Calendars of ancient civilizations. What do ancient calendars say?


The Mayan calendar is a generalized name for the system of calendars created by the Indians of the Mayan civilization of the pre-Columbian era. This time reckoning system was used (after the Mayans) by the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mazatecs and other Central American peoples.

Currently, there has been renewed interest in the Mayan calendar, since the system, according to experts in ancient history, was devoted not only to determining the past time, but also to predicting future events. In other words, the Indian ritual calendar is not just a familiar chronograph in the form of a wall and pocket calendar, but a whole science that studies extensive time cycles.

Mayan calendar - description and general information

A little about the history of the Mayan calendar. The Indians themselves believed that the ancient calendar was given to them by divine beings who descended to Earth in time immemorial. There were two types of chronology:

  • Tzolkin (ritual calendar);
  • Haab (civil calendar).

Haab was used for agricultural purposes, its cycle consisted of 365 days - the approximate time of our planet's complete revolution around the sun. Another name for the system is the solar calendar. The year was divided into 19 months. 18 of them consisted of 20 days, one month - of 5 days (the so-called “days without names”). The haab was intended for field work and was used in everyday life.

The Mayan ritual calendar (Tzolkin) lasted 260 days. It consisted of periods lasting 20 and 13 days, which replaced each other. Each day had its own name and corresponding symbol - the solar seal. The Indians combined both calendars into one, which was called the “calendar circle.”

Probably every person can imagine what the Mayan calendar looks like: it is a stone circle, delimited into sectors. The calendar demonstrates a deep knowledge of astronomical cycles. It turns out that the ancient Indians calculated the almost exact length of the solar year - 365, 242 days. Scientists estimate that such accurate Maya calculations would have required about 10,000 years of constant observation. However, the period of existence of this civilization is only 3,500 years. How ancient astronomers managed to obtain such reliable information about celestial cycles remains a mystery.

In addition to the two above-mentioned calendars, the Indians also had a third - the so-called “long count calendar”. It was intended for long periods of time. The duration of one complete cycle is 5125 years. The current cycle began in 3224 BC. and ended in 2012. In addition to the cycle of 5 thousand years, the calendar mentions an even longer cycle, the duration of which is 26,000 years. Scientists associate this period with the galactic alignment cycle.

The end of the Mayan calendar does not simply mean the end of one cycle and the debut of another - it implies the complete destruction of the civilization existing in a given time period. The current cycle is already the fifth. The previous ones, according to Mayan history, ended respectively with earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and floods. The fifth cycle was supposed to end with the movement of the Earth's orbit and an evolutionary leap.

Since no special cataclysms occurred in 2012, the predictions of the Mayan calendar should either be considered erroneous, or the end of civilization should be understood in a metaphorical sense - as the end of a purely materialistic period in the history of mankind and the desire for spiritual development.

Expert opinion

The Mayan civilization ceased to exist more than a thousand years ago. The reason for her disappearance is unknown. Some historians believe that this ancient culture was destroyed by internecine wars, others hypothesize that the death of the Mayans was caused by natural disasters. The indigenous people of Central America left to their descendants only stone pyramids, writing, and evidence of extensive knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.

Researchers believe that the true meaning of the Mayan calendar is related to the natural rhythms of energy in the Universe. If you consider your date of birth in the Tzolkin ritual calendar system, you can determine the name of the day and its solar seal. In Mayan chronology, each day is considered unique and has its own message and purpose. You can find information for each day and try to correlate the natural rhythms of the cosmos with the events of a specific human life. The Mayan calendar gives a person a chance to move from a purely material approach to a spiritual and intuitive one.

On the physical plane, this number system is fully consistent with the cycles of movement of large and small celestial bodies. The Indians not only compiled detailed star maps, but also predicted eclipses of the sun and moon. In addition, they knew in advance about global wars, outbreaks of world terrorism and other events that had an impact on human history.

Mysteries of the Mayan calendar

One of the most interesting and mysterious gifts of the ancient Mayans to modern civilization is a calendar.

The Mayan Indians have all disappeared somewhere. For a long time - more than a thousand years ago. Since then, no one has seen them and it is not even known why they disappeared. Some historians claim that civilization was destroyed by civil strife, others - that the Mayans died as a result of some natural disasters. And they left us their beautiful stone pyramids and fortresses, their writing, impressive knowledge of mathematics and astronomy for an ancient civilization. One of the most interesting and mysterious gifts of these ancient Indians to modern civilization is the Mayan calendar.

Mayan calendar systems

The Mayans had as many as 2 calendar systems. One calendar - often called civil - was used for household needs. The Mayans used it to determine when to sow corn, when to harvest and do other household chores. The year of the Mayan civil calendar - "haab" - had 365 days, i.e. was coordinated with the solar cycle, which is very useful for agriculture. It consisted of 18 months of 20 days and another 5 days, called “days without a name” and considered fatal. The priests knew that the haab was a fraction of a day shorter than the true solar year and made adjustments.

