What seas is the Russian Federation washed by? What seas wash Russia: their characteristics and features

– country with plenty of natural waters, a developed network of rivers and lakes. The country's water coast has a length of almost 60 thousand km.

However, abundant water reserves are divided very unevenly across its area. The largest number of rivers are located in cold and elevated regions, and the smallest in the southern regions.

Maritime boundaries

What waters wash the shores of the Russian Federation?

The lands of the Russian Federation are washed several seas connecting with the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The deepest sea– Beringovo (4150 m). In winter, its temperature varies from -1.5 to +3 degrees, in the hot months from +4 to +11. The Sea of ​​Japan has an average depth of 1535 m. Winter temperatures vary from 0 to +4 degrees, in summer from +18 to +25. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk has a size of 3522 m. The temperature in the cold season is from -1 to +1, in the summer from +3 to +7 degrees.

Atlantic Basin

In this connection there are the Black, Baltic and Azov seas. They are located in the mainland zone, and communicate with the ocean thanks to a large number of channels.

The Black Sea is the warmest of all the seas that are part of the Russian Federation. The degree of warmth in winter is from 0 to +7 degrees, in summer from +25 to +30 degrees. The greatest depth of the sea is 2210 m. The sea lies in the caldera of the earth's crust, next to which the mainland is located.

The Baltic Sea is the most western of all Russian seas. The depth is only 470 m. Winter temperatures range from -1 degrees, in summer from +18 to +20 degrees.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest and small in area sea ​​on Earth. The maximum depth is a ridiculous 13 m. Due to its size, the temperature in winter does not drop below 0 degrees; in summer, the waters heat up to +30 degrees.

Where is the Black Sea?

Black Sea coast in Russia is located in the coastal strip, starting from the eastern and southern coasts of Crimea to the Taman Peninsula. Most The coastal zone of the Black Sea coast is located in the subtropics; also, the largest number of resort areas are located here.

Interesting facts: the warmest, smallest and largest water area on the lands of the Russian Federation

The warmest The Black and Azov seas are considered to be the seas of Russia.

The Black Sea coastal strip lies in the subtropics, which are softened by the presence of the sea - summers are usually hot and dry, and winters are mild and do not skimp on rain. Winds in the Black Sea in winter are dominated by northeastern winds, causing a significant drop in temperature. The normal water temperature in summer is +25, in winter +3.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the smallest in the world. Water temperature in winter is from 0 to +6, in summer from +23 to +27. This sea is great for family holidays, as the chemical composition of the waters is rich in useful minerals and trace elements.

The Sea of ​​Azov - in the following video:

The Bering Sea is considered the largest water area on the lands of the Russian Federation. The size of this sea is almost 2315 thousand square meters. km, average depth - 1600 m. The sea divides Eurasia and the United States in the North Pacific Ocean. It got its name from the researcher V. Bering. Long before his research, the sea was called Bobrovoe and Kamchatka.

Bering Sea located immediately in three climatic zones. The Anadyr and Yukon rivers enter its waters. The sea is covered with ice for a significant part of the year.

South America is the fourth largest continent, connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama. Due to its relatively small size, most countries of the continent have access to ocean waters. The seas and oceans surrounding South America include the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Caribbean Sea in the north.

Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and oldest on the globe, its area is 178 million square meters. km. It occupies such an impressive territory that it could easily accommodate all the continents combined.

The endless Pacific Ocean owes its name to the great navigator Feranan Magellan, who was lucky to travel in calm and calm weather. However, this does not mean at all that the Pacific Ocean is distinguished by a gentle disposition - it, like other oceans, is often subject to strong storms and storms.

Despite the fact that the first studies of the Pacific coast of South America were undertaken several centuries ago, this issue was seriously addressed only in the 19th century, and continues to be pursued to this day.

The weather off the coast of South America is most often calm, stable, with little wind. Periodically it gives way to strong warm showers.

Rice. 1. Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean plays a large role in the economy of South American countries. Most of them have been fishing for commercial fish, obtaining crabs, shellfish, and edible types of algae for many years.

