Queue for transfer to another kindergarten. How to transfer a child to another school - step-by-step actions, necessary documents and recommendations

The issue of transferring a child from one kindergarten to any other is relevant when moving or if disagreements arise with the kindergarten administration. How to correctly fill out an application, collect all the necessary documents in a short time and transfer your child to a suitable kindergarten without any problems - all these questions will be answered in detail.

Choose three kindergartens that you like the most - they will look for a place for you in the first place. If there are no free places by the deadline, you will be offered another kindergarten to replace it. If you don’t know which kindergartens to choose, you will need to take care of this issue in advance: go and see the kindergartens in person.

Registration in the electronic queue for kindergarten through government services

A few days later, after reviewing your electronic application, you will be notified of successful registration or refusal to be placed on the electronic queue for kindergarten through the contact information specified in your personal account on the public services portal. You can put your child on the electronic queue for kindergarten through government services immediately after birth.

Please note that in order to join the queue for kindergarten, you must first register your child at your place of residence. You can also submit an application for registration of a child on the electronic government services portal. Use our step-by-step instructions.

The procedure for registering a child in a queue for kindergarten through the State Services portal

  • access the portal using the latest versions of browsers;
  • if the initials contain the letter “е”, it should be written;
  • Before sending a request for queuing, it is recommended to check all entered information thoroughly so that the system does not automatically reject it (due to errors);
  • If the site does not work for some reason or is undergoing technical work, it is recommended to visit it a little later.
  1. Contact the nearest MFC at your place of residence.
  2. Write an application according to the sample provided by MFC employees.
  3. Submit an application and all the necessary list of documents.
  4. Receive a so-called “ticket”, which indicates an entry in the appropriate registration journal.

You definitely need to think about what the baby might be worried about going to another place. At first he will be capricious, cry, and have no desire to get ready for kindergarten. The main task of parents is to convince the child that the new kindergarten has very good teachers, cheerful boys and girls, new swings, sandboxes, toys, etc. You need to interest the child and tell him only good things. Then he will be able to quickly join the new group of children and make friends with the teachers.

The first step to take after you decide to change your child's kindergarten is to visit the department of education in your area. There you need to fill out an application. It indicates the reason why the child is transferred to another institution.

Queue for transfer to another kindergarten

  1. Collection of the necessary package of documents.
  2. Contact the local administration to submit the appropriate application.
  3. Receive directions if there are available places.
  4. After issuing such a document, you must visit the old kindergarten to obtain the baby’s personal file.
  5. If there is a debt, pay it. It is necessary to keep all receipts and receipts for payment.
  6. The accounting department makes copies of payments.
  7. The basis for issuing documentation is a statement from a representative of the child’s interests and a permit from the administration confirming further enrollment in a new kindergarten.
  8. An order is issued and within three days the child leaves this institution.
  9. The contract is terminated and you receive a personal file, a medical card.
  10. Arriving at a new preschool to submit an application for enrollment.
  11. Signing a new document.
  • moving to another locality or area;
  • referral of the child, based on the results of the medical examination, to a specialized group;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • conflict situation between parents and educators;
  • poor attitude of teachers towards children;
  • poor training and care;
  • failure to fulfill duties by teachers;
  • the child is not friends with other children;
  • parents found a preschool institution with the best parameters.

How to transfer a child to another kindergarten

You can contact us in any form, incl. via the Internet (paragraph 3, paragraph 4 of the Procedure). The appeal shall indicate the child's surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, residential address, as well as surnames, first names, patronymics of the child's parents (legal representatives), addresses of their registration and actual residence. The reason why you are planning to transfer the child to a new kindergarten must be given, for example, a change of place of residence. If your child has the right to priority or extraordinary admission to kindergarten, you must indicate these circumstances in the application. For example, if you are a working single parent.

In this article we would like to help you understand the issue of transferring a child from one kindergarten to another.
This need arises when a family moves to another area or even city. Or, if for one reason or another the parents are not satisfied with the kindergarten the child goes to.

