Models of objects and processes. Model classification

Models of objects and processes. Classification of models. Information models

1. Introduction of the concept “model”

In his activities, a person very often uses models, that is, he creates an image of the object, phenomenon or process with which he has to deal.

A model is a new simplified object that reflects the essential features of a real object, process or phenomenon.

Analysis of the model and observation of it allow us to understand the essence of a really existing, more complex object, process, phenomenon, called a prototype or original.

You may wonder: why not study the original itself, rather than build a model of it?

Let us name several reasons why they resort to building models.

Explanation: Ask the children to give examples of these originals.

1. In real time, the original may no longer exist or may not exist in reality.

Examples: the theory of dinosaur extinction, the theory of the death of Atlantis, the “nuclear winter” model...

2. The original can have many properties and relationships. To study a particular property in depth, it is sometimes useful to discard less significant ones without considering them at all.

Examples: map of the area, models of living organisms...

3. The original is either very large or very small.

Examples; globe, solar system model, atomic model...

4. The process is very fast or very slow.

Examples: internal combustion engine model, geological models...

5. Exploring an object may lead to its destruction.

Examples: model of an airplane or car...

Modeling is the process of building models for research and study of objects, processes, and phenomena.

What can be modeled? Let's answer this question.

Explanation: As you teach this question, ask students to provide their own examples.

You can model:

1. Objects

Let's name examples of object models:

· copies of architectural structures;

· copies of works of art;

· visual aids;


A model created using the traditional tools of an engineer, artist, writer, etc.

Drawings, drawings, graphs, texts created by hand

3. The concept of “system”

The world around us consists of many different objects, each of which has various properties, and at the same time the objects interact with each other. For example, the planets of our solar system have different masses, geometric sizes, etc. (different properties) and, according to the law of universal gravitation, interact with the Sun and with each other. Atoms are made of elementary particles, chemical elements are made of atoms, planets are made of chemical elements, the Solar System is made of planets, and the Solar System is part of our Galaxy. Thus, we can conclude that almost every object consists of other objects, that is, it is a system.

A system is a whole consisting of objects interconnected.

Examples of systems: person, computer, house, tree, book, table, science, schooling, etc.

The systems are:

1. Material (person, computer, tree, house).

2. Intangible (human language, mathematics)

3. Mixed (the school system, since it includes both material elements (building, equipment, students, textbooks) and intangible elements (class schedule, lesson topics, school charter).

An important feature of the system is its holistic functioning. The computer works normally as long as the main devices included in it are in good working order. If you remove one of them, the computer will fail, that is, it will cease to exist as a system.

Example 1

The “airplane” system consists of objects “wings”, “tail”, “engine”, “fuselage”, etc. None of these objects individually has the ability to fly. But the “airplane” system has this property, that is, if you assemble all these parts in a strictly defined way, they will fly.

The constituent parts of a system are called elements or components of the system. Each such element can, in turn, be a system. Then, in relation to the original system, it is called a subsystem, and the system, which includes the subsystem as an element, is considered as a supersystem.

1. -subsystem in relation to the system;

2. -subsystem in relation to the system;

3. -subsystem in relation to 4;

4. -supersystem in relation to 3.

Example 2

The “computer” system consists of subsystems “RAM”, “processor”, “system unit”, etc., since RAM, processor, system unit can also be considered systems (they consist of elements).

4. System analysis

To describe a system, it is not enough just to list its elements. It is also necessary to indicate how these elements are related to each other. It is the presence of connections that turns a set of elements into a system. A system is order and organization, and an antisystem is chaos, confusion, disorder.

If you graphically represent the connections between the elements of the system, you will get its structure. The structure can determine the spatial arrangement of elements (chain, star, ring), their nesting or subordination (tree), chronological sequence (linear, branching, cyclic).

When you describe the elements of a system and indicate their relationships, you have conducted a systems analysis.

Example 3

System analysis of the “Number system”.

The objects that make up this system are "positional number systems" and "non-positional number systems". Positional number systems, in turn, are also systems and consist of the objects “binary number system”, “ternary number system”, “quaternary number system”, etc., “Roman number system”, “Egyptian number system” and etc. In addition to specifying objects, it is necessary to establish connections between them. To do this, we use a tree-like structure. As a result of system analysis, we obtain the following system:

5. Systematization

Systematization is the process of transforming many objects into a system. Systematization is of great importance. In everyday life, each of us is engaged in systematization - dividing clothes into winter and summer, dishes - into glasses, plates, pots, etc.

