Brief entry for the problem. Is it necessary? Tips for parents


  1. practice previously learned addition and subtraction techniques;
  2. learning to write short notes for “arithmetic plot problems”
  3. develop logical thinking, memory, attention, interest and creativity.

Equipment: individual “Blitz tournament” cards, interactive whiteboard, colored pencils, printed notebooks.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Let's count in order in an arithmetic exercise (the class is divided into three teams in rows, each row receives a card with mathematical expressions).

2. Oral counting is carried out in the form of a relay race

(For each row, a card is given with mathematical expressions; having found the meaning of one expression, the student passes the card to the next one. The team that completes the task first and without errors wins).

20 + 40 = (60)
70 – 40 = (30)
40 + 50 = (90)
50 – 30 = (20)
90 – 30 = (60)
15 – 8 = (7)
19 – 10 = (9)
15 + 27 = (42)
12 – 4 = (8)

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

1. Today in class we will again go to the village of Mirnoye to visit our friends Masha and Misha. Masha has prepared a charade for us and if we guess it, we will find out what we will do in class.

The first is a pretext,
The second is a summer house.
And sometimes the whole
It is difficult to solve.

(This is a task, which means that in class we will solve problems).

2.Correct! Now let's help Masha solve express problems, that is, we will write down only the solution with the answer. (Each student has a card with the text of the problems on his desk. The teacher reads out the text of the problem, and the students write down the solution and answer).

3. Main part.

1. And now guys, we are starting to study new material. Guess, from the dialogue between Masha and Misha, what the topic of our lesson is (the dialogue between the guys sounds).

How do you manage to solve problems so quickly? – Misha asked his sister.

I'm making a quick note. It helps to remember the conditions and requirements of the problem, as well as find its solution, Masha explained. (Brief entry.)

Right. Today we will learn how to write a short note for a problem. Open the “Contents” section and determine which page of the textbook we will work on.

Children complete task No. 1. Read the text and look at the short note that Masha made.

There were 20 swallows sitting on the wires. Of these, 5 swallows flew away. How many swallows are left?

Seat - 20 fins.
Flew away - 5 fins.
Left - ?

Write a short note in a notebook and underline with a red pencil the part in which the condition of the task is briefly written, and with a blue pencil - the part in which the requirement of the task is briefly written.

Tell me what is known from the conditions of the problem (20 swallows sat, 5 flew away). What does the number 20 mean? (How many swallows were there in total).

Is it a whole number or a part of a number? (Whole).

What does the number 5 mean? (The number of swallows that flew away.)

Is this a whole number or a part of 20? (The number 5 is part of the number 20.)

This means that the required number will be the second part of the number 20. What action do you think will solve the problem? (By the action of subtraction.)

Solve the problem. Calculate and write down the answer. (Children write in their notebooks.)

2. While we were solving the problem, Masha went to help her grandmother plant trees, and Misha couldn’t choose which short entry fits the next problem (three short notes were given).

There were several geese in the center of a large pond on the island. After 5 more geese swam to them, there were 12 on the island. How many geese were there at first on the island?

(Children read the text of the problem). To help Misha, take a red pencil and mark the key words in the problem statement. And then use a blue pencil to mark the keyword in the task requirement. (Children mark the words “sailed” and “became” with a red pencil, and “was” with a blue pencil. They mark short notes in the same way. Then, after comparing the markings in the text of the problem and in the short notes, they choose the one that corresponds to the text of the problem.) Well done! You helped Misha a lot! And now we need to help Masha and her grandmother plant trees. But you have to be not only hardworking, but also attentive. You must plant seedlings only in those holes whose numbers are the meaning of the expressions written on the trees.

On seedlings: 6+8, 13-5, 18+3, 9+4, 20+7, 60-40, 10+50, 15-9;

On holes: 14, 8, 21, 13, 27, 20, 60, 6.

Now guys, let's show Masha how we learned to write a short note. (Children read the text of the problem.)

When we came to help grandma and Masha plant trees, they had already planted 6 seedlings, and there were 10 more to plant. How many seedlings did grandma have?

a) find the condition of the problem and mark the key words with a red pencil. Then find the task requirement and mark the keyword with a blue pencil.

b) write down a short note, solve the problem and write down the answer.

4. Lesson summary.

So our lesson has come to an end. Let's say goodbye to Masha and Misha.

What did we do in class, and what did Masha teach us?

