Course A.F. Panova "Dowsing in a new way"


Man is a cell of a huge Universal organism and is in constant relationship with the entire Universe, continuously perceiving information about the surrounding World and constantly interacting with it. At the same time, the person himself is the source of a wide range of radiation - electric and magnetic fields, X-ray and gamma radiation, radio radiation, infrared radiation, radiothermal (microwave) radiation, optical and acoustic radiation, radiation from organic substances, etc. , which allows us to consider it as an extremely complex bioenergy-information system with certain energy (wave) and information characteristics. Accordingly, any object or substance in the Universe also has a wave nature, which means they are also represented in space in the form of corresponding radiation. Throughout life, there is a continuous exchange of information at all levels between a person and the world around him, but most of it occurs at an unconscious level.

According to the concept of a “universal cosmic hologram”, developed in 1976 by University of London physicist David Bohm (Fig. 1) and Stanford University neurophysiologist Karl Pribram (Fig. 2), as a result of quantum mechanical interactions, the Universe forms a single, time- and space-infinite multidimensional energy-information field in which “everything interacts with everything.” Moreover, each point of this energy-information field contains information about all other points in space. The validity of this concept was proven by academician V.P. Kaznacheev. (Fig. 3) in the experiments he performed: “Our laboratories have accumulated experimental data that largely confirms the well-known hypotheses of D. Bohm and K. Pribram that there is a holographic space around the Earth, and all atomic-molecular and intellectual-psychic processes constitute only fragments of a giant universal hologram... The holographic fractals that Bohm and Pribram talked about exist, changing our ideas about the real or virtual world.”

This means that a person, continuously interacting with all objects in the Universe, at an unconscious level has complete information about each of these objects. But since most of these signals remains unconscious, then a method is needed that can bring out unconsciously information perceived by a person to the level of awareness.

With all the variety of ways to connect to the energy information field, the simplest and sensitive is the method radiesthesia . Radiesthesia - from lat. “radio” - I emit, emit and from ancient Greek. “αἴσθησις” - feeling, sensation, perception, i.e. literally “I feel radiation.” This method allows you to detect hidden objects, detect mineral deposits, obtain information about any objects, their emissions and characteristics, etc. This term was first used by the Abbot of Bouley in France in 1930, where the Society of Dowsers was founded (Fig. 4).

Currently, along with the term radiesthesia, a more modern term is used - dowsing. This term is derived from the Greek. “βίος” - life, and the Latin “locatio” - placement, position, i.e. what allows for “location” - determining the location of search objects, detecting pathologies in the human body, etc. A diagnostic, self-diagnosis and self-help system based on this method was developed. Many well-known specialists took part in the development and scientific substantiation of the dowsing method, including expert in the field of dowsing N.N. Sochevanov (Fig. 5), author of a series of books on dowsing, candidate of technical sciences L.G. Puchko. (Fig.6), Candidate of Medical Sciences Litvinenko A.A. (Fig. 7) and many others. Mastering the dowsing method allows you to solve a wide range of problems - performing diagnostics and assessing a person’s health status, determining the root cause of deviations in health status, the correct selection of medications or therapeutic procedures for a speedy recovery, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, obtaining information about objects of interest, obtaining answers from the level of the information field, etc.

Fig.5. Sochevanov N.N. Fig.6. Puchko L.G. Fig.7. Litvinenko A.A.

The method of radiesthesia (dowsing, dowsing) is universal and has been actively used by people since ancient times. The first mention of dowsing in literature comes from an ancient manuscript accompanied by an engraving of a dowser (2100 BC). Mention of dowsing is also found in Pliny the Elder (1st century AD), Paracelsus (1493 - 1541), A.F. Mesmer (1734 -1815) and others. According to historical sources, In the ancient Roman legions, they used vines to find water and choose places for military camps. Dowsing is mentioned in the work of M. Lomonosov, published in 1763, “The First Foundations of Metallurgy or Ore Mining” in the section “On Ore Prospecting Forks.”

In the Middle Ages, dowsing was used to search for ore deposits in the Czech Republic, Germany, France and Russia. Russian ore miners-dowsers from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries found hundreds of deposits of copper, silver, iron ore and even diamonds in the Urals. As well as thousands of underground water veins, which made it possible to dig and equip a large number of wells throughout Russia.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Badge of Honor of the national non-governmental scientific Demidov Prize (Fig. 8), which recognizes outstanding Russian scientists, including Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov, Academician Evgeny Primakov, Academician Evgeny Avrorin (Snezhinsk), Academician Boris Kovalchuk from the Tomsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences , archaeologist academician Anatoly Derevyanko, nuclear scientist academician Alexander Skrinsky and others, three green mining vines are depicted, and on top in a semicircle the motto of this famous family of Russian industrialists, politicians and scientists is written in Latin: “ACTA NON VERBA”. What does it mean: “in deed, not in word.” That’s right - “in deed, not in word” nobles from the Demidov family, the richest Russian entrepreneurs (manufacturers and landowners), created wealth for themselves and the state, thanks to the creation of weapons and mining enterprises in Tula and the Urals. The Demidovs founded many Ural cities and made an invaluable contribution to the exploration and development of the Ural land (Fig. 9).

