How to wind an automatic watch. Diseases of quartz Swiss watches

Why were so many Olympic records broken during the day? Does our body really act differently at different times of the day? The Buffer service team decided to find the answer to this and other questions. In this article, you will learn the best time to train, sleep, work, eat, meditate and much more.

The question of how best to plan your day and what time of day to work and rest is very interesting. Of course, we know that it is better to sleep at night and work during the day, but all this is too vague, but how can we set the biological clock as accurately as possible?


Perhaps the most controversial and interesting question. When is the best time to eat? A simple Google search reveals that most diets are based on not eating after six. But it's not that simple.

Recent research into cellular metabolism has helped clarify whether it makes sense to spread out your food over specific periods of time. Two mice were fed the same amount of food, absolutely equal in terms of calories and dietary fat. The only difference was that the first mouse had access to food all day, and the second only during eight hours of maximum body activity.

The result was amazing. The mouse that had access to food for only eight hours had 40% less fat and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Therefore, when distributing your diet over time, pay special attention to dinner. Breakfast and lunch are when your metabolism is at its peak, but it’s best to eat your last meal four hours before bed. It is better if it is not very heavy food. For example, fruits, vegetables and a small amount of protein. The body will need some time to digest food, and four hours is the best option.


We call ourselves larks and night owls. However, Professor Jim Horn says that our ancestors slept twice a day: a long nap at night and a short nap during the day. 11–12 o'clock in the afternoon is precisely the period of time when the body's energy declines and it is much more difficult to focus on work. Over time, this habit disappeared, but many cultures still practice it.

For example, the Chinese often take a nap after lunch right at their desk. A short nap during the day is also typical for residents of Spain and India.

The time the body needs to sleep is also determined by age. Teenagers aged 13 to 21 sleep the longest. This is programmed by nature, and there is no point in resisting it. However, not everything goes as nature intended, and, as a result, studying in the morning turns into a small competition to see who can fall asleep faster. A study conducted in England showed that schoolchildren performed 9% better on the same test in the afternoon than in the morning.

In his boring but no less educational book on the science of sleep, Jim Horn proves that people who sleep six to seven hours are much more productive and alert than those who sleep more. Getting used to this schedule is quite difficult at first, but it is worth it. Or not?

The question of when and how to sleep causes a lot of controversy, and no single correct opinion can be found. Therefore, your best bet would be to try reducing your sleep time a little and see how your body responds. He might like it!


Mikhail Smolensky, a professor of biological engineering at the University of Texas, says that the body reaches maximum productivity from 15:00 to 18:00. At this time, the chance of injury is minimal, and strength and speed indicators are at their peak. According to a study conducted on 5,000 subjects, lung volume also increases by 17.6% during this time.

Muscle strength reaches its peak between 14:00 and 18:00, and muscles are 6% stronger at this time than throughout the day. For runners, cyclists and other endurance athletes, the morning is the worst time to train. Professor Greg Atkinson states that body temperature is slightly higher during the day, which in turn gives the body a natural warm-up.

The pain threshold is higher during the day, which can also have a positive effect on sports that require endurance. However, for example, the sense of balance is better in the morning, and therefore for gymnasts this is the best time of day to train. All other athletes are better off exercising during the day.


With work it’s a little easier: it all depends on what time you feel more energetic. If you are a morning person and like to wake up early, then the best time to complete the most complex and time-consuming tasks is in the morning. If you like to wake up during the day, then it is better to postpone these tasks to a later time.

On the other hand, if you do creative work, it's better to wear out your brain a little first so that it doesn't work as efficiently. It may sound idiotic, but this is the reason why great ideas come to us in the shower in the evening or before bed.

When you're tired, it's much harder for your brain to concentrate on a single task. At the same time, it is much more difficult for him to remember connections between ideas and thoughts. Both of these things help you think creatively in a different way. Therefore, a tired brain can greatly help you come up with something new.


