How to change yourself for the better. The Laws of Prosperity: How to Change Your Life in a Week

Despite the simplicity of the question posed, it is actually incredibly complex and individual. After all, the best side looks different for everyone, and the ways to achieve perfection always border on difficulties. In this article we will try to give you the basic ways to change yourself (your character, behavior, outlook on life, etc.). We cannot guarantee your changes only after reading our article, but if you complete most of the suggested points, you can be sure that you will not recognize yourself at all!

7 steps to help you change yourself for the better

  1. Start fighting bad habits! You won't get better if you have bad habits. The fact is that they will interfere every time: either you will be constantly scolded for them, or you yourself will be tormented by thoughts about your shortcomings. They will prevent you from improving in life. Everyone understands perfectly well that you can’t get rid of bad habits quickly, but to do this you just have to start. Let it be a reduction in the dose of nicotine or alcohol, but you will begin to at least somehow move in a positive direction. You can read more detailed instructions on how to get rid of bad habits in one of our next articles in the online magazine site, so subscribe to updates!

  2. Make a plan for the next five years! It is unrealistic to become better in one day, in a year it is also difficult, but in five years it is more than possible, and you can change so much that you simply do not recognize yourself. Your plan must be 100% realistic (in any case of fate), and also very detailed. You must know what you will be doing in any month of your life. Also make a system that will help you track how much you have deviated from your plan. It’s quite simple to create such a system - write next to each month in the future what results you should achieve. We remind you that goals should not be exorbitant, especially if it concerns your weight, then you will not lose 20 kilograms in 1 month, no matter how much you want it. And if it concerns money, then according to the plan there should also be as much of it as you can actually get. It is better to exceed your plan than not reach the minimum mark.

  3. Do good deeds. It’s easy enough to distinguish a good person - he always does good deeds! Doing good is not only useful, but also pleasant. After all, think how easy it is to help an elderly woman carry her bags or fix a broken fence in her country house. It is easy for a child to get a kitten from a tree, and for a young mother to lower a stroller from the floor to the street. Such actions require a minimum of time and effort from you, but at the same time you receive an incredibly positive attitude, words of gratitude, and not only your personal opinion of yourself, but also the opinion of others grows. You shouldn’t refuse help, especially if it costs you nothing, you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to injustice, you shouldn’t be indifferent - and then you can change yourself for the better!

  4. Be honest with yourself and others. Another feature that distinguishes a positive person from a bad one is the ability to always be honest. It is always easier to lie than to tell a person the truth in the face. There are so many blatant lies around us that sometimes it makes us feel sick. Moreover, everyone lies - acquaintances, friends and even close people. No, lying for good is one thing, but lying for personal gain is a completely different situation. There are few honest people on earth, but they exist! Do you want to become one of the few?! It is difficult to be honest not only with people around you, but also with yourself. After all, remember how often we deceive ourselves?! Example: they were rude in the store?! And we walk along the road and think that it’s my own fault, that I got into trouble or at an unnecessary moment. Salary cut?! The boss is just a bastard and that’s it?!... But in fact, everything is the opposite than in the previously described situations. The rudeness was not your fault, but the cut in salary was due to your mistakes.

  5. Keep your word. Several centuries ago, honor was not just an empty phrase; people died for it and they were afraid to miss it all their lives. One of the main points of honor was the ability to keep one’s word. Do you want to change yourself?! Learn to keep all the promises you made. Do not dare to say out loud what you cannot achieve, and if you have already spoken, then please do what was said, no matter what the cost. Those who keep their word are respected and listened to in any society, because they always know that the words spoken by this person are not an empty phrase, but the truth that cannot be disputed. Keeping your promised word is very difficult, not even everyone can do it, but it’s definitely worth learning!

  6. Create a strong relationship with your significant other. You cannot become a better person without having love in your heart that could warm you at any moment in your life. A person is a creature that cannot live without love; he will always strive to find a person with whom he would like to spend the rest of his life. Therefore, if you are not in search of your love, you will never be able to achieve perfection. It’s not for nothing that all high-ranking officials had other halves. After all, this is also an indicator that a person knows how to create a family, values ​​it and tries in every possible way to teach others this. It is unlikely that anyone will follow your example if you are lonely and unhappy.

  7. Create your appearance in a way that you really like. It’s not enough to just change yourself inside, because we all evaluate ourselves not only by personal qualities, but also by external ones. Here you need to learn to stop being afraid of experiments - to try yourself in different “roles”. This is especially important and necessary for women. It's not enough to change your clothing style. After all, you must change your hairstyle, makeup, manner of movement, gait, etc. After all, only in this way will you believe in your changes. Come up with an image for yourself that would be interesting to you, that you would like to imitate and who to be like. Yes, we agree that there are no ideal women, and having an idol is not right! However, you can take from each famous woman only those criteria that you like exclusively!

