What complaints does Rospotrebnadzor accept? How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor in various situations: sample

In the event of a conflict situation with the seller, the consumer can protect his rights by contacting Rospotrebnadzor. The organization operates at the federal level, having its representative offices in all regions of the country.

Supervisory responsibilities include reviewing consumer applications, conducting examinations and issuing an opinion on the merits of the claim. Rospotrebnadzor has the authority to conduct unscheduled inspections based on signals from citizens and make determinations against organizations that have violated trade regulations.

The Chief Supervisory Authority is established to protect the rights of consumers in all consumer transactions, including consumer goods and services. The presence of claims against medical, banking, and utility organizations are also considered upon submission of an application.

Violation of the rules of the hostel by neighbors and the management company, construction or insurance companies requires an appeal to the main supervisory authority for consumer protection.

In modern conditions, you can use the services of the official portal on the Internet. By submitting an application online, you can count on a timely and thorough investigation. The scope of tasks and official responsibilities that Rospotrebnadzor solves is includes the following areas:

  • consultation of citizens on consumer rights, receiving applications and complaints;
  • control over the implementation of various types of trade promotions, promotional events and receipt of prizes;
  • sanitary control of public, social and civil institutions;
  • checking the quality of food products from all trade segments;
  • test purchases and unscheduled inspections at public catering establishments;
  • health checks of foreign citizens arriving in our country for work and residence;
  • compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, control of the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • prevention and warning of the population in the field of healthy lifestyle and epidemic prevention.

Despite such an extensive list of tasks, the majority of citizen complaints concern conflicts with trade structures and companies providing consumer services.

When a buyer has purchased low-quality goods or services, the first step is to establish an authority that will deal with the problem. Of course, you can file a claim in court if there are good reasons. But conducting a pre-trial review helps resolve the issue faster and no less effectively. Moreover, the court has a positive attitude towards the fact that the plaintiff, represented by the consumer, tried to resolve the dispute peacefully, and has in hand the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.

A statement of violation of consumer rights must be strictly reasoned, exclude emotions and be supported by factual materials. The applicant should remember that a groundless complaint will not be allowed for consideration; if there are errors or unclear points, it will be returned for revision. The consumer has the opportunity to make a claim if the seller refuses to comply with the terms of the trade regulations established by the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Basic provisions of the law consist of the following legal provisions:

  • 1. The buyer has the right to quality goods and services. The seller is obliged to notify about the presence of defects before concluding the transaction, while reducing the price of the goods.
  • 2. Safety is one of the main conditions of purchase. The presence of qualities and characteristics of a product that threaten the health and life of the buyer leads to criminal liability for the seller.
  • 3. The seller must provide documentary and information services to familiarize the purchaser with the properties of items and services. In this case, it does not matter when or whether the citizen intends to purchase products at all.
  • 4. The seller is directly responsible to the buyer for poor quality goods. Goods of good quality can also be returned within the established time frame without explanation.

The applicant must indicate what he expects as a result of the inspection and what violation he draws the attention of the supervisory authority to.

A fair indication of the violations that affected a specific person will help other buyers not to fall for a low-quality product. This is due to the fact that filing an application sometimes triggers an unscheduled due diligence audit of the trading organization. Identified violations result in significant fines for those found guilty of non-compliance with trading rules. The presence of several statements from independent citizens about violations of one legal entity under control will allow the closure of a retail outlet for several months and the imposition of large fines.

Information received by Rospotrebnadzor from dissatisfied consumers undergoes strict control and verification. Sometimes independent examinations are required to confirm or reject the seller’s guilt. Participants in the conflict should be aware that the payment for the work of experts is ultimately made by the losing side. Before proceeding with the dispute, certain steps must be taken:

  • try to resolve the issue peacefully. Explain to the other party to the conflict all the consequences of contacting the supervisory authorities. The work carried out must be documented, which will allow you to substantiate your position when writing a complaint;
  • a complaint is a legal document, so you should exclude emotions and focus on the essence of the matter. The description of the situation should be consistent, but brief enough;
  • the application must contain references to legal provisions. It is necessary to indicate what rules and laws the opposing party violated;
  • decide on the review period. The standard request is to resolve the claim within 10 days;
  • the evidence base must be present in full, copies of receipts, checks, and other documents confirming the purchase must be attached. If there is no proof of payment, evidence of a purchase made at the point of sale may be required.

It will not be possible to file a complaint anonymously or without evidence, since such statements are not accepted for consideration. An entry in the book of complaints and suggestions, which must be present at each outlet, is sufficiently convincing for the supervisory organization.

