Is it possible to apply for a social scholarship if you work? How to apply for a social scholarship for a student - procedure and documents

Among Russian students there are many who are experiencing financial difficulties, so a social scholarship for this category becomes necessary.

In this article we will consider the following questions: to whom the social scholarship is assigned and paid; how to apply for this scholarship; what package of documents will you need to collect to complete it?

What is a social scholarship for students?

Let's look at the translation of the word "scholarship". From Latin this word means “salary, salary.” In the modern world, a scholarship is financial assistance on an ongoing basis, a benefit for those who are studying at institutes, schools, universities, colleges, and technical schools. The scholarship is also awarded to doctoral students and graduate students. The phrase “social scholarship” can be deciphered as a cash payment to students who have financial difficulties.

Issues related to social scholarships are regulated at the legislative level by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

Each educational institution independently decides what size of the social scholarship will be established. Taking into account the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2013 No. 899 “On establishing standards for the formation of a scholarship fund at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget,” the amount of a social scholarship cannot be less than 2010 rubles for students of higher educational institutions and less than 730 rubles for those who undergoes training in colleges, technical schools and other secondary specialized educational institutions.

There are students who, through good studies, have earned an increased scholarship, and their right is regulated by “Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2012 No. 679 “On increasing scholarships for needy first- and second-year students of federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, studying full-time for account of budgetary allocations of the federal budget for bachelor’s degree programs and specialist training programs and those with “good” and “excellent” performance ratings.” According to this legislative act, such a student cannot receive less than 6,307 rubles of a social pension.

Who is eligible for a social scholarship?

It is immediately necessary to draw attention to the fact that social scholarships are paid to students undergoing full-time study on a budget. The following categories of citizens are entitled to receive a social scholarship:

1. Disabled people. This group includes disabled people 1 and disabled children, disabled since childhood.

Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 include students over 18 years of age who have been assigned these stages of disability. Disabled children are children under 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with a disability by a medical and social examination. Disabled since childhood are people over 18 years of age who became disabled as children.

2. Students who do not have parents. This group includes children without parental care and orphans. Children left without parents are those who, upon turning 18, have parents:

  • went missing;
  • parents are incompetent;
  • parents unknown;
  • it was established in court that the child is without parental care;
  • limited parental rights;
  • are in prison.

When a social scholarship is assigned to students, these statuses will be extended until the age of 23.

3. Students who served under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the troops attached to executive authorities, the FSB of the Russian Federation, in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for 3 years or more. This category should also include students who have become disabled due to injury or illness received during military service.

4. Students who suffered the effects of radiation due to the Chernobyl disaster or other radiation-related disasters, as well as tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

5. Poor people.

List of documents required to apply for a social scholarship

In order to start the procedure for receiving a social scholarship, you need to personally contact the department of social protection of the population (hereinafter referred to as social protection) at the place of registration (temporary or permanent registration). Employees of the institution will issue a list which will indicate documents required to apply for a social scholarship.

To receive this certificate for a social scholarship, you must bring to social security:

  1. Certificate of family composition. It must be taken at the place of registration at the passport office. The document is a list of persons who are registered with you at the same address. To obtain such a certificate, you need to have it with you, and it would be a good idea to take the latest receipt for paid utilities. It is best to receive the certificate at the very last moment, since it has a short validity period - only 10 days. It is recommended to deal with this issue after receiving all the necessary documents.
  2. The student will need to obtain certificates of scholarship and training from the dean’s office of the educational institution.
  3. Certificates of income of all family members for the previous 3 months. Income consists of: wages, alimony, scholarships, pension payments, etc. If a citizen is officially employed, then a certificate of income must be taken at work. The income certificate is taken in form 2-NDFL - it is issued by the employer upon application.

Important! If the student’s parents have registrations at different addresses, then certificates from both parents will be needed. A certificate of registration of the parent who lives with the student will not be enough in this case.

How to receive a social scholarship and where to submit a package of documents

A certificate for a social scholarship, which you will receive from social security, must be brought to the dean’s office, or given to a social teacher. The educational institution sets its own procedure for applying for a scholarship.

An important point: the certificate from the social security department is valid for 1 year, so the student must obtain it again every year. This means that the package of certificates for social security will also need to be collected anew.

Each educational institution regulates the nuances of providing social scholarships with its own internal regulations. In most cases, papers and certificates for receiving a social scholarship must be collected before the end of September of the current year.

In addition to a certificate from social security, the student may need a bank statement, which will indicate information about the savings book and bank card details where the social scholarship will be transferred every month.

Anyone in life can experience a difficult life situation that they are not able to cope with on their own. This could be illness, serious injury or disability, loss of a breadwinner, or low financial security of the family.

