General conclusion about the peculiarities of the geographical location. Geographical location of the Russian Federation: map, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

Russia's position can be characterized as intercontinental, interoceanic and northern circumpolar. The main distinctive feature of Russia's position is that its western, so-called European part, where almost 4/5 of the total population lives, is located within Eastern Europe, while its eastern part, extending widely beyond the Urals, is already in Northern Asia. About 14% of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle, in the permafrost zone, covered by a long (in some places up to 60 days) polar night, which extends to numerous archipelagos and islands of the Arctic Ocean: Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguev Island, Severnaya Zemlya , New Siberian Islands and others. Only 900 km separates the North Pole of the Earth from Cape Fligeli (81o 51′ N) on Rudolf Island.
Russia is the northernmost state in the world. Almost 2/3 of its territory belongs to the Northern zone. The specific physical and geographical location affects the possibilities of economic development. First of all, this applies to agriculture: in Russia, the zone of risky farming covers about 95% of the territory. The “northernity” of Russia imposes significant restrictions on the development of the territory. The country incurs enormous costs due to the need to heat buildings, increase the volume of construction materials, produce warm clothing and footwear, build and maintain a road transport network, strengthen engineering structures, etc.

From the north, the territory of the Russian Federation is washed by the Arctic Ocean, from the east by the Pacific Ocean, in the west and southwest there is access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The northern mainland tip of Russia (Cape Chelyuskin) is located on the Taimyr Peninsula (77o43′ N and 104o18′ E). The northernmost point of the Russian Federation (81o51′ N) is located on Rudolf Island in the Franz Josef Land archipelago. The extreme southern point of Russia - the vicinity of the city of Bazardyuzyu (41o 10′ N) is located in Dagestan on the border with Azerbaijan. The highest point of the Russian Federation is located on the Main Caucasus Ridge - Elbrus (5642 m).
The western extreme point is located in the Kaliningrad region on the Baltic Spit in the Baltic Sea (19o38′ E); the eastern mainland tip of Russia is at Cape Dezhnev (169o40′ W), the extreme eastern point is in the Bering Sea on Ratmanov Island (160o2′ W) (maritime border with the USA).
The largest islands: Novaya Zemlya, Sakhalin, Novosibirsk, Severnaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land, Kuril, Wrangel, Kolguev, Vaygach, etc.




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a) air coming from the Arctic Ocean;
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Indicate the main features of the geographical location of Russia: in which hemispheres our country is located; determine the extent of Russia from west to

east along the Arctic Circle, where the length of 1° parallel is 44.5 km, and from north to south along the 110th meridian (length of 1° meridian = 111 km); which distinguishes the geographical location of Russia from the geographical location of large countries of the world. What is unique about Russia's geographic location?

1. Which statement about the geographical location of Russia is true?

1) In the southwest it borders with Ukraine
2) The extreme northern point of the country is located on the Yamal Peninsula
3) The area of ​​the country exceeds 20 million square meters. km.
4) Russia is washed by the seas of four oceans
2. Which statement about the geographical location of Russia is true?
1) the length of the territory from north to south exceeds 10 thousand km
2) Russia is not washed by the seas of the Atlantic Ocean.
3) The extreme northern mainland point of the country is Cape Dezhnev
4) Part of the territory of Russia is located in the Western Hemisphere.

. Give examples of events or phenomena that could have an impact on changing the position of Russia - physical-geographical, environmental-geographical,

Russia (Russian Federation) is the largest state in the world:territory area of ​​Russia more than 17 million km². The population is more than 140 million people. The Russian Federation includes more than 89 equal subjects: republics, territories, regions, federal cities, autonomous regions, autonomous districts. The capital of Russia is Moscow. The official language is Russian.

The territory of Russia occupies 31.5% or approx. ⅓ of the territory of the largest continent - Eurasia. It is located in its northern part, completely covering the eastern part and northern Asia. The most northern and eastern points of the Eurasian continent are also the extreme Russian points.

The territory of Russia is washed by 12 seas, which belong to the basins of the Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic oceans, and the Caspian Sea-lake, which is located in the internal endorheic basin of Eurasia.

The borders within the Russian Federation between Europe and Asia conditionally run along the Urals and throughout the Kuma-Manych depression. In some places where the main ridge of the Urals is crossed by railways and highways, the border is marked by old stone obelisks or modern lightweight memorial signs.

