What is the number of Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle in Equestria

A lilac unicorn pony with a dark blue mane and tail punctuated with pink and purple streaks. The main character of the animated series “Friendship is Magic,” Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle), was not always surrounded by friends. Since birth, her best and only friend has been her older brother Shining Armor. When Twilight was accepted into the school for gifted unicorns in Canterlot Castle, she became interested in her studies, avoided her peers, and spent her time reading books or using a telescope. Brightened up her loneliness Spike the dragon. We don’t know if Sparkle would have decided to get a pet if she didn’t feel responsible for the baby - after all, this is her magic. entrance exam Spike hatched from an egg! The baby became attached to his “mommy” and tried to help with everything - he gave books, sent mail, even accompanied Sparkle to the human world when she had to go there! Iskorka showed the same exam on her rump "cute mark"- an insignia in the shape of a red eight-pointed star surrounded by five small white stars (symbolically, there are exactly five girlfriends found later).

Journey to Ponyville

Twilight Sparkle's mentor was Princess Celestia, one of the sister rulers of the country of Equestria. Seeing her student's abilities in magic, and worried about her introverted nature, Celestia sends Twilight to the city of Ponyville on a mission to find friends and understand the intricacies of the magic of friendship, reporting weekly on her progress in letters.

In Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle settled on the second floor of the city library, got a job there and continued her search for information about the upcoming return of Moonlight Pony, which threatens all of Equestria. Somehow, it just happened that she met five residents of Ponyville and the surrounding area, and realized that they were her true friends. And that for their sake she is ready to work miracles and take risks. In the episode "Mysterious Magic Cure", she proved her friendship by casting a new spell to return her friends to their accidentally mixed up destinies - and for this she received wings and a title Princess Twilight Sparkle. A winged unicorn - an alicorn - is a huge rarity even in Equestria, and Sparkle has become one!

Twilight Sparkle in Equestria

When the theft of the crown threatened Harmony in the pony world, Princess Sparkle went to the human world in search of the thief. In the human world, in the guise of a teenage girl, she found human doubles of her friends and with their help won the title School Ball Princesses, and also returned her stolen crown in Equestria. And although magic hardly works in the human world, friendship works real miracles. At the same time, he turns six student girlfriends into a popular music group "Rainbow Rock", and Sunset Shimmer from a thief and an enemy - into a new girlfriend.

The main character of the animated series “Friendship is Magic” is a very extraordinary unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). She has lilac fur and a dark blue mane and tail with purple and pink streaks. The pony's story tells that she didn't always have many true friends. Moreover, the only person she could truly trust as a child was her older brother Shining Armor.

Study in Canterlot

Enrolled in Canterlot Castle, where only the most gifted unicorns study, Twilight plunged headlong into science. Here her best friends were not ponies, but books and telescopes. The creature who brightened up the loneliness of the fairytale horse was the faithful dragon Spike. It was him, thanks to her innate magic, that Twilight Sparkle hatched from an egg during the entrance exam, which forever predetermined Spike's friendly attitude towards the brooding unicorn pony.

As for the exam itself, in addition to the appearance of Spike, it also brought the cartoon heroine a “cute mark” - the insignia of all magical ponies. Each horse has its own one, and Sparkle got an eight-pointed star, which was surrounded by five smaller white stars. Later it became clear that five is a symbolic number for Twilight. That’s exactly how many girlfriends the horse subsequently found.

Life in Ponyville

But not everything was so smooth. Seeing that her student was capable of magic, but remained too closed in communication, Twilight Sparkle's mentor Princess Celestia sent her to. Being one of the sister rulers of the country of Equestria, Celestia asked her ward to find friends for herself in order to understand the intricacies of the magic of friendship. And in order to control Sparkle’s journey, the Princess instructed her to report on what was happening every day in the form of letters.

In Ponyville, Sparkle chose the second floor of the city library as her home. There she got a job, because in addition to Celestia’s task, she was also interested in the upcoming return of Moonlight Pony. The appearance of this heroine in Equestria threatened to destroy the order of the fairy-tale world, so Sparkle was looking for information on how to cope with the impending disaster.