How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Applications from citizens are accepted online on the official portal of Rospotrebnadzor. The text of the appeal must contain the necessary information regarding the claim. An example would be a discrepancy between the price, grade, and other characteristics of the purchased product stated in the price tag or invoice. You will need to indicate a specific name, attach a photo of the payment document and, if possible, the price tag. The displayed discrepancy will be the main argument for starting the check.

When writing an application on the official portal, you should adhere to established sequence when filling:

  • select the “Rospotrebnadzor” tab;
  • sequentially go to “Appeal from citizens”;
  • followed by “Appeal Form”;
  • You should fill in all the required fields, try not to put dashes or empty lines;
  • attach photographs taken regarding the case;
  • write your email address;
  • Enter the code and submit your application by pressing a key.

Contents and form of filing a complaint

An electronic application is accepted for consideration if there are grounds. If the complaint is rejected for objective reasons, the applicant will receive a response indicating the reason for the refusal. Basically, the reasons are insufficient evidence, unclear and illiterate treatment. Therefore, before sending a complaint, you should weigh all available arguments and build a logical connection between the violated rights and the appeal to Rospotrebnadzor.

The consumer has the right to point out existing violations by referring to articles of the law, but professional control bodies will draw conclusions.

You should not write that as a result of what happened, the buyer demands that the trade organization be closed; Rospotrebnadzor will draw such conclusions independently during the verification of the complaint. If you have a problem and your rights have been violated, do not delay contacting us; they will always help you and sort out the situation.

Drawing up complaints to Rospotrebnadzor

Problems constantly arise in the consumer market. Unpolite staff, discrepancies between the prices at the checkout and the information on the price tags, low-quality goods and services. A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor will solve many problems, protect your rights and punish negligent workers. Read more about how to properly file such a complaint online via the Internet and in the usual ways in our material.

Functions of Rospotrebnadzor

The Rospotrebnadzor Office is a government body that monitors compliance with rules and regulations in the consumer sector. This body protects the consumer rights of every citizen. In other words, the organization controls everything in situations where a person purchases or sells goods and services. Let's understand the functions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

Inspection of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the consumer market This includes inspections of businesses in the catering sector - various canteens, cafes and restaurants, no matter what level or segment.

The sale of food products is also within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor - from a stall and a small shop to the largest hypermarkets and malls.

Private and public medical institutions are also under the supervision of the service.

The department also monitors the activities of any organizations providing services - from management companies to hotels and airports.

Protection of citizens' rights Rospotrebnadzor employees are required to respond to consumer complaints to Rospotrebnadzor for the protection of consumer rights. They sold a low-quality product, provided a low-quality service, refused to fulfill the legitimate requirements of the buyer - all this can be complained to the Rospotrebnadzor department.
Study of viruses and bacteria in goods, epidemic control Employees of the Rospotrebnadzor department are also involved in checking the quality of products, so the presence of pathogens in food and other products is also their function.
Control of inspection of imported goods Low-quality and dangerous plastic in toys, illegal sales of imported raw materials - these problems can be addressed to Rospotrebnadzor.
Implementing quarantine and checking for infections The management department of Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for monitoring the epidemiological situation in the country as a whole and in certain localities in particular. Epidemics of intestinal infections, influenza and other things - all this is controlled by this body.
Improving the well-being and health of residents Rospotrebnadzor must make proposals to improve the health situation of citizens every reporting period established by the government. If there is a difficult situation in your area of ​​the city, for example, with air emissions from a certain enterprise, you can write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and it is likely that the employees will be able to help resolve this issue.

Grounds for a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

The law does not establish restrictions on topics for complaints to Rospotrebnadzor. You can study the functions of the body, decide whether your complaint is related to the provision of services, sale of goods, well-being and health. If yes, you can prepare an appeal. But still there are several restrictions.

  • An anonymous complaint to Rospotrebnadzor will not be a reason for inspection. This is stated in Federal Law No. 277. If the person who sent the complaint cannot be identified, then appeals and statements will not be a reason for an unscheduled inspection. There is a caveat - anonymous complaints are possible through publications in the media.
  • You also need to understand that even after the start of the verification, it turns out that the application contains deliberately false information or simply unreliable information, the verification process will be terminated. Moreover, in this case, the Rospotrebnadzor department may, through the court, recover from the applicant the funds spent on the inspection. Therefore, there is no point in lying and slandering.
  • From January 1, 2017, before writing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, a consumer must contact a legal entity with a claim to eliminate violations of consumer rights. If this has been done, but the legal entity has not complied with the requirements, then you can already prepare a complaint - then it will be legitimate. Read more in the information about new requirements for consumer requests for unscheduled inspections.

