Class hours for September 1, peace lesson. Hail, our Fatherland is free

Methodological development of extracurricular activities on the topic:

5th grade

Lesson objectives:

    Get to know the children, create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, form in children a positive assessment of their class team;

    Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinions;

    Teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice;

    To educate and develop the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s Motherland, the desire for peace.

Motto:“A world without violence, without worries and tears,” “A world under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!”

1.Organizational moment(the song “Our School Country” is played)

Dear guys, congratulations on the beginning of the school year. Today you crossed the threshold of high school and became 5th grade students. And I, having crossed the school threshold this year, became your class teacher. Many interesting things await us. But our main concern is that our class be healthy, friendly and united. Let school life give you only joyful moments, and let your days of study fly by like birds in the sky - quickly and easily. Remember, children, today you are building your future! Study well, try not to miss out on the necessary knowledge, so that in the future you can choose an interesting profession and become successful people.

In 5th grade, new subjects and new teachers await you. It won't always be easy, not everything will work out. But I would like each of you to understand and feel that he is not alone, that friends are nearby, that classmates, parents, and teachers can always come to the rescue. The class you are in now is our classroom. Some lessons, classes, and holidays will be held there. It will become your school home for several years. You become the owners of this office. And a real owner must take care of school property, maintain cleanliness and order .

And now the time has come to take the fifth-grader oath and be faithful to this oath all the years of study.

Always come to class for the first lesson

Even before the bell rings. (Children in chorus - We swear!)

Be active and relevant in class,

Remember and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

To become literate and smart,

Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks

Become good friends, become faithful,

Help each other in everything and always. (We swear!)

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

We will never take you to class, under no circumstances. (We swear!)

2. Announcing the topic of the class hour

Today is our first lesson and we will talk about very serious things. What exactly is it about, you try to determine after listening to the poem:

World peace is my dream,

Let people live like one family.

Let there be no more wars and guns,

Let doors be opened in houses everywhere.

Love and trust are for me,

And endless peace - to the whole Earth!

What is the topic of our class hour? What is this poem about?

Yes, guys, the theme of our lesson is “Peace to the world!” and it will be held under the motto “A world without violence , without worries and tears.” What is the world for you?

Here is the explanation of the meaning of this word given by the explanatory dictionary:

1. WORLD – Universe; planet; the globe, as well as the population, people


2. PEACE – friendly ties, agreement between anyone, absence of war;

Silence; peace; agreement to end the war.

Name the word opposite in meaning to the word PEACE. (War)

Wars have plagued humanity throughout history. And in our time we are very worried. Radio, television, newspapers bring alarming news. Either in one or the other end of the globe, bombs are falling to the ground, schools and hospitals are burning, hundreds of people are dying.

Where did the armed conflict take place now? What do you know about this, how do you feel about it?

What kind of people start these wars? (Cruel, ruthless, irresponsible).

What prevents people from living peacefully? ( Often wars arise due to misunderstandings between different parties or when one country interferes in resolving controversial issues of another country, which is completely unacceptable.)

Is it possible to avoid military action? How? ( Solve problems through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

In the history of our country, unfortunately, there have also been many wars. Our people have repeatedly defended it from enemy attacks.

Do you know that it was on September 1, 1939 that Germany attacked Poland, which marked the beginning of the Second World War, which became the largest armed conflict in human history. 62 states out of 73 existing at that time (80% of the world's population) participated in it.

On this day it began Great Patriotic War, which lasted 4 long years! And as you know, May 8, 1945. our great-grandfathers and grandfathers won a victory over fascism. Among the soldiers there were also our fellow countrymen. From Brest to Moscow – 1,000 kilometers. From Moscow to Berlin – 1,600 kilometers. By train - four days, by plane - four hours... On the roads of war - four years! 4 years - 34 thousand hours! More than 26 million dead Soviet people! If a minute of silence is declared for each of them, the country will remain silent for 35 years.

The peoples learned many lessons from it, but the main one was that war must be fought before it begins.

What do you think helped our people survive this great battle? (Friendship of peoples, love for one's country.)

On August 6, 1945, by order of US President Truman, an American bomber dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

