How to learn to quickly type on the keyboard without looking at it. How to master fast typing

Hello everyone, my dears! Just yesterday I realized this thing: many of my readers are very poorly versed in computers. That is, I’m talking here about how to make money using the Internet, about some cool services for saving money while traveling, but it’s all like a wallop, because computers are a dark forest for some of my guests.

So today I decided to correct this omission and start with a very detailed story about how to print text on a computer. So...

In this article:

1. Program for working with text

There are special programs for creating a text electronic document. They allow you to print text, that is, create a layout of a document in electronic form, which can then be printed on a computer or transferred to a flash drive.

There are a huge number of such programs, but there are only a few of the most popular.

1 —Microsoft Office Word
2 —WordPad
3 - Writer (rarely used, needs to be installed separately).

2. How to find the desired program on your computer

I know from my family that the most difficult thing for a beginner at the first stage is to find and open these programs.

To cope with this task, you must have an idea of ​​what program icons look like. Most often this is a document icon with the letter W, or as in the latter case - with the letter A(this is how the WordPad program is designated):

Look closely at the desktop and the toolbar below, programs can be placed in a prominent place, like on my desktop (by the way, here it is, don’t be alarmed):

If you don't find anything like that, then try the second method:

1 - launch the panel Start or just click on the round icon in the lower left corner, a menu will open.

In it you need to find a field to search for files, I call it Find programs and files:

It is in this field that you enter the name of the program you are looking for. For example, I enter the word Word and get Microsoft Office Word programs:

If I enter the word WordPad, it will find this program for me:

After that, you simply click on the found program, and a working window opens in front of you in which you can create a document: print text, edit it and save it.

3. Working with a document and editing text

So, in front of you is a working area, the so-called blank sheet. This is where you can type text and edit it as you please.

Usually, beginners, when they see this sheet and a huge number of buttons, get lost and don’t know what to do. What causes a brain explosion most of all is the keyboard: it is not clear where and what to press.

So, you don’t need to be afraid of this, you will definitely be able to figure it out. To do this, just watch this informative video; everything in it is very simple and explains in detail the main features of the program.

Be sure to watch this informative video from beginning to end, remembering to repeat all the steps after the presenter. This will take a giant step in learning text editors.

Then all you have to do is practice, and then you will be able to navigate literally any text programs, since they are all designed approximately the same.

4. How to save text

Once you have created your document, you can save it. To do this, find the button in the upper left corner that calls up the menu, and from this menu select Save as and any suitable format, for example Word document:

A window will appear in which you can select:

  1. where to save the file (I usually choose Desktop,
  2. what to name the file (enter any suitable name),
  3. and the file format (I don’t change it, I leave it as default).

Ready! This file will now appear on your computer's desktop.

You can do whatever you want with this document. For example, put it on a flash drive, send it by email, open it for further editing, or delete it.

By the way, if you are working on a large document, I recommend that you make intermediate saves. And the more often, the better.

5. How to transfer a text file to a flash drive

It's very simple.

1. Insert the flash drive into the computer.

2. On your desktop, find and open My computer(or just Computer).

3. In the window that opens you should see Removable disk, click on it 2 times:

An empty window will open, which we will leave for now:

4. Now find our text file, we saved it in the previous paragraph on your desktop. Click on it with the RIGHT mouse button, and in the menu that appears, select Copy:

5. Now go back to the removable drive that we just opened in step 3, click on the free field with the RIGHT mouse button and select Insert:

The document will be copied and appear in this field:

That's it, now the flash drive can be removed from the computer.

6. How to print a document on a printer

Let's say you have a printer, it is already connected to your computer and configured properly. I won’t talk about connecting the printer and settings now, as this is a topic for a separate article.

But if you already have everything set up, you can print the document in literally 2 clicks. But first, make sure the printer is turned on and has the required amount of paper.

1. Open the document you want to print:

2 . Find and open the menu in the upper left corner and select from it Seal, and then again Seal:

A window with a bunch of settings will open, but don’t be afraid of them, they are all quite simple.

Here you can select a printer, if you have several of them, the number of copies of the document, sheet format, print color, etc.

But if you don’t need any specific settings, you can leave everything as default and just click OK.

The printer will start printing and you will receive the document. By the way, in this way you can print not only a text document, but also other files, the scheme will be the same.

7. Become on “YOU” terms with your computer and improve your life

Not having a common language with a computer today is a big problem. If 5 years ago it was excusable not to be able to work with technology, today this results in a huge obstacle for every beginner. This is because almost every profession today comes into contact with a computer in one way or another.

