of the language.
  2. If you need a tutor to prepare for the Unified State Exam or State Examination in English, then pay attention to teachers who have experience preparing for these exams. Despite the fact that, first of all, knowledge of the language is important, the Unified State Examination has its own specifics. Therefore, look for an English tutor for your child, asking about his experience: how successfully he prepared high school students for the Unified State Exam. However, the cost of such a teacher’s services is unlikely to be low.
  3. If you need to improve your grammar, then you need any Russian-speaking teacher with relevant experience and knowledge. As a rule, such teachers know grammar and general theory of the English language even better than native speakers. The price of individual lessons from such tutors is low - they usually charge inexpensively for their lessons.
  4. If you are interested in preparing for the TOEFL, GMAT or IELTS, then you are probably looking for the services of an English tutor who teaches to adults, is certified, and has passed these exams with high scores. The best teachers and specialists in this field are quite in demand and are often busy from the beginning of the academic year. Therefore, even if you don’t need a tutor urgently, not right now, it’s still worth taking a closer look at the English teachers you like and, perhaps, agreeing on lessons.
  5. You should always pay attention to reviews and prices. A good English tutor in Moscow cannot be very “inexpensive”. 300-400 rubles per hour - this rate is already of little interest even for student language tutors 🇬🇧. Moreover, teachers who have confirmation in the form of real student reviews charge more expensively - after all, there is a demand for their services.

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