How to cope with stress after being fired. On the way from old job to new

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Dismissal can be compared to the stress that a person receives after a divorce or the death of a loved one. One gives up, life becomes meaningless, the future does not exist.

At first, it is difficult to objectively assess the situation, much less see the benefits of this situation. The idea that everything that is not done is done for the better does not even arise. What good can come from someone taking away a source of income? Someone outside decided that it’s time for you to tie your belt tighter, and that you are worth nothing in this life. The first desire comes to take revenge, to screw things up in the end and to do everything so that the authorities bite their elbows from such a decision.

You need to leave with dignity. After all, his future life will largely depend on how the fired person behaves.

You can go into a steep dive and not get out of it. Or you can pull off a great trick and emerge victorious. No one is immune from anything, especially from losing a job. Any loss entails a decrease in self-esteem. If your husband left you, it means you are unlucky and ugly. Kicked out of work means she is stupid and unreliable. Self-esteem slides down with furious force, and resentment gains momentum.

  • Why were you fired?
  • Am I the worst employee?
  • They always decide everything for me.
  • I am a nonentity, a loser and unlucky.

When such thoughts come to mind, you immediately need to rebuff them.

The opinion of one person, even the boss, means absolutely nothing. Does not reflect the true reasons and attitude towards you.

Perhaps the boss’s godfather or matchmaker should simply take your place. Or maybe you are too sexy, and the boss's wife didn't like it. You never know! Often you have nothing to do with it, or something to do with it, but indirectly.

Life did not begin with work, and it will not end with work. In any situation, you should always look for positive experiences.

Don’t complain about the injustice of life, but ask the question: “What did life want to show by this?” If you find the answer, you will rise one step higher in your development.

Practice shows that most often two groups of people lose their jobs:

  1. Inert;
  2. workaholics.

These are the two opposites.

  1. The first ones live by inertia, work because they have to, without moral or material satisfaction. He doesn’t quit on his own, because he’s given up on everything a long time ago, he’s not doing what he likes, he’s not developing, but he’s simply serving his sentence, like in prison. And when such a person is fired, then life simply communicates through someone else’s lips and actions that the person has stopped living, but simply exists, like a plant.
  2. The second (workaholics) replaced their whole lives with work. Work for them is mother, wife, and children. At this time, the Ego weakens, the person tries to be comfortable and better, completely forgetting about his true desires. Life does not know how to joke and endure for long, and by being fired it shows a person that work is not the whole of life. This is a frontal attack to make a person come to his senses. Why is such an employee fired? And what kind of boss wants to hear someone’s rapid breathing in his back? We have no irreplaceable people, therefore, those who strive to take a higher place are removed.

So what should you do if you are fired?

No hysteria

Resist the temptation to throw a scandal and throw a tantrum to show off your ill-wishers. You should swallow the offensive words, “put on” a smile and “march” the last exit.

There is no need to try to steal, erase, ruin information on a computer, steal clients and frame your boss, for example in court, by selling confidential information. All such actions will sooner or later come back to haunt you:

  • The market segments are actually very narrow and potential employers will soon know about your antics.
  • If you expect your former boss to truly regret firing you in the future, you should take exactly the opposite steps.

Pull yourself together, and on the last day of work say a warm goodbye, say that you worked with pleasure, and this experience will be very useful to you. Of course, they may not call you back, but they will definitely give you a good reference.

People are greeted by their clothes, and make sure that you are greeted by your intelligence, and not by hysteria.

Sobriety, balance, composure and taciturnity are the main qualities of professionals. Therefore, even if you were fired for biased reasons, do not indulge in righteous anger. Conflict will not lead to anything good, but will ruin your reputation. “Hot heads” will always lose to “cold minds.”

Maintain your dignity, leave proudly and even affably. The time will come and you will be proud of yourself.

Leave correctly

Leaving a job is not leaving your wife or husband. Leave all these attacks of pride, they say, I don’t need anything from you, take everything for yourself. You need to work for two weeks according to the law - do it. You need to get pay slips and go around the offices with a walk-through sheet - do it.

Dismissal is not a dead end, it is a new step.

