Write a letter to Santa Claus in English. Letter to Santa Claus in English or “Dear Santa Claus! Preparing to write a letter to Santa Claus

New Year is the most magical holiday, which all children and even, needless to say, adults look forward to with such impatience. We are all waiting and preparing for the arrival of a miracle, making our deepest wishes. Children's faith in fairy tales is especially strong. So let's support her and help her write a letter to Santa Claus - the main sorcerer and granter of wishes.

After all, this is such a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your child, find out what he dreams of and fulfill this childhood dream by becoming a wizard yourself. You can make it a family tradition and keep these letters. How great it will be to re-read them to your grown-up child!

How to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly, when to write a letter, how to format it, how and where to send it, a letter template to Santa Claus - our advice will help you answer all these questions.

New Year's letter to Santa Claus from children

You can start writing a letter to Grandfather Frost with your child from a very early age. It doesn’t matter if the child doesn’t know the letters yet - after all, you can draw it, and the mother will write down the text.

Children of primary school age already know well how to write a letter to Santa Claus. Here it is very important to tell the child that in the letter it is worth asking for a gift not only for himself, but also to mention his younger brother or sister, parents, and grandparents. This will be a wonderful lesson in kindness for your baby.

Preparing to write a letter to Santa Claus

It's time to write a letter to Santa Claus, because 2019 is just around the corner. Don’t put off such an important matter until the very end of December. After all, it’s better to find out in advance about your child’s dream and make it come true by placing it under the tree on New Year’s Eve. If the gift your child has planned is not part of your plans (unfortunately, not everything in this world is within our control) - you will have time to gently adjust this and direct the child’s thoughts in a different direction.

And in order for the writing process itself to captivate the child and remember him for a long time, it is worth following some simple tips.

  • Be sure to discuss with your child in advance who you are writing the letter to and why. With very young children you can watch a cartoon about the kind Grandfather Frost; older children will probably remember many fairy tales about him.
  • We can discuss where exactly Santa Claus lives, with whom, how does he manage to visit all the children on New Year’s Eve, who are his helpers? Don’t hold back your imagination, together come up with a story about how Grandfather himself celebrates the holiday, what dishes he puts on the table, who are his guests?
  • The child will be interested to know that Santa Claus speaks different languages ​​and has many names: for French children he is Papa Noel, for English children he is Santa Claus, for Italian children he is Babbo Natale.
  • Often kids want not only to receive a gift, but also to catch the very moment the good wizard arrives. If inviting a costumed Santa Claus was not part of your plans, explain to your child that Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit all the children and he doesn’t have any time.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly. What to write about in a letter

What should a letter to the main children's wizard look like? A letter to Santa Claus can be written according to a sample found on the Internet. It is not at all necessary to repeat it word for word, you can simply take them as a basis to give the child an idea. Don’t limit your child’s imagination – after all, such letters will be the most touching and sincere. But it is still worth adhering to some recommendations.

  • No matter how much your child would like to immediately start talking about gifts, explain to him that it is extremely impolite to do so. First, you must say hello to the wizard and write your name so that Santa Claus does not confuse him with anyone, because he receives a huge number of letters.
  • Remember all the good deeds that the child did during the year, his achievements and successes (he studied with excellent marks, learned to skate, began to take out the trash on his own, learned his letters). But remember that this is not an educational hour: you should not focus on bad deeds, so as not to spoil the magical expectation of a miracle.
  • It would be good form to ask Grandfather about his health, congratulate him on the upcoming holiday, and thank him for the gifts he gave the child last year.
  • Remind your child that Santa Claus will be very pleased to receive a beautifully designed letter, without strikeouts, erasures or obvious errors. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering exactly how your message will look.
  • If there are younger brothers and sisters in the family, it would be good for the older child to mention their wishes and dreams in the letter. The messages in which children ask not only for material gifts for themselves, but also for health for their grandparents, for example, do not forget about mom and dad, look so touching.
  • It's time to move on to the most pleasant part - asking for a gift. Remind your child that this should be a polite request, not a demand. Don't forget about words like “please”, “I would like”.
  • At this stage, many parents are faced with the fact that the child may ask for a gift that is too expensive or something that cannot be given for some other reason (for example, the child dreams of a cat, but this is impossible for health reasons). Here you will have to use all your imagination to direct the child’s dream in a different direction.
  • A good solution would be to invite your son or daughter to write several options for the desired gift, and Santa Claus himself will choose the most suitable one, in his opinion.
  • At the end of the message, you need to say goodbye, wish the New Year's wizard happy holidays and sign the letter.