In addition, there was a ritual calendar - "Tzolkin". The Mayan priests used the Tzolkin to determine when to perform religious ceremonies. Including the most terrible ones - their famous sacrifices. The Tzolkin year was much shorter - only 260 days - and was divided into 13 months, which, like the Haab, contained 20 days. During the 52nd year of the Haab calendar, there are 73 whole tzolkin. This dependence formed the basis of the harmony of the Mayan calendar.

Mysterious prediction

Many Mayan experts claim that these ancient Indians knew very well the structure of the Universe. This allowed them to predict that on December 21, 2012, global events would occur on Earth that would dramatically change the course of history. The details of this message have not reached us, and researchers are still trying to figure out what the smart Indians meant. Many are inclined to believe that this is how the Mayans predicted the “end of the world.” Others believe that a new era will come on Earth, an era of spiritual insight. What do our astronomers say?

First of all, this is the time of the winter solstice. But this happens every year - it doesn’t seem to be the best idea for a space revolution. But besides this, on December 21, 2012, our Earth and the Sun will be in line with the center of our Galaxy. But this is already impressive. Imagine, the Mayans predicted such a non-trivial cosmic phenomenon more than a thousand years ago! But they didn’t even have lenses or telescopes. They carried out their observations of stars and planets using narrow slits. What this astronomical event promises us, modern scientists do not know. As they say, we'll wait and see.

13 Moon Calendar

The Mexican writer, artist and mystic Jose Arguelles, having studied the Mayan heritage, created an entire spiritual teaching. Argüelles argues that we modern humans live in mechanistic time. What does he mean?

The year of the Gregorian calendar, according to which almost the whole world now lives, consists of months of different sizes: sometimes 30, sometimes 31, sometimes 28 days. This sequence of numbers was chosen arbitrarily by a person and is in no way consistent with natural rhythms. In addition, a person divides the clock dial into 12 parts, and an hour into 60 minutes. And people also took these numbers as if from nowhere. Jose believes that living in this artificial time, a person loses touch with nature, with the cosmos, and forgets his highest values. And a civilization that has lost contact with its native biosphere enters a phase of self-destruction.

From the artificial timekeeping system of 12:60, Argüelles proposes to switch to the natural calendar system of 13:20, which he developed. It is based on the 13-moon calendar proposed by Jose.

“It’s beautiful, of course, but nothing special,” a phlegmatic historian, an expert on the ancient world might say, “Other ancient civilizations also had lunar calendars: for example, the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Muslims.”

What is natural about the numbers 13 and 20? Jose claims that these are frequencies of some cosmic radiation sent to us by the Sun and the galactic center. And they are reflected even in the structure of the human body: a person has 20 fingers and toes, and the skeleton has 13 main joints.

In addition, the month of the 13-moon calendar consists of 28 days, and this, as is known, is the lunar cycle, with which many natural and biological processes are consistent. These are, for example, ocean tides and the menstrual cycle in women.

Part of José Arguelles' teaching is a system similar to European astrology. Using the Tzolkin and a certain calculation technique, based on the date of his birth, a person can determine his inclinations, strengths of his personality and receive some kind of personal message about his life.

Comments from a Mayan culture researcher

We asked a researcher of Mayan culture to explain the meaning of the 13 Moon calendar Belinskaya Elena Alexandrovna:

- What is the purpose of the 13 Moon calendar?

This calendar is a way to return a person to natural time, to the rhythms that exist in nature. The fact is that our galactic center emits pulses of energy that carries certain qualities. The period of this radiation is 260 days. On each day, certain characteristics are emitted, a certain information message, which is repeated exactly 260 days later. We may not know this and arrive in the state in which we are. Unfortunately, humanity has come up with mechanical watches that do not measure true time. They convey the character of the time we have invented. Look: the arrow runs from one point to another, and we consider this a certain time. This is a dimension of space, not time. This is something conditional. But since we accepted this as truth for ourselves, we live this truth. But this is the truth in quotes. The present tense is a natural tense. And if a person knows about this and tries to tune in with it, consciously, using his consciousness, then he will turn out to be harmonious.

Imagine the Universe as a huge orchestra. And there is planet Earth in it - this is its small string. And the main string here is out of tune - this is humanity. It did not understand for itself what it is and how it can sound so as not to disturb the orchestra, to flow into it and then receive the strength of the whole orchestra. The one who gets out, he not only interferes with others. It is difficult for a whole orchestra to be disturbed by one small string. But the string itself is destroyed. And it destroys the environment that gave birth to it. This is how we destroy the Earth. Harmony is being in tune with the cosmic orchestra. And we fall out of the state of harmony, thereby destroying ourselves. This is what is happening on Earth now - it is our dissonance that is causing this reaction. You know, Jose says a wonderful thing: “Have you ever seen an ugly sunrise or sunset?” In nature everything is harmonious, perfect. And only a person manages to destroy all this, and therefore himself.

