How to force a person to tell the truth - psychological advice.

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As the Russian folk proverb says: “The less you know, the better you sleep.” This is true. But not in all cases. Sometimes it is ignorance of the truth that prevents you from falling asleep peacefully and even living a full life. Is the desire to know the truth driving you crazy? Are you ready to find out the necessary information by any method? Then read the conspiracy of truth, maybe it will help you find out what is being hidden from you.

How to find out the truth in a dream

Fast for three days, after which arm yourself with a long black cloth and make a pentacle out of it. With a burning candle, draw two circles so that one is in the other. In the small circle you should write the name: Raphael. Then draw crosses at the corners of the pentacle. Turn the rag over and draw the same circles on it, writing your name in a small circle and drawing crosses at the corners of the rag. You can't talk to anyone until the morning. When you go to bed, read the spell below and place the pentacle under your pillow. Important! You should sleep alone. Spell:

“Oh, glorious name of the Lord the living God,
Who from the creation of time.
Everything earthly belongs.
And I, Your servant (name).
O Eternal Father,
I beg You to send me
Your Angel
whose name is written in a circle,
So that he can show me everything
What do I want to see and know?
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
So be it. Amen".

For a person to tell the truth

Looking at the bridge of a person’s nose, you need to repeat the following spell to yourself three times:

“Go, Judas, don’t be cunning. Go, Jesus, and protect me, The head of the servant of God (name) is a crumb, His impudence and cunning are a fig. Hitri (name), I don’t buy it! Amen".

So that the husband does not lie

When the person hiding the truth from you falls asleep, stand next to him, and, crossing his mouth, whisper a conspiracy against lying:

“With the sign of the cross I fly away lies,
With the sign of the cross (spouse’s name) I will wean you from lies.
Not in the morning, not in the afternoon, not in the evening, not at night
You will not say a word that is cunning and unrighteous.
And if you want to lie,
Let your tongue go numb
And your eyes will darken.
The Lord himself will be your judge.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Spell of Truth

"For those who want to know the truth,
Who longs to open hearts and minds.
From now on until the memory runs out.
Those who are in this house
Let them hear the truth from other lips.”

How to Increase Your Ability to Recognize the Truth

Repeat the following spell three times, which will help you recognize the true nature of a person and his actions:

“Lord, who is in heaven, who lives in me, open my heart, open my clear eyes and grant me the ability to see in true light what is hidden behind the veil of darkness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Magic ritual “Mirror of Truth”

This ritual helps to identify the cause of your problems and troubles, and, if there is a negative program, completely neutralize it. For the ritual you will need: a frameless mirror (30 x 40 cm), a new black cloth slightly larger in size than the mirror, dry wormwood (2 tablespoons), dried sage (1 tablespoon), a strand of your own hair, a candle, a metal cauldron, a box new matches.

Be sure to use natural fabric

The ritual should begin on the full moon. A candle is lit, herbs and hair are thrown into the pot, which are burned to ashes, while the plot is read:

“Burn the candle, burn the grass, burn not the body, but the dirty deed. The hat on the guilty one is on fire, but the mirror tells the truth. Exactly!"

The mirror is evenly covered with ash, and with the index finger of the right hand scales with bowls in balance are drawn on it. After this, the mirror is covered with black cloth and the reflective side is turned to the east and left in this position for 9 days, after which the cloth is removed.

If, when you open the mirror, you see the scales in balance, there is no damage to you, but if the image has changed, then the damage can be easily removed by simply washing the mirror. If additional signs appear on the mirror, then you are the cause of your troubles and misfortunes, for example, your constant lies. Look for answers in symbols and in yourself, this will help you discover the truth about the state of your affairs today.

All people lie, but sometimes it turns into the meaning of life, and it is almost impossible to hear the truth from a person. But still, there are some tips on how to get a person to tell the truth.

