The individual and his psychological essence. Course: Philosophy about society, man and values

Since ancient times, thinkers have tried to penetrate into the essence of the concept of “man.” To figure it out, they created different concepts for understanding its definition. As a result, we came to the general conclusion that a person is a biological, psychological and social unity. The term “person” is closely interconnected with the concepts of “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”. Let's make some distinctions between these terms to understand their essence.

Man, individual, personality, individuality

Man occupies the highest phase in the origin and development of life. The theory of human evolution is called anthropogenesis. Man is a product of nature, which is closely interconnected with society.

The biological nature of man belongs to the higher mammals that appeared on Earth approximately 550 thousand years ago. As a biological being, a person has anatomical and physiological inclinations, that is, he has a muscular, circulatory and nervous system, in addition, gender and age characteristics. But the nervous system and the processes responsible for existence are programmed so that a person can adapt to different conditions of existence.

Psychological nature includes a person’s imagination, thinking, feelings, character, and memory.

The social essence of a person includes moral qualities, worldview, knowledge, values, and skills. A person is formed as a social personality only when he comes into close contact (communication, relationships with society) with another society.

Differences between human nature and animal nature:

  1. The person speaks clearly and has thinking skills. Of all the species of mammals, only humans know how to evaluate their present and think about the past and future.

True, several species of monkeys also have minor communication, but they cannot transmit information to each other about the objects around them. People know how to concentrate on the main thing in their speech.

  1. A person can master creative activities, in particular:

- anticipate the development and nature of some natural processes;

- choose a role in society, model your behavior in it;

- demonstrate value-based attitudes.

Animal behavior is based on instincts; their natural actions are initially programmed.

  1. A person has an impact on the environment - he is able to transform reality and create culture, that is, to form spiritual and material values.

Animals' way of life is established by nature - they adapt to environmental conditions.

  1. Man knows how to independently produce the means for material wealth.

Some animals are capable of using natural tools, but not a single species of mammal can make tools.

So, man is a unique, spiritually incomplete, universal and holistic being.

Key Features:

  • Presence of consciousness.
  • Unique body structure.
  • Receptivity to work.

An individual is a representative of a person in a single genus. He is the bearer of human social and psychophysical traits.

In other words, an individual is a “person in the singular.”

Basic qualities of an individual:

  • Activity.
  • Resistance to the reality that surrounds a person.
  • Unity of the psychophysical state of the body.

The personification of the qualities of an individual is the personality.

In ancient times, personality meant some kind of social face that a person took on when he played various roles in the theater, that is, a certain “guise”.

A personality is a certain person, prone to experiences, understanding the world around him, having consciousness and establishing certain relationships with the surrounding society.

People differ from each other by personal properties, that is, by traits inherent in one individual. The definition of “individual characteristics” denotes psychological and somatic (from Latin “body”) definitions of a person: height and figure, skeletal formation, eye color, hair, and so on.

An individual personality trait is the facial expressions of a person. A person’s face reflects not only the anatomical, but also the psychological specificity of a particular person. For example, when they express themselves: “this person has wicked eyes”, “you have a conscious face”, they mean precisely the peculiarity of a psychological character inherent in a particular individual.

Let us summarize individually - psychological characteristics into four facets of personality:

  1. Social qualities (moral orientation, worldview).
  2. Biological qualities (vital needs, temperament, inclinations).
  3. Individual traits that have a different mental nature.
  4. Experience (a set of skills, habits and habits).

Individual and personality: differences

A person is born an individual, the status of the individual is already established in the process of development. Distinguishing between the definition of an individual and a personality will help to assess the functioning of a person.

So, what is the difference between an individual and a personality?

  • Interaction with society. A person remains an individual from birth to death, and a person is formed only in interaction or opposition with society.
  • Confession. All people have equal rights, that is, each person initially has his own individuality. However, personality has certain social advantages: recognition, power, authority.
  • Adequacy. One is born as an individual, but one becomes a person.
  • Mindfulness. The path to acquiring personality status is a conscious action of the individual.
  • Quantity. There are tens of millions of personalities in the world, and approximately seven billion individuals.

