Kondratenko Anatoly Borisovich. distance learning system mesi

Nowadays, applicants wishing to obtain a higher education have many more opportunities than a decade ago. What to choose? A new direction has appeared on the educational market - distance learning. This is the most convenient and accessible way of education, quite popular among both young people and middle-aged people.

Examples of solved tests on the MESI campus

What is the DO at MESI?

    There are several main characteristics that distinguish DO from all others:
  • The distance learning method is very convenient for those who are often busy, for people who have no or few opportunities to attend full-time courses and take sessions directly at the university.
  • DO is the most affordable way to obtain higher education because a student can get an education wherever he is. Also, its cost is significantly lower than all other paid methods of obtaining education.
  • The level of education received increases, since the student chooses the speed of his learning and the order of studying the subjects included in the plan during the entire academic year.
  • The online form of education helps students not only adapt to new computer learning technologies, but also master new technologies in the field of telecommunications.
  • The student can independently choose which way he will study the provided list of disciplines for the semester.
  • Distance learning is an indispensable method of education for those who, due to their character, temperament and other personal qualities, experience certain difficulties in an exam situation.

Taking the test remotely - from RUB 999.99*

Taking the exam remotely - from RUB 1,000*

Defense of the thesis via Skype - from RUB 2,500*

All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense is successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit a request for calculation.

Is distance learning different from standard distance learning?

There is a significant difference between the standard distance learning system and online learning. The study of an ordinary part-time student is based on the fact that during the year he studies exclusively theoretical material provided by the program, and he can receive all the explanations and answers to his questions only several times a year, during the session. A student of the online correspondence department is not limited in anything. He has the opportunity to ask questions and communicate with teachers about academic disciplines at any time convenient for him.

Advantages of studying at MESI online

    Students studying remotely, including students studying at MESI, have a number of advantages:
  • They have round-the-clock access to all educational materials and manuals provided under the program, and also have the opportunity to additionally use all educational resources.
  • You no longer need to waste time and money traveling to and from the institute.
  • A convenient learning system that includes online courses, teaching materials presented on the electronic campus and the ability to directly communicate with teachers and students.

Organization of the educational process

The training system is designed in such a way that it is adjusted individually for each student and is personal in nature. The student is always in contact with the institute and all teachers, and can communicate via the forum or Skype. He is always up to date with the latest events and innovations.

As soon as a person registers in the DL system, his personal identification data is sent to the email address he specified: password and login, as well as the group in which he will study and contact information of the curator for the educational process. The curator helps you navigate the system during the first time of training. The teaching method in the system is based on independent study of materials in electronic format, participation in consultations with tutors and webinars. All exams are taken remotely.

Admission to the online correspondence department

To be admitted, applicants must contact the MESI representative office (the parent university) with a written application. It is also possible to submit an application online.

    In order to apply for admission you must have with you:
  • passport or photocopy of passport (main, registration);
  • documents on previous education (certificate, diploma, etc.);
  • test results (USE).

1. Test help is a lifeline for all students from the best specialists in a particular field. This service is used by many students around the world and saves students a lot of time and effort.

2. The exam help service helps students earn excellent grades and pass exams successfully. The best specialists solve the assigned problems in a short time, while the student can only wait a little and rewrite the ready-made answers to his work.

3. Such a service as test help has become popular among students around the world. This feature saves time and guarantees better work performance.

Important! If you graduated from school before 2009, then you will need to pass three entrance exams: Russian language, mathematics and social studies. You do not need to present your Unified State Exam results. Applicants with a professional education take only one entrance exam - the Russian language.

Kondratenko Anatoly Borisovich
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director, Kaliningrad Branch of Moscow State University of Economics, statistics and computer science, Kaliningrad
[email protected]

MESI distance learning system

A notation:
The article discusses an innovative technology for organizing the educational process in the virtual educational environment MESI built on the SharePoint platform. Its structure is presented and the purpose and functions of the most important tabs are described.

virtual educational environment, distance learning, learning technology, MESI campus.

