As they call those, they don’t work. Professions for singles

Why do some people don't want to work? No one is considering this issue. And philosophers who look for meaning and intent in any work. And managers who are developing different ways to stimulate increased performance. And parents who wonder why their adult son doesn’t want to work. And wives who are amazed at their husbands who sit on the couch for months and do not care at all about work or food for themselves, not to mention their wives and children. Yes, and sometimes we ourselves really don’t want to work, and we don’t know what to do about it, because money doesn’t fall from the ceiling and life can’t be a raspberry for nothing. So why do we, people, sometimes not want to work? And how to eradicate our laziness?

Why don't people want to work? What is the reason for our laziness?
What are the reasons for not wanting to work?
Is there a medicine to increase productivity or at least to create a basic desire to work?

Outwardly, all people who do not want to work look almost the same. They lie on the couch, play computer games, sleep for a long time, find many important small things to do, just not to work.

At the same time, some of them at least come up with excuses for themselves, while others do not even do this. And it is precisely this external similarity that creates the main problem for us - it seems to us that all people do not want to work for the same reason. In fact, the reasons for not wanting to work lie in our psychology, and they can be a cart or a small cart. Moreover, they are all radically different, and we often try to find a single solution to a problem that should help everyone. It doesn't happen that way.

When a person doesn't want to work, it's just a symptom. Just like there can be many reasons for a rash on the body. You can’t look for a cure for symptoms, you need to understand the true causes of the problems. This is the only way we will find what to do if a person does not want to work.

Why don't people want to work? The real reason for our laziness

In principle, by its very essence, an adult is a rather lazy creature. There's nothing wrong with that. It is in childhood that we jump and run just like that, because the energy is gushing over the edge and it is completely unclear where to put it. But gradually it fades away and over time we have to make an effort on ourselves in order to develop, and not stand still.

The problem is that if we don't make that effort, we suffer. The worst thing is for those people who, even in childhood and adolescence, were not taught to enjoy work in order to develop not only through the “stick”, but also through the “carrot”, which gives us life in the form of joy and satisfaction from our own achievements .

Our own low demands, the attitude that everything should be available for free anyway, do not allow people to develop fully. Parents also do us a disservice when they give us everything in childhood and never demand anything from us, then wonder why, as an adult, their son does not want to work.

But most of us are still developed and realized to the extent that we can work and receive from the work process not only a salary, but also pleasure. What stops us, why some people don’t want to work?

Self-doubt - stupor in life

Approximately 20% of people have the anal vector. Anal people can realize themselves in life as excellent professionals. But it happens that lack of confidence in their own abilities, as well as the fear of new things, becomes a stupor for them, which absolutely does not allow them to develop. Outwardly, such a person looks like a mother hen on the sofa - he sits in one place day and night and does the same, completely unnecessary action. For example, he solves crossword puzzles or plays solitaire. At the same time, he is supposedly very busy and if you ask him to do something, he will always put it off until later.

“Petya, fix the tap, please!” - "After!"
“Petya, the switch in our kitchen is broken!” - “Yeah, I’ll do it tomorrow”
“Petya, when will you find a job?” - “I’ll start searching on Monday”

Sound question - why work if everything is meaningless?

Of course, life is not like raspberries for you and it’s clear that you have to make an effort to get profits for it. Let's say, live in a warm place, eat tasty food and dress decently. But there is a problem, for some of us - work is not unpleasant for us, and we are not afraid of it, but we do not see the point in it.
A state where there is no strength for anything may be characteristic of owners of the sound vector in a state of depression (not always realized by them themselves). The severe feeling of a lack of meaning in one’s actions leads to an outwardly expressed state, as if the person simply does not want to work. In fact, this is not so - he is simply depressed by the meaninglessness of life and since this is a very painful feeling, he tries to escape from it.

I don’t want to work at all - that’s how a sound engineer feels. Instead of working, he plays computer games all day long, is fixated on fantasy literature, and all sorts of other ways of escaping into other realities.

Shyness and complexes - I don’t want to work because I’m afraid

How and where to find the desire to work?

It is necessary to understand that laziness is, in principle, not a bad thing, but a natural state for an adult. And, perhaps, it would be possible to live life being lazy, but the world is structured in such a way that a person still needs to develop. This is his task and this is what we are born for. Therefore, if a person does not develop and is lazy, then life forces him - through suffering and lack.