A person who is removed from society very quickly loses his personality traits - he begins to poorly understand other people, to the point of forgetting the language. At the same time, the development of the genetic code occurs by nature, regardless of the life changes of a person. A person can become an individual even with limited abilities.

But the term individuality is more difficult to define, since in addition to personal properties it includes the physiological and biological qualities of a person.

Individuality is a specific person who has a special combination, distinctive from other individuals, of social, physiological and mental characteristics. Their difference is manifested in human communication, actions and activity.

There have been cases in history when a person lived and was raised among animals. Such people lost their social foundation - the ability to express themselves clearly, and lost their mental abilities. Returning back to human society, they could no longer take root in it. Such cases once again prove that a person who has only a biological beginning cannot become a full-fledged individual.

The transformation of a biological individual into a full-fledged personality is facilitated by labor activity. By doing something important to society, a person can prove his uniqueness.

Individual, individuality, personality

“One is born an individual, one becomes an individual, one defends individuality” essay.

This is a saying by Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov. It contains meaningful and very interesting concepts.

In other words, this expression can be formulated this way: from birth, a person is considered an individual, with every year of life he can acquire the status of an individual, but he needs to lag behind other people as an individual. Indeed, the relationship between the concepts individual - personality - individuality in each society manifests itself at different stages of its life path.

As mentioned earlier, a person is born as an individual, that is, he has his own innate genetic differences. In the process of gaining experience, learning any skills, an individual is formed as a personality. It is possible to obtain the status of individuality only in the correlation of social and biological qualities.

For example, Napoleon Bonaparte from birth was an ordinary representative of society - he was not distinguished by physical abilities or expressiveness in appearance. However, he became a bright personality, since his fundamental goal was precisely the fight for his individuality.

You can also give an example of the life path of the popular composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven came from an ordinary family and was not particularly different from his peers. True, as a child they tried to teach him music, but there were no special hopes. But still he was able to show his unique talent in music. In addition, he was actively involved in politics and social life. He was able to prove to society his individual qualities.

Thus, based on these facts, we can conclude that the expression: “one is born as an individual, one becomes an individual, one defends individuality” is very significant in human life. Only by consistently developing these concepts can we prove our uniqueness to society.

Psychology of Individual Differences

People differ from each other in character. For example, a person with a strong temperament is usually more attractive than a person with a weak temperament.

Character is an established mental property that leaves a mark in all a person’s actions. Character represents a subordinate substructure of personality. In an adult personality, the character is often already stable. As for the teenage character, it does not yet have a core.

Various life factors influence character changes.

Myths that relate to human character:

  • Character is a biological manifestation in a person and cannot be changed.
  • Character can be nurtured and formed through the organization of a special system of influence.
  • National character, that is, this unique mental property depends precisely on the nationality of people.

However, you need to know that all myths have some truth. The basis of the character of a biological type is temperament. We receive it from birth.

There are certain standards that influence the formation of national character. Representatives of one nation are convinced that others have certain character traits. Having conducted a survey in Germany about their attitude towards the French, it turned out that one half of the Germans are convinced that the Germans are characterized by frivolity in their behavior, while the other believes that they are polite and charming.

Character traits mean various specific features of a person’s personality, changes in which are observed depending on the actions of the individual.

Let's divide character traits into some groups:

The first is the traits that form the psychological composition of the individual. This can be defined as integrity, determination, courage, honesty, and so on.

The second is traits that express the relationship between two personalities. This group includes: sociability and closedness, which may indicate prejudice towards the surrounding society or a person’s internal focus; honesty or impenetrability; correctness, subtlety, politeness and straightforwardness.

The third group is traits that determine a person’s disposition towards himself. These are self-condemnation and ambition, self-respect, unpretentiousness or vanity, resentment, selfishness, shyness.

The fourth group is traits that express a person’s disposition towards work. This group consists of assertiveness, diligence or apathy, fear of obstacles or desire to conquer them, scrupulousness, accuracy, diligence.

And in conclusion, we can say that the sequence of development of such a combination: person - individual - personality depends, first of all, on the society and environment in which a person develops and, of course, on his genetic code.

