How does fskn stand for? Federal Tax Service of Russia

The head of the Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General Andrei KHRAPOV, answers the questions of a Russian Police correspondent.

Andrey Ivanovich, in the spring of this year, in connection with the transfer to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the functions previously carried out by the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the anti-drug sphere, the department created, or rather recreated, a service to combat drug trafficking. How did the reorganization go and what new functions did the police receive?

– Let me remind you that this happened in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2016 No. 156 “On improving public administration in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and in the field of migration.”

Combating drug trafficking is not new work for our department. This year we celebrate 25 years since the formation of anti-drug units in the internal affairs bodies. On December 6, 1991, the Bureau for Control of Illicit Drug Trafficking of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was created, which became the first independent industry service. A year later, on the basis of the Bureau, as well as the Department for Combating Drug Addiction of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, the Directorate for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created, which later became the Commander-in-Chief. With the formation of the State Drug Control Service, a significant part of the functions and personnel of the headquarters transferred to this service, but the fight against drug trafficking continued to be one of the priorities of the internal affairs bodies, and the anti-drug units continued their work as part of the criminal investigation service.

So the key tasks of this activity are traditional for the department. This is the suppression of the activities of criminal groups and communities; blocking smuggling channels for drugs and identifying all links of drug structures; the fight against the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from the drug business, the destruction of corruption ties that facilitate drug trafficking, as well as the destruction of the infrastructure for illegal drug production.

However, new functions have also been added. Such, in particular, as monitoring the activities of legal entities and entrepreneurs in order to prevent the flow of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors from legal to illegal circulation, as well as organizing the prevention of drug use.

To effectively solve the set goals and objectives, the Main Directorate for Drug Control was created in the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which included the most qualified and trained employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

It should be noted that as a result of the reorganization, it was possible to preserve the main “backbone” of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. The best specialists involved in practical activities moved to the structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, accounting for about 75 percent of the total number of personnel. This allowed us to ensure continuity and efficiency of work even during the transition period.

For example, in May-June of this year, through the joint efforts of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, operational investigative measures were carried out against an organized criminal community specializing in the smuggling of hashish to Russia from the Kingdom of Morocco and the subsequent sale of wholesale quantities of the drug throughout the country. During the events held in several regions of Russia, the leaders of the drug gang - citizens of Moldova - were detained, and about 10 kilograms of hashish were seized from illicit trafficking.

Thus, we are effectively solving the assigned tasks, primarily, of course, related to the practical counteraction to drug threats. At the same time, significant attention is paid to issues of anti-drug prevention. The units that provide this work, which was previously unusual for us, have been created in the Main Directorate and in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and contribute to the common cause.

– What is the current situation with drug use in the country and how is the anti-drug service going to build preventive work?

– The results of monitoring the drug situation carried out at the end of last year indicate that the total number of drug users registered by health authorities as of January 1, 2016 amounted to more than 640 thousand people. The survey showed that 2.5 percent of respondents who had experience using drugs first tried them before the age of 12, 16.3 percent before the age of 15, and 43.6 percent between the ages of 16 and 18. According to medical statistics, in 2015 the number of minors registered with a diagnosis of drug addiction increased by a third. Therefore, of course, the organization of preventive work with young people requires special attention.

In accordance with the Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2010 No. 690, along with measures to combat the supply of drugs, we, of course, aim to reduce the demand for them. These two tasks are interconnected, because low demand also reduces the activity of the drug business.

By the way, the Commander-in-Chief has already taken the first preventive measures in recent months. Among them is the “Conscript” campaign, aimed at preventive work with pre-conscription youth. In order to prevent the spread of drug addiction among minors, an interdepartmental operational and preventive operation “Children of Russia” was carried out. Online lessons aimed at preventing drug addiction in educational institutions have been organized.

The All-Russian preventive campaign “Report where they sell death” was also launched, designed to increase the level of citizen participation in collecting information about offenses committed in the field of drug trafficking. The action is actively promoted through the media and on the Internet. Every signal received from citizens about drug users and distributors is given the closest attention.