That is, each of us has only two paths for life: either to make an effort on ourselves and work, or to suffer. With the right approach, the first path is not so unpleasant. It will also bring us benefits: salary, social status, satisfaction and joy from what we have done. This is possible if the work is selected correctly depending on the person’s vector set, and the root cause of his laziness is eliminated: anal uncertainty, visual fear, sound depression or something else.

Ideally, work can and should bring pleasure, which is a hundredfold offset by fatigue from the effort spent. But this doesn’t always work out - and we just compromise with ourselves - we work as much as we need money to satisfy our needs in life: for food, apartment and travel. Then work brings nothing but self-pitying thoughts"

Do you come to the store, and the seller is rude to you, reluctantly and freely releases the goods to you? Are you trying to find out how much a subscription to a solarium costs from the administrator of a beauty salon, and she, in turn, “rolls” her eyes and mutters something incomprehensible?

“These people just don’t want to work!” - you will say, and you will be right. Indeed, sometimes it feels like a person is simply not in the right place. And his presence “here and now” is due only to the need to earn money.

Why is this happening? Why doesn't a person want to work? How does this affect business owners? What drives people who give up on their career so much? The opinion of a psychologist and an ordinary, ordinary person.

Primary cause - why a person does not want to work

If you started looking for the answer to this question on the Internet, then most likely you have such a person next to you. Be it: your employees, husband, wife or just a friend. To try to change something, it is necessary to understand the root cause of the reluctance to work.

Such a “doomed” loved one is heavy ballast for many. In the case of a manager - a decline in business profitability, in a family stream - general degradation and a sure path to the collapse of the union.

Let's stop stating facts and move on to answering questions. So, what can rule a person who stubbornly does not want to work?

  • Lack of motivation

This is the main and only reason that gives rise to a tangle of troubles. Lack of motivation can be short-term or permanent.

Of course, a short period is short for that reason - it passes quickly, a person independently motivates himself, arousing the desire to work and achieve a goal.

It is much worse when the absence of anything motivating accompanies a person throughout his life. Like a snowball, this problem accumulates more and more, piling one on top of the other.

As an example, we can talk about the woman Mary.

Even in her young years, she did not know what she wanted to work with. Moreover, she was not interested in any activities and had no hobbies. Maria did not want to do anything in order to gain any interests. Her husband, who met her on the way, had a similar attitude to life.

Years passed, and Maria continued to work in a nearby store for the amount of money needed for food. She had no desire to go on a trip or redesign her apartment. All she did was essentially work on the stomach.

This lifestyle brought about other changes. Maria began to gain weight, feel unwell, and “neglect” her relationship with her husband. Over time, the changes that arose with a primary lack of motivation began to drag Maria down even more. She didn't want anything. “Where will I go on vacation if I’m fat?” “Why should I earn more if I have enough money?” Why should I try if everything is fine as it is?”

Do you get the idea? Lack of motivation for you or your loved one for a long time provokes a number of problems that affect his work. Why should a person try and work if he does not have a goal and a global cause for the sake of which he “does” it?

As mentioned earlier, when considering the question: why people don’t want to work, there is a main reason and secondary ones.

Laziness is a less global reason for the lack of desire to work. It is much easier to fix, unlike the first point of our article.

However, this psychological element present in a person’s life will always “stop” him, reducing the quality of work, and, of course, the level of income.

  • Fear

Yes, yes, it also happens that a person who does not want to get a job is simply afraid of messing up there. Of course, any adult, sane person will understand that without starting to do something, you can “sit on your butt” all your life. However, this reason is probable and quite possible in modern realities.

By the way, open data, which is so relevant at the moment, becomes aggravating circumstances. The successes of others, displayed on social networks and websites, can only exacerbate the fear of starting something new and, as a result, taking on any work.

  • Apathy, fatigue

A possible reason why a person does not want to work may be his physical condition. Unfortunately, in most regions of Russia, this criterion can play almost the main role.

Poor ecology, little sunlight, lack of sea, unhealthful products. Of course, the appearance of apathy and fatigue in physical indicators can lead to a complete lack of motivation.

Psychologist's opinion and statistics: at what age is the reluctance to work the most?

According to experts in the field of psychology, lack of motivation is directly related to a person’s work activity. As mentioned earlier, the less sense of purpose, the worse a person’s career is going. Accordingly, the less a person wants to work.