Individual, individuality, personality was last modified: December 21st, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva



Faculty of Evening and Correspondence Studies

The relationship between the concepts of “man”, “individual”, “personality”, “individuality” and “subject”

Sayapov Yaroslav

Scientific supervisor:

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor L.I. Scriabin

Novosibirsk 2013



Individual- a specific person with all the characteristics given to him by nature (gender, age, height, weight, nervous system, etc.). It manifests itself in properties transformed in the course of individual development. An individual is the smallest unit in the system of the species Homo sapiens.




Above were scientific definitions of the concepts: “person”, “individual”, “personality”, “individuality” and “subject”. These concepts can be classified as eternal. Each new generation of people, each person rediscovers them, formulates them for himself, tries to give his own version of the answer. These concepts are close, but do not coincide, they cannot be identified. In my work, I tried to consider each concept separately and in more detail.

.Consider each concept separately;

.Find the relationship between concepts.

. Human

Human- is a biological creature belonging to the class of mammals of the species Homo sapiens, endowed with consciousness, i.e. the ability to cognize the essence of both the external world and one’s own nature and, in accordance with this, act and act wisely. Man is the bearer of consciousness, which in itself is a social product. The pinnacle of human consciousness development is his self-awareness.

Let's start from this definition. Indeed, the body structure of a baby born into the world has the ability to walk upright, the structure of the brain has a potential developed intelligence, the structure of the hands has the prospect of using tools, etc., and with all these capabilities the baby differs from a baby animal and its belonging to the human race is confirmed . As was already said above, a person is a living biological being, and like all living things, has an organism, a body, is in relationship with the outside world, and is subject to biological and physiological laws.

Man is a multifaceted, multidimensional, complexly organized being. He is endowed with consciousness, speech, the ability to work, create value, etc. These properties are not inherited by a person, but are formed by him throughout his life, in the process of assimilating the culture created by previous generations. The development of humanity is impossible without the active transmission of human culture to new generations. Without society, without assimilation of the socio-historical experience of mankind, it is impossible to become a person, to acquire special human qualities, even if a human being has biological usefulness. There is evidence that if children develop outside society from a very early age, they remain at the level of development of animals; they do not develop speech, consciousness, thinking, and do not have an upright gait. No person’s personal experience can lead to the fact that he independently develops a system of concepts. By participating in work and various forms of social activity, people develop in themselves those specific human abilities that have already been formed in humanity. But, on the other hand, without the biological usefulness inherent in man as a biological species, it is impossible even under the influence of society, upbringing, and education to achieve the highest human qualities.

A person is a bearer of consciousness, which means he is aware, since awareness is the result of the inclusion of consciousness in what is happening. In turn, awareness as a way of life is the ability, ability and habit to accompany with consciousness one’s current states, one’s actions, one’s activities, the course of one’s life.

And finally, self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is a person’s study of his own mental and physical characteristics, understanding of himself. It begins in infancy and continues throughout life. It is formed gradually as it reflects both the outside world and self-knowledge.

From the above, we can conclude that a child born into the world is a human being, since it has all the external signs of Homo sapiens. He is small, defenseless, but has enormous development potential. He has a natural desire for improvement and self-knowledge, which develops as he grows up.

. Individual

An individual is a specific person with all the characteristics given to him by nature (gender, age, height, weight, nervous system, etc.). It manifests itself in properties transformed in the course of individual development. An individual is the smallest unit in the system of the species Homo sapiens.

So, let's figure out what the concept of individual means. The concept of an individual contains an indication of a person’s similarity to all other people, of his commonality with the human race. It follows that every person is an individual. But it also says that he differs from others in such features as height, skin color, weight, eye color, etc. We are also talking about how he manifests himself anywhere, taking into account his individual development. Indeed, there are no people with the same external characteristics, just as there are no people with the same characters. There may be some similarities, but there simply is no such thing as a perfect match. From the above we can conclude that an individual is a single (specific) representative of the species “homo sapiens”. Individuals differ from each other not only in morphological characteristics (such as height, bodily constitution and eye color), but also in psychological properties (abilities, temperament, emotionality). Another question is from what moment a person is considered an individual. There is an opinion that a Man is born and then becomes an individual, but is this true? There is evidence that in the second month of a mother’s pregnancy, the central and peripheral nervous system begins to form in the fetus, the embryo begins to respond to pain and tries to move away from the light, which is directed directly at the mother’s abdomen. A five-month-old embryo is able to hear loud sounds, respond to caresses and words, and become frightened or angry. Thus, the behavior of the fetus completely depends on the mood of the pregnant mother, as a result of which at this stage the formation of the emotional and intellectual life of the child begins. Thus, the individual develops in the prenatal period. Thus, we can conclude that the concept of an individual is formed at its inception.