The systematization of knowledge in various sciences is invaluable. The beginning of many sciences is associated with the name of the great ancient Greek scientist Aristotle, who lived in the 4th century. BC e. Together with his students, Aristotle did a tremendous job of classifying accumulated knowledge, dividing it into several parts and giving each its own name. It was then that physics, biology, economics, logic and other sciences were born. Mathematical knowledge was classified by Euclid in the 3rd century. BC e. Living things were classified by Carl Linnaeus (1735). Chemical substances classified. The starry sky was divided into constellations, and this classification differs in that the signs by which the stars were classified have nothing to do with them.

In the article described, we will analyze in detail what a model is in computer science. Let's consider the types, as well as design methods. This section contains a lot of useful knowledge that will allow future information technology specialists to work without any effort. In order to solve any problem, no matter scientific or industrial, you should follow the chain: object, model, algorithm, program, result, implementation. We need to pay attention to the second point. If this link does not exist, then the design itself cannot be executed. What is the model used for, and what is meant by this word? We will discuss this issue further.


What is a model in computer science? Thanks to it, you can create an image of any object that really exists. Also, if necessary, you can display all its properties and characteristics.

In order to solve a problem, you should make a model of it, because it is this model that will be used in further design. In the school computer science course, these concepts are introduced already in the sixth grade. However, at the very beginning, children are taught only to understand what it is.


The term being described can be called a description of a process, its image, a diagram, a small copy of a real object, and so on. Considering all of the above, it should be said that a model is a fairly broad concept. It can be divided into groups: material, ideal.

The first type is understood as a data complex that represents a real object. It can be either a body or a process, and so on. This group is divided into two more types: physical, analog. This classification is completely arbitrary, since there is no clear line between these two subspecies.

The ideal model is even more difficult to characterize, because it is completely connected with a person’s imagination, his perception of the world. It can also include any work of art, including paintings, prose, performances, and so on.

Modeling Goals

Considering what a model is in computer science, it is also necessary to say about the purposes of its creation.

Modeling is a rather important stage, as it allows you to carry out a large number of tasks. This is exactly what we will talk about next.

To begin with, modeling will allow a person to learn more about what surrounds him. Speaking in a broad sense, in ancient times people collected some data, information, facts and passed them on from generation to generation. An example is the model of our world, which is called the “globe”. In past centuries, as a rule, modeling was built on non-existent objects, difficult to comprehend by humans, which at the moment already have their implementation as a material object. Most of them are firmly entrenched in our lives. We can talk about umbrellas, mills, and so on.

At the moment, models of computer science systems concern ways to achieve maximum effect from decisions made, and also pay attention to the consequences of any process or action. If we talk about the last subparagraph, then an example is a model that finds out what the consequences will be as a result of an increase in the cost of travel or after the disposal of any waste underground.

Modeling tasks

Considering what a model is in computer science, it is also necessary to say about the tasks of this design method. The process described has several general goals, which we will discuss further. If we consider in more detail, tasks are the stages of solving any problems. That is, in principle, this can be called a small goal that must be overcome in order to achieve certain heights.

Classification of tasks

In this case, these tasks are divided into two groups. We are talking about direct and reverse. As for the latter, such formulations pose questions to the developer like: “How to increase efficiency to the maximum?” or “What action will completely satisfy the existing condition?” If we talk about direct ones, then such tasks pose questions to a person about what will happen if the developer does this or that way. It should be noted: any direct formulation has initial data and also sets specific conditions.

Verbal model

It is also necessary to talk about the types of models in computer science. Let's look at the first one: verbal. This modeling method allows you to work with ideal or abstract questions. It should be noted that in science there are considered two main types: mathematical and informational. Although verbal is not very widespread at the moment, it is used. It means that all tasks, goals, etc. are described using letters and related sentences. Such models include ordinary fiction, a compiled protocol, any rules, information, description of an object, phenomenon, and so on.

Mathematical model

A mathematical model is one of the main types of design in computer science. It is also known as algorithmic. It should be noted that the boundary between mathematical and information types is as conditional as possible. This has already been discussed earlier.

If you don’t ask yourself in complex terms, but try to explain it in simple language, then the described model is necessary in order to solve any problem or achieve a goal using a mathematical point of view. It should be noted that every person in real life is constantly designing such a model. Let's say an ordinary everyday task, for example, buying something in a store, requires drawing up one. The person knows how much the products cost. It is necessary to calculate how much money is ultimately needed to make a purchase by adding up all the data. This is a common example of a mathematical model.