These are all the steps that can change your destiny! They are complex and easy at the same time. Do you want to change yourself? Take action!
Changes take quite a long time to take effect; for many, it will take years to change themselves into the person they like. However, it is better to spend a few years on your positive changes than to live a life that you would not like at all!

Here's what it's like: I've been down a few times, I've come back to life a few times, I've done it again and again. I started new careers. People who knew me then don't know me now. And so on.

I started my career from scratch several times. Sometimes - because my interests changed. Sometimes - because all the bridges were burned completely, and sometimes because I desperately needed money. And sometimes because I hated everyone at my old job or they hated me.

There are other ways to reinvent yourself, so take what I say with a grain of salt. This is what worked in my case. I've seen this work for about a hundred other people. According to interviews, according to letters that have been written to me over the past 20 years. You can try it - or not.

1. Change never ends

Every day you reinvent yourself. You are always on the move. But every day you decide where exactly you are moving: forward or backward.

2. Start with a clean slate

All your past shortcuts are just vanity. Were you a doctor? An Ivy League graduate? Owned millions? Did you have a family? Nobody cares. You have lost everything. You are zero. Don't try to say that you are something more.

3. You need a mentor

Otherwise you will go down. Someone needs to show you how to move and breathe. But don't worry about finding a mentor (see below).

4. Three types of mentors

Direct. Someone ahead of you who will show you how they got there. What does "this" mean? Wait. By the way, the mentors are not like Jackie Chan’s character in the movie “The Karate Kid.” Most mentors will hate you.

Indirect. Books. Movies. You can get 90% of your instruction from books and other materials. 200–500 books equals a good mentor. When people ask me, “What is a good book to read?” - I don’t know what to answer them. There are 200-500 good books worth reading. I would turn to inspirational books. Whatever you believe, strengthen your beliefs with daily reading.

Anything can be a mentor. If you are a nobody and want to reinvent yourself, everything you look at can become a metaphor for your desires and goals. The tree you see, with its roots out of sight and the groundwater that feeds it, is a metaphor for programming if you connect the dots together. And everything you look at will “connect the dots.”

5. Don't worry if nothing excites you.

You care about your health. Start with him. Take small steps. You don't need passion to succeed. Do your work with love and success will become a natural symptom.

6. Time it takes to reinvent yourself: five years

Here is a description of these five years.

First year: you're floundering and reading everything and just starting to do something.

Second year: You know who you need to talk to and maintain working connections with. You do something every day. You finally understand what your own Monopoly game map looks like.

Third year: you are good enough to start making money. But for now, perhaps not enough to earn a living.

Fourth year: you provide for yourself well.

Fifth year: you make a fortune.

I got frustrated sometimes in the first four years. I asked myself: “Why hasn’t this happened yet?” - He hit the wall with his fist and broke his hand. It's okay, just keep going. Or stop and choose a new field for activity. It doesn't matter. Someday you will die, and then it will be really difficult to change.

7. If you do it too fast or too slow, something is going wrong.

A good example is Google.

8. It's not about the money

But money is a good measure. When people say, “It's not about the money,” they need to be sure they have some other unit of measurement. “How about you just do what you love?” There will be many days ahead when you won't like what you do. If you do it out of pure love, it will take much longer than five years. Happiness is just a positive reaction from your brain. Some days you will be unhappy. Your brain is just a tool, it does not define who you are.

9. When is it okay to say, “I’m doing X”? When does X become your new profession?

10. When can I start doing X?

Today. If you want to paint, buy canvas and paints today, start buying 500 books one at a time and paint pictures. If you want to write, do these three things:


If you want to start your own business, start coming up with a business idea. Re-creating yourself begins today. Every day.

11. When will I earn money?

In a year, you will have invested 5,000–7,000 hours into this business. This is good enough to put you in the top 200-300 in the world in any specialty. Getting into the top 200 almost always provides a livelihood. By the third year you will understand how to make money. By the fourth, you will be able to increase your turnover and provide for yourself. Some people stop there.

12. By the fifth year you will be in the top 30-50, so you can make a fortune.

13. How can I tell if it’s mine?

Any field in which you can read 500 books. Go to the bookstore and find it. If you get bored after three months, go to the bookstore again. It’s normal to get rid of illusions, that’s the meaning of defeat. Success is better than failure, but failures teach us the most important lessons. Very important: don’t rush. During your interesting life, you will be able to change yourself many times. And you will fail many times. It's fun too. These attempts will turn your life into a story book, not a textbook. Some people want their life to be a textbook. Mine is a book of stories, for better or worse. Therefore, changes occur every day.

14. The decisions you make today will be in your biography tomorrow.

Make interesting decisions and you will have an interesting biography.