Remember that you were fired, not thrown out, your paths diverged, and not you were betrayed.

Don't look down at your feet, as if apologizing for the fact that your spirit did not immediately dissipate in the office.

Don't hang your nose

Fired? Wonderful! Now there is time to think and make childhood dreams come true. Perhaps you are far from being an ordinary accountant, but an artist. A positive attitude is half the battle on the path to happiness.

There are no hopeless situations, even from the very best, as a rule, there are four ways out.

Even if you lost in a corporate war and lost your income for a while, this is not a reason to doubt your own intelligence, strength and luck. There will be a holiday on your street, especially since now you have time to organize this holiday yourself. Get rid of depression and despondency.

Remember that sometimes a great flight begins with a kick in the butt. Take a running start and move forward to new achievements.

Choose your job carefully

If you were fired from your position as financial director, you should not immediately go to the bakery as a cook. Bake pies at home for your loved ones. If your former boss fired you, this does not mean that you are a bad employee or not a professional in your field.

Don’t waste your time on trifles, don’t settle for crumbs when a whole golden loaf is waiting for you.

Think about it: is the area in which you worked really to your liking? Maybe it's time to radically change your life?

Take a rest

Consider that you were not fired, but that you took a vacation at your own expense. And vacation is a good thing. So be on vacation, and not behind the scenes. Read, take courses, go to the sea, which you haven’t gone to for the last ten years. Do some handicrafts, build a bathhouse, or at least clear out the pantry, and make yourself a workshop there.

Don't let the blues steal your free time and make you feel like a loser. There will be a lot of free time in your life, and these voids need to be filled with something really worthwhile.

According to psychological practice, such a situation is a nutritional component for the manifestation of neurological diseases, unless, of course, you let stress, fears for the future and low self-esteem come close to your heart. A person can get into a vicious circle: falling into depression due to lack of work, he cannot find one.

If this mental state lasts for a long time, then depression can give way to physical illness.

This effect is often observed in laid-off and retired people. For example, a pensioner immediately after retirement begins to age rapidly; it is as if he allows himself to get sick, because now he has time for it.

Cut ties

Nobody forbids maintaining “casual” acquaintances. Let it be superficial sometimes. In this case, the former team acts as a handkerchief during a runny nose.

Each time you wipe your tears, you will recharge the old infection. You were hurt during your dismissal, and it will hurt just the same every time you live the life of the previous team.

There is no need to find out who came to your place, how things are going at the company, where the boss went on vacation, etc. And in the future, when you get a better job, don’t rush to immediately replace one of your former employees.

Don't take old defeats with you into your new life. Of course, it happens that a true friend can be found in the old team, but this rarely happens.

Such an event really throws you out of your usual rut; dozens of questions instantly flash in your head: “Why me?”, “What did I do wrong?”

Self-esteem falls, mood is at zero and faith in a bright future for some reason instantly evaporates and turns into unrealistic hopes. Psychologists even argue that being fired from a job is really a strong stress that must be experienced correctly in order to avoid unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, consequences.

5 important steps

How to survive being fired? This question gnaws at everyone who finds themselves in such a situation, and it doesn’t matter whether you knew about it in advance or the news hit you out of the blue. To reach a successful ending, a person has to go through 5 stages, each of which, in its own way, is important and necessary.

At the first stage, the person is only partially aware of the seriousness of the situation, being in a state of shock; awareness comes only at the second stage. Here anger, resentment and misunderstanding catch up. There are a thousand questions in your head, self-esteem is slowly but surely tending to zero, and, as a result, a natural feeling of aggression and anger at your former boss may arise.

It is at the second stage that a burning desire may arise to “get even for the last time”: tell your boss everything you think about him, annoy the company, for example, hide some necessary data or delete customer numbers. Naturally, over time everything will be restored, but an extremely negative opinion will be formed about you.

You shouldn't do anything like that! Gather your will and remember that the professional circle in one city is always quite narrow, which means that your future superiors may find out about all your “achievements,” which can affect your further career growth.

Do you need it? If you leave, do it with your head held high, with best wishes and a friendly smile, who knows, sometimes management has a habit of changing their decisions, or at least you can get a good recommendation.