How to transfer a child to another kindergarten through the Moscow government services portal

An application through the State Services website has the same force as a trip to the government authority. Step 1. Register on the portal. Go to gosuslugi.ru, enter your name, email and phone number. And then - passport details and SNILS number. If you want to try the new version of government services, go to http://beta.gosuslugi.ru. Next, you need to confirm your data - show your passport. Otherwise, it is impossible to be sure that it was you who submitted the application and not someone else on your behalf. It may seem like registration is quite difficult, but it is not. You just need to go to the MFC for five minutes. Take your passport and SNILS with you. But then you will be able to receive any government services - even get a foreign passport, or even register your car. One trip to the MFC is worth it. Moreover, it is easier than it seems. Step 2. Fill out the application: go to the government services website using your username and password, select “Enroll in kindergarten.”

To use government services online, you need to create and confirm your account. Step-by-step instructions for registering on the gosuslugi.ru portal will help you go through the simple registration process. In the main menu on the main page of the updated version of the public services portal, select the service “Enroll in kindergarten.” In the list of services, select “Checking the status of the application” By clicking on the “Check application” button, we will be able to see the queue number of the earlier submitted application.

How to transfer a child to another kindergarten

Next, the commission for staffing preschool educational institutions will give you a form in which you will need to fill out personal information about the parents and child, as well as indicate the reason for transferring to a new kindergarten. In addition, the application indicates which specific kindergarten you are trying to get into (you should indicate the one that has free places, which you should have known about in advance).

Important: When the situation is urgent and children are treated extremely negligently in the kindergarten (they are not fed, do not maintain the proper temperature in the premises, are left unattended), you can immediately contact the prosecutor’s office with a collective complaint from parents about violation of children’s rights.

Enrolling a child in kindergarten through State Services: instructions for the procedure from start to finish

After logging into the account, the site visitor is notified that personal data is not yet available on the site. Information from your passport and SNILS is required for the account status to change to Standard. But this will not allow parents to register their child for kindergarten via the Internet.

After going to the page for registering an electronic service, information about it, the timing of its provision and cost will become available. The application is accepted on the day of application. The parent receives a notification with a unique number assigned to his application. You can use it to track the status of your application and your child’s turn in kindergarten. The service is provided free of charge.

Registering a child for kindergarten through State Services

After choosing a kindergarten, you need to move to point 9, which involves indicating the approximate date of enrollment of the child, as well as the specifics of the group and the availability of additional benefits for the family. Also quite an important point is the operating hours of the kindergarten, which will indicate how long the parents will leave the child in the kindergarten, for a shortened time or around the clock, that is, until the end of the shift.

In the next section you need to indicate the child’s personal data, namely his last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, gender and SNILS number. Point five allows us to fill out information related to the child's birth certificate. So you will need to indicate the following data: series, number, date and place of issue, and place of birth of the child.

For parents, the problem of how to transfer their child to school always raises many questions. How to choose a suitable educational institution? What documents are required for this? When is the best time to translate? Who will the child learn from?

Practice shows that parents try to carry out the transfer so that it occurs at the beginning of the year (September). Less often, the translation is carried out in the middle. It is very rare that children are taken out of school towards the end of the year, usually allowing them to complete the course of the next class.

Transition is guaranteed by law

In this regard, do not worry, the transition is possible at any academic period. It doesn’t matter - the beginning of the year, the middle or the end. Education in Russia is free. According to the Constitution, it is even mandatory.

Parents, if their child is a minor, have the legal right to choose a school. No one has the right to put any obstacles in their way.

The education department will help you

Choosing a new school for a child is, of course, quite a serious matter. Parents should take the time to make detailed inquiries about the new school. A preliminary visit to the new school will also be useful. There you will learn about everything in detail, talk with the administration and teachers.

Be sure to find out if the school has any problems with free places. The rules state that if the school does not have available places, you may be officially refused. If you are refused on the pretext of lack of free places in several schools, contact local officials. The education department will definitely help you.

At your previous school you should be expelled within 3 days maximum

When the issue with the new school is resolved, you need to come to the old one and write a statement in order to be expelled. You will indicate as the reason for your departure that you are transferring to another educational institution. Provide details of the new school. In the event that your family decides to change their place of residence, indicate the future address.

The school administration is obliged to promptly issue an order to expel the former student. The law gives her 3 working days for this. The order must indicate the details of the school where the child is transferring or indicate the city (village) where you intend to go.