Text of a letter to Santa Claus. Sample letters

Examples of messages to Santa Claus may look like this:

Example 1

Maxim Petrov is writing to you, I am 3 years old and go to kindergarten.

Mom told me a lot about you, read winter fairy tales and showed me pictures in a book. I know that you are kind and love children. I love the New Year very much and I’m really looking forward to your visit. I'm already learning a beautiful poem for you. And for your horse, mom and I will prepare a sweet carrot as a gift. I really love playing with fire trucks and would love to get a big red fire truck as a gift.

Happy New Year!

Maxim Petrov.

Example 2

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Happy New Year! My name is Katya Vasilyeva, I am 4 years old. I go to dances and for the holiday we are learning a new dance in the group, which I will dance on the New Year tree. You will definitely like him. I really love dolls and would like to get a new princess Cinderella in a beautiful dress and glass slippers.

I don’t know all the letters yet, so my mother writes the letter for me, and I drew you a picture. I'm really looking forward to your visit.

Katya Vasilyeva.

Example 3

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost!

My name is Artem Malyshev, I am 6 years old. This is my first time writing a letter to you. My mother used to do this for me. But this year I learned to write and I am very glad that I can write you a letter myself. In a year I will already go to school, so I really want to receive a real school backpack and a pencil case with a racing car as a gift.

Congratulations on your holiday and wish you good health!

Artem Malyshev

Example 4

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost!

Timur Semenov is writing to you, I am 8 years old and I study in 2nd grade. I try to study well, with B's and A's. I really like to read, especially encyclopedias. They write so many interesting things about you too. For example, that you live in the city of Veliky Ustyug, far in the north. And I live in the city of Rostov-on-Don, which is very far from you. But I'm still waiting for you to visit. I have a younger brother Vanya, he is 3 years old, he cannot write yet, so this letter is from the two of us. We would like to receive a big track with cars as a gift so that we can play it together.

Happy New Year to you, Grandfather! Happy holidays to you!

Timur and Vanya Semenov

You can use ready-made templates for letters to Santa Claus. There are a lot of them on the Internet. You only need to print them on a color printer, fill out the template itself and send it by mail.

How to write a letter to Grandfather Frost in verse

Or maybe you and your child will like this unusual way of addressing the New Year's magician? Of course, rhyming your gift can be difficult. But it doesn’t matter - you can start in poetic form and end in prose.

Hello, Grandfather Frost!
I'm waiting for you very much.
And I want you to bring
New Year's Eve
Delicious holiday candies,
Sweet tangerines
And my dream is a tablet,
To watch cartoons
Good books to read,
Learn new things
And play a little
In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I will try to be
Polite, obedient,
Don't be lazy, don't be naughty
And study better.
Dear Grandfather Frost,
Come soon
So that I grow up happy,
Believing in a magical world.

Grandfather Frost, I know -
You are already preparing the sleigh,
So that all children are obedient,
The kindest, the best,
Come visit on New Year's Day,
Bring them gifts.

Grandfather Frost, I confess,
What always didn't work out
Be obedient and diligent
But I'll tell you honestly,
That I tried every moment
Be good to your family.

I sincerely apologize
For bad behavior
I promise not to be lazy
Listen to mom, study.
Just getting ready to go,
Don't forget about me.