The center of Asia is located in the city of Kyzyl, the capital of the Republic of Tuva. The eastern outskirts of Russia are located in the Western Hemisphere, since the 180th meridian passes through Wrangel Island and Chukotka.

The European part of Russia includes the entire territory that lies west of the Urals, it occupies about 23% of the area.

The Asian part of Russia accounts for more than 75% of the country's area. Despite this, 78% of Russia’s residents live in its European part, including throughout the Urals.

Most of the country's territory is located between 70° N latitude. and 50° N About 20% of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle.

Features of the geographical location of Russia - The northernmost point of the mainland is Cape Chelyuskin, located on the Taimyr Peninsula (77° 43´ N), and the northernmost island point is Cape Fligeli, located on the island. Rudolf in the Franz Josef Land archipelago (81° 49´ N). This point is only 900 km from the North Pole.

South-west of the city of Bazardzyu, which is located in the eastern part of the Main (Water Dividing) Range of the Greater Caucasus, on the border of Dagestan with Azerbaijan is the southernmost point of Russia (41° 11´ N).

More than 4000 km is the distance between the extreme southern and northern points. Along the meridian, this distance exceeds 40°, and the southern point, from the northern mainland, is 36.5° away.

In the Gdansk Bay of the Baltic Sea, on the sandy Baltic spit, in the Kaliningrad region, the westernmost point of Russia is located. However, the Kaliningrad region is separated from the rest of Russia by the territory of other states. Therefore, the westernmost point of the main territory of Russia begins to the east, almost 500 km and lies slightly north of the point where the borders of Russia, Estonia and Latvia meet (27° 17´ E).

The extreme continental eastern point is located on the Chukotka Peninsula - Cape Dezhnev (169° 40´ W). The extreme eastern point of the island is located in the Diomede Islands group, on the island. Ratmanova (169° 02´ W).

Features of the geographical location of Russia - Almost 10,000 km is the distance between the eastern and western extreme points of Russia (171° 20´).

Russia is the largest country in the world (1/8 of the landmass). The area of ​​Russia is 17.1 million km2, which is almost twice as large as the PRC or the USA. Russian territory is comparable to the entire continent - South America.

Russia accounts for 77% of the territory and 53% of the population of the CIS countries.

In terms of population, Russia is in seventh place after China, India, the USA, Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan.

Russia is located in the northern part of Eurasia, with the European part accounting for about 1/3, and the Asian part accounting for 2/3 of the country's territory.

The length of Russia from west to east is about 9 thousand km. The westernmost point of the Russian Federation is near Kaliningrad (38° 38" E), the easternmost point is on Ratmanov Island (169° 02" W), on the mainland - Cape Dezhneva (160° 40" W .d.). Consequently, almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation is located in the eastern hemisphere. There are 11 time zones within Russia.

The extreme northern point of the country is the metro station Fligeli on the island. Rudolf as part of the arch. Franz Josef Land (81° 50" N), on the mainland - Cape Chelyuskin (77° ° 43" N). The southernmost point is on the border with Azerbaijan, on the crest of the Main Caucasus Range (41° 10" N).

Thus, Russia is located predominantly in temperate latitudes, although the northern part of the country is in harsh arctic latitudes, and a small section of the Black Sea coast is in subtropical latitudes. The geographical location determines the exceptional severity of natural conditions: about 64% of the territory falls in areas with permafrost soils (Russia accounts for 1/2 of the area of ​​the planetary zone of the North), and precipitation in the form of snow falls everywhere in winter.

The total length of the borders is 58.6 thousand km, of which only 14.3 thousand km are land, and 44.3 thousand km are sea.

The maritime borders in the north and east are 12 nautical miles (22.7 km) from the coast, and the border of the maritime economic zone of the Russian Federation is 200 nautical miles (about 370 km).

By land, Russia borders on Norway and Finland in the northwest, on Estonia, Latvia, and Belarus in the west and southwest, on Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China in the south, and on the DPRK in the southeast.

