A fairy tale about a wise princess. The Tale of the Little Princess: Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there lived a princess in a small but beautiful kingdom, on the shore of a large lake, near high mountain peaks. There was plenty of everything in the kingdom: flowers, trees with delicious fruits, animals, and birds. This kingdom was also famous for the best grooms among neighboring kingdoms. The guys were all good, from the shepherd to the son of a nobleman - handsome in face, strong in body, smart, charming, cheerful. Every year a grooms' ball was held in the largest castle in the kingdom. Guys and girls came there to show themselves and see others. And after the ball there were several months of celebration and fun - because the weddings were celebrated by happy lovers.

But the most important and main person at the ball was the princess. She was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom and, of course, deserved, as she believed, the most handsome prince. But the trouble was that all the men were handsome, she liked them all, and it was very difficult to make a choice. Of course, the heart will always tell you, but for some reason it was stubbornly silent and did not give any signals. The princess was already thinking that maybe she was completely heartless? In fact, she was wrong, there was a lot of kindness, affection and tenderness in her. The princess's position was indeed difficult. She constantly basked in the attention and care of the opposite sex, she was given fresh flowers and delicious sweets. The princess smiled, thanked and looked for HIM with her eyes. But everyone, although they were beautiful in face, were like each other like two peas in a pod. The princess has already left the ball several times without her prince...

And then one day, after one such ball, she had a dream... The princess saw herself in a sunlit forest clearing, the murmur of a transparent stream could be heard in her ears; in the grass grew many amazing, unusually beautiful flowers, the likes of which she had never seen in her life. In the center of the clearing grew a huge old oak tree with a spreading green crown. The princess found herself under him. Next to her, she saw a woman with unusually kind eyes and in a light dress, smoothly fluttering in the breeze.

- Who are you? - the girl asked.
“Fairy,” answered the fairy. - I'm here because you're in trouble.
“Yes,” the girl answered with sadness in her voice. She already understood what trouble the fairy was talking about.
- I want to tell you that you will soon be very happy. Soon you will see your prince. You will find it yourself.
- Herself? — the girl was surprised. - Do princesses themselves look for princes? He must come to my palace, on a white horse and with gifts!
- My dear! Your prince is bewitched by an evil wizard and cannot find you on his own, although he really wants to. Now he is indifferent to all girls, he cannot find his one and only. The spell will only subside if you confess your feelings to him.
- How?! Princesses don't confess their love! On the contrary, they should hear confessions from noble knights!
- If you want to find him, remember that you are not only a princess, but also a girl in love.

Then the princess was awakened by the morning trills of birds at the window. They were somehow especially loud in the room. At first the princess could not understand why her heart was beating so hard, but after a couple of seconds she remembered her dream.

She doubted: “Is this true or not?” Deep in thought, she glanced at the window - there, in the rays of the sun, lay a flower from a magical meadow. "Is it true!" — the princess was at a loss. “What now? Go? But princesses do not look for princes themselves! However..." - her heart was suddenly filled with longing for happiness... She stomped her foot imperiously, "Am I a princess or not?! Everything is in my power!” And she, without saying a word to anyone, changed her chic dress for an ordinary one, threw a light cloak over her shoulders, grabbed food and drink, and ran out of the palace onto the road.

She felt simply great, she wanted to sing and dance, laugh loudly with joy - after all, she was following her happiness! Everything inside her glowed pink. And she walked straight along the road, without turning anywhere.

She walked past the field, past the forest, past swamps and lakes and reached the village. A young girl was sitting in one of the courtyards; she was weaving a wreath of herbs and flowers, and humming some song to herself. The princess was thirsty and turned to the girl: “Dear girl! Do you have any water to quench my thirst? The girl smiled in response, nodded, and a minute later brought out a glass of water.

-Where are you going? Travelers rarely pass through our village.
“I am following my happiness,” answered the princess.
- Then good luck to you! Which road will you take next? — the girl asked and pointed towards the forest.

There the road forked: one led straight into the forest, and the other along the outskirts. The princess was confused... she didn’t know where to go, how to choose the right path. Apparently, bewilderment was written on her face, and the girl said:

- You ask your heart. It knows everything.