However, life in Ponyville was not limited to just the library for Twilight. In the town, the pony met five other horses, who soon became her true friends, able to prove that friendship is not only fun, but also a willingness to help others and even sacrifice oneself for them. In one of the cartoon series, while composing a new spell to return her friends to their unexpectedly mixed destinies, Sparkle also earned the title of princess and another magical feature- wings grew. Just so you know, winged unicorns (they are also called alicorns) are very rare even in fairy-tale Equestria, but Twilight Sparkle was able to become one of them!

Girl Sparkle

When there was a situation that put Harmony in Equestria in jeopardy, it was the newly minted Princess Sparkle who had the task of going to the human world and restoring peace to her magical compatriots. This and much more proved that friendship can work real miracles.

My Little Pony full list of characters

My little pony list of ponies

Main characters

Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle (usually just called Twilight), Applejack and Fluttershy. There are six of them , they are the main characters of the series, so it is best to start the collection with them. And it is advisable to add princesses Celestia and Luna (only it’s very difficult to find them in a mini version!).


Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle; Twilight Sparkle).

Twilight Sparkle, or just Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle; Twilight Sparkle) is a unicorn, and from the 13th episode of the 3rd season - light purple body color, blue mane and tail, have purple and pink stripes.

Sparkle is Princess Celestia's best student. Loves science, magic, reads books

Sparkle embodies element of magic.

The distinctive sign is a dark pink six-pointed star, which covers a white six-pointed star with five white stars around it.


Applejack (Applejack).

Applejack (Applejack) - orange earth pony with green eyes and a yellow mane, there are freckles. A very kind, attentive and reliable horse, you can rely on it.

Applejack is wearing a cowboy hat. Her big family Apple lives on Apple Alley Farm ( Sweet Apple Acres) on the outskirts of Ponyville and is mainly engaged in growing apples, selling them and baking delicious apple sweets.

Applejack embodies element of honesty.

The distinctive sign is three red apples.

Rainbow, Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) Rainbow Dash is a sky blue pegasus with bright pink eyes and a rainbow-colored mane and tail.

Rainbow is a very brave and courageous pony, her job is to disperse the clouds, she flies very fast. Dreams of joining the famous team of the best flyers in Equestria - the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow embodies element of fidelity.

The distinctive sign is red-yellow-blue lightning under a small cloud.


Rarity (Rarity - Rarity.

Rarity (Rarity - Rarity is a unicorn fashion designer who runs her own boutique, Carousel. Purple beautifully styled mane and white body. She loves to sew, she likes cleanliness and order.

Rarity embodies element of generosity.

The distinctive sign is three blue crystals.

Lotus Blossom is a blue pony with a pink tail and mane, and a white headband.

Aloe, on the contrary, is pink with a blue mane and tail. The same white headband, white neck decoration, just like Lotus Blossom. The icon is a lotus flower.

Apple Sprout

Among the soft baby Pony toys you can find the Apple Sprout toy: My Little Pony So Soft Newborn Apple Sprout. She is on sale and in Russia.

Baby pony Apple Sprout is very affectionate and kind. The toy can talk, sings 3 songs, and laughs. Pony height: 22 cm. Bottle height: 7.5 cm.

Full list of characters
My little pony. My Little Pony

Applejack - Applejack
Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pie
Fluttershy - Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash - Rainbow
Rarity - Rarity
Twilight Sparkle - Sparkle
Apple Bloom - Apple Bloom
Scootaloo - Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle - Sweetie Belle
Big McIntosh - Big McIntosh
Granny Smith - Granny Smith
Cheerilee - Cheerilee
Silver Spoon - Silver Spoon
Snails - Snails
Snips - Snips
Twist - Twist
Hoity Toity
Photo Finish
Derpy Hooves
Lightning Dust
Flam and Flim, brothers
Soarin - Soarin
Babs Seed
Diamond Tiara - Tiara

Princess Cadance - Princess Cadance
Princess Celestia - Princess Celestia
Princess Luna - Princess Luna
King Sombra - King Sombra
Shining Armor

Mr. and Mrs. Cake are the owners of Sugarcube and Pinkie Pie's employers. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are the owners of Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie Pie"s employers and landlords, as they rent the loft above the shop to her.

For a description of the ponies listed above, see the beginning of the article. For descriptions and pictures of the ponies listed below, see the catalog under the article.