  1. The question must be asked as unexpectedly as possible, so that the person is taken aback and cannot quickly come up with an excuse or a lie.
  2. Start a conversation with a distant topic, and when the person loses his guard, suddenly ask him a question that interests you. At such a moment, it is necessary to monitor his reaction. The fact that a person is telling a lie may be evidenced by the fact that he looked away. At this moment, it is necessary not to retreat and insist on a truthful answer. How to force someone to tell the truth if a person does not want to do it - persistently seek an answer.
  3. Before you ask question X, think it through in advance. It should sound so convincing that a person simply does not have the opportunity to retreat and lie. This is a great solution to the question of how to get a guy to tell the truth. A difficult question may simply confuse a person and he will have no choice but to tell the truth.
  4. You can also use the well-known method that is used in films - blackmail. Only you must understand that the arguments must be very weighty or you simply will not be taken seriously.
  5. Another option that will help you understand how to get a girl to tell the truth. You just need to convince the person that you have known everything for a long time and are not expecting the truth from him. Many fall for this “canard” and lay everything out themselves.
  6. Try to ask the question in a non-standard way, so you can confuse the person. Be as convincing as possible to block all escape routes.

Do not show aggression, the person should be in a calm state and not expect any trick.

Hello! If you want to know what your interlocutor, husband or child is hiding from you, then knowing how to force a person to tell the truth, you will find out everything. But do you need this truth? If you really need it, then use psychological techniques.

Techniques to help you find out the truth

  1. An effective, but very sophisticated technique is surprise. Talking confidentially with your interlocutor, smiling at him, showing your friendliness with all your appearance, you suddenly stun him with the question to which you want to hear a truthful answer. Choose a topic for conversation that is far from your interest in order to lull your opponent’s vigilance. Having waited for the opportune moment when the interlocutor began to trust you completely, ask an exciting question. To prevent your interlocutor from evading, ask it so loudly that even those around you can hear it. Most likely, you will hear what you wanted to find out.
  2. Blackmail also sometimes works. If you want to find out something from, then you may well succeed. Threaten him that you will block access to the computer or not take him to the cinema. You can threaten a friend who is for some reason afraid to look you in the eyes with a quarrel, a wife - don’t buy what you promised, a husband who has completely lied - a night in an empty bed. But this method can only be used once, if you do not fulfill what you threatened during blackmail. The second time may only have an effect on a child.
  3. "I know everything." This technique works when you really know everything, but want to hear recognition from your interlocutor. You can add the words: “it will be better if you tell everything yourself or yourself.” Such conflict resolution will help maintain friendship between friends, resolve disagreements between business partners, and you can even save your family if you can forgive your other half for speaking out. By using this technique, you will not put pressure on your opponent, you will simply present him with the opportunity to confess. In this case, he will see for himself that it is better to tell everything honestly and apologize. And all you have to do is understand and perhaps forgive.
  4. A very correct technique - eye to eye. Look the other person straight in the eye and ask about what interests you. If he values ​​your trust or friendship, then he will lay everything out in the open. If he looks away, then your question took him by surprise.

How to catch your husband cheating

To find out from your husband about cheating, you should become an actress for a while. An example situation: you and your husband agreed to visit your parents on Friday immediately after work. Suddenly my husband calls and says that he has urgent matters. You already know his “deeds.”

When your husband returns home late at night, do not attack him with abuse, so as not to aggravate the situation. In this case, the spouse may simply leave in an unknown direction!

If you know that he is lying, do the opposite: offer to go to the table, let him relax, ask how his working day was. In a word, put your husband to sleep, and then say: “Darling, why did you refuse to visit my parents?”

At this time, watch TV or read a book, showing with all your appearance that this is supposedly not so significant.

It is important that yours should notice this. And here he will begin to explain something to you. Just don’t press him, but continue to create a calm environment. If you are not satisfied, then proceed to reception - "I know everything", if you really want to know his truth. Remember, you then have to live with this truth or get divorced. The psychology of a woman is such that she rarely forgives betrayal. So do you need the whole truth?

Advice: Ask yourself the question: am I better off with him or without him? Then decide what to do. Or get revenge by cheating just once. Just don’t talk about it, even on pain of death. It is more difficult for a man to come to terms with his wife's betrayal.

There are some funny folk methods to catch a man cheating.