On August 9, 1945, the Americans dropped the second atomic bomb on Japan. Nagasaki city. A huge fiery nuclear explosion, resembling a large toadstool, covered the cities. Houses collapsed, trees turned black, people fell dead. The cities turned into scorched deserts and died out. Victims of the bombing in Hiroshima there were 140 thousand people, in Nagasaki - 75 thousand. Little was known about the effects of radiation at that time and most people continued to live on contaminated land. Sasaki Sadako she practically did not remember the events of August 6, 1945. Her family was only two kilometers from the epicenter. The shock wave threw Sasaki out of the second floor window; her parents were sure that she died, but the girl was not injured. She was only 2 years old then. It seemed life had returned to normal, but nine years later, in the fall of 1954, Sasaki felt unwell for the first time. While participating in a school relay race, after running the girl felt very tired and dizzy. She tried to forget about what happened, but the attacks of dizziness recurred. Then the lymph nodes on the neck and back of the head enlarged, and the temperature rose. In January 1955, 11-year-old Sadako was diagnosed with acute leukemia; at that time, there were no effective treatments for leukemia. It was then that the term “Atomic Bomb Disease” was heard for the first time. Sadako was not told for a very long time that she was terminally ill, her parents protected her from the merciless reality, on the contrary, they tried to somehow please her. For example, we sewed her first kimono. In almost all the photographs, Sadako has a slightly gloomy look, this is due to swollen lymph nodes, in fact, it was perhaps the happiest day of her life, her last spring. Sadako thought a lot about the future, about how she could catch up with the school curriculum, there were textbooks in her room all the time and she asked her friends a lot about how school was going. I wrote letters to friends and family. For the first time, Sadako realized that she would soon die when she saw the death of a girl in the next ward, who also suffered from leukemia. She spent a lot of time next to her body, looking at the dead girl's subcutaneous hemorrhages and comparing them with the marks on her own arms and legs, until the nurse who came to take the body away noticed her and took her away. “Apparently this is what awaits me.” – she said to her roommate. On August 3, Sadako's best friend, Chizuko Hamamoto, made a paper crane for her. In Japan there is a belief that whoever collects 1000 paper cranes will definitely get better, and Sadako began collecting paper cranes from everything that came into her hand, from school notebook paper to wrapping paper and packaging. It is unknown whether she seriously believed that this could save her or was simply trying to occupy herself with long days and even longer nights in the hospital, alone with her inexorable illness, she had a little less than three months to live. Unfortunately, 1000 cranes don't make wishes come true, they're just folded paper. Due to low levels of white blood cells, she developed an infection and subsequently gangrene in her leg; amputation was impossible, and would only prolong the girl’s suffering. On October 25, 1955, having received another dose of morphine, she asked that ochazuke be prepared for her, a mixture of rice, green tea and spices. After eating, she smiled and said, “It was very tasty,” these were her last words. Parents distributed Sadako's things and clothes to friends along with 2-3 figurines of cranes, and put several in her coffin and burned them along with her body. It cannot be said that Sadako did anything particularly significant in her life. She was a kind girl who helped her parents despite her poor life in post-war Japan. Courageous fought her illness and even insisted on attending her high school graduation even though she was already very ill. She didn’t make statements or accuse anyone, she just wanted to live. After her death, relatives and friends raised money for a monument, which was later installed in the Hiroshima Peace Park. Sadako, her life and death, for the whole world became a symbol of thousands of children of Hiroshima who died prematurely or lived their whole lives with serious illnesses and hereditary diseases caused by radiation. Sadako's story received wide publicity, many books were written about it and several films were made.

In 1981, at the 36th session of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of Peace“in order to spread and take root the ideals of peace both in relations within all states and peoples, and in relations between them.” In 2002, the UN decided to celebrate the Day every year on September 21 and called on various organizations and individuals to “observe the International Day of Peace in an appropriate manner, including through education in all its aspects.”

On this Day, the UN calls on all countries to stop hostilities and stop shedding blood for at least 24 hours. Refusal from violence and war is not just big words, but a necessity for the further development of humanity. Only peaceful negotiations and resolution of existing problems through dialogue and compromise solutions can produce truly tangible results and benefits for all humanity.

Samantha Smith(Samantha Smith) was born on June 29, 1972 in the American city of Hulton, Maine. Her mother, Jane Smith, worked as a sociologist, and her father, Arthur Smith, was a teacher of English language and literature. In the fall of 1982, Samantha wrote a letter to the leader of the USSR - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Yuri Andropov and received a response from him.

The girl was forced to write in the USSR by an article in the Times magazine, the editorial of which was dedicated to Andropov, who had recently come to power. The article suggested that this man was dangerous for the United States and that a new war was quite possible under his rule.

After reading the article, Samantha asked her mother: “Why is everyone afraid of Mr. Andropov? Why doesn’t anyone ask him if he is going to attack our country?” In response, the girl’s mother jokingly remarked: “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

Samantha took her mother’s words seriously and wrote a letter: “Dear Mr. Andropov! My name is Samantha Smith. I am ten years old. Congratulations on your new appointment. I am very worried that a nuclear war will break out between the Soviet Union and the United States. Are you for war or no? If you are against it, please tell me how you are going to prevent the war? You, of course, are not obliged to answer this question, but I wanted to know why you want to conquer the whole world, or at least our country. created the earth so that we could all live together in peace and not fight. Sincerely, Samantha Smith."