When dealing with the issue of how to transfer your child to school, it is important to know what documents you should be given:

  • Firstly, you must be given a personal file
  • Secondly, the previous school properly issues a special statement. It includes current grades received during the academic year and points awarded during the interim assessment.

Just in case, make sure that all documents received bear the school's seal and all required signatures.

School students cannot be placed on probation

At the previous school, parents cannot be obstructed in obtaining their child’s documents. Moreover, they are required to do this, including during the summer holidays. It turns out, regardless of the time of year. Refusal, from a legal point of view, is unacceptable. You can easily appeal it to the prosecutor's office.

There is no longer any paperwork required for your child to be enrolled in a new school. They have no right to request additional documents. Sometimes the school may ask you to bring some more certificates, but this must be prescribed by the Charter. To avoid surprises, ask the school secretary in advance what is needed.

In the near future, the school director will issue an order for enrollment. The former school is notified of the transfer in writing. Please note that the law does not allow any temporary enrollment orders. For example, we enroll until the end of the year with a probationary period (in case the child begins to frequently violate discipline). For students of Russian schools, there is no concept of a probationary period, as there is for future workers.

Are there any possible scenarios where they refuse to accept you into a new school?

When considering how to transfer a child to school, his parents should be aware of the existence of several options when the school administration can refuse to admit them.

Option 1

You have chosen a school, but there are no free places there. Refusal for this reason is possible if you are not registered in the territory assigned to the school.

Option 2

If the educational institution you have chosen has classes with an in-depth program in individual subjects, and you were unable to pass the competitive test. In this situation, the educational institution has the right to check the level of training of your child. This is due to the fact that in specialized classes there are different requirements for the level of preparation of students. This is why you may be asked to undergo additional testing.

At the primary stage of education, a simple interview is often practiced, conducted by the teacher and the school psychologist. A school where languages ​​are studied in depth will offer you testing in a foreign language. In middle school you will have to take tests in specialized subjects. In grades 10-11, an exam is also possible.

Some special cases that may arise during the transition

What to do when you are about to leave school and you have debt (commonly called academic debt). Don't worry, you won't have to quickly correct your grade. The rule is this: you move to a new school, and already in it you correct the debt.

If you are persistently advised to provide sponsorship to a new school and are told an amount that is beyond your means, then you have every right to make an appropriate contribution. You will determine the amount of the contribution yourself. The school administration does not have the right to refuse admission to you, citing the small amount of the fee. This is illegal.

Be prepared for the fact that at first your classmates will experience increased interest in the “newbie” person. The adaptation period is usually limited to 1-2 weeks. After this, the keen interest in the “new kid” disappears and school life returns to normal.

There can be many reasons for transferring a child to another school in Moscow: an unresolved conflict with classmates, a weak level of teaching, or moving to a new place of residence. In our material, Foxtime will tell you what documents will be required to transfer a student to another educational institution, what difficulties you may encounter during the transfer and how to solve them.

First, you need to choose a suitable school for transfer, after which you should find out about the availability of places in the educational institution. Article 10 of the Moscow City Law “On General Education in the City of Moscow” provides for refusal of admission to an educational institution due to the lack of free places in it.

If there are free places in the chosen school, you need to contact the regional department of the education department and find out which school your child should attend. The administration of general education institutions stores information about the number of children and takes into account a certain reserve when recruiting classes. If in the middle of the year it is necessary to transfer a child to another school, a place must be found for him.

Transfer to another school through the public service portal

Terms of transfer

Parents (legal representatives) of minor children can transfer a child from one school to another.

Online registration for another school

Before expelling your child from school, you must register an electronic application for admission to another school. This can only be done using the “Services and Services” section of the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru. You can be denied admission to an educational organization only due to lack of available places.

To enroll your child in another school on the official website of the Moscow Mayor mos.ru you will need:

  • passport details of one of the parents (legal representative);
  • series and number of the child’s birth certificate;
  • the child’s registration address at the place of residence or stay in the city of Moscow;
  • SNILS (for registration on the portal).

If you have previously registered on the portals “Our City”, “Autocode” or “Moscow Parking”, then you already have a login and password to enter the Moscow Mayor’s website mos.ru, since access to these information resources is uniform.