Virtual educational environment Moscow th State University of Economics , statistics and computer science ( MESI ) is a distance learning system (DLS). This system is a platform in which the entire student learning process is organized and takes place. LMS consists of many tools designed for one or another work on the network: forums, chats, testing system, file sharing system, virtual classrooms, blogs, wiki , virtual laboratories, etc. It has become widespread in university education USA and Europe. This is due to the presence of a good level of Internet communications and a high level of computer literacy among the population of these countries. The technical (computer) equipment of students with online programs also played a significant role. It seems that Russian universities should also develop in the direction distance support of the learning process. To solve this problem, MESI proposed a distance learning system “MESI Virtual Educational Campus”. The essence of this system is that Internet educational technologies are used to support traditional full-time education. Students get access to the LMS “MESI Virtual Educational Campus”, which contains all the educational material, a built-in testing system, and access to various online libraries and sources. Today, a similar distance learning system is used in many European universities. .

SDO "Virtual Educational Campus MESI" provides students with new opportunities to study disciplines. You can not only view the necessary material online at any time, but also take tests, test your knowledge on the subject, and get acquainted with additional sources that exactly correspond to the topics covered. The LMS also allows you to use various additional elements when studying disciplines - audio and video recordings, webinars, animations and simulations. The LMS has a forum and a built-in e-mail , which allows you to communicate with classmates from home, as well as communicate with the teacher and ask all the necessary questions without waiting for lectures.

SDO "Virtual Educational Campus MESI" is built on the SharePoint platform. It is a web-based collaboration platform and document management system developed and marketed by Microsoft. .The structure of the main page is simple and convenient: here you can find useful links, announcements, information about the work of the e-learning support department.

At the top of each page there is a navigation bar "Training" - this section contains a list of courses in which the student is being trained. Each link allows you to go to the work area. Each work area contains forums, announcements and a “File Sharing” section. In the “Training” section, each student has links to sites for all the disciplines he or she is studying. Each site provides training using e-Learning technologies, which include forums . The consultation forum operates throughout the semester and is intended for teacher-student communication on any issues. All other forums operate depending on the deadline chosen by the teacher.

When replying to a forum, it is important to consider which “Reply” button you press. Since the default response structure is hierarchical, it is important to respond to exactly the post you want to respond to, so as not to break the hierarchy. When writing text, you can format it depending on the tools provided: make a different font size, change the text style, change its color, make it bold, underlined or italic. You can also insert a table or hyperlink, format the text as a numbered or bulleted list, or align it in paragraphs. For the correct operation of the forum, as well as for the correct operation of the entire SPP system, we recommend using Internet Explorer.

“Testing” is a section in which the listener can take tests. Tests are divided into self-testing and final. The “self-test” type test can be taken an unlimited number of times, and the “final” test can be taken one, two or three times (depending on the choice of the teacher).

The testing system interface is very simple:

    “Inactive” - tests for which admission has been issued, but the deadline for passing has not yet arrived.

    "Active" - ​​tests that can be taken at the moment.

    "Sent" - successfully passed and sent tests.

    “Overdue” are tests that the student did not have time to pass.

    "Completed" - tests that are completed.

    "All" - all tests at once.

If a test is active but does not run, there is an alternative way to open it: just click on the test name and select “Run” in the context menu.

In the "Library" section navigation bars there is a repository of electronic textbooks for all disciplines studied by students. Educational materials for students include the following components:

    Presentations projected on the screen during lectures or practical assignments;

    Handouts, including assignments and forms for students to fill out, which are usually photocopied and distributed before the start of classes;

    Textbooks, workshops, articles, anthologies used by students to prepare for classes and tests;

    Detailed course programs, lists of literature sources, guidelines for studying the discipline, performing laboratory, course and practical work.

The training materials are prepared in the SCORM format - a standard developed for distance learning systems. SCORM allows for the compatibility of components and the possibility of their reuse: educational material is presented in separate small blocks that can be included in different training courses and used by the distance learning system, regardless of who, where and by what means this material was created.