If such a problem happens to a student, the state is obliged to support him, namely, to award an additional social scholarship. We’ll talk about what scholarships there are and how to apply for them in our article.

What is a social scholarship and who can receive it?

In addition to the standard (and for some outstanding students), some students are eligible to receive additional monthly payments. A social scholarship is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying full-time at the expense of the state (not under a financial contract) and experiencing financial difficulties. In other words, in order for the state to provide you with this kind of material support, you must, firstly, be a state employee, and secondly, fall under one of the following categories of students who are entitled to a social scholarship:

1. Orphans, that is, those whose parents were deprived of parental rights before they came of age, as well as children who found themselves without parental care. The last group includes students whose parents:

  • Missing in action;
  • They are in prison;
  • Incapacitated;
  • Unknown.

The status confirmed by the benefit remains assigned to the student until he reaches the age of twenty-three.

2. Disabled people:

  • Disabled children (persons under eighteen years of age who have been diagnosed with incurable diseases);
  • Disabled people of the first and second groups (adults whose health status was recognized as corresponding to one of these groups);
  • Disabled children from childhood (people with lifelong incurable diseases).

3. Persons whose health has been undermined by the harmful effects of radiation as a result of any radiation disaster.

4. Participants in hostilities and persons injured while serving under a contract
Contractors who served for 3 or more years:

  • in the army
  • in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation or executive authorities

5. Social scholarship is provided and low-income students. These include:

  • Adult disabled people of the third group;
  • Members of large families;
  • Persons from an incomplete family (families of a single mother (father);
  • Students whose parents are disabled people of the first or second group;
  • Having created a family, especially if there is a child (children);
  • Students whose family income is below the subsistence level (the minimum wage is different for different regions of the country).

Where to go and how to apply for a social scholarship

First of all, those applying for this type of financial assistance need to contact the social security office (administration of social protection of the population) at the place of registration, registration or temporary registration, where employees will advise you and give you a list of necessary documents (however, you can find this information on the Internet).

What documents and certificates are needed?

  1. Certificate of family composition(list of persons registered at the same address as you). This document is issued at the passport office at the place of registration upon presentation of a passport or at the housing and communal services. If the student lives in the private sector, he provides an extract from the house register. It is important to note that this document is valid for only 10 days, so it is advisable to leave its receipt for last.
  2. Certificate of income all family members during the last 3 months (income includes pensions, scholarships, salaries, etc.). A working person takes this certificate from the employer upon application (form 2-NDFL), a pensioner - from a pension fund, a student - from a university, etc., that is, from the organization to which the citizen is assigned.
  3. Certificate of fact of training.
  4. Certificate of (non)receipt of scholarship another type.
  5. Passport.

Upon completion of the calculation of the student’s family income in social security, he is issued a certificate, which must be submitted to the dean’s office or social teacher(details vary by institution) along with an application written in the form prescribed by the institution, during September.

The scholarship is awarded for 1 year and is paid monthly.

Refusal to receive a scholarship and suspension of its payment

  1. If false information or an incomplete package of documents is provided, the educational institution has the right to refuse to pay the student a social scholarship.
  2. A student who has academic debts at the time of application will also not receive a social scholarship
  3. Payment of benefits is terminated when a student develops academic debt at the end of the session and is resumed when it is eliminated.

The student should be aware that non-payment of social scholarships due to absenteeism when the student is in good academic performance is illegal. If your educational institution does this, its leadership is breaking the law by exceeding their official authority.

How much is the social scholarship?

Each educational institution generates the amount of “social benefits” independently, depending on the scholarship fund. It's no secret that social scholarships in college are smaller than in universities. However, at the state level, the Government of the Russian Federation decided that the amount of the social scholarship should be not less than 730 rubles for students of secondary specialized educational institutions(technical schools, colleges, etc.). In universities(universities, academies, institutes) minimum amount of social scholarship 2,010 rubles.

It is paid provided that the student studies at 4 and 5. Its minimum amount is 6,307 rubles.

Thus, in order to receive a state social scholarship, you must:

  • Analyze your financial situation and decide whether you fall into one of the appropriate categories;
  • Submit the full package of necessary documents for consideration to social security;
  • Present a certificate from social security with a statement written on its basis at your educational institution;
  • Remember that the right to receive a social scholarship must be confirmed annually, that is, every year you must re-collect and submit the relevant documents. Many people find the procedure for applying for this benefit quite complicated and refuse the right to additional financial assistance, not wanting to deal with bureaucracy and “paperwork.” However, a social scholarship is a good financial help, especially for students, so it’s still better not to be lazy and apply for it.