Fig.8. Fig.9.

In the 19th century, specialist dowsers were specially trained for the Prussian and French armies. During the Algerian War of 1954-1962, sappers of the French Foreign Legion were trained to search for water using dowsing. Nowadays, the phenomenon of dowsing is actively used in medicine, ecology, geology, during technical diagnostics, for detecting faults in various underground communications, in hydraulic engineering and energy construction, etc. For example, dowsing operators were involved in work on the Torzhok-Minsk-Ivatsevichi gas pipeline route and correctly identified 16 intersections of the gas pipeline with a cable and 7 intersections of the gas pipeline with other pipelines, which was later confirmed by excavations. When conducting archaeological work at the Leningrad State University, dowsing operators correctly indicated the location of the foundation of a temple built in 1192. At home, using the dowsing method, you can assess the quality of products and their harmfulness to a given person. There are successful examples of using the dowsing method to find criminals.

In addition, the dowsing method is currently of some interest to military specialists, including specialists in the field of military psychology. Using this method, it is possible to solve a number of problems, including detecting anti-tank or anti-personnel mines on the ground, providing PSI intelligence specialists with the necessary information about a specific person (Fig. 10) and much more. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in many countries around the world research related to the study of the phenomenon of dowsing is periodically resumed.

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Over the years, many attempts have been made to explain the nature of this phenomenon. Among the many points of view, two main approaches to its study can be distinguished - “physical” and “mental”. The representative of the first direction is the English psychologist William Carpenter, who back in 1852 explained the phenomenon of frame (vine) movement as an ideomotor act, i.e. as an unconscious human reaction to familiar signs or a set of stimuli, manifested in the form of an oscillatory movement of an indicator in a person’s hands. This explanation for the first time gave grounds to classify dowsing as a human phenomenon.

Subsequently, the French radioesthetist, professor of radio electronics Louis Turin, conducted a number of fundamental studies in this area and proposed to consider the dowsing method as a manifestation of the wave properties of various objects, captured by the operator due to the difference in their length, amplitude and spectrum. The true receiver and interpreter of the radiation being studied in this case is the person himself, and the bioinstrument he uses is considered as an indicator through which subsensory (imperceptible) influences become visible. A.A. also thinks Litvinenko, believing that the dowsing effect is based on the involuntary muscular reaction of the human operator’s muscular system to direct or remote energy-information interaction with the environment.

“Mentalists,” on the other hand, pay attention to the need for a precise mental attitude of the operator to a correctly posed “question” and believe that the phenomenon of dowsing is associated with the operator’s ability to consciously tune in and direct the energy of his thoughts to the vibrations, wavelengths of the object of interest or the process of reading information. Between these extreme positions there are many intermediate points of view.

In 1992, within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Environmental Safety of Russia” announced in Russia, one of the sections on topic 3.4.7. the study of the dowsing effect was envisaged. Research work in this area was carried out by a senior researcher at OJSC Research Institute of Energy Constructions, Candidate of Technical Sciences V. Boltunov, who, in the course of the work performed, established the physical meaning of the dowsing effect, which made it possible to develop a mathematical apparatus that describes it.

As it turned out, the biophysical method of dowsing is based on the dowsing effect, i.e. on human reactions to the presence of water, ore and other bodies in the earth, which create a system of heterogeneities of various sizes and configurations in the thickness of the earth. In this case, heterogeneities interact with each other. These interactions are the result of the exchange of certain physical fields. Contact interactions of heterogeneities in the rock mass in the form of anomalies are projected into the near-surface layers of soil and into the lower layers of the atmosphere by beams of energy radiation in the Earth - Space system.

When the biooperator moves along the ground, the inhomogeneous electric field will appear variable, which, in turn, will generate in space a magnetic field with closed lines of force - a vortex field (Foucault currents). Moreover, in a growing electric field, the lines of force form a receding curve - an involute with a right screw, in contrast to the left screw for the field in the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Anomalies produced by the interactions of heterogeneities in the soil massif belong to the region of weak interactions and are described by the system of Maxwellian equations that underlie the theory of any electromagnetic phenomena in media.

