What will the spaceships of the future look like? Spaceships of the future: projects, problems, prospects

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. He had a wife, Nastasya the golden braid, and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.

Once the queen went with her mothers and nannies for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind swooped in, picked up the queen and carried her away to God knows where. The king became sad, worried, but did not know what to do.

Now the princes have grown up, he says to them:

My dear children, which of you will go to look for your mother?

The two eldest sons got ready and went. And they were gone for a year, and they were gone for another, and now the third year began... Tsarevich Ivan began to ask his father:

Let me go look for my mother and find out about my older brothers.

No,” says the king, “you’re the only one left with me, don’t leave me, old man.”

And Ivan Tsarevich answers:

All the same, if you allow me, I’ll leave, and if you don’t allow me, I’ll leave.

What to do here? The king released him.

Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off. I drove and drove... It soon takes its toll, but it doesn’t get done soon enough.

I reached the glass mountain. The mountain stands tall, its top touching the sky. Under the mountain there are two tents pitched: Peter the Tsarevich and Vasily the Tsarevich.

Hello, Ivanushka! Where are you going?

To look for mother, to catch up with you.

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found mother’s trail a long time ago, but we can’t stand on that trail. Go and try to climb this mountain, but we’re already out of breath. We have been standing at the bottom for three years, but we cannot go up.

Well, brothers, I'll try.

Ivan Tsarevich climbed the glass mountain. One step up crawling, ten steps down head over heels. He climbs one day and another. He cut up all his arms and mangled his legs. On the third day I climbed to the top.

He began to shout to his brothers from above:

I’ll go look for mother, and you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months, and if I don’t arrive on time, there’s no point in waiting. And the crow will not bring my bones!

Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked along the mountain. Walked, walked, walked, walked. He sees the copper palace standing. At the gate there are terrible snakes chained to copper chains, breathing fire. And next to the well, near the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. The snakes are rushing to the water, but the chain is short.

Tsarevich Ivan took a ladle, scooped up some cold water, and gave it to the snakes to drink. The snakes calmed down and settled down. He went to the copper palace. I came out to him copper kingdom princess:

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

Did Ivan Tsarevich come here willingly or unwillingly?

I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the Queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she is?

I don't know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she can tell you.

And she gave him a copper ball.

Roll the ball, he says, and it will show you the way to your middle sister. And when you defeat the Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing.

“Okay,” says Ivan Tsarevich. Threw a copper ball. The ball rolled, and the prince followed him.

Came to the silver kingdom. At the gate there are terrible snakes chained to silver chains. There is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water and gave the snakes something to drink. They settled down and let him pass. The princess of the silver kingdom ran out.

“It’s already been three years,” says the princess, “that the mighty Whirlwind has kept me here.” I had never heard of the Russian spirit, never seen the Russian spirit, but now the Russian spirit itself has come to me. Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

How did you get here: willingly or unwillingly?

With my desire, I am looking for my dear mother. She went to green garden for a walk, a mighty Whirlwind swooped in and whisked her away to God knows where. Do you know where to find her?

No, I don't know. And my elder sister, Elena the Beautiful, lives nearby, in the golden kingdom. Maybe she'll tell you. Here's a silver ball for you. Roll him in front of you and follow him. Yes, watch how you kill Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing. Ivan Tsarevich rolled a silver ball and followed.

Whether for a long time or for a short time, he sees: the golden palace stands, like the heat is burning. The gates are swarming with terrible snakes, chained to golden chains. They are burning with fire. Near the well, near the well there is a golden ladle chained to golden chains.

Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water and gave the snakes something to drink. They settled down and became quiet. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace; Elena the Beautiful, the princess of indescribable beauty, meets him:

Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich. I'm looking for my mother - Nastasya the Queen. Do you know where to find her?

How can you not know? She lives not far from here. Here's a golden ball for you. Roll it along the road - it will take you where you need to go. Look, prince, how you defeat the Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing, take me with you into the free world.

“Okay,” he says, “beloved beauty, I won’t forget.”

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed it. He walked and walked and came to such a palace that you can’t tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen - it burns like pearls and precious stones. At the gate, six-headed snakes hiss, scorch with fire, breathe heat.

The prince gave them a drink. The snakes calmed down and let him into the palace. The prince walked through the large chambers. In the farthest place I found my mother. She sits on a high throne, in a decorated royal outfit, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and screamed:

Ivanushka, my son! How did you get here?!

I came for you, my mother.

Well, son, it will be difficult for you. Great power at Whirlwind. Well, yes, I will help you, I will add strength to you. Then she lifted the floorboard and took him into the cellar. There are two tubs of water there - one right hand, the other on the left.

Queen Nastasya says:

Drink, Ivanushka, some water that is on your right hand.

Ivan Tsarevich drank.

Well? Have you gained more strength?

It has increased, mother. Now I could turn the whole palace over with one hand.

Come on, drink some more!

The prince drank some more.

How much strength do you have now, son? - Now if I want, I can turn the whole world around.

That's enough, son. Come on, move these tubs from place to place. Take the one on the right to left side, and take the one on the right to right side.

Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs and moved them from place to place.

Queen Nastasya tells him:

In one tub there is strong water, in the other there is weak water. The whirlwind drinks strong water in battle, which is why you can’t deal with it.

They returned to the palace.

“Soon the Whirlwind will arrive,” says Queen Nastasya. - You grab him by the club. Don't let him go. A whirlwind will soar into the sky - and you with it: it will carry you over the seas, over high mountains, over deep abysses, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind gets tired, wants to drink strong water, rushes to the tub that is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand... I just had time to say something, suddenly it got dark in the yard, everything around was shaking. The Whirlwind flew into the upper room. Ivantsarevich rushed to him and grabbed his club.

Who are you? Where did it come from? - Whirlwind shouted. - Here I will eat you!

Well, grandma said it in two! Either you eat it or you don't. The Whirlwind rushed out the window - and into the sky. He already carried, carried Ivan Tsarevich... And over the mountains, and over the seas, and over deep abysses. The prince does not let go of his club. The whirlwind flew around the whole world. I was tired, exhausted. He went down and went straight to the cellar. He ran up to the tub that stood on his right hand and let him drink water.

And Tsarevich Ivan rushed to the left and also fell to the tub. Vortex drinks - with every sip he loses strength. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop the strength in him comes. He became a mighty hero. Snatched it sharp sword and at once cut off Whirlwind’s head.