In addition, the navigation panel has sections"Blogs" and "Help". The first one contains Web sites that allow you to quickly exchange ideas and information. Dated messages are displayed in reverse chronological order. Visitors to such a site can comment on other people's posts, as well as add links to interesting websites, photographs and other blogs related to this topic. "Help" - a section containing useful information about the LMS "Virtual Campus"

The practical application of the LMS “MESI Virtual Educational Campus” undoubtedly increases the comfort of student learning and provides new opportunities for teacher-researchers to explore the organizational and pedagogical conditions under which networked support for face-to-face learning positively influences the quality of learning.

Literature A

    Bolotin I.N. Open education. Remote. // Higher education in Russia, No. 3, 2003.

    Grinkrug L.S. Problems of updating the educational system of a university. // Higher education in Russia, No. 7, 2011.

    Kukharenko V.N. Innovation in e-Learning : massive open distance course. // Higher education in Russia, No. 10, 2011.

    MESI virtual campus. Home page.[electronic resource] / URL: https://study.mesi.ru. - [date of access 0 3.0 3.2012].


Anatoly B. Kondratenko
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kaliningrad branch of Moscow state university of economics, statistics and informatics (MESI), Kaliningrad
[email protected]

The system of distant education of MESI

The article dwells upon the innovative technology of the educational process organization in the virtual environment if MESI built on SharePoint platform. It provides the structure thereof as well as the description of purpose and functions of the most important enclosures.

Key word:
virtual educational environment, distant education, educational technology, MESI campus

The educational model at MESI for full-time, part-time and part-time students is mixed, i.e. includes: Traditional model – face-to-face communication with a teacher, classroom classes, etc. Electronic model - training using information technology: using Internet resources, communicating with the teacher in forums, viewing educational materials online, taking tests on a computer, etc.

DLS at MESI Virtual Campus is a distance learning system (DLS), which has been used at MESI since 2006 and is designed to provide a full-fledged educational process in an electronic environment. Virtual Campus is implemented on the Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 platform

Student authorization To authorize on the Virtual Campus website, you must provide your login and password. Each student at the beginning of the semester receives an individual login and password to log into the system. This information is strictly confidential and is not subject to disclosure. You can change your password only by contacting Campus technical support

Student Authorization ATTENTION! When entering your login, be sure to indicate the domain - for students this is STUDMSK\login

Listener interface Assignments are electronic learning activities assigned to you, for example, a test, an electronic textbook, an assignment, a forum, etc. Assignments are distributed into several groups: Inactive assignment due date has not yet arrived; The active delivery date has arrived and you can open or return it; Submitted you have already completed the assignment or scored a passing grade, so the assignment has been submitted to the teacher for review; The expired assignment end date has arrived, but there is an opportunity to turn in the overdue assignment; Completed assignments are completed by the system or teacher, and are closed for submission by the student; All user assignments.

Working with electronic materials Electronic textbooks are divided into: electronic textbooks multimedia textbooks To open the material, you need to hover over the line with the name of the electronic textbook, it is automatically highlighted, and a flag appears on the right. After clicking on it, select “Run” in the drop-down menu

Electronic testing Tests are one of the types of semester control events. Tests are assigned by the organizers at the direction of the teachers. In the test description window there are the following parameters: Passing score - how many points (in percentage) you need to score for the test to be considered passed. Time to complete the time to complete the test in minutes. Number of attempts The number of attempts per test. This field shows only the best attempt, but the teacher can view the entire test history and open all detailed reports on the test. If this item is not there, then there is only one try!

Test parameters Self-test test The student is given an unlimited number of attempts to pass the test. After passing this type of test, an extended report may be provided with all correct answers and errors (if indicated by the teacher). Strict control of the testing process - the process of passing this test is strictly controlled by the system: It is forbidden to close the browser window while taking the test; It is prohibited to switch input focus to other applications. If these requirements are not met, the test attempt will not be counted and will be given 0 points.

After passing the test, a window with the results will appear. If the test is given several attempts, you can try to take the test again. If there is one, then the test result is immediately sent to the tutor for verification. ONLY a teacher (tutor) can give a repeat test attempt.

Calendar The calendar displays default events created by administrators, as well as those events created by a teacher for a group. These may be reminders about semester control events (SCM), dates for defending coursework, etc. Calendar events may not coincide with the dates in the electronic journal, because the teacher can reschedule/extend the SCM independently, as well as add additional events (for example, postponing a lecture to another day).