When I worked at a large military enterprise, we were installed a new version of the design program. It didn't cause any problems for me, just a new shell.

This can be compared to the updated packaging of my favorite candies: I didn’t stop buying them less, but was simply able to quickly adapt to the new wrapper.

But for many employees this was literally a disaster, they were so dependent on the program interface, and their brains were so desperately resistant to anything new. As a result, they were even trained to work in the new interface.

These are not the best times for Russian companies, and I don’t even need to guess who will be the first to be laid off...

And a completely opposite example is also from real life.

The engineer has more than 40 years of experience, is constantly developing and mastering not only the computer, but also all modern engineering programs. They don’t want to let such a specialist go; he is needed, in demand and speaks the same language with his young subordinates.

This is just one example. Now think about how many opportunities the ability to use a computer opens up to make money remotely via the Internet. Even after learning how to use a text editor, you can write .

Being familiar with a computer is a necessity today. It doesn’t matter where you study, today there is a huge amount of useful materials, courses, and schools on the Internet.

I will end here. I hope that the article was useful to you and helped you understand the main points. Move forward, improve, be better. That's all for today, thank you for your attention and bye!

Upgrading my typing skills took six months. But the game was worth the candle.

In the USA, 95% of PC users use touch typing. In the post-Soviet space - only 5%. The prevalence of computers is comparable in both cases, but in the first case a 10-finger touch typing course is included in the school curriculum, in the second it is not. And it's strange.

In the modern world, the ability to type text quickly and without errors is akin to the ability to count and write. After all, the computer has already become an integral part of the life of almost every person for five to ten years. Yes, it is quite possible to type with two fingers, and if you do this often, the speed will be impressive. But the efficiency of the set is lower in any case.

At a minimum, you get more physically tired, because you have to constantly look from the keyboard to the screen. Even with the so-called “semi-visual” typing method, which I developed over years of practice typing with two to four fingers.

Below I will tell you about my experience in mastering 10-finger touch typing and the problems that arose in the process. After all, relearning is always more difficult than starting from scratch. But the final result was worth overcoming all the difficulties.

I hope my example will encourage you, dear readers, to improve your typing skills. Believe me, investing time and effort now will give a tangible advantage in the future and increase labor efficiency in many areas of human activity.

Why break something that works well?

I started studying blind typing at the end of January and finished in October. Was the game worth the trouble? Definitely yes. The reasons were described above - this is the opportunity to double the typing speed (for me personally), and more comfortable work in any conditions, and the absence of binding to Russian symbols on the keyboard.

It seemed to me that I had long ago reached the level of a “keyboard ninja” and there was nowhere to develop further, and there was no need to. The problem is that when there is nothing to compare it to, it is difficult to understand the full benefits of a new initiative. Therefore, I ask you to take my word for it. Typing became... how to put it more accurately... more fun - that's the right word.

What tools to use? Any - I described the most popular ones. If you want to try learning touch typing on an automatic machine without much effort, try KeyKey. If you don’t want to spend extra money, VSE10 and “Klavogonki” will help. We decided to approach the issue thoroughly - “SOLO on the keyboard” is an excellent option, albeit the most expensive.

There is only one piece of advice - exercise daily. It’s better to spend 15, 30–60 minutes every day than to try to learn touch typing in bursts of three to five hours once a week or two. Also, if typing speed is not critical, try typing with ten fingers in everyday life from the first lessons. The learning process will go faster.

In the digital age where working on a computer is a necessity, being able to type quickly on a keyboard is crucial. Many people sign up for trainings for this, buy courses and spend a considerable part of their budget. However, it is not necessary to do this at all times.

In this article we will figure out how to learn to type on the keyboard yourself, quickly and for free. We will give you 5 tips to get you started type quickly and correctly. Some tips are pretty banal, but we'll give you more several applicationsto help you practice and learn faster.

1. Get rid of bad habits

The hardest thing is to stop typing the way you are used to. If your acquaintance with a computer began with games (this is exactly what happened to me), then most likely your left hand will automatically reach for the wasd keys, and your right hand will end up on the mouse. If you're not that kind of person, you probably type with your index fingers. You will have to get rid of such habits if you want to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard.

2. Use all 10 fingers

The next step is to re-position your fingers correctly on the keyboard. If you look closely at the keyboard, you will notice how your index fingers rest on each of the F keys and J keys. This will help you position your other fingers correctly despite the keyboard.

It's simple, your index fingers should be on the F and J keys, and your other fingers will naturally fall on the keyboard.

In the picture below you will notice the colored areas showing the area of ​​application for each finger.