Anyone who comes into contact with the Tzolkin will be able to determine what message his birthday conveyed. Because this is the purpose of a person in this life. On the other hand, Tzolkin, its study, gives a person the opportunity to feel, feel that every day is changeable, every day brings a new quality. And if we correspond to these changes, are flexible in this, then we live life fully. Philosophers said: “You cannot enter the same water twice.” Yes, we are already leaving another one. And there is also a wonderful phrase, Heraclitus said: “In the world, only one thing is constant - change.”

- Where do you think this knowledge came from to the Mayan people?

The Mayans left material culture on our land. And through it we saw a lot of objects where the counting of days was reflected. And it was a little strange. There were stelae, there were some sculptures, pyramids that depicted cycles of time. The entire culture in material terms has left many traces of interconnection with the rhythms of the cosmos. And this was somewhat incomprehensible until this knowledge became holistic. Thanks to José Argüelles, this knowledge came together. Those tribes that remained did not preserve this knowledge, but back in 1952 the tomb of Pacal Votan, one of the Mayan prophets, was discovered. And there was a huge amount of information in the form of drawings and other material objects. All of them have been studied. Jose has been doing this for forty years, collecting information, summarizing it. Ultimately, this provided an understanding of the relationship between cycles and information for each day. And now, if humanity is able to realize this and enter into these rhythms, it will immediately become harmonious. This will help to take a very significant step - to make a transition of human consciousness from material thinking to intuitive thinking. But by and large, this is living life not at the level of instincts, but at the level of intuition.

It is often said that the Mayan calendar is the most accurate. How true is this statement? Mayan astronomers were able to determine the length of the solar year at 365.2420 days. This is only 0.0002 less than the currently accepted value for the tropical year and corresponds to an error of one day per 5000 years. This gives reason to conclude that the Mayan calendar was somewhat more accurate than our modern Gregorian calendar. Is this a coincidence? Or did the Mayan Indians really have deep knowledge about cosmic rhythms, human consciousness, and the nature of time? About what humanity will apparently have to rediscover in the very near future.

P.I. Movchan

New time and new world (Mayan Calendar)


The need for introduction is due to the fundamental difference between modern science and the science of the ancients. These differences are generated by the illusion of linearity of historical time that dominates European science, which can be expressed in terms of “before” and “after”. What is meant here is that civilizations after a certain point are more developed than those that existed before that point. From these positions, European scientists do not even allow the thought that some ancient civilizations in terms of their level of development could be higher than the modern Western one. This view is supported by two dogmas of modern science: 1) about the linearity of historical time; 2) about the presence of technology as a mandatory indicator of the development of civilization...
It was technical progress that gave rise to the dogma of the linearity of time. But nowhere in nature are there any straight lines or linear time. Not only in nature, but also in technology, all processes are cyclical. Regarding the development of civilizations, it looks schematically like this (Fig. 1):
where a is origin; 0 - highest bloom; w is the point of extinction and transition to a new civilization. That is, the cycles of civilizations look like a sinusoid (Fig. 2):
In reality, the sinusoid has the shape of a spiral or, in projection, a circle, where points a and w can coincide (Fig. 3). Thus, if civilization is at point w, then the highest point of its development - 0 - is already behind. Such a vision gives us the opportunity to leave scientific dogma behind and explore with an open mind the mysteries of ancient civilizations, as well as re-evaluate their written sources, the most important of which are ancient myths...


The reader has the right to ask: why Maya? Why, for example, not the ancient Slavs? The answer will be: it makes more sense to learn from the best examples. Each nation has contributed its tribute to history, but much has already been lost to us. History has preserved for us little of what we need for further development. Among this little, the concept of time and the calendar of the Mayan people especially stands out, specially compiled and carefully left by the ancient Mayans for us, who are experiencing an ideological crisis in the transition period to a new civilization. We owe the decoding of the Mayan calendar to a distant descendant of the ancient Mayans, an outstanding researcher of their heritage, Doctor of Philosophy Jose Arguelles...
Discovered in 1952 in Palenque, the tomb of the last prominent Mayan ruler, Pacal Votan, who reigned from 631 to 638 AD, helped to reveal the missing links in the chain of events of Mayan history. Gradually, detail by detail, a picture of the special mission of the Mayan people in the human history of the Earth emerged before the inner gaze of Jose Arguelles, the significance of which he expressed in the title of one of his books: “The Mayan Factor (non-technological path).”
What is the Mayan factor and what is their space mission? Before answering these questions, I must remind you that from the point of view of the goals of Western civilization, which is one large factory producing instruments of destruction and destruction, with a small workshop for the production of consumer goods, it is impossible to understand the motives of behavior and goals of the Mayan civilization . J. Argüelles himself writes that only when he formed the Eastern type of worldview, the basis of which is the cosmic factor, was he able to understand the logic of the behavior of the Mayans and begin to practically decipher their science and cultural artifacts...