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Atlantic Ocean

If you look at the map, you can see that the eastern coast of South America is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In area it is almost half the size of the Pacific Ocean and occupies 92 million square meters. km. Its distinctive feature is that it unites the polar zones of the planet.

The Mid-Atlantic Mountain Range runs through the very center of the ocean. Its highest peaks are visible on the surface of the water: various islands of volcanic nature, among which the most famous is Iceland.

Off the coast of South America is the deepest point of the Atlantic Ocean - the famous Puerto Rico Trench, whose depth reaches 8742 m.

Rice. 2. Puerto Rico Trench

In the place where the waters of the Atlantic and the Amazon River meet, the water is characterized by low salinity and turbidity. For this reason, corals do not grow in this part of the ocean, but there are a lot of other representatives of oceanic flora and fauna here.

It is noteworthy that at the time of the great geographical discoveries, the Atlantic Ocean was the most important waterway to the shores of South America.

Caribbean Sea

The Caribbean Sea is of great value for the socio-economic development of many countries in South America. Its area is 2 million square meters. km, and its seabed contains rich oil deposits.

The Caribbean coast is also of interest as one of the most luxurious resort areas in the world. Washing the shores of Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and many other countries, the Caribbean Sea is a popular destination for lovers of sea cruises. The local beaches are very picturesque and attract tourists from all over the world.

The underwater world is incredibly rich and diverse. There are many beautiful coral reefs here, among which colorful tropical fish and amazing marine animals scurry about. The coastal area of ​​the Caribbean Sea is very popular among divers.

Russia is the largest country in the world. Our territory stretches for thousands of kilometers from west to east and from north to south. It is not surprising that this huge part of the land has access to several seas, which we will talk about.

Russian territory is washed by the waters of three oceans - the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific. Each sea that will be discussed belongs to the waters of one of these oceans.


The Atlantic Ocean includes:

Baltic Sea. If you look at the map, you can see that this sea juts deep into the Eurasian continent. The Baltic played a huge role in the development of Europe; a special North European civilization was formed here, in whose life the sea played a huge role.

Large Russian ports are located on the Baltic Sea - St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Vyborg, Baltiysk. Despite the fact that the Baltic Sea is located in northern latitudes, the climate here is mild, so tourism is well developed. Famous Russian resorts on the Baltic coast: Sestroretsk, Pionerskoye, Zelenogorsk.

Black Sea- a warm inland sea located near the southern borders of our country. Russians love to relax on the Black Sea, but not everyone knows that it is of great importance for the economy and security of the state. A huge volume of cargo and passenger traffic is carried out through the Russian ports of the Black Sea (Novorossiysk, Kavkaz, Tuapse, Sochi and others). Our naval forces are based in the cities of Novorossiysk and Sevastopol. But for most Russians, the Black Sea remains a magnificent affordable resort, where nature itself contributes to healing.

Sea of ​​Azov- the smallest in the world and the smallest in Russia. There are several resort areas on the sea, in particular the city of Yeisk. Due to its shallow depth and safety of swimming, Azov is considered a “children’s sea.” The sea is not of great economic importance for Russia. Currently, Azov suffers from pollution due to discharges from industrial coastal cities.


The Arctic Ocean includes:

Barents Sea- the most western in this group. The warm breath of the Atlantic prevents the waters of the southwestern part of the Barents Sea from freezing, which makes this region extremely important for shipping and the transport network of Russia.

It is here that the largest ice-free port is located - the city of Murmansk. The Barents Sea is home to a huge amount of fish, of which 20 species (including cod, herring, haddock and others) are commercially available.

White Sea- a completely inland sea of ​​Russia. The history of the Russian North and the development of these harsh lands by Russians is inextricably linked with the White Sea. One of the largest northern ports is located on the White Sea - the city of Arkhangelsk, as well as the cities of Severodvinsk, Belomorsk and others.