Of course, we cannot cope with preventive work alone. This requires joining forces with interested organizations and departments. In particular, in order to more comprehensively and efficiently combat the drug addiction of the population, it is necessary to involve specialists from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Sports and a number of other executive authorities in preventive anti-drug activities. In addition, we will need the help of the public. The department is currently developing a concept that we, using the capabilities of anti-drug institutions at the federal and regional levels, such as anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, plan to implement.

– If we talk about the “supply” of the drug business, how many “illegal goods” did not reach drug users this year thanks to the efforts of law enforcement agencies? What drugs were most frequently seized from illicit trafficking?

– With the coordinating role of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, over 153 thousand drug crimes were identified throughout the country over 9 months of 2016, of which almost 135 thousand crimes were committed by internal affairs bodies. 9.6 thousand group drug crimes were uncovered, a third of which were committed as part of organized criminal groups and communities. At the same time, 16.1 tons of drugs were seized from illicit trafficking, including over 11 tons of cannabis, 2.5 tons of synthetic drugs and about 689 kilograms of heroin.

As statistics show, the first place in prevalence is still occupied by drugs of the cannabis group, but opiates continue to be replaced by “synthetics” that are increasingly gaining popularity on the black market. And if hemp is mainly cultivated by “narco-agronomists” in Russian fields, then synthetic drugs mostly enter the country through smuggling, overwhelmingly from China and partly from Europe. Taking these trends into account, law enforcement agencies traditionally carry out interdepartmental operational and preventive operations “Mak” and “Asian Barrier - 2016”. The first is aimed at detecting and destroying crops of drug-containing plants and removing them from illicit trafficking. The second is to suppress smuggling and remove synthetic drugs from illicit trafficking.

– Law enforcement officers have long had difficulties with “synthetics”, with evidence that a specific seized substance is a narcotic. How is the situation now?

– New types of psychoactive substances, similar in structure and their effects on the human body to drugs, began to actively flood the Russian market since 2010. The growth of their illicit trafficking was due to their low cost and virtually unlimited possibilities for synthesis and production. And the simplest change in the formula of a newly developed substance would remove it from the existing ban.

To solve this problem, a system for early detection of similar substances with similar intoxicating properties has been developed, and a mechanism for establishing an operational ban on their distribution has been legally defined.

– It’s no secret that today both sales and even payment for prohibited substances take place on the Internet. How to deal with this?

- This is true. For purposes of conspiracy, criminals prefer to use a contactless method of drug distribution. For this reason, as well as to increase the number of drug users, participants in the drug business actively use the Internet.

Within the structure of the Main Directorate, a specialized unit for combating drug crime on the Internet has been created and staffed by qualified specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. This work is carried out continuously, and methods proven in practice are used to solve the assigned problems. At the same time, the possibilities of using innovative approaches to solving this problem are being explored.

If information is received about the actual involvement of specific individuals in the distribution of drugs, the necessary operational and investigative measures are ensured to expose them.

However, a more actively used method of countering the distribution and advertising of narcotic drugs is pre-trial restriction of access to information distributed on the Internet.

If information about drugs prohibited for distribution is identified on the website, based on the approved criteria for its assessment, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia makes an appropriate decision, which Roskomnadzor immediately informs.

Roskomnadzor, in turn, maintains the “Unified Register of Domain Names, Indexes of Website Pages on the Internet” and is empowered to restrict access to websites. If the distributor does not comply with the order to remove prohibited content posted by him, access to such a resource is blocked.

As part of solving the problems of classifying information posted on Internet sites as prohibited, more than 13 thousand Internet pages and sites identified during monitoring and work with requests received from citizens are currently being checked.

– Can you give examples of “realizations” of serious drug gangs that the service has managed to carry out recently?

– There are many such examples. In particular, employees of the GUNK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia managed to block several smuggling channels for the supply of drugs. During joint activities with representatives of Interpol and the Federal Customs Service of Russia, a citizen of Latvia was detained at Domodedovo airport, having arrived on a passenger flight from Uganda with a suitcase, in the side walls of which more than 8.5 kilograms of marijuana were found. As a result of a joint special operation, employees of the Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the State Drug Control Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in June 2016 detained an active participant in a transnational criminal group involved in organizing the smuggling of heroin from Kyrgyzstan in transit through Russia to European countries. About 10 kilograms of heroin were seized from illicit trafficking. In addition, the GUKK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia successfully carried out operations to block the smuggling channels for the supply of marijuana from South Africa, cocaine from the Republic of Paraguay, and methamphetamine from the United Mexican States to our country.