Thus, we are talking about electromagnetic waves, the possibility of existence of which is determined by the displacement current and electromagnetic induction. When the “whiskers” move forward, the frames, which are in a position parallel to each other, fall into the scope of the anomaly. In this case, a displacement current pulse appears in the “whiskers” of the frame, for which it is enough for only one electron to escape from the orbit of the atom of the frame substance. The latter generates a pulse of electromagnetic induction, and the magnetic moment in both “whiskers” of the frame causes their mutual attraction according to the well-known principle of two conductors with identically directed current due to the magnetic field created around them.

In the process of developing the topic, an experiment was conducted to test the reaction of the frame to an anomaly without the participation of a biooperator in the scope of the established (reference) anomaly. The purity of the experiment was ensured by the complete exclusion of human influence on the frame. It was found that the frame reacts to an anomaly both with the participation of the biooperator (in his hands) and without his participation (the frame was fixed on the cart). The experiment carried out proves reproducibility of the studied dowsing effect using instrumental means.

Thus, research work carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Environmental Safety of Russia” allows us to draw conclusions that, firstly, energy exchange in the Earth-Space system is a really existing phenomenon, and secondly, The dowsing effect is an objectively existing phenomenon of nature and belongs to the field of weak interactions, which is a scientifically proven fact and proves the reality of the existence of the dowsing effect.

Within the framework of the Program, studies of “nodes of standing waves” were also carried out, which are observed at some distance from the object under study. At these nodes, alternating positive and negative rotation of the frame with a transition through zero is recorded, i.e. there is no rotation. With increasing distance from the object under study, the magnitude of the dowsing effect gradually decreases, as well as a decrease in the length of standing waves. Those. “standing waves” resemble slowly decaying oscillations. The length of the standing wave is determined by the supramolecular crystalline, cellular or even system-wide level of organization of the object under study as a whole. This allows us to conclude that the dowsing effect provides the opportunity to objectively measure the level of systemic organization of objects of a very different nature and scale: from a stone on the pavement to a person, relative to an entire ecosystem (biocenosis) of a social system, including the planet with its bio- and noosphere, or an individual star with its planetary system, or even a stellar system, such as a galaxy.

Thus, research work carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Environmental Safety of Russia” made it possible to finally transfer the dowsing method from the field of magic and mysticism to the field of science.

Almost everyone can master the dowsing method, however, there are a number of restrictions that make mastering the method difficult or make it impossible to use it, and it is also necessary to fulfill a number of mandatory conditions and strict adherence to safety precautions.

Rice. 11.

Obstacles associated with mastering the method include the following:

  • the presence of selfish and selfish intentions;
  • emotional imbalance;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • presence of mental illness;
  • the presence of biofield deformations, especially in the head area (Fig. 11);
  • inability to enter a state of mental silence.

Mandatory conditions for mastering the dowsing method include:

  • sufficient supply of vital energy;
  • the ability to relieve physical stress;
  • internal composure and focus on work;
  • the ability to enter a state of internal balance and emotionlessness;
  • impartiality, disinterest, freedom from expectations;
  • the ability to enter into a state of mental silence;
  • the ability to accurately formulate a question in the form of an image;
  • compliance with moral principles - non-interference in the personal space of other people, providing assistance only if a request for help is made.

All these conditions, as well as the requirements regarding compliance with safety regulations when using the dowsing method, are studied in detail and mastered in classes to study the AURAGRAFICS method. Their accurate and unconditional implementation, along with the study of the physical principles of the pendulum, allows you to safely use the dowsing method to solve a wide range of problems.

Based on the dowsing method, in 2010, specialists of the Methodological Center Drevo Roda Svetlana Doroshkevich and the author of this material developed the AURAGRAFICS method, which allows for remote information-event diagnostics through the graphic display of energy-information bodies and subsequent correction of deviations in the state of human health if they are identified. This method is safe, has no contraindications and allows not only to identify deviations in health long before the first clinical symptoms of the disease appear, but also to determine the root cause of the disease or problem, when and under what conditions it arose. This allows you to effectively apply the AURAGRAFICS method in relation to any situations in your personal life, personal growth, business or any other areas of human life.

Methodological center Tree of the Family


Kandyba D.V., Technique of mental hypnosis, Kyiv, 1995

Puchko L. G., Radiesthetic cognition of man. System of self-diagnosis, self-healing and self-knowledge of a person, Moscow, ANS Publishing House, 2007

Timofeev I. E., Korshunov I. V., Brekkel V. I., Where are you going, man? Creative work of the “New Physics” school. Tolyatti, 1997

Victor Fefelov, The fight against pseudoscience is senseless and merciless, Tomsk,

Litvinenko A.A. Energy of pyramids, magic rod and star pendulum, Moscow, 2000

V. Boltunov, On the trail of criminals - using dowsing, 2008,

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In dowsing, as in many other areas - learning a foreign language, driving a car, swimming, handicrafts and many others - one simple rule applies. The rule is as old as the world, but many people neglect it. What is this magic master key that allows you to master a new skill?