Most of the maritime borders pass in the north, along the waters of the seas of the Arctic Ocean and in the east - along the seas of the Pacific Ocean. In the north, Russia borders with the United States and Canada, in the east with the United States and Japan. In the west there are maritime borders with Sweden, Poland, Germany and other Baltic states, in the south - with Ukraine, Georgia (along the waters of the Azov and Black Seas). The borders with Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan pass through the waters of the internal Caspian Sea. Before the collapse of the USSR, Russia bordered only with eight foreign countries, and the borders with Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. within the former USSR were internal. The borders coinciding with the borders of the USSR are mostly fixed in international treaties, they are equipped with border outposts and customs, and are guarded by border troops. A significant part of the borders with CIS countries does not yet have all the attributes inherent in a state border and is sufficiently “transparent” for the penetration of people and goods. This situation, unfortunately, damages the country’s economy and poses a threat to its security.

Geographical location includes three components - physical-geographical location, economic-geographical and and means the characteristics of the position of a country or other geographical object in physical, economic and.

A serious issue is relations with Muslim states on the southern borders of Russia, as well as with the countries of the South.

As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the length of Russia's borders is now 60,933 km. Thus, almost 2/3 of Russia’s borders are maritime. Our country has the longest land border with Kazakhstan (41% of the entire land border of Russia), (about 20%) and (10% of the land border of Russia).

When assessing the geographical location of a country, one cannot ignore such a concept as “extensiveness”. Russian territory is huge. There are countries that can be walked on foot in a few hours (,). You can travel by car in a day. The only way to cross Russia from west to east in a day is by plane.

Unfortunately, our age of high speeds has changed the previous perception of space and distance. In the 19th century French writer Germaine de Staël wrote about the spaces of Russia: “Russia is the threshold of another, unknown land of the East. There is such space in Russia that everything in it is lost, even the palaces, even the population itself. Everything is drowned in vast space, it reigns over everything and captures the imagination.”

The territory of Russia is also difficult to imagine because there are no countries in the world similar in size to it. For example, the area of ​​the United States (9.4 million km2) is 55% of the area of ​​Russia, and the area of ​​all foreign European countries is 35% of the area of ​​our country.

1% of the territory of Russia (for example, the republic, Tuva) is the area of ​​countries such as or; 2% (for example, the Republic of Buryatia, Amur region) is

Russia is located in eastern Europe and northern Asia, occupying about 1/3 of the territory of Eurasia. The European part of the country (about 23% of the area) includes territories west of the Ural Mountains (the border is conventionally drawn along the Urals and the Kuma-Manych depression); The Asian part of Russia, occupying about 76% of the territory, lies east of the Urals and is also called Siberia.

The northernmost point of Russia is Cape Fligeli on Rudolf Island of the Franz Josef Land archipelago (81°51" N), the easternmost point is Ratmanov Island in the Bering Strait (the western of the two Diomede Islands, 169°0" W. ). The extreme northern and eastern continental points of Russia: Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula (77°43" N) and Cape Dezhnev on Chukotka (169°39" W). These extreme points are also the corresponding extreme points of Eurasia. The extreme southern point of Russia (41°11" N) is located southwest of Mount Bazardyuzyu, on the border of Dagestan with Azerbaijan. The extreme western point lies in the Kaliningrad region at 19°38" E. d., on the Baltic Spit of the Gdansk Bay of the Baltic Sea; but the Kaliningrad region is an enclave, and the main territory of Russia begins to the east, at 27 ° 17 "E, on the Russian border with Estonia, on the banks of the Pedya River.

The eastern border of Russia is maritime. It passes through the expanses of water of the Pacific Ocean and its seas - the Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering seas. Here Russia borders with Japan and the USA. The border runs along more or less wide sea straits: with Japan - along the La Perouse, Kunashirsky, Izmena and Sovetsky straits, separating the Russian islands of Sakhalin, Kunashir and Tanfilyeva (Lesser Kuril Ridge) from the Japanese island of Hokkaido; with the United States of America in the Bering Strait, where the Diomede Island group is located. It is here that the state border of Russia and the United States passes along a narrow (5 km) strait between the Russian Ratmanov Island and the American Kruzenshtern Island.

The western border along almost its entire length does not have clearly defined natural boundaries. It begins on the coast of the Barents Sea from the Varangerfjord and passes first through the hilly tundra, then along the valley of the Pasvik River. In this area, Russia borders on Norway. Russia's next neighbor is Finland. The border runs along the Manselkä hills, through heavily swampy terrain, along the slope of the low Salpouselka ridge, and 160 km southwest of Vyborg it approaches the Gulf of Finland. In the far west, on the shores of the Baltic Sea and its Gulf of Gdansk, is the Kaliningrad region of Russia, which borders Poland and Lithuania. Most of the region's border with Lithuania runs along the Neman (Nemunas) and its tributary, the Sheshupe River.