15. The decisions you make today will become part of your biology.

16. What if I like something exotic? Biblical archeology or wars of the 11th century?

Repeat the above steps and by the fifth year you can become rich. We don't know how. There is no need to look for the end of the road when you are only taking the first steps.

17. What if my family wants me to become an accountant?

How many years of your life have you promised to give to your family? Ten? All your life? Then wait for the next life. It's up to you to choose.

Choose freedom over family. Freedom, not prejudice. Freedom, not government. Freedom, not satisfying other people's needs. Then you will satisfy yours.

18. My mentor wants me to follow his path.

This is fine. Master his path. Then do it your way. Sincerely.

Luckily, no one is holding a gun to your head. Then you would have to comply with his demands until he puts the gun down.

19. My husband (wife) is worried: who will take care of our children?

A person who changes himself always finds free time. Part of changing yourself is finding moments and reframing them in the way you would like to use them.

20. What if my friends think I'm crazy?

What kind of friends are these?

21. What if I want to be an astronaut?

This is not changing yourself. This is a specific profession. If you like space, there are many professions. Richard Branson wanted to be an astronaut and created Virgin Galactic.

22. What if I like to drink and hang out with friends?

Read this post again in a year.

23. What if I'm busy? Am I cheating on my spouse or betraying my partner?

Read this post again in two or three years, when you are broke, without a job and everyone has turned their backs on you.

24. What if I don’t know how to do anything at all?

Read point 2 again.

25. What if I don’t have a diploma or it’s of no use?

Read point 2 again.

26. What if I need to focus on paying off my mortgage or other loan?

Read point 19 again.

27. Why do I always feel like an outsider?

Albert Einstein was an outsider. No one in authority would hire him to work. Everyone sometimes feels like an impostor. The greatest creativity comes from skepticism.

28. I can't read 500 books. Name one book you should read for inspiration

Then you can give up right away.

29. What if I’m too sick to change myself?

The change will spur the production of beneficial substances in your body: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin. Move forward, and you may not get completely better, but you will become healthier. Don't use health as an excuse.

Finally, rebuild your health first. Get more sleep. Eat better. Play sports. These are the key steps to change.

30. What if my partner set me up and I’m still getting married to him?

Drop the lawsuit and never think about him again. Half the problem was you.

31. What if I am sent to prison?

Wonderful. Re-read point 2. Read more books in prison.

32. What if I am a timid person?

Make your weakness your strength. Introverts are better at listening and concentrating, and they know how to evoke sympathy.

33. What if I can’t wait five years?

If you plan to be alive in five years, you can start today.

34. How to make contacts?

Build concentric circles. You should be in the middle. The next circle is friends and family. Then - online communities. Then - people you know from informal meetings and tea parties. Then there are conference participants and opinion leaders in their field. Then - mentors. Then there are the clients and those who make money. Start making your way through these circles.

35. What if my ego starts getting in the way of what I'm doing?

In six months or a year you will return to point 2.

36. What if I'm passionate about two things at once? And I can't choose?

Combine them and you will be the best in the world at this combination.

37. What if I am so passionate that I want to teach others what I am learning myself?

Read lectures on YouTube. Start with an audience of one and see if it grows.

38. What if I want to earn money in my sleep?

In the fourth year, start outsourcing what you do.

39. How to find mentors and experts?

Once you have enough knowledge (after 100-200 books), write 10 ideas for 20 different potential mentors.

None of them will answer you. Write 10 more ideas for 20 new mentors. Repeat this every week.

40. What if I can’t come up with ideas?

Then practice it. The thinking muscles tend to atrophy. They need to be trained.

I will have a hard time reaching my toes if I don't practice every day. I need to do this exercise every day for some time before this pose becomes easy for me. Don't expect to have good ideas from day one.

42. What if I do everything you say, but nothing seems to work?

It will work out. Just wait. Keep changing yourself every day.

Don't try to find the end of the road. You won't be able to see it in the fog. But you can see the next step, and you will realize that if you take it, you will eventually reach the end of the road.

43. What if I start to feel depressed?

Sit in silence for an hour a day. You need to get back to your core.

If you think it sounds stupid, don't do it. Move on with your depression.

44. What if there is no time to sit in silence?

Then sit in silence for two hours a day. This is not meditation. You just have to sit.

45. What if I get scared?

Sleep 8-9 hours a night and never engage in gossip. Sleep is the first secret to good health. Not the only one, but the first. Some people write to me that four hours of sleep is enough for them or that in their country those who sleep a lot are considered lazy. These people will fail and die young.

When it comes to gossip, our brains are biologically programmed to have 150 friends. And when you talk to one of your friends, you might gossip about one of the other 150. And if you don't have 150 friends, your brain will want to read gossip magazines until it thinks it has 150 friends.

Don't be as stupid as your brain.

46. ​​What if it seems to me that I will never succeed?

Practice gratitude for 10 minutes a day. Don't suppress your fear. Notice your anger.