Caramel - Caramel, middle name - Chance-A-Lot. ATTENTION! Chance-A-Lot is actually Caramel the pony, he just appears under that name in some episodes. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Mr. Carrot Cake - Mr. Carrot Cake
Mrs. Cup Cake - Mrs. Carrot Cake
Filthy Rich
Ms. Harshwhinny
Mayor Mare - Mayor of Ponyville
Ms. Peachbottom
Sapphire Shores
Daring Do
Pegasus royal guards - guards of Princess Celestia and Luna, pegasi
Spitfire - Captain of the Wonderbolts (aerial acrobats) team
Fancy Pants - important unicorn, sign - three crowns
Joe - pastry chef, sign - donut
Prince Blueblood - Prince Blue Blood
The Great and Powerful Trixie - Trixie
Unicorn royal guards - unicorn guards
Featherweight - schoolboy, pegasus
Pipsqueak, simply Pip for short
Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are twin foals, babies of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's, pegasus boy, unicorn girl
Aunt Orange - Aunt Orange (orange), sign - three orange slices
Uncle Orange - Uncle Orange
Pinkie's dad - Pinkie's dad
Clyde - Clyde
Pinkie's mom - Pinkie's mom
Sue - Sue
Granny Smith's father - Granny Smith's dad
Granny Smith's mother - Granny Smith's mother
Pokey Oaks is one of three songs on The Best Night Ever
Sew"n Sow
Stinkin' Rich

Apple family.

Apple Bumpkin
Apple Cider
Apple Cinnamon
Apple Cobbler
Apple Dumpling
Apple Fritter
Apple Leaves
Apple Pie
Apple Rose
Apple Split
Apple Strudel
Apple Tarty
Apple Top

Apple Bud
Apple Crumble
Apple Flora
Apple Mint
Apple Squash

Auntie Applesauce
Barber Groomsby
Candy Apples
Caramel Apple
Curly Cobbler
Golden Delicious
Half Baked Apple
Happy Trails
Hayseed Turnip Truck
Marmalade Jalapeno Popette
Peachy Sweet
Pink Lady
Prairie Tune
Red Delicious
Magnet Bolt
Red Gala

Golden Delicious, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony.

Violet Fritter
Twilight's dad - Sparkle's father
Night Light
Twilight's mom - Sparkle's mother
Twilight Velvet
Rarity's dad - Rarity's father
Magnum - Magnum
Rarity's mom - Rarity's mom
Pearl - Pearl (pearl)
Pinkie's sister - Pinkie's sister
Blinkie Pie
Inkie Pie
Liberty Belle
Red June
Sweet Tooth - Sweet tooth
All Aboard
Apple Bottom
Apple Bread
Apple Munchies
Apple Slice
Apricot Bow
Beauty Brass
Bell Perin
Belle Star
Berry Dreams
Berry Frost
Berry Icicle
Berry Punch
Big Wig
Bill Neigh
Black Stone
Blue Bonnet
Blue Harvest
Mr. Breezy
Brindle Young
Bruce Mane
Burnt Oak
Candy Mane
Candy Twirl
Charcoal Bakes
Charlie Coal
Chelsea Porcelain
Cherry Berry
Cherry Fizzy
Cherry Jubilee
Cherry Strudel
Cherry Spices
Chilly Puddle
Classy Clover
Clip Clop
Creme Brulee

Pony Daisy - Daisy.

