Mark Levy: quotes from books. Marc Levy: touching quotes about love Marc Levy sayings

Mark Levy born on October 16, 1961 in the city of Boulogne into a Jewish family. French writer, author of the novel “Only If It Were True,” based on which the famous film “Between Heaven and Earth” was filmed in 2005. During World War II, the writer’s father was a member of the Resistance movement in France as part of the 35th International Communist Brigade formed by Marcel Langer in Toulouse.

Losing a loved one is scary, but never meeting him is even worse.

Love at first sight only happens in books. In real life, feelings are born gradually, like building a house, stone by stone.

In friendship, some things are not said, they are guessed.

It's a dangerous thing to get attached to someone. It's crazy how much this hurts. It hurts just from the fear of losing.

We do terrible things when love and hate are mixed, things for which we then reproach ourselves.

Love also has autumn, and it is experienced by those who have forgotten the taste of the kisses of their loved one.

A tiny seed of hope is enough to sow a whole field of happiness.

One of the biggest problems in our lives is to figure out who is really your friend.

I have always been amazed at how an unexpected set of circumstances can sometimes radically change our lives.

Sometimes it's impossible to explain how you feel about someone...
you just know that this person is taking you somewhere you’ve never been...

Just loving is not enough, you also need to be compatible. You need to love the life that you have to lead with another, share his desires, aspirations, have common goals, common dreams.

“No years can erase the pages written together.”

You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, if only you remember me from time to time.

Everything in the world is possible, and as long as there is life, there is hope.

Sometimes the presence of another person, even silently, helps to cope with despair.

To advertise everything you do means to prove to others that your life is better than theirs. My life is just different, it's my life, not someone else's, so I'll save it for myself.

Every time I told her that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist. Every time she asked me: “What about you and me?”... Each time I lowered my eyes and muttered in embarrassment: “Oh, well, yes, exactly...”

Only when you give what you yourself have little of, do you truly give.

There are people who see things as they are and ask the question “why?” But I see them as they could be, and I say to myself: “Why not?”

Humor is a wonderful way to deal with reality when it hits you.

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Today I have prepared for you the most vital and wise quotes from the books of Mark Levy. They are really worth your attention!

No years can erase the pages written together. "Everyone wants to love"

I realized that I want to live with you, because the thought of growing old next to you makes me happy. "Where are you?"

Do you miss her that much? - asked Antoine.
- Even more when I hang up after talking with her... "Everyone wants to love"

Evenings seem so long without you... "Where are you?"

Love tastes wonderful. "Between Heaven and Earth"

We both need to give ourselves a second chance.
“Nothing good ever comes of these second chances... "Everyone wants to love"

I was afraid of losing myself by becoming attached to someone. And so it happened. "Where are you?"

...tears take away sadness... "Between Heaven and Earth"

It is important to understand your past in order to anticipate the future.

... spring returns sooner or later. "Everyone wants to love»

It is difficult, the morning after the night, when everything that you have long guessed about but did not want to hear is finally said. "Where are you?"

Ideally, I would turn into a chocolate bar - and time would pass faster and somehow calmer in the foil. "Between Heaven and Earth"

The longer the separation, the greater the happiness of the meeting. "Those words we didn't say to each other"

What is invisible to the eye does not cease to exist. "Next time"

Some people I know go to the other side of the world to do good for people; I try to do what I can for those I love and who are nearby. "Everyone wants to love"

Happiness is not a given; you have to constantly fight for it. And I think when it comes, it’s important to be able to accept it. "Where are you?"

Remember that you have to be yourself in order to be able to love. "Between Heaven and Earth"

I'm not alone at all, I'm a widower. And if the person I loved died, this does not at all prove that he left me. "Those words we didn't say to each other"

Sometimes the presence of another person, even silently, helps to cope with despair. "Next time"

One moment of you is worth an eternity. "Seven Days of Creation"

... life belongs to you, and nothing will be impossible for you if you really want it. "Everyone wants to love"

Everything has its beginning. "Everyone wants to love"

The worst lie is lying to yourself. "Between Heaven and Earth"

Why on earth should you visit the same place when there are still so many unexplored corners in the world?! "Those words we didn't say to each other"

You cannot appear in front of a man with disheveled feelings. "Next time"

This is the fate of a friend: to rejoice when another ends her unmarried life, even if this promises you loneliness. "Seven Days of Creation"

Proudly looking straight into her eyes, he announced that he was leaving. She immediately realized that she would miss him, as well as all those, near and far, whom she loved and who for some reason always disappeared from her life.

