Advanced training courses in educational technologies. Advanced training is both the right and responsibility of a teacher

Center for Distance Education "Eidos"(a non-profit, non-state educational institution) offers a wide selection of practical subject courses on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in school. The topics of the courses are very diverse, among the topics offered:

  • A modern lesson taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Types of creative lessons
  • Competence-based approach to teaching the complex course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”
  • Organization of research activities of junior schoolchildren in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Long-term planning of school development in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • System-activity approach to natural science lessons in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard: methods and techniques for the creative development of students in technology lessons
  • Modern physical education lesson taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Electronic learning tools in the classroom in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Formation of universal educational activities in class and extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and others.

The duration of the course is 72 hours (10 days), the cost varies from 3689 rubles. up to 6989 rub. There are different tuition fees. It is possible to purchase additional materials and manuals. Based on the results of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued.


Educational portal "My University"(an autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education, licensed activities) offers several programs of additional professional education for mastering the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • “Federal State Educational Standards: content and implementation mechanisms” (12 courses);
  • “Effective pedagogical activity in the conditions of the new Federal State Educational Standards” (9 courses);
  • “Effective implementation of primary general education in the conditions of the new Federal State Educational Standards” (4 courses).

The duration and cost of courses depends on the topic. A 144-hour course (8 weeks of training) costs 1,785 rubles. Some courses within the programs are free. Upon completion of training, students receive a standard certificate indicating the number of hours.


Volgograd Humanitarian Academy for Professional Training of Social Workers(private institution of additional professional education, licensed activities) implements distance programs for professional retraining of teachers and professional development courses taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The duration of the retraining program is from 288 to 512 hours, the cost is from 11,700 rubles. Based on the results of the training, a diploma of professional retraining is issued.

Advanced training: 72, 76 and 144-hour courses, cost - from 3000 rubles. A certificate of advanced training is issued.


Educational portal "Pedagogical Campus"(the organizer of the courses is the Budget training center, the activity is licensed) offers more than 10 professional development courses in various subjects of general education, taking into account the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Duration of training - 72-108 hours, cost - from 4200 rubles.

Upon completion of the course, two documents are issued: a certificate of advanced training and a certificate confirming the acquisition of competencies that meet the requirements of the state standard “Educator (teacher, educator).”


"Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education"(autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education, licensed activities) provides advanced training courses:

  • Information and communication technologies in the professional activities of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (74 hours - 2400 rubles);
  • Development of universal educational activities of students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education programs (74 hours - 3100 rubles);
  • Theory and methodology of additional mathematical education for schoolchildren in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (108 hours - 2900 rubles);
  • Methods for developing creative thinking and creative abilities of students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (108 hours - 3,600 rubles).

Upon completion of the course, a qualification document (standard certificate) is issued.


Open Pedagogical Laboratory of Tomsk State Pedagogical University(activity is licensed) implements 11 educational programs aimed at improving the professional qualifications of teachers in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard. The programs offer a wide range of different thematic areas for study.

The training course is designed for 108 hours (3 months) and consists of three mandatory stages: lectures, seminars, project work of the teacher. Based on the results of the work, a certificate of advanced training is issued. Tuition fee: 3500 rub. for legal entities, 1480 rub. - for individuals.


Attention: information is current at the time of writing – 04.2016. Check with the training centers for exact information.

First, a few words about the PDA in general. Let me make a reservation right away that I am voicing not only my own opinion, but also the opinion of almost all the colleagues with whom I work. CCP is a useless burden on teachers, which, moreover, affects their length of service (if you take the courses full-time, the time spent on the courses does not count towards your experience) and salaries. Do they teach anything new there? Sometimes yes. But this is done by people who, as a rule, are cut off from real school life, although they have teaching experience in the past.
What is the attitude of teachers towards this mandatory procedure? Yes, like a burden that needs to be pulled out so as not to come into conflict with the administration. If possible, CPCs are completed in person, “cutting” classes. If the teacher does not have such an opportunity, or he does not want to interrupt the educational process (albeit on legal grounds), then the teacher goes to distance courses, which are now apparently invisibly available on the Internet.
What does a teacher expect from distance learning courses? As a rule, by paying his hard-earned money (I have never heard of a school compensating someone) with minimal effort, he will receive a certificate, without which (oh horror!) the school cannot exist.