The princess looked at the road along the forest - and inside she felt as if there was a gray dense fog enveloping everything around her; She looked at the forest road - and a pink light glowed inside.

- I'm walking along a forest road!
- That's great! - exclaimed the delighted girl. “Further along this road there is a meadow where a shepherd grazes his flock. This shepherd is my favorite, but we see him so rarely that he almost never hears kind words from me. If you see him, tell him that I love him and am really looking forward to him coming, without his cheerful eyes and ringing voice I am very sad...
- Marvelous! - said the princess. - Why should he say this, because he probably already knows all this. But you helped me, I will tell him everything.

- Thank you. I want him to know about my love and his heart will become warmer...

The princess said goodbye to the girl and moved on. She walked through the forest for a day and finally saw the meadow where the shepherd was grazing his flock.

She greeted him and conveyed all the words of the girl from the village. The shepherd's face lit up:

“So she remembers me, she still loves me.” Oh, kind girl, thank you, I'm so happy! I really missed these words!

The princess liked these words of the shepherd. She moved further along the road, through the forest, and out into the field. There was a lonely wooden hut on the edge. The princess was already quite hungry and knocked on the door. Her grandmother opened it for her. Her face was deeply wrinkled, her gray hair was covered with an embroidered colorful scarf, and her blue eyes looked welcomingly at the girl. She said hello and asked for food, and the grandmother motioned for her to come in, seated the table and brought food. Then suddenly she asked:

-Are you lost? What are you doing here?
“I’m looking for my prince,” answered the girl.
- What is he like?

The girl thought:

“He’s handsome, smart and funny,” she answered.
“Are there not many such princes?” How do you recognize yours? How will you find him?

The princess was at a loss and did not know what to answer. It suddenly seemed to her that she had come such a long way in vain and that she would not succeed; it was all in vain. She almost cried out of grief. Grandmother noticed this and consoled her:

- If you are brave enough, I will help you. You will eat a piece of this pie, and in your dreams you will see your prince, and you will understand how to recognize him. This dream will be prophetic. But if you are not ready to see the truth, whatever it may be, go back.

The princess did not want to return; Is this why she walked for so long to retreat now? She ate a piece of pie and decided to move on. Grandmother said goodbye to her warmly.

Soon it began to get dark. The girl walked and thought; she was a little scared, she even had a thought - what if he was ugly... But be that as it may, there will be happiness ahead, no matter in what guise. And everything else doesn't matter.

When the first star lit up, sleep began to overwhelm the princess, she lay down on the soft grass and closed her eyes.

It was the same clearing with unusual flowers and a hundred-year-old oak tree. The princess looked around, searching with her eyes for her prince. But under the oak tree stood the same old woman who had given her the magic pie; only now she looked younger and looked like a wise sorceress. She smiled at the embarrassed and surprised girl. Approaching her, she began to say:

-Are you surprised? Now I will tell you about him. Appearances can often be deceiving. So listen to me: this man is not a prince by blood, not of noble birth, but a worthy, valiant man. He has blue eyes and beautiful hands, he has a velvety voice. He has a cheerful disposition; when he is sad, he tells the funniest stories to cheer himself up; when he gets angry, he makes the funniest faces; he never convinces that he is right; he speaks tongue twisters the fastest and comes up with the most original compliments, he knows how to walk on his hands...

The grandmother still told a lot, and the longer she talked, the more the girl felt as if she was falling somewhere down, into infinity, deeper and deeper... Suddenly she woke up and immediately realized how she recognized her prince. She liked a lot of what she heard...

With even greater joy in her heart, she walked forward. That wonderful feeling was already spreading inside her for a person still unknown to her, which she wanted to express, to say everything that was in her heart; I wanted to become happy myself and make him happy.

The road went through the forest and suddenly she saw the very clearing that she had dreamed of.