3. Personality

personal individual psychological

Personality- a conscious individual who occupies a certain position in society and performs a certain social role. The position of an individual is manifested through the system of its social relations. A person constantly acts in some role. A role is a social function of an individual. Each person is formed as an individual only in society and manifests himself in communication with other people. There is no individual outside of society. It is characterized by five potentials: cognitive, value, creative, communicative, artistic.

Translated into simple language, we can say that a person is a person who builds and controls his own life, a person as a responsible subject of will. A person is one who is not equal to his natural inclinations, who may not be their slave, but may be superior to them. Normal children, having gone through the crisis of three years, can already subordinate their immediate impulses to social norms: to what is necessary.

A person is one who is capable of consciously managing his own behavior. Obedient children exhibit “spontaneous morality”: a person, especially a child, may not be aware of what exactly made him act in a certain way, but nevertheless act quite morally. This is how he was raised, these are his habits. But it was not he who acted, but his habits that guided him.

A personality is one who has his own self. A large number of people live mechanically, following the drives of their body and thoughtlessly, according to patterns, reacting to external demands. If the body has good drives, external requirements are reasonable and social habits are adequate, we will have a completely decent socialized person. But - not a person. He doesn't have his own self.

A person is someone who is not just strong, but internally strong. Not just a person who knows a lot, but a smart person. Not just interesting to talk to, but a person with a rich inner world. Not just naturally gifted, but “self made” - a person who has made himself. Not just lucky, but able to be successful.

The formation of personality is the process of human socialization, which consists in the development of a generic, social essence. This development is always carried out in the specific historical circumstances of a person’s life. The formation of personality is associated with the individual’s acceptance of social functions and roles developed in society, social norms and rules of behavior, and with the formation of skills to build relationships with other people. A formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

At all times, people who stood out from the masses due to their internal qualities attracted attention. A personality is always a person who stands out, although not everyone who stands out is a personality. Despite the fact that each of us has personal characteristics, not everyone is called a “personality”. They say about a person with respect: “This is a personality!” when he stands out among other people with his internal characteristics that make him worthy.

Let's summarize. From the above it is clear that Personality is the same person, but taken from the side of his social significance and social activity. Personality is the most important thing in a person, his most important social characteristic.

What stands out in a person is, first of all, his social essence. Outside of society, outside of a social and professional group, a person cannot become an individual, he will not develop a human appearance, i.e. Nature creates man, but society shapes him. Depending on the manifestation of a person’s personal qualities, one can judge his positive and negative moral and spiritual qualities.

And the most important thing is that you are not born a personality, you become a personality! Or they don't...


Individuality- this is a personality in its originality, which distinguishes a person from other people due to the originality and uniqueness of the individual. Individuality is described by individual life history, experience, the totality of personal characteristics, and the significance of the products of activity. Individuality is the form of existence of a person. Motivation, temperament, ability and character? basic parameters of individuality.

Individuality, like personality, does not manifest itself in a person, literally, from birth. A newly born child is an individual who does not have human individuality, since he is not capable of independent individual activity. Only with age does one acquire a social personality and the ability to independently choose a life path and develop using individual methods. The essence of individuality lies in the independence of each individual and his ability to be himself in the sphere of the social system. The most important role of the innate inclinations and developmental characteristics of each individual is the mediation of social factors. In the process of the dynamic influence of many qualities, one’s own personal characteristics are formed in all spheres of life. The development of individuality in itself is a necessity for the movement of progress in human history. The improvement and individualization of the individual are associated with the transformation of society, mutual assistance in society and the conditions of cooperation. Individuality is understood as the uniqueness of each person; originality is manifested in the totality of personality characteristics that are inherent only to a given person.