The reason for this innovation is the change in Federal Law 277, which protects the rights of legal entities.

How to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor?

We decide which territorial department we are sending the complaint to. Depends on where you live or the location of the entity against which you are filing a complaint. In any case, if there is any mistake with the choice of location, the complaint will be transferred to the correct department through internal channels.
Contact details for the local office can be found on the department's official website. Select the desired region from the list. On the right is the branch address. If you click on the name of the region, you will be taken to the website of the desired territorial office.

There are several ways to submit a complaint to the consumer watchdog.

  • You can submit your application in person after finding out the office hours of the department you need. Information is available both on the website of the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor and on information stands in the department.
  • Registered mail is also allowed - send with return receipt requested.
  • The easiest way to send a complaint is to write an appeal using a special form on the official website of the department. Each complaint is registered, after sending you should receive a notification that the complaint has been accepted. Unfortunately, the form on the site often malfunctions, and after filling out all the fields, the information may be lost and not sent. Therefore, we recommend saving the complaint in a text document and only then trying to send it.
  • If you are registered on the State Services portal, you can write a request through a special form on this site. Moreover, in this situation, specialists will work faster - after all, your passport data is checked at the stage of registration on the portal, so there is no need to waste time on this procedure.
  • Emails are also accepted - find out the desired address on the official website of the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Finally, if you have a fax machine, you can send a fax request. But to do this, you will have to call the reception and make sure that the fax works in the branch you need.
  • There is also a hotline for the management of Rospotrebnadzor, where they can advise on the intricacies of your particular request and suggest the necessary contact information: 8-800-100-1858.

Having decided how the appeal will be sent, begin to draft it, taking into account the requirements of the law, the civil code and the subject area of ​​the complaint.

There are general requirements for any complaint that is sent to the executive authority that monitors the implementation of the law and respect for the rights of citizens.

The complaint must include:

  1. In the header is the name of the body where the complaint is being written. If this is possible, then it is worth indicating the official. The easiest way is to copy the data from the territorial administration website. So we write: to the head of a department of such and such a department of Rospotrebnadzor for such and such an area. Don't know your boss's first and last name? Just write to the head of the department.
  2. You are required to indicate your data - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth. It is not necessary to rewrite your passport data.
  3. Please indicate the address to which the response to your request will be sent. Indicate the exact postal address, including zip code (you can find it by address using search sites). Additionally, you can indicate your email address and contact phone number, where specialists can clarify the information from the complaint.
  4. Indicate the date the complaint was written and indicate your signature, surname and initials at the bottom of the document.

How to submit a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor so that it is not rejected? If you claim something in your complaint, it is advisable to back it up with evidence. Make copies of the necessary documents (checks, etc.) that confirm your information, and attach them to the printed letter. If you are sending your request via email, please attach scanned copies. We invite you to familiarize yourself with an example of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor ().

It sets out the basic laws that are used to protect you in the consumer market. All you have to do is fill out the subject area - describe the essence of your complaint, briefly and without emotion, outline the entire chronology of events that forced you to demand the restoration of your rights.

Nuances of complaints against various organizations

Of course, a complaint against the management company to Rospotrebnadzor will be different from a complaint against neighbors (for example, here is more detail on that). Let's look at the main nuances of applying to various organizations.

Complaints about low-quality products

In order to competently protect your rights in the field of selling goods to consumers, you will have to familiarize yourself with the second chapter of the “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.” So, it specifies various standards that will allow you to defend your opinion and save money and time.

  • Your rights as a consumer are specified in Article No. 18 - there you can read about what you should write if you are preparing a complaint against a store to Rospotrebnadzor if you purchased a non-working TV or other product.
  • Article No. 19 talks about the time frame that you have to put forward demands to the owner of the enterprise.
  • In the articles, you will learn in what time frame a defect in your product must be eliminated and a replacement for a bad product must be made. This mainly helps when writing a complaint about an online store to Rospotrebnadzor. Electronic trading platforms like to delay deadlines and try not to change the product, taking advantage of the fact that they are far from the consumer.

Complaints about poor quality services

  • Complaints to Rospotrebnadzor regarding housing and communal services, according to the body itself, have become almost the most popular in Russia. You need to understand that the service provided under the contract must be performed in full. If you pay for heating, it means it must be supplied all season. Water, gas, electricity, housing maintenance - all this can be resolved with the help of an application to the authority in question.
  • Few people know, but a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against a bank can help in imposing loan insurance. For example, you take out a mortgage, and the manager says that you cannot get it unless you buy insurance at the same time. This contradicts the third chapter of the consumer protection law. Therefore, you can safely take our example of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, change the word “product” to “service” and describe what is happening. Your rights will be restored.