But also allow yourself to be grateful for what you have. Anger never inspires, but gratitude never inspires. Gratitude is the bridge between your world and the parallel universe where all creative ideas live.

47. What if I constantly have to deal with some personal squabbles?

Find other people to be around.

A person who changes himself will constantly encounter people who try to suppress him. The brain is afraid of change - it may be unsafe. Biologically, the brain wants safety for you, and change is risk. So your brain will give you people trying to stop you.

Learn to say no.

48. What if I am happy in my office job?

49. Why should I trust you? You've failed so many times

Don't trust me.

50. Will you become my mentor?

You have already read this post.

You can read the original article.

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Today I want to talk to you about personal growth, or more precisely about how to change your life.

People begin to think about this issue, usually when their level/way of life no longer suits them.

In the first case, there comes a moment of “X”, when it seems that everything in life is not bad, and sometimes even everything is good, but something is clearly missing. A person begins to think about the meaning of existence. Asks himself questions like: “Is this what I’m doing?”, “What am I living for?” and others...

In this case, the person is simply ripe for a new stage in his life. He is ready to grow and develop. In this situation, help in the form of simple advice is usually not needed. He himself is capable of evolving. When a person grows to this level of awareness, the most he may need is a personal mentor...

There is another case when a person is looking for an answer to the question of how to change his life. There comes a moment of “F” (or full “F”) when a person comes to the conclusion that it is time to change something, that it is impossible to continue living like this. Everything is bad, you don’t like the job or it’s low-paid, the quality of life is not great, poor health... There can be a lot of reasons.

And at such moments, people tend to have an emotional impulse to start living differently, to change their lives for the better. For most, this impulse passes as soon as the situation stabilizes. For example, I’m tired of being overweight and a person makes a clear decision from Monday or immediately from today, to play sports or go on a diet. But when after a couple of days the emotions subside, then everything returns to normal.

Or problems with finances, a lot of debts, etc. When this whole situation worsens once again, the person decides to change his life for the better and takes active action for some time. For example, looking for a new job or deciding to learn how to manage your expenses. And as soon as the financial situation stabilizes a little, then all the zeal fades away, the person calms down, and life again begins to flow according to the old scenario.

There are situations when some serious event completely changes life. And once made, an emotional decision gives strength and incentive to action and to dramatic changes in life.

And if you are not satisfied with the current quality of life, you are ready really take care of yourself, your life, then I have for you some tips. All this has been tested on myself and my life experience.

Let me give you a personal example: It was about nine years ago... My life was going downhill. My daughter was 2 years old at that time, I was not working yet, and we lived on the meager salary of my husband (now ex-husband). The marriage began to fall apart, constant scandals, reproaches, mistrust and everything like that. Having become a housewife, I lost most of my friends (or rather, not friends, but rather friends, acquaintances and colleagues). There are still a couple of real friends left.

And that’s when one unpleasant incident happened, which became the last straw (let me not write about it). Then I made an emotional, but absolutely balanced decision - divorce. I just asked him to leave, and the next day he took his things.

I won’t spill out all the details, I just want you to understand what life situation I was in at that time. A small child in your arms, a decent amount of debt, no job and a complete lack of money in your wallet. But at the same time, maternal instinct, faith in oneself and in a better life, and it is not clear where the strength came from.

With this “baggage” I began to improve and change my life.

Less than three days later I was back at work. I found a way to combine caring for my daughter, home and work. Then, she paid off her debts. I restored some old connections and made a bunch of new, interesting and useful acquaintances. In general, I got back on my feet in less than a year.

This was the first turning point in my life. But he gave me a boost in my personal development.

Then a new shock happened, searches, depression and much more. Then a new, even more interesting stage of life. At the moment, I have not been employed for more than 5 years, I am financially independent, I travel... But about all this, maybe some other time...

I won’t bore you with the story of my life and let’s move on directly to the advice I can give you. Where to start?

Change your thoughts

“Change your thinking and you will change your life!”

I think this phrase your life motto. Because at one time, a deep understanding of this phrase greatly changed my attitude towards negative situations.

Our thoughts and our perception of the world around us directly influence events, situations and life in general.

Start reading

Yes, yes, read. Moreover, read not newspapers and magazines, and not fiction, but books that provide food for the mind. Personal growth, motivation, psychology, time management, business literature. Finally, read Richard Branson’s book “To hell with everything!” Take it and do it!”

I read at least one book a week. There are about a hundred books on my iPad, and the collection is periodically replenished with new copies, and the books read are sent to the corresponding “read” folder.

Change your habits

Start loving yourself, taking care of yourself and your body. If possible, give up bad habits.

Start building a new healthy habit into your life every month. I hope you are aware that any habit is built in 21 days. That is, in order to accustom yourself, for example, to daily exercise at home, you just need to devote at least a few minutes to it every day for 21 days. This way you will develop a habit. Well, increasing your training time will not be difficult.