According to experts, this perception is most popular among young people or, on the contrary, people over 45 years of age. In the first case, consciousness has not yet formed an image, goal, motivation. In the second, the brain dictates “everything is already lost, it’s too late to start.”

As a rule, at a young age there is still a lot that can be corrected. As an adult, everything is much more complicated. The actions of “anti-motivation” have been fine-tuned over the years. It is almost impossible to educate and instill something new.

By the way, this is why at the age of 45+ it is very difficult to find a decent job. Personnel officers understand that it is difficult to “match” a person with the company’s steps; it is extremely difficult to motivate him.

What should I do if my loved ones don’t want to work?

By the word “relatives” we will also consider company employees. So, what can you do to get your husband to get a job? How to make employees smile at clients, give their all, and not forget about their responsibilities as soon as you leave the office.

Of course, there is a way out of every situation. Just getting angry or giving up is not the point. Anything can be fixed. The main thing is desire.

Understanding the cause and the way to correct it - fostering a desire to work

This rule works in everything and this moment is no exception. Having understood the root and cause of an individual person’s behavior, you can begin to act.

  • In case of complete lack of motivation

For employees, create an incentive plan and a motivation table, which will include some bonuses for any minor achievements. Of course, from small achievements it is necessary to “add up” one large, elusive, long-term goal to which they will strive.

If something like this happens in a family, no motivational tables will help in this case. The way out is warm, sincere conversations, aimed not at highlighting failures, but at building joint plans.

Perhaps your husband dreamed of his own country house? Excite his mind, find advertisements for the sale of land, start a conversation about building a house.

Smoothly lead the conversation to the fact that if you have a stable income or a little higher, you will succeed.

  • In case of laziness

One golden rule will help here, which simply needs to be conveyed to the head of the person who does not want to work. Advise him to do something he doesn't want to do for just one minute.

Those same 60 seconds will force the lazy to start their own business. Where the beginning is, there is work. You'll see. The main thing is not to be distracted.

  • Fear

In this case, by understanding the reason, you will most likely be able to help the person. If the “patient” admits that he is afraid to get a job or do something to grow his career, the problem will be solved by 90%.

Of course, heart-to-heart conversations about how many people start out in fear and achieve success will help. It is not necessary to frantically recall stories from life. Here you can dream up a little.

  • In case of general fatigue

Again, once you understand the reason, you can eliminate it. Of course, if the opportunity arises. Apathy and fatigue do not arise at the request of the “patient”; he may be happy to work, but it’s hard.

Vacation, sea and sun will help radically improve the situation. Of course, it does not happen that a person does not want to work for any one reason. A combination of factors influences a person’s general consciousness and attitude towards work.

The tips described above are just essays for thought, modest ideas and hints “in which direction to think.” Of course, it is impossible to make another person work well or simply make another person work with a snap of his fingers.

In the case of business owners and bosses, motivating an employee to work is hellish work.

In family life, after several years of marriage, there is perhaps nothing more complicated. But, as practice shows, understanding, awareness and help to a loved one will help solve any problem.

What do you think about this topic? Why do you think people don't want to work? How to make sure that such situations do not arise?

It is generally accepted that career heights are achieved by cheerful extroverts - people for whom active communication is a joy. But what about those who are by nature silent, withdrawn and self-absorbed? In densely populated offices with demanding bosses and noisy employees, introverts who prefer silence and solitude have a hard time. Planning meetings, deadlines, time pressure and lunches with colleagues do not have the best effect on the productivity of introverts. Rjob found out which job an introvert should choose so that it brings him satisfaction and not stress.

Professions for singles

According to a professor at the RANEPA Higher School of Corporate Governance Elena Yakhontova, The optimal job for introverts is one that does not involve intense interaction with people and constant value judgments on their part. The most suitable professions are those associated with intellectual and creative activity, requiring concentration, thoughtfulness and individual work.

Practicing psychologist, existential-humanistic psychotherapist at “Private Psychological Practice” Yulia Gorozhankina believes that introverts are comfortable only in a calm environment, for example, at home.

“Introverts “recharge” in solitude; they simply need it to replenish their energy. To be in an overly socially stimulating office environment, an introvert spends a lot of internal energy, which is not left to do his job effectively. It is possible that an introvert takes some of his work home with him after work or on weekends. Not because he doesn’t have time to do it in the office, but because in a calm environment he is more efficient and productive,– comments the psychotherapist. - The best form of work for an introvert is either a separate office, or a work schedule in which you can spend only part of the time at the workplace. Introverts make excellent financiers, writers, bloggers, traders, information technology specialists, and designers.”