There are people who see things as they are and ask the question "why?" But I see them as they could be, and I say to myself: “Why not?”

I realized that I want to live with you, because the thought of growing old next to you makes me happy.

Evenings seem so long without you...

“I really didn’t want you to notice me yesterday.” - Like on my wedding day? - Did you know that I came? - I found out the second you entered the church, and counted your every step as you backed away.

I can’t invent our life alone, no one can. Life is not invented, my love, you just need to have the courage to live.

- What is childhood for? - Why are you asking? - Why do adults always answer a question with a question when they don’t know what to answer?

Yes, it doesn't look like passion, but at least it doesn't hurt. My heart does not ache all day because of her absence, because I know that I will see her in the evening. I don't stare at the phone, painfully trying to remember who called whom the last time - me to her or she to me. I'm not afraid of making a mistake in choosing a restaurant or a suit, or blurting out something out of place. With her, I am not afraid to wake up in the morning, because when I open my eyes, I feel that she is nearby and pressed against me. With her, I don’t live in constant anticipation of the future, I live in the present. She loves me for who I am. Yes, we are not connected by fiery passion, but we have normal human relationships. Mary shares her everyday life with me, our relationship strengthens, it exists.

- Do you think we will be buried as heroes? - Is this important to you? - Don't know. - She hesitated. - Maybe it’s important. - I thought again. - No, perhaps it doesn’t matter. I just didn’t have a beautiful wedding, and I would like to at least count on a beautiful funeral.

What church should you go to to pray so that children stop suffering, because if they die, then who is innocent on this crazy planet?! - Just loving is not enough, you also need to be compatible. - How is that? - You need to love the life that you have to lead with another, share his desires, aspirations, have common goals, common dreams. - How can all this be determined in advance? It doesn't happen like that! You can't recognize a person right away. To love, you need to be patient.

Forgive me for being who I am, unable to live for the sake of another.

Both experienced a strange feeling, did not dare admit it and did not really want to talk about it. Time was not in vain for them; for two years they lived in different rhythms. The affection remained the same, words failed. But perhaps they failed because separation had already corroded their deep, sincere affection, marking a distance between them that was measured not only in kilometers?

He suddenly felt that he was moving away from his parents, for the first time he saw that they were getting old, the distance seemed to break the thread of time and cut life into a series of faded pictures, where the faces changed more and more from time to time under the influence of life’s vicissitudes. - When people live together, they don’t even notice how they change, and in the end they lose each other.

I love it when you play the fool, but now your stupidity borders on cruelty!

I was afraid of losing myself by becoming attached to someone. And so it happened.

I pressed myself tightly to him, as if I hoped to take the scent of his body with me and leave him mine.

It’s difficult, the morning after the night, when everything that you’ve long guessed about but didn’t want to hear is finally said.

Happiness is not a given; you have to constantly fight for it. And I think when it comes, it’s important to be able to accept it.

He dreamed of ideal love, and she... simply loved him. Love either comes right away or never.

- Who are you to me? - I am your paradox!

Some wounds received in childhood never heal. They are forgotten for a while, allowing us to grow and mature - in order to return later and only remind ourselves more painfully.

- Only fools never change their views.

Loneliness! You have no idea how I lived without you for the first years! The worst thing for me was to forget your smell. When it was raining, I would sneak out into the street, take a handful of wet soil and smell it to remember “those” smells, I was so afraid of forgetting the scent of your skin.

- Did you want to leave me? “I think about this every morning when I wake up, watching you silently sip your coffee, how you carefully wrap yourself in your loneliness, emerging from an endlessly long shower, where you washed off the smell of my skin with water, and I know how far you are from us when you hide under your shower, when you rush to the ringing phone, happily grasping at any excuse and looking for any loophole to distance yourself even further. And I am left alone, with all my oceans of happiness that I dreamed of sailing with you.