Information model

It should be noted that any person who sees his future in the IT field should become familiar with this type of modeling. As a rule, all information models are created using computer technology. Moreover, we are talking not only specifically about designing some diagrams, but also tables, pictures, drawings, diagrams, and so on are used.

In general, the information model represents the properties of the object that we are displaying, maximally describing its state, as well as how connected it is with the outside world, its relationship to other external objects and its influence on them. It should be noted that the information model can be plain text, a picture, a verbal description, a drawing, a formula, and so on.

This type differs from the others listed above in that it is data. That is, the model does not have a material embodiment, since it is considered a primitive complex of information presented in different forms.

Systematic approach to creating a model

We have already looked at the classification of models in computer science; now we should talk about what approach should be used to create an ideal diagram.

It is necessary to understand what a system is. It is a set of elements that interact with each other and also work together in order to complete a specific task. The construction of the model involves the use of a systems approach. An object will be considered any complex that functions as a single entity in a special environment. Sometimes it happens that the project is quite complex, so the system is divided into two parts.

Purpose of use

Let us give examples of models in computer science in order to understand what goals producers follow when creating a record.

It should be noted that there are such types as educational, simulation, gaming and so on. Let's look at them.

Educational materials include all materials with the help of which training is carried out.

To the experienced ones, one should add models of reduced copies created on the basis of real objects.

Simulations can serve as information that will allow you to understand what will happen as a result of an action. For example, if a person carries out a reform, he must draw up such a model. This will help to roughly understand how people will react to new changes. Or, for example, in order for a person to undergo an operation to transplant an organ, a large number of experiments are carried out at the very beginning of research. They can also be called a simulation model. So it is a trial and error system. This allows you to make more informed decisions.

A game model is a system that places certain objects within some framework. It can be an economic, business or military game. Thus, a person is able to understand the behavior of a certain object in the environment he needs.

Scientific and technical should be used to study any phenomenon and process that is difficult to study in everyday life. This could be the creation of a device that simulates a lightning discharge, or a movement model that completely copies the solar system.

Presentation method

Summarizing all of the above about data models in computer science, it is necessary to find out how the created record is represented.

It can be material and immaterial. The first type includes all copies that were made from existing objects. Thus, they can be picked up, touched, smelled, and so on. They are even capable of imitating any properties of the original object, as well as its actions. These material models are an experimental design method.

Intangible ones include those that work on theory. They are ideal or abstract. This category also has several types. We are talking about informational and also imaginary options. The first is a list of data that relates to a specific object. These can be called tables, pictures, diagrams, and so on.

However, many are interested in why this computer science class model is considered intangible. Although the text is printed, the table is compiled, you cannot touch it. That is why this model is abstract. By the way, among the informational recording options there are clear examples.

The imaginary model includes what is called the creative process, that is, everything that happens in the human mind. This encourages him to create an original object based on this diagram.

Form of training organization: frontal, pair or group.

Teaching methods and techniques: explanatory and illustrative; verbal (frontal conversation); visual (demonstration of a computer presentation); practical.

Lesson objectives: to develop in students the concept of modeling as a method of cognition; consider different classifications of models; to form among students the concept of “information model”; teach students to describe information models.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson equipment: projector with screen, presentation, drawings and slides.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment. Setting lesson goals

Problematic question:

A model of a building, a children's soft toy, a mathematical formula, a theory of social development - these are all models. How can we call such different concepts in one word?

A huge number of examples of models can be given. How to classify them?

The essential properties of an object can be most fully reflected using an information model. How to build it?

To what extent is it necessary to use formalization when describing information models?

II. Presentation of new material

Introduction of the concept “model”

In his activities, a person very often uses models, that is, he creates an image of the object, phenomenon or process with which he has to deal.

A model is a new simplified object that reflects the essential features of a real object, process or phenomenon.

Analysis of the model and observation of it allow us to understand the essence of a really existing, more complex object, process, phenomenon, called a prototype or original.

Question: Why not explore the original itself, rather than build a model of it?

Let us name several reasons why they resort to building models.

In real time, the original may no longer exist or may not exist in reality.

Example: theory of extinction of dinosaurs, Atlantis...

The original may have many properties and relationships. To study a particular property in depth, it is sometimes useful to discard less significant ones without considering them at all.

Examples: map of the area, models of living organisms...

The original is either very large or very small.

Examples; globe, solar system model, atomic model...