Rub some more! Rub some more! Otherwise he will come to life!

No,” the prince replies, “the hero’s hand does not strike twice, it finishes everything at once.” Ivan Tsarevich ran to Nastasya the Queen:

Let's go, mother. It's time. The brothers are waiting for us under the mountain. Yes, on the way we need to take three princesses. So they set off on their journey. We went to pick up Elena the Beautiful.

She rolled a golden egg, that's it golden kingdom hid it in an egg.

“Thank you,” he says, “Ivan Tsarevich, you saved me from the evil Whirlwind.” Here's a testicle for you, and if you want it, be my betrothed.

Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg and kissed the princess on her scarlet lips. Then they went for the princess of the silver kingdom, and then for the princess of the copper kingdom. They took woven fabrics with them and came to the place where they had to go down the mountain. Ivan Tsarevich depicted Nastasya the Queen on the canvas, then Elena the Beautiful and her two sisters.

The brothers are standing below, waiting. They saw their mother and were delighted. They saw Elena the Beautiful - they froze. We saw two sisters and were jealous.

Well,” says Tsarevich Vasily, “our Ivanushka is young and green ahead of his older brothers. Let's take the mother and the princesses, take them to the priest, and say: we got them with our heroic hands. And let Ivanushka take a walk on the mountain alone.

Well,” answers Peter Tsarevich, “you’re telling the truth.” I will take Helen the Beautiful for myself, you will take the princess of the silver kingdom, and we will give the princess of the copper kingdom for the general.

Just then Ivan Tsarevich was getting ready to descend the mountain himself; As soon as he began to tie the canvas to the stump, the older brothers from below took hold of the canvas, tore it out of his hands and tore it out. How will Ivan Tsarevich go down now?

Ivan Tsarevich was left alone on the mountain. He cried and went back. I walked and walked, not a soul anywhere. Mortal boredom! Out of melancholy and grief, Ivan Tsarevich began to play with the Whirlwind Club.

As soon as he threw the club from hand to hand, suddenly, out of nowhere, Lame and Crooked jumped out.

What do you need, Ivan Tsarevich! If you order three times, we will carry out your three orders.

Ivan Tsarevich says:

I want to eat, Lame and Crooked!

Out of nowhere - the table is set, the best food is on the table.

Ivan Tsarevich ate and again transferred the club from hand to hand.

“I want to rest,” he says, “I want to!”

Before I could say it, there was an oak bed with a feather bed and a silk blanket. Ivan Tsarevich got enough sleep and threw his club for the third time. Lame and Crooked jumped out:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, do you need?

I want to be in my kingdom-state. As soon as he said it, at that very moment Ivan Tsarevich found himself in his state. It was right in the middle of the market. He stands and looks around. He sees a shoemaker walking through the market towards him, walking, singing songs, stamping his feet in harmony - such a merry fellow!

The prince asks:

Where are you going, man?

Yes, I’m bringing shoes to sell. I'm a shoemaker.

Take me as your apprentice.

Do you know how to sew shoes?

Yes, I can do anything. Not like shoes, I’ll sew a dress.

They came home, the shoemaker said:

Here's the best product for you. Sew some shoes and see how you can do them.

Well, what kind of product is this?! Rubbish, and that's all!

At night, when everyone had fallen asleep, Tsarevich Ivan took the golden egg and rolled it along the road. A golden Palace stood before him. Ivan Tsarevich went into the upper room, took shoes embroidered with gold from the chest, rolled the egg along the road, hid the golden palace in the egg, put the shoes on the table, and went to bed.

In the morning the owner saw the shoes and gasped:

These kind of shoes can only be worn in the palace!

And at this time three weddings were being prepared in the palace: Peter the Tsarevich took Elena the Beautiful for himself, Vasily Tsarevich took the princess of the silver kingdom, and gave the princess of the copper kingdom to the general.

The shoemaker brought the shoes to the palace. When Elena the Beautiful saw the shoes, she immediately understood everything: “You know, Ivan Tsarevich, my betrothed, is walking around the kingdom alive and well.”

Elena the Beautiful says to the king:

Let this shoemaker make me a wedding dress without measurements by tomorrow, sewn with gold, embellished with semi-precious stones, studded with pearls. Otherwise I won’t marry Tsarevich Peter. The king called the shoemaker.

“So and so,” he says, “so that tomorrow the golden dress will be delivered to Princess Elena the Beautiful, or else she will be hanged!”

The shoemaker goes home sadly, hanging his gray head.

“Here,” he says to Ivan Tsarevich, “what have you done to me!”

Nothing, says Ivan Tsarevich, go to bed! The morning is wiser than the evening.

At night, Tsarevich Ivan took out a wedding dress from the golden kingdom and placed it on the shoemaker’s table. In the morning the shoemaker woke up - the dress was lying on the table, the heat was burning, lighting up the whole room. The shoemaker grabbed it, ran to the palace, and gave it to Helen the Beautiful.

Elena the Beautiful rewarded him and ordered:

See that by dawn tomorrow, at the seventh verst, on the sea, there will be a kingdom with a golden palace, that wonderful trees will grow there and singing birds will sing to me in different voices. If you don’t do it, I’ll order you to be executed with a cruel death.

The shoemaker went home barely alive.

“Here,” he says to Tsarevich Ivan, “what have your shoes done!” I won't be alive now.

“Nothing,” says Ivan Tsarevich, “go to bed.” The morning is wiser than the evening.

As soon as everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich went to the seventh mile, to the seashore. Rolled his golden egg. A golden kingdom stood before him, in the middle there was a golden palace, from the golden palace a bridge stretched for seven miles, wonderful trees grew around, songbirds sang in different voices.

Tsarevich Ivan stood on the bridge, hammering nails into the railings.

Elena the Beautiful saw the palace and ran to the king:

Look, king, what we are doing!

The king looked and gasped.

And Elena the Beautiful says:

Order, father, to harness the gilded carriage, I will go to the golden palace with Tsarevich Peter to get married. So they drove along the golden bridge. On the bridge there are chiseled pillars, gilded rings, and on each pillar a dove and a darling are sitting, bowing to each other and saying:

Do you remember, my dear, who saved you?

“I remember, my dear,” Tsarevich Ivan saved.

And Tsarevich Ivan stands near the railing, nailing down golden carnations.

Good people! Hold back the fast horses quickly. It wasn’t the one who was sitting next to me who saved me, but the one who was standing by the railings who saved me!