We also invite you to watch a video about who is eligible for a social scholarship under the new legislation:

If a person does not have enough money to provide even such basic needs as food or the purchase of medicines and clothing, he should find out how to apply for a social scholarship in 2019 and what is required for this.

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Students can become scholarship recipients in different cases. But government assistance is provided only to those who need it.

The purpose of this appointment is to stimulate future specialists and provide assistance to persons undergoing training at an educational institution.

However, financial support is not available to everyone. First of all, only those who study full-time can receive it.

General information

There are different types of scholarships available. The main category of recipients are those people who are in dire need of social assistance.

The choice of the type of payment is made based on the student’s social status and wealth. A prerequisite is that the student must need help.

What is it

Those citizens who study at a higher educational institution or college and need to receive subsidies, which are more of a material assistance, have the right to receive support.

Unlike personal and Presidential scholarships, this support can be received by students with any academic performance.

What is needed for a social scholarship:

  • be a current student;
  • attend day care;
  • to have a difficult situation and need certain things.

Persons studying at their own expense (at the commercial department) are not eligible to receive financial assistance. This applies only to those who entered the budget department.

How much is (size)

Resolution No. 899 established the minimum amounts of social scholarships for students. Differentiation is carried out depending on the direction of the specialty received by a person.

Students of colleges (institutions of secondary specialized education) can make small payments - 730 rubles, on a certain date each month. For university students, this amount is slightly higher and amounts to 2,010 rubles.

Also, some educational institutions have their own non-state funds, but the scholarship is awarded for certain merits in education and is not social, that is, available to everyone who needs it.

Current regulatory framework

The basic law that governs the state. organizations, when assigning payments to students - Federal Law 312 dated July 3, 2016 “Scholarships and other cash payments.”

There are also a number of other regulations governing the process of providing financial assistance to students:

Federal Law No. 273 also provides a list of citizens entitled to receive assistance.

How to receive a social scholarship from January 1, 2019

To receive payments, you must first apply for them. There are several factors to consider before submitting your application.

First, you need to make sure that the academic session was successfully closed and there are no arrears in individual subjects. It is also necessary to prepare some documents.

The scholarship can only be received by current students who are in the process of studying. No payments are provided to applicants or graduates.

Who is eligible for universities?

The law establishes a list of persons who are entitled to financial assistance allocated by the state during the training process:

  1. Children who were officially recognized as orphans and have not reached the age of 23, and have not graduated from college or institute.
  2. Children left without parental care for one reason or another.
  3. Citizens who, while studying at an educational institution, lost one or both parents.
  4. Children with disabilities, in particular those who have groups 1 and 2.
  5. Citizens injured during military service.
  6. Persons who, for a period of more than 3 years, were in military service in the National Guard or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  7. Persons officially recognized as poor.

When submitting an application, the fact of need for social assistance will be checked, as well as registration for full-time study on a budgetary basis.

Registration procedure for students

Students are wondering what certificates need to be prepared, what is the procedure for processing documents. Often the question of receiving a scholarship worries girls who become pregnant during their studies.

Please note that during pregnancy, as well as during the period before and after childbirth, payments are suspended.

In excess of the established norm, according to Federal Law No. 273, a scholarship may be awarded to students who are studying in the 1st or 2nd year and need financial assistance. At the same time, they must receive education under a bachelor's or specialist's program.

For the poor

Students whose families, or themselves, have been recognized by social protection authorities as low-income, have a priority right to receive financial assistance from the state during the period of study.

If a pension is awarded to a low-income student, in addition to the usual papers, he must prepare the following:

  1. Certificate of family composition. This paper is issued upon application, at the student’s place of registration. Its validity period is 10 days, which must be taken into account when registering.
  2. Information about the family budget - 2-NDFL.

When determining the financial situation, the representative of the social security authority takes into account not only the salaries of the student’s father and mother, but also any benefits or pensions received.

For non-residents

Law No. 273 establishes that students who come to another city to receive secondary or higher education, that is, who are from other cities, also have the right to receive social assistance.

No restrictions were introduced. In this regard, the accrual and payment of scholarships is carried out on a general basis.

In addition to the usual documents, a student who comes from another city is required to provide a certificate in Form No. 9 confirming that he has received registration in the dormitory.

Receipts confirming the transfer of payment for the place of residence must also be attached.

For the loss of a breadwinner

A person who has lost his breadwinner is especially in dire need of help. Due to circumstances, an increased rate may be assigned.

The scholarship is awarded in the amount established by law - for higher educational institutions - 2010 rubles, and is paid during the period of study at the institution.