The girl's letter was published in the Soviet newspaper Pravda. On April 26, 1983, she received a response from Yuri Andropov. The letter, printed in Russian and accompanied by an English translation, was dated April 19, 1983.
“We in the Soviet Union are trying to do everything to ensure that there is no war between our countries, so that there is no war on Earth at all. This is what every Soviet person wants. This is what the great founder of our state, Vladimir Lenin, taught us,” Andropov wrote.

At the end of the letter, Yuri Andropov invited the girl to come to the USSR and see how children live in the Soviet Union. In July 1983, Samantha and her parents flew to the USSR. A warm welcome awaited her in Moscow. Samantha spent two weeks in the Soviet Union. She visited Moscow, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), and went on vacation to the Artek children's camp.

At the Artek pioneer camp, they prepared the best room for the girl, sewed a uniform, and completed a new dining room for her arrival. She was not singled out at the camp; Samantha participated in all the activities of the detachment - wherever everyone else went, so did she.

On July 22, 1983, before flying home, Samantha uttered words that many still remember to this day: “We will live!” Thanks to the girl, a new expression appeared - “child diplomacy.” The main result of the trip was Samantha Smith’s book “My Journey to the USSR.” In it, Samantha wrote what she saw with her own eyes: “They are just like us.”

In December 1983, Samantha Smith made a 10-day trip to Japan, where she gave a speech at the International Children's Symposium. She suggested that all children communicate more with each other and be friends, then, in her opinion, there will be peace in the whole world.

On August 25, 1985, Samantha Smith died in a plane crash. The girl and her father were returning from England. The small twin-engine plane overshot the landing strip in poor visibility and crashed. None of the eight passengers managed to survive. In October 1985, Samantha's mother, Jane Smith, founded the Samantha Smith Foundation, which organized trips for groups of schoolchildren from the Soviet Union, later Russia, to the United States and contributed to the development of mutual understanding between countries. The foundation formally ceased to exist in 1995, but its Board of Directors continues to meet annually and distribute small amounts of money to various nonprofit programs. The first monument to Samantha Smith was erected in December 1986 in the city of Augusta (Maine, USA), where the girl was buried. The sculpture is an image of Samantha releasing a dove, and clinging to her feet is a bear cub - the symbol of Russia and the patron saint of Maine. A monument to Samantha was later erected at the entrance to the Maine State Museum.

On September 1, 2004, a group of armed terrorists seized a school in a small town of Beslan in North Ossetia. More than 1,200 people ended up in the hands of the militants, who acted, as it was later established, on the orders of Shamil Basayev. These were mostly children and women. For three days they were kept in inhumane conditions, with practically no water or food. On September 3, special forces were forced to launch an assault, during which over 300 people were killed and about 600 were injured. The Gazeta publication tried to restore the chronology of those tragic events.

Early in the morning of September 1, many people gathered near School No. 1 in Beslan. These were schoolchildren, as well as their parents, who came to the ceremonial assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. “The girls were in blue dresses, white aprons, with white bows. I have never seen such beautiful children,” recalls the school director. Many came with entire families, taking with them preschool-age children, including infants.

At the beginning of nine, a GAZ-66 stopped near the school. The militants jumped out from there and immediately began to seize the educational institution. As eyewitnesses recall, there were 10-12 of them, no more. One is in a black robe, the rest are in camouflage.

"The militants had not yet approached the line when shots began to ring out. They thought some rich man had brought a child to school - and there would be fireworks for him. And then the balls began to fly up. Everyone ran towards the gym. I took the children and ran to the boiler room. One bandit pointed the machine gun at me and said: “Run to the gym.” We turned around. They herded us all in a semicircle, like sheep,” says the mother of one of the schoolchildren.

By ten in the morning all the hostages were herded into the gym. “It was very, very crowded because a huge mass of people had gathered - over a thousand people. They constantly demanded silence, shooting in the air. Then they ordered everyone to sit down. One man tried to calm everyone down: “Let's listen to what they have to say.” Involuntarily he switched to the Ossetian language. And this Colonel (the leader of the terrorists, Ruslan Khuchbarov) ordered him to kneel down and asked: “Did he say everything?” The man said: “Yes,” and then the Colonel shot him with a machine gun.” , - recalls one of the former hostages.

Immediately after the people were imprisoned, the terrorists began to mine the premises. "They began to roll out the reels. There were two garlands. On one there were seven bombs, on the other - eight. All homemade, tied with tape, the size of a large coffee can. Plastic, with pieces of metal shining through them. And they put two large ones in basketball hoops They made another garland in the passage. There were two factory-made anti-personnel mines,” the publication quotes the words of an eyewitness. By this time, an anti-crisis headquarters had already been created in the city administration building, 200 meters from the school.

By 11.30 the school was surrounded by units of the 58th Army and all the personnel of the Beslan police. Relatives of the hostages gathered around the school. At the school, they were preparing for a long siege: the militants used the men for work - they forced them to barricade all the windows, all the doors, entrances, remove the boards from the classroom, and block up the windows. After that, they were placed on their knees near the geography classroom in two lines.