Dainty Dove
Dosie Dough
Elphaba Trot
Emerald Beacon
Evening Star
Film Reel
Forest Spirit
Frederic Horseshoepin
Fuzzy Slippers
G. Raff
Ginger Gold
Golden Harvest
Grape Crush
Mr. Greenhooves
Flashy Pony
Hairy Tipper
Hard Knocks
Harpo Parish Nadermane
Harry Trotter
Hay Fever
The Headless Horse
High Style
Dr. Hooves
Horse, MD
Horte Cuisine
Hugh Jelly
Icy Drop
Jeff "The Dude" Letrotski
Jesus Pezuña
Jim Beam
John Bull
Knit Knot
Lemon Chiffon
Lilac Links
Lily Valley
Linked Hearts
Little Po
Lotus Blossom
Lucky Clover
Lyrica Lilac
Mane Goodall
Mango Juice
Maroon Carrot
Meadow Song
Midnight Fun
Mint Swirl
Morton Saltworthy
Nurse Coldheart
Nurse Redheart
Nurse Sweetheart
Nurse Tenderheart
Oakey Doke
Octavia Melody
The Olden Pony
Oregon Trail
Paisley Pastel
Pampered Pearl
Peachy Cream
Picture Perfect
Pine Breeze
Pipe Down
Pish Posh
Pitch Perfect
Play Write
Post Haste
Powder Rouge
Pretty Vision
Tan coat blond mane green suit pony
Purple Haze
Purple Wave
Raggedy Doctor
Reflective Rock
Regal Candent
Regal Candent
Rick Shaw
Royal Riff
Salt Lick
Sandy Soles
Screw Loose
Sheriff Silverstar
Snappy Scoop
Soigne Folio
Spring Water
Squeaky Clean
Star Gazer
Strawberry Cream
Sun Streak
Sunset Bliss
Swan Dive
Sweetie Drops
Swift Justice
Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos
Tourist Trap
Tree Sap
Tropical Spring
Twilight Sky
Uncle Wing
Vanilla Sweets
Wacky Hair Day and Spray
Mr. Waddle
Bowling Pony
Wildwood Flower
William Wright
Winter Withers
Yoooess Dee
Yoooess Dee
Mr. Zippy
Amber Waves
Arctic Lily
Autumn Gem
Berry Splash
Check Mate
Chocolate Haze
Crystal Arrow
Dandy Brush
Fleur de Verre
Golden Glitter
Honey Tone
Long Jump
Night Knight
Purple Polish
Rapid Rush
Rose Quartz
Sapphire Rose
Sugar Glass
Sunshine Splash
Mosely Orange
Winnow Wind
Glass Slipper
Opal Bloom
Fire Streak
High Winds
Lightning Streak
Misty Fly
Silver Lining
Wave Chill
Crescent Pony
Crescent Moon
April Showers
Blue October/Blueberry Muffin
Blue Skies
Blueberry Cloud
Bluebird Happiness
Bon Voyage
Candy Floss
Chocolate Blueberry
Cinnamon Swirl
Cloud Break
Cloud Kicker
Cloud Showers
Crafty Crate
Cream Tangerine
Deep Blue
Diamond Rose
Dizzy Twister
Dollar/Cashier/Money Shot
Dust Devil
Electric Blue
Endless Clouds
Flash Bulb
Golden Delicious
Golden Glory
Graceful Falls
Grape Soda
Great Scott
Green Gem
Jack Hammer
Juicy Fruit
Lavender Skies
Lightning Bolt
Lime Jelly
Lucy Packard
Merry May
Midnight Strike
Milky Way
Nana Knits
Northern Lights
Opal Water
Orange Blossom
Orange Box
Peppermint Crunch
Pink Cloud

Rainbow Wishes, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony.

Prism Strider

Pumpkin Tart
Q. T. Prism
Rain Dance
Rainbow Drop
Rainbow Wishes
Silver Script
Snow Flight
Special Delivery
Spring Skies
Star Hunter
Starsong/Sugar Apple
Strawberry Sunrise

Sunny Ray, episode 3 2012, My Little Pony, her coat color changing from pink to yellow. The color changes from pink to yellow, the sign is three suns. She has a lot of ideas, she's smart. Sunny Rays "has a lot of bright ideas to share." Her cutie mark is three suns.


Sunny Rays
The Tenth Doctor/Doctor Whooves #3
Tiger Lily
Tin Tailor
Tracy Flash/Shutterfly
Under D. Weather/Tropical Storm
Vanilla Skies
Wild Fire
Cadet #2
Wild Flower
Wing Wishes
Allie Way
Amethyst Star
Apple Polish
Apple Stars
Banana Fluff
Black Marble
Blue Belle
Brass Blare
Bright Idea
Chocolate Sun
Chocolate Tail

Diamond Rose, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony. Likes to give gifts to friends. Diamond Rose loves to get special gifts for each of her friends when she goes on vacation!

Cold Front
Comet Tail
Crystal Clear
Diamond Mint
DJ Pon-3
Doctor Stable
Earl Gray
Flank Sinatra
Fleur Dis Lee
Fly Wishes
Gold Slipper
Holly Dash
Hors D"oeuvre
The Inquisitor
Jet Set
Lemon Hearts
Lemony Gem
Lyra Heartstrings
Marey Fetlock
Monochrome Sunset
Neon Lights

Breezie, episode 3 2012, My Little Pony. His cutie mark is a four-bladed fan. The sign is a fan with 4 blades.