Individuality is an indispensable and most important sign of personality. Individuality characterizes a person more specifically, in more detail, more completely. It is a constant object of research in the study of personality psychology and other areas of psychology. Usually the word “individuality” is used to define any dominant feature of a person that makes him different from those around him. Each person is individual, but the individuality of some manifests itself very clearly, while of others it is barely noticeable.

So, it turns out that individuality is a set of characteristic features and properties that distinguish one individual from another. And it, undoubtedly, does not grow on the basis of biological prerequisites or from scratch.

4. Subject

Subject- an active and cognitive individual. It is characterized by a set of activities and their productivity. Subject activity? a person’s ability to make socially significant transformations in the world based on the appropriation of material and spiritual culture, manifested in creativity, acts of will, and communication.

A person is always a subject (participant, performer) of the historical and social process as a whole, a subject of specific activity, in particular a source of knowledge and transformation of objective reality. The activity itself in this case acts as a form of human activity, allowing him to improve the world around him and himself.

The subject can show initiative and independence, make and implement a decision, evaluate the consequences of his behavior, change and improve himself, and determine the prospects for his multidimensional life activity. The subject is able to give an account of his actions, is capable of self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-responsibility. He can relate his past, present and future. The subject changes in the process of life in its own direction. There are significant individual differences between subjects.


The concepts of “person”, “individual”, “personality”, “individuality” and “subject” are inextricably linked. They all relate, in one way or another, to humans. The only thing that distinguishes them from each other is that each concept separately characterizes a person on a certain path in life or some life situations. So, for example, the concept of man. A child is born, and he is already a person, since he has all his external signs. He is also an individual. Later, when growing up, a person becomes an individual. Personality is, one might say, a description of the personal qualities of a person or personality. The subject is an actively acting and cognizing individual.


1.Psychology and pedagogy / Ed. A.A. Radugina. ? M.: Publishing house CENTER, 1997. ? 256 pp.

2. Psychology and pedagogy: textbook / Ed. E.V. Ostrovsky. - M.: University textbook, 2006. - 384 p.


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From birth, every person has a specific set of genes that distinguishes its owner from the mass of other people. But they constitute only certain development possibilities. In the process of living in society, in interaction with other people, specific human characteristics are formed: character, motivational sphere, individual qualities.

These traits help you realize your potential and achieve your life goals. The complex ambiguous structure of a human being can be reflected in the person-individual-personality system, where the path to the socialization of an individual is possible only after the formation of his personality. The highest level of development of an individual is the self-realization of all potential capabilities, which is available only with a formed individuality.

Personality is the definition of a complex psychological formation, a special property that arises at a certain stage of human development. One is not born a personality, one is born an individual. For a more accurate relationship in human nature with the concepts of individual, personality, individuality, one should consider their exact definition. The correct correlation of these concepts will form a holistic view of the structure of the concepts individual-individuality-personality-.

A person is a concept that includes the relationship of all the characteristics characteristic of people, regardless of whether a particular person has them or not.

Individual is a word of Latin origin (“individuum”), which means “indivisible.” This is a separate independent organism, a biological being, a representative of the human community. An individual is a person as a single human being, a representative of the species Homo sapiens, a product of the unity of innate and acquired, a bearer of individually unique natural properties. The concept of “individual” outlines the natural bodily existence of a person.

An individual is, first of all, a bearer of biological properties, and a “personality” is a bearer of socio-psychological ones. An individual can be considered a newborn child and an adult, a representative of a wild tribe and a person from a civilized country. When a person is born, he finds a formed system of social relations. His life in society creates such an interweaving of relationships that forms a person similar to other people. But at the same time, he is different: he thinks, acts, suffers in his own way.