And your big dream
I'll draw beautifully
To make you happy with me
And on New Year's Day
You came to my home
And he brought my gift.

Santa Claus has been my friend since childhood,
Since birth.
I'm in Veliky grad Ustyug
Sent congratulations.

Yes, I didn’t ask in the letter
Give me something
And I wished you health
Grandfather has three boxes!

And he only asked one thing:
“Santa Claus, dear,
I want you to live
In our refrigerator!

How to make a letter to Santa Claus with your own hands and how to decorate the letter

Of course, a good wizard will be very pleased to receive a creative message made by the hands of a child. All you need is paints, pencils, colored paper, plasticine and a creative spirit. Here are the options we can offer you:

  • write a letter on a homemade postcard. Let the child draw a picture on a New Year's theme himself.
  • create a collage from magazine pictures (for example, a photo of the desired gift, and next to Santa Claus, who is presenting it).
  • make an applique of Father Frost himself, the Snow Maiden, a snowman from colored paper or plasticine.
  • Make a “glitter” letter by covering the paper with clear nail polish and sprinkling it with glitter cut from foil.

Where to send a letter to Santa Claus

And now the letter is ready, it’s time to send it. There are several ways to do this. Very young children can put the message in the freezer with their own hands, from where their parents will slowly take it out on behalf of Santa Claus. Older children will find it interesting to send the signed item to the address.

In Russia, this ancient Russian city is considered the birthplace of the New Year's sorcerer. There, Santa Claus lives at the address:

Santa Claus's mail address


Moscow residence of Grandfather Frost (letters from the capital will arrive here much faster): 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, to Grandfather Frost

Santa Claus, Joulupukin kamman, 96930 Napapuri, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Or you don’t have to send letters. Put them under the Christmas tree. Surely Santa Claus will hear everything and fulfill the children’s wishes.

How to receive a personalized letter from Santa Claus

Santa Claus loves not only to receive letters, but also to answer them. Just imagine how much delight there will be in the baby’s eyes when he receives an answer to his message! But it’s not at all difficult to do this.

You can write a letter from Grandfather Frost yourself, print a template from the Internet, or you can apply for this service to special organizations that can offer many options for congratulations.

Hello, Grandfather Frost! We need “magnetic resonance imaging”
Happy New Year to you, Grandfather! Happy holidays to you!

Galina Zhidkova

Santa Claus's mail address
Official postal address of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug:
162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Father Frost
Moscow residence of Father Frost (letters from the capital will arrive here much faster): 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Father Frost

And may all your deepest desires come true! Let's believe in a fairy tale. After all, miracles happen only to those who believe in them.


Take a break from everyday work and plunge into a fairy tale? Easily! Let's learn how to write a letter to Santa Claus in English: we'll broaden our horizons and at the same time practice our message writing skills. We will not only help you write the text, but also decorate it with thematic drawings.

Letter to Santa Claus: what is it like?

Children from Russia write a letter to Father Frost, from the UK - to a character named Father Frost, and from America - to Santa Claus. All these fairy-tale heroes bring gifts and fulfill children's wishes; for this, children should behave well all year and obey adults.

Writing plan

To write to Santa in English, you can use a regular notebook or landscape piece of paper, or you can use a variety of colored “forms”, of which there are a great many on the Internet. There is no limit to imagination here. The child will enjoy not only composing the text of the message correctly, but also decorating it with his own New Year or Christmas drawings.

A letter to Santa

Now let's give an example of the letter itself.

Dear Santa Claus,

Let me introduce myself. I am Kate. I am 11. My family is small. We are three: my mother, my father and me. I live in Moscow and study in the 5th form. We have 2 pets, a cat and a dog. I help my parents to take care of them. Our family is very friendly.