The next stage is bidding. Here similar thoughts arise: “If only I had completed the annual report on time...”, “If only I had been more friendly with the team...” and so on. “If only, yes, but...” no longer makes much sense, step over this stage, leave everything in the past, but take with you the conclusions regarding your professional activity, perhaps they will be useful to you in a new workplace.

The fourth stage is depression. There is no point in explaining or describing it; almost all of us have fallen into a similar state. The last number is acceptance. Finally, having realized and experienced all the sorrows, you are ready to move on; at this stage, a person can even see a certain logic in his dismissal and sees the advantages of what happened.

In words everything seems simple, but how to experience it in reality? To begin with: give yourself every right to experience all these five stages; it is better to go through them at once than to get confused in your own negative emotions and push the problem away, leaving it without a solution. Unfortunately, there are many cases when, after being fired, a person is completely lost and does not find the strength for new achievements.

Most often, people who are at critical stages of life fall into this risk group, usually at the age of 34-36 years, and then 49-52, 55-57 years. Sooner or later, you will come to the stage of acceptance, however, it is important to try to shorten the entire path to it: to do this, give yourself instructions about the end of each stage. For example, three days for each state: it may seem strange to you at first, but as a result, logic will prevail over feelings.

What do you need to know?

So it happened. First, you need to understand the important design aspects that can play for or against you in the future.

  • Dismissal at your own request. More often than not, it is formalized this way, even if this desire was not entirely one’s own. If, for example, a person is fired because he cannot cope with his own work and the employer can prove this, then this option will be the best solution. But if a person is fired simply due to staff reduction, then in this situation you may not receive the required compensation. Dismissal due to redundancy must be notified in advance, terms are specified, and the warning is attached in writing. But for an employee who is forced to sign backdated documents, it is better to consult with lawyers and sign nothing in advance.
  • By agreement of the parties. The most profitable option for the employee: it clearly states the date of dismissal, and all necessary payments are made (full payment, compensation for vacation that was not used, remaining salary). Registering with the labor exchange is easier, and benefits are calculated as quickly as possible.

Perhaps, on the stock exchange, you can take advanced training courses, which will increase your chances of finding a new job. It would be a good idea to create a high-quality resume, send it to employment sites, and also undergo interviews at a couple of cadastral offices.

From a psychological point of view

Often, after a difficult layoff, a person wants to relax: lie on the couch, eat plenty of sweets and goodies, sleep until lunch, and so on. Of course, you can allow such a vacation, but the main thing is that it does not stretch out indefinitely.

Do not forget that the payment you received will soon end, and you will no longer receive a new salary, and is it really possible to hang on the neck of your own family? This especially applies to men.

In order to completely “not fall apart”, be sure to follow a daily routine: get up at the appointed time, have breakfast and get yourself in order, actively search for work and, since you have free time, do what you always lacked it for.

For example, learn something new, clean out the garage, tidy up household chores that you never got around to doing before. Use your free time to get your health in order: keep a routine, don’t watch TV late, go outside every day and, if possible, go for a run.

Do not forget that weekends, as before, are Saturday and Sunday; the rest of the time you should be busy, as you were before when you worked. Check websites with vacancies every day, send out as many resumes as possible, go to interviews and remember, the more companies you call today, the more answers you will receive tomorrow.

And one more thing: learn to perceive dismissal not as a cruel joke of fate, but as a sign that it’s time for you to move on. Who knows, perhaps this is a kind of sign, a chance to find a place with better earnings or a team.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The crisis is unpredictable. And it seemed that just yesterday nothing threatened you at your workplace, but today your bosses announce a layoff and you are fired. It is clear that this is serious stress, but you should not consider yourself an unlucky person, become despondent and curse fate. You need to gather strength and show character in order to get out of the situation, maintaining as much health and self-esteem as possible, and not doing anything stupid in a state of shock, resentment and irritation.

And there will certainly be a shock, even if you intuitively felt the possibility of dismissal. This is due to the fact that you are faced with the need to change your life, because losing your job will definitely require this. That's why it's so important to keep your emotions and your actions under control when you're told you're being fired. If you do not have the opportunity to somehow influence such a decision, then you need to leave calmly and without unnecessary unnecessary words.