Slide 2

Simple problems Finding a sum 123 Increasing a number by several units 4 Decreasing a number by several units 5 Finding an unknown term 67 Finding a remainder 8 Finding an unknown subtrahend 9 Finding an unknown minuend 10 Difference comparison 11 12 Composite problems Finding a sum 13141516 Finding a remainder 1718 Finding an unknown term 1920 Finding an unknown subtrahend 212223 Finding the third term 24 Finding the unknown minuend 2526 Difference comparison 272829

Slide 3

Anya washed 5 plates, and Misha washed 4 plates. How many dishes did the children wash? Anya – 5 t.? t. Misha – 4 t. 5 + 4 = 9 (t.) Answer: The children washed 9 plates. Task No. 1

Slide 4

There were 2 trucks in the parking lot. In the evening, 5 more trucks arrived. How many trucks are there in the parking lot? Was - 2 years Arrived - 5 years Became - ? g. 2 + 5 = 7 (g.) Answer: There are 7 trucks in total in the parking lot. Task No. 2

Slide 5

At the edge of the forest there were 5 maples and 4 poplars, and there were as many pines as there were maples and poplars together. How many pine trees grew at the edge of the forest? Klenov – 5 d. Poplars – 4 d. Sosen – ? d., K. + T. 5 + 4 = 9 (d.) Answer: 9 pine trees grew on the edge of the forest. Task No. 3

Slide 6

Vasya has 7 marks, and Egor has 3 marks more. How many stamps does Yegor have? Vasya – 7 m. Egor – ? m., by 3 m. > 7 + 3 = 10 (m.) Answer: 10 marks from Egor. Task No. 4

Slide 7

The first group has 10 students, and the second group has 3 fewer students. How many students are in the second group? In the first year – 10 school days. In the second year - ? uch., for 3 uch.

Slide 8

Anya had 9 roses. 5 are pink, the rest are white. How many white roses did Anya have? Pink – 5 rub. 9 rub. White – ? r. 9 – 5 = 4 (r.) Answer: Anya had 4 white roses. Problem #6

Slide 9

Grandfather Mazai was carrying 5 birds with one stone on his boat. He picked up a few more hares, and there were 8 of them. How many hares did Grandfather Mazai pick up? It was – 5 z. Picked up - ? h. Now - 8 z. 8 – 5 = 3 (h.) Answer: Grandfather Mazai picked up 3 hares. Problem No. 7

Slide 10

There were 9 crows sitting on the wires. 5 crows flew away. How many crows are left? It was - 9th century. They flew away - 5th century. Remaining - ? V. 9 – 5 = 4 (c.) Answer: 4 crows left. Problem No. 8

Slide 11

There were 7 strawberries hanging on the bush. When several berries have ripened and fallen, there are 5 berries left. How many berries ripened and fell? It was – 7 yag. It fell – ? yag. Remaining - 5 yag. 7 – 5 = 2 (berries) Answer: 2 berries ripened and fell. Problem No. 9

Slide 12

There are several bears in the zoo. When three bears were transferred to another zoo, there were 6 bears left. How many bears were there in the zoo initially? Was - ? m.Transported - 3 m. Remaining - 6 m. 3 + 6 = 9 (m.) Answer: There were 9 bears in the zoo initially. Problem No. 10

Slide 13

One boy caught 8 crabs and the other 3 crabs. How many crabs did the first boy catch more than the second? I m. – 8 k. on? > II m. – 3 k. 8 – 3 = 5 (k.) Answer: the first boy caught 5 crabs more than the second. Problem No. 11

Slide 14

One watermelon weighs 5 kg, and the other 8 kg. How many kilograms is one watermelon lighter than another? I ar. – 5 kg per?

Slide 15

There are 6 birches in the school plot, and 4 fewer linden trees. How many trees are there in the school grounds? Birches – 6 days ? Lip village - ?d., 4 d. Answer: 8 trees in total on the school site. Problem No. 13 1) 6 – 4 = 2 (d.) – lip 2) 6 + 2 = 8 (d.)

Slide 16

There are 2 pots in the closet, 3 more pans, and as many vases as there are pots and pans together. How many vases are there in the closet? Pots – 2 pcs. Frying pans – ? pcs., for 3 pcs. > Vases – ? pcs., K. + S. Answer: 7 vases are in the closet. Problem No. 14 1) 2 + 3 = 5 (pcs.) – frying pans 2) 2 + 5 = 7 (pcs.)

Slide 17

Tanya has 3 apples, 2 more pears than apples, and 4 fewer peaches than pears. How many fruits does Tanya have? Apples – 3 pcs. Pears – ? pcs., for 2 pcs. > ? pcs. Peaches – ? pcs., for 4 pcs.