Complaints about neighbors

If everything is clear with goods and services, then what about the neighbors? Here it will help to understand that consumer supervision authorities monitor not only compliance with the Labor Protection Regulations, but also articles, including the Housing Code. According to Article 30 of this document, every citizen has the right to a peaceful existence in his apartment or house, and the owner of the premises is obliged to maintain the premises in proper condition, as well as to respect the legitimate interests of neighbors.

Study the sample complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against neighbors () - it is slightly different from an application for goods or services, but quite simple. The basic requirements for paper are the same, but there are nuances.

You can complain about:

  • constant cluttering of the apartment with things that smell terrible;
  • the use of the apartment as a hairdressing salon, due to which the house stank of nail polish and other cosmetics;
  • stairwells are closed or constantly dirty;
  • After repairs, the entrance is damaged or dirty.

All this can become a reason and basis for a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against neighbors. Specialists will measure harmful substances in the air, and if your complaint is confirmed, negligent neighbors will be fined and required to eliminate factors that violate the rights of other residents.

Reasons for Rospotrebnadzor’s refusal to consider the complaint

There are cases when Rospotrebnadzor will not consider your complaint.

Competence of other services There are situations when it is not very clear where to complain. For example, your neighbors are doing renovations - it’s terribly noisy and smells of construction materials. If you contact Rospotrebnadzor about the smell, then there will be a problem with the noise. In such a situation, you need to write to the district police officer. Therefore, the noise complaint will remain unanswered and unanswered by officials.
No required details in the complaint You forgot to indicate your full name, address for sending a response to the complaint, and other data.
No substance to the complaint You must understand that a complaint is an official document, so you need to avoid an emotional style of writing, describe everything briefly and without unnecessary information and your “additions.” Just the facts, just the gist.
No confirmations You claim that you were sold a low-quality product, but you do not have it, just as there is no evidence that it was purchased in your store. This is a difficult situation, and the complaint may remain unanswered if you do not at least include a receipt for the purchase. Yes, it is possible to find out whether there was a purchase without a receipt, but you need grounds to start checking.
At first there was no claim against the legal entity By law, you must try to resolve the problems yourself by submitting a complaint to the company. Write a claim in free form, go to the store and hand it in, having received a signed copy. Or send by mail with notification.

If you think that the fact that the Rospotrebnadzor department has not responded within 30 days is illegal, and you have filed a complaint according to the rules, you need to contact the prosecutor’s office with a complaint against Rospotrebnadzor specialists. The appeal to the prosecutor's office is written in free form, indicating your data. It is necessary to attach a copy of the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, to which no response was received.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, compensation for damages from insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.

It happens that after purchasing a product, you notice that it does not meet standards, the non-working state of certain mechanisms, a manufacturing defect (or even an expired product). Arriving at the store, you demand a refund for the product or an exchange of the product for a similar one, but are immediately refused by a careless seller. And for justice to prevail and your legal right to be satisfied, it’s time to write a complaint against a store or enterprise that provides poor-quality service or sells defective goods.

Before writing a complaint, you should thoroughly study the subject of the dispute. In addition, in addition to the law, there is a list of goods that cannot be returned, so if the subject of the dispute is on this list, writing a complaint will be pointless.

How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and against whom?

If you are absolutely sure that a violation has occurred on the part of the seller in the area of ​​trade, feel free to write a complaint. In this case, information on how to properly file a complaint will be useful to you.

Stages of contacting Rospotrebnadzor:

  • 1. Fill out in 2 copies.
  • 2. In the upper right corner of the sheet, indicate the full name of the head of the organization, below is your contact information (an anonymous complaint is not considered by the government agency).
  • 3. Write the word “Complaint” in the center, and below state its essence. Recommendation: make links to articles of laws that, in your opinion, were violated by the culprit.
  • 4. Do not forget to indicate the details of the culprit (full name of the individual entrepreneur, telephone number, legal addresses), if you have such information.

There are such features of filing a complaint with the Office: Rospotrebnadzor from the buyer:

  • we submit a petition to the district authority; Each district has its own Office, for example, in St. Petersburg it is located at st. Stremyannaya, house 19;
  • how to send? – you can do this by registered mail, submit it via the Internet (electronic complaint) or hand it personally to an authorized person;
  • the application is drawn up in the prescribed form (sample can be downloaded);
  • It is advisable to confirm the words of the claim with documents (for example, a check, an agreement, a written refusal from the store, a warranty card).