  • When your spouse returns from work, try to greet him with overwhelming tenderness, as if you missed him very much, then offer to make love right now. If a man has just left his mistress, then he is not able right now to the next intimacy.
  • A tougher, even funny technique - put some pepper in his pants. When your loved one starts scratching, do the same. Here, accuse him of treason. If there was betrayal, then he admits it.

How to achieve recognition from the female half

Sometimes a husband finds fault with his wife with stupid questions: where have you been, and who have you been with? It is he who knows nothing about betrayal, if it occurs. You can say whatever you want, your husband will believe it, if there is no real “evidence”.

But if there is accurate information about the betrayal, then the wife can also be brought to a frank conversation.

Advice! Never tell your husband everything. Men do not forgive infidelity. Even if they forgive, they will never forget. They are great owners!

If you want to know about your wife's double life, then try using these techniques.

Create an environment where your wife is always in front of you. This way she won’t have time to run to her lover. Now watch! Soon she will miss him, will not stand such a life, then she will openly tell him everything. Then you either break up or put up with the state of things .

Make a cunning move, showing as much care, affection, and participation as possible. Soon the wife will feel ashamed and she will confess with tears in her eyes. But a woman does not always fall for this. She may simply become depressed, go to another room, and then cry into her pillow. This is real proof of infidelity.

You can ask directly, most likely, the answer will not be truthful. Therefore, immediately say: I know that you have another man. Tell me, is it so or not? Do not give the opportunity to evade the answer if you want to know the whole truth.

If you want to promote your girlfriend to a truthful answer, convince your beloved that you know everything and are not expecting the truth. They say that girls are easier to succumb to such a “canard” and tell everything themselves.

So you found out about the double life of your other half, does it make you feel better? Of course not! Try to find an explanation for her betrayal in your own behavior. Perhaps she is bored, or you are not paying her as much attention as she needs. Dig into yourself!

How to get a man to confess

The girls are waiting for him to tell her about his feelings, but he doesn’t dare. The reason for such embarrassment may be a serious attitude towards such words, and not a simple reluctance to utter them. And they are also afraid to hear ridicule or something like that after confessing. Don't put pressure on your loved one.

If you see that this is your person and you are ready to go through life with him, then hint at your feelings for him. The guy will relax and say the cherished words. Or maybe you don’t need such words if there is real love between you!

How to spot a liar in correspondence

Many people think that you can lie to a person as much as you like in correspondence.

Using some techniques you can find out whether the person with whom you are corresponding is honest with you.

  1. Long sentences. He wants to hide his lies behind a mass of words.
  2. Introductory words. If the sentence contains the words “maybe”, “I’ll try”, etc., then the person is hiding information from you.
  3. Repeat information. To the question: “Has there already been something between you?” Trying to convince you, a person will repeat a lie several times, convincing you that “this is my friend,” “we are only friends,” or something like that.
  4. By delaying your answer or typing for a long time, the interlocutor is clearly hiding something. He thinks about every word or decides whether to tell the truth or lie again.
  5. If there is no answer at all, then this is already a signal!
  6. The interlocutor makes you guilty: “Oh, you think so badly of me, everything is clear to me!”
  7. If the interlocutor switches the conversation to another topic, he is clearly hiding something.
  8. He may turn on the “fool”, clearly mocking your concerns. Don't let yourself be caught in these nets. He is stalling for time to come up with another lie.
  9. If you hear complaints: either about being unwell or being busy. The person simply doesn't want to deal with you. If you have nothing in common with this opponent, then break ties with him.

Magic ritual

On the side of those people who want to hear the truth about a person. Whether you need to use magical rituals is up to you to decide. After all, you may find out something that will push you away from each other forever. And if you love, you can’t live without him or her, and a conspiracy will help you find out the hidden, intimate? How to live with this then?

In parting, I want to say: first think a hundred times, and then turn to magic.

Magic ritual for sleep

On the day of the waxing moon, whisper in your husband’s ear while he sleeps:

“I remember the Glorious Lord, whose name everyone knows, whose name everyone glorifies. He rules all creations on earth, gives life to everything and everyone. I ask my Lord to put a petal of truth into the mouth of the servant of God (name of the man). Let that petal bloom in it and speak on its own. Let that petal in the dream of the servant of God (the man’s name) open into a great flower of truth, which will tell me everything I want to know, and I, the servant of God (my name), want to know everything. Key. Lock. Amen".