Time and calendars of the ancients

All those who can read have already understood that this article will discuss the peculiarities of time calculation of some ancient (and partly still existing) cultures. During the narrative, the author undertakes to avoid pompous scientificism. So in this article you will not find any Kabbalistic tables and calculations, Crowleyan obscurantism, biblical frankness and sharp revolutionary conclusions

Ancient Egyptians

It was they who created the most ancient solar calendar in 4236 BC. However, at the same time, they simultaneously and joyfully used three calendars at once - the sidereal (by which they conducted agriculture), solar (civil) and lunar (for religious holidays). The planet Sirius helped them accurately calculate the number of days in a year: the Egyptians noticed that it became visible exactly a couple of days before the Nile flooded. The seasons of the natives of the Nile were imprisoned under the Nile - Flood, Sowing, Low Water - in total there are only three seasons.

The Egyptians invented the first sundial - a shadow-casting obelisk. The sunny day was divided into 12 parts (10 plus 2 for sunset/dawn), but at first no one bothered to set the length of the hour, that is, the Egyptians, like the Romans later, had hours of different lengths. Nevertheless, it was the ancient Egyptians who came up with the original idea of ​​​​dividing the day into 24 hours. The fact is that they counted not in tens, but in dozens. However, this did not in the least prevent them from living for decades - weeks lasting 10 days. The Egyptians also came up with a way to measure the night hours using an instrument called a merket, which made it possible to determine the transition of a star to the meridian, as well as using a water clock.

Ancient Romans

Oh, Western civilization owes a lot to these people. Even the name “calendar” itself comes from the Latin calare - to announce (the priest notified the emperor about the arrival of each new month). However, in those days the calendar did not shine with accuracy, if only because these same priests were bribed by all and sundry in order to jump over or otherwise avoid days that were considered unsuccessful and bad. Most modern (Western) holidays are based on ancient Roman ones. Florialia - May Day, Lupercalia - St. Valentine, Fools' Day - April 1st, Appearing of the Tree - Palm Sunday, Feast of Joy - Easter, Saturnalia - Christmas and Feast of Mars - Mardi Gras.

The Romans borrowed the 10-month system from the Greeks and conveniently ignored the 61 empty days at the end of winter. Later these days were organized into 2 additional months - Intercalaris and Marcedonius. Before Julius Caesar, the New Year began on March 1st. The chronology itself was carried out from the year of the creation of Rome (753 BC). Roman years were not numbered, but received the name of the two consuls who ruled during it (in the elective post of consules ordinarii). It is clear that the opportunity to get into history only intensified the competition for this lucrative place.

As already mentioned, the early Roman calendar was hopelessly confused. Later, the Romans began to use a more accurate calendar, in which the number of extra days was increased to 5. Until 321 BC, the Roman week consisted of 8 days, represented on the calendar in Latin letters from A to N. The Romans took this idea from the Jews, although not It is clear that they were prevented from immediately learning from the Babylonians, who were the first to establish the correct size of the week - 7 days. The red days of the capendar came from the Romans, since this was the color they used to mark their holidays. For a long time there were no names for the days of the week, because the Romans counted the days using three starting points in the month: Kalends - the 1st day, Ides - the 13th or 15th of the month and the Nones - 9 days before the Ides. The date was determined as follows: “4 days before the Eid”, etc.

The Roman day, as well as among other Mediterranean peoples, was divided into hours - 12 nights and 12 days. True, the day in that distant era began not at midnight, but at dawn. Depending on the time of year, the Roman hour could consist of 76 minutes (in June) to 44 in December. In those days, there was no mechanism that could accurately count minutes and hours. People agreed that an hour consists of 60 minutes only in the 12th-14th centuries, when the first clocks were created. And the modern division of an hour into 60 minutes ultimately came from the astronomers of ancient Babylon. It’s just that the number 60 is extremely convenient to use - it’s round and can be divided into 2,3,4,5,6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30 without a remainder.


The Aztec circular calendar became a worldwide symbol not only of their lost civilization, but of Mexico as a whole. Many have seen the image of a round stone calendar, which is now carefully kept in the museum, but few people know that this colossus weighs as much as 24 tons.

It is curious that with the help of this stone disk it was also possible to determine the time of day - by the shadows cast by sticks stuck into special holes. The Aztec month consisted of 20 days, and the year consisted of 18 months, which gives a total of 360 days, plus 5 “unlucky” days (just like the Romans). There are 5 days in a week. And the Aztecs considered time in 52-year cycles.