New Year is coming and I’ve decided to write a letter to you. How are you? How did you spend last holidays? I hope, everything is ok with you. As for me, at school I was getting good and excellent marks the whole year. Best of all I like English, Nature Studies and Literature. It is so interesting to learn new things about our planet. Besides, I help my mother about the house, do some shopping and walk with our dog. So, as you see, I am quite a good child.

I’d like to ask you to present me with a new creativity-set, containing multicolored beads, some wool for felting and shreds for patchwork. I will be very glad to get an mp3-player or some other interesting gadget. I'm looking forward to the holiday night. It is the time of miracles and fairy-tales. And I hope my desires will come to life. Wish you to be healthy and wealthy enough to fulfill the children’s dreams all over the world.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Santa Claus!

Let me introduce myself. I'm Katya, I'm 11 years old. I have a small family. There are three of us: mom, dad and me. I live in Moscow, I study in the 5th grade. We have 2 pets: a cat and a dog. I help parents take care of animals. I have a very friendly family.

The New Year is approaching, and I decided to write you a letter. How are you doing? How did you spend your last holidays? I hope you are doing well. As for me, for a whole year I received “good” and “excellent” grades at school. Most of all I love English, natural history and literature. It's so interesting to learn new things about our planet. In addition, I help my mother around the house, do shopping and walk our dog. That is, as you can see, I am a completely obedient child.

I would like to ask you to give me a new craft kit with multi-colored beads, some wool for felting and scraps for patchwork. I will be glad to receive an mp3 player or some other interesting gadget. I look forward to the festive night, because it is a time of miracles and fairy tales. And I hope that my wishes will come true. I wish you to be healthy and rich so that you can fulfill the dreams of all the children in the world.

Sincerely yours,

And finally, a few useful expressions that will come in handy when writing letters and more:

Now you are fully equipped to bring the fairy tale to life. Imagine, play, draw, be children! And you will definitely succeed, including writing a letter to Santa Claus in English.

And remember, Santa Claus brings gifts only to obedient children!

Several children's songs about Santa.

- examples of letters with translation from a boy and from a girl to Santa Claus,
— ready-made letter templates to Santa Claus, for printing at the end of the article,
- examples of formatting a letter to Santa, at the end of the article.

All you have to do is enter your gift names - after all, every child expects something special from Santa Claus.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus in English

Of course, these are purely formal “rules”, because there are no uniform requirements for how to write a letter correctly or flawlessly. But sticking to the basics of politeness, as the native speakers themselves do, won’t hurt.

1. Write the address in the upper left corner.
2. Then, be sure to write Dear Santa,
3. Tell us briefly about yourself: name, age, you can write the city.
4. Let's ask Grandfather Frost how he and his *reindeer are doing, and show politeness.
5. Next, we tell him about how well we behaved this year, what exactly we did.
6. Next we move on to the request: what do we want to receive from him, what gifts.
7. In addition to our beloved self, don’t forget about your loved ones - let’s ask for gifts for them too.
8. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to thank Santa for what he already gave us last year.
9. You can say “hello” to his assistants and *deer.
10. At the end - name and signature.

The letter can be decorated by drawing simple New Year's drawings on it: Christmas trees, snowflakes, toys. Below are ready-made templates for download. And here, look at real children's letters with translation.

Santa Claus address in English

Santa Claus
North Pole

Santa Claus
North Pole

Father Frost's Workshop in English

You can add your country on the envelope and indicate that the letter is being sent to Santa Claus's workshop.

Santa's workshop. Father Frost's workshop.

How to write in English “I want for the New Year...”

Look at examples of gifts in English, how to say:

Write a letter from Santa in English

Ready-made letter forms from Santa Claus.
- ready-made texts with translations of letters from Santa Claus to children in response to their letters.
- ready-made envelope form for printing.

All samples and examples of letters to Santa Claus, exclusively from native English speakers.

Letter from a girl to Santa in English with translation

Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is approaching, so I’ve decided to write a letter to you.
I hope it finds you well.
As for me, I’ve been a good girl all this year.
I helped my mum a lot of indoing household chores.
At school I was also a diligent student.
I never missed the classes without a valid reason.