“There were two female suicide bombers there. They told us that we had to die, and the female suicide bombers exploded. I woke up to the sound of someone moaning loudly, but I heard almost nothing. I stood up, the mutilated bodies of men lay around. Then they forced us to take them off one of the classroom doors. On it, like on a stretcher, the survivors carried those who died and those who were seriously injured to the second floor,” says one of the survivors.

In the afternoon, the President of North Ossetia Dzasokhov, Speaker of Parliament Taimuraz Mamsurov, head of the FSB Directorate Valery Andreev, Deputy Prosecutor General Sergei Fridinsky, State Duma deputies Dmitry Rogozin and Mikhail Markelov gathered at the anti-crisis headquarters. By nightfall, the famous children's doctor, director of the Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, Leonid Roshal, arrived. Reinforcements from the FSB special forces "Alpha" and "Vympel" arrived at the school.

The militants decided to make contact - they called the President of the Republic Dzasokhov for negotiations, but Leonid Roshal contacted the terrorists by telephone instead. They did not put forward specific demands. In the conversation, L. Roshal tried to get the opportunity to donate water and food to the school, and let younger children and women go. The answer to all proposals was the same: “No.”

On the second day, in the morning, the children's condition worsened. Some fainted, some felt ill, some were pumped out. Children were no longer allowed to go to water taps.

“The children took cups and asked: “Give me urine, give me urine. We are thirsty." One of the terrorists walked by and said: "Are you drinking urine? Are you pigs or what?" I say: "Then give me some water. If you decide to kill us, at least give us some water before we die. Let the children at least have a drink. “He didn’t say anything,” the ex-hostage told the newspaper.

At 15.30, the ex-president of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, entered the school. The terrorists gave him a list of demands - from Shamil Basayev to President Vladimir Putin. He left the school with 12 women, who had 15 babies in their arms.

Tanks and armored personnel carriers were pulled up to the school from Vladikavkaz. Relatives surrounding the school were reassured, assuring them that there would be no assault. At the school itself, things became very difficult for the children and other hostages. “It wasn’t just about water, it was about air. Many children were lying unconscious. They weren’t allowed to go out. Cool air was coming from the gym, and I asked: “Can the children breathe?” One of the terrorists gave me permission, and I they handed over the children, and they breathed air for 1-2 minutes,” Gazeta quotes Fatima Gutieva as saying.

“We already knew that there would be an assault, and the terrorists knew. They put a relay on the 220-volt network, broke the contact and set two bombs. If the lights were turned off, the contact would close and a wave of explosions would go off. Some of them, which were softer, They scattered rags and said: “Use them, whatever you like, if there are gases on the floor... and breathe through these rags.” That is, they were sure that the assault would begin,” one of the men added in a conversation with the publication. In addition, on the third day, many of the militants were without beards and were dressed in civilian clothes.

At 13.01 the first explosion is heard. Four minutes later - the second one. After 20 minutes - the third. Some of the hostages escape after the explosions. During their escape, the terrorists shot them in the back. The rest were taken to the school cafeteria. At 13.30 the roof of the school collapses and a strong fire breaks out. Tanks and armored personnel carriers are moving towards the school, helicopters are circling over it, and grenade launchers and flamethrowers are appearing around. The assault begins spontaneously, without commands.

Militiamen—relatives of the hostages, armed with whatever they could—rush into the school, often ahead of the military and special forces. They begin to pull out the wounded, while simultaneously firing back at the militants.

According to official statistics, a total of 1,251 hostages were in the hands of the militants. 331 of them died (including 176 children), 600 were injured. Also during the assault, 8 soldiers of the FSB special forces “Alpha” and “Vympel” and 2 employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were killed. 31 terrorists were killed, one was captured alive.

3. Practical work

What is the symbol of peace?
Riddle: This is a small bird,
Lives in cities.
You'll pour some crumbs for her -
Coos and pecks. ( Pigeon)

And not just any dove, but a white dove. Why?

The image of a dove carrying an olive branch in its beak served as the emblem of the first World Peace Congress, which was held in 1949 in Paris and Prague. It was painted by Pablo Picasso.

Let us also contribute our part to the fight for peace!

There is a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions. I suggest you attach our paper doves to the globe. Let our pigeons tell the whole world that children in Russia and other countries do not want wars. (While the children are attaching the pigeons to the poster, the song “Sunny Circle” sounds).

Summing up the class hour:

You are the young inhabitants of our planet. And a lot on the globe will depend on you in the future. Writer Nikolai Tikhonov said: “Everyone, no matter who he is, no matter what he does, has one more duty that requires selfless and faithful service: to protect the world.”