Materials on the discipline This folder is used for the teacher to publish materials on the discipline (presentations, textbooks, etc.), assignments for tests, etc. By default, this folder contains the file “Progress log_template” - based on it, the teacher can create his own journal and publish scores.

Student work for review by the teacher The document library “Student Works for review by the teacher” was created to accommodate individual student work and have it checked by the teacher. All work uploaded to this document library is accessible only to the author and instructor until approved.

Attention! In this section, students can post work such as tests, independent work, essays, term papers, etc. Long file names in Russian are not recommended in order to avoid problems with opening files. After uploading a document to the portal, the system will inform you that this document has been uploaded, but you need to fill in additional fields: Name - it is filled in automatically, based on the name of the uploaded file, it is recommended to use Latin letters and numbers. If you are not satisfied with it, now you can change it and write it briefly Title - indicate the full title of the work if necessary Type of assignment - for a more comfortable work for the teacher, we ask you to choose the type of assignment.

How to add work for review? In order to send a document, you must click “Add Document”, select the desired file and click “OK”. Please note that the file must be given a unique name, otherwise it will not be able to be uploaded to the system. For example, “Test_Work_Ivanov_DMM101”

Each thematic forum has at least 1 message from the teacher, which contains information about the assignment and the deadline for the work in the forum. Working with forums In the forum, you need to answer the teacher’s question, and not to the answer of another student - look for the “Reply” button in the teacher’s message. In the forum, they write an answer, and do not attach a file with the answer

If you have any questions, you can contact the Information Technology Department of the Minsk branch of MESI: st. Mayakovsky, 127/1, office. 302 Tel.:

Address: main building of MESI on Nezhinskaya 7, 2nd floor, room. 238 (behind the classrooms) Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 19:00, Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 without a lunch break. Student consultations are carried out in various forms: in person in the office. 238 by phone, by email and by ICQ You will find the coordinates of employees in the “Contacts” section indicating all the necessary information. You can contact us with any question regarding e-learning on the Virtual Campus. E-learning support and monitoring group

Minsk branch of MESI - European Conference on Sustainable Development


The quality management system of the Minsk branch of MESI is certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. Raquo; European Conference on Sustainable Development. European Conference on Sustainable Development. European Conference on Sustainable Development. Minsk, May 15-18, 2013. Will be held on May 16 in the meeting room of the Academic Council of the Belarusian State University, st. Bobruiskaya, 5a. Registration from 9-00 to 10-00. Start – 10-00. Registration from 9-00 to 10-00. Start – 10-00. New website for the Minsk branch of MESI. Where is it and how to get there?

Minsk branch of MESI - Training materials on the subject "Economics and management of intellectual property" for group ZM 11/21


Minsk branch of MESI - Library


The quality management system of the Minsk branch of MESI is certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. Electronic library znanium.com. List of textbooks by discipline. It is possible to use the electronic library znanium.com, subscriber number 37890, individual login and password are issued by the dean’s office staff. Library of the Minsk branch of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov is developing as the information core of the university, accumulating and preserving diverse information resources in its funds. List of academic...

Minsk branch of MESI - News


The quality management system of the Minsk branch of MESI is certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. Changes will be made to the Agreement between Belarus and Russia on the mutual recognition of educational documents. Report on the Miss and Mister competition of the Minsk branch of MESI-2013. On April 29, 2013, in the capital's entertainment club RAI MF MESI pleased everyone with an enchanting show program - the beauty contest MISS and MISTER MF MESI 2013. The event was organized in tandem with RGSU students. Miss and Mister MF MESI. May 25, 2013...




Minsk branch of MESI - Results of the MESI Olympiad in mathematics


The quality management system of the Minsk branch of MESI is certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. Raquo; Results of the MESI Olympiad in mathematics. Results of the MESI Olympiad in mathematics. The Minsk branch of MESI hosted a student Olympiad in mathematics. 11 students took part in the Olympiad. The winners of the Olympiad were 1st year full-time students of the specialty “Management” Dmitry Igorevich Zelensky. And Mozhaev Alexander Borisovich. Students D.A. Bayko showed good results.

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