She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, sat him down next to her, took him to the golden palace, and here they had a wedding.

They returned to the king and told him the whole truth. The tsar wanted to execute his eldest sons, but Ivan Tsarevich, in joy, begged them to forgive them. They gave the princess of the silver kingdom to Peter the Tsarevich, and the copper kingdom to Vasily the Tsarevich. There was a feast for the whole world here! That's the end of the fairy tale.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. He had a wife, Nastasya the golden braid, and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.
Once the queen went with her mothers and nannies for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind swooped in, picked up the queen and carried her away to God knows where. The king became sad, worried, but did not know what to do.
Now the princes have grown up, he says to them:
- My dear children, which of you will go to look for your mother?
The two eldest sons got ready and went. And they were gone for a year, and they were gone for another, and now the third year begins... Tsarevich Ivan began to ask his father:
- Let me go look for my mother, find out about my older brothers.
“No,” says the king, “you’re the only one left with me, don’t leave me, old man.”
And Ivan Tsarevich answers:
- It doesn’t matter, if you allow me, I’ll leave, and if you don’t allow me, I’ll leave.
What to do here? The king released him.
Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off. I drove and drove... Soon the fairy tale will be told, but it won’t be long before the deed is done.
I reached the glass mountain. The mountain stands tall, its top touching the sky. Under the mountain there are two tents pitched: Peter the Tsarevich and Vasily the Tsarevich.
- Hello, Ivanushka! Where are you going?
- To look for mother, to catch up with you.
- Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found mother’s trail a long time ago, but we can’t stand on that trail. Go and try to climb this mountain, but we’re already out of breath. We have been standing at the bottom for three years, but we cannot go up.
- Well, brothers, I'll try.
Ivan Tsarevich climbed the glass mountain. One step up crawling, ten steps down head over heels. He climbs one day and another. He cut up all his arms and mangled his legs. On the third day I climbed to the top.
He began to shout to his brothers from above:
“I’ll go look for mother, and you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months, and if I don’t arrive on time, there’s nothing to wait for.” And the crow will not bring my bones!
Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked along the mountain. Walked, walked, walked, walked. He sees the copper palace standing. At the gate there are terrible snakes chained to copper chains, breathing fire. And next to the well, near the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. The snakes are rushing to the water, but the chain is short.
Tsarevich Ivan took a ladle, scooped up some cold water, and gave it to the snakes to drink. The snakes calmed down and settled down. He went to the copper palace. The princess of the copper kingdom came out to him:

- I am Ivan Tsarevich.
- What, Ivan Tsarevich, did he come here willingly or unwillingly?
- I'm looking for my mother - Nastasya the Queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she is?
- I don’t know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she can tell you.
And she gave him a copper ball.
“Roll the ball,” he says, “it will show you the way to your middle sister.” And when you defeat the Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing.
“Okay,” says Ivan Tsarevich. Threw a copper ball. The ball rolled, and the prince followed him.
Came to the silver kingdom. At the gate there are terrible snakes chained to silver chains. There is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water and gave the snakes something to drink. They settled down and let him pass. The princess of the silver kingdom ran out.
“It’s already been three years,” says the princess, “that the mighty Whirlwind has kept me here.” I had never heard of the Russian spirit, never seen the Russian spirit, but now the Russian spirit itself has come to me. Who are you, good fellow?
- I am Ivan Tsarevich.
- How did you get here: willingly or unwillingly?
- By my own desire, I am looking for my dear mother. She went for a walk in the green garden, a mighty Whirlwind flew in and whisked her away to God knows where. Do you know where to find her?
- No, I don’t know. And my elder sister, Elena the Beautiful, lives nearby, in the golden kingdom. Maybe she'll tell you. Here's a silver ball for you. Roll him in front of you and follow him. Yes, watch how you kill Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing. Ivan Tsarevich rolled a silver ball and followed.
Whether for a long time or for a short time, he sees: the golden palace stands, like the heat is burning. The gates are swarming with terrible snakes, chained to golden chains. They are burning with fire. Near the well, near the well there is a golden ladle chained to golden chains.
Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water and gave the snakes something to drink. They settled down and became quiet. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace; Elena the Beautiful, the princess of indescribable beauty, meets him:
- Who are you, good fellow?
- I am Ivan Tsarevich. I'm looking for my mother - Nastasya the Queen.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. He had a wife, Nastasya the golden braid, and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.

Once the queen went with her mothers and nannies for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind swooped in, picked up the queen and carried her away to God knows where. The king became sad, worried, but did not know what to do.

Now the princes have grown up, he says to them:

My dear children, which of you will go to look for your mother?

The two eldest sons got ready and went. And they were gone for a year, and they were gone for another, and now the third year began... Tsarevich Ivan began to ask his father:

Let me go look for my mother and find out about my older brothers.

No,” says the king, “you’re the only one left with me, don’t leave me, old man.”

And Ivan Tsarevich answers:

All the same, if you allow me, I’ll leave, and if you don’t allow me, I’ll leave.

What to do here? The king released him.

Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off. I drove and drove... Soon the fairy tale will be told, but it won’t be long before the deed is done.

I reached the glass mountain. The mountain stands tall, its top touching the sky. Under the mountain there are two tents pitched: Peter the Tsarevich and Vasily the Tsarevich.

Hello, Ivanushka! Where are you going?

To look for mother, to catch up with you.

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found mother’s trail a long time ago, but we can’t stand on that trail. Go and try to climb this mountain, but we’re already out of breath. We have been standing at the bottom for three years, but we cannot go up.

Well, brothers, I'll try.

Ivan Tsarevich climbed the glass mountain. One step up crawling, ten steps down head over heels. He climbs one day and another. He cut up all his arms and mangled his legs. On the third day I climbed to the top.

He began to shout to his brothers from above:

I’ll go look for mother, and you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months, and if I don’t arrive on time, there’s no point in waiting. And the crow will not bring my bones!

Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked along the mountain. Walked, walked, walked, walked. He sees the copper palace standing. At the gate there are terrible snakes chained to copper chains, breathing fire. And next to the well, near the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. The snakes are rushing to the water, but the chain is short.

Tsarevich Ivan took a ladle, scooped up some cold water, and gave it to the snakes to drink. The snakes calmed down and settled down. He went to the copper palace. The princess of the copper kingdom came out to him:

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

Did Ivan Tsarevich come here willingly or unwillingly?

I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the Queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she is?

I don't know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she can tell you.