Summer rang out with a cheerful song, And the golden autumn began. Hurry, friends, you have a lot to do, A sunny school classroom awaits you. Have you been to a camp, on hikes, Strengthened, matured, developed - Let me congratulate you on the New Year, Happy academic year - a new step in life! May every school day be a good one, You need to know a lot, a lot, To become like the hero Gagarin, To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!

Czech Republic



Baltic countries





For first-graders, this is the holiday of the First Bell, and in general, a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, especially for students and teachers. Initially, September 1 was still a school day: the holiday in schools began with a ceremonial assembly, then was held Peace Lesson , then other lessons.

Now schools only hold ceremonial assemblies and other festive events.

First of September. On this day, all roads lead to school.

What is school?

School - it’s like a small island of childhood, lost in the endless ocean, and you can get out of there only by gaining certain knowledge.

Why do people go to school?

They go to school to gain knowledge without which it is impossible to live: learn to read, write, count. The school teaches discipline: independence, responsibility, the ability to plan and be responsible for one’s actions, and this is necessary in order to become a normal person. After graduating from school, you will receive a certificate, without which you will not be able to enter college. School is the same job as mom and dad. Each age has its own work, children's work is to go to school. School will give you the opportunity to communicate, make new friends, make friends with them, quarrel and make peace; falling in love... All this is needed to learn to live.








Flash questions.



1.What do the rider and the rooster have in common?


Under the wet

2. Under what bush was the hare sitting during the rain?





4. How can you carry water in a sieve?


1 .



1. The deepest lake in the world.


In Antarctica

2. Which continent has no rivers?



3. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country?



4. Name the star closest to Earth. This star is visible during the daytime.


1 .



1. What bird breeds chicks in any frost?



2. During the flight of these birds, it seems that a solid flame is moving. What kind of bird is this?


Bear trail

3. The track of which predatory animal is similar to that of a human?


Parsley juice

4. Which plant juice helps with mosquito bites?






There is a wonderful bench, You and I sat on it. The bench guides both of us From year to year From class to class.

What do you use to erase a school board?

In Russian schools there is a 5-point system for assessing student knowledge:

5 - "excellent", 4 - "good",

3 - "satisfactory"

2 - “bad”, 1 - “very bad”.

And in Germany (for example) there is a 6-point rating system:

1 - very good, 2 - good,

3 - satisfactory, 4 - sufficient,

5 - insufficient, 6 - unsatisfactory.


  • What is the name of the country where you live?




Russian flag

coat of arms of Russia

Russian anthem

Music by A. Alexandrov Words by S. Mikhalkov

Wide scope for dreams and for life,

The years to come reveal to us.

Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.

So it was, so it is and so it will always be!

Hail, our free Fatherland -

An age-old union of fraternal peoples.

This is folk wisdom given by our ancestors.

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

Russia is our sacred power!

Russia is our favorite country!

Mighty will, great glory -

Your treasure for all time.

Hail, our free Fatherland -

An age-old union of fraternal peoples.

This is folk wisdom given by our ancestors.

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar edge

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! You are the only one!

God-protected native land.


President of Russia

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Full name: Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Full name of the op amp in which it operates

Full job title: primary school teacher

Peace Lesson

Motto: Peace to the children of the world.

Purpose: 1. To introduce the meaning of the words PEACE, SYMBOL, the meaning of colors in state symbols (Flag), to introduce the symbol of peace;

show the causes of wars and ways to resolve conflicts.

2. Foster patriotism and a responsible attitude towards preserving peace on Earth.

3. Develop speech, logical thinking, attention, memory.

/Against the background of music/


Not warmed by the hot sun.

The forests are still covered with leaves,

All the children have bouquets in their hands,

Although the day is sad, it is cheerful,

Are you sad:

Goodbye summer!

And you rejoice:

Hello school!

Today is a holiday - Knowledge Day dedicated to the beginning of a new school year. And we set off on another voyage across the ocean of Knowledge. We will encounter many difficulties along the way, but we are experienced discoverers, which means we can handle everything. And let's start this right now.

Our class hour is dedicated to another holiday, which is celebrated on September 1st. Your task is to guess the keyword.


, 3

1 3 2


What is peace?

Here is the explanation of the meaning of this word given by the explanatory dictionary:

1. WORLD – Universe,


the globe, as well as the population, the people of the globe.

2. PEACE – friendly ties, agreement between anyone, absence of war;

silence, peace;

agreement to end the war.

Our class hour is held under the motto: “Peace to the children of the world.” Explain the meaning of this expression.

And what proverbs our people composed, you will find out by working in groups and completing the task: collect a proverb.

Proverbs: Peace builds, war destroys.

Peace on the planet - happy children.

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

A bad peace is better than any quarrel.

Read and explain the meaning of the proverb.

Name opposite according to the meaning of the word to the word PEACE./War/.

Our hearts are not always calm. Radio, television, newspapers bring alarming news. Either in one or the other end of the globe, bombs are falling to the ground, schools and hospitals are burning, hundreds of people are dying. Why is this happening? What prevents people from living peacefully?