A letter of dissatisfaction to Rospotrebnadzor can be written not only against a store; it accepts applications against any authorities and companies that do not fulfill their official obligations to taxpayers by selling them low-quality goods or services. The list includes:

  • restaurants or other catering;
  • housing and communal services;
  • tour operators;
  • dentistry;
  • veterinary clinics;
  • dry cleaners;
  • hairdressing salons;
  • Post office;
  • pharmacies, etc.

How to complain to Rospotrebnadzor about debt collectors?

It happens that the collection agency goes too far: it threatens, extracts money by force, breaks into your home, or you are bothered by frequent night calls. Rospotrebnadzor does not consider the activities of such companies to be legal at all, therefore, as soon as you correctly draw up a complaint, the government agency will begin proceedings.

In addition, you can submit a document regarding unlawful actions on the part of debt collectors at:

  • Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • prosecutor's office or police.

Complaint against the developer

More than once, things happen with the developer in such a way that the rights of investors under the equity participation agreement are violated. For example, this could be the imposition of special companies to provide services, payments for housing before the registration of the contract, etc. Such disagreements can be resolved by filing a complaint against the developer.

How can I complain to Rospotrebnadzor about neighbors for noise?

Lawlessness on the part of neighbors in a residential multi-storey building is a frequent occurrence. Constant drinking, noise, smoking on the landing - all these are violations on their part. Therefore, you always have the opportunity to restore order with the help of the competent authorities. You can submit an application:

  • to the district police officer for exceeding the normal noise threshold;
  • to the management company for unauthorized seizure of territories;
  • to the SES for violation of sanitary standards (unsanitary conditions: garbage, cockroaches, etc.);
  • V Rospotrebnadzor for the spread of harmful substances from residents throughout the territory of an apartment building.

The document is drawn up according to a standard template, indicating the full name of the person who is dissatisfied and setting out in detail the current situation.

Can you complain to Rospotrebnadzor about a bank?

Many banks distort information about commissions, impose additional services and do their best to hide important information from the client. Example: you may have claims against the bank for imposed insurance, for a loan agreement, for charging a one-time fee for opening an account, and much more. After receiving a complaint against the bank Rospotrebnadzor checks contracts and conducts investigations. If the bank is found to be at fault, fines will be imposed on it, and in some cases the financial institution will lose its license.

To the service center

When our equipment breaks down, we immediately send it to a service center for repairs. But it’s not all that simple: they may unreasonably increase the price of repairs (not according to the price list), delay the delivery of the object for a long time, or not accept it for warranty repairs. The worst thing is when you pick up your item, and after a couple of days it stops functioning again. There is a way out - contact a higher authority Rospotrebnadzor with a claim.

To the insurance

It happens that when you provide documents to the insurance company regarding an incident (for example, under compulsory motor liability insurance), you are denied repairs or insurance payment. In addition, there may be such violations:

  • refusal to enter into a contract with you;
  • violation of the deadlines for consideration of your application;
  • inflated insurance rates and demands to pay additional money;
  • imposition of other insurance products.

Important! IN Rospotrebnadzor Only individuals can write a letter!

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Before you start filing a complaint, you need to find out the address and name of the Rospotrebnadzor body that corresponds to your region. In each subject, this state structure has its own territorial divisions.

Cases of appeal Sample complaint to Rospotrebnadzor Comments

The application is drawn up according to the standard scheme and must include the following items:
  1. Where and from whom the complaint was filed (it is important to indicate not only your full name, but also contact information: address of actual residence, telephone and email if desired).
  2. The descriptive part – i.e. the actual text of the complaint. Here it is important to adhere to an official business style, describe the situation in as much detail as possible and, if possible, provide links to regulations, federal and local laws that were violated by the seller.
  3. Contents of the request: to deal with the seller’s dishonest behavior, as well as to take specific measures against him and send a written response with the result to the specified address (or email).
  4. Next, you need to attach copies of the relevant documents that prove the fact of purchase of the goods and other circumstances (most often this is a receipt).
  5. Date, signature.
Exchange or return of goods with significant quality defects
In this case, the application should indicate in detail what exactly you are not satisfied with about the product. This can be any external feature (style, color, size, size) or technical characteristics, as well as equipment.
Incorrect product information provided
This is a direct violation of the law, so the buyer may demand an immediate refund or exchange for another product. If he has incurred losses associated with the use of goods about which he did not know essential data due to the fault of the seller, then the latter is also obliged to compensate them. You can also demand compensation for moral damage, but in court. A citizen is entitled to payment of a penalty in cases where the exchange for a new product did not take place on the same day. The penalty is calculated every day in the amount of 1% of the original purchase amount.
Providing poor quality medical services
In this case, the consequences of poor-quality services are harmful to health, so the consumer has the right to demand complete elimination of the consequences - free treatment at the expense of the clinic, as well as compensation for moral damages. If the requirements are not fulfilled voluntarily, the citizen has the right to demand a fine from the clinic through the court (it is half the amount awarded to the plaintiff).
Failures in technical goods
In such a situation, the buyer must discover the fact of a breakdown or violation of the design of a technically complex product independently within a maximum of 15 calendar days from the date of purchase. A citizen may request an exchange of goods or a full refund.