The southern border is predominantly land. It starts from the Kerch Strait, connecting the Sea of ​​Azov with the Black Sea, and passes through the territorial waters of the Black Sea to the mouth of the Psou River.

Further, the Russian border passes through the Caspian Sea, from the coast of which, near the eastern edge of the Volga delta, the land border of Russia with Kazakhstan begins. It passes through the deserts and dry steppes of the Caspian lowland, at the junction of Mugodzhar and the Urals, through the southern steppe part of Western Siberia and through the Altai mountains.

The northern border, like the eastern one, is sea. She walks through the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

Russia is washed by 13 seas belonging to three oceans; in addition, the southern part of the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the eastern and southeastern shores of most of the Kuril Islands are washed directly by the Pacific Ocean, that part of it that is not included in any sea, as well as by the internal Caspian Sea. Three seas belong to the Atlantic Ocean (Black, Baltic, Azov), six to the Arctic Ocean (Barents Sea, White Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian, Chukotka) and three more to the Pacific (Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese) .

The northern part of Russia lies beyond the Arctic Circle, in a cold thermal zone. The rest of Russia is located in the northern temperate thermal zone.

So, Favorable

Eurasian situation;

Land border;

Access to 13 seas of three oceans;

The largest territory in the world;

Leading place in natural resources;

Predominance of the temperate zone;

Single economic space.

Unfavorable Features of the geographical location of Russia:

1/3 of the territory is unsuitable for life; 80% of natural resources in the Asian part;

Transport problems;

Uneven settlement and economy;

Remoteness of the eastern regions;

Worsening of the state of affairs with the collapse of the USSR.

The influence of the geographical location and size of the territory on the characteristics of nature and the economy of the country.

The main features of its nature are associated with the geographical location of Russia. Russia is a northern country. Our Motherland is a country of forests and tundras, a country of snow and permafrost, a coastal country, but its shores are washed mainly by cold, arctic northern seas.

Russia is located in the harshest northeastern part of the vast continent. On its territory is the pole of cold of the Northern Hemisphere. Russia is open to the cold breath of the Arctic Ocean. Most of its territory lies north of 60° N. w. These are the polar and subpolar regions. South of 50° N. w. only about 5% of Russia's territory is located. 65% of the country's territory is located in the permafrost zone.

About 150 million inhabitants are concentrated in this northern territory. Nowhere in the world, neither in the northern nor in the southern hemisphere, are there such concentrations of people at such high latitudes.

The northern specifics of the country leave a certain imprint on the living conditions of people and the development of the economy. First of all, this is manifested in the need to build insulated dwellings, heat housing and industrial premises, provide stabling for livestock (and this is not only the construction of special livestock buildings, but also the preparation of feed), create special equipment in the northern version, snow removal equipment for clearing transport highways, streets and sidewalks, expending additional fuel reserves to operate vehicles at low temperatures. All this requires not only the organization of special production, but also enormous material resources, primarily energy costs, which ultimately leads to colossal financial investments.

The nature of our country creates great limitations in the development of agriculture. Russia is in a zone of risky agriculture. The lack of heat for the development of agricultural crops, and in the southern part - moisture, leads to the fact that crop failures and shortages are a common phenomenon in our agriculture. Major crop failures occur every decade. This requires the creation of significant state grain reserves. Harsh conditions limit the ability to grow high-yield forage crops. Instead of fairly heat-loving soybeans and corn, we have to grow mainly oats, which do not produce such high yields. This, along with the costs of housing livestock, affects the cost of livestock products. Therefore, without state support (subsidies), the agriculture of our country, achieving self-sufficiency, is capable of ruining the entire country: all the industries associated with it and, above all, its main consumer - the population.

Thus, the northern position of Russia determines the complexity of running the entire economy of the country and the high costs of energy resources. To maintain the same standard of living as in Western Europe, we need to spend 2-3 times more energy than European countries. Just to survive one winter without freezing, each resident of Russia, depending on the area of ​​his residence, needs from 1 to 5 tons of standard fuel per year. For all residents of our country, this will amount to at least 500 million tons (40 billion dollars at current world fuel prices) Baburin V.L. Geography. - 2008 - No. 45. .

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