The concept of “personality” is one of the most controversial and difficult to define in modern psychology. This concept is a kind of key to psychology and the resolution of its most significant problems. A single generally accepted definition of this concept still does not exist. The English word "personality" comes from the Latin "persona", which means "mask". This word denoted the mask that ancient theater actors wore during theatrical performances. From the very beginning, the concept was associated with the external social image that a person assumes when performing life roles. However, it is clear that the meaning of personality is much more complex and elusive than the external social image. To understand its fullness, it is important to highlight the following points:

  • This is a deep essential characteristic of a person. Personality contains properties that distinguish one person from another: special, most striking and noticeable psychological traits. This is an internal force that acts and unites all reactions, all possible options for individual behavior.
  • This is an entity that denotes stable forms of behavior. Personality properties are very persistent, consistently manifested in different situations, statements, in relation to others and in the internal attitude towards oneself. At the same time, it is a psychological entity on which new and unique forms of behavior also depend.
  • It is the result of development and depends on biological heredity and social conditions. The history of the individual is the personality. It is formed through interaction with the social environment through communication and general activity.
  • This is a stable psychological structure, a set of traits that dictate a certain logic of behavior. This structure constitutes the core of a person’s personality.

Personality is characterized by special psychological formations, the relationship of which gives a person the opportunity to perform actions on the basis of free, independent and responsible choice, to defend his position, and create a special level and structure of personality. Psychological formations of personality include:

  • inner world;
  • character;
  • capabilities;
  • personal values;
  • morality;
  • personal choice;
  • independence;
  • responsibility;
  • goals and prospects;
  • personal way of acting.

When a personality is born, or “I myself!”

The transformation of an individual into a personality occurs in early preschool age, when the relationship between objective and sensory-practical actions is formed.

This process forms the image of “I” and causes “spiritualization” of the child’s entire life activity. A manifestation of this process in the child’s behavior is the desire for complete independence, when parents increasingly hear from the child “I myself!”

In the development of a child, this means his gradual liberation from adults, the development of subjectivity. Most psychologists agree that this very moment is the birth of a personality, its true essence, a holistic “I” with its own worldview.

Can every person be called a person?

Most psychologists believe that every person can be called a personality, but they make some clarifications. It is more correct to consider a newborn child, a teenager, a person of adolescence as a growing, developing personality. They are carriers of the makings of a future personality - a future integral system of properties.

The famous Russian psychologist L.I. Bozhovich believed that a person should be called a person who reaches a certain level of mental development, which is characterized by the perception of himself as a single whole, different from others. This means that a person can be called a person who has reached such a level of mental development that makes him capable of managing his own behavior and activities, and to some extent even mental development.

“I stand on this and cannot do otherwise!”

In the “individual-individuality-personality” system, the pinnacle of human development is at the level of individuality. At the same time, a person can become an individual only after the formation of personality.

Individuality– this is the definition of a bright personality that stands out for its noticeable originality. B. G. Ananyev believed that personality is the top of the entire structure of human properties, and individuality is its depth. Individuality reflects the unity of all levels of human organization. Each person has individual characteristics, but not everyone is an individual in the sense of harmony between different properties.

The formation of personality occurs in the process of socialization through the development of social norms and rules of behavior, the formation of relationships with others.

The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of the inner world and behavior. The psychological condition for individuality is maturity. The formation of individuality occurs in the process of human self-realization.

A formed individuality is a personality that has become original and has achieved self-determination in its own reality of existence.

Individuality is a new level of spiritual life to which the personality rises in the process of deep and purposeful development. As if after a kind of exam on the integrity of his inner “I”, a person becomes an individual.

The famous psychologist A.G. Asmolov once expressed a competent idea that one is born as an individual, becomes an individual, and defends individuality.

Correlation of the concepts “person-individual-personality-individuality” in the video.

For socio-psychological analysis of personality, the concepts of “person”, “individual”, “personality”, “individuality” should be distinguished.

The most general concept is “man” - this is a biosocial being with articulate speech, consciousness, higher mental functions (abstract logical thinking, logical memory, etc.), capable of creating tools and using them in the process of social labor. These specifically human abilities and properties are not hereditary, but are formed in a person during his lifetime, in the process of assimilating the culture created by previous generations. There are reliable facts that indicate that if children from a very early age develop outside of society, then they remain at the level of an animal, they do not develop speech, consciousness, thinking, and do not have an upright gait. A person living in isolation from other people and society will not independently develop logical thinking and will not develop a system of concepts. People of each subsequent generation begin their lives in the world of objects and phenomena created by previous generations. By participating in work and various forms of social activity, they develop in themselves those specific human abilities that have already been formed in humanity.