If you are suddenly asked to sign a resignation letter or a document that causes you doubts, ask for time to think. By law, the employer must notify you of dismissal at least 2 months in advance, in addition, you are entitled to compensation. It is also impossible to dismiss a pregnant woman from her job due to layoffs, as well as a young mother who has children under three years of age.

You can express your overwhelming emotions at home, among people close to you who will understand you and will not judge you. Surely you will want to complain, quarrel, and accuse of injustice - do it within the walls of your home. This release will help you look at the situation more calmly, analyze it and outline a plan of action.

You will really need the acquired calmness when you begin to take steps in finding a new job, because, keeping resentment, bitterness, and irritation in your soul, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on interviews and even be objective towards yourself. In addition, such feelings are difficult to hide, and employers, first of all, need stress-resistant employees.

If your family or friends offer you help in finding a job, do not refuse. It is very good that there are people next to you who are ready to help and support.

As for the company that is firing you, you need to part ways with it, at least calmly, so you can try to negotiate, for example, a later date for dismissal. This will be quite possible if you are carrying out some long-term work and are able to convincingly explain to your superiors that it is you who must complete it. And you will need the gained time to find a new job.

In addition, you should not forget about compensation: by law, the employer is obliged to pay you a salary for 2 months if you have not found a new job during this period. In addition, do not forget that the company must pay you for unused vacation for the entire period of work. So make sure this is done.

You can talk to your boss about keeping your place, but on a part-time basis - often a company that is forced to make a big reduction has difficulties, and they use the services of previous employees so as not to look for and train new ones.

You can also find out if there is a workplace in another division of the same company. Even if you are offered a lower salary during the transition, you should not immediately refuse indignantly - the important thing is that you will have income until you find a new job.

In addition, if you behave calmly in this situation, you will be able to turn to your former boss with a request for recommendations and characteristics - this will help you with a new job. Moreover, it is possible that your boss will be able to recommend you to his friends and other companies.

What if the day finally comes when you don’t need to rush to work? Organize your life during the period of forced unemployment. First of all, make a budget for the year, in which you take into account all the necessary expenses: utility bills, medical care, food, car, clothing. Now calculate what savings you have and the income that may arrive in the near future.

Now try to cut costs as much as possible. Think about what you can give up. Maybe change your car to a cheaper one or start using public transport? You can change your mobile tariff, find a cheaper Internet provider, or refuse some purchases.

If you have outstanding loans, contact the bank and discuss the situation with a consultant, because any bank is interested in getting at least some money from you, and therefore may agree to concessions, for example, temporarily reducing loan payments or even by some amount. - time to freeze them.

If you have the opportunity to get at least a temporary job, do not neglect it - even if you don’t really like it, you can hold out without losses for some time until you find a permanent place.

And, of course, without wasting time, immediately start looking for a new job. In order not to miss a single opportunity, mark for yourself what you would like to find, that is, what you are good at and love to do. But in the same way, list those items that are impossible for you, for example, business trips, etc. And, of course, determine for yourself the minimum wage that you need to maintain your previous standard of living.

Perhaps fate is giving you a chance to change your profession, so try yourself in something that interests you, but is not your main profession. If the specialty you're interested in requires additional knowledge, consider studying a little. Even a one-day training can become an impetus for major changes.

Just because you don’t have to rush to work every day doesn’t mean you can afford to completely relax and lead a free lifestyle. On the contrary, you need to be even more collected than always, so everyone start by making a plan for the necessary things to do and strictly follow it. Constantly read advertisements about vacancies in the media, on the Internet, send your resume to all addresses that seem at least somewhat relevant to your interests, call potential employers, go to all interviews. When communicating with friends, talk about the fact that you are looking for a job - it is very important to be in the right place at the right time, because “His Majesty chance” can turn up at any moment.

Be sure to maintain relationships with friends and relatives, lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, get some fresh air, eat normally, and under no circumstances turn your life into a tragedy. Moreover, use your job search time to relax, improve your health and gain strength for further activities.