They had several methods of calculating chronology. One year (divine) consisted of 365 days, the other (human) of 260. The reason - the Mayans believed that the human world was on the verge of constant disaster due to the struggle between the forces of good and evil, and therefore they greatly respected the gods who were on the side of good. So they gave it to God - what is divine, and to man - what is human: in a “human” year, a month lasted only 19-20 days. That the Mayans were a philosophical civilization is also proven by the fact that they had names for super-long periods of time - Pictun (7885 years), Kabatun (158,000 years) and Kinchultun (about 3 million years). In addition, they had 3 calendars - the long count, tzol-kin and haab. How they differed from each other, I don’t want to write and won’t, because modern scientists argue about this point with foam at the mouth to this day. It was a rich civilization: it fed the Spaniards, and now it feeds scientists. And that’s what we need. Know, write your dissertations about the Mayans and their calendars: fortunately, there is no one to find out the truth from. A good opponent is a dead opponent.


They live according to the lunar calendar, which means their year is 11 days shorter than ours, and the Arab time calculation begins in 622 AD, that is, from the moment when Muhammad “exchanged” for Medina. The Arabic year is shorter, and therefore, despite the fact that the European chronology began 6 centuries earlier, both calendars will converge in 20874. The Arab month begins on the day when the crescent of the young moon can be seen. Since it is not clear in advance on what night this sickle will be visible, all printed Arabic calendars, by definition, cannot be accurate. Nevertheless, they are the official calendars in Saudi Arabia and some other countries.


They, of course, have their own calendar, which is official in the State of Israel. This is a solar-lunar calendar. The month, just like among the Arabs, begins with the new Moon. The day begins at sunset or at the moment when certain three stars are visible or (it's just a song!) "depending on religious circumstances." How
I don’t remember the joke: “How much is 2x2? - Are we buying or selling?” "The chronology begins in 3761 BC, that is, from the very moment of the creation of the world. There are 4 ways to calculate the first day of the new year:
1 - since the creation of the world;
2 - from the day when tithes are paid for fruit trees;
3 - from the day when tithes are paid for domestic animals;
4 - from the so-called “New Year of the Kings” - a holiday in the 6th or 7th month. In the latter case, this month in the middle of the year becomes the first. So the joke is: “When is the new year? - And when do you want it?” - not a hackneyed example of Odessa humor, but a harsh reality.


Like the Jews, the Chinese use a solar-lunar calendar. They count years not linearly, but in 60-year cycles. Now, by the way, we are in the 20th year of the 78th cycle. The New Year begins with the new moon between January 21 and February 21 (this year it was celebrated on February 1). Every 19 years, the Chinese celebrate their 13th month. This is usually the "second August" following the regular August.


Of the relatively modern calendars, the most interesting is the French Republican calendar, introduced in 1793. With a zeal that sets them apart even from the inherently impulsive revolutionaries, the Republicans changed not only the calendar, but also the time. Their day consisted of 10 hours of 100 minutes each, and each minute had 100 seconds. (According to the author, such a voluntaristic attitude towards time to some extent proves a certain far-fetchedness of this concept as a whole.) The revolutionaries named the months after trees, flowers and tools. The year consisted of 36 decades, and the last 5 days received their own special names - the Day of Virtue, Genius, Corpse, Reason and Awards. The year began on the day of the autumn solstice, September 22, and the chronology began with the year of the revolution (where else?). And although decades replaced weeks, the last day remained a day off. Needless to say, even the radically minded French did not like to rest once every 10 days. Therefore, it is no wonder that Napoleon successfully abolished this calendar in 1805, which significantly increased his, as they say these days, rating.

Natural conclusion

From what has been said, only one conclusion can be drawn: time is the same, but people measure it differently. You don’t need to have scientific degrees or a high IQ to appreciate the difference between, say, German iron time, in which it is better to arrive at any meeting 5 minutes before it starts, international business etiquette, which allows for an amendment of ± 15 minutes, and, let's say, Indian or Mexican, when more and more often it happens manana - “manana” - “tomorrow”. Bus, plane, visa, meeting - everything will happen, but tomorrow. And one more thing. Even in our time, there are comfortably peoples who pay little attention to all time and calendar formalities. For example, among the Himba tribe in Namibia, the year begins with the onset of rain. In the tribal language, there is one word for "day" and "sun", and "year" sounds like "rain". Happy people.

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    "Tzolkin" is a very ancient calendar and dates back to time immemorial. Some Mayan tribes in remote areas of the country still use it for ritual and magical purposes. And he played an even more important role earlier. The tables of the Dresden Codex were supposed to give the priests not only information about future eclipses, but also how to relate them to the 260-day Tzolkin calendar. They compiled their tables based on 11,958 days, which almost exactly corresponds to the 46 year of Tzolkin (11,960 days). This fully corresponds to 405 lunar months (also 11960 days). The authors of the tables also compiled additions that corrected their basic data, which ensured their accuracy to one day for 4500 years. "Tzolkin" is based on a combination of 20 names of months with numbers from 1 to 13. But the counting is not carried out sequentially, as in our Gregorian calendar with months of 30 and 31 days. A cycle of 260 days does not have any practical meaning in earthly conditions, just as the calendar itself with 13 days and 20 months, indicated by names and symbols that have nothing to do with the reality around us, has no practical meaning. Everything “falls into place” only in one case: the calendar was given to the Mayans from the outside by certain “gods” who were familiar with the wheel, and for whom the cycle of 260 days had some practical significance. “Gods” who were so educated that they were able not only to very accurately calculate the earthly year, but also to adapt its “inconvenient” duration to the integer counting system without loss of accuracy.