Slide 18

Yellow – 17 k. Green – ? k., by 6 k. There are 17 yellow cubes in the box, 6 less green than yellow, and 12 more red than green and yellow cubes together. How many cubes are in the box? Answer: 68 cubes in total in the box. Problem No. 16 1) 17 – 6 = 11 (k.) – green 2) 17 + 11 = 28 (k.) – yellow and green together 3) 28 + 12 = 40 (k.) – red 4) 28 + 40 = 68 (k.)

Slide 19

Was - 4 g and 6 g. Used - 8 g. Remaining - ? g. We found 4 porcini mushrooms and 6 aspen mushrooms. 8 mushrooms went into soup. How many mushrooms are left? Answer: 2 mushrooms left. Problem No. 17 1) 4 + 6 = 10 (g.) – was 2) 10 – 8 = 2 (g.)

Slide 20

It was 23 r. Gave - 6 rubles. and 4 rubles. Remaining – ? r. Did Fedya have 23 fish in his aquarium? The boy gave 6 fish to Vanya and 4 fish to Maxim. How many fish are left in Fedya's aquarium? Answer: 13 fish are left in Fedya’s aquarium. Problem No. 18 1) 6 + 4 = 10 (r.) – donated 2) 23 – 10 = 13 (r.)

Slide 21

It was - 22 p. and 13 p. Arrived - ? Stalo village - 49 p. There were 22 sparrows and 13 titmouse sitting on the field. When a few more birds arrived, there were 49 of them. How many birds arrived? Answer: 14 birds arrived. Problem No. 19 1) 22 + 13 = 35 (p.) – was 2) 49 – 35 = 14 (p.)

Slide 22

Was - 6 k. Berthed - 3 k. and? k. It became 19 k. There were 6 boats at the pier. In the morning, 3 boats moored and several boats moored in the evening, and after that there were 19 boats at the pier. How many boats docked in the evening? Answer: 10 boats moored in the evening. Problem No. 20 1) 19 – 6 = 13 (k.) – only 2) 13 – 3 = 10 (k.) moored

Slide 23

It was – 7 points. and 3 b. Flew away -? b. Remaining – 5 points. Masha saw 7 white and 3 colorful butterflies. When several butterflies flew away, there were 5 left. How many butterflies flew away? Answer: 5 butterflies flew away. Problem No. 21 1) 7 + 3 = 10 (b.) – was 2) 10 – 5 = 5 (b.)

Slide 24

It was 20th century. Flew away - 10th century. And? c. Remaining – 6 c. There were 20 helicopters at the airfield. In the morning, 10 helicopters took off. How many helicopters flew away during the day if by evening there were 6 left? Answer: 4 helicopters flew away during the day. Problem No. 22 1) 20 – 6 = 14 (v.) – only 2) 14 – 10 = 4 (v.) flew away

Slide 25

It was - 9. Withered - ? g. Remaining - 2 years and 3 years. There were 9 carnations in the bouquet. When several carnations withered, only 2 red and 3 pink carnations remained. How many carnations have withered? Answer: 4 carnations have withered. Problem No. 23 1) 2 + 3 = 5 (g.) – 2) 9 – 5 = 4 (g.) left

Slide 26

In three classrooms there are 35 pots of flowers on the windows. There are 11 pots in the first class, 13 in the second. How many flower pots are there in the third class? Answer: There are 11 pots of flowers in the third class. Problem No. 24 1)11 + 13 = 24(year) – in grades I and II 2)35 – 24 = 11(year) I grade – 11 year II grade – 13 year 35 year III To. - ? G.

Slide 27

Grandma baked pancakes. Dad ate 15 pancakes, mom 10. How many pancakes did grandma bake if there are 22 pancakes left? Answer: Grandmother baked 47 pancakes in total. Problem No. 25 1)15 + 10 = 25 (b.) – ate 2)25 + 22 = 47 (b.) Was – ? b. Ate - 15 points. and 10 points. Remaining – 22 points.

Slide 28

There were pencils in the pencil case. When 3 more pencils and 7 colored pencils were put there, there were 22 of them. How many pencils were in the pencil case at first? Answer: 12 pencils were in the pencil case at first. Problem No. 26 1)3 + 7 = 10 (k.) – put 2)22 – 10 = 12 (k.) Was – ? k. Put - 3 k. and 7 k. It became - 22 k.

Slide 29

There are 18 paintings in the museum hall. Of these, 6 are landscapes and the rest are portraits. How many more portraits than landscapes? Answer: 6 more portraits than landscapes. Problem No. 27 1) 18 – 6 = 12 (k.) – portraits 2) 12 – 6 = 6 (k.) Landscapes – 6 k. 18 k. on? > Portraits – ? To.