Three young men were sitting on the grass and talking about something. The girl approached them and spoke, and they were amazed by her beauty and charm and invited her to have lunch with them. Everyone was beautiful, charming and sweet, smiling at her, having an intelligent conversation, interspersing it with funny jokes. She liked them all, but her feelings told her that there was one special one among them. She needed to check and make sure. She asked the guys to show her their dexterity. One of them took a stone from the ground and accurately hit the top of a tree, the other made a cartwheel on the ground, and the third, with radiant eyes, deftly walked in front of her in his arms... What the princess felt is difficult to put into words... She approached him and said: “I was looking for you, I love you. You are my destiny." The young man sighed, and the dark spell came out of him and dissolved into thin air. He hugged the girl and kissed her.

One day a girl was born into a royal family. The little princess was named Polina. On the occasion of the birth of his daughter, the king organized a grand celebration. Many titled guests came to the palace. They congratulated the king and queen on the joyful event, gave gifts and hurried to take their places at the table. The noisy feast lasted until late at night.
Princess Pauline at this time was sleeping serenely in her children's room, specially equipped for her by order of the king.
When the holiday was over and the guests had left, the happy parents came in to kiss their daughter goodnight, but her crib was empty...
Calming his sobbing wife, the king ordered the guards to immediately search the castle. They checked every room in the palace, went down to the basement and even searched the attic, but the princess was never found. The king and queen did not sleep a wink all night. And only in the morning, when they had lost all hope, the royal cook brought the girl. She said she accidentally discovered the crumb under the stairs near the kitchen. In gratitude, the happy king appointed her chief cook.
Since then, Polina was looked after by a dozen nannies, and every night a guard was on duty at her bedroom door.

Time passed. The girl grew up, but was not like all the princesses at her age. Polina did not like balls and royal receptions, and dance and music lessons seemed boring to her. But from the aromas wafting from the royal kitchen, I could unmistakably tell what would be served to the table today. She was always interested in how and what the dishes served were prepared from.
“I really want to learn how to cook,” she told her parents.
But her parents considered such hobbies unworthy of royalty and strictly forbade her to enter the kitchen. No wonder the young princess felt unhappy.
The king and queen were perplexed - where did their daughter get such an interest in cooking? Only the cook could answer this question. Only she alone knew what happened in the royal chambers on the night the little princess disappeared.

On that day, when noble guests celebrated the birth of Polina, and dozens of cooks worked in the royal kitchen, one of the cooks was sent to see if there was enough food for the guests.
Walking along the corridor past the princess's room, the young woman, out of curiosity, decided to look at the baby. There was no one guarding the room, and she entered the nursery unhindered.
Little Polina slept in her snow-white bed. Her bed, decorated with gold, was covered with a canopy embroidered with precious stones. There were stuffed animals, pink elephants and teddy bears all over the room. The poor woman's beauty and delight took her breath away.
She carefully took little Polina into her arms. The lace diapers looked strange in the cook’s overworked hands. She felt very sad, because quite recently she also became a mother. But she did not have money for a cradle for her daughter. The cook simply wrapped the baby in an old jacket and put her to bed next to her.
The poor woman was amazed by the wealth and luxury in which the princess lived. Why is her own daughter deprived of all this? What injustice!.. Suddenly it occurred to her - what if we change children?
Looking outside the nursery door, the cook made sure that no one was there and carefully carried the princess out...
And in the morning she brought her daughter to the king, saying that she had found the child under the stairs. The girls were very tiny and very similar, so no one noticed the substitution.
Returning home, the young mother cried for a long time. And only the thought that now her daughter would live like a king consoled her a little. She named the king's daughter Yasya and raised her with the love with which she would raise her own child.

When the girl grew up, the cook began to take her with her to the palace, wanting to teach her her craft. However, Yasya did not like to cook. Every minute spent in the kitchen made her unhappy. Having quickly completed the work, the girl hurried to the garden, where through the window she admired the royal balls. She spent hours looking at the dressed-up court ladies, repeating their dance moves.
One day she was caught doing this by a princess who went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air.
- What are you doing here? - Yasya heard and blushed, she was embarrassed.
- Do you think the ball is a lot of fun? - Polina continued, not paying attention to the girl’s embarrassment.
- Isn’t it? After all, singing and dancing is so great... - Yasya said dreamily.
- Boring! - the princess yawned, covering herself with her fan. “If you want, I can take you to the ball, and you will see for yourself.” But first you need to change your clothes.
In a ballgown, Yasya looked like a real princess. Spinning in the dance no worse than other court ladies, she felt unusually happy.
“Just like you in your youth,” the king said to his wife, admiring the dancing girl. He, of course, had no idea about anything...