65 years have passed since the Great Patriotic War. But already during this time, more than 100 wars raged in different parts of our planet.

What kind of people start these wars? (Cruel, ruthless, irresponsible).

Is it possible to avoid military action? How? (We must take a responsible attitude towards conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that arise through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

Often wars arise due to misunderstandings between different parties or when one country interferes in resolving controversial issues of another country, which is completely unacceptable.

Look at paintings about war and peaceful life.

What colors did the artist use to convey the horror and suffering that people experience during the war? (Gloomy, dark).

And for depicting peaceful life? (Light, bright, juicy)

Why? (These colors express good feelings, a good mood. After all, without peace in a large-scale sense, there is no peace in the soul.)

Paints are not always used to convey feelings and mood. Sometimes a color symbolizes something, that is, it is a symbol of something.

What is a SYMBOL? /Conventional sign/.

Last year we talked aboutsymbols of our state . Name them. (Flag, Coat of Arms, Anthem).

What does our Flag look like?

These colors did not appear by chance.

WHITE color means peace, purity of conscience,

BLUE color – sky, loyalty and truth,

RED color is courage, a symbol of life.

What is the symbol of peace?


This is a small bird

Lives in cities.

You'll pour some crumbs for her -

Coos and pecks. (Pigeon)

And not just any dove, but a white dove. Why?

I suggest you make these doves out of paper.

/Work in groups: Children use stencils to cut out doves /

Let's launch our symbolic doves into our peaceful skies.

(Children attach pigeons to the magnetic board)

World peace is my dream,

Let people live like one family.

Let there be no more wars and guns,

Let doors be opened in houses everywhere.

Love and trust are for me,

And endless peace - to the whole Earth!

Peace is difficult to build, but even more difficult to preserve. The world is very fragile.

Writer Nikolai Tikhonov said: “Everyone, no matter who he is, no matter what he does, has one more duty that requires selfless and faithful service: to protect the world.”

How do you understand these words?

You are the young inhabitants of our planet. And a lot on the globe will depend on you in the future.

Children read poetry.

1. Moms, dads,

Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,

Block the path to war quickly!

2. We need peace on the blue planet,

Both adults and children want it.

They want, waking up at dawn,

Don't remember, don't think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,

Plant trees and work in the fields.

All people of good will want it.

We need peace forever! Forever!

4.For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

5. It is bequeathed to us to protect this world -

So unique at dawn,

He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood,

We are responsible for the future of the world.

6. We will not let you become ashes and cinders

To what is called earthly beauty.

May the sky above the Earth be peaceful,

May childhood always laugh loudly!

/Performance of the song “Let there always be sunshine”/

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Competition sections: history teaching, classroom management, extracurricular activities.

Lesson objectives:

  • Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinions;
  • Teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;
  • To educate, develop and enhance the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s Motherland, the desire for peace.

Motto: “Peace under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!”

Progress of the class hour:

1. Organizational moment.

Congratulations to children on the new school year.

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Today is our first lesson in seventh grade and we will talk about very serious and important things. You will decide the topic of our lesson yourself after I read the poem.

“Dedicated to the children of Beslan...” – Shmyreva N.G.

On the first fine day in September
The children of Beslan went to school,
After the holidays and summer worries
Meet friends and see each other again.
Many children came for the first time
Go to school to learn to read and write
They were seen off by their relatives and friends,
Everyone was happy, everything was sincere.
It all started well and beautifully -
There are flowers and loud laughter everywhere,
The children are dressed in uniform, everything is cute...
Joy and happiness in everyone's eyes...
But, like a black, gloomy cloud,
She obscured everything, blocked out all the light -
Gang of terrible evil terrorists
Suddenly she interrupted the children's joyful laughter.
The earth wept from powerlessness and grief
And the blood of the children was all over it.
The bandits hid behind the kids,
They were placed on the windows like barriers.
Those were terrible hours and minutes,
Horror in the eyes of the boys and mothers...
Stop! Aren't you people?
You took CHILDREN hostage!
How dare you, vile creatures,
Raise your hand to the holy land!
No, terrorists are the children of the devil.
All people on Earth hate you!
We will not forget those who are not with us,
Those who died at the hands of the executioner.
We will strive to live only in peace,
And we will not allow violence and evil!

– What is the topic of our class hour? What is this poem about?

- Yes, guys, the theme of our lesson is “Peace to the world!” and it will be held under the motto “A world without violence, without worries and tears”

3. A minute of silence.

– And now, guys, let’s remember all those who died 7 years ago (09/1/2004) in Beslan and honor their memory with a minute of silence.

It was a clear September morning. Children in full dress with flowers and their loved ones gathered for traditional gatherings dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. At this time, an armed gang of 32 people drove into the territory of school No. 1 in Beslan in North Ossetia in three cars. Taking more than 1,300 adults and children hostage, they forced them onto the floor of the gym and bombed the school. From September 1 to September 3, people received neither water nor food. Constant threats were made against them. They understood that this was a terrorist act, but they firmly believed that they would be saved, that they would all survive.