Those citizens who have not reached the age of 23 are eligible to receive a scholarship. Also, the loss of a breadwinner may be considered not the death of parents, but a significant decrease in their income, due to which they are unable to support a child.

What documents need to be provided

To receive a scholarship, you must apply for it. The question arises, how to do it right. First of all, you need to prepare documents according to the list:

Additional documents are also provided confirming that the student is socially vulnerable. For example, a certificate of disability. Before you apply, you need to find out who is eligible.

Correct filling of the application (sample)

An application for a social scholarship is drawn up on one sheet of A4 paper. A sample application for a social scholarship is available.

Photo: sample application for a social scholarship

It is allowed to print the document on a computer and provide a manual signature. All fields must be filled out - it is especially important to indicate the circumstance that gives the right to receive payments.

Latest news and changes

Previously, a social scholarship was paid to all students who were eligible to receive assistance from the state.

This allowed almost every student to classify themselves as low-income, for the reason that during their studies, work activity is not fully carried out.

However, an innovation was adopted, according to which only those who provide evidence of low income of their family are eligible to receive a scholarship. That is, the student’s family itself must be low-income.

The cost of living for a social scholarship 2019 has only a conditional meaning. Its size is determined based on the cost of goods and services necessary for the student.

Payments are provided for one year, after which you must reapply. From January 1, 2019, scholarships began to be paid to those students who are already receiving assistance from the state.

Social scholarshipfor financially vulnerable categories of students is not superfluous, but sometimes a necessary line in the budget. To whom a social scholarship is assigned and paid, how to apply for it and what documents are required for this will be discussed in this review.

What is a social scholarship for students?

The word “scholarship” is translated from Latin as “salary, salary.” In the modern world, a scholarship is constant financial assistance, a benefit for students of schools, colleges, technical schools, institutes, universities, as well as graduate students and doctoral students. The very phrase “social scholarship” makes it clear that this is a payment to students who have difficulties in terms of financial support.

At the legislative level, issues related to social scholarships for students are regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ.

Each educational institution sets the amount of the social scholarship separately for itself. However, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Formation...” of December 17, 2016 No. 1390, the amount of a social scholarship cannot be less than 809 rubles for students of technical schools, colleges and other secondary specialized educational institutions and 2,227 rubles for students universities And if the student has the right to an increased scholarship, then it is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2012 No. 679 “On increasing scholarships for needy first- and second-year students of federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, studying full-time at the expense of budgetary funds.” federal budget allocations for bachelor’s degree programs and specialist training programs with “good” and “excellent” grades of academic performance,” it cannot be less than 6,307 rubles.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

First of all, it must be said that social scholarships are paid to students who study full-time on a budget. The following categories of students are eligible for a social scholarship:

  1. Students without parents. This group includes orphans and children left without parental care.

    Orphans are those whose parents died before the child turned 18 years old. Those left without parental care are those whose parents, before reaching the age of 18, were deprived or limited in parental rights, are missing, are in prison, if the parents are unknown or incompetent, and also if the court has established the fact that the child lacks parental care . For students who are assigned a social scholarship, these statuses are extended until the age of 23.

  2. Disabled people. These include disabled children, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, and disabled people since childhood.

    Disabled children are children under 18 years of age who have been diagnosed as disabled by a medical and social examination. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are students over 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with these degrees of disability. Disabled since childhood - people over 18 years of age who received their disability in childhood.

  3. Students who suffered the effects of radiation due to the Chernobyl disaster and other radiation disasters, as well as due to tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.
  4. Students who have served 3 years or more under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation, in the troops of executive authorities, and students who have become disabled due to illness or injury received during military service.
  5. Poor people.

How to apply for a social scholarship, what documents are needed for this

You need to start the procedure for receiving a social scholarship by going to the department of social protection of the population (hereinafter referred to as social protection) at your place of registration (registration or temporary registration). Social security employees will issue a list of documents that need to be collected to obtain a certificate for a social scholarship.

To receive a certificate for a social scholarship, you must bring to social security:

Where to submit documents for a social scholarship and how to receive it

A certificate for a social scholarship issued by social security is submitted either to the dean’s office or to a social educator (the educational institution independently establishes the procedure for issuing a scholarship). It is very important that a social security certificate is valid for 1 year, and therefore must be obtained again every year. This means reassembling the package of certificates for social security.

Each educational institution regulates the nuances of providing a social scholarship with its own internal regulations, but most often the certificates required for a social scholarship are collected before the end of September of the current year.

Along with a certificate from social security, you may need a bank statement with information about the details of a bank card or savings book, where the social scholarship will be transferred monthly.

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