“Thank you, you made my cherished dream come true,” Yasya said to the princess after the ball. - What do you dream about?
“I really want to learn how to cook,” admitted Polina. “But my parents will never allow me to do this,” she added sadly.
- Are you a princess and want to mess around in the kitchen? - Yasya was surprised. - However, I can help you. My mother is the head cook of the royal kitchen, and I will secretly take you there. Only now we’ll have to change your clothes - there’s nothing to do there in a ballgown.
The girls looked at each other and laughed merrily. Perhaps this is how friendship is born...

Once in the kitchen, Polina watched with delight as aromatic soups and broths boiled in large cauldrons, and fish and meat were fried in huge frying pans. She watched with interest as the cooks cut and crumble vegetables, grind spices in stone mortars, lay out salads beautifully and decorate dishes.
The excited cook did not leave Polina’s side for a minute. She did not hope that she would ever see again the daughter whom she had given to the king many years ago. At Polina's request, she taught her how to stew vegetables and bake meat. The girl did everything well, and now she herself prepared the king’s favorite dessert.
“It was the best day of my life,” Polina admitted as she left. “But it’s unlikely that it will ever happen again.” My parents don't allow me to cook, but I would give anything in the world to do what I love.
The girl’s words touched the cook to the depths of her soul. It turns out her daughter is not so happy in the luxurious royal chambers...

On this day, the king found the dinner especially delicious, and he sent a servant to fetch the chief cook.
- Amazing dessert! “I have never eaten anything tastier,” he said to the cook who entered the room. - Ask for whatever you want.
And then the woman could not stand it. Hoping for His Majesty's mercy, she confessed everything. The angry king ordered her to be imprisoned, and he himself locked himself in the main palace tower.
For several days and nights the deceived ruler thought about what to do. He loved Polina very much and could not imagine his life without her, but Yasya was also dear to him. After all, she was his own daughter and, moreover, very similar to her queen mother. These thoughts drove him into despair, and he became even more angry with the cook.
At this time, someone knocked quietly on the door. It turned out that both girls had come to ask him to have mercy on the cook. Looking into their eyes, full of tears, the king realized that not only had he not lost his beloved daughter, but, on the contrary, had found another one.
The king made a truly wise decision. He forgave the cook and even allowed her to live in the palace so that she could be closer to her daughters.
What about the princesses?
Yasi's dreams of balls came true - she spent the whole day studying music and dancing! And Polina was allowed to be in the kitchen and learn to cook. The girls became best friends for life, and it didn’t matter to them which of them was the real princess.
The main thing is that they were happy.