That’s why I think that I deserve a present for Christmas.
I know that you have to visit millions of children around the world and it’s difficult to carry all presents at once. But, if you ever pass by our town, please visit my house and bring me one special present.
I would like to receive a puppy as a present, but only if it’s not too heavy for you to carry that many presents.
Thanks for reading my letter.
I'm looking forward to this Christmas.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Grandfather Frost,

Christmas is approaching, so I decided to write you a letter.
Hope you are fine.
As for me, I was an obedient girl all year.
I helped my mother a lot with household chores.
At school I was also a diligent student.
I didn't miss classes without a good reason.

That's why I think I deserve a gift for Christmas.
I know that you have to visit millions of children around the world, and it is very difficult for you to deliver all the gifts to everyone at once. But, if you are passing by our city, please stop by and give me my gift.

I would like to get a puppy as a gift, but only if you don't mind carrying a bunch of gifts.

Thank you for reading my letter.
I'm looking forward to this Christmas.

Best regards, Katya

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Cindy and I am 8 years old. I hope that you are all rested up from delivering presents last year. I want you to know that I have been very good this year, and I listened to my parents.

This year I would really like the Red Five X-wing Starfighter Lego set. My brother Tim says that Legos are for boys, but I already have a TIE fighter and would like more sets to start my collection.

Thank you for all of the great presents that you gave me last year. Please say hello to the reindeer. I love to watch the Christmas movies that have all of them flying around.


Dear Grandfather Frost,

My name is Cindy and I am 8 years old. I hope you all took a break from giving away gifts last year. I want you to know that I was very good this year and I obeyed my parents.

This year I would really like to get a Lego X-wing Starfighter. My brother Tim says Legos are for boys, but I already have one Lego TIE Fighter and I'd like to have more sets in my collection.

Thank you for the great gifts you gave me last year. Please say hi to your reindeer. I love watching Christmas cartoons where they fly.


Dear Santa,

My name is Sally and I am 5 and 1/2 years old. I have been a very good girl this year. I help Mommy wash the dishes every night, and I listen to Daddy when he tells me to clean my room. I am also nice to my little brother, even though he can be really annoying sometimes.

Thank you for all the presents last year. They were all really nice, and I played with all of them a lot. This year I would like a jump rope, a kitten, and a new bike. I really really want the bike.

Please give my love to Mrs. Claus, the elves, and all the reindeer, especially Rudolph. I will leave some carrots for the reindeer next to your milk and cookies.

Dear Santa,

My name is Sally, I'm 5 and a half years old. I've been a very good girl this year. I help my mother wash the dishes every evening, and I also listen to my father when he says that I need to clean my room. I also treat my little brother well, even if he annoys me a lot sometimes.

Thank you for the gifts you gave me last year. All the toys are very good, I played with them a lot. This year I would like as a gift: a jump rope, a kitten, and a new bicycle. I really need a bike.

Please say hi for me to Mrs. Claus, the elves and your reindeer, especially Rudolph. I'll leave a carrot for the deer next to your milk and cookies.

Letter from a boy to Santa Claus in English with translation

Dear Santa,

I am Ivan, I’m 7 years old and I live in Moscow, which is a very long away from the North Pole.
I have tried to be good all year and hope that you and your reindeers will be able to deliver me a nice present.
At the moment my special toy is a … but I would really like a … or a … to play with next year.

I know that you and your helpers must be very busy at the moment and hope that you will also have time to deliver some nice gifts for my family.

Love from Russia

Dear Santa

My name is Vanya, I am 7 years old and I live in Moscow, which is very far from the North Pole.
I've tried to be good all year and I hope you and your reindeer can send me a nice gift.
My favorite toy at the moment is……, but I would really like to get… or… that I could play with next year.

I know you and your assistants are very busy right now, but I hope that you will also find time to send some nice gifts for my family.

