The moon is larger or smaller than the earth. What is bigger, the earth or the moon?

Graphic comparison of the sizes and brightness of the Earth and the Moon.

Radius. The average radius of the Moon is 1737.1 km. The average radius of the Earth is 6371.0 km. Therefore, the Moon is 3.667 times smaller than the Earth.

Square. It follows that the surface area of ​​the Moon (37.93 million km2) is 13.45 times less than the area of ​​the Earth (510.1 million km2), 3.93 times less than the area of ​​the Earth’s land and approximately equal to the total area of ​​the 3 largest countries in the world - Russia, Canada and China.

Shine. Given that the albedo (reflectivity) of the Moon's surface (0.12) is 3 times lower than that of the Earth (0.367), the illumination produced by a full Moon on Earth is 41 times weaker than that produced by a full Earth on the Moon. This corresponds to a difference of 4m magnitudes: the radiance of the full Moon is -12m.7, the radiance of the full Earth is -16m.7.

Volume. In terms of volume, the Moon is 49.33 times smaller than the Earth, in other words, it occupies a little more than 2% of the space in space.

Weight. With all this, the mass of the Moon...

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How many times is the Moon smaller than the Earth in size and mass?

The average equatorial diameter of the Moon is 3474.8 kilometers and is 27.24 percent (a little more than 1/4) of the Earth's. In this regard, the lunar surface area is 7.4 percent (1/13.5) of the Earth's surface area, and the volume of the Moon is only 2 percent (1/50) of the Earth's volume. The Moon's mass is 73.483 quintillion (billion billion) tons and is 1.23 percent (1/813) of the Earth's mass. The difference in the relative volume and mass of the Moon (1/50 and 1/81.3) is due to the fact that the average density of the Moon (3.34 grams per cubic centimeter) is 1.65 times less than the average density of the Earth.

Next chapter...

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Of course, Earth.
How many times is the Moon smaller than the Earth?

Shine. Given that the albedo (reflectivity) of the Moon's surface (0.12) is 3 times lower than that of the Earth (0.367), the illumination produced by a full Moon on Earth is 41 times weaker than that produced by a full Earth on the Moon. This corresponds to a difference of 4m in magnitude: the brilliance of the full Moon...

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1.183. How many times less does an astronaut weigh on the surface of the Moon than on the surface of the Earth?

The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Moon is 1.622 meters per second per second, which is 16.5 percent (or approximately 1/6) of the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth. Thus, an astronaut on the surface of the Moon weighs approximately 6 times less than on the surface of the Earth.
1.184. How many times is the Moon smaller than the Earth in size and mass?

The average equatorial diameter of the Moon is 3474.8 kilometers and is 27.24 percent (a little more than 1/4) of the Earth's. In this regard, the lunar surface area is 7.4 percent (1/13.5) of the Earth's surface area, and the volume of the Moon is only 2 percent (1/50) of the Earth's volume. The Moon's mass is 73.483 quintillion (billion billion) tons and is 1.23 percent (1/81.3) of the Earth's mass. The difference in the relative volume and mass of the Moon (1/50 and 1/813) is due to the fact that the average density of the Moon (3.34 grams per...

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The closest celestial body to our planet - the Moon - we can observe with the naked eye every evening. In ancient times, people came up with many legends associated with its pale glow, spots on its surface, etc.

But what do we even know about the Moon, its size, properties, etc.? In fact - not so little.

Comparison of the sizes of the Earth and the Moon

As you know, the Moon is a natural satellite of our Earth. This means that the Moon is much smaller in mass and size than the Earth. Let's compare some of their sizes.

The average diameter of the Moon is 3,474 kilometers, while the diameter of the Earth is 12,742 kilometers. That is, the size of the Moon in diameter is only 3/11 of the Earth's diameter, it is 3.67 times smaller than the Earth's diameter.

The surface of the Moon covers an area of ​​37.9 million square meters. km, and the area of ​​the earth’s surface, as is known, is 510 million square meters. km. If we compare these indicators, it turns out that the surface area of ​​the Moon is 13.5 times less than the Earth's....

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How does modern astronomical counting of years BC differ from civil counting?

Currently, in international relations and in scientific matters, all peoples of the world use the Gregorian calendar and the counting of years from the “Nativity of Christ”. In the civil count of years, before "the first year of our era" is "the first year BC." In astronomical calculation, the first year of our era is preceded by a zero year, which follows the minus first, etc. This allows astronomers to maintain the rule for determining leap years for the entire time covered by the history of mankind. Thus, for example, Alexander the Great, from the point of view of a historian, was born in 356 BC, and from the point of view of an astronomer - in minus 355.

What are Julian days?

When studying various periodic astronomical phenomena (for example, changes in the brightness of variable stars), they use a special count of days proposed in 1583 by Joseph Scaliger for the purposes of history and chronology...