A_Guves, 2012-2013

You can help the fairy tales of Asa Gouves come to life with illustrations

Once upon a time there lived a Wise King and a Good Queen, and they ruled the Kingdom. They lived and did not grieve for many years, and then one day their daughter, the Princess, was born. She was very beautiful, and she was immediately nicknamed Beautiful.
Time passed, the Beautiful Princess grew up and became more and more beautiful; Soon legends began to circulate about her beauty. Brave knights took part in tournaments in order to accept the reward from her hands; The most pious ladies of the court enjoyed conversations with her and admired her wit and beauty. Every day Barons, Princes, Counts and Dukes came to the Princess to admire her.
And time went on and on, and the King and Queen had no more children. Then they decided that the Princess would become the heir to the throne and rule the Kingdom. Just at that time the time came for the Princess to get married. Many suitors were found for the hand and heart of the Princess, because she was so beautiful, smart and kind, polite and kind, and besides, she was the future Queen. The Queen often organized balls so that the Princess could choose a groom to her taste, and the King invited people with whom the Princess could then rule the Kingdom wisely and with dignity, so that the Kingdom would prosper and the people in it would live happily. But no matter how hard the Princess’s parents tried, she didn’t like anyone, and she didn’t want to marry anyone.
And then one day the King received a letter from his old friend, the King of the Neighboring Kingdom. That letter said that the Neighbor King had heard a lot about the beauty, intelligence and virtues of the Princess, and that he would like to introduce her to his son, the Prince. This Prince was young and daring, brave and proud, smart and sincere, his beautiful eyes were clear and radiant, and his smile shone like the sun. But the Prince had a drawback - he was short and incredibly thin. Even the Princess, known for her slenderness, would appear plump next to him. However, the Princess's parents saw in the Prince only that he had a gentle, cheerful face and a sharp, quick mind. They also saw that the Neighboring King would gladly consent to this marriage, thus two friendly kingdoms would unite into one. The King and Queen thought about it and agreed to receive the Prince in their palace.
And then, one fine day the Prince arrived. The King and Queen were delighted by the politeness of his manners and the dignity with which this slight youth carried himself. Even the Beautiful Princess herself felt sympathy for him.
At the same time, there was a Fearless Knight at court, young and strong, the son of a duke. He did not give up hope of marrying the Princess, for he was captivated by her beauty and charming voice. The Knight had heard about the Prince, but had never seen him before, and thought that the thin, fragile, graceful Prince would immediately lose in charm to the stately, muscular, fit Knight. He was not the only one who thought so: his Faithful Squire completely agreed with the Knight.
For many days there were balls and tournaments at the court. The Princess danced at balls with the Prince, enjoying his dexterity and wit, and at tournaments she watched with delight the strength and fearlessness of the Knight. And sometimes she, accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting, had conversations with the Prince, the Knight and his Squire, who was also of noble birth, smart and cheerful. The Princess liked these conversations, where the Prince, the Knight, and the Squire showed themselves to be interesting and pleasant interlocutors.
Days passed. Soon the Knight began to notice that he no longer felt the same enmity towards the Prince. On the contrary, it became more and more interesting for him to spend time in his company. In turn, the Prince enjoyed communicating with the Knight, unexpectedly discovering gentleness and kindness in this strong and slightly strict man. After some time, the Prince and the Knight could no longer imagine how they lived before meeting each other. They began to walk together more and more often.
And so, one evening the Prince and the Knight were sitting in the garden. The knight listened to himself in amazement and realized that this fragile, defenseless young man had become very dear to him. The Prince was thinking about how pleasant the Knight was to him and how much he did not want to part with him. They were both silent and looked at the evening sky. “Knight,” the Prince suddenly said. “And if you had to choose who to continue communicating with - with me or with the Princess, who would you choose?” “You,” was the answer. “And if the Princess said tomorrow that she agrees to marry you, would you marry her?” – continued the Prince. “No,” was the answer. "Do you love the Princess?" – the Prince asked the Knight. “No,” was the answer. "But who do you love then?" – continued the Prince. “You,” was the answer.
And the next day an important event happened. The King and Queen decided to hold the final tournament. Only two participants were planned - the Prince and the Knight. “The one who wins will marry the Princess,” decided the King and Queen, already quite tired of the Princess’s protracted selection of a groom.
The princess was in despair. After all, she had already fallen in love with one person, and she really didn’t want to marry another. But, being an obedient daughter and understanding the importance of her choice, she agreed to this tournament. “Let fate decide,” the Princess decided.
When the royal decision was announced to the Prince and the Knight, they became even more desperate than the Princess. After all, they also realized who they loved, and this someone was far from the Princess! But it is not customary to contradict the royal will, and the Prince and the Knight, reluctantly, agreed to this useless tournament. They both understood that they could not live without each other, but, nevertheless, they decided to fight.
But the saddest of all was the Knight's Squire, and no one could understand the reason for his grief.
And now it's time for the tournament. A lot of people came to watch such an important event. The princess sat between the King and Queen and looked with strange sadness at those preparing for the duel.
The heralds announced the names of the combatants, the conditions of the battle and the reward. The Knight's squire sighed and wished his master good luck.
They sat on horses facing each other. Before putting on their helmets, they looked into each other's eyes and smiled darkly. Hearing the call, they put on their helmets, took their spears in their hands and got ready. The trumpets sounded. The Prince and the Knight rushed towards each other, clutching spears in their hands.
The entire audience thought that the strong Knight would defeat the thin Prince with one blow, but this did not happen. Again and again the Prince and the Knight attacked each other, but could not defeat each other.
The tournament lasted a long time, until the evening, but none of the opponents won. Then the King stood up and said: “Apparently, this is a sign from above. Since neither one nor the other could win either the tournament or the ball, it means that neither of them should be the Princess’s husband!” Hearing such words from the King, the Princess suddenly smiled and said: “You are right, father. I would not want to see any of them as my husband, because I love another person.” The King was surprised by his daughter’s speech and asked: “But who would you like to see as your husband, my daughter? Name him to me, and he will become one, if he is a worthy person!” And the Princess answered: “This man is very worthy. He is of noble birth, and his manners are excellent. But he is the youngest son in a noble family, and therefore is not rich.” “For us, it is not wealth that is important, but your happiness, my daughter, and the good of the state,” said the King. “I ask you, tell us the name of your chosen one!” “This is the Knight’s Squire,” said the Princess and lowered her gaze. “Well,” said the King after a short thought, “I know this man, he is smart, noble and kind. Even if he is really not rich, he will make a worthy match for you and will be a good support in governing the country. I bless you, my daughter!” " The Princess and the Squire looked at each other, and their faces lit up with happy smiles. "But what about the Prince and the Knight?" – asked the Queen, not wanting to offend the worthy young men. “Oh, don’t worry,” replied the Prince. “We are both happy that the Princess has found her chosen one, and we no longer claim her hand.” "Is that so?" – the King addressed the Knight. “Exactly so,” agreed the Knight. "So be it!" - declared the King. The trumpets sounded and the tournament was over.
And then there was a feast - the wedding of the Princess and the Squire. And quite later the Prince and the Knight moved to the Prince’s castle. And everyone began to live, live and make good.