The answer is simple - the result in any of the listed areas depends on the number of repetitions, time spent performing practical exercises and assignments. In other words, no matter how much time you spend on practice, this is the result you will get. For a student of a foreign language, the ability to speak and write in the target language depends only on practice; for a driving school cadet, the emergence and consolidation of the skill of driving a car and the development of experience depend on the number of hours of practical training; for a student to swim, the amount of time spent in the pool and performing preparatory exercises depends. , kilometers swam. In the process of repeated repetitions of the same type of exercises, movements, tasks, so-called motor or muscle memory is developed. A distinctive feature of this is the lack of active control on the part of consciousness over the action being performed.

This phenomenon is known to almost everyone. Spontaneously speaking a foreign language, driving a car in a state of deep thought, knitting while having an interesting conversation - all of this can serve as examples of automaticity acquired as a result of long practice.

The same principle applies to dowsing. The more often you pick up dowsing frames or bilocation pendulum, the easier it is to work with them, the more reliable the answers you receive. You can study for as long and persistently as you want how to hold and calibrate frames, and how to pose a question, but until you start doing it practically, nothing will work out.

Many novice dowsing operators make one common mistake. Having not gained the skill and experience of working with frames or a pendulum, a beginner begins to solve problems that are significant to him - solving health issues, guessing the number of a lottery ticket, or looking for treasure. It is not surprising that the answers a novice operator receives are very contradictory and unreliable. Frames simply don't work in his hands.

So, before you seriously take up the use of dowsing, develop a skill, get used to the framework, and increase the reliability of your answers. For example, let's take two beginners - one trains within 15 minutes a week, the second at least 1 hour a day. Do you think the percentage of correct answers when completing test tasks will be different for these beginners?

This section will contain a large number of practical tasks with the ability to control the correct answer. The ability to control the accuracy of the response received is very important. As you practice, you gain confidence in your abilities and dowsing capabilities. To make it easier for beginners to develop the skill, practical exercises of varying degrees of difficulty will be laid out. Their regular implementation guarantees the development of a stable skill in working with dowsing frames and a high percentage of reliable answers.

We invite you to introductory meeting on the topic “Practical Dowsing and Biocorrection” with parapsychologist, author-inventor Vladislav Viktorovich Vasiliev. At this meeting, Vladislav Vasiliev conducts special testing for everyone who wants to learn practical Dowsing and Biocorrection, answers questions from students related to the upcoming course of study and makes an individual selection of dowsing indicators for future students.

Duration- 45 minutes

Price- 450 rubles

Seminar: Practical Dowsing

Duration- 6 academic hours

Price - 10800 RUR ubley

Author's website—

Registration for the seminar, as well as information about the place and time of the event

Phone: 8-985-424-25-71

Vladislav Viktorovich Vasiliev has been teaching Practical Dowsing for more than 20 years, here is a short list of what the Author himself knows and teaches his Students:

Training course for beginners "Applied dowsing":

The course program is designed for 8 lessons of 3 hours each.
The classes are based on special training exercises, health-improving techniques, as well as theoretical classes on mastering the dowsing effect in general and extensive dowsing practice.

Lesson 1

0. During the introductory lesson: (first 30-60 minutes)

The teacher (free of charge) conducts individual testing of Students for professional suitability for training in Applied Dowsing.

- Tells in more detail about the Possibilities of the Dowsing Method

(which was not included in the information brochure)

- answers questions

1. Dowsing effect in general. Three seeing dowsing effect. The action of dowsing frames and a pendulum.
2. Health healing practice with the goal of discovering dormant (hidden) reserves of organisms and the successful manifestation of the dowsing effect in all novice dowsing practice operators.
3. dowsing practice for mastering P and L-shaped dowsing frames.
4. Special training exercises that help prepare the consciousness, energy, and psychophysical state of dowsing students for further successful dowsing practice.
5. Practice with dowsing indicators. The concept of an “information point” in dowsing, finding an information point and working with it with dowsing indicators (1st type of dowsing request).

Lesson 2

1. Special training exercises, meditative techniques used to maintain good working shape for dowsing practice.
2. Geopathogenic zones of the Earth (what is it, what is the energy zone of Hartman and Kurri, how do they differ from each other).
3. Dowsing practice: identifying the energy (background) in a room, on the ground (demonstrating the correct work with dowsing indicators).
4. Dowsing - in ecology:
- precautionary measures in places of pronounced anomalies, including poltergeist places; how to conduct dowsing practice and obtain information about these places using dowsing indicators;
- what is damage, the evil eye, poltergeist;
- neutralization of geopathogenic networks and geopathogenic radiation of a different order;
- neutralization of biopathogenic (harmful) energy from the TV screen, computer, etc.
5. Practical exercises.