Drinking alcohol at different times of the day does not affect the amount of alcohol in the blood. But at the same time, it affects the brain in different ways. At the end of the day, our body is at its peak of energy, so the effect of alcohol on thinking abilities is less at this time.


We have already said that the time chosen for meditation is not so important. Therefore, start from your feelings and meditate when you want.

The best time to have a baby

According to statistics, most children are born between three and five in the morning. However, due to medical intervention, these statistics are becoming less and less useful. Despite this, our brain is extremely relaxed at this time, and the pain threshold is as high as possible, which makes this period of time the best for the birth and conception of a child. Although, of course, it’s not up to you to decide.

Is it possible to plan your schedule this way? And is it worth the effort?

A very important stage, on which not only the accuracy of the mechanism depends, but also its service life.

When stopping the clock, you should check the position of its cable, the suspension of the weight and the correct suspension of the pendulum. The permissible deviation of the wall clock body is from two to five degrees horizontally and vertically. But if the case tilt exceeds this norm, the watch malfunctions. In this case, you need professionals to determine the exact cause of the breakdown and fix it.

Tolerance accuracy for wall clocks

Setting the speed of an antique clock

up to 10 minutes per day. If their accuracy is violated, they should be adjusted to the desired level.

After setting the exact time on the watch, you need to let it sit for several days to normalize its usual course. In order to obtain the daily error of the clock, you need to divide the resulting difference in the accuracy of the clock by the number of days. For example, if a clock falls behind by 4 minutes over 2 days, then the clock error per day will be 120 seconds. Considering that one turn of the adjusting nut under the pendulum lens averages from half a minute to a minute per day (depending on the model of the mechanism), we check whether the thread is long enough for the required adjustment. In our case, the adjusting nut must be experimentally added (decreased) half a turn and we watch the clock for a day. Several days of adjustment will allow you to achieve satisfactory running accuracy. If you want to achieve perfect timing, adjustments can take up to half a year. In this case, the seasonality of the time of year is taken into account (in the warm season, the clock speeds up, and in the cold season, it slows down). That's why fine-tuning the clock takes quite a long period of time.

Before setting, make sure that the watch is wound (strike spring, power spring).

  • The key should be wound clockwise, one or two turns less than the total number of turns, in order to prevent breakage of the spring; lift the clock weights up to the dial.
  • Move the minute hand slowly to the position where the clock strikes - 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes. You will hear a faint click and count the number of strokes.
  • In a half-hour clock, half of each hour is one strike. At the beginning of a new hour, the number of strikes corresponds to the time on the clock.
  • In a clock with a quarter strike every 15 minutes, a strike occurs with different melodies and a full hour is the number of hours.

When transporting the watch case to the workshop, you MUST remove the pendulum!!!

In the video and text instructions we will tell you in detail how to properly wind a mechanical watch.

Before winding your watch, we recommend read the instructions included with them. It should contain some recommendations on how to wind a mechanical watch. The point is that Each model/brand has its own characteristics.

  • Remove the watch from your hand to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the crown.
  • It is advisable to choose the same time for the plant. In this case, the daily error will be identical.

Mechanical watches are divided into: mechanical watches with manual winding and mechanical watches with automatic winding.

How to start mechanical watch?

Initially they start at 35-40 rpm. Modern mechanisms are made in such a way that it is impossible to “rewind” the watch. But this does not mean that you can turn the crown to the point of fanaticism. When fully wound, they will work for 36-40 hours, depending on the mechanism.

How to start Automatic watch?

When worn constantly, the watch is wound using a rotor.

When using a mechanical watch with self-winding for the first time or after a long period of non-use, you need to wind it approximately 8-10 turns*, turning the crown clockwise. When winding the watch manually, do not make more than 20 revolutions.

To save yourself from the process of winding your watch, you can purchase a special box - a winder. It keeps the watch in constant motion, and you don’t have to worry about winding it.