The concept “individual” can refer to both a person and an animal. “Individual” (from the Latin “individuum” - indivisible) is a person as a representative of the species Homo sapiens, a unity of innate and acquired, a bearer of individually unique traits. The main characteristics of an individual are activity, integrity, stability and specificity of interaction with the outside world. When characterizing a person as an individual, we consider first of all his biological nature. Therefore, when organizing educational and work activities, the manager (teacher) must take into account compliance with safety measures, sanitary and hygienic working conditions.

In psychology, the concept of “personality” is one of the fundamental ones. “Personality,” wrote S. L. Rubinstein, “forms the basis that internally determines the interpretation of the human psyche as a whole. All mental processes constitute the mental content of a person’s life. Each type of mental process makes its own specific contribution to the richness of her inner life.” In order to become a person, a person must acquire spiritual values, moral standards, and methods of activity.

Personality is a person defined in a system of socially conditioned characteristics that are manifested in social connections and relationships by nature, are stable, and determine a person’s moral actions.

The formation of a person as a personality is characterized by the development of the higher spheres of his psyche: mental, emotional, volitional. L. Feuerbach wrote: “A perfect person has the power of thinking, the power of will and the power of feelings. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love. Reason, love and willpower are perfection.” It is important for a leader (teacher) to create a set of conditions in a team in which not only biological, but also social and spiritual needs are identified.

The concept of “individuality” emphasizes the unique identity of a person, that in which he is different from others. His individuality is expressed in the presence of special experiences, knowledge, opinions, beliefs, and character that are unique to him. Motivation, temperament, abilities, character are the main parameters of individuality. The prerequisite for its formation is anatomical and physiological inclinations, transformed in the process of life. Individuality is manifested in the properties of temperament, character traits, and the specific interests and abilities of the individual. It is the originality of feelings, the peculiarity of character, and the uniqueness of thinking. “The higher a social being is organized, the more individuality is expressed in it,” wrote I. I. Mechnikov. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of schoolchildren, it is possible to determine the conditions for their learning and development, rationally build a work schedule, and help find ways of self-improvement.

Thus, comparing these concepts, we can note: “individual” means something whole, indivisible, indicates what unites a given person with the human species; “individuality” answers the question of how a given person differs from all other people; the concept of “personality” characterizes integrity, but one that is born in society.

Society is a system of concrete historical social connections, a system of relationships between people. An individual person is also a certain system with a complex structure that does not fit into the spatial and physical framework of the human body.

Its stable components make up the concepts "person", "individual", "personality" And "individuality". The very obvious fact that man, on the one hand, is a part of nature, a natural being of a special kind, and on the other hand, is part of socio-practical existence, suggests that in its structure the concepts of “man”, “personality”, “individuality” "include both social and natural (biological) components, although in different proportions. The most general, generic concept is the concept "Human".Human- is a subject of socio-historical activity and culture, or, more precisely, a subject of these social relations and thereby the global historical and cultural process. By its nature, it is an integral biosocial (biopsychosocial) system, a unique creature capable of conceptual thinking, producing tools, possessing articulate speech and moral qualities.

A person is considered as an individual as a single representative of the human race. The definition of this concept does not require any specific characteristics. Individual- it is always one of many, and it is always impersonal. The concept of an individual does not capture any special or individual properties of a person, therefore it is very poor in content, but rich in scope to the same extent, because each person is an individual. The concept of an individual does not capture either the biological or social qualities of a person, although they are, of course, implied. In the question of the relationship between society and the individual, two tendencies often appear: either their dualistic opposition, or the dissolution of the individual in the system of social relations. The antinomy of the social and the individual is overcome if we keep in mind that the individual is not just a single empirical being “embedded” in society, but an individual form of existence of the same society.

The human individual, taken in the aspect of his social qualities (views, abilities, needs, interests, moral beliefs, etc.), forms the concept of personality. Personality- this is a dynamic, relatively stable integral system of intellectual, socio-cultural and moral-volitional qualities of a person, expressed in the individual characteristics of his consciousness and activity. Although the natural basis of a personality is formed by its biological characteristics, the determining factors of its development (essential basis) are not its natural qualities (for example, this or that type of higher nervous activity), but socially significant qualities.