With love from Russia

Dear Santa Claus,

I am writing to ask for the new Army Man Kung-Fu Grip Harry the Ranger action figure. I really want this toy because I know that I would spend so much time playing army games with it.

I was a really good boy this year. My mom said that I was so good that she thought that I should write you a letter to ask for this toy.

I would also like to thank you for all of the awesome presents that you have given me before. I still ride my bicycle all over the neighborhood. My dad taught me how to ride it and I am so happy that you put it under the tree.

Please say hello to everyone at the North Pole. I am excited to see what is under the tree this year.
Thank you,

Dear Santa Claus,

I am writing to ask for a new Kung Fu Man fighter, Harry the Ranger. I really want this toy because I know I would spend a lot of time playing war games.

This year I was a very good boy. My mom said I was so cute that she thought I should write you a letter and ask for this toy.

I would also like to thank you for all the amazing gifts you have given me in the past. I still ride my bike all over the area. My dad taught me how to ride it and I'm so happy you put it under the tree.

Please say hi to everyone at the North Pole. I'd love to see what you put under the tree this year.

Thank you,

Formatting a letter to Santa Claus - examples a-letter-to-santa-template-3 envelope

And these large format templates can be printed out as a finished letter.
Write or print your text and your letter to Santa Claus is ready!

Take a break from everyday work and plunge into a fairy tale? Easily! Let's learn how to write a letter to Santa Claus in English: we'll broaden our horizons and at the same time practice our message writing skills. We will not only help you write the text, but also decorate it with thematic drawings.

Letter to Santa Claus: what is it like?

Children from Russia write a letter to Father Frost, from the UK - to a character named Father Frost, and from America - to Santa Claus. All these fairy-tale heroes bring gifts and fulfill children's wishes; for this, children should behave well all year and obey adults.

Writing plan

  1. Appeal:

    Dear Santa! – Dear Santa!

    Dear Santa Claus! – Dear Santa Claus!

  2. Main part:
    • a few words about yourself, your achievements, etc.
    • a little about my dreams
  3. Conclusion:

    Sincerely yours - Sincerely yours/yours

    Yours – Yours/yours

Example of a letter form to Santa Claus

To write to Santa in English, you can use a regular notebook or landscape piece of paper, or you can use a variety of colored “forms”, of which there are a great many on the Internet. There is no limit to imagination here. The child will enjoy not only composing the text of the message correctly, but also decorating it with his own New Year or Christmas drawings.

Original New Year's envelopes

A letter to Santa

Now let's give an example of the letter itself.

Dear Santa Claus,

Let me introduce myself. I am Kate. I am 11. My family is small. We are three: my mother, my father and me. I live in Moscow and study in the 5th form. We have 2 pets, a cat and a dog. I help my parents to take care of them. Our family is very friendly.

New Year is coming and I’ve decided to write a letter to you. How are you? How did you spend last holidays? I hope, everything is ok with you. As for me, at school I was getting good and excellent marks the whole year. Best of all I like English, Nature Studies and Literature. It is so interesting to learn new things about our planet. Besides, I help my mother about the house, do some shopping and walk with our dog. So, as you see, I am quite a good child.

I’d like to ask you to present me with a new creativity-set, containing multicolored beads, some wool for felting and shreds for patchwork. I will be very glad to get an mp3-player or some other interesting gadget. I'm looking forward to the holiday night. It is the time of miracles and fairy-tales. And I hope my desires will come to life. Wish you to be healthy and wealthy enough to fulfill the children’s dreams all over the world.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Santa Claus!

Let me introduce myself. I'm Katya, I'm 11 years old. I have a small family. There are three of us: mom, dad and me. I live in Moscow, I study in the 5th grade. We have 2 pets: a cat and a dog. I help parents take care of animals. I have a very friendly family.