And she gave him a copper ball.

Roll the ball, he says, and it will show you the way to your middle sister. And when you defeat the Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing.

“Okay,” says Ivan Tsarevich. Threw a copper ball. The ball rolled, and the prince followed him.

Came to the silver kingdom. At the gate there are terrible snakes chained to silver chains. There is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water and gave the snakes something to drink. They settled down and let him pass. The princess of the silver kingdom ran out.

“It’s already been three years,” says the princess, “that the mighty Whirlwind has kept me here.” I had never heard of the Russian spirit, never seen the Russian spirit, but now the Russian spirit itself has come to me. Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

How did you get here: willingly or unwillingly?

With my desire, I am looking for my dear mother. She went for a walk in the green garden, a mighty Whirlwind flew in and whisked her away to God knows where. Do you know where to find her?

No, I don't know. And my elder sister, Elena the Beautiful, lives nearby, in the golden kingdom. Maybe she'll tell you. Here's a silver ball for you. Roll him in front of you and follow him. Yes, watch how you kill Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing. Ivan Tsarevich rolled a silver ball and followed.

Whether for a long time or for a short time, he sees: the golden palace stands, like the heat is burning. The gates are swarming with terrible snakes, chained to golden chains. They are burning with fire. Near the well, near the well there is a golden ladle chained to golden chains.

Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water and gave the snakes something to drink. They settled down and became quiet. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace; Elena the Beautiful, the princess of indescribable beauty, meets him:

Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich. I'm looking for my mother - Nastasya the Queen. Do you know where to find her?

How can you not know? She lives not far from here. Here's a golden ball for you. Roll it along the road - it will take you where you need to go. Look, prince, how you defeat the Whirlwind, don’t forget me, poor thing, take me with you into the free world.

“Okay,” he says, “beloved beauty, I won’t forget.”

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed it. He walked and walked and came to such a palace that you can’t tell it in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen - it burns like pearls and precious stones. At the gate, six-headed snakes hiss, scorch with fire, breathe heat.

The prince gave them a drink. The snakes calmed down and let him into the palace. The prince walked through the large chambers. In the farthest place I found my mother. She sits on a high throne, in a decorated royal outfit, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and screamed:

Ivanushka, my son! How did you get here?!

I came for you, my mother.

Well, son, it will be difficult for you. The Whirlwind has great power. Well, yes, I will help you, I will add strength to you. Then she lifted the floorboard and took him into the cellar. There are two tubs of water there - one on the right hand, the other on the left.

Queen Nastasya says:

Drink, Ivanushka, some water that is on your right hand.

Ivan Tsarevich drank.

Well? Have you gained more strength?

It has increased, mother. Now I could turn the whole palace over with one hand.

Come on, drink some more!

The prince drank some more.

How much strength do you have now, son? - Now if I want, I can turn the whole world around.

That's enough, son. Come on, move these tubs from place to place. Take the one to the right to the left side, and take the one to the right to the right.

Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs and moved them from place to place.

Queen Nastasya tells him:

In one tub there is strong water, in the other there is weak water. The whirlwind drinks strong water in battle, which is why you can’t deal with it.

They returned to the palace.

“Soon the Whirlwind will arrive,” says Queen Nastasya. - You grab him by the club. Don't let him go. A whirlwind will soar into the sky - and you with it: it will carry you over the seas, over high mountains, over deep abysses, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind gets tired, wants to drink strong water, rushes to the tub that is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand... I just had time to say something, suddenly it got dark in the yard, everything around was shaking. The Whirlwind flew into the upper room. Ivantsarevich rushed to him and grabbed his club.

Who are you? Where did it come from? - Whirlwind shouted. - Here I will eat you!

Well, grandma said it in two! Either you eat it or you don't. The Whirlwind rushed out the window - and into the sky. He already carried, carried Ivan Tsarevich... And over the mountains, and over the seas, and over deep abysses. The prince does not let go of his club. The whirlwind flew around the whole world. I was tired, exhausted. He went down and went straight to the cellar. He ran up to the tub that stood on his right hand and let him drink water.

And Tsarevich Ivan rushed to the left and also fell to the tub. Vortex drinks - with every sip he loses strength. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop the strength in him comes. He became a mighty hero. He pulled out a sharp sword and cut off Whirlwind’s head at once.

Rub some more! Rub some more! Otherwise he will come to life!

No,” the prince replies, “the hero’s hand does not strike twice, it finishes everything at once.” Ivan Tsarevich ran to Nastasya the Queen:

Let's go, mother. It's time. The brothers are waiting for us under the mountain. Yes, on the way we need to take three princesses. So they set off on their journey. We went to pick up Elena the Beautiful.

She rolled a golden egg and hid the entire golden kingdom in the egg.

“Thank you,” he says, “Ivan Tsarevich, you saved me from the evil Whirlwind.” Here's a testicle for you, and if you want it, be my betrothed.

Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg and kissed the princess on her scarlet lips. Then they went for the princess of the silver kingdom, and then for the princess of the copper kingdom. They took woven fabrics with them and came to the place where they had to go down the mountain. Ivan Tsarevich depicted Nastasya the Queen on the canvas, then Elena the Beautiful and her two sisters.

The brothers are standing below, waiting. They saw their mother and were delighted. They saw Elena the Beautiful - they froze. We saw two sisters and were jealous.

Well,” says Tsarevich Vasily, “our Ivanushka is young and green ahead of his older brothers. Let's take the mother and the princesses, take them to the priest, and say: we got them with our heroic hands. And let Ivanushka take a walk on the mountain alone.

Well,” answers Peter Tsarevich, “you’re telling the truth.” I will take Helen the Beautiful for myself, you will take the princess of the silver kingdom, and we will give the princess of the copper kingdom for the general.

Just then Ivan Tsarevich was getting ready to descend the mountain himself; As soon as he began to tie the canvas to the stump, the older brothers from below took hold of the canvas, tore it out of his hands and tore it out. How will Ivan Tsarevich go down now?

Ivan Tsarevich was left alone on the mountain. He cried and went back. I walked and walked, not a soul anywhere. Mortal boredom! Out of melancholy and grief, Ivan Tsarevich began to play with the Whirlwind Club.

As soon as he threw the club from hand to hand, suddenly, out of nowhere, Lame and Crooked jumped out.

What do you need, Ivan Tsarevich! If you order three times, we will carry out your three orders.

Ivan Tsarevich says:

I want to eat, Lame and Crooked!