Lesson 3

1. Evaluation of the indications of P and L-shaped frames in points. Dowsing practice.
2. Diagnostics of the main energy column of human connection with the Cosmos using dowsing frames.
3. Measurement according to the yin-yang graph of the fullness of a person’s aura. The most common cases of distortion in the biofield of people.
4. S-shaped dowsing frame: principle of operation, procedure for working with it.
Training: 2 ways to prepare for practice with an S-shaped frame (feeling, opening your hands).
5. Practice dowsing with an S-shaped frame.
6. Training: mental body training (special meditation, auto-training, specially selected for dowsing operators).

Lesson 4

1. Preparation for successful mastery of the 2nd and 3rd types of dowsing practice:
- consciousness, subconscious, superconscious, their role in human life;
- mental world; The universal pendulum and the law of its action;
- seven human systems;
- dowsing practice: checking information with dowsing indicators.
2. A magic pendulum in dowsing as a very accurate indicator, including in engineering, technical, scientific and other human activities.
3. Practice - diagnostics of human consciousness.
4. Practice: DNA diagnostics.

Lesson 5

1. Measurement to identify the main energy of a person’s aura, finding his leading chakras using dowsing indicators. Using the information received in life.
2. Ethics of working with bioenergy.
3. Biodiagnostics (without dowsing indicators).
4. Dowsing practice outdoors (usually in Kolomenskoye):
a) first group of exercises:
- identification of anthropogenic (man-made) anomalies;
- diagnostics of pipelines, cable passages, etc.;
- determination of radiation of individual objects, search for people and objects using energy traces;
- determination of the age of various buildings;
- identification of objects lost from the face of the Earth;
b) second group of exercises:
- finding groundwater, determining the direction of movement of underground water flows and diagnosing their water for mineralization, temperature, bacterial contamination, alkalinity, radioactivity;
- diagnostics of spring water for polarity (+,-), living, dead, consecrated source or not, what diseases this water can cure;
- measuring the biofield of various trees, as well as what kind of tree it is - giving bioenergy or taking it,
- how to use dowsing indicators to find trees that can harmonize and nourish your biofield with creative energy.

Lesson 6

1. Some ways to use dowsing in architecture and construction, as well as in other types of engineering design. Determination of hidden defects in constructed objects. Identifying errors in engineering drawings and calculations using dowsing indicators: a pendulum and P and L-shaped dowsing frames.
2. Ecology in architecture and construction:
-psychophysical impact of various geometric shapes, proportions, materials, as well as geopathogenic and other biopathogenic background in buildings and in the area on human health and on the buildings themselves;
- compiling tables and working with them according to the scheme for encoding the spatial parameters of the pendulum for any materials (living and so-called inanimate objects of nature in all parameters).
3. Diagnostics using an energy phantom (with and without the use of dowsing indicators)
4. Work of the inductor with the recipient in pairs (including extensive dowsing practice)

Lesson 7

1. Point emitters:
- on clothes, furniture, chandeliers and other objects,
2. Practices for your spiritual improvement (work for the development of chakras: their opening, etc., raising spirituality).
3. Special practice for entry - establishing an information channel with the Guardian Angels.

Lesson 8

1. Additional dowsing techniques for medical diagnostics of internal organs.
2. Development of clairvoyance (work without dowsing indicators). Practice with chakras. Visualization in dowsing as a technique for achieving the most accurate effect in search practices.
3. How to remove distortions in people’s biofields and correct defects in health (in detail).

Course of study in the "engineering dowsing" program:

Consists of 6 lessons of 3 academic hours each (in addition to this, special healing training is conducted to activate the dowsing effect and maintain good working “shape” for everyone involved in dowsing)

Dowsing in Feng Shui and Landscape Design
1.What is dowsing and feng shui? Dowsing, Feng Shui and Landscape Design - all practice.
2.Working with an indicator frame and a pendulum, bioradiometer sensors;
3.Energy of objects and Feng Shui.
4.Identification of negative energies in rooms and areas.
5.Use of indicators in interior diagnostics.
6.Elements of home architecture and Feng Shui. Creating a favorable interior using dowsing indicators. (in total more than 50 techniques to study on the above topics).