Invest (invest in yourself)

Do you want to improve your life financially? Learn to handle money correctly. I'm not going to tell you about assets and liabilities in this article. You can read about this in Robert Kiyosaki's books.

But when it comes to investments, the best investment is in yourself! Do not spare money on education, books, training, image, training. Money invested in self-education is the best asset that will pay off in the future.

Improve yourself. Leverage your strengths and develop the skills you need. Communication problems? Spend some money on public speaking courses. Does your salary depend on the number of sales? Go ahead to business trainings, where you will be taught how to sell!

If you are wondering what additional skills I have developed during all this time, then

Change your environment

Our success depends heavily on our environment. If you surround yourself with whiners and losers who are content with little, then you have virtually no chance of becoming successful.

Start communicating with people who have already achieved the results you are striving for. Make acquaintances, communicate, ask them questions...

Start recording

Write down your ideas, plans, goals, tasks on paper or in a text document.

While the goal is in your head, it is not so much a goal as an ephemeral dream. As soon as you write it down on paper and set a deadline, the dream becomes a real plan (task).

Don't put ideas aside

As soon as some great idea comes to you, don’t run to discuss it with a friend. Just start implementing it.

These are some simple rules that can change your life for the better.

Want more philosophy on life success? Then visit my Microblog

P.S. Are you satisfied with your life?

If you have anything to add to this list of tips, please leave a comment. Ask questions.

Don't forget to subscribe to updates so you don't miss new articles, I write about different things...

And that's all I have for today.

Sincerely, Yana Khodkina

Millions of people are wondering how to start a new life and change themselves, but they don't do anything.

Let's find out how anyone can become completely different.

Is this possible?

Can a person change radically?

Is it possible to change your temperament? Is it possible to change your life scenario, destiny?

To begin with, it is important to answer the question: is a person capable of changing so that practically become a different person?

When we live in certain conditions, nothing new happens around us, then there is no incentive for development. In this case, it is almost impossible to change, especially if there is no motivation.

A person lives in his comfort zone. Yes, he has a small salary, an unsuccessful personal life, but he continues to seem to want to change everything, but does nothing. always scary.

Our actions, goals, motivation are influenced - these are formed in the process of social development characteristics of the psyche and personality. The basis of character, what we are given at birth, is.

It is almost impossible to change the type of nervous system, although it is quite possible to learn to act differently and develop specific traits.

For example, if he wants to be more active and sociable, then he will have to try and work on himself. He is quite capable of learning to control himself, although this is difficult for him.

Above character traits you can also work.

If you are unhappy with specific personality traits, develop a plan to get rid of them.

There is a theory that we are destined for a certain destiny, and we can't change it. However, examples from many people disprove this theory. For example, people born with disabilities.

They could live on a disability pension and be content with that. But there are those who, despite difficulties, work, achieve, and become famous and respected people.

Part of the script is written into us from childhood. Parents and those closest to us instill attitudes in us and shape our character. Childhood trauma has a particularly strong impact.

But that doesn't mean that I'll have to deal with it. We have the power to change the script written into us by our parents; we just need to identify what prevents us from becoming successful and achieving what we want.

What can you change about yourself?

What would I like to change about myself? Yes almost anything. If you want to be more liberated and learn public speaking skills, go to courses and trainings.

If you don’t like your temper, yoga will help. You understand that your muscles are weak, you are inferior to other people in endurance - why not go in for sports.

In the modern world a huge number of possibilities.

And the point is not that we can’t, but that we don’t want to, we’re afraid, we’re lazy, we don’t want to leave our usual comfort zone.

But this is the only way that change happens.

How to find out what you want to change:

  • write down your personality traits, evaluate what you would like to keep and what to get rid of;
  • list your achievements;
  • write what you would like to achieve, but have not achieved;
  • think about what prevented you from getting what you wanted;
  • who do you blame for failures - the outside world, your parents, yourself;

If you can’t decide for yourself, then go for a consultation with a psychologist. He will conduct the appropriate tests and help you choose the direction of movement.

Choose a professional coach who deals specifically with the problem of self-development.

Where to start?

How to change your life for the better? Any change starts somewhere. They don't happen on their own. The exception is psychotraumatic situations when sharp revaluation of values.

Where to start? Understand what exactly you want to change. Be realistic about your personality, achievements and mistakes. Don't be afraid to get to know yourself. Sometimes we know that we have some shortcomings, but our consciousness does not allow us to adequately evaluate them.

If you can’t do it yourself, ask people you trust.

Be prepared for criticism and don’t be offended if you hear something you don’t want.

Change is about motivation. Set goals for yourself: why to change, what you want to ultimately achieve, in what time frame.

How to change?

Now we move on to the most difficult stage: the process of changing your personality and life.