Kara Sea– one of the coldest in Russia and in the world. Most of the year it is covered with ice, making navigation difficult. The water area is heavily polluted by the waters of the Yenisei and Ob flowing into the sea, as well as by nuclear burial sites made during the Soviet period. The largest oil and gas deposits have been discovered in the Kara Sea and are at the exploration stage.

Laptev Sea and its coast is an extremely harsh, unsuitable region for life. It is as far away from the warm Atlantic and Pacific Ocean as possible. Only in August and September does the ice covering the sea melt.

East Siberian Sea also extremely cold and deserted.

Chukchi Sea- the easternmost of the northern seas of Russia, located between Chukotka and. The economic potential of this region is associated with gigantic oil reserves, which are still little explored.

Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean includes:

Bering Sea. Despite the fact that the Bering Sea is part of the Pacific Ocean, its climate is not much different from the polar seas. For most of the year everything here is covered with ice. The waters of the Bering Sea are rich in commercial fish and valuable seafood.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk– warmer, although the climate here is very dependent on the time of year and is generally very harsh. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk contains reserves of the most valuable salmon and other commercial fish, crabs, and shellfish. The largest port is the city of Magadan.

Sea of ​​Japan It has a temperate monsoon climate. The sea coast is the most populated area of ​​the Russian Far East. The port cities of Vladivostok and Nakhodka are located here.

So, the territory of Russia is washed by the waters of twelve seas, each of which is unique and has a special value for our country.

Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the separation of its republics, our country did not cease to occupy a sixth of the landmass. It is surrounded by oceans and seas. I was able to visit two of them. This is Black and Baltic. And I haven’t gotten to the rest yet.

How many seas wash Russia?

In general, Russia is washed by 14 seas (if you count the Azov and Caspian seas, but which seas they are, so, one name). The warmest is the Black Sea, the Baltic is almost warm, but the rest of the seas are cold, many are located beyond the Arctic Circle. It’s not that there are no beaches there, but it’s just not easy to live there.

Cold seas of Russia

Russia is located in such a way that the main part of the seas that washes it are the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

The Barents Sea is of great importance in transport and fishing; the large port of Murmansk is located on this sea. The Sami live on the coast. The climate there is cool, the weather is cloudy, winds, storms, and a lot of precipitation.

The White Sea is very tiny and connects with the Barents Sea. It contains the famous Solovetsky Islands. The main Russian ports are located - Arkhangelsk, Belomorsk, Severodvinsk, a submarine port. Many rivers and streams flow into the sea. In summer the water is 15–19º, maybe someone goes swimming.

The East Siberian Sea is under ice almost all year.

Karskoe. The Siberian rivers Yenisei and Ob flow into it. The coldest sea, the water is never warmer than 0 ºС, most of the sea is covered with ice. During Soviet times, nuclear submarines were secretly sunk there.

Laptev Sea. There is the delta of the Lena, one of the largest rivers in Siberia. Mammoth bones are found on the islands of this sea. The largest village on the coast is Tiksi. In addition to forty species of fish, there are mammals and birds.

The Pechora Sea is small and part of the Barents Sea.

Chukotka. There are few rivers flowing in; walruses, whales, and polar bears live there. And in summer there are many bird colonies on the banks.

Pacific Russian seas

Another 4 seas washing Russia belong to the Pacific Ocean:

  • Beringovo;
  • Okhotsk;
  • Shantarskoye (part of Okhotskoye);
  • Japanese.

These seas are warmer, more inhabited, and are where the main fisheries occur.

Russia owns huge reserves, which are distributed unevenly over the area. Most of them are concentrated in the north, a smaller part in the south. The country has the longest coastline in the world, the total length of which is about 61 thousand km. In addition to the oceans and seas, there are more than two million rivers and the same number. All water resources are actively used in the economic activities of the state. In total, Russia is washed by 13 seas, 1 of which is closed, and the remaining 12 belong to the basins of the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans. This article provides a list and brief description of all seas and oceans washing the territory of the Russian Federation.