The process occurs very quickly or very slowly.

Examples: internal combustion engine model...

Exploring an object may lead to its destruction.

Examples: model of an airplane or car...

(Children can name other reasons)

Modeling is the process of building models for researching and studying objects, processes, and phenomena.

What can be modeled? Let's answer this question.( Students give examples)

You can model:

1. Objects

Let's name examples of object models:

  • copies of architectural structures;
  • copies of works of art;
  • visual aids;
  • model of a hydrogen atom or solar system;
  • globe;
  • model showing clothes;
  • etc.

2. Phenomena

Examples of phenomena models:

  • models of physical phenomena: lightning discharge, magnetic and electrical forces...;
  • geophysical models: mudflow model, earthquake model, landslide model...

3. Processes

Examples of process models:

  • model of the development of the universe;
  • models of economic processes;
  • models of ecological processes...

4. Behavior

When a person performs any action, it is usually preceded by the emergence in his mind of a model of future behavior. Whether he is about to build a house or solve a problem, cross the street or go on a hike, he certainly first imagines all this in his mind. This is the main difference between a thinking person and all other living beings on earth. The same object in different situations, in different sciences can be described by different models. For example, consider the object “person” from the point of view of various sciences:

  • in mechanics, a person is a material point;
  • in chemistry, it is an object consisting of various chemical substances;
  • in biology, it is a system striving for self-preservation;
  • etc.

On the other hand, different objects can be described by one model. For example, in mechanics, various material objects from a grain of sand to a planet are considered as material points.

Thus, it does not matter at all which objects are selected as modeling objects. The only important thing is that with their help it is possible to reflect the most essential features of the object, phenomenon or process being studied.

Modeling is a method of scientific knowledge of the objective world using models.

Model classification

There are a huge number of modeling objects, as we have just seen. And in order to navigate their diversity, it is necessary to classify it all, that is, somehow organize and systematize it.

When classifying objects into “related” groups, it is necessary to correctly select a certain single characteristic (parameter), and then combine those objects for which it coincides. Let's look at the most common characteristics by which models can be classified (demonstration of a computer presentation Appendix 1)

Verbal and symbolic models are usually interconnected. A mental image born in a person’s head can be put into a symbolic form. For example, a melody born in the composer’s head will be presented in the form of notes on paper.

A huge range of tools is used to create models. If the model is of a material nature. To create it, traditional tools are used: a camera, an artist’s brush, a pencil, etc., and, finally, the most advanced tool these days - a computer.

The concept of “system”

The world around us consists of many different objects, each of which has various properties, and at the same time the objects interact with each other.

A system is a whole consisting of objects interconnected.

Examples of systems: person, computer, house, tree, book, table, etc.

The systems are:

  1. Material (person, computer, tree, house).
  2. Intangible (human language, mathematics)
  3. Mixed (school system, since it includes both material elements (building, equipment, students, textbooks), intangible (class schedule, lesson topics, school charter).

An important feature of the system is its holistic functioning. Example

The computer works normally as long as the main devices included in it are in good working order. If you remove one of them, the computer will fail, that is, it will cease to exist as a system.

The “computer” system consists of subsystems “RAM”, “processor”, “system unit”, etc., since RAM, processor, system unit can also be considered systems (they consist of elements).

System analysis and systematization

To describe a system, it is not enough just to list its elements. It is necessary to indicate how these elements relate to each other.

A system is order and organization.

If you graphically represent the connections between the elements of the system, you will get its structure. The structure can determine the spatial arrangement of elements (chain, star, ring), their nesting - chronological sequence (linear, branching, cyclic).

Describing the elements of the system and indicating their relationship you will conduct a system analysis. For example: family tree.

Systematization is the process of transforming many objects into a system.

Systematization is of great importance. In everyday life, each of us is engaged in systematization - dividing dishes - into glasses, plates, pots, etc.

Systematization of knowledge in various sciences. The beginning of many

associated with the name of the great ancient Greek scientist Aristotle, who

lived in the 4th century. BC Together with his students, Aristotle did

colossal work on the classification of accumulated knowledge, divided them

only parts and gave each its own name. It was then that physics, biology, economics, logic and other sciences were born.

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Assignment (oral).

Make up different iconic models for the geometric shapes triangle, square, circle.

Systematize the listed facts and determine the basis for systematization.

Completing the task using cards in groups of 4 students.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

V. Homework

Level of knowledge: learn the definition of basic terms and concepts (lesson vocabulary).