Vasiliev Vladislav Viktorovich- has extensive and fruitful experience in the field of Practical Dowsing and healing (since 1990). The education he received in the “family tradition” was widely used all these years in various fields and spheres of human activity. He improved his knowledge and practical experience in “Folk Medicine” and Healing. He has been involved in dowsing for more than 25 years, a specialist in the field of bioenergy therapy, psychotherapy and non-contact massage, worked in several Moscow medical institutions, then as a senior researcher, heading the department of “Bioenergy informatics and alternative medicine” at the MNM scientific center “Knowledge-intensive industries” at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

V.V. Vasiliev is the author-inventor of a number of instruments and devices, including Rospatent No. 105560 and Rospatent No. 123672 (known as:) for use in medicine, agriculture, everyday life, petrochemical, food industries and some other activities person.

He began studying Dowsing back in the 80s of the 20th century. For a number of years he collaborated with O.A. Krasavin. - author of 32 books on dowsing, A.P. Martynov. - healer bioenergy therapist, as well as Bondarchuk S.N. - Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Dowsing. With the Department of “Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences” and personally with Academician E.I. Andriankin (1994-1997)

In the early 90s, he repeatedly went on geological exploration expeditions across Siberia and the Far East. There he gained experience in reconnaissance and diagnostic work using the dowsing method. Further, as a search specialist, he was invited to archaeological expeditions to search for cultural and historical values. This is only one of the areas of his activity.

Another direction of his research activities is the identification and neutralization of harmful (so-called geopathogenic zones) in residential, industrial premises and on the ground, as well as the use of this method in medical diagnostics.

Dowsing provides tremendous opportunities for spiritual growth and building your well-being! Find out the technique on how to learn this superpower!

What is the phenomenon of dowsing?

The phenomenon of dowsing¹ (dowsing effect) has been known for more than four thousand years. Dowsing was widely used in Europe and Asia to search for water and minerals.

Official science cannot explain in any way what dowsing is; scientists make assumptions, but are not yet able to give a comprehensive explanation.

The dowsing method is based on the ability of the human body to capture radiation from various substances.

Dowsing is directly related to human extrasensory perception. The dowsing effect occurs in those who have developed hypersensitivity.

Every person is capable of this! This article presents a unique technique for developing the ability to dowsing!

Dowsing will help you strengthen your extrasensory abilities and make your life prosperous. Having mastered dowsing, you can search the ground for various valuables, fossils and treasures!

You just need to be able to do it. Find out below about the amazing method!

How are minerals found?

Initially, you should understand that dowsing is carried out using a special frame.

The traditional indicator frame is made of solid metal wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm in the shape of the letter “L”. A person clutches one or two such frames in his hands.

During searches, the free part rotates freely to the right and left. Depending on the angle at which the frame is rotated, the type of mineral found in the ground is determined.

Before starting your workout, energize yourself!

At the beginning, the practitioner needs to recharge his energy and get ready for work. This article describes a special technique for co-tuning body vibrations and earth vibrations, which is used by professionals!

This practice is based on working with chakras², energy centers of nervous energy in the human body. The technique described well increases a person’s energy reserves.

The practitioner begins work with “warming up”. This is the root chakra, which is associated with the earth. It can be imagined as a small dense sphere of bright red color.

1. The person inhales and retracts the anus muscles.

2. Holds your breath for 3 seconds, keeping the anal muscles tense.

3. Exhales and relaxes the muscles. Repeat the exercise for 2-3 minutes.

4. The practitioner directs a mental ray to the top of the Muladhara chakra, located in the perineal area. The beam should be red.

5. A person, with his intention, “opens” the chakra and fills it with red energy. He imagines how energy flows into the chakra clockwise into its center.

6. In a similar way, the practitioner includes all chakras. Each has its own color, while working with the corresponding chakra you need to visualize the energy of its color!

7. The practitioner turns his attention to the sixth. It can be imagined as a blue cone in the area between the eyebrows.

8. A person mentally says: “I easily capture the information of the Earth, I easily process it!” and imagines how these words are perceived by the sixth chakra.

9. Then he is grounded: the practitioner returns his attention to the first Muladhara chakra and sends energy through both legs into the ground.

At the same time, you can feel the sensation of a light wave, an impulse inside yourself!

10. Now you need to connect the received energies with your hands, through which you can do dowsing.

To do this, the practitioner sends energy from the first chakra up his spine. The energy passes through the second Svadhishthana chakra (in the genital area), the third (just above the navel) to the Anahata chakra (located in the chest).

From it the energy goes into the hands that hold the frames. The practitioner imagines how they are filled with energy. You may feel a tingling sensation in your hands.

11. The practitioner mentally says: “I am inextricably linked with the Earth! She helps me in my search (you must specify the search object)!”

Now you are ready to dowsing successfully!

Exercise to master superpowers!

1. Having imbued with energy and connecting himself to the flow, a person takes a frame in his hand and tunes in to the search.

For example, to search for water, you need to mentally say the following: “I and the frame are one. I feel the water. My feelings are transmitted to the frame, and it will give a signal at the right moment!”