Out of nowhere - the table is set, the best food is on the table.

Ivan Tsarevich ate and again transferred the club from hand to hand.

“I want to rest,” he says, “I want to!”

Before I could say it, there was an oak bed with a feather bed and a silk blanket. Ivan Tsarevich got enough sleep and threw his club for the third time. Lame and Crooked jumped out:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, do you need?

I want to be in my kingdom-state. As soon as he said it, at that very moment Ivan Tsarevich found himself in his state. It was right in the middle of the market. He stands and looks around. He sees a shoemaker walking through the market towards him, walking, singing songs, stamping his feet in harmony - such a merry fellow!

The prince asks:

Where are you going, man?

Yes, I’m bringing shoes to sell. I'm a shoemaker.

Take me as your apprentice.

Do you know how to sew shoes?

Yes, I can do anything. Not like shoes, I’ll sew a dress.

They came home, the shoemaker said:

Here's the best product for you. Sew some shoes and see how you can do them.

Well, what kind of product is this?! Rubbish, and that's all!

At night, when everyone had fallen asleep, Tsarevich Ivan took the golden egg and rolled it along the road. A golden Palace stood before him. Ivan Tsarevich went into the upper room, took shoes embroidered with gold from the chest, rolled the egg along the road, hid the golden palace in the egg, put the shoes on the table, and went to bed.

In the morning the owner saw the shoes and gasped:

These kind of shoes can only be worn in the palace!

And at this time three weddings were being prepared in the palace: Peter the Tsarevich took Elena the Beautiful for himself, Vasily Tsarevich took the princess of the silver kingdom, and gave the princess of the copper kingdom to the general.

The shoemaker brought the shoes to the palace. When Elena the Beautiful saw the shoes, she immediately understood everything: “You know, Ivan Tsarevich, my betrothed, is walking around the kingdom alive and well.”

Elena the Beautiful says to the king:

Let this shoemaker make me a wedding dress without measurements by tomorrow, sewn with gold, embellished with semi-precious stones, studded with pearls. Otherwise I won’t marry Tsarevich Peter. The king called the shoemaker.

“So and so,” he says, “so that tomorrow the golden dress will be delivered to Princess Elena the Beautiful, or else she will be hanged!”

The shoemaker goes home sadly, hanging his gray head.

“Here,” he says to Ivan Tsarevich, “what have you done to me!”

Nothing, says Ivan Tsarevich, go to bed! The morning is wiser than the evening.

At night, Tsarevich Ivan took out a wedding dress from the golden kingdom and placed it on the shoemaker’s table. In the morning the shoemaker woke up - the dress was lying on the table, the heat was burning, lighting up the whole room. The shoemaker grabbed it, ran to the palace, and gave it to Helen the Beautiful.

Elena the Beautiful rewarded him and ordered:

See that by dawn tomorrow, at the seventh verst, on the sea, there will be a kingdom with a golden palace, that wonderful trees will grow there and singing birds will sing to me in different voices. If you don’t do it, I’ll order you to be executed with a cruel death.

The shoemaker went home barely alive.

“Here,” he says to Tsarevich Ivan, “what have your shoes done!” I won't be alive now.

“Nothing,” says Ivan Tsarevich, “go to bed.” The morning is wiser than the evening.

As soon as everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich went to the seventh mile, to the seashore. Rolled his golden egg. A golden kingdom stood before him, in the middle there was a golden palace, from the golden palace a bridge stretched for seven miles, wonderful trees grew around, songbirds sang in different voices.

Tsarevich Ivan stood on the bridge, hammering nails into the railings.

Elena the Beautiful saw the palace and ran to the king:

Look, king, what we are doing!

The king looked and gasped.

And Elena the Beautiful says:

Order, father, to harness the gilded carriage, I will go to the golden palace with Tsarevich Peter to get married. So they drove along the golden bridge. On the bridge there are chiseled pillars, gilded rings, and on each pillar a dove and a darling are sitting, bowing to each other and saying:

Do you remember, my dear, who saved you?

“I remember, my dear,” Tsarevich Ivan saved.

And Tsarevich Ivan stands near the railing, nailing down golden carnations.

Good people! Hold back the fast horses quickly. It wasn’t the one who was sitting next to me who saved me, but the one who was standing by the railings who saved me!

She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, sat him down next to her, took him to the golden palace, and here they had a wedding.

They returned to the king and told him the whole truth. The tsar wanted to execute his eldest sons, but Ivan Tsarevich, in joy, begged them to forgive them. They gave the princess of the silver kingdom to Peter the Tsarevich, and the copper kingdom to Vasily the Tsarevich. There was a feast for the whole world here! That's the end of the fairy tale.

The tale is presented for informational purposes only.

V. Vasnetsov. Three princesses of the underworld

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, Bel Belyanin; he had a wife, Nastasya Golden Braid, and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich. The queen went with her mothers and nannies for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a strong whirlwind arose - and my God! grabbed the queen and took her to an unknown place. The king became sad and confused and did not know what to do. When the princes grew up, he said to them: “My dear children! Which one of you will go and find his mother?”

The two eldest sons got ready and went; and after them the youngest began to ask his father. “No,” says the king, “you, son, don’t go! Don’t leave me alone, old man.” - “Allow me, father! I’m so afraid I want to travel around the world and find my mother.” The king dissuaded, dissuaded, could not dissuade: “Well, there’s nothing to do, go; God be with you!

Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off on the road. I rode and rode, whether long or short; soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done; comes to the forest. There is a rich palace in that forest. Ivan Tsarevich drove into a wide courtyard, saw the old man and said: “Long live for many years, old man!” - “You are welcome! Who is this, good fellow?” - “I am Ivan Tsarevich, the son of Tsar Bel Belyanin and Queen Nastasya of the Golden Braid.” - “Oh, my dear nephew! Where is God taking you? “Yes, so and so,” he says, “I’m going to look for my mother. Can you tell me, uncle, where to find her? - “No, nephew, I don’t know. In whatever way I can, I will serve you; Here’s a ball for you, throw it in front of you; it will roll and lead you to the cool ones, high mountains. There is a cave in those mountains, enter it, take iron claws, put them on your hands and feet, and climb the mountains; Maybe there you’ll find your mother Nastasya’s golden braid.”