*Some manufacturers make movements that are wound only by movement, for example, Orient.

The pendulum of the wall clock allows you to adjust the accuracy of the movement. As you know, the accuracy of a wall clock depends on the number of swings of the pendulum. Clocks that run incorrectly can be adjusted moving the lens along the pendulum rod. If the clock is slow, then the lens should be lift up by turning the adjusting nut to the right, if they are in a hurry, - lower by turning the adjusting nut to the left. Do not try to start a stopped clock by correcting it with home remedies. Contact a watchmaker who knows the mechanism well and has the necessary tools and equipment not only for watch repair, but also for adjusting their stroke. The pendulum is suspended on a very thin steel suspension (spring), which is easily damaged if handled carelessly. To protect the suspension, adjusting nut You need to rotate it with your right hand, holding the lens with your left. In many wall clock Most of the pendulum rod is made of wood, since a wooden rod is less affected by temperature than a metal rod.

Setting the speed of a mechanical watch

Mechanical wall clock- a technically complex device, they require qualified service (setup, installation). From correct settings depends not only precision, but also watch durability.

If watch stopped, you should check the location of the weight suspension cable (chain) and the correctness of the pendulum suspension.

If this does not help, you need to contact service center By watch repair.

Tolerance precision For wall, table clock+/-30 seconds per day. If the clock is running, But not exactly, should adjust watch accuracy. To adjust the accuracy of the stroke, it is recommended to act experimentally.

Setting the exact time

By exposing on hours exact time let them sit for a few days. To obtain the daily clock error, you need the resulting difference in precision divide by the number of days. For example, if watch will fall behind by 10 minutes in 5 days, then the clock error per day will be 2 minutes (120 seconds). Considering that one revolution adjusting nut under the pendulum lens averages from half a minute to a minute per day (depending on the model of the mechanism), we check whether the thread length is sufficient for the required adjustment. In our case adjusting nut you need to turn it 3 turns. Several sessions adjustments will allow you to achieve satisfactory running accuracy.

Wall clock mechanism

Pendulum clock mechanism Quite durable and unpretentious, it can work without cleaning for 2-3 years. After this period watch necessary clean and lubricate, since dirt from condensed oil has a harmful effect on watch accuracy. In all striking clock combat mechanism cannot act independently. Being directly connected to the movement mechanism, it is activated by it at certain hours, after which it strikes the time shown by the hands on the dial. To strike the strike, from one to eight hammers are installed in different watches, striking one, two or three strike springs (for hours and half-hours). Eight hammers usually strike the quarter hours on separate eight springs. The striking spring is a spiral made of steel wire, and the new type of watch uses so-called gongs. Gongs are located inside the watch cases in a vertical or horizontal position and produce melodic sounds of different tones. Each of the hammers must be installed at a certain distance from the point of contact of its spring.

The rattling, unpleasant sound of the strike is explained by the fact that the hammer comes into close contact with the spring. A weak striking sound indicates that the hammer is too far from the sound element and delivers a weak blow; The fastening of the sound element on the watch case has become loose. The joint, well-coordinated work of the running and combat mechanisms operates flawlessly until the winding of both springs ends. When the winding of the striking spring ends, clock striking appears to be violated. If clock striking will be broken, then it is restored by turning the minute hand in the direction of its movement.

Testing the accuracy of wall clocks

In our watch workshop you can test the accuracy of a wall clock. As a result of testing, it can be determined whether the clock needs adjustment, i.e. determine the maximum instantaneous daily movement of the clock. When adjusting the watch, it is necessary to take into account changes that could occur in the watch during long-term use: an increase in the viscosity of the lubricant, an increase in friction due to contamination of the mechanism, a decrease in the torque of the mainspring.

Adjustment of stroke accuracy

Adjusting the accuracy of the stroke is a very important process, which is best left to an experienced master. Therefore, if your watch does not run accurately and you need professional adjustment of the accuracy, contact our watch workshop. Our experienced craftsmen are well aware of all the intricacies of watchmaking. A watchmaker will adjust the timing of your wall clock with acceptable accuracy.