You can read a fairy tale about a princess to your child at night. Both girls and boys will like it. History will teach a child that it is important to listen to mom and dad, otherwise there will be trouble. In addition, in the fairy tale about the princess, emphasis is placed on the importance of the parents’ feelings, spoilage and selfishness. The story will make the baby think about his behavior.

A fairy tale about a naughty princess and a unicorn

In a distant kingdom, a long-awaited daughter was born to the king and queen. They named the princess Alexandra. The girl was like an angel. Tender, beautiful. Any other princess could envy her golden curls. And her eyes were blue, like a clear sky. There was blush and freckles on her cheeks, as if she had been kissed by the sun. She was surrounded by the care of her parents and the help of servants. However, her character was not so angelic.

The princess was allowed everything, bought everything, gave gifts, fed sweets. They did everything possible for her and for her. It would seem that what more could she wish for. But, if something was not as she wanted, the servants all hid and ran away in all directions. Alexandra's hysteria was heard throughout the area. And the parents did not know how to calm down their beauty; after all, no prince would marry her.

So one day, while walking with her ladies-in-waiting at the waterfalls of the kingdom, the princess saw an incredible creature. A snow-white horse prancing in a clearing. That horse had wings like something out of a fairy tale and a smooth mane. A magical sparkle emanated from her. And on his head was a horn covered with flowers. It was a unicorn.

It is a miracle to meet such creatures in the kingdom. They lived in a “wonderful” forest, almost never left it and very rarely showed themselves to people. Their magic was special, they fulfilled wishes and gave an aura of light. But only to those who deserve it. Many people dreamed of receiving such gifts, but they managed to tame the Unicorn only once; history is silent about how this happened. But that woman is happy to this day!

Princess Alexandra also knew about these miracles. And she wanted her own Unicorn so much that she immediately began to demand to catch the lovely creature. She stamped her feet and clapped her hands. The maids of honor did not know what to do. How to catch the beast from the magical forest. People were prohibited from going there, and Unicorns do not stay in one place for a long time.