Noble Laureate
North Pole
Ocean Breeze
Orchid Dew
Perry Pierce
Doctor Whoof -3
Pokey Pierce
Quick Fix
Rhythm/Night Shade
Rosewood Brook
Rosie Tyler
Royal Ribbon
Sea Spray
Sea Swirl
South Pole
Spring Fresh
Star Bright
Star Dream/Sky Dream
Strawberry Lime
Sweet Dreams
Top Notch
Upper Crust
Vance Van Vendington
Violet Velvet
Written Script
Amethyst Beat
Apple Bytes
Bee Bop
Berry Pinch
Blueberry Cake
Brown Sugar
Caramel Coffee
Checkered Flag
Chip Mint
Cotton Cloudy
Cotton Top
Cream Puff
Cyan Skies
Dinky Doo
Little Pony
Ginger Snap
Grace Lightning
Green Daze
High Score
Honey Drop
Hot Wheels
Key Lime
Lemon Daze

Lemon Scratch

Lickety Split
Lily Dache
Mango Dash
Nursery Rhyme
Peachy Petal
Peachy Pie
Piña Colada
Pinkie Feather
Princess Erroria
Rainy Feather

Piña Colada, Pina Colada pony, soft pink color, green eyes. Piña Colada has a pale pink coat color, a pink mane and green eyes.

Shady Daze
Shining Star
Sugar Plum
Sun Glimmer
Sunny Daze
Sweet Pop
Sweet Tart
Tootsie Flute
Tornado Bolt
Teacher's Pet
Truffle Shuffle
Crafty Crate
Crescent Moon
Green Gem
Jack Hammer
Lyra Heartstrings
Star Hunter
The Tenth Doctor/Doctor Whooves
Tin Tailor
Meadow Song
Twilight Sky

Princess Erroria, Princess Erroria, vanilla color, purple mane-tail. Princess Erroria is a female filly with a vanilla coat, wisteria mane and tail, and blue irises, and appears on the show as four different kinds of ponies, including as an alicorn in the episode Lesson Zero.

Horte Cuisine

Lucy Packard
Red Gala
Swan Dive
Liberty Belle
Princess Erroria
Red June
Tornado Bolt
Prince Blue Dream
Chancellor Puddinghead
Smart Cookie
Commander Hurricane
Ditzy Doo
Private Pansy
Princess Golden Dream
Clover the Clever
Princess Platinum
Star Swirl the Bearded
Unicorn King
Apple Brioche

Tornado Bolt, Tornado Bolt. Light gray pony girl, pegasus.

Apple Brown Betty

Apple Cinnamon Crisp
Apple Tart
Babs Seed's big sis
Baked Apples
Calamity Mane
Crystal Queen
Granny Pie
Mr. Kingpin
Nana Pinkie
Wild Bull Hickok

List of My little pony, pictures and descriptions

Soarin Transparent Series - Soarin

Peachy Sweet, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony, her sign is pie. Her cutie mark is a pie.

Chance-A-Lot, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. ATTENTION! Chance-a-lot is actually Caramel the pony, he just appears under that name in some episodes. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Magnet Bolt, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony

Sassaflash, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony, pegasus, sign - two lightning bolts. Sassaflash is a female Pegasus pony with a pale turquoise coat, vanilla mane and tail, carrot orange eyes, and a cutie mark of two lightning bolts.

Twilight Sky, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Twilight Sky Over Canterlot. The nature of magic and how it may be fueled by hope, dreams, friendship and love is broached several times.

Cherry Spices II, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony

Merry May, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Sign - three suns, pegasus. Merry May is a female Pegasus pony with a spring bud coat, plum mane and tail with a lavender pink streak, amaranth pink eyes, and a cutie mark of three suns.

Mosely Orange, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony

Roseluck, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. The icon is a rose. Roseluck is a yellow colored background pony. Roseluck has a two-tone pink tail, moderate green eyes, and her cutie mark is a rose.

Minuette, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Unicorn girl, blue, sign - hourglass. Minuette is a female unicorn pony with a Maya blue coat, periwinkle mane and tail with a pigment blue streak, steel blue eyes, and a cutie mark of an hourglass.

Braeburn - earth pony, Applejack's cousin, Granny Smith's taste.

Braeburn is an Earth pony from Appleloosa and is Applejack, Big McIntosh, and Apple Bloom's cousin, and Granny Smith's grandson.

Caramel is a supporting earth pony (not the main character). Light brown, with brown tail and mane.