    Three Mayan calendars
    The Mayans used a whole system of three calendars. The Tzolkin calendar cycle has only 260 days, or 20 months of 13 days. Position of a person's date of birth in Tzolkine says a lot about his personal qualities and purpose in this world. Along with the Tzolkin, the solar calendar was used Haab with a period of 365 days. It had a domestic purpose. The Mayans calculated the almost exact length of the solar year - 365.242 days. Scientists believe it would have taken the Mayans 10,000 years of observation to figure out this number. But the Mayan civilization existed no more than 3,500 years. In addition to these two calendars, there is a calendar Long count for large time intervals. Its cycle is 5125.3 years. The current cycle began on August 13, 3114 BC. and ends in 2012 AD. In Mayan legends this cycle is called the Fifth Sun. Each cycle, according to Mayan mythology, ended with the almost complete destruction of civilization, which grew over 5,000 years. The First Sun ended with earthquakes, the Second with hurricanes, the Third with volcanic fallout, and the Fourth with a flood.

    Life after the Mayans

    Will the life of our civilization end in 2012? On the one hand, the Mayans predict the destruction of this civilization as a result of some movement of the Earth. But what follows is not just the development of another, sixth civilization. If you believe the Mayan theory, then after the end of the Fifth Sun cycle there should be some kind of evolutionary leap. It will be characterized by the development of spirituality in the human community. At a new level of evolution, a person will feel like a part of Nature, and all its levels will unite into a single whole according to the principle of universal telepathy. Perhaps the prediction should be understood abstracting from a purely materialistic assessment. The destruction of civilization is not necessary. It will simply become unimportant in the eyes of people, disappear from the center of their concerns, due to the emergence of other values. The Mayans speak of five eras. The development of any complex system can be divided into five stages. The first of them is the root, which contains the development program, its laws, as well as the very impulse for the emergence of the entire system. It is followed by stages of gradual complication and increasing independence of the elements. What changes should we expect? Which properties should humanity lose and which should it gain? Guessing is useless if you do not try to escape from the usual plane of our thinking. Agree, it is quite primitive to consider that the history of the planet consists of the development of one civilization, its destruction and the development of a new one. Remaining in the plane of our material life, it is impossible to imagine what will happen after it and whether this “after” exists at all. The destruction of material civilization from the point of view of the average person is no more significant than personal physical death. Much more attractive is the allegorical reading of the Mayan predictions, according to which humanity must rise to a spiritual perception of reality. The world will become “end-to-end”, where behind each object the spiritual forces that are the reason for its existence will be felt. Due to the eternity of the spiritual nature, along with the ability to sense it, a person will receive the possibility of eternal existence.

    Mysteries of the Mayan calendar

    One of the most mysterious and little-studied civilizations today is the Mayan civilization. The Mayans left behind many secrets and mysteries and topics for reflection. And in fact, how the Mayan Indians, being barbarians and savages who sacrificed people, could achieve such heights in the study of astrology, architecture and mathematics that even in our time seem incomprehensible. Having neither telescopes nor modern computing equipment, the Mayans studied the movements of celestial bodies, compiled star maps, and predicted the darkening of the sun and moon. But perhaps the most mysterious and enigmatic of all that the Mayan Indians left behind is known to almost the whole world, Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is based on 20 numbers and 12 symbols. The counting system is radically different from the modern one. It was based on the cycle of movement of celestial bodies. The Mayan calendar predictions are more global in nature. He predicts possible vectors for the development of human civilization as a whole. Another very important aspect is that it does not have any specifics, and the texts of the predictions are more abstract in nature, a kind of mystery that still needs to be solved. Representatives of this ancient civilization predicted many events. These include world wars, an outbreak of global terrorism, and the Cold War. All the events that were predicted by the Mayans had planetary significance, one way or another, influencing the history of mankind as a whole.
    The level of the Mayan worldview and their way of thinking is alien to us. They perceived the world and the nature of things differently from us, and therefore the meaning of their words and records can be interpreted by us in a completely different way from the meaning inherent in the Maya. What meant one thing to them may seem completely different to us. Therefore, it is not surprising that among scientists studying the Mayan civilization and their calendar, many disagreements. Today, everyone associates the Mayan calendar with the date December 21, 2012. The words, end of the world, change of eras, world cataclysm are heard more and more often. Both among scientists and among ordinary people, discussions revolve around this date, which has already become mystical. But most of the recording was simply destroyed by the Spaniards, and from the words that remained it is difficult to determine what is being said. And the Mayan ancestors themselves say that the date December 21, 2012, promoted by various people who are far from understanding the Mayan culture, people who simply speculate on this, publishing books and making films, focus on the fact that the calendar of their ancestors predicts events much later 2012. And there is already confirmation of this. Not long ago, signs were deciphered on a stone tablet that was attached to the Tortuguero monument, which was found in Mayan territory. Researchers are convinced that one record can be deciphered up to 4,772 years. If we discard all the stereotypes and speculations that have developed around the Mayan calendar, we will get one of the greatest mysteries in the history of mankind, which we will need many years to study. After all, the Mayan calendar is not only a prediction of the future of humanity. The Mayan calendar also contains warnings and a message for humanity. He predicts only the possible vectors of development of a nation of people, and in what vector humanity will develop, deplete the planet’s resources, invent nuclear weapons, wage wars, or grow morally and spiritually, strive for peace, this already depends on us.