Pay great attention to preparing for interviews: rehearse answers to the most common questions. During the interview, try not to be nervous, and do not consider each interview as your last chance - this is just another opportunity, of which you will have plenty in the future. Answer questions openly about why you were fired from your previous job, and try to focus on what you can and want to do for the company so that the employer chooses you.

And, of course, don’t stop believing in luck. It is self-confidence and calmness that will be the very qualities that, when choosing a candidate for an open vacancy, all other things being equal, will give an advantage in your favor.

Getting laid off is one of the most difficult experiences you can face in your career. As a current coach, I have personally witnessed the shock, grief and anxiety that comes with this. Getting laid off can cause helplessness and self-doubt in the form of a frightening loss of control and the voice of a merciless inner critic - especially if your colleagues have kept their jobs.

Your perception determines how successfully you will move into the next phase of your career and life. Although getting fired is a temporary blow, it won't ruin your career if you understand how to control how you feel about it.

In my work with executives who have been laid off, I have seen some of them pick themselves up, move forward, and finally succeed, while others get stuck in a cycle of anger and self-blame. Destructive thinking patterns keep them in the swamp of failures, making them unable to regain their footing and decide on their future. Below, I offer three ways to quiet your inner critic, increase your resilience to stress, and stay productive after you quit.

Keep a positive attitude. To recover from failure, stop endlessly repeating the same things in your head. This adds to problems rather than helps solve them. Mindset influences recovery after layoffs. Let me give you an example of the stories of two 50-year-old men with whom I worked. Let's call them Owen and Bob.

Owen took the news of his dismissal hard, even though it was the result of a merger and was not based on his performance. He continued to blame himself, wondering, “How could I not see where this was going? I’m not fit for science and I’ll never have another job in my fifties.” Instead of thinking about his future plans, Owen spent his time torturing himself and randomly browsing through job openings, becoming more and more frustrated. When Owen came to see me a few months after his dismissal, he was already struggling to get out of bed in the morning. He could not get rid of self-criticism, constantly blamed himself for losing his job, while some colleagues kept it, and as a result he slipped into depression.

Bob also experienced being fired, but he acted differently. After the initial shock of the news, he updated his resume and LinkedIn page to show that he was looking for a job and began to systematically connect with his audience. Despite the stress of being temporarily unemployed, he constantly reminded himself, “I have skills in marketing, and now is the right opportunity to take advantage of it to explore my career opportunities.” Within a few weeks, Bob had identified potential job opportunities. More than thirty of his friends agreed to help him find a job.

The key difference between Owen's and Bob's stories is not that one is doing better than the other after being fired. Initially, both were equally upset about losing their jobs. But, unlike Owen, Bob focused on controlling the situation and did not engage in constant self-criticism.

Don't let negative thoughts take over. After being fired, it's completely normal to find yourself in the grip of anger and self-deprecation, and these feelings can live in your head for a long time. Being aware of the feelings that accompany a layoff is important, but it's also important to pay attention to what you tell yourself and determine whether your feelings are helping or hindering your goals. By questioning your inner critic, you can stop the harmful cycle of self-blame that is holding you back from moving forward.

Here are some examples of common negative thoughts paired with questions you can ask yourself to help you face the future.

Thought:“I could have done more and prevented the layoff.”

Question:“What reason do you have to believe that I could have prevented the dismissal?”

Thought:“Firing will result in loss of skills or some other disadvantage.”

Question:“Why am I sure that this will lead to a deterioration in my abilities?”

Thought:“I was unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Question:“What could make my job unclaimed?”

Thought:“This is a misfortune from which I will never be able to recover.”

Question:“What career opportunities am I currently available to explore?”

Shift your attention from disadvantages to advantages. Typically, after losing your job, you try to figure out what you did wrong and reflect on all sorts of miscalculations. By focusing on your weaknesses, you are more likely to forget or minimize your strengths.

To replace a demotivating approach with a more positive one, look at your entire career. If you're just starting out, think back to your educational experiences so far. The purpose of this exercise is to find out what professional and personal failures you have already experienced and what problems you have overcome on the way to your current position. Remember how you suffered through another difficult situation that you eventually overcame.

With this in mind, ask yourself the following questions.