And this is where pitfalls may await us, which you may not even be aware of!
In January I signed up for the PDA on the website
Tempted by the price and speed of passage. Yes, yes! The courses are not free at all, as stated in the article! They cost me about 1900 rubles.
Traditionally, the contract specified that several tasks would need to be completed. Because I’ve already taken distance courses before, and it didn’t bother me. There is always an understanding that on the other side there are people who understand that teachers do not go to remote CPCs out of a good life, and the assignments are given formally, as they say - for show. Well, judge for yourself: if you haven’t been working for the first year, what can you be taught, especially remotely? And if it is possible, and there is such a need, then you will certainly learn yourself!
The team at thinks differently. Having posted several articles on their website on the so-called “Active learning methods”, they gave me the SUCH tasks to work on, which, to be honest, left me a little stunned. But, putting aside all pressing matters and spending a whole precious weekend, I diligently began to carry them out. I repeat: for work there are only articles posted on their website! The student forum is practically dead. Nobody answered my questions. There were no webinars or conferences. Those. the approach is the most primitive: here’s what you need to read, here’s what you need to do. And then as you wish. As far as I understand, this “training” is designed for copyright: sit, proofread, copy, paste.
Imagine my surprise when, after submitting my work, I received a dry notification: “Unfortunately, incorrect.”
To the questions “what exactly?” there were no answers. It wasn’t until I wrote an angry (but correct) review to their VK group.
After that they answered me and seemed to indicate what was wrong. But it didn’t make me feel any better, because... The next task was no less - developing a lesson using their methodology! Can you imagine? What does it mean to develop a lesson using a little-known (and useless in a school environment!) methodology, with a description of the didactic part and inventing active games that should be used there?
I suspect that for our money there are smart people there who compile and publish collections in this way, and even write dissertations.
In general, my money was crying. I didn’t do anything else, so I was informed that I would not receive a certificate. And everything is legal, according to the contract.

I am describing all this so that when choosing remote PDAs, you, dear colleagues, first find out in detail under what conditions you will go through them and how much work will need to be done. Agree that it is very disappointing to do a huge amount of work for your money, for which we, as a rule, have absolutely no time! And considering that after execution you can still get the answer “Sorry, wrong!” instead of the long-awaited testimony - is it even worth it?

By the way, they deleted all correspondence on VK. If I were wrong, then reinforced concrete arguments could be made against my arguments and left for everyone to read. However, education businessmen decided differently. After all, they need to earn money from us, so there are only positive reviews on the wall.

And I found the courses in 5 minutes. from your home. A little more expensive, but it’s enough to attend a few lectures and you don’t need to complete any assignments.

The educational institution Pedagogical University "First of September" was created in 2003. Activities are carried out on the basis of license 77L01 No. 0007183, reg. No. 036377 dated July 23, 2015 (valid for an indefinite period), issued by the Moscow Department of Education.

Upon completion of training the student is issued a standard certificate of advanced training if a complete package of documents is provided and successful completion (receiving a “pass” mark) for all certification work.

The certificate is sent to the listener's address by Russian Post.

Enrollment in courses

Anyone wishing to undergo training in educational programs of additional professional education (advanced training) on ​​the basis of secondary and higher vocational education must pay for the course and provide a set of documents, including: an application, a copy of a diploma of secondary (higher) vocational education, copies of documents confirming the change of surname ( certificates of marriage, divorce, birth, certificates from the registry office, etc.) in cases where the student’s current last name, first name or patronymic does not match the data indicated in the diploma. The student places a set of documents in his Personal Account or sends them by Russian Post.