    End of the Mayan calendar
    The Mayans developed several calendars during their existence, one of them contains information about 2012 and the ends of the world. This calendar takes into account the periods and rhythms of the universe and will clarify something for us about 2012. For the Mayans, time was very important. In their opinion, all events went in a cycle, in a circle. In the Tzolkien ritual period, the cycle consisted of 260 days, each day was numbered from one to thirteen, and the names were repeated at intervals of twenty days. This means that two periods were mixed in one calendar - 13 and 20. Each name had its own hieroglyph - a solar seal. For the Mayans, time was like the flow of a river. It’s like it’s the same thing, but each time it’s different in some way, and it’s never repeated. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: you can’t step into the same water twice. For them, time was enclosed in a cycle, just like the flow of a river. The short cycle for them was 5 thousand years, the long cycle was 26 thousand years. The latter coincides with the galactic alignment cycle, and they are trying to somehow connect this with the end of the world in 2012. To summarize, we find that the Mayan calendar is endless, because it is enclosed in a cycle that has no end.

    The Hopi Indians in ancient stone tablets warn that on December 23, 2012, “the great spirit will appear again,” and part of humanity will move to another world (or another dimension).

    The Maori Indians (New Zealand) believed that this year the physical world would unite with the worlds of spirits; in their opinion, the time was coming when Heaven and Earth would unite again.

    The Zulu Indians believed that in 2012 the world would “turn upside down.”

    The Incas called 2012 the date of “meeting yourself.”

    The Aztecs in their texts call 2012 the Sixth Sun, the time of birth of a new race.

    The Dogon are waiting for the Nommo spaceship on this day.

    The Egyptian calendar ends in 2012.

    Hopi Indians

    Interest in Hopi prophecies increases year by year. For US officials, the impetus for this was the confirmation of the prophecy about the tragedy of September 11, 2002, predicted by the Hopi a year before. Secret service experts sat down to decipher the ancient symbols inscribed on stone slabs and tablets. Some prophecies are strictly classified.

    According to the Hopi, earthly civilization is not doomed and humanity has a future. But first you will have to pay a certain price for your arrogance and unreasonableness, for your inability to live in harmony with the world. The Hopi talk about "machines from the sky" that will save those who follow the voice of reason and live in harmony with the world; they talk about houses on the Moon and the Red Earth; remind us of a new bright star that will soon appear in the sky...

    By the way, NASA astronomers recently discovered a strange object 350 times larger than the Sun, and information and photographs of a city flying in space momentarily leaked through the Internet... You may not believe all this, but over the past 100 years, many Hopi prophecies have already come true.

    Therefore, experts are now paying special attention to the prediction that December 23, 2012 will be an important day for humanity. On this day, according to the Hopi, “the great spirit will appear again,” and part of humanity will move to another world (or another dimension).

    Mayan Indians

    The Mayan calendar was created about four thousand years ago. In the Mayan calendar there are 13 moons in a year (the moon corresponds to our month). Each Moon consists of 28 days, and is divided into another 4 weeks of seven days. In total, 13 Moons contain 364 days. One day is not included in any of the Moons; it is transitional at the beginning of a new year.

    New Year according to the Mayan calendar begins on July 26th. Every day, every Moon, every year has its own symbolic meaning, sign and characteristic. The Mayan priests said that since the creation of the human race, four cycles, or “Suns,” have already passed. There were four human races that died during the great cataclysms. And only a few people survived, telling about what happened. The "First Sun" lasted 4008 years and was destroyed by earthquakes. The Second Sun lasted 4010 years and was destroyed by hurricanes. The “Third Sun” lasted 4081 years and fell under the fiery rain that poured from the craters of huge volcanoes. The "Fourth Sun" (5026 years old) was destroyed by a flood.

    We are now living in the last katun of the Fifth Age of Creation, or the “Fifth Sun”. It is also known as the “Sun of Movement”. The Mayans believed that at the end of the current 5126-year cycle, some movement of the Earth would occur. According to Mayan chronology, the modern era began on August 11 - 13, 3114 BC. and should end December 20 - 23, 2012 AD.