Yes, what is easier is to say that the time is supposedly inappropriate, but every time it is here and now that fate forces us to make decisions.

When dealing with strong feelings, powerlessness kills.

How strange they are, these days on which you are supposed to rejoice according to the calendar.

Why do our great powers send people to fight in legions and cannot send at least a handful of volunteers to save children? And how long does it take to understand such a simple truth? I will never again be able to calmly look at the credits: “A year later...”, which sometimes appear in movies. Previously, I did not understand what was hidden behind this modest ellipsis, the meaning of which is obvious only to those who know how lonely a person is who lives in anticipation.

- I'm leaving in an hour. - I will do everything to make you late! To never get on this damn flight!

Or maybe my letters to you are just an attempt to wake up?

You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, if only you remember me from time to time.

Sometimes I forget that you love me so much, and I’m ashamed that I don’t know how to love you the same way.

- So you already miss him, although you are not separated yet, right? - asked Mary. - Was this the case with you? - Quite a long time. - Why does it hurt so much? - Because to love means first of all to take risks. It is dangerous to trust yourself to another, to open the door to your own heart. This can be incredibly painful. Sometimes it becomes an obsession. - Yes, that's all I think about! - No medicine helps with this pain.

She lived in her own world, only occasionally leaving it to those around her. The more days passed, the further her planet moved away.

Love is an addiction, even for the most rebellious...

Waiting that awakens hopes, little things that remind you of a person you don’t know at all, a phone call that turns the day into a holiday, and again silence, and thoughts, thoughts, thoughts that you drive away...

You can immerse yourself in your memories forever, everyone can do that. People dream of an ideal, wait for it, search for it, strive for it, and then one day, when suddenly happiness appears on their path, it turns out that they are afraid to taste it, they are afraid that they will not be at the height of their dream, they are afraid to make it a reality and take responsibility. The easiest way is to refuse to be an adult, forget your mistakes and blame everything on fate, disguising your own laziness. There is no worse loneliness than being alone together.

- Then why can’t you immediately become an adult? - Because childhood has its merits. Childhood lays the foundation for your dreams, and for your whole life. You will then begin to draw strength from childhood memories, seek consolation from the disappointments you have experienced, they will support love in you, drive away fears, and sometimes help push the boundaries of your capabilities. - I didn’t like my childhood. - I know, Lisa, and I promise to do everything to return its bright colors to you, however, some rules will still remain black and white.

Do you really think that love can be so scary that it makes you run away?

Oh that's how it is! When you hang your balls out, then you are heartthrobs, but if we stick our chests out, then we are whores! But for a man to sleep with a woman, this woman must be available.

How do you manage to be so brave when it comes to others, but such a coward when it comes to yourself?

Leaving does not mean giving up, it is also a way to preserve what you have experienced, if you are smart enough to leave before it is too late.

I'm drowning alone, and for the first time in my life I feel like I won't be able to swim out.

Loving does not mean giving up your freedom, it means giving it meaning.

Loneliness breeds impatience, impatience kills childhood.

Why pay attention to what is not, to the detriment of what is? Why give importance to what is bad instead of enjoying what is good? The truth is that you are afraid to live and in order to overcome this fear, you went to help others. But you won’t help yourself that way, Susan, you’re not defending your life, but someone else’s. What a strange choice - to neglect those who love you and give your love to those who have never seen you in their eyes! I know this supports you, but you don’t know yourself!

You are afraid of losing yourself by becoming attached to someone. Stop looking at the clock!

“When people live together,” Philip broke the silence, “they don’t even notice how they change, and in the end they lose each other.”

Until next year...

People are free, and attachment is stupidity, it is a thirst for pain.