That's good. Ivan Tsarevich said goodbye to his uncle and released the ball in front of him; the ball rolls and rolls, and he follows it. Whether for a long time or for a short time, he sees: his brothers Peter Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich are camped in an open field and many troops are with them. His brothers greeted him: “Bah! Where are you going, Ivan Tsarevich? “Well,” he says, “I got bored at home and decided to go look for my mother. Send the army home and let us go together.” They did so; They released the army and the three of us went to get the ball. From a distance we could still see the mountains - so steep and high, oh my God! their tops pointing to the sky. The ball rolled straight to the cave; Ivan Tsarevich got off his horse and said to his brothers: “Here you are, brothers, my good horse; I’ll go to the mountains to look for mother, and you stay here; wait for me exactly three months, and if I don’t come in three months, there’s nothing to wait for!” The brothers think: “How can I climb these mountains and break my head!” “Well,” they say, “go with God, and we’ll wait here.”

Ivan Tsarevich approached the cave, saw an iron door, pushed with all his might - the door opened; entered there - iron claws were placed on his hands and feet. He began to climb mountains, climbed, climbed, worked for a whole month, and climbed to the top by force. “Well,” he says, “thank God!” I rested a little and went through the mountains; walked and walked, walked and walked, and looked - there was a copper palace, at the gates there were terrible snakes on copper chains chained, and they were swarming! And next to the well, near the well, a copper socket hangs on a copper chain. Ivan Tsarevich took a scoop of water and gave it to the snakes to drink; They calmed down, lay down, and he went into the palace.

The queen of the copper kingdom jumps out to him: “Who is this, good fellow?” - “I am Ivan Tsarevich.” “What,” he asks, “did Ivan Tsarevich come here willingly or unwillingly?” - “By my own desire; I'm looking for my mother Nastasya's golden braid. Some Whirlwind kidnapped her from the garden. Do you know where she is? - “No, I don’t know; but not far from here lives my middle sister, the queen of the silver kingdom; maybe she’ll tell you.” She gave him a copper ball and a copper ring. “The ball,” he says, “will bring you to the middle sister, and in this ring the whole copper kingdom consists. When you defeat the Whirlwind, which keeps me here and flies to me every three months, then do not forget me poor - free me from here and take me with you into the free world.” “Okay,” answered Ivan Tsarevich, he took and threw a copper ball - the ball rolled, and the Tsarevich followed it.

He comes to the silver kingdom and sees a palace better than before - all silver; At the gate there are terrible snakes chained on silver chains, and nearby there is a well with a silver rim. Ivan Tsarevich drew water, gave the snakes a drink - they lay down and let him into the palace. The queen of the silver kingdom comes out: “It will soon be three years,” she says, “that the mighty Whirlwind has kept me here; I have never heard of the Russian spirit, I have never seen it, but now the Russian spirit is being realized with my own eyes. Who is this, good fellow?” - “I am Ivan Tsarevich.” - “How did you get here - willingly or unwillingly?” - “With my own desire, I am looking for my mother; She went for a walk in the green garden, when a Whirlwind arose and rushed her off to an unknown destination. Do you know where to find her? - “No, I don’t know; and my elder sister, the queen of the golden kingdom, Elena the Beautiful, lives here not far away; maybe she'll tell you. Here is a silver ball for you, roll it in front of you and follow it; he will bring you to the golden kingdom. Yes, watch how you kill the Whirlwind - do not forget me, poor; free him from here and take him with you into the free world; The Whirlwind keeps me prisoner and flies to me every two months.” Then she handed him a silver ring: “The entire silver kingdom consists of this ring!” Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball: where the ball rolled, that’s where he went.

Whether for a long time or for a short time, I saw the golden palace standing like a fire; the gates are swarming with terrible snakes - chained to golden chains, and near the well, near the well a golden ring hangs on a golden chain. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up some water and gave it to the snakes to drink; they settled down and became quiet. The prince enters the palace; Elena the Beautiful meets him: “Who is this, good fellow?” - “I am Ivan Tsarevich.” - “How did you come here - either willingly or unwillingly?” - “I came in willingly; I'm looking for my mother Nastasya's golden braid. Do you know where to find her? - “You don’t know! She lives not far from here, and Whirlwind flies to her once a week, and to me once a month. Here's a golden ball for you, roll it in front of you and follow it - it will take you where you need to go; Yes, take a golden ring - the entire golden kingdom consists of this ring! Look, prince: how you defeat the Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor, take me with you into the free world.” “Okay,” he says, “I’ll take it!”

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed it: he walked and walked, and came to such a palace as, my God! - this is how it burns in diamonds and semi-precious stones. Six-headed snakes hiss at the gate; Ivan Tsarevich gave them something to drink, the snakes calmed down and let him into the palace. The prince walks through the large chambers and in the farthest one he finds his mother: she is sitting on a high throne, dressed in royal attire, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and screamed: “Oh, my God! Are you my beloved son? How did you get here? “So and so,” he says, “he came for you.” - “Well, son, it will be difficult for you! After all, here on the mountains an evil, powerful Whirlwind reigns, and all spirits obey him; he carried me away too. You need to fight him! Let's go quickly to the cellar."

So they went down to the cellar. There are two cadis with water: one on the right hand, the other on the left. Queen Nastasya's golden braid says: “Drink some of the water that is on the right.” Ivan Tsarevich drank. “Well, how much strength do you have?” - “Yes, so strong that I can turn the whole palace with one hand.” - “Come on, drink some more.” The prince drank some more. “How much strength do you have now?” - “Now if I want, I can turn the whole world.” - “Oh, that’s a lot! Move these cadis from place to place: take the one on the right to left hand, and take the one on the left to your right hand.” Ivan Tsarevich took the cadi and moved it from place to place. “You see, dear son: in one cadi there is strong water, in the other there is weak water; whoever drinks first will become a powerful hero, and whoever drinks second will become completely weak. The whirlwind always drinks strong water and places it on the right side; So you have to deceive him, otherwise there’s no way to deal with him!”

We returned to the palace. “Soon the Whirlwind will arrive,” the queen says to Ivan Tsarevich. - Sit down with me under the purple so that he doesn’t see you. And when the Whirlwind flies in and rushes to hug and kiss me, you grab him by the club. He will rise high, high, and will carry you over the seas and over the abysses, be careful not to let go of the club. The whirlwind gets tired, wants to drink strong water, goes down to the cellar and rushes to the cadi, which is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the cadi on your left hand. At this point he will be completely exhausted, you grab his sword and cut off his head with one blow. As soon as you cut off his head, people will immediately shout from behind you: “Cut again, chop again!” And you, son, don’t cut, but in response say: “The heroic hand does not strike twice, but all at once!”