3. Touch typing

The next thing you need to do is master touch typing. This is when you type and don't look at the keyboard. Having studied this type of printing, you can significantly increase your typing speed and avoid possible errors and typos.

You can only learn this through practice, and a couple of hours will not be enough. It may take you several weeks before your fingers remember what each of them does. Keep practicing even if you start typing even slower than before.

4. Start using hotkeys

Not surprisingly, there are many hotkeys in Windows and Mac OS. Since both your hands are already on the keyboard, why waste time using the mouse.

The following hotkeys are mainly used when working with text:

Ctrl+FWord Search
Ctrl+ASelect all
Shift + Left Arrow or Right ArrowSelect next letter
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow or Right ArrowSelect next word
Ctrl + Left Arrow or Right ArrowMove the text cursor to the next word without highlighting it
HomeGo to the beginning of the line
EndGo to end of line
Page UpScroll up
Page DownScroll down

You can also use keyboard shortcuts when browsing the Internet. Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate web browsers.

Ctrl+TabSwitch to next tab
Ctrl + shift + TabSwitch to previous tab
Ctrl+TOpen new tab
Ctrl+WClose current tab
Ctrl + shift + TOpen a previously closed tab
Ctrl+Rrefresh current web page
Ctrl + NOpen in a new web browser window
BackspaceGo back one page
Shift + BackspaceGo forward one page

Finally, here are some common keyboard shortcuts for more general (Windows) navigation.

5. Practice in services and programs

Practicing typing on a keyboard doesn't have to be too strenuous. There are a huge number of different applications for this. Below we will look at the best free simulators for learning how to quickly type on a keyboard:

  • Keyboard Solo is a well-known simulator that helps you learn how to type quickly on the keyboard. You can purchase the program from them on the website - and study online -
  • Clavagons are a great project that gives you the opportunity to learn and compete in typing speed with other people, which turns learning into an exciting competition. The service offers regular and premium accounts with full access and costs only 80 rubles per month -
  • Clavarog is a free keyboard trainer with a simple interface. Just go to the website and get into battle -
  • All 10 - an excellent free service for teaching touch typing -
  • Stamina is the oldest project that offers a free program for teaching fast typing -

XXI century - the era of computer technology. Today, the inability to type on a keyboard is comparable to the inability to use a ballpoint pen. In a time when every minute is valuable, typing slowly is an unaffordable luxury that limits a person's capabilities in the modern world.

Why do you need to type quickly?

Quite recently it was a rarity. The ability to type any text, despite the keyboard, was equated to magic. Only a few possessed such skill. Now everything has changed a lot, and high-speed printing is a frequently used, professionally valuable skill. Many employers, when selecting employees whose activities will be related to computers, specify proficiency in touch typing as one of the main requirements for applicants.

Nowadays, not only computer typing operators in publishing houses must type quickly, but also accountants, economists, office clerks - everyone whose work involves creating electronic documents.

Which keyboard is considered optimal?

So, there are many services that help determine how fast you type. You only need to type for a minute at speed, and after that the treasured number appears. But what is it compared to? What print speed is considered good?

For those unfamiliar with touch typing, it's likely that you won't be able to type more than 150 characters in one minute. Looking at the keyboard and using two fingers makes it difficult to achieve great speed. And even if you have already learned how to type using the ten-finger method, do not expect high typing speeds right away. At first it will be about 200 characters per minute, which is not bad. A typing speed that “keeps pace” with normal speech is considered comfortable. The more training, the faster it increases. Once you reach 300-400 characters per minute, start to be proud of yourself. Professionals can boast of this speed.

But even if you can do this, it’s too early to relax. The world record for typing speed was set in 2005, and ten years later, no one can beat it. It is 750 characters in one minute.

How can you increase your printing speed?

We have set a goal - to learn how to quickly type text on the keyboard. What will come of this is still unknown. Perhaps you will receive praise from your boss and a promotion, or a miracle may happen and a new name will appear in the Guinness Book of Records. In any case, such a valuable skill will not be superfluous; it will make working at the computer more efficient and help save time.

Often, beginners try to increase their speed by simply entering texts on the keyboard, and spend more than one hour doing such a monotonous task. Let's say right away - it's a waste of time if you don't use the right typing technique.

The touch typing method is what will help. This is the only correct way to type. Only after mastering the principles of this method can you devote time to training. In this case, they will be effective, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Touch typing - how is it?

This method of typing appeared at the end of the 18th century. In those days, computers were out of the question, because mass production of typewriters had just begun. No attention was paid to learning how to type quickly. Everyone was looking for convenient methods of working on keyboards. The most effective method turned out to be typing without looking at the keyboard and with the distribution of keys for each finger.