    Maori Indians

    Maoris know nothing of Western modern myths, nor of Indian prophecies. They live in their own Picture of the World, according to which the Universe is now changing critically.
    The Maori Myth of the Universe says that in the Beginning there were only Heaven and Earth and they were in a marital embrace that they did not want to separate. They had divine children who were inside them in the darkness of their closed large bodies. Only occasionally did a ray of light reach them. One day, some of the sons conspired to separate their parents in order to give access to the Light. With great difficulty, blood and suffering of the parents, one of the sons succeeded. Thus began Genesis, in which these child gods created people and everything else.
    Majori believe that this year the physical world will unite with the worlds of spirits, and the time comes when Heaven and Earth unite again.

    Zulu Indians

    Zulu - amaZulu - children of the sky, these Indians received this name at the beginning of the 18th century. The main content of the religious beliefs of the Zulus was the worship of the spirits of their ancestors. Deceased ancestors - in all generations and at different levels of kinship - are considered as full members of the clan and community. They believed that in 2012 the world would “turn upside down.”


    The oldest sacred scriptures on the planet, the Vedas, contain not only detailed information about the meaning of human life, the principles of religion and the laws that govern this Universe. Along with this, they include entire sections devoted to medicine, nutrition, astronomy, martial arts, psychology, construction and architecture, geology, music and almost all other branches of knowledge that exist in modern society. The Vedas also contain descriptions of the history of our planet, not only its past, but also its future.

    According to the Vedas, the Earth, in its development, successively passes through cycles of four centuries or eras, replacing one another, like the seasons. The last age, Kali Yuga, is called the Iron Age or the Age of Machines. It is the shortest - 432,000 years, but the darkest of all four. In this era, people live up to a maximum of 100 years and are distinguished by the most terrible and disgusting qualities. General economic and spiritual degradation sets in. Only one quarter remains of the former piety and spiritual culture, and even that is completely destroyed by the end of Kali Yuga.

    After the end of the age of Kali, the Lord corrects the situation, restores religious principles and begins a new Satya Yuga. In the 21st century, the age of Kali Yuga ends for Hindus, which will be followed by a renewal of time (the exact date is unknown).


    Archaeological research shows that a large number of achievements were inherited by the Incas from previous civilizations, as well as from the neighboring peoples they subjugated. AND The Nki are the creators of one of the oldest civilizations in South America. They achieved a highly developed social system without even mastering the wheel. A highly developed road system helped maintain the integrity of the geographically extended state. The Incas performed complex surgical operations and mastered the art of mummification. They called 2012 the date of “meeting yourself.”


    According to legend, when the Aztecs arrived in the valley Anahuac , the local population considered them the most uncivilized group, but the Aztecs decided to learn; and they took all the knowledge they could from other peoples, mostly from the ancients Toltecs. The Aztecs, called the “people of the sun,” appointed themselves the chosen ones responsible for the existence of the sun. However, since the sun was both the god of war and needed human blood, the Aztecs turned into a warlike and bloodthirsty people, demanding numerous human sacrifices.

    According to the Aztec ideas about the creation of the world, four great eras - four Suns, each of which ended in a universal catastrophe. Common Era - Naui Ollin, fifth era, Fifth Sun. The Aztecs call 2012 the end of the Fifth Sun and the beginning of the Sixth Sun, the time of birth of a new race.


    Robert Temple, in his book The Sirius Mystery (1976), argued that the Dogon learned from amphibious aliens from the Sirius system about the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, the spiral structure of the Milky Way galaxy in which our solar system is located. The Dogon claimed that billions of stars revolve in space, like blood circulating in the human body...

    But perhaps the most remarkable facet of their knowledge is the knowledge of the detailed structure of the Sirius star system, which can now only be detected with powerful telescopes. The Dogon knew about the white dwarf, the satellite star of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.

    The Dogon are expecting the Nommo spaceship in 2012 - that’s what they call the amphibious aliens from Sirius. The Dogons believe that they live in cigar-shaped structures like the ark, which was depicted in the picture as a “twisting and rotating, moving ark.” They described the noise and rumble it made when moving, as well as the swirling dust devils that appeared on the ground.


    The Cherokee Indian calendar ends in 2012.


    About four thousand years BC, on the banks of the Nile, there existed one of the most powerful and cultural countries at that time - Egypt. One of the first solar calendars was born and subsequently widely developed here.

    The ancient Egyptians, who are also believed to be descendants of the lost civilization of Atlantis, used their calendar system, and it was discovered that the pyramids themselves served this purpose. Each pyramid consists of 4 sides with a distance of approximately 91 steps on each side (4 sides x 91 steps) for a total of 364 steps, adding the final, connecting step and we get 365 steps.

    The most common association with the Egyptians and 2012 is that they use a calendar system that ends in 2012. The ancient Egyptians' calendar was known as the "calendar stone", encrypted in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The calendar measures the so-called "Phoenix cycle" or 26,000 years of procession - the wobble of the earth's axis under the gravitational influence of the Sun and Moon - and this cycle ends in 2012.

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