The main requirement for the text is to follow the norms of official business style, as well as substantiate your statements and requirements with references to relevant laws, regulations, instructions and other valid documents.

Below are examples of correctly drafted complaints to Rospotrebnadzor departments in terms of clarity, detail and consistency of description, as well as the validity of the requirements using legislation.

Subject of the appeal Example of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor
Refusal to return money for goods
An example of a request regarding a credit card that the bank imposed on a client.

In what cases is it necessary to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor?

There is a fairly widespread idea that contacting the Rospotrebnadzor authorities and other regulatory structures is possible only if a low-quality product has been sold or a consumer’s right has been clearly violated in some other way. In fact, the concept of consumer should be understood in a broad sense: in fact, every time a citizen becomes a client, he also assumes the role of consumer of a product or service.

Therefore, in general, it should be understood that it makes sense to contact Rospotrebnadzor for any significant violation of consumer rights:

  • poor quality product;
  • goods beyond their expiration date;
  • poor quality service;
  • cases of unreasonable delays in the provision of goods or services;
  • the seller’s refusal to explain his actions in case of unforeseen situations;
  • providing incorrect information about a product or service.

The standard time frame for reviewing a complaint is 30 calendar days, however, in some cases it may be increased, of which the citizen must receive a written notification from a representative of Rospotrebnadzor.

Not only a private citizen, but also any other person (individual entrepreneur, firm, company, public organization, religious association and all other legal entities) can submit an appeal.

What can you ask for?

The buyer may demand a choice of one of the possible solutions to his situation, without motivating the reason for his decision in any way:

  1. Exchange of goods for exactly the same or similar ones within the same value.
  2. Exchange of goods for another, having similar functions, with recalculation of the price (as in b O up and down). For example, replacing a purchased refrigerator with another with similar technical parameters, but at a lower cost, entails the seller’s obligation to exchange the product and reimburse the difference in price. If such a product is not available on the day of request, and the consumer does not intend to wait for it to arrive, he may demand monetary compensation.
  3. Reducing the cost of goods with compensation for the corresponding difference.
  4. Elimination of comments on the quality of the goods at the expense of the seller.
  5. Full refund of the cost of the goods.

Ways to file a complaint

As of 2019, there are several ways to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, and in any case, a citizen is required to draw up a written application and attach all the necessary documents (for example, a check):

  1. Personal visit to the Rospotrebnadzor office. In this case, it is important to clarify visiting days and hours in advance.
  2. Visit to the MFC – in some cities, you can also submit an application with a complaint at government service centers, but it is better to clarify this possibility in advance by calling the MFC. It is important to take into account that the processing time for the application will increase by at least 2 business days, since the request will be sent from the center to Rospotrebnadzor, and the response message will be sent in the reverse order.
  3. Via Russian Post or other delivery service. In this case, a registered letter must be sent, and an inventory with all documents, indicating their quantity and form (original or copy) is also attached to the envelope itself.
  4. By fax - this method is possible if the Rospotrebnadzor office has the appropriate equipment. Usually the application is sent to organizations this way.
  5. Finally, the most convenient way is to contact the Rospotrebnadzor website. It is important to note that all necessary documents attached to the letter must be scanned. A simple form is filled out, and the request is instantly sent to the address.
  6. Another option for online appeal is filing a complaint through the State Services portal.

However, in this case, you need to have a personal account: users who are not registered on the portal will not be able to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor in this way.

  1. And another option for online appeal is to send an email to the mail of the territorial office of Rospotrebnadzor, the address of which can also be found on its website.

What to do if your application is refused

Representatives of Rospotrebnadzor do not have the right to refuse to accept an application even in cases where, in addition to the application itself, the consumer was unable to provide any evidence of the purchase. However, in this case there is a high probability that the application will be rejected.