The husband will soon begin to babble the whole truth. Even if you fall asleep, his babble will wake you up.

How to find out the truth during a conversation

Tomorrow you want to have an honest conversation, suspecting that the person is not completely honest with you.

Write the person's full name on a piece of paper and light it. Move the piece of paper over the candle while reading the plot:

“He told me, he said everything, he wasn’t afraid. He came to me and poured out his soul. I'm talking about the servant of God (his name). On a universal scale, your truth is a drop, do not be afraid; in an infinite key, your truth is only yours. I will find out everything, I will understand everything, we speak heart to heart, we speak with our souls, not our mouths. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

Next, fold the piece of paper in four and place it under your pillow. After the revelation, you need to get rid of it. Such a ritual will remove the fear of recognition from the soul of the interlocutor. Please note that you will also tell a lot of things that you were silent about. Perhaps this will help improve contact with your interlocutor.

The ability to get someone to tell you the truth is a very useful skill. This skill can help you in a variety of situations (at home and at work). It will take a little practice, patience and confidence, but it is an achievable task that will help you get the hang of things. By showing the person that you are on their side, starting a conversation with the right intonation, and knowing the signs of a lie, you increase your chances of finding out the truth.


Show that you are on his side

    Don't press charges. A person is unlikely to trust you if you start blaming him. Stay calm and try to act neutral. There is no need to scream, hit the table with your fists and stand with your arms crossed - it looks intimidating. A person will be much more willing to open up to you if he feels that you understand him.

    Show empathy. Trust between people is built when you understand and empathize with the person. People will be more willing to tell you the truth if they know you won't judge them. Act as if you perfectly understand why this person acted the way he did.

    Pretend that nothing big will happen if the person tells you the truth. People often refuse to tell the truth because they are afraid of the consequences. But if you can minimize the seriousness of the situation, most likely the person will not lie to you.

    Tell the person that he is not the only one to blame. Help him feel that he is not the only one being blamed. If a person gets the impression that other people are to blame for an incident, he is more likely to tell the truth. The person is likely to withdraw into himself, knowing that he will have to cope with what happened alone.

    Offer the person your protection. Tell him that you will do everything possible to help him. Reassure the person that you are on their side and that you will try to do everything in your power to protect them. A person will open up to you if he is not afraid of you.

    Discuss the situation

    1. It is necessary to distinguish between suspicion and accusation based on evidence. Your approach to this situation depends on whether you rely on any evidence of the person's guilt. You will have to deal with situations based on suspicion, in which case your actions will be different than in situations with undeniable evidence.

      • If you have suspicions, it is best to carefully communicate your suspicions (in a calm, non-accusatory tone) and try to understand the truth as you communicate.
      • In situations where you have clear evidence, it is best to name your claims and provide the evidence you have. In this case, the person who is trying to evade responsibility does not have much choice.
    2. Tell the person's side of the story. Mention facts you know, telling the story from your point of view. Your interlocutor can correct you and add to your story if some details are not true. This way you can achieve partial recognition.

      Make a difference. Ask the same question, but in different ways. Remember that if a person answers your question with the same phrases, it means that he has already rehearsed his words in advance. If this person's answers contradict each other, he is most likely lying.

      Choose your words very carefully. The tone in which you speak can play a big role in whether a person agrees to tell you the truth or not. An apologetic tone can cause a person to lie to you. But better words can motivate a person to tell you the truth.

      Bluff if necessary. Bluffing is a dangerous but very effective tactic. Bluffing involves creating a threat. That is, you pretend that you know the truth, even if you, in fact, have no evidence, and you are not going to threaten the person. Bluffing may encourage a person to tell the truth because he or she will be afraid of the consequences.

Have you ever hoped to get a straight and honest answer from someone? To hear the desired truth, you do not have to have “truth serum” or amyl nitrate. In addition, it is no secret that using drugs to “fish out” the truth is illegal. In this article you will find practical tips on how to encourage a person to want to tell you the truth.


    Try to mislead the person from whom you want to hear the truth. For example, try to convince him that you already know the truth, and you just want to invite him to act together.