Your personality beyond recognition

Manifestation of personality outside - this is our specialty. If you know your weaknesses, work on them.

  1. Change your schedule radically. Write a daily schedule, remove everything unnecessary that prevents you from achieving your goal.
  2. Pay attention to the lives of successful people: read their biography, find out how they went towards their goal, what obstacles they overcame. Be inspired by their experiences.
  3. Learn something new every day.
  4. Change your social circle. The social environment has a strong influence on us; it can inspire us or drag us down.

    Eliminate losers, whiners, and pessimists from your circle.

  5. Work on your character traits - improve the positive ones and try to get rid of the negative ones.

Inner world

How to change internally? Who are you - a pessimist or an optimist, or maybe you consider yourself a realist?

We see the world in black colors, we pay attention to the negative, as a result, life becomes worse and worse, and positive events disappear from our lives.

Try to look at the world with different eyes. It's not easy, especially at the beginning.

When you wake up, smile. Just smile at the new day, even if you have a difficult job ahead of you, general cleaning, or a trip to a government office.

Remember - you create your own world.

Do a little exercise: imagine that there is light around you, you are radiating radiance into the world, and all people notice it. White, gentle light, emitting kindness, energy, warmth

You will see how your day will go differently, people will start noticing you, complimenting you, and yours will be much better.

Thinking positive

How to change your thoughts to positive ones? Every day find something positive around you. Let it be the little things first. It began to rain - weather conducive to relaxation and reflection.

Being rude in transport - perhaps the world wants you to pay attention to something or this is a test of your emotional fortitude. See the city with different eyes- architecture, thousands of people rushing to work.

Communicate as little as possible with negative people. Even if you consider them your friends, negativity is contagious.

That's why look for those with whom it is pleasant to communicate, with whom you feel at ease, who increases your energy and does not take it away.

Positive thinking requires practice. At first it will be difficult to look for the positive; it will seem to you that everything is bad. But after just three weeks, you will be surprised to notice how the world has begun to change, and you along with it.


First, decide whether you really need to change them. If other people demand it, remember that beliefs are features of your personality. You shouldn't change just because others demand it.

If you want to really change your beliefs, then read more, evaluate opinions, facts, look for the right ones.


It's simple - start doing something right now. Not tomorrow, Monday or New Year's, but from this minute. If you want to get rid of a bad habit, do it immediately, don’t wait for the right moment, because it won’t come.

If you want to get up earlier, set an alarm; if one is not enough, set three. You will begin to get used to the new regime within a few days.

You waste a lot of time on useless activities - just stop doing them now- turn off social networks, remove the TV from the house, stop meeting people who take up your time and do not benefit you.


How to force yourself to change your habits? Motivation is what matters.

Answer yourself the question- Why do you want to change your habits? Keep your eyes open.

If you smoke, then remember about your health, wrinkles, sagging skin, and lung problems that will certainly await you in a few years. Bad habits mean early aging.

You want to have a fresh and blooming appearance for as long as possible, be active, and be liked by the opposite sex - then break the habit now. A person gets used to new conditions in about 21 days; you only need to hold out for three weeks.

Attitude to life

Develop optimism in yourself. Yes, it seems that everything is bad. In fact, there are many beautiful things in the world. Life was difficult at any time, but now we have so many opportunities that we need to use them.

What does your pessimism give you? You see everything in black and gray. Worried about your health, bad pay, evil people. So start living for yourself. Enjoy life for yourself. Work and achieve for yourself.

Stop complaining. Remember: they don’t like complainers and whiners. If you want to be pitied, stop yourself. No one cares about our problems, but your complaints will push away truly worthwhile and positive people.

How to change for the better?

For a girl

Girls they love strong guys who are capable of action.

They prefer those who keep their word, who they can trust, and with whom they are not afraid to go through life.

How to change:

  • develop;
  • forget about aimless pastime;
  • work;
  • make time for relaxation together;
  • respect the girl;
  • devote time to her, but do not be too intrusive - there should not be an excess of attention, otherwise it will quickly get boring.

The most important- Be purposeful, don’t stop there.

For a guy

If you plan to live happily ever after with a guy, you will have to work on your personality.

No, in no case do you need to adapt to someone, remain yourself, but develop your best qualities.

What to do:

The worst thing you can think of is falsehood and pretense. Remain yourself, develop positive thinking and strive to be active in life.

Real stories of people

There are many examples of people who decided to radically change their lives, and age is not a hindrance to this.

Daphne Selfe is 86 years old. Fame came to her after 70, when she decided to become a fashion model. Her husband died, the children became adults, and she was faced with a choice - like everyone else, spend her old age in front of the TV or live for herself.

Grant Achatz. He beat cancer and fulfilled his dream of becoming a famous chef.