*** I have lived most of my life in the belief that one person can change everything. This is not easy, neither for him nor for those whom he destroys on his way. Once upon a time I wanted to be everything at once... to help everyone at once, to save everyone at once. But that doesn't happen. You always have to choose who to be and what to sacrifice. *** You

*** I peer into his trusting eyes. I see him there. Its yesterday. It's today. A tomorrow that will never exist. I see his pain and it tears me to pieces. I see his absolute love and it shames me. *** I was strong. I was cold. I was omnipotent, they didn't even know how

*** - I love you. How can you not believe this? - I don't want to believe it. - Why? “Because if I believe this,” she paused, her whole body trembling in the warm wind, “and I allow myself to love you... we will someday have to experience pain, and I don’t want that.” *** People don't fall in love

*** Idleness harms only mediocre individuals. *** Thoughts about freedom and independence are born only to those who still live in hope. *** Believe me, there is no great sorrow, great repentance, or ineradicable memories. Everything is forgotten, even great love. It's very sad and at the same time

*** At a certain period of life - most likely, when most of it is left behind - you will open your eyes and see yourself as you are. And especially everything that distinguished you from all these terrible “normal people”. And you will say to yourself: “But I am that person.” And in this statement, in this

*** - How do you always manage to stay on the edge? - I just don't think about it. *** - What is the best way to defuse a bomb? - When you remain alive. *** When you get older, the things you loved don't seem so special. Like a jack in the box. Maybe later you will understand that this is not

*** It’s easy to write about pain. In pain we are all just suffering individuals, but what can we write about happiness? *** Love doesn't end if we don't see each other. *** - I am jealous of this stocking. - Why? “He does what I can’t: kisses your whole leg.” I'm jealous of this buckle... it's with you

*** For the sake of the immortality of the chosen ones, millions of ordinary people must die. *** He was not very strong, but he knew how to win. *** We earn time - and spend it. *** I don't have time. I don't have time to worry about how it happened. It happened - and it happened. *** No one chooses which one

*** The most important thing is to learn to perceive your surroundings, and the second main condition is to make sure that no one finds out what is really there. *** In every century there is something called artificially created. This is informative, but life will always correct everything and put it in its place, the main thing is

*** Love, you know, is a thing that reveals the best traits... but also the worst - fears, hatred, self-doubt. *** Some girls wanted a pony when they were children... I always wanted to be a widow. *** - I atone for my sins. - Your worst sin is loyalty to me. *** - Why are you doing this

*** - I even like your flaws. - What are my shortcomings? - You are the head of a gang, you are a bully, you are the devil! - I'm glad that a devil like me is saved by an angel like you! *** Coffee should be drunk before it gets cold so that it doesn’t lose its taste. Also with people. *** There are a million in this world

*** - Why are you sitting in the dark? I could have hurt you! - Really? Compass? *** - Even a mouse sometimes hides its teeth when they are in danger of being broken. *** You are nothing. . . And you will never gain fame. Whereas I already have it. *** - Why do you always complicate everything? - I have your character! I see

Life only gives you one take, and if it comes out badly, you have to live with it. *** I always loved fish, but I never thought that someday a fish would love me. *** - look like my son. - I am your son, dad! - No, my son is taller... *** - Which of all lives is right? - Each of

For the sake of the immortality of the chosen, millions of ordinary people must die. *** He was not very strong, but he knew how to win. *** We earn time - and spend it. *** I don't have time. I don't have time to worry about how it happened. It happened - and it happened. *** No one chooses how to be born.

The most important thing is to learn to perceive your surroundings, and the second main condition is to make sure that no one finds out what is really there. *** In every century there is something called artificially created. This is informative, but life will always correct everything and put it in its place, the main thing is

His novels have been translated into more than 40 languages ​​and sell about 20 million copies each. Just 15 years ago, Mark Levy could not even imagine that he would become a world-famous writer. Then he was just composing fairy tales for his sons, and later Levi's talent made him a multimillionaire. Touching and sensual works are loved by readers from all over the world. We bring to your attention the most touching quotes and sayings about love from the works of Marc Levy.

Having not published a word in 40 years of his life, he bursts into literature with his debut novel “Between Heaven and Earth” (What if this is true?). Are newbies lucky? Hardly! Since then, each of his novels has become a bestseller. And, although at the age of 54 Marc Levy does not have a single literary award, he is considered the most widely read French author in the world.

You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, if only you remember me from time to time (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

Just knowing that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me, in my hell, a corner of heaven (quote from the novel “Seven Days of Creation” by Mark Levy, 2003).

Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one experiences it (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008).