Any attempts to negotiate with terrorists in a constructive manner and resolve the issue of releasing the hostages without forceful intervention were unsuccessful. The only person whom the militants the next day - September 2 – they agreed to let him into the school building, it turned out to be the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev. The latter managed to convince the invaders to release only 25 women and small children with him.

The Titanic disaster became legendary and was one of the largest shipwrecks in history. Several feature films have been shot based on its plot. Dozens of books, hundreds of articles and essays have been written about the notorious steamship. September 1 1985 25 years ago, the wreckage of the Titanic liner was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean.

74 years after one of the largest maritime disasters, a joint American-French expedition discovered the site of the Titanic 325 miles west of the Canadian island of Newfoundland, in the North Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 3,750 meters. Since then, about 5 thousand artifacts discovered among the wreckage of the Titanic have been recovered. Many submarines visited the remains of the ship, and submarines brought tourists there.

In Russia, the New Year was still celebrated on March 1, connecting it with the beginning of field work, until the end of the 15th century. Only in 1492 did the Russian Orthodox Church decide to move the New Year from March 1 to September 1

Children's television program "Good night, kids!" for the first time aired September 1, 1964 . The initiative to create the program belonged to the editor-in-chief of the editorial office of programs for children and youth, Valentina Fedorova. The very name of the program was discussed for a long time, there were many options: “Evening Tale”, “Good Night”, “Bedtime Story”, “Visiting the Magic Tick-Tock Man”. But the final version appeared on the eve of the first broadcast: “Good night, kids!”

At the end of the 1960s, familiar dolls began to appear in the program: Filya (1968), Stepashka (1970), Khryusha (1971) and Karkusha (1982). Sometimes the cat Tsap-Tsarapych took part in the program. And in 2002, the well-coordinated team was replenished with a new hero, Mishutka.

To a friendly company of animals June 1, 2009 boy Bibigon joined - symbol of the children's channel VGTRK.

Program "Good night, kids!" won the TEFI television award three times (in 1997, 2002 and 2003) in the category "Best Children's Program".

– City birthday Snezhnoye

Snezhnoe (Ukrainian) Snizhne, pronounced [snizhne?] (until 1864 – Vasilyevka), a city in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Population – 58 thousand people. The locals are Snezhnyanets, Snezhnyanka. In order for visitors to correctly place the emphasis in the name of the city, in some images of the coat of arms the letter “O” was made capital.

According to legend, the city received its name from Catherine II , who, driving through these parts, exclaimed: “What a snowy place!”

The city was founded in 1784 by the Cossack foreman Ivan Vasilyev as an inn on the site of the Pogorelaya beam near the “Snowy Place”. In 1864 the village received its modern name. Since 1900, coal began to be mined in the area. In 1908, the Snezhnyansky Anthracite mine was built, and later the Shvartsevo mine management appeared. Workers' settlements grew up near the mines.

In Soviet times, the center of a modern city began to form on the site of the workers’ settlement of mine No. 9. In 1938, the villages of Snezhnoye and New Donbass received the status of cities.
Near the city there is a memorial complex “ Saur-Mogila” - the height for which in August 1943 units of the 5th Shock Army of the Southern Front fought fierce battles with Nazi troops. In 1967-1975, a memorial complex was built at Saur-Mogila in memory of the feat of Soviet soldiers who died during the assault on the heights and breaking through the German defensive line on the Mius River.

In Snezhny there is a forest reserve - Leontyevo-Bairakskoe tract. Plants that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine grow in the reserve. Leontyevsky Forest, which is part of the reserve, according to legend, was planted in memory of the deceased Cossack Leonty, the brother of Klim Saur, in whose honor, according to legend, the nearby Saur-Mogila was named.

City Day Snezhnyans dedicated it to the day of the liberation of the city from fascist troops in 1943 - September 1 .

D) – Many more events happened on this day, but for you and me, September 1 is, first of all, the Day of Knowledge.

The Day of Knowledge is the first calls and excitement, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows.
September 1 is a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, primarily for pupils, students, teachers and lecturers.

I congratulate you on this wonderful day and wish you to remember the most important thing: wisdom in life. May there always be a place in the lives of you and your children for knowledge and wisdom that will help you cope with everyday troubles.

8. Summing up the class hour:

Dear guys! Over the 6 years that you studied at school, you became one family, one small country. Let's all try together to do everything possible so that our team has more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinions. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. A lot depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet.

on the topic: “This Day in History”

Teacher: Kabanova Elena Yurievna

Lesson objectives:

  • Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinions;
  • Teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;
  • To educate, develop and enhance the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s Motherland, the desire for peace.