As soon as Ivan Tsarevich managed to hide under the purple, it suddenly became dark in the yard, everything around began to shake; A Whirlwind flew in, hit the ground, became a good young man and entered the palace; in his hands is a war club. “Fu-fu-fu! What smells of Russian spirit to you? Who was the guest?" The queen answers: “I don’t know why you feel this way.” Whirlwind rushed to hug and kiss her, and Ivan Tsarevich immediately grabbed his club. “I’ll eat you!” - Whirlwind shouted at him. “Well, grandma said in two: either you eat it or you don’t!” The whirlwind rushed - out the window and into the sky; He already carried, carried Ivan Tsarevich - and over the mountains: “Do you want,” he says, “to hurt you?” and over the seas: “Do you want,” he threatens, “to drown?” But no, the prince does not let go of the club.

The whole world Whirlwind flew out, became exhausted and began to descend; He went straight down to the cellar, ran up to the cadi that was standing on his right hand, and let him drink the weak water, and Ivan Tsarevich rushed to the left, drank the strong water and became the first mighty hero in the whole world. He sees that the Whirlwind has completely weakened, he snatched his sharp sword and cut off his head at once. Voices behind them shouted: “Cut again, chop again, otherwise he will come to life.” “No,” the prince answers, “the heroic hand does not strike twice, but finishes everything at once!” Now he started the fire, burned both the body and the head, and scattered the ashes to the wind. Ivan Tsarevich's mother is so happy! “Well,” he says, “my beloved son, let’s have fun, eat, and let’s go home quickly; “It’s boring here, there are no people.” - “Who is serving here?” - “But you’ll see.” As soon as they decided to eat, now the table is set by itself, various dishes and wines appear on the table; The queen and the prince are having dinner, and invisible music plays wonderful songs for them. They ate and drank and rested; says Ivan Tsarevich: “Come on, mother, it’s time!” After all, our brothers are waiting for us under the mountains. Yes, on the way we must deliver the three queens who lived here near the Whirlwind.”

We took everything we needed and hit the road; first they went for the queen of the golden kingdom, then for the queen of silver, and then for the queen of the copper kingdom; They took them with them, grabbed linens and all sorts of things, and soon came to the place where they had to descend from the mountains. Ivan Tsarevich lowered on the canvas first his mother, then Elena the Beautiful and her two sisters. The brothers stand below - they wait, but they themselves think: “Let’s leave Ivan Tsarevich upstairs, and we’ll take the mother and the queens to their father and say that we found them.” “I will take Helen the Beautiful for myself,” says Peter the Tsarevich. “You will take the queen of the silver kingdom, Vasily the Tsarevich; and we’ll give up the queen of the copper state even for a general.”

This is how Tsarevich Ivan had to descend from the mountains, the older brothers took hold of the canvases, pulled and completely tore them off. Ivan Tsarevich remained in the mountains. What to do? He cried bitterly and went back; I walked and walked through the copper kingdom, and through the silver, and through the gold - there was not a soul. He comes to the diamond kingdom - there is no one either. Well, what about one? Mortal boredom! Lo and behold, there’s a pipe lying on the window. He took it in his hands. “Give me,” he says, “I’ll play out of boredom.” As soon as he whistled, a lame and crooked one jumped out; “Anything you want, Ivan Tsarevich?” - “I want to eat.” Immediately, out of nowhere, the table is set, the very first wines and dishes are on the table. Ivan Tsarevich ate and thought: “Now it wouldn’t be a bad idea to rest.” He whistled on the pipe, a lame and crooked man appeared: “What do you want, Ivan Tsarevich?” - “Yes, so that the bed is ready.” I didn’t have time to say it, and the bed was laid out - which is the best.

So he lay down, had a good night's sleep and whistled on the pipe again. "Anything?" - the lame and crooked man asks him. “So, everything is possible?” - asks the prince. “Anything is possible, Ivan Tsarevich! Whoever whistles this pipe, we will do everything for him. As they served the Whirlwind before, so now they are happy to serve you; You just need to have this pipe with you always.” “It’s good,” says Ivan Tsarevich, “so that I can now become part of my state!” He just said it, and at that very moment he found himself in his own country in the middle of the bazaar. Here he is walking around the market; the shoemaker is coming towards you - such a merry fellow! The prince asks: “Where are you going, little man?” - “Yes, I’m bringing some booties2 to sell; I am a shoemaker." - “Take me as your apprentice.” - “Do you know how to sew booties?” - “Yes, I can do anything; Otherwise I’ll sew some booties and a dress.” - “Well, let's go!”

They came home; the shoemaker and says: “Come on, make it! Here is the very first product for you; I’ll see how you can do it.” Ivan Tsarevich went to his room, took out his pipe, whistled - they appeared lame and crooked: “What do you want, Ivan Tsarevich?” - “So that the shoes are ready by tomorrow.” - “Oh, this is a service, not a service!” - “Here is the product!” - “What kind of product is this? Rubbish - and nothing more! We need to throw it out the window.” The next day the prince wakes up, there are beautiful shoes on the table, the very first ones. The owner also stood up: “Well done, did you sew the shoes?” - “Ready.” - “Well, show me!” He looked at the shoes and gasped: “That’s how I got myself a master!” Not a master, but a miracle!” I took these shoes and took them to the market to sell.

At this very time, the Tsar was preparing three weddings: Peter the Tsarevich was going to marry Elena the Beautiful, Vasily Tsarevich was going to marry the Queen of the Silver Kingdom, and the Queen of the Copper Kingdom was being given in marriage to the general. They began to buy outfits for those weddings; Elena the Beautiful needed booties. Our shoemaker had the best booties; They brought him to the palace. Elena the Beautiful looked at me: “What is this? - speaks. “Only on the mountains can they make such shoes.” She paid the shoemaker dearly and ordered: “Make me another pair of shoes without measurements, so that they are wonderfully sewn, decorated with precious stones, and set with diamonds. Let them be in time by tomorrow, otherwise they’ll go to the gallows!”