Level of understanding: make different types of object models: airplane, person.

Conduct a system analysis of objects: family, school.

Let us emphasize one fundamental difference between the physical method of research and the mathematical one.
In mathematics, when forming basic concepts, they once and for all abstract from the qualitative uniqueness of objects, highlighting the quantitative relationships that are essential for mathematics, and then deal with the logical consequences of the initial provisions. For example, in geometry the concept of a point is introduced once and for all, and then they operate with it, without caring whether points exist in nature.
In physics, when analyzing each new phenomenon, one must be able to identify each time what is essential in it and, therefore, a certain idealization, simplification of real circumstances should always take place. For example, in physics the concept of a material point is also introduced as a body with mass but no size. However, in physics this concept is always considered as some approximation to reality, which is valid only under certain conditions.

I. Each time you need to find out whether these conditions are met or not. Thus, when considering the attraction of planets to the Sun, the sizes of the planets and the Sun are much smaller than the distances between them. Therefore, both the planets and the Sun can be considered material points. This simplification makes it relatively easy to establish the nature of planetary motion.
But if the distances between interacting bodies are not very large compared to their sizes, then they can no longer be considered material points. For example, the movement of artificial satellites and even the Moon noticeably depends on the size and shape of the Earth.
So, when considering phenomena, it is necessary first of all to determine which simplified model can replace the complex phenomenon that actually occurs.

More on the topic Simplified model of the phenomenon:

  2. 1.2.1 Simplified analytical method for calculating cabin ventilation
  3. Many phenomena and processes of globalism are recognized as decadent, typologically close to the phenomena of cultural decline
  4. Methods to simplify and shorten the judicial procedure.
  5. Simplification of tax administration for individuals.
  6. Appendix 12. On the right of public organizations to establish enterprises under a simplified taxation system

Modeling can be considered as the replacement of the object under study (the original) with its conventional image, description or other object, called a model, which provides behavior close to the original within the framework of certain assumptions and acceptable errors. Modeling is usually performed with the goal of understanding the properties of the original by examining its model, rather than the object itself. Of course, modeling is justified in the case when it is simpler than creating the original itself or when for some reason it is better not to create the original at all.

A model is understood as a physical or abstract object, the properties of which are in a certain sense similar to the properties of the object under study. In this case, the requirements for the model are determined by the problem being solved and the available means. There are a number of general requirements for models:

  1. Adequacy – a fairly accurate representation of the properties of an object;
  2. Completeness – providing the recipient with all the necessary information about the object;
  3. Flexibility – the ability to reproduce various situations over the entire range of changing conditions and parameters;
  4. The complexity of development must be acceptable for the available time and software.

Modeling is the process of constructing a model of an object and studying its properties by examining the model.

Thus, modeling involves 2 main stages:

  1. Model development;
  2. Studying the model and drawing conclusions.

At the same time, at each stage different problems are solved and essentially different methods and means are used.

In practice, various modeling methods are used. Depending on the method of implementation, all models can be divided into two large classes: physical and mathematical.

Mathematical modeling is usually considered as a means of studying processes or phenomena using their mathematical models.

Physical modeling refers to the study of objects and phenomena using physical models, when the process being studied is reproduced while preserving its physical nature or another physical phenomenon similar to the one being studied is used. In this case, physical models usually assume a real embodiment of those physical properties of the original that are significant in a particular situation. For example, when designing a new aircraft, a mock-up is created that has the same aerodynamic properties; When planning a development, architects prepare a model that reflects the spatial arrangement of its elements. In this regard, physical modeling is also called prototyping.

Semi-natural modeling is a study of controlled systems on modeling complexes with the inclusion of real equipment in the model. Along with real equipment, the closed model includes simulators of influences and interference, mathematical models of the external environment and processes for which a sufficiently accurate mathematical description is unknown. The inclusion of real equipment or real systems in the modeling circuit of complex processes makes it possible to reduce a priori uncertainty and explore processes for which there is no exact mathematical description. Using semi-natural modeling, studies are carried out taking into account small time constants and nonlinearities inherent in real equipment. When studying models with the inclusion of real equipment, the concept of dynamic modeling is used, when studying complex systems and phenomena - evolutionary, simulation and cybernetic modeling.

Obviously, the real benefit of modeling can only be obtained if two conditions are met:

  1. The model provides a correct (adequate) reflection of the properties of the original that are significant from the point of view of the operation under study;
  2. The model allows us to eliminate the problems listed above that are inherent in conducting research on real objects.

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