Caramel is a background male Earth pony in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. He has a light brown coat with a darker brown mane.

Philphy Rich - earth pony Tiara's father. The name - filthy rich - means that he is very rich.

Filthy Rich is an Earth pony and Diamond Tiara's father. His name is based on the phrase filthy rich, referring to someone very wealthy.

Miss Harshwinny is the game supervisor for Equestria.

Ms. Harshwhinny appears in the episode Games Ponies Play. She is the real Equestria games inspector and was originally confused with Ms. Peachbottom.

Mayor Mare, she is the mayor of the city of Ponyville, an earth pony. He often makes different speeches in the cartoon.

Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville, is a tan Earth pony. She is frequently depicted giving speeches.

Miss Peachbottom appears in the episode Games Ponies Play.

Sapphire Shores Pony. The name translates as sapphire shores.

Daring Do is the main character in the Daring Do book series. The name means daring, courageous, active.

Daring Do is the main character of the Daring Do book series.

Derpy Hooves is a gray pegasus, cross-eyed pony.

Derpy Hooves is a gray Pegasus pony whose name was given by the show"s internet following due to her having a cross-eyed "derpy" expression in the first episode.

Royal Guard - a group of white and dark gray pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies, in golden guard robes, guard Princess Celestia and Luna.

The royal guards are a group of white and dark gray Pegasus, unicorn, and Earth pony stallions clad in gold-colored armor, who serve Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie, the great and powerful.

Fancy Pants, one of the most important ponies in Canterlot: his entourage often changes their minds and agrees with
Fancy Pants. Unicorn, the horn is very long. Badge - three crowns with precious stones.

Joe (Joe) - unicorn pony, pastry chef. His sign is a donut.

Prince Blueblood - Prince Blue Blood. Unicorn, lives in Canterlot. Represents English nobility, high birth. The sign is two 4-pointed stars, yellow on top of blue.

Unicorn royal guards - unicorn guards.

Featherweight is a school-age Pegasus colt and a friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Schoolboy pony, pegasus. Featherweight (translation - featherweight) speaks of his thinness, this is the name of the lightest weight in boxing.

Pipsqueak - Pipsqueak. In short - just Pip, a young earth pony. Dressed as a pirate at Luna's party. The name means that he is smaller than other ponies. Pipsqueak or Pip is a young Earth pony from Trottingham. Looks like Charles Dickens' Pip.

Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are twin foals, babies of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's. Here is Pound Cake. He is a pegasus, boy.

And here is Pumpkin Cake, the second twin. She's a unicorn girl.

Aunt Orange - Aunt Orange (orange), sign - three orange slices.

  • My little Pony - Roseluck (pony Rose)
  • Alien mini ponies
  • Sets with three ponies My little Pony, list
  • Crystal and metal ponies
  • Minipony, series 1 2013, 4 figures
  • New My Little Pony ponies
  • My little Pony, episode 3 2013 - neon ponies
  • Pony - Rainbow and Princess Cadence, figures
  • My Little Pony: Crystal Lulamoon
  • My Little Pony wedding. Bridesmaid Pony
  • Cake Family Babysitting, My Little Pony

Twilight Sparkle/ Twilight Sparkle

This article was written specifically for the site; when copying, a link to the site is required!

Twilight Sparkle is the main character of the series Friendship is Magic. A young unicorn and student of Princess Celestia, she began her training at Canterlot Castle. But having found friends in Ponnyville, she wanted to stay there, and continued her studies, surrounded by new friends. Together with her assistant, the young dragon Spike, she learns new things every day and discovers a new magical feature of friendship. She regularly writes to Princess Celestia about her observations and discoveries. It represents the element of Magic.


At the very beginning of the series, when we are first shown Twilight, she appears to us as a completely antisocial person. She avoids invitations to go to parties, she has no friends, she loves to spend all her time in libraries and study new books. But having met friends in Ponyville on the instructions of Princess Celestia, she opens up from a completely different side. We see a devoted friend, ready to help and support. She likes everything, she wants to participate in various Ponyville events, she likes the idea of ​​​​a pajama party, which she has never had, she even finds a common language with Zecora, the zebra from the forbidden forest.