The concept of personality usually does not include the natural individual characteristics of an individual. And this is apparently correct, because the essence of man, as we have already said, is social. But it should be borne in mind that natural individuality influences the development of personality and its perception to the extent that the biological generally influences the social in a person. A personality is all the more significant the more it accumulates a person’s sociocultural experience and, in turn, makes an individual contribution to his development. The problem of personality in philosophy is the question of what is the essence of man as a person, what is his place in the world and in history. Personality here is considered as an individual expression and subject of social relations, activities and communication of people.

The social and active essence of a person, first of all, underlies the socialization of the individual, in the process of which the formation of personality occurs. Socialization is the process of assimilation by an individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, allowing him to carry out his life activities in a way adequate for a given society. Individuality- this is a unique, original way of being of a specific person as a subject of independent activity, an individual form of human social life. Personality is social in its essence, but in its mode of existence it is individual. Individuality expresses the individual’s own world, his special life path.

Natural inclinations and innate characteristics play an important role in the development of individuality. Individuality is the unity of unique and universal properties of a person, formed in the process of interaction of his qualities - general, typical (universal human natural and social characteristics), special (specific historical, formational) and individual (unique physical and spiritual-mental characteristics). With the historical development of human activity, the individualization of man and his relationships in various areas of life is increasingly developing. The formation of individuals is the greatest value, since the development of the diversity of individual abilities and talents, their competitiveness in historical terms is one of the necessary conditions for social progress.

Theories of personality.

Three main concepts of personality have emerged in the humanities. The most common in sociology is status-role concept of personality . Proponents of this theory were prominent sociologists Merton, Parsons, Mitt and others. From the point of view of this theory, personality arises and is formed only when a person is included in a social group, enters various social institutions in which he acquires status, roles associated with him, learns norms, values, attitudes, etc. At the same time, the social role is considered as a way of human behavior in accordance with his status. Thus, personality can be viewed as a function of a variety of social roles, and role behavior as a tool for adaptation to certain social situations.

Individual- a bearer of various social statuses, and a person can determine for himself which status is dominant and main for him. Statuses can be prescribed And natural. Natural do not depend on the choice of a person and even society (gender status, age). Prescribed status imposed on a person by society, acquired by a person in society and through his own efforts. The system of existing statuses of various social institutions offers a person a choice, which he makes on the basis of objective and subjective conditions. All statuses prescribe certain roles - a set of actions that a person must perform in order to comply with them. A person has a whole set of statuses and roles and this can, in some cases, lead to role conflicts - to situations where the performance of some role functions makes it impossible to perform others. Social role is related to role behavior and role expectations. The fulfillment of role expectations largely determines the possibility of role actions. Through role expectations, society influences the individual, and in this sense, the autonomy (freedom) of the individual always has a certain limit.

Rice. 10. Social status and its main types

Z. Freud's concept. The famous Austrian thinker and psychiatrist builds his reasoning about personality based on the recognition of the dominance of the animal nature in man as a biological being. Like an animal, man strives to satisfy needs that bring him a sense of satisfaction. Society imposes on a person a system of prohibitions aimed at preserving society as an integrity and establishing a certain social order. In this regard, in the structure of the human personality, he distinguishes three components: “it”, or “id” - unconscious, impulsive drives of a biological order, eros as a source of activity ( libido- sexual desire); “I” or “ego” is a person’s self-awareness; “super-ego” or “super-ego” are norms imposed by society and accepted by a person.

Human self-awareness as a mediating link between “it” and “super-ego” seeks a compromise between deep drives and socially acceptable forms of their implementation.

Rice. 11. Personality structure according to Freud

Behavioral concept of personality arose and developed within the framework of psychology behaviorism. From this point of view, personal behavior consists of three types of behavior: unconditional reflex behavior, which is determined by a system of unconditioned reflexes and is little recognized by the individual; conditioned reflex behavior, which is determined by a system of conditioned reflexes formed during the life of an individual and containing his life experience (therefore, such behavior can be quite diverse depending on living conditions, and it can also be little conscious); operant behavior which represents spontaneously chosen forms of behavior, enshrined in habits and stereotypes. Operant behavior is largely individual and, as a rule, has a certain rational justification.

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