The GUNK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia carried out a number of measures against organized criminal groups involved in the supply and sale of so-called spice. For example, the activities of a drug gang, whose members organized a large-scale network for the sale of synthetic drugs in the Southern, North Caucasus, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts, were suppressed.

As a result of carefully planned operational search activities, 8 Russian citizens were detained and the distribution of 7 kilograms of concentrate, from which the attackers planned to produce more than 140 kilograms of smoking mixtures, was prevented.

Recently, an active member of an ethnic drug gang that organized a distribution network for wholesale quantities of heroin in the Moscow region was detained. In order to conceal her involvement in the drug business, the detainee unofficially worked as a waitress in one of the Moscow cafes. In the apartment at her actual place of residence, investigators found more than 9 kilograms of heroin. Currently, work is underway to identify and bring to justice the leaders and members of the criminal group who perform the functions of ordinary links in the drug chain.

I would like to emphasize once again: the service has been operational almost since its creation. As I already said, this work is not new for us, and therefore it did not take time to build up.

The conversation was conducted by Alena NOVIKOVA

At the beginning of 2015, it became known about the liquidation of the largest government structure - the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control. The news caused a lot of discussion. First of all, the employees of the department were indignant, whose further fate remained completely unknown. The decision to transfer all powers and affairs to law enforcement agencies raised no less questions. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is already not pleased with the results of its activities, and now there is an additional burden. The reason for the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service and how this will affect the fight against drugs in the country will be discussed below.


After the presidential law of September 26, 2002 came into force, the State Committee for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed. The reason for the creation of the new department was the increase in cases of drug production and distribution in different regions of the country. Law enforcement agencies were unable to cope with the task, so a structure was needed whose purpose would be to track distribution routes and identify the network of organizers and manufacturers.

In 2003, the committee was transformed into the State Drug Control Committee, headed by Police General V.V. Cherkesov. The new department received a large staff of employees who had previously been laid off from the tax police. In the same year, a regulation was approved regulating the scope of the organization’s activities, the rights and powers of officials. In 2004, the structure received its final name - the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control (FSKN).

In 2011, the service even received its own banner, approved by presidential decree. But already in 2015, they started talking about the imminent reorganization of two state structures, the FMS and the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. The reason was a protracted crisis; massive cuts were required to stabilize the budget.

Area of ​​activity

The tasks of the department are regulated by the Regulations of 2003. The activities of employees are aimed at preventing and identifying cases of illegal drug trafficking. The structure was not involved in criminal prosecution; its responsibilities included a preliminary investigation with the transfer of cases to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the prosecutor's office. According to the orders of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, officials had the right to conduct administrative proceedings with their subsequent transfer to court.

One of the goals of the service was to coordinate with various structures and government bodies on issues of control over the circulation of drugs and psychotropic substances. The primary task for the organization was to establish relationships with similar structures in other countries to obtain data on the import or export of prohibited substances. Over the course of 13 years, a unified database was created, which included information about persons involved in the commission of a crime, their connections, etc. From 2008 until its liquidation, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service was Viktor Petrovich Ivanov.


In 2007, in order to optimize work in the fight against drugs, the State Anti-Drug Committee was formed. This body did not perform any executive functions; its tasks included coordinating the actions of other departments in the process of combating drug trafficking. It included ministers and directors of the most important government agencies of the Russian Federation, headed by the Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. The work of the anti-drug committee is organized by the Federal Drug Control Service.

The federal service includes 10 departments:

  • administrative;
  • operational-search;
  • own safety;
  • international legal;
  • investigative;
  • on cooperation with other departments;
  • logistics support;
  • forensic;
  • personnel

In each city of the country, regional departments were formed, which were subordinate to the central offices in the region and Moscow.