They promised the girl that they would ask her parents to buy her a magic horse. Yes, they came with a request to the king and queen. The king heard his daughter’s wish. Yes, he grabbed his head. They decided to dissuade Alexandra from such an insane desire. But that was not the case. The girl threw a tantrum. Yes, one that all the courtiers heard.

Well, what can you do? The king went to the waterfalls. Yes, I met a magical creature there. He stopped and was surprised at the forest miracle. Yes, I couldn’t utter a word. The horse was so beautiful. But Unicorns are smart creatures, legends are made about them. “What do you want, lord of the kingdom where my house is?” - a question sounded in the king’s thoughts. “It’s not like the horse is talking to me,” flashed through his thoughts. - Yes, we creatures of light can mentally speak to a person when we consider it necessary. I see you came for a reason. In your eyes, a plea for help - the creation of the forest ended the mental conversation.

And the king told about his disobedient and spoiled daughter. And about her desire, and about the fact that if she doesn’t get what she wants, she will cry day and night. “She’s beautiful to me, smart, her face is angelic.” But character, my wife and I give up. — The king finished the story. - Yes, it’s your own fault that your daughter became like this! “You spoiled her, and now you’re complaining,” the Unicorn said to the king. But he decided that the kingdom with the current princess was in danger.

- Okay, I'll help you. I'll let myself be tamed. But on one condition. But you will allow me to correct the girl’s character in any way. And you won’t scold me for my methods of education. — The king thought about the proposal of the magical beast. And I decided that my daughter needed to be re-educated.

“Here is an agreement in which you undertake to let me go as soon as my goal is fulfilled.” I, in turn, will help you with the princess. Today at sunset, I will arrive in the kingdom, but I am a free creature, which means I can leave and come whenever I want. Prepare a meadow for me with a small fence, and convince my daughter that I won’t be able to escape. In the evenings, when everyone falls asleep, I will have to return to the forest. — The man signed the contract and went to his castle.

He made his daughter happy that at sunset, a magical creature was waiting for her at the porch. And she didn’t even say thank you. All hopes for a magical creature. The king did everything as expected by sunset. And then a wonderful horse with wings and a horn in its forehead appeared on the porch of the castle. The girl squealed with happiness. Yes, she immediately demanded a ride.

They put her on a horse, but even though he didn’t like it and didn’t say a word, he was just waiting for the moment. The princess took a ride on her new toy. Yes, she began to demand miracles from him. But the creature of the forest was silent and did nothing. The king did not talk about the possibilities of creation. So the princess decided that the books were lying, and besides flying, this beast would do nothing. “Well, that’s good.” “No one else has such a miracle,” she thought.

Everything is as always... Princess Alexandra got what she wanted. The hysteria was calmed down. And the new toy did not let her sleep. She wanted to fly day and night. And the character left much to be desired.

She couldn’t sleep, so she decided to look out the window. But suddenly I saw how the Unicorn easily overcame the fence and began to run away into the distance, leaving behind traces and a trail of light. Alexandra put on sandals and threw a jacket over her nightie. And she ran in the footsteps of the Unicorn. They led her to a dark forest.

But curiosity turned out to be stronger than fear. And she went into the darkness among the tall trees. I walked for a long time, it was scary. Then the eagle owl will fly over her. Those are bats. Her squeal was heard throughout the forest. And suddenly she lost traces of her new toy. The stupid girl got lost. Yes, she began to call for help, tears streamed. - Mommy, daddy, I will be obedient, I promise, just find me! Just save your daughter! - the princess begged in a plaintive voice.

And then everything around seemed to be illuminated with light. And her new friend appeared before her. - Oh, you naughty girl! - sounded in her thoughts. - Isn’t that what you’re saying? So are fairy tales true? - the princess muttered through tears.

“I only speak when I think it’s necessary.” And now I have something to tell you! — the girl decided to listen to the magical creature. She had nowhere to go, and the Unicorn was the only one who could save her.

- What did your father tell you, don’t go into the forest, you’ll get lost. With your whims, you don’t see the efforts of your parents at all. They do everything for you. Your dad came to me and begged me to stay with you. But we are free creatures! Our life in the forest. I looked at you and decided that I didn’t want to be your toy. “The girl was offended and began to cry again, although the past had not yet frozen.