Susan Street is 59 years old. She lost weight after turning 50, and since then, dramatic changes have begun in her life. She survived job loss, cancer, became a vegetarian, started her own blog, and helps other people change.

There are thousands of such examples.

All you need is a push, a realization that your life is meaningless and wrong. Don't wait for the right moment, start changing from now on.

How to start a new life? 10 steps that will change you and your life:

We believe that every day your life gets better. If there is no joy in your life and you are still asking the question: “How to change your life for the better?” then you have come to the right address. This question worries almost every modern person. And so we decided to answer this question today.

A new life does not start on Monday. It starts with the decision to change something for the better. After all, in fact, changing your life is a feasible task for absolutely everyone, no matter what gender or age you are!

A bit of reasoning

How do you want to change your life? What don't you like? Can you answer these questions for yourself? Perhaps you want to change your profession? You are afraid that time has already passed and you need to be who you have become today. Yes, come on... After all, acquiring a certain skill, for example, playing a musical instrument, or learning a foreign language, or playing some kind of sport (oriental martial arts) is easier than you might think.

Although, you’re probably waiting for a new Monday to start, right? You don’t need to constantly convince yourself that you will start changing your life next Monday, because today is Tuesday and you won’t be able to do anything this week))). What can I say? Time is fleeting and there are not so many of these Mondays in our lives.

I like to read various motivational articles, books, watch motivational videos and films (the latest was a comedy film about achieving your dreams in sports - “Eddie the Eagle” with Hugh Jackman). They give some impetus in life, force them to do something, to act the way successful, motivated and purposeful people act. Which I actually advise you to do, if not daily, then at least once a week. I like, so to speak, “food for the brain”; I always like to feed my brain with really high-quality information.

There are actually not many tips, only 16 points, but they are important and the most useful, in our opinion. So, copy, write down, print and always keep these tips with you so that you can follow them clearly in the future.

Tip #1: Find out what you really like.

It's actually not hard to do, right? The golden rule is: do what gives you true pleasure, and then you will become much happier. This applies to work and other areas of your life. But you must be prepared for the fact that finding your way is not the easiest marathon, which can last for many years.

Do you want to be a healthy, smart, fit, strong, cheerful person? Remove from your life the garbage that you drink, eat and smoke every day. There are no secrets or tricky diets. You don't need to be a super certified nutritionist with a medical degree. It's very simple. Introduce natural food, vegetables, fruits, clean water (still) into your life, just like you introduced gadgets and supposedly useful applications.

Read more books, including those on the topic of proper nutrition, if you don’t trust us. There is a lot of scientific literature that describes studies that prove that nutrition greatly affects us and our lifestyle in general. One such book is The China Study. You can order it, or you can study a short and free version of this book by simply downloading this link .

There are many books on various topics, from nutrition to investing. There would be a desire. If you don’t have time to read because you spend a lot of time driving on the road, listen to audiobooks. The main thing is to read/listen to at least one book a week. That's 50 books a year that will change your life.

Advice No. 4: Learn foreign languages.

This will incredibly expand the depth of perception of the world and open up unprecedented prospects for learning, development and career growth. There are 60 million Russian-speaking Internet users. There are a billion English speakers. The center of progress is now on the other side of the border, including the language border.

Knowledge of English is no longer a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity. Now my main activity does not go a day without communicating with foreigners, and not just on a conversational level, but practically on an academic level. Every day I fill out a lot of different documentation in English, these include contracts and registration forms.

Advice #5: Make the most of every weekend.

I admit, honestly, I myself do not yet use this point 100%. But the recommendation is as follows. Go to a museum, an exhibition, go to the countryside, play sports (we do this, we even tried to combine a vacation in the mountains with a new sport for ourselves, about that).

Go skydiving, go to a good movie (sometimes when a movie is of interest to us, we go to the cinema). Expand your zone of contact with the world. When you’ve already walked around and traveled around everything, take your friends with you and tell them what you know. The main thing is don’t sit still. The more impressions you let through yourself, the more interesting life will be, and the better you will understand things and phenomena.

Record them on paper or in a text document. Yes, in general, wherever is convenient for you. The main thing is that they are clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you will definitely be motivated to achieve it. If you don’t set it, then there are no options for achieving any goals at all. How do we set goals?

Everything is simpler for us, in order to have even greater motivation, we write down our goals in an online diary, which we keep on the Internet and you can watch it right now. We have 2 active goals: and . Every day, there are more and more goals. And it’s cool if you have something to strive for and achieve something.

Advice #7: Learn to manage time.

Learn to manage your affairs so that they work almost without your participation. To get started, I recommend you read Allen's book (Getting Things Done). A very good book that will answer many questions. Try to make decisions quickly, act in any situation immediately, do not put it off until later.