Public opinion

Oddly enough, the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service among the ordinary population either went unnoticed or found support. Over the years of the service's work, a rather ambiguous opinion has developed about it. According to statistics, more than half of the convicts in Russian colonies are serving their sentences under Art. 228, that is, for drug trafficking. And many cases of detention and bringing charges raise doubts about the legality of the actions of employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. Most dealers were arrested during a control purchase, when a person is sometimes deliberately led to purchase prohibited substances.

Therefore, public opinion about the structure is negative. On all sorts of forums you can find stories of people who were accused for unwillingness to share information or because of personal hostility. It is difficult to judge the correctness of certain statements, but the fact that the system required changes was clear to many. True, no one expected them to be so dramatic.


Another reason for the population's dissatisfaction was the unexpected and sometimes strange initiatives of the leadership of the Federal Service. In 2004, a big scandal was caused by a decree banning the use of the drug Ketamine in veterinary clinics. This drug is used for anesthesia and pain relief in animals. This decision caused a heated debate in society and among veterinarians. At their own peril and risk, they did not stop using Ketamine, which is why many criminal cases were opened.

The ketamine wars continued until 2006, when the Plenum of the Supreme Court allowed the use of the drug to treat animals. One of the veterinarians, A. Shpak, received the most serious sentence; he was sentenced to 8 years for attempting to transfer a prohibited substance. This case caused a lot of controversy and was discussed in the press for a long time.

Public criticism

According to experts, the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service was caused not only by financial difficulties in the country, but also by the extreme distrust of the population in this agency. Over the years, the activity of narcotic drugs has increased several times. There are no fewer drug addicts either; according to the public, dens exist and will continue to exist, since law enforcement agencies simply turn a blind eye to most of them.

The population's indignation is also caused by all sorts of corruption scandals and information about abuse of power. For example, a loud scandal erupted around a strange incident in Veliky Novgorod, where the deputy head of the local branch of the Federal Drug Control Service pointed out a local resident to the location of a shipment of amphetamine in exchange for a gadget from a well-known company. There was also a case of the death of two employees from a drug overdose in a sauna owned by the department.

Synthetic drugs have become widespread throughout the country, causing much greater consequences for the human body. For several months they could not formalize and publish a law prohibiting this type of drug. At the same time, doctors are sounding the alarm because today, terminally ill people experiencing terrible suffering must go through a series of bureaucratic obstacles to obtain permission to use powerful painkillers.


In 2014, Russia found itself on the verge of another crisis. The fall in oil prices, as well as the depreciation of the ruble, led to a serious budget deficit. As part of the new anti-crisis program, the Russian Ministry of Finance presented a new direction for saving public funds - it was proposed to abolish two federal services.

The liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service entailed the dismissal of 27 thousand employees throughout the country; only 7.5 thousand are planned to be transferred to a new department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Initially, the deadline was until July 1, 2017, but in a recent statement, Dmitry Medvedev announced the extension of actions to reorganize the structure until October 1, 2017.

The fate of the employees

According to the government's plan, the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service was supposed to affect the highest ranks, and it was planned to significantly reduce the administrative apparatus. But according to the old Russian tradition, ordinary employees suffered the most. In 2016, V.V. Putin, during a direct line with the population, assured those gathered that fears about the dismissal of a large number of people were groundless.

Former employees express angry indignation about the ongoing reform related to the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. According to No. 156, any person who is willing and suitable for training can transfer to serve in another department without a probationary period. But more than 16 thousand people turned out to be unfit for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for some reason. And those who transferred did not receive monetary compensation for several months for months of forced inactivity. The courts of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation constantly receive claims for reinstatement or payment of due funds.

Consequences of reduction

But the truth, as always, turned out to be different. Massive FSKN and transfer of cases to other structures will have a very painful impact on the entire fight against drug trafficking. Prosecutors and analysts are already recording a significant slowdown in the pace of work to identify and prevent the illegal sale of narcotic drugs. The situation is even worse with organized groups, which, feeling freedom, even reduced prices for goods and are not particularly hiding.

07/28/2004. The decree approved the Regulations on the Federal Drug Control Service. The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of combating their illicit trafficking. The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is specifically authorized to

solving problems in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of combating their illicit trafficking.

The activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia are managed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia are:

1) ensuring control over drug trafficking and measures to combat their illicit trafficking;

2) identification, prevention, suppression, disclosure and preliminary investigation

crimes, as well as the implementation of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses;

3) coordination of the activities of executive authorities in the field of drug trafficking;

4) participation in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of drug trafficking;

5) creation and maintenance of a unified data bank on issues related to drug trafficking;

6) implementation of interaction and information exchange with international organizations.


1) coordination of the activities of executive authorities in the implementation of the law on drugs;

2) organizes and carries out the development of federal target programs;

3) carries out legal regulation;

4) summarizes the practice of applying legislation and participates in draft regulatory legal acts;

5) informs about the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity;

6) identifies conditions conducive to illegal trafficking and measures aimed at eliminating them;

7) carries out operational investigative activities;

8) organizes and carries out a search for persons who are accused or suspected;

9) conducts inquiries and preliminary investigations in criminal cases;

10) carries out proceedings on cases of administrative offenses;

11) exercises control over the activities of persons in the field of trafficking in potent substances;

12) carries out licensing of activities in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and issuing the necessary permits;

13) carries out storage, transportation and destruction of confiscated or seized goods;

14) exercises control over compliance with the procedure for the destruction of narcotic drugs;

15) combats the legalization (laundering) of income received as a result;

17) receives, processes, analyzes and implements information about the state of affairs in the region;

18) maintains a unified data bank on issues related to drug trafficking,

psychotropic substances;

21) participates in the development of draft international treaties;

22) carries out interaction and information exchange with international organizations;

24) ensures the own safety of drug control authorities;

26) organizes and conducts scientific research on issues of ensuring control over turnover;

27) conducts forensic and other examinations and research;

28) develops, manufactures, acquires and uses special technical means;

29) implements measures to comply with the rules for the circulation of weapons in the drug control system;

30) performs the functions of a state customer

34) carries out staffing of bodies;

35) organizes mobilization preparation and

ensures mobilization readiness in organs;

36) implements measures to ensure the regime of emergency and martial law;

39) provides logistical and financial support for the activities of bodies

drug control;

40) takes measures to improve the living conditions of employees;

44) organizes medical support for employees; pension provision

46) interacts with the media and editorial and publishing


47) receives citizens, considers their proposals, applications and complaints;

47.2) plans, organizes and controls educational work and moral and psychological


50. Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation: tasks, composition, main areas of activity Regulations approved by presidential decree 08/07/2004. FSO of Russia is a federal body

executive power, which carries out the functions of developing state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of state security, presidential, governmental and other types of special communications (hereinafter referred to as special communications) and information provided to federal government agencies. authorities, state bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The activities of the FSO of Russia are managed by the President of the Russian Federation. The FSO of Russia is part of the security forces of the Russian Federation. The FSO of Russia provides for military service and

federal state civil service. The composition of federal government bodies. security includes:

Services, departments and other units, including those stationed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which directly implement the activities of federal government bodies. security, as well as

divisions performing management functions;

Directorates of special communications and information of the FSO of Russia in federal districts, centers of special communications and information of the FSO of Russia (hereinafter referred to as territorial bodies);

Special purpose communications units of the Federal Security Service of Russia;

Educational, research and other organizations subordinate to the Federal Security Service of Russia, which ensure the activities of federal state security agencies (hereinafter referred to as subordinate organizations).

The FSO of Russia, in accordance with the established procedure, forms structural divisions, territorial bodies, special-purpose communications units and

subordinate organizations.

The main tasks of the FSO of Russia are:

1) ensuring the safety of state facilities. security;

2) forecasting and identifying threats to the vital interests of state objects. security;

3) prevention, detection and suppression of illegal attacks on state objects. security;

4) prevention, detection and suppression of crimes and other offenses at protected sites;

5) protection of protected objects;

6) participation in the fight against terrorism;

7) organization and provision of operation, safety, improvement of special communications

and information provided to government authorities;

8) participation in the development and implementation of measures to ensure information security of the Russian Federation,

countering technical intelligence and protecting information constituting state secrets;

9) implementation of state policies in the field of legal informatization of the Russian Federation;

10) information technology and information-analytical support for government agencies, technical maintenance and software support for information and telecommunication systems and situation centers, as well as information support for government management in wartime and in emergency situations;

11) ensuring one’s own safety.