The shoemaker took the money and precious stones; goes home - so cloudy. “Trouble! - speaks. - What to do now? Where can I sew such shoes for tomorrow, and without measuring them? Apparently they'll hang me tomorrow! Let me at least take a last walk out of grief with my friends.” I went into the tavern; He had a lot of friends, so they asked: “Why are you gloomy, brother?” - “Ah, dear friends, tomorrow they will hang me!” - “Why is this happening?” The shoemaker told his grief: “Where can I think about work? We’d better take a last walk.” They drank and drank, walked and walked, the shoemaker was already swaying. “Well,” he says, “I’ll take a barrel of wine home and go to bed. And tomorrow, as soon as they come to hang me, I’ll blow out half a bucket; Let them hang me without memory.” Comes home. “Well, damned one,” he says to Tsarevich Ivan, “this is what your little boots have done... this way and that... in the morning, when they come for me, wake me up now.”

At night, Ivan Tsarevich took out his pipe, whistled - a lame and crooked man appeared: “What do you want, Ivan Tsarevich?” - “So that such and such shoes are ready.” - “We’re listening!” Ivan Tsarevich went to bed; In the morning he wakes up - his shoes are on the table, like the heat is burning. He goes to wake up the owner: “Master! It's time to get up." - “What, or did they come for me? Quickly give me a barrel of wine, here’s a mug - pour it; let them hang a drunk.” - “Yes, the shoes are ready.” - “Are you ready? Where are they? “The owner ran and looked: “Oh, when did you and I do this?” - “Yes, at night, really, master, don’t you remember how we cut and sewed?” - “Completely asleep, brother; I remember a little!”

He took the shoes, wrapped them, and ran to the palace. Elena the Beautiful saw the shoes and guessed: “That’s right, the perfume is making this for Tsarevich Ivan.” - “How did you do this?” - she asks the shoemaker. “Yes,” she says, “I can do everything!” - “If so, make me a wedding dress, so that it is embroidered with gold, diamonds and precious stones dotted. Let it be ready in the morning, otherwise head off!” The shoemaker walks again, cloudy, and his friends have been waiting for him for a long time: “Well?” “Why,” he says, “it’s just a curse! Then a translator appeared to the Christian family and ordered a dress to be sewn with gold and stones by tomorrow. What a tailor I am! Surely tomorrow they will take my head off.” - “Eh, brother, the morning is wiser than the evening: let’s go for a walk.”

We went to the tavern, drank and walked around. The shoemaker got drunk again, brought home a whole barrel of wine and said to Tsarevich Ivan: “Well, little one, tomorrow, when you wake me up, I’ll blow out a whole bucket; let them cut off a drunken man's head! But I wouldn’t be able to make a dress like this in my life.” The owner went to bed, began to snore, and Ivan Tsarevich whistled his pipe - they appeared lame and crooked: “What do you want, Tsarevich?” - “Yes, so that the dress will be ready by tomorrow - exactly the same as Elena the Beautiful wore at the Whirlwind.” - “Listen! It will be ready." When the light woke up Ivan Tsarevich, and the dress lay on the table, like the heat was burning, it illuminated the whole room. So he wakes up the owner, he opened his eyes: “What, did they come for me - to chop off my head? Let's get some wine quickly! - “But the dress is ready...” - “Oh! When did we have time to sew?” - “Yes, at night, don’t you remember? You cut it yourself.” - “Ah, brother, I remember a little; It’s like I see it in a dream.” The shoemaker took the dress and ran to the palace.

So Elena the Beautiful gave him a lot of money and ordered: “See that tomorrow by dawn at the seventh verst on the sea there is a golden kingdom and that from there to our palace a golden bridge is made, that bridge is covered with expensive velvet, and near the railings on both sides grow wonderful trees and singing birds sang in different voices. If you don’t do it by tomorrow, I’ll order you to be quartered!” The shoemaker left Helen the Beautiful and hung his head. His friends meet him: “What, brother?” - “What! I'm missing, I'll be quartered tomorrow. She gave such a service that she wouldn’t do a damn thing.” - “Eh, that’s enough! The morning is wiser than the evening; Let's go to the tavern." - “And then let’s go!” Lastly, we should at least have some fun.”

So they drank and drank; The shoemaker got so drunk in the evening that he was led home by the arms. “Goodbye, little one!” - he says to Ivan Tsarevich. “Tomorrow they will execute me.” - “Has a new service been set?” - “Yes, like this and like this!” He lay down and started snoring; and Ivan Tsarevich immediately went to his room, whistled on the pipe - a lame and crooked man appeared: “What do you want, Ivan Tsarevich?” - “Can you do me this kind of service...” - “Yes, Ivan Tsarevich, this is a service! Well, there’s nothing to do - everything will be ready by morning.” The next day it was just getting light, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, looked out the window - holy lights! Everything is done as it is: the golden palace seems to be burning. He wakes up the owner; he jumped up: “What? Have they come for me? Bring on the wine quickly! Let them execute the drunk.” - “But the palace is ready.” - "What you!" The shoemaker looked out the window and gasped in surprise: “How did this happen?” - “Don’t you remember how you and I made crafts?” - “Oh, apparently I fell asleep; I remember a little!”

They ran to the golden palace - there was unprecedented and unheard-of wealth there. Tsarevich Ivan says: “Here’s a wing for you, master; go and sweep the railings on the bridge, and if they come and ask: who lives in the palace? “Don’t say anything, just give me this note.” That’s good, the shoemaker went and started sweeping the railings on the bridge. In the morning, Elena the Beautiful woke up, saw the golden palace and now ran to the king: “Look, Your Majesty, what is happening here; a golden palace was built on the sea, from that palace a bridge stretches seven miles, and around the bridge wonderful trees grow, and songbirds sing in different voices.”

The king is now sending to ask: “What does this mean? Isn’t it some kind of hero who has come under his state?” The messengers came to the shoemaker and began to question him; he says: “I don’t know, but I have a note to your king.” In this note, Ivan Tsarevich told his father everything that happened: how he freed his mother, got Elena the Beautiful, and how his older brothers deceived him. Along with the note, Tsarevich Ivan sends golden carriages and asks the Tsar and Tsarina, Elena the Beautiful and her sisters, to come to him; and let the brothers be brought back in simple logs.

Everyone immediately got ready and left; Ivan Tsarevich greeted them with joy. The tsar wanted to punish his eldest sons for their lies, but Tsarevich Ivan begged his father, and they were forgiven. Then the mountain feast began; Ivan Tsarevich married Elena the Beautiful, gave the queen of the silver state to Peter the Tsarevich, gave the queen of the copper state to Vasily Tsarevich, and promoted the shoemaker to general. I was at that feast, I drank honey and wine, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.

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