2. The practitioner prepares in advance three identical containers covered with oilcloth. One of them should be filled with water, metal scrap should be placed in the second, and crystalline rocks should be placed in the third.

The distance between containers must be at least 20 cm.

3. The person begins to slowly move his hand with the frame clamped in it over each container 3-4 times.

At this time, the practitioner mentally requests information about what is in the container, imagining the answer coming into the frame.

4. He stops moving his hand, holding it and the frame over the container. The person observes the arbitrary movements of the frame and remembers the angle at which it deviates.

The same operation must be performed on the second and third containers, remembering the deflection angles. Using them, the practitioner will be able to further determine what is in the ground!

5. Now you need to swap the containers. To do this, you can ask a friend to do it. It is important that the practitioner himself does not know what each container contains in its new position.

6. He repeats the technique described above and tries to independently determine what each container contains. A person does this based on the angles of deflection.


Dowsing always requires a lot of practice! In order to develop skill, you should train regularly.

This technique will enhance your extrasensory perception. Working with a frame is a tool that will allow you to strengthen your intuition³ and your ability to receive data from the information field of the Universe⁴.

Having mastered this exercise perfectly, you can easily search for minerals, water, etc.

The best part is that the frames always show what you want to find. For example, there is a known case when treasure hunters used the phenomenon of dowsing to search for treasures.

Dowsing is only a small part of your psychic potential. But it can be the beginning of your spiritual growth and personal power!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Dowsing is a group of parapsychological practices that declares the possibility of detecting hidden objects, usually located underground, such as cavities, water sources, mineral deposits, “geopathogenic zones,” “lines of magical power,” etc. using a vine, a special frame , pendulum or other devices (Wikipedia).

² You can learn more about the chakras, their structure and purpose

From the standpoint of modern knowledge about the world, dowsing no longer seems to be something incomprehensible and is finding more and more explanations from the standpoint of modern theories about the information space, saturated with all kinds of energy.

The concept of the dowsing method is based on the knowledge that any substance, living objects, all phenomena and processes are sources of various radiations, including energy-information ones. A person who has a complex system of sensory organs can perceive these weak wave signals from the surrounding space and translate them into the language of consciousness, that is, be a receiver of these studies in order to obtain various information.

It is known that the main senses are hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch. But, besides them, a person has other ways of understanding the world, since he also has a complex biofield structure of body and consciousness. Therefore, we can say that he receives sensations of radiation (waves, vibrations, vibrations) first at the level of the biofield and subconscious, entering into energy-information exchange with the objects of research, and then there is awareness of the received information signal at the physical level through a complex branched system consisting of the brain, endocrine glands and the muscular system.

The term "Dowsing" formed from the Latin bio - life and loco - place and originally denoted the ability of animals and humans to determine localization, i.e. location of certain search objects (direction, distance, depth, etc.).

The method by which the location of an object is determined during dowsing is based on the use not of ordinary senses, but of the so-called dowsing effect.

Dowsing method or dowsing effect- the reception by a person of various radiations in the form of oscillations in his hands of a pendulum, frame or other indicator with the help of supersensible perception of the environment.

Dowsing indicators- these are frames, pendulums, rods, rods, etc.

Ideomotor act- the moment of oscillatory movement of the indicator in the hands of a person.

Operator or dowser- a person who uses the dowsing method for research and obtaining information.

The consciousness and subconscious of a person can perceive information from the surrounding world, picking up different wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations at a certain setting in space, distinguishing them at the level of sensations or using indicators, and deciphering this received information in a language that he understands.

The dowsing effect is based on the involuntary reaction of the human muscular system to remote or direct energy-informational interaction with the environment. In this case, the indicator devices - a frame or a pendulum - are deflected, allowing the gaze and body to register the specificity and strength of the signal perceived from space.

Modern knowledge about nature allows us to say that the manifestation of the dowsing effect is not a rare gift, but a natural property of one ability that nature originally endowed in all living beings. Like anyanother ability, it develops and improves, and if it is not used and not trained, it fades and is lost.

Almost all people have the ability to dowsing, but some to a greater extent, and some to a lesser extent, although they usually do not physically feel the effects of various radiations from surrounding objects due to the low threshold level of sensitivity of a moderately developed biological system. But with some training, with the ability to concentrate attention on a certain object at the physical level or mentally, even in a biologically average modern person, a reaction of the muscular system can spontaneously occur in response to weak radiation from the object of attention, that is, a dowsing effect will occur. And if you have a frame or pendulum in your hands at this time, they will begin to make oscillatory or rotational movements.

Different people have different sensitivity thresholds of their biological systems. But in any case, it can be moved towards increasing individual perceptibility of signals and radiation, if you use various knowledge and methods of human energy development.