Either do all the things or delegate them to someone else who can do them for you, of course, for payment. Write down on a piece of paper all the “long-term” things that have not yet been done and are interfering with your life. Rethink whether you need them. Do what's left for a few days and you'll feel incredibly light. Once you start managing your time, you will be more able to introduce and implement new plans in your life. You will have time for sports and other areas of life.

Throw away any items you haven't worn or used in the last year. And best of all, do a good deed and give them to a charity fund for the poor. These usually work at churches or at special reception points. As soon as you do this, you will feel light and realize that, in addition to everything else, you have also done a good deed - helped others.

Leave in the closet only what you really like and need. When buying a new item, get rid of the old similar one so that the balance is maintained. No matter how hard I try to implement this rule into my life, something always gets in the way. But I’m trying and I promise you that tomorrow I’ll take care of my closet again)). Less stuff means less dust and headaches. I have already collected 2 large bags of things.

Advice #9: Stop reading and watching the news.

I call this daily innovation “Population Manipulation Tool.” By the way, the computer genius spoke about this in the Hollywood film “Die Hard 4 starring Bruce Willis.” By the way, it's a cool movie. Sometimes you can watch a movie like this to relax. Stop watching the news and various political programs or programs where someone is fighting with someone or getting married. As for the news, everyone around you will still be talking about key events, even at your work. For example, about the US presidential elections. Additional noise information does not improve the quality of decision making.

Advice No. 10: Give up computer games and aimless sitting on social networks.

Minimize communication on social networks (even to the point of optimization - leave only one account). Now I only use Facebook. And then, as soon as you log in, posts begin to drag you in and waste your precious time. Stop doing this, it won't do any good. Congratulate someone on their birthday, like new photos of your close friends (not all 5000 friends), and only your loved ones and that will be enough. It will be a big plus in your karma.

Advice #11: Learn to wake up early.

The paradox is that in the early hours you always get more done than in the evening. 7 hours of sleep is enough for a person, subject to high-quality physical activity and normal nutrition. Find your biological clock. Go to bed before 23:00, get up at 06:00 in the morning. If you accidentally wake up at 5 am or earlier, do not try to immediately go back to sleep. Better get up and do some exercise. You will be surprised how much you will get done on this day. By the way, I wrote a special article about this.

Advice #12: Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, smart and successful people.

We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and can learn something from. Attend trainings or read books by successful people who have achieved certain results, try to write to them by email, ask questions that interest you. On the other hand, try to minimize communication with people who are negative, sad, pessimistic and angry, who are already trying or have only the intention to dissuade you from anything.

To grow taller, you must strive upward, and having people around you to whom you want to grow will in itself be a great incentive. Use every moment of time and every person to learn something new. If life brings you together with a professional in any field, try to understand what is the essence of his work, what are his motivations and goals. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can become an invaluable source of information.

Advice No. 13: Buy a camera (or a simple one) and try to capture the beauty of the world.

When you succeed, you will remember your travels not only by vague impressions, but also by the beautiful photographs that you brought with you. I went to the mountains - take pictures of landscapes, pebbles, rivers, flowers, clouds, ladybugs - that’s what my wife does. You can, of course, use a smartphone, fortunately now with modern models, cameras are becoming better and better (in terms of pixels). If you don't like photography, as an alternative, try drawing, singing, dancing, sculpting, designing. That is, do something that will make you look at the world with different eyes.

You don’t have to go to a fitness club where jocks, pick-up artists, Balzac ladies and selfie teenagers hang out. Yoga, cycling, rock climbing, parallel bars, horizontal bar, football, running, swimming, functional training are the best friends of a person who wants to tone the body and get a surge of endorphins.

You can simply engage in a very good sport, for those who cannot run, jump or do any heavy exercises. And, most importantly, forget about what an elevator is - if you live in a high-rise building and you can take the stairs, even 20 floors, do it. In just 3 months of methodical work on yourself, you can change your body almost beyond recognition.

Advice #15: Give more than you take.

Share your experience, knowledge and ideas. A person who not only takes, but also shares, is incredibly attractive. Surely you can do something that others really want to learn. Accept the world as it is. Give up value judgments, accept all phenomena as initially neutral. And even better – as unequivocally positive. A clear example on our part is this blog itself, where you are now. We share with you our experience in specific issues of life: sports, motivation, self-education, nutrition and much more. Enjoy it for your health!

Advice #16: Forget about what happened in the past.

The past has nothing to do with your future. Take with you from there only experience, knowledge, good relationships and positive impressions. Don't be afraid to change something. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. You don’t have to be a warrior, you just need to see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance of failure.


We use all these rules in our lives. We can confidently guarantee that using only 16 rules, you will become a new person. Not only your own life, but also the lives of your loved ones will change dramatically.

We want to wish you good luck in your endeavors. Don't be afraid of anything! Just move forward! We are glad that you are with us, so if you have not yet subscribed to our updates, you can do so right now.

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That's all for today. See you in new articles.

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