Psychologist Maria Efimova advises introverts to pay attention to the following areas of activity:

IT industry: programmer, web designer, site administrator.

They perform specific and precise tasks, while communication with people is kept to a minimum. You can contact clients via email and perform work remotely.

Finance: accountant, financier, economist, financial analyst.

These professions are associated with processing incoming data according to clearly defined algorithms and rules. The specialist is required to be persevering and diligent.

Introverts can also do journalism (copywriter, rewriter), design, marketing and science. In these areas they use their strengths: creativity, creativity, good memory, analytical mind.

also suitable for an introvert. This profession guarantees minimal contact with people and requires attentiveness and concentration.

Another profession – rather unconventional – is offered to introverts Natalia Mignenko, specialist at the International Academy for the Study of Lies. We're talking about , which can detect lies without aid.

“Verifiers work successfully in security services and HR departments. Their skills are used during negotiations at the highest level (both in business and politics). They are scientists who conduct research, and also intelligence officers, psychologists and actors,– explains Natalya Mignenko. – The “human scanner” works with certain data: posture, gestures, vegetative manifestations, breathing, facial expressions, speech or lack thereof, a person’s position in space. The verifier is based on the experience of psychology, physiology, linguistics, and anthropology.”

Obviously, an introvert has a lot of options, and this type of character does not imply strict restrictions.

“Nowadays, with so many technological opportunities, introverts can work in almost any field and industry. Where they can provide themselves with the main and necessary condition - to be in a comfortable environment and alone for some time, and after recharging, “dive” into society and business activity until the next recharge,”- Yulia Gorozhankina emphasizes.

Get out of the limelight: where introverts should stay away

However, there are positions and areas of activity that are not recommended for introverts: show business, medicine, pedagogy, reception. Professor Elena Yakhontova notes that these professional areas are difficult for introverts, as they require intense interaction and deep emotional contact with different people.

“Introverts should not work in places where they need to actively “sell themselves”, constantly be in the spotlight, “keep their face”,– advises Yulia Gorozhankina.

Psychologist Maria Efimova is sure that the following professions can be emotionally draining for introverts: sales consultant, advertising agent, public figure or speaker. Most of these professions are draining both mentally and physically. This makes an introvert uncomfortable.

How to Increase Productivity as an Introvert

Many introverts complain that they cannot fully realize their potential - the conditions in which they have to work interfere. The boss is constantly overbearing, the general atmosphere in the office is tense. What to do?

“An introvert feels comfortable when he has a chance to concentrate on one task and go deeper into it. Such a person needs an autonomous area of ​​work; it is advisable that he does not depend on colleagues, contractors and the manager. It is important that an introverted employee receives information in advance and has the opportunity to think before acting. If a manager knows his subordinates well, he will be able to use everyone’s resources correctly,”– comments psychologist Maria Efimova.

According to Elena Yakhontova, an employee’s performance in the workplace, first of all, depends on his professional and business competencies, and lastly, on the type of temperament.

“Unsociable introverts can develop communication skills and perform much better than sociable extroverts. Managers are required to create normal working conditions and develop the competencies of both introverts and extroverts. The type of temperament has a greater influence on teamwork. For introverts to work effectively as a team, managers must offer them appropriate team roles as an idea generator, resource explorer, and controller."– the expert advises.

Psychotherapist Yulia Gorozhankina advocates individual working conditions for introverts.

“It’s no coincidence that they choose quieter hours to work. For example, early in the morning, when there is still no office bustle, or vice versa, in the evening, when most employees go home.

In meetings, introverts need time to think. They are better at generating ideas alone. They need silence, a sense of personal space in the office.
And the big question is how realistic it is to observe all this in everyday office conditions,”– says Yulia Gorozhankina.

For an introvert to feel comfortable in a group, he must understand his own characteristics and be able to communicate them to others. There is nothing worse than an introvert who denies his introversion and tries to fake it. Firstly, it will be very difficult for him to carry the “social mask”, and secondly, the team will always feel this inconsistency.

Most introverts are individualists who value peace of mind and are very sensitive to pressure. But if an introvert finds his path and a comfortable form of work, he will make every effort to realize himself. His emphasis on internal experiences will only play into his hands - because there is no need to motivate such a person from the outside.