This method began to be called the ten-finger method because it involves all ten fingers on the hands, and the blind method - because when typing text, you don’t have to look at the buttons. As you learn touch typing, you will memorize the location of every letter and every sign on the keyboard. Does this seem difficult? Nothing of the kind! After just a few days of training, your fingers themselves will begin to look for the buttons in the right place. Moreover, each of the ten fingers has and accurately remembers its work zone.

Two important principles of the ten-finger method

Users who have been using touch typing for a long time follow two basic rules without thinking about it. Beginners will need to try hard. So, if you decide to master the touch typing method on the keyboard, remember:

1. Each finger presses only certain, “its” buttons. This is clearly shown in the figure below.

The color of the finger corresponds to the color of the keys that it must press.

2. Looking at the keyboard while typing is strictly prohibited. This habit is the main problem for beginners. Getting rid of it is not as easy as it seems. At the beginning of training, there will be many typos that will have to be corrected, but over time, tactile memory will begin to develop, and you will stop thinking about every movement. The fingers will press the correct buttons themselves.

Only by adhering to these principles can you quickly learn to type on the keyboard. If you ignore at least one of them, you will wait a very long time for results.

How long does it take to learn to touch type?

The blind ten-finger typing method can be mastered in a month with daily training. Don't be afraid, you won't have to spend 10-12 hours typing for 30 days. Three-hour classes, but regular ones, are enough.

Often beginners, having a great desire, mastered touch typing in two to three weeks. This does not mean that after three weeks the typing speed will be 300-400 characters per minute. To achieve this speed, further training is necessary. This does not necessarily have to be targeted work on simulator programs, you just need to apply the acquired skills when using a computer.

It may seem at first that you are typing slower with the touch typing method than with the two-finger “sighted” method. In this case, the main thing is not to worry and not to give up further use of touch typing. In a couple of weeks at most, a tendency towards an increase in speed will become noticeable.

Touch Typing Basics

The ten-finger printing method has several variations, similar to each other in the main points.

Before you start typing, your fingers are in a strictly defined place. They return there in pauses between entering words or sentences. We immediately need to find the supporting row of the keyboard. This is the third row of keys from the bottom. The left hand is placed on the letter A, and the right hand is placed on O. The remaining fingers occupy places above the adjacent buttons. To quickly determine the position of the support keys on any keyboard, they are marked with small raised protrusions. As you improve your skills, you will learn to feel the correct position of your hands without touching the keys.

Each finger presses only the letter buttons closest to it, according to the color scheme.

Each one is also pressed only with a certain finger. It is more difficult to get used to pressing special buttons correctly than using an alphabetic keyboard.

The key is used to delete erroneously entered characters and is pressed with the little finger on the right hand.

To press the Key, use the little finger on your left hand.

A frequently used button, we use our right little finger to press it.

There are two keys on the keyboard. If you need to change the case of a letter that is entered using any finger of the right hand, then press with the left little finger, and vice versa.

The keys and [Space] are pressed with the thumb. Individually, everyone can use their left or right hand for this.

Keys are pressed using the right or left little finger.

This type of printing does not create unnecessary stress on the joints of the hands and makes it possible to work productively on typing for a long time.

Literature to help

Recently, in addition to keyboard simulators, printed publications on the topic of speed typing are also available. Books on this topic are published in the form of tutorials and, in addition to theory, also contain practical tasks.

  • “Touch typing and hot keys” is a textbook for mastering touch typing by E. G. Avsharyan. It was published in 2008. The textbook will help you quickly master the skill of high-speed typing using the ten-finger method and will additionally introduce you to the “hot” buttons in MS Windows.
  • "Tutorial for touch typing." This book was published in 2013. Author - Vladimir Andrianov. The textbook introduces us to the history and types of keyboards, the theory of the touch typing method, offers typical exercises and reviews existing keyboard simulators.
  • “Tutorial for fast and correct typing on a computer” - an express course by N. M. Berezin. The book was published in 2006. The author promises, using his own method, to teach touch typing at a speed of 120 characters per minute in 120 hours.

Education software

Theory is certainly important, but only by studying the concepts is it impossible to master the ten-finger touch typing method. The simulator is 80% of success in this matter. Special programs designed for training speed typing are not that uncommon. The principle of training in different keyboard simulators may differ. But they are all aimed at achieving one goal - to teach you how to quickly type high-quality texts without looking at the computer keyboard.

The most popular keyboard trainers

What free programs will help you quickly learn to type on the keyboard? There are a lot of such applications. Let's look at the most popular programs that help you master the touch typing method:

This is only a small part of what can help those who want to master touch typing with ten fingers. The choice is huge, and if you don't like training on a certain simulator, don't give up on your goal, but try something else. You will definitely find the method that will be most effective and at the same time interesting for you.