It’s enough to stop believing for one second and the dream will break into a thousand pieces (quote from the novel “Meet Again” by Mark Levy, 2005).

Time passed so quickly, but it went so slowly (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008).

Sometimes I forget that you love me so much, and I am ashamed that I cannot love you the same way (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

It’s easy to love someone you can’t reach, because you don’t risk anything (quote from the novel “Meet Again” by Mark Levy, 2005).

. “Forget what I said”, “erase from your memory what I did” - are you sure that life is a pencil sketch? (quote from the novel “Everyone Wants to Love” by Mark Levy, 2006, words by Valentina).

There is no worse loneliness than being alone together (quote from Mark Levy’s novel “Where Are You?”, 2001).

Did you miss you a lot? - Sixty-four cars drove along your street, nineteen of them were green (quote from Mark Levy’s novel “Seven Days of Creation”, 2003, words by Sophia).

Be honest with yourself and especially with her; if your feeling for her is not love, do not give her hope in vain, she is a good girl (quote from the novel “The Thief of Shadows” by Marc Levy, 2010).

Only when you give what you yourself have little of, do you truly give (quote from the novel “Between Heaven and Earth” by Mark Levy, 2000).

True love is selfless and reckless - we love simply because we love... (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008).

How strange they are, these days on which you are supposed to rejoice according to the calendar (quote from Mark Levy’s novel “Where Are You?”, 2001).

I will never again be able to calmly look at the credits: “A year later...”, which sometimes appear in movies. I previously did not understand what was hidden behind this modest ellipsis, the meaning of which is obvious only to those who know how lonely a person is who lives in anticipation (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

There are days when nothing special happens, but suddenly a wave of melancholy and such a feeling of loneliness rolls over you that then you cannot forget it for a long time (quote from the novel “The First Day” by Mark Levy, 2009).

Learn again to control your suddenly beating heart when you see a familiar silhouette around the corner in the street. Don’t lower your eyes when a couple is kissing on the bench in front of you. And never again, never wait for the phone to ring (quote from the novel “Everyone Wants to Love” by Mark Levy, 2006).

The worst lie is lying to yourself (quote from the novel “Between Heaven and Earth” by Mark Levy, 2000).

If you want to understand what a year of life is, ask a question to a student who failed his annual exam. If you want to understand what a month is, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby and is waiting for him to be removed from the incubation chamber. If it’s a week, ask a person who works on an assembly line or in a mine to feed his family. If it’s daytime, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. If it's an hour, ask a claustrophobic person stuck in an elevator. Just a second - look at the expression of someone who has escaped death in a thousandth of an instant, or ask an athlete who has just won a silver medal at the Olympic Games instead of the gold for which he trained all his life (quote from the novel Between Heaven and Earth by Mark Levy, 2000).

I love you, I can’t stop loving you, I don’t know how or why. I love you this way, because I don’t know any other way. Where you are not, I am not either (quote from the novel “Next Time” by Mark Levy, 2004).

This love is a strange thing: you clearly understand that it is better to leave it for fear of suffering, for fear of being abandoned one fine day. However, we love life, although we know that one day it will leave us (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008, words by Anthony).

You know what? Letting someone into your life means breaking down the walls that you have built to protect yourself, and not waiting for someone else to break through those walls! (quote from the novel “Everyone Wants to Love” by Mark Levy, 2006).

People are free, and attachment is stupidity, it is a thirst for pain (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

Waiting that awakens hopes, little things that remind you of a person you don’t know at all, a phone call that turns the day into a holiday, and again silence, and thoughts, thoughts, thoughts that you drive away... (quote from Mark Levy’s novel “Where Are You?” , 2001).

I am drowning alone, and for the first time in my life it seems to me that I will not be able to swim (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001, words by Susan).

You can’t survive everything, it’s important to experience the main thing, and this is the main thing for everyone (quote from the novel “Between Heaven and Earth” by Mark Levy, 2000).

. <...>a person can come to terms with the thought of his own death, but not with the absence of those he loves (quote from the novel “Children of Liberty” by Mark Levy, 2007).

Love is an addiction, even for the most rebellious... (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

I will fall in love with you tomorrow, because today I have not yet met you (quote from the novel “Children of Liberty” by Marc Levy, 2007).