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Weight: 7.35 * 1022 kg, i.e. 0.0123 of the mass of the Earth. Diameter: 3476 km, i.e. 0.273 times the diameter of the Earth. Density: 3.342 g/cm3 Gravitational force: 0.1653 Earth's gravitational force The Moon is located at a distance of 380,000 km from the Earth. This is the only satellite of the Earth. There is no air, no water, no weather on the moon. Its surface is covered with mountains, craters, seas of hardened lava and layers of dust. Earth is the only planet in the inner solar system with a large moon. The mass of the Earth is 81 times greater than the mass of the Moon, and its radius is 4 times that of the Moon. On the lunar surface, the gravitational force is 6 times less than on Earth, since the Moon has much less mass. (Source...

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In the Welcome section to the question which is larger, the moon or the earth, asked by the author Denis Startsev, the best answer is, of course, the Earth.
How many times is the Moon smaller than the Earth?
Radius. The average radius of the Moon is 1737.1 km. The average radius of the Earth is 6371.0 km. Thus, the Moon is 3.667 times smaller than the Earth.
Square. It follows that the surface area of ​​the Moon (37.93 million km2) is 13.45 times less than the area of ​​the Earth (510.1 million km2), 3.93 times less than the area of ​​the Earth’s land and approximately equal to the total area of ​​the three largest countries in the world - Russia , Canada and China.
Shine. Given that the albedo (reflectivity) of the Moon's surface (0.12) is 3 times lower than that of the Earth (0.367), the illumination produced by a full Moon on Earth is 41 times weaker than that produced by a full Earth on the Moon. This corresponds to a difference of 4m in magnitude: the brightness of the full Moon is −12m.7, the brightness of the full Earth is −16m.7.
Volume. The volume of the Moon is 49.33 times smaller than the Earth, that is, it occupies a little more than 2% of the space in...

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In the section on the question: what is bigger, the moon or the earth? given by the author ELement the best answer is The Moon is definitely smaller than the Earth. There are thousands of stars, some smaller than the Earth, others larger. In our Solar System, the largest star is the Sun, but in our Milky Way Galaxy, there are other stars much larger than the Sun.
A star is a celestial body of gigantic mass, consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium, while planets consist of heavier elements, since they were formed as a result of the combination of cold bodies and particles, and that part of this matter that was not included in the planets formed such celestial bodies like comets, asteroids and satellites. About the size: The diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km, the Moon is 4 times smaller, the Sun is 1,392,000 km

Reply from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what is larger, the moon or the earth?

Reply from Inna Suleymanova[guru]
the largest star is the Sun, the Earth is larger than the Moon, but I can’t say the size

Reply from User deleted[active]
I know for sure that the earth is larger than the moon, and the largest star is the sun.

Reply from HARD_MAN[expert]
The moon is a satellite of the earth, it is smaller.. I was confused by the question about the size! Do you need radius or surface area? The radius of the earth is 6 to the 10th power. The sun is the biggest.

Reply from Oposum[guru]
Zemlyu s zemli ne vidno, znachit bolshe Luna!

Reply from Post[expert]
the earth is larger, the moon is smaller. any star is larger than the earth. I don’t know the size of the earth and the moon, the moon is about 6 times smaller than the earth, the earth has the largest satellite in our system - not a single planet has satellites larger than the moon, the largest stars are considered red giants, the smallest are white dwarfs, the sun is classified as a medium-sized star .

Reply from ALIEN[guru]
1this planet
2any star
31.28 kisaltan
4 is 6 times less
5not important yet
a planet is a star only then
when it emits energy in the optical range...

Reply from Victor Orlinsky[master]
The Earth is larger than the Moon.
The Earth is not a star, but a planet.
The diameter of the Earth is 12660 km.
I don't know the size of the moon.
Even scientists cannot determine the largest star. link
What I knew, I wrote.

The closest celestial body to our planet - the Moon - we can observe with the naked eye every evening. In ancient times, people came up with many legends associated with its pale glow, spots on its surface, etc.

But what do we even know about the Moon, its size, properties, etc.? In fact - not so little.

Comparison of the sizes of the Earth and the Moon

As you know, the Moon is our Earth. This means that the Moon is much smaller in mass and size than the Earth. Let's compare some of their sizes.

— The diameter of the Moon is on average 3,474 kilometers, while the diameter of the Earth is 12,742 kilometers. That is, the size of the Moon in diameter is only 3/11 of the Earth's diameter, it is 3.67 times smaller than the Earth's diameter.

— The surface of the Moon covers an area of ​​37.9 million square meters. km, and the area of ​​the earth’s surface, as is known, is 510 million square meters. km. If we compare these indicators, it turns out that the surface area of ​​the Moon is 13.5 times less than the Earth’s. Even if we compare the area of ​​the Moon with the Earth's land, it turns out that the lunar surface occupies 4 times less area than the continents and islands of our planet.

— The volume occupied by the Moon is almost 50 times less than that of the Earth. In percentage terms, the Moon occupies only 2% of the Earth's volume.

— The mass of the Moon is about 80 times less than the mass of our Earth. This means that the average density of the rocks that make up the Moon is much less than the density of Earth's rocks (about 60% of Earth's). Perhaps there are a lot of empty spaces inside the Moon.