Twilight is very organized, she always plans her actions, and one day her planning abilities even came in handy throughout Ponyville. Twilight, as an educated and well-read pony, is extremely skeptical of everything that cannot be explained with the help of books or understood logically. She reacted calmly to Zecora; she could not agree with the fact that Pinkie Pie was able to anticipate various dangers if her nose itched or her ears flapped. In general, the pony is very stubborn and although she controls herself most of the time, she is capable of succumbing to impulses of panic or showing an extreme degree of irritation.

Twilight is a capable student and she loves to read. Twilight looks for answers to all questions in books. Even to such questions as “Can this be considered camping?” But very often her love of reading and books brings her some success.

Almost always, her faithful assistant Spike is next to Twilight. This little Dragon can be lazy, but he always completes Twilight's tasks and is very loyal to her.

Twilat has very good magical abilities, so much so that she can be considered the most powerful magician in Ponyville. She knows more than 25 ways of using magic, including she can teleport, find gems like Rarity, make ordinary ponies begin to walk on clouds just like pegasi, help a dragon hatch from an egg, and others. Twilight's abilities were noted by Princess Celestia, who said that she had never seen a unicorn with such great potential, and Twilight became her personal student.


Twilight Sparkle - light unicorn lilac color, with a straight dark blue mane and tail, which are decorated with pink and lilac stripes. She has large lavender eyes and a slightly upturned nose. Her distinctive mark ( Cutie Mark) is a six-pointed pink star overlapping a white six-pointed star. There are also five small white stars surrounding it.

An animated cartoon about the task of one of the characters, named Twilight Sparkle, who was sent by her teacher, Princess Celestia, on an important task - to find friends and learn what friendship is.
Twilight Sparkle, who, along with all the cartoon characters, lives in the fairy-tale country of Equestria, goes to the city of Ponyville, accompanied by the dragon Spike, whom the princess sent to look after and help the student. They meet various people of the country and become friends with some of them. Every day Twilight Sparkle sends her report to her mentor, Princess Celestia, about new adventures and events.
Fairyland where ponies live Equestria, which is also inhabited by different residents (read the names of the characters of My Little Pony below), among which there are unicorns, which include little Twilight Sparkle, as well as Earth ponies, Pegasi and Alicorns. Every resident of this country lives for a reason, but has their own responsibilities, they are endowed with magic and magical powers.
Unicorns all have one horn, which contains their magic, and also know how to use telekinesis. They are a type of pony with a horn.
Earth ponies They are mainly engaged in various types of agriculture, so among all the inhabitants they are closest to nature. Ponies are very hardworking and this is what their species is famous for.
Pegasi in the country they control the weather, they manage this with ease, since from birth Pegasi are endowed with wings, which allows them to fly among the clouds, on which, by the way, they can also walk.
Alicorns a separate species, there are very few of them, but they are the most powerful in the country, since they embody elements of the other three species at once, they are not just ponies, but ponies with wings and a horn. They have great mystical power; there are only five of them in the whole country.
Name Photo Description Who voiced

My Little Pony list of main characters

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle
Sparkle is called Twilight, she has a very interesting body color, but her tail and mane are blue, with purple and pink stripes on them. She is the best student of Celestine, who is a princess in the cartoon. Sparkle is a book lover and is passionate about magic and science. Sparkle is the embodiment of the element of magic. Tara Strong,
Olga Golovanova


earth pony
Applejack is the element of honesty and is a cheerful orange pony with green eyes and a yellow mane. She is also marked with the sun and has freckles. This pony is very reliable, she is good-natured and attentive to the problems of others. She has a cowboy hat on her head. The whole family of this pony lives on a small farm called Apple Alley. The whole family grows fragrant apples and then sells them. They also bake all sorts of sweets from apples and sell them too. Ashley Ball
Larisa Brokhman,
Olga Shorokhova

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash is a very brave pony horse, she is heavenly in color and has pink eyes. Dash is a very brave pony, she is not afraid of anything, and her job is to drive clouds across the sky. She feels great in the sky and moves quickly there. She wants to join the squad of the best ponies that fly. This pony is the embodiment of loyalty. Ashley Ball
Lina Ivanova,
Elena Chebaturkina


Rarity is a unicorn who works as a fashion designer. He has his own personal boutique called Carousel. He is very cute, his mane is bright purple, always chicly styled, and his body is snow-white. Rarity loves sewing and does it all the time. She is a big neat person, she likes order, and she embodies generosity. Her sign, which distinguishes her from others, is three sky-colored crystals. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova


Fluttershy, a cute pegasus who is very afraid of heights. She has a sunny yellow body and a pink mane. This pony loves to communicate with her brothers. She has a magical look that is unique, she knows how to use it perfectly. Her gaze can frighten any animal. But in fact, Fluttershy is shy and very often gets scared by any rustle, she lives in a forest, she has her own house there. She is the embodiment of kindness. It can be distinguished by three pink butterflies. Andrea Libman,
Olga Golovanova

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie
earth pony
Pinkie Pie is a very cheerful pony, her color is pink and her mane and tail are curly. She is a big fidget and cannot sit in one place for a single minute. She loves to play pranks on her friends, organize various parties for them, and loves sweets. She is an employee of a bakery whose name is Sugar Corner. She is the embodiment of laughter. It can be recognized by its distinctive icon, these are three balloons. Andrea Libman,
Lina Ivanova


Spike the dragon holds the position of assistant to the well-known Sparkle. Spike the dragon was awakened by Sparkle while he was sleeping in the Egg. During the magic exam, she revived him. He is very small for now and loves turquoise. He is currently in love with his lady love, Rarity. Katie Weslak,
Olga Shorokhova

My Little Pony minor characters

Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia
Celestia is a princess heroine whose task is to raise the Sun every day. This beauty is an alicorn, she has a very long horn and large wings, thanks to which she can fly. Her mane is constantly developing, even in the absence of a breeze. Its color is deep turquoise, and its distinctive sign is the Sun. Nicole Oliver
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova

Princess Luna

Princess Luna
She is called Princess of the Moon and is Celestia's little sister. Her dream is to plunge everything into constant and eternal night. But Celestia defeated her, imprisoning her on the moon and using the elements of harmony, and then turning her into a princess. And she turned from an evil and treacherous pony into a decent and kind princess of the Moon. Her eyes are dark green, her mane is dark blue, which flickers with lights. It can be identified by its blue crescent. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova

Princess Cadance

Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance is Twilight's favorite nanny. She has a special talent: when ponies quarrel, she knows how to reconcile them very quickly. She has bright purple eyes, as well as purple-pink wings that help her move quickly. You can recognize her from afar, because her distinctive sign is a blue heart, it is made in the form of a ring in a gold rim. Britt McKillip
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova,
Olga Shorokhova

Shining Armor

Shining Armor
Armor is one of Twilight's brothers, who is considered the best brother and calls him SBDN, distinguished by his blue color and dark blue stripes. Married to Princess Cadance. Cheerful and kind, brave and selfless, probably because of these character traits he became the ruler of the Crystal Empire. Andrew Francis
Evgeniy Valts,
Oleg Virozub

Flurry Heart

Flurry Heart
Twilight's niece, daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Flurry Heart is the only alicorn in the country who did not appear through magic, but was born naturally. Quite by accident, she broke the “Crystal Heart” artifact, for this reason frost and darkness fell on the country, but by uniting into one crystallization, the alicorns managed to restore warmth and light. Tabitha St. Germain


This dragon sowed the spirit of discord and chaos, but was imprisoned in stone. After some time, he freed himself, but with the help of the magic of his friends he was defeated and reincarnated into a good dragon. John de Lancie
Nikita Prozorovsky

Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom
earth pony
She founded the "Mark Finders" club and became a leader. Has a yellow color. Michelle Kroeber,
Olga Shorokhova


Scootaloo, a pegasus, is a girl, but with a boyish personality. Extreme sports enthusiast, loves to ride a scooter. It is distinguished by its orange color and blue mane. Madeleine Peters
Lina Ivanova

Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle
A shy unicorn who sings well. Relatively clumsy, dreams of becoming a designer. Claire Corlett
Olga Golovanova

Babs Seed

Babs Seed
earth pony
A pony from a neighboring town is looking for insignia along with everyone else. It has a dark ocher coloration with a dark pink mane with pink stripes, as well as white freckles. Brianna Drummond
Daria Frolova


The first griffin to receive the insignia. Talented and friendly. Erin Matthews,
Daria Frolova

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer
Stubborn, insidious and cruel, although at first glance friendly, sincere and caring. Knows how to remove distinctive signs from other heroes. Kelly Sheridan,
Lina Ivanova

In addition to the above-mentioned characters, the country of Equestria is home to many other inhabitants, both good and evil.

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