Advantages of the method

In conclusion, let's specify the benefits obtained from mastering the touch typing method:

  • Whatever one may say, the first advantage will always be saving time. The typing speed on the keyboard is at least doubled. The time required to work with documents is proportionally reduced.
  • Opportunity If your gaze is focused only on the document while typing, it is easier to form thoughts, and at the same time the opportunity to notice an error in the text increases.
  • The monotonous process of typing letters on the keyboard becomes more dynamic, which helps avoid fatigue.
  • Possibility of additional income. As already mentioned, the ability to type quickly using the ten-finger method is a valuable professional skill. In addition, there are a lot of areas where you can make money from this. For example: paid typing, copywriting, selling articles, etc.

So, if crooked hands (when it comes to typing and typing) are your thing, then don't fret. You can easily improve your typing skills. The average person can type between 38 and 40 words per minute, while professionals with larger keyboards can type up to 65 words per minute.

If you don't have much computer experience or if you've never used a typewriter, then it's normal that your typing speed is slower than others. However, it's never too late to improve your skills.

You certainly won’t become a typing master overnight, which is why you need to be patient, don’t give up, and follow the useful life hacks below. Simple and effective tips will definitely help in improving your typing skills and typing speed.

The best way to learn to type quickly on a keyboard is to use your ten fingers to their full potential. You won't get far if you only use your index or middle fingers while typing.

Changing the way you type is not easy at all, especially if you've been typing the same way for years, but to get the correct position you need to place your index finger on the left side of the key F, and place the next three fingers on D, S And A respectively. On the right side, do the same with J, placing your right index finger on this key, and the next three fingers should be placed on the keys K, L and; respectively. Your thumbs should rest on the keyboard. Everything is like in the gif image below.

It is also worth paying attention to the useful and interactive educational game Dance Mat Typing, which you can use to improve your typing technique. The game is aimed at children, but it is also useful for adults.

Tip 2: Try not to look at the keyboard

Looking down and watching the keyboard is slowing down. We do this in order to find the key we need, but if you want to speed up your typing skills, then you need to learn how to touch-type.

Memory is really important for typing correctly and quickly, so try to test your abilities. Don't expect that you will succeed the first time. Touch typing should be practiced gradually. To start, reduce the time you spend looking at the keyboard a little and, before admitting defeat, try to find the key you need blindly. This will help in developing memory and confidence while typing.

Tip 3. Correct position and stretching of fingers

Most people don't realize that their position (or the position in which they type) can affect the quality and speed of their typing. The correct position while typing is to keep your feet flat on the floor while your wrists remain level with the keyboard. This position allows our fingers to rest in the correct position and - believe it or not - it prevents any injury.

Note! If you've been typing for a long time, do some finger stretches to relax your joints.

Tip 4. Online games - keyboard simulators

Learning to type quickly can be quite a tough process, so to keep the fun and excitement going, you can make the process more interesting.

Today, the Internet is flooded with online keyboard simulators. All you need to do is choose the most interesting and suitable online game.

Keybr is a great website to help you practice your typing.

Typeracer(, which provides the opportunity to race other online keyboard typists in real time.

Free Typing Games To improve typing speed, they offer a set of typing-based games. To do this, you need to follow the link and improve your typing skills while playing for fun.

You can get additional help on site or at home. You can consult and find out if there are any paid typing courses in your city. If there are no such courses, then there is no need to be upset. You can complete the training yourself or take online courses on fast typing without leaving your home.

All those who want to learn how to quickly type will find sites such as:


Touch Typing Study will help speed up typing skills and teach touch typing.

If you are fluent in English, then you can also sign up for a foreign online course on typing by selecting it and going to

It is also worth paying attention to Alison offers a free online course that you can take from the comfort of your home, or you can try more in-depth training CDs available from Amazon, such as Mavis Beacon teaches Typing.

They perform certain functions and can be found in any operating system. If you remember their basic combinations that you use most often, then you won’t have to waste time on the mouse.

Since in most cases these keys can be found next to the little finger, it will play the main role in pressing them.

This may be the most obvious tip, but as with anything, practice is probably the most important way to improve your typing speed.

Don't fall back into your old habits - position your fingers correctly on the keyboard and try not to look down while typing. Your speed will certainly decrease, but this is only at the very beginning of the journey. As you adjust, the new position will become second nature, and you'll eventually notice a difference in your typing speed before and after. So a little patience won't go in vain either.

Video - How to quickly type on the keyboard

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