Slide 30

There are 15 raspberry bushes in the garden, 3 less gooseberry bushes than raspberries, and 11 more currant bushes than raspberries. How many fewer currant bushes are there than gooseberries and raspberries together? Answer: 1 bush has less currants than gooseberries and raspberries together. Problem No. 28 1) 15 – 3 = 12 (k.) – gooseberries 2) 15 + 11 = 26 (k.) – currants 3) 15 + 12 = 27 (k.) – raspberries and gooseberries together 4) 27 – 26 = 1 (k.) Raspberries – 15 k. Gooseberries – ? k., at 3 k.

Slide 31

8 bees and 11 dragonflies were circling over the clearing. 15 of them sat on the flowers. How many more insects landed on the flowers than continued to circle? Answer: 11 more insects landed on flowers than continued to circle. Problem No. 29 1) 8 + 11 = 19 (n.) – was 2) 19 – 15 = 4 (n.) – left 3) 15 – 4 = 11 (n.) Was – 8 n. and 11 n. Sat down – 15 n. Left - ? n. on? >

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Reminder for writing short notes for tasks

1 type. Option A

Vova had 5 candies. And Lena has 2 more candies than Vova. How many sweets does Vova have?

In ova – 5 k.

Lena - ? k., for 2 k.

5 + 2 = 7 (k.)

Answer: 7 candies.

1 type. Option B

Anya had 6 balloons. There are 2 fewer balls. How many balls does Anya have?

It used to be – 6 sh.

With Talo - ? sh., for 2 sh.

6 – 2 = 4 (sh.)

Answer: 4 ball.

2nd view

Varya glued together 5 lanterns for the Christmas tree. Alena glued together 3 lanterns. How many lanterns did the girls glue together?

In arya – 5 f. ? f.

Alena – 3 f.

5 + 3 = 8 (ph.)

Answer: 8 flashlights.

3rd view. Option A

There were 7 dolls in the store. They brought 3 more. How many dollsbecame in the store?

It was 7 k.

Brought - 3 k.

It became - ? To.

7 + 3 = 10 (k.)

Answer: 10 dolls.

3rd view. Option B.

There were 7 dolls in the store. Sold 3 dolls. How many dollsleft in the store?

It was 7 k.

Sold - 3 k.

Ost. - ? To.

7 – 3 = 4 (k.)

Answer: 4 dolls.

Explanatory note

This year I took first grade and, unfortunately, when doing homework in mathematics, I was faced with the fact that not all parents know how to correctly write a short note for a particular problem. This means that they cannot competently help reinforce the material studied in class. Moreover, in most cases they begin to retrain “in their own way.”

To avoid such mistakes, together with the students, we developed a “memo for parents” on the rules for preparing short notes for tasks of various types. The kids really liked the idea of ​​creating such a reminder. We gradually became familiar with the new type of task and, accordingly, added it to our “memo”. It took us two weeks to create it overall.

It was possible to clearly give an idea of ​​the general “moments” of design, such as: when abbreviating, put a period, always indicate the name in brackets, write an answer, etc. Next, I use a “memo template”, the guys easily learned to distinguish one task “by type of design "from another. Although earlier, right off the bat, it was quite difficult to do this.

At the very first parent meeting, we shared our “memo-development” with parents. The students were proud of their creation, and the parents were pleasantly surprised by such a useful and understandable (for both parents and children!) reminder.

It was very important to develop a unified system for formatting short notes, since different reference manuals often contain different types of formatting for similar tasks. Moreover, it was precisely the fact that the guys themselves developed this memo that made it more accessible and understandable for them.

Analysis of homework and independent work over the next month (after the implementation of these reminders) showed a significant increase in the quality of design and solution of problems. The pace of work on the task also increased: the guys learned to quickly isolate objects, establish relationships, etc. Questions from parents on this topic amounted to zero.

Dear colleagues (especially 1st grade class teachers), I highly recommend that you develop such a reminder with your students.

Note: For a more detailed consideration of each type of task, a presentation was prepared for the parent meeting.