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Who doesn't like to work? Nobody likes to work. At the same time, among philosophers, politicians, academics and writers, it was customary to speak about work exclusively in high, laudatory tones. Like a dead man.

You’ve heard “Work ennobles a person” a million times since childhood. Now think about it: you yourself really saw how a kid who strummed a guitar all day long, rode a skateboard, put light bulbs in his mouth and helped you pick up girls in a bar, suddenly went to a third-class fittings factory... and after that he suddenly became noble ? Has he got a nice suit and sexy sideburns? Has he learned to tell the difference between a 1982 Chateau Margaux and a 16 year old Lagavulin Scotch? Women and orders hang on it. And all thanks to work... No, well, have you seen this yourself? Did you see it with your own eyes? It is as hard to believe in ennobling work as in UFOs.

No, of course you have to work - no one likes a drunkard quitter. But let's see what the smart slackers said - people who achieved something in this life without working selflessly from Monday to Friday, like a damned monkey who probably died from overwork even before work made a man out of it


I love work: it captivates me completely. I can sit for hours and watch others work.
Jerome Klapka Jerome


Americans work if they pay well. The Russians are working. If they pay, good.
Vladimir Leonidovich Turovsky


There is never enough time to do the job right, but there is time to redo it.
Meskimen's Law


Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.
Alphonse Allais


What a lazy person is, in essence: an ordinary person who is too lazy to even pretend to work.
Alphonse Allais


Work is the last refuge of those who can’t do anything else.
Oscar Wilde


He who knows how, does it, and he who does not know how, teaches.
Shaw George Bernard


They call me "the hardest working comedian." Not very impressive, huh? It’s the same as if they said: “He’s the most handsome guy... in the burn department.”
Jimmy Carr


When two people do the same thing, they are no longer the same.


Most people are willing to work endlessly just to avoid having to think a little.
Thomas Edison


It’s not so much the work itself that tires you, but the thoughts about it.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian


I started from scratch and through hard work reached a state of extreme poverty.
Groucho Marx


The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working, and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich.
Bernard Shaw


It's amazing how important your job is when you need to take time off from it, and how unimportant it is when you ask for a raise.
Robert Orben


Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there are obviously no fish.
Jules Renard

In society, it is considered normal for children, upon becoming adults, to begin an independent life. However, not in all cases such an event occurs by itself. Some adult children have to be pushed to finally step up and take full responsibility. Many parents strive to help their children and do this for a very long time. It happens that an adult “child” is already over thirty, but he lives like a carefree eighteen-year-old student, without thinking about his future life and building his own family. Separation from father and mother may never happen. Why change anything if everything suits him anyway? At home, mom will always prepare a delicious lunch and feed her “baby,” wash the clothes, iron them and neatly put them on the shelf.

Unfortunately, the problem of infantilism among those who are already over twenty is not uncommon. Some people, having become adults, do not dare to be independent. When their son doesn’t want to work, parents clutch their heads and don’t know what to do. At the same time, as it turns out, an over-aged “child” does not want to receive an education, and sometimes, under the guise that he is “studying,” he continues to enjoy life without straining himself at all. Here you cannot do without the wise advice of a psychologist. Only a competent specialist can help you understand the situation and suggest an important idea. Before taking active steps, you need to know the reasons why a young man or woman refuses to get a job. Then, armed with knowledge, you can do something.


What can serve as a sufficient reason for an adult son or daughter to spend time idly, as if they were in childhood? This approach to life cannot be called serious; it rather indicates emotional and social immaturity. Infantilism in adults is manifested by the inability to take responsibility for their actions and actions. It is not uncommon to see adult men approaching thirty still living with their parents and in no hurry to start their own families. At the same time, they do not want to invest in the family budget. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

Low requests

Some people want to achieve a high position in society, while others are satisfied with the very minimum that fate can offer. Not everyone feels the need to purchase expensive things, clothes, and accessories. For some, the bare minimum is enough to feel happy and calm. If a person has low demands, then he will not strive to earn good money. A personality is able to develop only in a situation of limitation, when basic needs are not satisfied. If parents provide everything for a young person, then he will not strive for independence until an unmet need appears. That is why it is extremely undesirable to spoil a child while he is growing, to fulfill all his whims.