Don't give up! She's back, she's near. She is waiting for you, looking for you. From now on, time is numbered for both of you. If you give up on each other, it will be even worse than passing by your own life, it will be the loss of your soul. The end of both of your journeys will be an incredible failure, and yet the goal was so close! When you meet, try not to miss each other (quote from the novel “Next Time” by Mark Levy, 2004).

One moment of you is worth eternity (quote from the novel “Seven Days of Creation” by Mark Levy, 2003).

It seems that we could walk next to each other without recognizing each other (quote from the novel “Next Time” by Mark Levy, 2004).

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Today I have prepared for you quotes from the books of Mark Levy. I am sure that they will be appreciated not only by fans of this writer, but also by those who are not yet familiar with his work.

Mark Levy: quotes from books

If you still want us to be together, I will not let loneliness come to you, I will take you by the hand and lead you onto the road along which we will walk together... "Everyone wants to love"

Someone else's pain helps you escape from your own, which you are afraid to face. "Where are you?"

Promise me one thing: today don’t think about the little things that didn’t work out, look at everything you managed to do, it’s wonderful. "Everyone wants to love"

Everything in the world is possible, and as long as there is life, there is hope. "Between Heaven and Earth"

Erase everything from memory, forget promises, spit out poison with the taste of betrayal. How many days and nights will it take this time for the wound to heal? "Everyone wants to love"

“Forget what I said”, “erase from your memory what I did” - are you sure that life is a pencil sketch? "Everyone wants to love"

Tomorrow is a mystery for everyone, and this mystery should evoke laughter and desire, not fear and refusal. "Between Heaven and Earth"

Life has a much richer imagination than we do! "Everyone wants to love"

They say that a sincere feeling is immortal. "Next time"

I hate October.
- What did he do wrong to you?
- This month buries summer. "Seven Days of Creation"

Life never gives us a second chance to make a first impression. "Everyone wants to love"

He dreamed of ideal love, and she... simply loved him. "Where are you?"

But the most beautiful thing that the earth has given us, the thing that turns us into human beings, is the happiness of sharing with someone. Anyone who does not know how to share is a cripple, a disabled person without feelings. "Between Heaven and Earth"

A person can curse his childhood as much as he wants, endlessly reproach his parents for all his misfortunes, weaknesses and vices, blame them for the harsh trials of life, but ultimately he himself is responsible for his destiny and becomes what he wanted to become.

It happens that two souls, having met, merge into one. They become dependent on each other forever. They are inseparable, from life to life they find each other again and again. If, during the next earthly existence, one half breaks away from the other, breaks the oath that binds them, then both will immediately fade away. One cannot continue the journey without the other. "Next time"

One moment of you is worth an eternity. "Seven Days of Creation"

Friendship cannot be built on lies. "Shadow Thief"

Is it really necessary to distance yourself from a person in order to realize what place he occupies in your life? "Everyone wants to love"

Love either comes right away or never. "Where are you?"

True love is selfless and reckless - we love simply because we love... "Those words we didn't say to each other"

I love you, I can’t stop loving you, I don’t know how or why. I love you this way, because I don’t know any other way. Where you are not, I am not either. "Next time"

One human being may be imperfect, but there is nothing more perfect in the world than two beings loving each other. "Seven Days of Creation"

We do not lose our parents; even after death they continue to live in us. Those who gave us life, who gave us all their love so that we could survive them, cannot leave without a trace. "Shadow Thief"

Love is inseparable from tolerance, which gives it strength. "Meet Again"

There is no worse loneliness than being alone together. "Where are you?"

Time heals wounds, although it does not rid us of scars. "Between Heaven and Earth"

It is important to know not in what city or in what part of the world the other is located, but what place he occupies in your heart. "Those words we didn't say to each other"

Just knowing that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me, in my hell, a corner of heaven. "Seven Days of Creation"

My dad said that you should never compare people, because every person is not like anyone else, the main thing is to find the dissimilarity that best suits you. "Shadow Thief"

When you love, any distances don't count. "Meet Again"

Memory is lazy and insidious, it stores only the best and the worst, only shocks, but not small everyday events - it erases them. "First Day"

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