— Gravity on the Moon is only 1.6 m/sq. sec, this is 6 times less than Earth’s gravity, which is, as we remember, 9.8 m/sq. sec. Therefore, on the Moon, every person can become a jumping champion.

Indeed, the Earth turns out to be much larger by all indicators. This is why the Moon is a satellite of our Earth, and not vice versa.

Some interesting facts about the Moon

— If you visually compare the sizes of the Moon, Earth and Sun, then you need to put next to each other an ordinary pea (Moon), a five-ruble coin (Earth) and a double-leaf door (Sun).

— A full lunar day is 29 Earth days, and the Moon around the Earth takes 27 of our days.

— The Moon does not have its own satellites.

— There is practically no atmosphere on the Moon that protects our Earth from the impacts of random meteorites. Therefore, the surface of the Moon is pitted with large and small craters, which were left after numerous collisions with celestial rocks of different sizes.

— Due to the lack of an atmosphere, cosmic cold reigns on the surface of the Moon at night. Therefore, water there can only be in a frozen state. No living organism can withstand such conditions. If there was once on the Moon, now it is all gone.

Lunar exploration

The Moon is the most studied celestial body by people. To study it, researchers from different countries launched more than 100 different spacecraft. Most of them simply flew around the Moon and transmitted the information they received.

Back in 1959, the Soviet Union was the first in the world to launch the Luna-1 research apparatus, which flew close to the lunar surface and made the first direct measurements of its physical parameters. Then it was discovered that the Moon, unlike the Earth, does not have its own magnetic field.

The Soviet space program for launching automatic stations was quite successful, although there were also unsuccessful launches. However, even those lunar modules that failed to land on the Moon transmitted images of the surface, i.e. brought some benefit.

For the first time, in 1966, a Soviet spacecraft made a soft landing on the surface of the Moon and transmitted images from the surface of our satellite. The unmanned research complex Luna-16 in 1970 was able to land on the surface of the Moon, take soil samples and return to Earth.

In addition, the USSR delivered two automatic Lunokhod modules to the lunar surface. The first one worked for about 10 months, covering more than 10 kilometers on the surface of the Moon, the second - about 4 months, covering 37 kilometers.

The United States launched 6 expeditions to the Moon with astronauts who reached the surface of the Moon and were able to return back. Before the start of the manned Apollo program, American researchers had several unsuccessful attempts at soft landing of automatic stations - the devices crashed when they collided with the lunar surface.

All manned launches took place between 1969 and 1972, and without exception, all were successful. Today it is believed that the first person to set foot on the surface of the Moon was American astronaut Neil Armstrong in 1969.

> > > Dimensions of the Moon

What size is the moon- satellite of the Earth. Description of mass, density and gravity, real and apparent size, supermoon, illusion of the Moon and comparison with the Earth in the photo.

The Moon is the brightest object in the sky (after the Sun). To an earthly observer it seems gigantic, but this is only because it is located closer to other objects. In size it occupies 27% of the earth's (ratio 1:4). When compared with other satellites, ours is in 5th place in terms of size.

The average lunar radius is 1737.5 km. The value multiplied by two will be the diameter (3475 km). The equatorial circumference is 10917 km.

The area of ​​the Moon is 38 million km2 (this is less than any total area of ​​the continent).

Mass, density and gravity

  • Weight – 7.35 x 10 22 kg (1.2% earthly). That is, the Earth exceeds the lunar mass by 81 times.
  • Density – 3.34 g/cm 3 (60% earthly). According to this criterion, our satellite takes second place, losing to Saturn’s moon Io (3.53 g/cm3).
  • The force of gravity increases only to 17% of the earth's, so 100 kg there will turn into 7.6 kg. This is why astronauts can jump so high on the lunar surface.


The Moon revolves around the Earth not in a circle, but in an ellipse, so sometimes it is located much closer. The closest distance is called perigee. When this moment coincides with a full moon, we get a supermoon (14% larger and 30% brighter than normal). It repeats every 414 days.

Horizon illusion

There is an optical effect that makes the apparent size of the Moon appear even larger. This happens when it rises behind distant objects on the horizon line. This trick is called the moon illusion or the Ponzo illusion. And although it has been observed for many centuries, there is no exact explanation yet. In the photo you can compare the size of the Moon and the Earth, as well as the Sun and Jupiter.

One theory says that we are used to watching clouds at altitude and understand that on the horizon they are kilometers away from us. If the clouds on the horizon reach the same size as those overhead, then, despite the distance, we remember that they must be huge. But since the satellite appears at the same size as overhead, the brain automatically aims to zoom in.

Not everyone agrees with this formulation, so there is another hypothesis. The moon appears close to the horizon because we cannot compare its size with trees and other earthly objects. Without comparison, it seems larger.

To check for the moon illusion, you need to put your thumb on the satellite and compare the size. When it returns to height again, repeat this method again. It will be the same size as before. Now you know what size the Moon is.

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