“Peace under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!”

Progress of the class hour:

1. Organizational moment.

Congratulations to children on the new school year.

We need peace to build cities

Plant trees and work in the fields

All people of good will want it

We need peace forever! Forever!!!

The theme of our first lesson in 6th grade is “Peace to the World!” and it will be held under the motto “A world without violence, without worries and tears”

I was looking for a definition of peace, and I thought, what is peace? What do you guys think? (learn the answers).

The word peace has several meanings. World - the Universe, planet, globe, as well as the population, people of the globe. Peace is friendly ties, agreement between someone, the absence of war, silence, peace, an agreement to end the war.

Peace is difficult to build, but even more difficult to preserve. The world is very fragile. For us, peace is an everyday reality, our streets are calm, our children go to school.

But do all children on earth live well and joyfully? For many people in the modern world, a quiet life is nothing more than a fairytale dream. Many guys suffer, they have no family and a lot of sadness. It was for them that the day of peace was created. The first International Day of Peace was held in September 1982. And since 2002, the International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21 as a day of universal fire and non-violence. Peace Day encourages people not only to think about peace, but also to do something for it.

Guys, what is a symbol of peace?

Riddle: Well, this is a bird of peace,
Only soared in the skies,
She quickly descended to our feet,
Walks the road boldly.
And he's only afraid of cats,
We give her seeds and crumbs.
The bird is with us all year round,
Sings with cooing sounds. (pigeon)

The symbol arose after the Second World War. The dove of peace emblem was painted by Pablo Picasso. The emblem depicts a white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak. In ancient times, the dove was a symbol of peace and fertility. So, according to the biblical legend, the appearance of a dove with an olive branch over Noah’s ark indicated that the water had subsided from the surface of the earth. It was a sign of the onset of peace and renewal of life.

By the end of the lesson, we will release the dove into the sky and show by this how dear the world is to us, how to preserve peace on Earth.

What word is opposite in meaning to the word peace? (war)

War is a conflict between political entities (states, tribes), occurring in the form of military actions.

Adults and children, all people on the planet want peace, so that the sun shines brightly, there are happy smiles on people’s faces, so that children’s roaring laughter does not stop.

What do you guys think causes war? What about the world?

This, of course, is evil and good...
So that there are no wars on earth, and so that the bright sun always shines above your head, you must be kind...

First answer this question: “What is good and what is evil?”

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov gives the following definition. Good – positive, good, useful. The opposite is evil. Evil is something bad, harmful. This is misfortune, trouble, trouble.

Remember this call. And know that the main purpose of man is to do good.

Class teacher.I suggest you listen to the Indian fairy tale “Reward”

One day a tiger was hunting in the jungle and fell into a trap. It so happened that a traveler was passing by. The tiger saw him and let’s tearfully ask:

- have pity on me, man! Free me from bondage, I will thank you generously.

The traveler wanted to get a reward, and he pulled the tiger out of the hole.

The tiger jumped out and said:

“I haven’t eaten anything for many days, now I’ll eat you!”

The traveler became afraid.

“Oh, tiger,” he said, “is this really the reward with which you wanted to thank me for my kindness?

“She is,” answered the tiger.

– What kind of reward is this – paying evil for good? - the traveler objected.

- Let's ask someone whether this is a reward or not.

A tree grew nearby. The traveler and the tiger approached the tree and asked:

- Tell us, tree, what do you reward for a good deed?

- Evil! - the tree answered. “Judge for yourself: people rest in the shade of my foliage, and when the time comes to leave, they chop off my branches and tear off my leaves.” So they pay with evil for my hospitality.

- Well, now I’ll eat you! – the tiger was happy.

- Let's ask someone else! - the traveler begged. They walked a little further and saw a cow grazing on the wasteland.

“Hey, cow!” they called to her. - Tell me, how do they pay for good?

- Evil! - the cow answers. Judge for yourself, while I was young and gave a lot of milk, my master loved me very much. My milk ran out, and I was driven out into the wasteland. Just look, they'll sell you for meat!

The tiger listened to her and said to the traveler:

- Well, now I’ll definitely eat you!

- Wait a little! “The man asked, let’s ask someone else.” If he says the same thing, then there is nothing to do, eat me...

- Tell us, bird, what do you reward for a good deed?

- Good! - answered the bird. Judge for yourself: when people wake up in the morning, they enjoy our singing. And in winter, when we are cold and hungry, people make feeders for us and pour food into them, thereby preventing us from dying.

The tiger took pity on the traveler and decided to be kind to people.

Class teacher.What does this fairy tale teach us?

Each of us must believe in goodness and do good deeds

5. Summing up the class hour:

Dear guys! Over the years that you studied at school, you became one family, one small country. Let's all try together to do everything possible so that our team has more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinions. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. A lot depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet. You have your palms on your desks, let's create our friendly world.

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world.
And this amazing land.

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