1. personal security of the President and other state security facilities

2. operational-search activities

3. if necessary, search persons for weapons and explosives

4. food safety, transport and consumer services for the President and Chairman of the Government and other state security facilities

5. societies order, prevention and suppression of offenses at security facilities

6. information security of presidential communications and premises from information leakage

7 in the places where security objects are located, carries out radiation, environmental, sanitary, epidemiological, chemical, operational and technical monitoring,...

8. interaction with other bodies, media

9.own safety

10. staffing tion

The Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control is a federal executive body. Its purpose is to resolve issues and problems related to the trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, to counter their illicit trafficking, as well as to coordinate the activities of other executive authorities in this area. The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation is called upon to carry out law enforcement activities to ensure the legality of the use and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances on the territory of Russia by citizens, legal entities and special institutions.

The main tasks of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control can be divided into two groups.

The first group includes tasks aimed at identifying, preventing, suppressing and investigating crimes related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

The second group includes tasks aimed at coordinating activities and developing state policy in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

The main tasks of the first group:

1. Ensure control, within its competence, over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and implement measures to combat their illicit trafficking.

2. Identify, prevent, suppress, solve and investigate crimes classified by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation under the jurisdiction of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia See: Naumov A. Responsibility for drug trafficking. Issues of lawmaking and law enforcement // Russian justice. 2009. No. 7. P. 11.

The main tasks of the second group:

1. Coordinate the activities of executive authorities to combat illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

2. Participate in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and combating their illicit trafficking.

3. Create and maintain a unified data bank on issues related to the trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and combating their illicit trafficking.

4. Carry out, in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, interaction and informed exchange with international organizations and competent authorities of foreign states in the field of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as representing the interests of the Russian Federation in international organizations on issues of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

The tasks assigned to the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control are solved through the functions it performs, which it is obliged to carry out.

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and its territorial bodies constitute a unified system of bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of Russia and federal laws, manages the activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. The Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of Russia, coordinates the activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia.

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Control of Drug Trafficking in Russia.

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is headed by a director with the rank of federal minister. The director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, his first deputies and deputies are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia has first deputies and deputies, including a state secretary - deputy director. The director forms boards in the bodies of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and approves their composition (18 people). The board includes the director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (chairman of the board), deputy directors, as well as senior employees of the bodies of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. At its meetings, the board considers the most important issues of the activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and makes decisions on them. Decisions of the board are made by a majority vote of its members and are formalized by orders of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia.

The structure of the central apparatus of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia consists of departments in the main areas of activity. The structure of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is based on the structure of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which included:

Main operational department.

Main Directorate for Control of Legal Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

Main organizational and analytical department.

Main Investigation Department.

Own security management.

Department of International Cooperation.

Special Purpose Department.

Personnel Department.

Department of Interdepartmental Cooperation in the Field of Prevention.

Office of Regime and Information Security.

Information technology management.

Public Relations Department.

Business management.

Legal management.

Financial and economic management.

Organizational and mobilization management.

Department of inquiry and administrative practice.

Law enforcement service in drug control agencies is a type of public service for citizens of the Russian Federation. Employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia are citizens serving in the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, who are assigned special ranks in the manner established by the Regulations. Citizens recruited to serve in the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia are assigned special ranks, ranging from warrant officer to police general.

Citizens who have reached the age of 20 years, but not older than 40 years, speak Russian, and are capable, due to their personal and business qualities, existing professional education and health status, to ensure the fulfillment of the functions assigned to the bodies of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia have the right to enter the service of the bodies of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. Employees who are close relatives or who are related to each other (spouses, brothers, sisters, parents or children of spouses) are prohibited from serving in the same body of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia if their service is related to the direct subordination or control of one of them to the other .

An employee has no right to engage in other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities.