The New Year is approaching, and I decided to write you a letter. How are you doing? How did you spend your last holidays? I hope you are doing well. As for me, for a whole year I received “good” and “excellent” grades at school. Most of all I love English, natural history and literature. It's so interesting to learn new things about our planet. In addition, I help my mother around the house, do shopping and walk our dog. That is, as you can see, I am a completely obedient child.

I would like to ask you to give me a new craft kit with multi-colored beads, some wool for felting and scraps for patchwork. I will be glad to receive an mp3 player or some other interesting gadget. I look forward to the festive night, because it is a time of miracles and fairy tales. And I hope that my wishes will come true. I wish you to be healthy and rich so that you can fulfill the dreams of all the children in the world.

Sincerely yours,

And finally, a few useful expressions that will come in handy when writing letters and more:

Now you are fully equipped to bring the fairy tale to life. Imagine, play, draw, be children! And you will definitely succeed, including writing a letter to Santa Claus in English.

Stamps for letters to Santa Claus: what stamp will you draw?

NB! And this is how the address of Santa Claus is written in English:

This is what a letter to Santa from Canada might look like

And remember, Santa Claus brings gifts only to obedient children!

A few children's songs about Santa:

Dear Santa Claus,

I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Alissa and I’m 11 years old. I live in Volgograd. It’s a nice city in the Volga region. My nickname is “Pretty”. My parents, relatives and best friends call me so, because they think I’m rather positive.

Christmas is approaching, so I’ve decided to write a letter to you. I hope it finds you well. As for me, I’ve been a good girl all this year. I helped my mum a lot in doing household chores, such as, cleaning up, laundry, vacuuming, washing the dishes, cooking, rearranging and decorating my room. Apart from that, my mum is good at sewing and knitting, so I tried to learn these skills from her.

At school I was also a diligent student. I never missed the classes without a valid reason. I always did my homework and helped my best friend Anna with Maths and Spanish, as she’s not good at these subjects. I was respectful to teachers and nice to my classmates. At home I was an obedient child and I never bullied my little sister. That’s why I think that I deserve a present for Christmas.

I know that you have to visit millions of children around the world and it’s difficult to carry all presents at once. But, if you ever pass by our town, please visit my house and bring me one special present. Most of all I would like to receive a card of admission to language camp. There is a great camp not far from the place where I live, so I’d like to get there. It’s a perfect opportunity not only to improve my English, but also to meet a plenty of new friends. I would also like to receive a puppy as a present, but only if it’s not too heavy for you to carry that many presents. Thanks for reading my letter. I'm looking forward to this Christmas.

Sincerely yours,
Alissa Ivanova

[translation into Russian]

Dear Grandfather Frost,

I would like to tell you a little about myself. My name is Alisa and I am 11 years old. I live in Volgograd. This is a glorious city in the Volga region. My nickname is "Pretty". That's what my parents, relatives and best friends call me because they think I'm very positive.

Since Christmas is already close, I decided to write you a letter. I hope you are doing well. As for me, I've been a good girl this whole year. I helped my mother a lot with household chores, for example, cleaning, washing, vacuuming, cooking, rearranging and decorating my room. Moreover, my mother knows how to sew and knit well, and I tried to learn these skills from her.

At school I was also a diligent student. I have never missed a class without a good reason. I always did my homework and helped my best friend Anna with math and Spanish, since these subjects are not good for her. I treated teachers with respect and was polite to my classmates. At home I was an obedient child, and I didn’t even bully my little sister. That's why I think I deserved a Christmas present.

I know that you have to visit millions of children around the world and it is not easy to bring all the gifts at once. But, if you happen to be passing by our city, please visit my house and bring me one special gift. Most of all I would like to get a ticket to a language camp. Not far from where I live there is an excellent camp that I would like to visit. This is a great opportunity not only to improve your English, but also to make many new friends. I would also like to receive a puppy as a gift, but only if it will not be difficult for you to carry so many gifts. Thank you for reading my letter. I'll be looking forward to this Christmas.

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