  1. Make the person believe that the truth is not that important to you, and you are not at all interested in what it is. It is very likely that he will then blurt out the information you need just to impress you or just to show off. Let's say you want to know someone's grades, but you're wary of false information. In this case, you can do the following: tell this person that you received an unsatisfactory grade and, despite this, you are happy with yourself. It is likely that after this your interlocutor will want to tell you about his real assessment, and he will tell you the whole truth, instead of hiding it.

  2. Find evidence that will help you discover the truth. For example, if you want to know where your friend got a new bicycle and you suspect that he stole it, you can try to find evidence and provide it to him, thus leaving him no chance of lying.

  3. Make the person look you in the eye when it comes to a question to which you want a truthful answer. Remember that many people find it difficult to lie while looking the other person in the eye. But at the same time, we should not forget that “good” liars know this, and will try in every possible way to maintain eye contact all the time in order to more than compensate for the previous statement. When your interlocutor breaks eye contact while thinking, this is considered a natural phenomenon, but in a situation where he constantly looks straight into your eyes without looking away, there can be no question of any naturalness.

  4. Try talking to this person's friends and see if they can help you. After all, quite often it happens that we share truthful information with our close friends. But you should be extremely careful and consider all options, since a close friend can either “sell” his friend or lie to you, remaining on his side.

  5. Use this person's weaknesses against him. An adult can use the following method to "get" the truth out of another adult. This method involves giving the "secret keeper" alcoholic drinks in an attempt to find out the truth.

  6. Accuse the person of doing something worse. Imagine it this way: in order to prove his innocence in committing this terrible act you have imagined, he must tell exactly the truth that you so need. Thus, the person will give you the whole truth on a silver platter, while thinking that what he says will save him from a false accusation.

  7. Pretend you heard the person talking in his sleep. Moreover, if we are talking about a member of your family, it will not be difficult to make him believe that you had the opportunity to hear what he said while he was sleeping.

  8. If a person does not want to tell the truth voluntarily, try threatening to expose him. If someone has committed some serious offense, perhaps he will admit to it himself if he knows that a mitigation of punishment awaits him for this.

  9. Before you know the truth, think carefully about what you will do with that truth and whether those actions are legal and ethical. It should also be noted that if you are simply consumed by curiosity, then you have no right to know the truth. However, if a person is hiding something that could cause serious inconvenience to someone, or get someone out of trouble, you have the right to take serious measures to find out the truth.

  10. Stay calm. If you find out that people lie to you, or regularly do not tell you the whole truth, it may be worth looking within yourself for the reason. What is your response in situations when people turn to you? If you are constantly upset or irritated, people around you will feel uncomfortable and it is very likely that they will soon begin to avoid communicating with you or will leave out significant details when talking. The truth is that when communicating with you, people will try to present any information in a way that makes it easy and comfortable for you to perceive it. That is why, when communicating with any person, try to be open and react to information calmly, even if it is not the most pleasant. Let people understand and feel that they can not be afraid to be frank with you. After all, together it is much easier to perceive the current situation, as well as to look for a way out, correct the situation, or begin to deal with the issue in order to stabilize the situation.

  • Start studying human behavior. If a person is too fidgety or seems overly concentrated, it is likely that they are lying. Usually, when communicating truthful information, the need to be tense arises very rarely.
  • First of all, try to guess what the truth is. This can give you a big advantage.
  • Everyone wants to know the truth. Nobody wants to be honest.
  • Give the person time - perhaps he is confused at the moment and will tell you the whole truth after some time.
  • Be careful when dealing with children, they can be very cunning.
  • It can be very difficult at times


  • Be aware that constantly trying to find out the truth can make people angry. If you need to know the truth urgently, try to also touch on many other different topics throughout the day, and then the fact that you constantly ask the same question regarding the same topic will not seem so suspicious.
  • Under no circumstances should you react too violently or speak in a raised voice - this will not lead to anything good.
  • Do not threaten or coerce anyone unless you have the right and good reason to do so.
  • Be patient.
  • Try to get into the situation and understand why the person did this, even if you are beside yourself with anger.

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