Atlantic Ocean

The seas of the Atlantic Ocean wash the western coast of the state. These include the Azov, Black and Baltic seas. The length of the coastline is about 1845 km. The largest rivers flowing into these seas are Luga, Neva, Don, Matsesta and Ashe.

Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean and the seas of its basin wash the northern part of Russia. The total length of the coastline is 39,940 km. The Arctic Ocean basin includes the Chukchi, Kara, East Siberian, White, Barents Seas, as well as the Laptev Sea. , flowing into the Arctic Ocean include the Lena, Yenisei, Ob, Northern Dvina and Pechora.

Pacific Ocean

The waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the territory of Russia from the east. The length of the coastline is 17,740 km. The Sea of ​​Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Seas are located on the Asian coast of the country. The Amur and Anadyr are the largest rivers in the Pacific basin.

Map of the seas and oceans that wash the territory of Russia

As can be seen on the map above, the country's shores are washed by twelve seas. Another, the Caspian Sea, has an internal closed basin and is the largest enclosed body of water in the world. The seas of Russia differ from each other in origin, temperature, maximum depth, bottom topography, degree of salinity and diversity of flora and fauna.

The seas of the Atlantic Ocean that wash Russia:

Sea of ​​Azov

An inland sea in southwest Russia that is the shallowest in the world. The Sea of ​​Azov can be considered a gulf of the Black Sea. The length from north to south is 231 km, and the maximum depth is up to 14 m. The reservoir freezes in winter, and warms up well in summer. Thanks to the predominantly positive temperatures, life is actively developing in the waters. 80 species of fish, including commercial ones, live here.

Black Sea

The waters of the Black Sea wash the southwestern borders of the country. Its length from north to south is 580 km. The maximum depth exceeds 2 thousand m. Most of the cyclones that occur throughout the year originate over the Atlantic. Numerous rivers significantly desalinate the coastal waters of the sea. Due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide in the water, the bottom part is uninhabited. At shallow depths, both Mediterranean and freshwater fish species are found: anchovy, horse mackerel, tuna, stingray, bream, pike perch, and ram.

Baltic Sea

A reservoir located in the north-west of Russia, with a length of 660 km. It is an inland sea. The maximum depth of the Baltic Sea is 470 m. Cyclones that form near the Atlantic bring frequent rain and wind to the Baltic. Due to the abundance of precipitation, the water in the sea is slightly salty, so there is little plankton in it. Fish include smelt, herring, Baltic sprat, whitefish and many others.

The seas of the Arctic Ocean that wash Russia:

Barents Sea

Sea waters wash part of the northern coast of the country. The length of the coastline is 6645 km. The maximum depth exceeds 590 m. The North Atlantic Current and Arctic air radically influence climatic conditions. Summer temperatures do not rise above +10ºС. In the northwestern part the ice does not melt all year round. The waters are rich in plankton. More than a hundred species of fish live here, some of them commercial, for example, halibut, haddock, and catfish. represented by seals, bears and beluga whales. Various bird species such as gulls, guillemots and guillemots have settled on the coastal rocky cliffs.

White Sea

An inland sea washing the northern part of the state. The length exceeds 600 km, the maximum depth is 343 m. The White Sea is slightly larger than the Sea of ​​​​Azov. Winter is long and harsh, and summer is humid and cool. Cyclones dominate over the reservoir. The water is slightly salty on the surface. The world of zooplankton and phytoplankton is not very developed. There are about fifty species of fish, which is significantly less than in neighboring seas. This is due to the harsh climate and low salinity. Cod, smelt, Chinook salmon, pollock, and salmon are of great commercial importance. The fauna is represented by sea hares and beluga whales.

Kara Sea

The waters wash the islands and archipelagos of northern Russia. The length of the coastline is 1500 km, the maximum depth is 620 m. The average water temperature does not exceed 0°C. Throughout the year, a significant part of the sea surface is covered with ice. Salt water at river mouths becomes almost fresh. According to recent studies, there are oil and gas deposits on the shelves. Brown and red algae grow well in the sea. Fish resources are rich in navaga, flounder, chinook salmon, nelma and smelt. There are: sei whale and fin whale.