Tuition fees

In the bank with a receipt that can be printed from the course payment page. A copy of the receipt must then be sent along with all documents to the University.

On the online course payment page via Yandex.Cash. When paying by credit card from the University website, you do not need to send confirmation of payment.

After the University receives payment, the student is enrolled in training.

The final document is a standard certificate of advanced training - is received by the student who has successfully completed (received “pass” marks) all certification work within the specified time frame and provided a set of documents. The certificate is sent to the listener's address by Russian Post.

A student who does not fulfill the conditions listed above receives a certificate of study or period of study (the certificate is issued on the basis of clause 19 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of July 1, 2013 No. 499, clause 19). Help is sent (on request ) to the listener's address by Russian Post.

Educational technologies

All educational materials are posted on the course page on the University website after receipt of payment. During the period of training in advanced training courses, the student performs tests in accordance with the chosen training program. The student receives the result of checking the work on the course page in the “Training” section.

Interaction students with the University administration is carried out through Personal account. Here you can ask questions to the administration and course authors.

Courses for 36 hours

All educational materials contain a theoretical block that reveals the main approaches to the problem under consideration, a practical part that provides examples, recommendations for applying the acquired knowledge in the activities of a teacher, as well as questions and assignments for independent work and links to additional sources of information.

Test is a list of test questions with answer options and is carried out on the website online.

In addition to the test, students also need to complete a final work, which is a practical development.

Monitoring and evaluation system

All work is graded on a pass/fail basis. Evaluation criteria are formulated for each work.

Advanced training in the direction of "Pedagogy"

Advanced training is one of the ways to obtain additional professional education. Specialists periodically improve their qualifications by taking educational courses ranging from 16 academic hours to 250 academic hours. hours. The requirements for the number of hours are specified in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499. The need for advanced training is spelled out in professional standards and other departmental regulations. All those who complete the training are issued certificates.


Professional retraining in the direction of "Pedagogy"

Professional retraining is one of the forms of obtaining additional professional education.

Specialists with higher or secondary vocational education can acquire a new profession through retraining courses. Programs and curricula are developed in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2000 N 2571, as well as the provisions of Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”. Those who complete the training are issued a diploma.


Teacher training at CHTA

In our society, there is a deep-rooted stereotype that in order to master the profession of a teacher, it is enough to graduate from a specialized university and receive the appropriate document. Teachers are specialists who not only teach - they learn themselves throughout their professional activities.

A teacher must not only know his subject thoroughly, he must keep up with the times, sensing reality and promptly receiving up-to-date information about new discoveries in the field of knowledge he is studying. Training teachers is not an easy task. Teacher training should be carried out by real professionals. The modern scientific and technological academy is one of the few educational institutions in which teachers by profession and vocation can receive decent training and improve their own qualifications.

Modern Science and Technology Academy (based on license No. 034268) invites you to study in the field of pedagogy. Receipt of educational documents within the established period is guaranteed.

Features of the training course

Our academy offers teacher training courses in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards. During classes, students will learn about the basics of teaching and become familiar with legislative acts in the field of education. A qualified curator works individually with each listener. The time of the lessons is chosen by the student himself. For the convenience and effectiveness of learning, access to an electronic library is provided, which contains teaching aids, useful materials and textbooks.

The academy brings together methodologists and curators who take into account the existing knowledge of students and select a suitable course for them.

After the training is completed, teachers are asked to take a final test. Passing the test allows you to receive a diploma of the established form or not.

The training center "SNTA" offers courses for teachers in remote mode. Training takes place on the Internet all over Russia.

Academy benefits

  1. Training takes place at a convenient time.
  2. The cost depends on the number of hours.
  3. You can quickly and effectively improve your qualifications or undergo professional retraining.
  4. Delivery of the certificate or diploma is carried out within three days.
  5. The student gets access to educational and methodological materials (UMK).
  6. Access to electronic teaching aids is provided around the clock.
  7. Residents from all over Russia can take distance learning in pedagogical specialties.

Requirements for applicants

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