The advice of a psychologist will be useful to those who intend to actively act in order to radically change the situation. The situation when a son or daughter, having reached adulthood, sits on the parent’s neck, cannot be happy. Such unsettlement of one’s own child upsets and disappoints the mother and father, makes them doubt themselves and look for mistakes they once made.


It stems from a feeling of helplessness. If a person, having reached a certain age, does not grow up in time, then no one can force him to do it. He simply will not find the strength within himself for further changes, in order to decide on global and decisive steps. Self-doubt can poison anyone’s life and hinder personal development. When a daughter who has reached the age of majority does not want to work, it’s not so bad. In the end, a girl can get married successfully and live off her husband’s income. In the event that a guy refuses all employment, then you need to sound the alarm. The young man must learn the responsibility that he will later take for his own family. If he is so dependent that he cannot force himself to get off the couch and start doing something, then there is no hope for him in the future. Self-doubt, as a rule, gives rise to numerous other problems.

Excessive shyness

Sometimes it can be quite difficult for a young person to start an independent life because of the fears that trouble him. He may suffer greatly from the fact that he is unable to organize his life properly and achieve the desired goal. In this case, parents need help with advice and guidance for their son. If the reason is that the young man has no desire to deal with difficulties, he needs to be forced to overcome his shyness. Such stiffness in adulthood only gets in the way. Infantilism must be prevented, not allowed to grow. If the son does not cope with difficulties in time, then he will not be able to take responsibility for all the events that occur. Talk to your grown child, explain why it is important to get on your feet in time and be independent, give practical advice.

Prolonged search for oneself

Typically, youthful quests end by the age of twenty-two. At this time, there is a need to do something for themselves, young people rush to separate from their parents. If this does not happen, there is a serious reason to think about the well-being and maturity of a person. If a son or daughter does not want to work, there is definitely a reason for this behavior. The position may be dictated by the need to find oneself in an interesting and creative activity. However, if the search continues for years and does not lead to anything definite, then this is a reason to think deeply. In many cases, young people simply do not know how to realize their own interests and abilities, so they are ready for a long time to justify inaction as bad luck or failures.

The fear of losing comfort is a childish position that is not characteristic of an adult. If there is extreme lack of independence, then you cannot limit yourself to advice alone. It is necessary to take concrete steps forward.

Failure to plan

Sometimes it happens that an adult man does not have basic skills. He not only does not want to live at his own expense, but also to do something useful. Here, even the strictest parents are unlikely to be able to force him to come to his senses. The inability to plan and the lack of habit of conducting everyday affairs turn a young man into a weak-willed and socially helpless creature. Under no circumstances should you indulge his weakness, otherwise you will have to support such a “child” for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, very often the lack of desire to improve one’s life is associated with a number of other problems: alcohol, smoking, computer games and complete inactivity. Bad habits tend to become stronger over time.

What to do

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to force an adult to work when he does not want to. The fact is that a mature personality wants to manage his life independently. Most likely, the grown-up offspring will rebel in every possible way and show an extreme degree of indignation. Despite all the dissatisfaction, parents should act as straightforwardly and firmly as possible. Otherwise, you will never be able to remove the overgrown fellow from your neck, who lives for his own pleasure and does not want to change anything.

Thoughts about the future

If you don’t know where to start a conversation with your son about his employment, then it’s best to get him thinking about the future. During such conversations, it will become clear what he dreams of, what plans he has. Before bringing serious accusations against a person, it is necessary to listen to him and give him the opportunity to explain himself. Who better than parents to know their child? When a person tries to hide something or provoke a quarrel, it is quite noticeable and immediately catches the eye. Joint thoughts about the future will help the young man make up his mind, and parents will better understand him.

Don't give money

If there is no way to influence the adult son, all that remains is to limit his support. What does it mean? You just don’t need to give him money for pocket expenses or food, then he will be forced to start providing for himself. As a rule, such a serious step forces an adult man to move and do something. Self-reliance begins with making the right decisions. Let the son be indignant and offended now, but then he will sincerely thank you for the lesson taught. Of course, it is better if awareness comes earlier. There is nothing worse than war with your own child. Mutual reproaches and accusations can ruin relationships for a long time. It is necessary to approach the matter responsibly, explain tactfully, but firmly.

Conclusion: an adult, be it a man or a woman, must separate from his parents in time and acquire financial independence. A grown child should not be allowed to take advantage of the kindness of his father and mother.

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