If, based on the results of the audit, your stated requirements were denied, you can use several options for further actions:

  1. Submit a repeated complaint with the help of a public or legal organization. In many cities there are societies for the protection of consumer rights and other organizations that provide assistance to citizens on a paid or free basis. Accordingly, service specialists will be able to competently advise and even represent your interests in Rospotrebnadzor by sending a complaint on your behalf.
  2. Draw up an appeal to local or federal deputies in order to conduct an inspection of the seller, as well as the actions of representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, who left the complaint without consideration.
  3. The last resort, as in other cases, is to go to court. In this case, the fact of contacting Rospotrebnadzor and the fact of refusal will serve as additional evidence in the proceedings.

The fact of refusal to satisfy a complaint is recorded in writing and sent to the citizen by physical or e-mail, depending on the method of its consideration. The document must be preserved for further proceedings.

Answers to frequently asked questions

When making a purchase of a product or purchasing a service, a citizen becomes the buyer’s party in a purchase and sale agreement with the seller (store, bank, hospital, etc.). Therefore, it is important to understand the legal implications of this step in dealing with unforeseen situations. Below are examples of the most common cases, questions and answers to them.

  1. How to prove a purchase without a receipt: This is a fairly common phenomenon: when purchasing a product, the buyer does not save the receipt. First of all, it is important to understand that you can complain to Rospotrebnadzor and other structures in this case, but it will be more difficult to prove the fact of the purchase. Typically, witness testimony and bank statements are used to prove that a purchase was actually made in the store (if the payment was made by cashless payment).
  2. How to file a claim regarding the provision of poor-quality services by a travel company: First of all, in these cases, a citizen can contact the company itself - this must be done within 20 calendar days from the date of termination of the contract. A company representative must review the application within 10 calendar days. However, this step is optional - you can immediately send a claim to Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. If you purchased a product for which the instructions are in a foreign language, but do not have a Russian version: in these cases, the buyer also has the right to appeal, since an essential requirement is violated. You can count on an exchange of goods or a refund.
  4. Who pays for the examination of goods: There are two concepts - checking the quality of goods and examination. Quality checks are carried out free of charge for the buyer - for example, at the service, upon purchase, the citizen is shown that the electrical device is working properly and has all the necessary parts included. The examination is carried out at the request of Rospotrebnadzor and at the expense of the seller. Challenging the examination in court can only take place at the buyer’s initiative, but at his expense.
  5. If the product does not fit: Exchange of goods is possible within 2 weeks from the date of purchase, but there are a number of restrictions:
  • the item must retain its presentation and be in full working order;
  • All factory labels, instructions, other documents and marks must be preserved;
  • the sales receipt must be kept (in some cases, stores may, but are not obligated to, make a concession to the buyer);
  • Food, personal items, perfumes, textiles, household furniture and some other goods are not subject to exchange.
  1. A product was accidentally damaged in a supermarket: do I need to pay for it? This is a very common situation, and the law in this case takes the side of the consumer. If the item was damaged accidentally (i.e. not as a result of hooligan actions), such risks lie solely with the seller.
  2. The item was purchased on sale, and the seller warned in advance that it cannot be exchanged. This case is an example of the illegal behavior of the seller, since he is obliged to exchange any product except food, clothing, textiles, etc. (discussed above).

To be able to competently protect your interests is the task of any consumer. And since the risks of purchasing a low-quality product or service always exist, it is better to study in advance how to act in such situations.

Every person is a consumer of goods and services. If his rights and interests in this area are violated, he can contact Rospotrebnadzor.

Another important function of this service is sanitary and epidemiological control. Violations of various sanitary standards can also cause a complaint.

But when drawing up an application to Rospotrebnadzor, you must follow certain rules and take into account a number of nuances in order for it to bring the desired result.


Rospotrebnadzor is an executive authority. Its task is to monitor compliance with sanitary standards and consumer rights.

Citizens have every right to contact the organization with a complaint in case of any violations in this area.

A complaint is a statement by a citizen, which contains demands to eliminate violations of his rights and interests.

Having received such a request, it must be registered without fail, the necessary verification must be carried out and a written response given based on its results.

If the person’s requirements are satisfied, the response should contain a list of measures taken. Refusal must also be motivated.

In some cases, not only complaints are sent to Rospotrebnadzor. He also issues various expert opinions.

For example, an application for a sanitary and epidemiological certificate will no longer constitute a complaint.

Unfortunately, citizens often abuse consumer rights. They often try to gain income through litigation with the seller.