“Then don’t be friends with me!” — that’s all she could answer out of resentment. The unicorn snorted and began to turn around. Leaving the girl alone again.

- Wait! - She shouted. - Forgive me, I won't do it again. It’s just that dad is always not around, I’m not that bad, but I don’t know how else to get his attention! - Alexandra finally admitted. The magic horse saw the girl’s sincerity for the first time. And I decided to help her. They had already been searching for the princess for several hours. The queen stood in tears, her husband consoled her. And so White Pegasus returned his daughter to the family. She apologized for her behavior to her parents and promised that there would be no more whims.

And the king called the Unicorn and thanked him, releasing him into freedom, as he promised. - Thank you, magical beast! You saved my daughter both from the terrible forest and from disobedience! I will never forget this! - Well, you are an old man, your daughter is truly an angel, she just lacks your personal attention. Instead of eternal gifts and servants, go for a walk in the yard with her yourself and spend more time. And she will remember for a long time that she needs to obey mom and dad.

And Princess Alexandra became an exemplary child. And in the future, a real beautiful queen. And always at sunset she came to the waterfall and talked for a long time with her new friend, the creature of light. His name is Olympus, and he is a Unicorn!

> Tales about Princesses and about the Princess

Today we opened the “Tales of a Princess” section. As a child, every girl wants to become a princess - to live in a fairy-tale palace, wear beautiful ball gowns, attend balls and, of course, meet a handsome prince. Where do such desires come from in a small child? Of course, from those fairy tales about princesses that grandmother and mother read.

Therefore, the choice of tales and legends about beauties should be special - woven from magic, where good always defeats evil. It is important that fairy tales about princesses teach the little one virtue, instill in her a sense of empathy and love for the world around her.

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    Once upon a time there lived a king of lizards, who had two beautiful daughters, and only one father, the king, knew what to call them. The time had come to marry off the daughters, and then the king announced that he would give the daughters to the one who told him their names, and in addition would give each son-in-law a bag of money. Needless to say, from the suitors...

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    Beyond the green forests, beyond distant countries, one emperor had twelve daughters. The emperor had a small country, but the princesses wanted to live in luxury. So in order to live in luxury, they sold their souls to the devils. Princesses always went to a ball somewhere. And at the ball, after each dance, a couple...

    Once upon a time there lived a king and he had a daughter, young and beautiful and so wise and intelligent that she had no equal in the entire region, and the fame of her wisdom even reached the ninth kingdom. The king persuaded her to choose a groom and hastened her with the wedding. Only the princess didn’t want to think about the wedding and kept making excuses: ...

  • One day the king grew old and felt that it was time to choose an heir. And he had three sons. So he came up with a test for them. It was, however, somewhat strange. It was necessary to find the king's most devoted friend - a smart, brave, little dog. And whoever finds the smallest dog will...

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  • Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom, King Kind and Queen Gentle ruled. They had a little daughter named Bright. She was very kind, brave and beautiful. Shortly after the birth of her daughter, the queen died. A year later, the king married again to a queen from a neighboring kingdom, Princess Rigi. She...

  • Chapter 1. Farm Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they had three daughters. The two older girls, whose names were Orangina and Russetta, were twins. Father and mother doted on them: firstly, they considered them beauties, secondly, smart, and thirdly, they were terribly similar to their parents. Parents...

  • Once upon a time there was a king and he had three daughters. They were all very beautiful, but the youngest was the most beautiful of all. Her name was Wanda, and she was her father's favorite. She was always given the most gifts and was least forbidden to play pranks. One day the king went to war. Hearing that he won and was returning home, his daughters...

  • In one kingdom there lived a widowed king. He was incredibly rich, and he had a daughter named April, and she was more beautiful than spring. When she was 15 years old, her father remarried. The stepmother had a daughter named Trotti, and she was worse than the worst night. Her face looked like it was cracked...

  • Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They lived happily, and their subjects adored them, but one thing was missing for both of them - they did not have an heir. The queen, confident that the king would love her even more if they had a son, went every spring to drink the healing waters, which were famous throughout...

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