Sincerely, primary school teacher GOU secondary school No. 378

Starikova Olga Sergeevna

Slide 1

Memo on how to prepare a short note for tasks (grade 1) Developed by a primary school teacher at State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 378 Starikova Olga Sergeevna Moscow 2011

Math teacher tips

Homework Tips in elementary school(to the attention of students and their parents)

When executing written homework in mathematics, remember how to format your work correctly:

1. Between cool And home retreat from work 4 cells (on the fifth line start the next work)

2. Between species step back exercises 2 cells down, not counting the capital letter.

3. Between in columns examples, equations, equalities retreat 3 cells to the right and write in the fourth.

4. Write the date in the middle of the line.

5. All tasks at work write with indent one cell to the left of the edge of the notebook.

6. Record “Task No. □.” write in the middle of the line.

Let's solve the problem:

  • read the problem carefully, think about it;
  • read the condition of the problem and its question again;
  • write a short note or draw a diagram;
  • think about what is known from the problem statement and what needs to be found;
  • think about what you need to find out first, what later, in order to answer the main question of the problem;
  • think about what plan you will use to solve the problem;
  • solve the problem;
  • check the progress of the solution, the answer.
  • Write the word “Answer” with a capital letter under the solution in one cell.

7. At solving examples on order actions:

  • write down the example in full;
  • indicate the order of actions with a pencil in numbers in a circle;
  • write down the actions performed in order (using oral or written calculation methods), stepping back down one cell;
  • write down the final meaning of the example.

8. When solving problems geometric like remember, we carry out all the drawings with a simple pencil along a ruler. Measurements can be signed with a pen. A figure should be drawn only when the task conditions require it.

Words "length", « width" rectangle can be denoted if written briefly in Latin letters A And V.

Examples of completing tasks:

1. Problems with a short record or diagram.

The balloon seller has 27 blue balloons, 9 fewer green ones, and as many white ones as there are blue and green ones together. How many blue, green and white balls does the seller have?

A convoy of cars left city A at a speed of 50 km/h. At the same time, a bus left town B towards the convoy at a speed of 60 km/h. How long will it take for a convoy of cars to meet a bus if the distance between the cities is 330 km?

2. Geometric problem:

The length of the rectangle is 12 cm, its width is 6 cm. Calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle (if the word “draw” is written in the problem, then the students draw the figure; if not, then they do not draw).

Example of a short note and solution to the problem:

Length(s) – 12 cm

Width (h) – 6 cm

Perimeter (P) - ? cm

Area (S)- ? cm 2

P = (12+6) 2=36 (cm)

S = 12 6 = 72 (cm 2)

Answer: perimeter 36 cm, area 72 cm 2

3. Equations:

4. Examples:

Monitor the process of preparing your child for a math lesson. Pay attention to the correct and neat formatting of all entries. And most importantly, remember: no matter what grades the child receives, he is still ready to study now - support him in this with your praise and approval. It is important that your child feels that you continue to love him regardless of the grades he received at school. Rejoice every time you notice an interest in knowledge in his eyes, even when performing simple tasks. Remember, a person likes what he does. Even a small success, increased by parental attention and approval, inspires, sparks interest, and creates a desire to solve more complex educational problems.

Ours - go to main page

Table and summary of the task

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with a brief recording of a problem in the form of a table, and learn how to build a table according to the conditions and requirements of the problem.

Let's remember what the task text consists of. The task text consists of a condition and a requirement. A condition is a part of the problem text in which data (known) is proposed. A requirement is a part of the task text in which the desired task (unknown) is formulated. A brief record of the task (condition and requirement) can be presented in the form of a table.

Let's consider such a table.

This table consists of two rows and four columns. It contains the conditions and requirements of the task. Let's compose the text of the problem using a short notation: in one bouquet there are 5 roses, in the other - 9. How many roses are there in two bouquets?

Now let’s make a short record in the form of a table for the following problem: on the first day, a team of workers repaired 2000 meters of the road, on the second day - 1570 m of the road, on the third day - 1400 m. How many meters of the road did the workers repair in three days?

Let's consider the condition. It is known that the team worked for 3 days; it is also known how many meters of the road the workers repaired each day. To record the condition, we need 4 table columns: one for the name of the distance units (meters) and three for the distance values ​​of the repaired parts of the road for each day of work. To record the task requirements, add another column. Two rows in the table are enough. As a result we get:

Let's briefly write down in the form of a table a problem of another type: there were 15 trucks in the parking lot, and twice as many cars. How many cars were there in the parking lot?

The problem talks about cars. Trucks and cars. It is known that there are 15 trucks, and 2 times more cars. You need to find out how many cars are in the parking lot. The table requires 4 columns and two rows. Let's fill out the table:

You can also write difference comparison problems into the table. For example, the task: there are 13 boys in the class, and 15 girls. How many more girls are there than boys? Let's write it briefly in the table like this:

A brief recording of the problem in the form of a table helps to consider in more detail the condition and requirement of the problem, and to choose the correct order of solution and action. The table can be drawn using a ruler with a simple pencil, or you can also draw it by hand on a notebook sheet in a box, this is very convenient.

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