  • What strengths have you used to solve your problems?
  • What have you learned about yourself in the process of overcoming challenges?
  • How can you leverage your strengths at this transitional stage in your career?

In stress resistance training, developed by psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania for the US Army, participants teamed up and carried out difficult combat missions using developed team skills. After you quit, you can use the same approach by looking back at situations in which you persevered in the past.

With the right mindset and proactive questioning, getting fired is more likely to be an opportunity to succeed than to end in failure. The ability to set your course in life, choose the angle from which you view a situation, and develop a mindful attitude toward your strengths are just a few of the unexpected benefits that await you after you deal with the baggage of anger and frustration. As a former client of mine said when starting a new job: “If only I had known if I was unemployed, I would be so happy a year later.”

In this article we will talk about how to survive being fired from your job. Almost every person has encountered this problem at least once in their life. And coping with this is not always easy, especially if you liked the work and put a lot of effort into it. The approaching retirement age may complicate matters. So, what to do and how not to allow yourself to give up?

Reasons for leaving work

We list those specialists who may be at risk:

  • Workers who stop there, who do not improve their qualifications, do not improve their skills.
  • The results of the employee’s activities are not noticed by anyone.
  • People who believe that they do not depend on anyone.
  • Employees who surround themselves with henchmen and ignore constructive criticism.
  • People who don't get along well with coworkers.
  • Those who refuse to mention their career achievements.

Consequences of dismissal

What can you expect if you are fired from your job? The first thing you will experience is shock and stress. The familiar world around a person collapses, acquaintances remain in the past, and self-esteem plummets. Often, a large number of layoffs occur in crisis situations, at a time when management seeks to retain only the most valuable and promising employees. And this leads to the fact that a person who finds himself in such a situation begins to get into his head the thoughts that he is worse than everyone, that he is unable to achieve anything in life, etc.

You can’t get hung up on this, you need to distract yourself from gloomy thoughts. Think about the fact that everything is relative, because some are better at one thing, and others at another. Don't forget that this failure can be the beginning of something new.

Now let’s take a closer look at two great ways to cope with depression and start looking for a new job.

First way

How to cope with the stress of being fired? Psychologists have long proven that the emotional state of a fired person is comparable to the feelings that people experience after betrayal or divorce. Therefore, the consequences, especially for those with a weak psyche, can be very severe, ranging from depression and insomnia to nervous breakdowns. To survive a layoff and stay healthy, you need to follow the tips we present below.

Where to start? Step one

How to survive being fired from your job? First you need to go through the main stages of stress, of which there are four:

  • Denial phase. A state of shock when it is very difficult to comprehend what is happening around.
  • Anger phase. The first emotion appears - aggression. A person is constantly in a state of irritation, angry at loved ones and relatives, himself, fate, life.
  • Bargaining phase. Trying to get back to work by doing something meaningful. For example, bring a new client or prepare a report.
  • Depression phase. The person realizes that all attempts to return are futile.

Step two

We continue to describe the algorithm for how to survive being fired from your job. So, we stopped at the stage of depression. You can’t push your negative emotions inside yourself, you need to learn to throw them out. To do this you need to choose a suitable method. A gym is a good choice for this purpose. Practice with a punching bag, imagining a boss or an ill-wisher in its place, organize a marathon race, splashing out aggression in movement.

Under no circumstances should you isolate yourself from your loved ones. Tell your friends about your experience. Once you speak out, it will become much easier. Gradually, the circumstances of the dismissal will begin to be remembered less and less clearly, and emotions will dull.

Step three

Remember, if you were fired from your job, it’s not the end of the world, because life goes on. However, the negative stages of stress can last for several weeks. Don't let them stay with you for long. You can use a special psychological technique called “Alarm Clock”. Mentally you need to “wind up” your internal clock for a certain day. When the alarm clock goes off, start taking action.

If you managed to survive the phase of negative emotions, then get ready for the acceptance stage. During this period, you will be able to analyze your behavior and understand what caused the dismissal. This will allow you to comprehend what is happening and help you begin to act further.

You need to make a list of the positive aspects that being fired brought into your life. For example, you got rid of your boss’s nagging or co-workers’ nagging.