If you have purchased a mechanical watch and want it to maintain its functionality for a long time and not stop at the most inopportune moment, then you need to monitor its winding from time to time.

Distinctive features of mechanical watches

It should be noted that most copies do not have an automatic winding system. Then the question arises: how should you wind a mechanical watch of this type yourself? Mechanical plant is considered their main distinguishing feature.

The main quality by which products differ from each other is the presence or absence of an automatic watch winding system. It puts the device into operation without human intervention and is not available in every watch, so in most cases you need to maintain the proper operation of the product yourself. But how to wind a mechanical wristwatch correctly so that it ultimately works accurately and smoothly?

How to wind a mechanical watch without an automatic winding system?

Mechanical watches are a common type of jewelry for both men and women. Every person wants to learn in detail how to wind a mechanical wristwatch so that it has practicality and quality in operation. All work can be done in a simple way.

It is necessary to wind it exclusively clockwise, and the product should first be removed from the hand, since this can reduce the load on the mechanism and create all the conditions for comfortable adjustment.

If, due to the sensitivity of the design, you do not know what power reserve is present, then 3-5 turns on the crown will be enough to restore the required operating mode. You will understand that there are already enough revolutions only when you feel the resistance of the crown. If such an obstacle occurs, the plant must be stopped immediately so as not to damage the internal mechanism.

Many owners prefer to start the product in the morning or evening. Of course, there are no traditions here regarding how to wind a mechanical watch. It’s just that it is during such periods that enough time is provided for a full-fledged factory and setting up the product.

Practice shows that with careful maintenance of watches and timely winding, they can retain their technical data longer. Due to this, the user can enjoy the best qualities of his product.

How to properly wind a mechanical watch with a self-winding system?

As a rule, the automatic winding system independently corrects the performance of the device if it is regularly worn on the hand. In order to decide how to wind a mechanical watch with such an internal system, it is worth highlighting the following important rules:

  • If you constantly wear a watch on your wrist, then there is no need to think about winding it.
  • If you haven’t used your watch for a day, that is, you haven’t put it on your hand, then you can restore functionality with three turns of the crown. But if this amount was not enough, then do more, the main thing is that the mechanism becomes functional again.

As a rule, an automatic winding system can ensure high-quality operation of the device for 24 hours, but here everything can depend on the intensity of wearing it on the hand.

Is there a need to wind the watch when leaving it in storage?

If the need arises to move the arrows, the following extremely important rules must be taken into account:

  • If a day has not yet passed since the last restart, then there is no need to restart the device, since the system is working correctly.
  • When moving the hand, it is necessary to carry out all work carefully and gradually, since a sharp and prolonged movement of the hand can damage the minute trigger, which will lead to a disruption in the usual way of working.
  • And remember the most important thing is that you only need to turn the crown forward, since this is how the mechanism is not damaged, but is adjusted for further convenient use.

So, how to wind a mechanical watch? This question arises in the mind of every owner of this accessory, since sooner or later the equipment needs maintenance and certain diagnostic work. Many users of mechanical wristwatches are interested: is it possible to move the hands back or do they only need to be moved forward to correct the condition? In fact, you can set the time with any movement of the arrow, but it is best to do this in the direction where fewer revolutions are required.

When setting the time on a mechanical watch, you need to turn the hand not in one long movement, but in several. This should be done intermittently so as not to create a danger to the internal parts being used.

If you need to change the date in the calendar, then in this case you need to adjust it manually, without sudden movements, since the mechanism is not designed to withstand high speeds during operation and adjustment.

And remember that you only need to wind mechanical watches without an automatic winding system, since devices of the latter type can cope with the settings on their own. And the information presented above will help you understand how to wind a mechanical watch correctly and quickly.

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