Often the store agrees, even in pre-trial proceedings, not only to return the money, but also to pay compensation so as not to waste time.

When making clearly far-fetched demands, you should not expect them to be satisfied.

Legal basis

The right of every person to contact any government bodies, including Rospotrebnadzor, is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

These applications must be accepted and considered in compliance with the norms of Federal Law No. 59-FZ.

Also, during the procedure, employees of the organization must comply with internal regulations and rules.

It does not always make sense to immediately file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or a lawsuit in court.

By filing a claim with the seller (service provider), you can often resolve the problem much faster.

Who can write a complaint

Any person whose rights or interests have been violated can contact Rospotrebnadzor.

Of course, you need to justify your appeal. Simply expressing your dissatisfaction and demands is not enough.

Complaints from organizations regarding consumer protection issues will not be accepted. The relevant law does not apply to them.

But various statements from legal entities regarding compliance with sanitary standards and rules are quite possible.

In what cases

The majority of complaints are related to the fact that a low-quality product was sold to the consumer.

But this is not the only situation when it makes sense to contact this government agency. Its functions are actually quite wide.

Let's consider in what cases you can contact Rospotrebnadzor with an application:

If an application is sent to Rospotrebnadzor, which it does not have the authority to consider, then it must be forwarded to the appropriate government agency. In this case, a notification is sent to the applicant.

How to submit an appeal

The application can be submitted in person by contacting the office staff and registering the document.

It is also possible to submit an appeal when attending a personal reception of citizens by the relevant official.

In any case, you must receive a note of acceptance of the application on its copy. This will avoid a situation where a document is left unattended due to “forgetfulness.”

You can also send any application to Rospotrebnadzor by registered mail by regular mail.

It should be taken into account that delivery even within one locality will take some time.

In this case, postal receipts and notifications will be confirmation of the submission of the application.

Is it possible online

Rospotrebnadzor also accepts applications from citizens via the Internet. You can submit them using a special section on the official website of the government agency.

Such requests must be registered and considered in accordance with the general procedure. A response based on the results will be sent by regular mail or email.

But you need to take into account that if it is necessary to carry out a check on the application, you will need to undergo authorization through the State Services service before submitting it.

Terms of consideration

Using an example of a ready-made application as a template, you can prepare your own application much faster, since most of the questions regarding registration will disappear on their own.

But we should not forget about the need to justify the reasons for the appeal and a detailed statement of the entire essence of the claim. You still have to do this yourself.

Advice. If difficulties arise with preparing the application, then you should contact Rospotrebnadzor employees for oral advice.

How to compose correctly

When drawing up an application against the management company () or any other complaint, you should be guided by the rules and regulations established in Federal Law No. 59.

It is necessary to indicate your full name. and the address of the applicant, he must also sign at the end of the document.

Anonymous requests will not be considered.

You must not include obscene expressions, insults or threats in your application. This may also be a reason for refusing to consider the application.

Although the legislation does not establish clear requirements for document execution, experts also recommend adhering to the established scheme for such statements.

We give an approximate structure of an appeal to Rospotrebnadzor in the following table:

Part of the statement Content Note
Introductory Details of the addressee (Territorial Office of Rospotrebnadzor) and applicant (full name and address) It is also highly advisable to provide a contact phone number. There may be several applicants
Main Description of the violations that caused the application A detailed statement of all facts, circumstances, links to evidence, etc.
Final List of applications, date of compilation and signature of the applicant If possible, photographs and video recordings confirming the information specified in the grounds for complaints should be attached.

About violation of consumer rights

Selling low-quality goods or providing services in violation of current rules and regulations, lack of mandatory information, unlawful refusals of service, etc. - all these are violations of consumer rights.

Rospotrebnadzor must accept a complaint related to violation of the Health Protection Regulations. Conduct an inspection and take measures to eliminate violations, for example, by issuing an order to the organization providing the services.

Having secured the support of Rospotrebnadzor, it will be easier for the applicant, if necessary, to defend his position in court.

About violation of sanitary standards

Compliance with sanitary standards when providing various services (medical, communal, educational) is mandatory.

Otherwise, there may be a threat to the life and health of people. Previously, the SES was responsible for checking compliance with such standards. But at the moment, their functions have been transferred to Rospotrebnadzor.

According to the application, an inspection must be carried out, the necessary tests must be taken and relevant studies must be carried out.

After this, a conclusion will be drawn up and the organization can bring the offender to justice.

Although writing an application to Rospotrebnadzor may seem like a simple procedure,It is imperative to pay attention to the basis of the complaint. Only a substantiated statement will bring the desired result.

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