Step four

You were fired from your job. What to do? Abstract from emotions and analyze the recorded reasons for dismissal point by point. Do not take seriously such aspects as the crisis, staff reduction, harmful boss, etc. Be honest with yourself, and perhaps you will understand that you have long unconsciously wanted to quit this job.

Then think about what profession is closest to you and what you would really like to do. On a piece of paper, write down the knowledge and skills that are required for the chosen job. Mark the skills you don't have and start filling in the gaps in your education.

Step five

There are many ways to survive being fired. The psychologist's advice convinces us of one thing - as soon as the stress has passed and it becomes clear what you want next, you need to start looking for a new job. And here you cannot limit yourself to one way. You need to use everything possible - advertisements, websites, friends, employment services, etc.

During your search, try to maintain the daily routine that was before your dismissal - stay awake, have breakfast and dinner, do things at the same time. This will help keep yourself in good shape and not relax. Treat your search for a new job as an exam.

Second way: do not forget about formalities

Let's consider another option on how to survive being fired from your job. Depression is possible in any case. However, you can shift your attention a little to the formal side of the matter.

After the first emotional shock, thoughts will begin to appear that being fired will ruin your work record and put an end to your career. We need to immediately drive away these ideas. Do not try on the role of a supplicant and do not tremble in front of the director. You still have nothing more to lose, so try to figure it out. Be sure to find out the reason for dismissal. Don't forget about your rights and labor laws. You cannot be thrown out of the door without a means of subsistence. Don't let your employer profit from this either.

Be sure to control your emotions. Don't let self-pity take over, try to remain calm. During conversations with management, do not make threats or get personal. The discussion should be conducted in strictly business language. Study the Labor Code in advance (dismissal and everything connected with it, in particular) and select the paragraphs of the law to which you will refer. Behave with dignity. A bad relationship with a former employer can complicate the search for a new job, as management may be reluctant to provide references.

Don't look at being fired as a failure of your entire life. Try to see this as an opportunity to start over. In addition, in your old place you acquired certain skills and experience that will be useful in later life.

Dismissal of a pensioner

How can a pensioner survive dismissal? After all, people of this age are more vulnerable in such a situation. Often retirees devote a lot of effort to the enterprise and are attached to it with all their hearts. For them, work has long become an integral and very important part of life. Therefore, it is much more difficult for them to cope with depression.

Were you fired from your job after retirement? What to do? Typically, retirees still have many friends from their service. Don't forget about them and shut yourself off. Support from loved ones can help. Remember that retirement is an excellent opportunity to live for your own pleasure. You have a lot of time that you can spend on yourself and your hobbies - take walks more often, find yourself a hobby.

Advice from a psychologist for pensioners and people of pre-retirement age

The worst thing to lose a job is for those who have very little time left before retirement. The reasons for leaving a job may vary, but you need to make sure that they are legal.

By this time, a person has accumulated vast experience, perfected his skills and is well versed in his field, but employers prefer to hire young people. This situation is especially difficult for women.

At an older age, they no longer think about what field they want to work in, since everything has already been decided long ago and it is too late to change anything. You need to analyze your skills and knowledge, and then determine the industry where they may be most in demand. You can find a suitable vacancy with the help of neighbors, acquaintances and even former colleagues. The latter are especially valuable in this regard, as they continue to move in the right professional circles.

You also need to pay attention to your appearance. During the interview, you should be friendly and confident. At the same time, you need to be prepared for refusal. You can hear “no” many times, so there is no need to despair and fall into the blues. Try not to lose your fighting spirit and remember the power of persuasion.

Today, the main requirement for a potential employee is the ability to work on a computer. Therefore, you will have to master this skill if you are applying for a good position.

TK: dismissal. Legislative framework

Any dismissal must be based on Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with this law and read all the amendments that have been made to it.

If the case is complex, then it would be useful to contact a lawyer. You must make sure that everything is happening according to the law and the boss is not trying to deceive you by not paying the required compensation. In a stressful situation, people rarely think about the legal side of the matter, as they are in a phase of denial or anger. And when emotions become dull, it is too late to demand something. If you yourself cannot understand the legal intricacies, turn to your loved ones for help.

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