Laptev Sea

A marginal reservoir of the Arctic Ocean, 1300 km long. The maximum depth is 3385 m. The sea is located near the Arctic Circle, which significantly affects the climate. Winter temperatures average -26°C. The region is affected by cyclones, bringing with them blizzards and winds. In summer the air warms up to +1ºС. Melting ice and runoff from Siberian rivers dilute the salt water of the sea. The flora is represented by a variety of algae and plankton. Near the coastal strip you can find sea urchins and. Large freshwater fish emerge from river mouths to feed. The fishery is not developed, since the sea is covered with ice most of the time. Among the mammals, beluga whales, walruses and seals do well.

East Siberian Sea

The sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean basin adjacent to the northern coast of Russia. The length of the coastline exceeds 3000 km, the greatest depth is about 900 m. The average air temperature in winter is -28°C. The reason for such low temperatures is the cold winds carrying air masses from Siberia. Summer air temperatures rise to +2ºС on average. The fauna is scarce due to the harsh climate. The ichthyofauna of the coastal zone includes whitefish and sturgeon. Large mammals include beluga whales, walruses, and polar bears.

Chukchi Sea

A marginal reservoir in the north of the country. The greatest depth is 1256 m. Throughout the year, the sea receives little sunlight. A sharp drop in temperature begins in the fall. Winter is characterized by strong winds and an average temperature of -28°C. Cover the reservoir with ice all year round. Grayling, char and cod are found in the Chukchi Sea. Phytoplankton serves as food for cetaceans. Polar bears live on drifting ice floes, forming an entire population.

The Pacific seas that wash Russia:

Bering Sea

The reservoir in the northeastern part of the Pacific coast has a coastline length of 13,340 km, a maximum depth of 4,151 m. There are numerous islands near the coast. In winter, the average air temperature does not rise above -23ºС. Summer temperatures average +10ºС. The Bering Sea is covered with ice almost all year. The coast is indented with capes, bays and spits. The high banks are favored by seagulls, puffins, and guillemots. The aquatic world is famous for its diversity of salmon and flounder. The gently sloping shores have become home to walruses, sea otters and polar bears.

Sea of ​​Japan

The waters of the Sea of ​​Japan wash the eastern coast of Russia. The length of the coastline is 3240 km, the maximum depth is 3742 m. The location in temperate latitudes affects the local climate. In winter, northwest winds blow over the surface. Typhoons often occur at this time. The influx of river water is insignificant. The coast is home to starfish of all sizes and colors, urchins, shrimp and sea cucumbers. The fishery covers cod, flounder, pollock and herring. After a storm, you can see relatively safe jellyfish on the shore.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk

A semi-enclosed body of water washing the south-eastern coast of the country. The maximum depth is 3916 m. The monsoon climate prevails on the coast. January temperatures drop to -25°C. The summer maximum is +18°C. The coastal zone is home to crabs, mussels and starfish. Mammals include killer whales, seals and fur seals. In the open sea, flounder, capelin, coho salmon and pink salmon are caught.

Closed seas that wash Russia:

Caspian Sea

The only endorheic sea in the southwest of Russia. The length of the coastline is 1460 km, the maximum depth is 1025 m. Based on some signs, the Caspian Sea should be called a lake. But the salinity of the water, its size and hydrological regime indicate that it is a sea. There are many islands along the coast. The waters of the Caspian Sea are unstable, they rise and fall. Winter temperatures average -1°C, and by mid-summer they rise to +25°C. More than a hundred rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, the largest of which is the Volga. In winter, the northern part of the sea freezes. The flora and fauna are unique. Only endemic species live here, species that live only in the Caspian Sea. Near the coast you can find goby, herring, sturgeon, white fish, shrimp, pike perch and beluga. A unique mammal is the Caspian seal, the smallest representative of its family.

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