For a citizen entering the service of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the first time, a trial period of three to six months may be established, depending on the level of his professional training and the position to which he is appointed. In this case, the citizen is appointed to the corresponding position as a trainee without assigning him a special rank and concluding a contract for service in the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. A written contract is concluded with citizens who have completed the probationary period for a period of one year, three years or five years. The contract provides for the parties' liability for failure to fulfill their obligations. Failure by the parties to fulfill their obligations is grounds for termination of the contract at the initiative of one of the parties before its expiration. A citizen recruited to serve in the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia takes an oath no later than two months from the date of assignment of the first special rank. See: Naumov A. Responsibility for drug trafficking. Issues of lawmaking and law enforcement // Russian justice. 2009. No. 7. P. 12.

To determine the level of professional training of employees and their suitability for the position held, certification is carried out.

Employee certification is carried out no more than once every two years, but at least once every four years. Incentives may be applied to employees for conscientious performance of official duties. For violation of official discipline, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on employees. Service in the state drug control authorities is terminated in the event of an employee’s dismissal.

Today the main tasks of the Federal Drug Control Service are:

Ensuring control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and implementing measures to combat their illicit trafficking,

Identification, prevention, suppression, disclosure and preliminary investigation of crimes, as well as the implementation of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, which are classified by the legislation of the Russian Federation, respectively, under the jurisdiction or competence of the authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (hereinafter referred to as drug control authorities),

Coordination of the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of combating their illicit trafficking,

Participation in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of combating their illicit trafficking,

Creation and maintenance of a unified data bank on issues related to the trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of combating their illicit trafficking,

Carrying out, in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, interaction and information exchange with international organizations and competent authorities of foreign states in the field of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as representing the interests of the Russian Federation on issues of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in international organizations See: Prokhorov L.A., Prokhorova M.L. Illicit drug trafficking in the structure of organized crime: status, trends, prospects // Law and Politics. 2010. No. 6. S. 3.

Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation- a unit within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, engaged in the implementation of federal drug legislation, which is an independent structural operational unit of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The Department reports directly to the head of the Ministry - the Minister of Internal Affairs, who appoints the head of the Department. The authority of the Office includes not only control of drug trafficking within the country, but also suppression of the production of these substances in foreign countries, as well as anti-drug propaganda and countering anti-prohibitionist movements.

Functions and powers are the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation, law enforcement functions for federal state control and supervision in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.


The Drug Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an operational police unit within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, within its competence, carries out:

  1. identification, prevention, suppression and detection of crimes related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, potent substances, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances,
  2. control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and implementation of measures to combat their illicit trafficking,
  3. interaction in the prescribed manner with territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the Saratov region, local governments in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of combating their illicit trafficking.


Russian Empire

There were no specialized departments or police departments to combat drug trafficking on the territory of the Russian Empire, but these functions were carried out by the Police Department and the Medical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire.

For a long time, there was no specialized department for combating drug trafficking in the Soviet Union. Insufficient awareness of the seriousness of the problem, and, partly, ideological guidelines for the “impossibility of drug addiction in Soviet society” led to the fact that such a department appeared only in 1970, although law enforcement agencies dealt with this problem from the very beginning of the formation of the USSR.

In 1989, the Department for Combating Drugs was reorganized into the 3rd Department for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking and Crimes Related to Foreign Citizens of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Two of the three departments of the 3rd Directorate specialize in drug problems. In 1990, the Department for Combating the Spread of Drug Addiction of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was created using the staff of the GUUR and GUBKHSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In its structure, in addition to the two central ones, seven more interregional departments are being formed to combat drug trafficking, subordinate directly to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. After repeated renamings and organizational changes in the system and structure of the Directorate, by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of November 28, 1991, this special police unit was removed from the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Instead of the previous Directorate, the Bureau for Control of Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is formed, which becomes an independent branch service of the criminal police.

Russian Federation

At the beginning of 1992, the Bureau for Control of Illegal Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR merged with the First Department of the Directorate for Combating Drug Addiction and Crimes against Foreign Citizens of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, which dealt with the drug problem within Russia. On the basis of these two organizational structures, the Department for Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (UNON) is formed. Over the years of its existence, UBNON has been the main body countering the spread of drugs in Russia and prosecuting persons who sell drugs and drag new victims into drug addiction - in other words, the drug mafia. UBNON has carried out many successful operations. Thousands of drug traffickers were detained and prosecuted. UBNON worked for 12 years. During this period, much has changed both in the fight against drug trafficking and in Russian realities. By autumn

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