With the help of dowsing methods, with certain preparation, any person will be able to receive various information in the surrounding and event space, determine the level of impact of any objects and phenomena of living and inanimate Nature. But a person will decipher the information received in accordance with his level of intelligence, energy development, knowledge and outlook.

But you don’t need to get euphoric from the fact that almost from the first time the frames begin to move and the pendulum swings when tuning in to certain objects. This will be a manifestation of physical dowsing without the use of human intelligence. Indicators can swing and spin and move, but a person, firstly, may not understand what this means if he has not established a specific code for the movements of the indicators, and secondly, has not asked a specific question. There may be false understandings and false answers or desired rather than true ones. And this happens when working with frames and a pendulum; they can respond to questions incorrectly, that is, give poor-quality answers to the biolocator’s request. Then you need to figure out why, and to do this, master the theory, rules and recommendations for dowsing devices.

Before you pick up a frame or a pendulum, before you start learning the dowsing technique itself, you still need to get as much understanding as possible about this method. The more knowledge you have about the subject of the upcoming study, the better and faster you will master the skill of dowsing.

The quality of dowsing research will depend only on the skill of the dowsing operator himself.

I would especially like to draw attention to the fact that it is necessary to raise your energy level before starting to directly master the method. It is also necessary to know about methods of energy protection during work, about exercises andtechniques for gaining energy before the start of each study.

You can learn dowsing at any age, but children under 14 years old should not do this, due to the immaturity of the mind and body, as well as lack of life experience.

The use of dowsing has virtually no boundaries, since it can be used in almost all areas of human activity. Thanks to dowsing, it is possible to identify what is hidden from ordinary sensory perception and translate the received information into an understandable form using various indicators.

Mastering this method at least at an average level of skill can greatly help every person in life. The use of this method is possible for various purposes - to improve the ecology of the place of residence, health improvement, and in solving engineering and life problems.

No one is born with scientific knowledge or professional skills, and no one can do a simple job without training and training. And even the most capable person must undergo good training and train hard before acquiring stable dowsing skills, which must be maintained in the future.

About the practical course on Dowsing

The practical seminar consists of 2 lessons of 4 hours:
"Dowsing for Beginners" And "Dowsing - the secrets of mastery."

Classes are conducted according to the method of intensive express training, which allows you to master dowsing methods in a short time, in a certain order, gaining theoretical knowledge and acquiring practical skills that can then be successfully applied in everyday life.

The course program includes the acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills:

1. The concept of dowsing.
2. Training in working with frames and a pendulum.
3. Energy protection of the dowsing operator. Skills for individual work with energy.
4. Conditions and rules of work for the dowsing operator.
5. Training in dowsing with diagrams and diagrams.
6. Practical application of dowsing in everyday life:

  • determination of geopathogenic zones
  • determination of the biofield of objects;
  • determination of energy-informational lesions of the human biofield;
  • determination of the polarization and usefulness for humans of food, medicines, water, liquids, the impact of any objects of living and inanimate Nature;
  • practical application of dowsing in the surrounding and event space.

7. Water coding technologies.
8. Recommendations for self-study and dowsing practice.

Classes are held in the form of a combination of lectures, exercises and practice.

Groups for classes are formed by prior registration.
Individual training is possible.

The cost of one lesson is 5000 rubles.



To successfully learn how to use frames and a pendulum, you must first learn the basic rules and conditions for the operator to work with them.

To enhance dowsing effect and increasing the efficiency of adjustment and sensitivity of receiving radiation, biolocators must be able to use auxiliary means (diagrams and rulers, maps and plans).

To the dowsing operator It is necessary to master the techniques of internal concentration of the mind, to increase your sensitivity to the perception of various sensations, using special exercises for this. It is also necessary to learn how to focus your vision while working, correctly imagine mental images and create thought forms, and be able to clearly and correctly formulate questions to indicators - a frame or a pendulum.

The dowsing operator must know the structure of the human energy body and understand what a biofield is, energy-informational lesions, have extensive knowledge of what geopathogenic zones, electromagnetic and torsion radiation are, and be able to determine the polarization of objects and any objects of research.

Very important for dowsing operator follow safety rules. A practicing dowser should use his own methods of energy protection and be aware of modern energy information technologies for protecting humans from pathogenic environmental influences. In addition to the knowledge and skills of exercises, techniques for strengthening one’s own energy, each student is given special energy protection for subsequent independent use during any dowsing research.

In addition, great attention is paid to knowledge about the use of the property water memory and coding technology is given and water structuring in various ways for healing and energy protection.

Express training at our Center shows effectiveness in students mastering dowsing skills. After completing the training, they can successfully use indicators:

Dowsing practice at club evenings

You can sign up for training by calling:

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