You can register your child through the Gosulsug portal mos.ru

After this, you need to prepare and submit the following documents to the school:

Student's personal file;

Child's medical record;

A diary with annual grades, certified by the school seal;

An extract of current grades certified by the school seal;

Passport of one of the parents indicating the place of residence.

Documents at the old school must be issued after you present a certificate from the new school, which will say that the child is accepted there. If they don’t want to give you documents, you have the right to contact higher authorities, even the Department of Education.

Elite educational institutions, specialized schools or schools with a strong program may be required to pass a competition, that is, exams in core subjects. To make it easier for your child to pass them, you can use the services of tutors. Based on the documents and the results of the competition, the new school writes an order for the child’s enrollment.

When transferring a child to another school after nine years of education, some nuances are added. A child may not be accepted into a new school due to poor grades, since the school takes responsibility for the admission of its students to universities. In addition, you will need to submit additional documents:

Application addressed to the school director,

Certificate of completion of 9th grade,

Personal matter

Medical card,

Passport of one of the parents.

Do not forget that some public schools provide additional funding through sponsorship from student parents. These schools have a certain entrance fee. Ask in what form you must make the entry fee, since only non-cash payments are officially allowed. The school does not have the right to accept cash, as this may lead to criminal penalties. The school administration has the right only to ask for a contribution that parents can afford and the amount of such a contribution must be determined by the parents themselves. You cannot be refused admission to a school simply because you have not paid the application fee.

Olga Kosenok

When using materials in full or in part, an active link to the site is required.

Parents have the right, if they wish, to transfer their child to another kindergarten or group. To do this, you need to make sure that there are free places in the new kindergarten, and then start the paperwork, collecting all the necessary documents.

Transfer from one kindergarten to another

According to Art. 25 of Law No. 273-FZ (“On Education”), each parent has the right to “relocate” their child to a new kindergarten institution.

Step 1: Contact the education authorities

So, if you want to apply for vouchers to a new kindergarten, you need to submit the following documents (originals + copies) to the education department:
  • Passport of one of the parents or guardian.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Certificate from the kindergarten that the child currently attends.
  • Documents indicating that you are included in preferential categories (if any).

Step 2: Complete an application

After providing the above documents, you will be asked to fill out an application form requesting a transfer to the desired preschool institution. It must clearly indicate the child’s full name, residential address and the full name of the parents (legal representatives of the child).

In your application, be sure to indicate the reason for moving to another kindergarten institution. For example, a family moving, a child being treated poorly by teachers, or being transferred to a kindergarten with improved teaching methods.

If there are spaces available in the new garden, you will be given directions right away, so you can go straight to step 4. If there are no spaces yet, go to step 3.

Step 3: Get in line

If you have officially moved to another district of the city and already have a certificate of registration at your place of residence, the head of the kindergarten can accept or offer alternative options if there are free places in other institutions in the district. So, things will go pretty quickly.

If you have other reasons, and there are no places in kindergartens, you will have to. If you are not satisfied with the conditions of the kindergarten that your child is currently attending, then you will be placed in the queue not according to the original date, but from the period of application for this request.

Step 4: Drop out of the old kindergarten

Having received the coveted voucher, you bring an application for expulsion to the old kindergarten according to the example:

In addition to the application, you must attach a copy of the permit to the new garden. Based on the documents in the now former kindergarten, an application for the child’s expulsion is drawn up. You go to the accounting department, find out the outstanding payment and pay it off. You take your documents from the manager, for example, a vaccination certificate and a medical card, and say goodbye to the kindergarten.

Step 5: Register at the new institution

When entering a new kindergarten, you need to fill out an application for admission, indicating your and the child's full names, the reason for the transfer (for example, due to relocation). Example document:

The following documents must be attached to the application:
  • Originals and copies of documents proving your identity and the identity of the child.
  • Child's medical card and vaccination certificate.
  • Copies of the permit to the new garden.
Then the head signs the order for your enrollment in the new kindergarten and hands over your copy, which states the terms of your stay in the preschool institution, the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

How to “enroll” a child in another group?

If a child is in the wrong age group, he can be transferred to another. Such a need may also arise if the child was unable to adapt to his group or find contact with the teacher, or you want to transfer him to a group where interesting programs are practiced.

Application for transfer to another group indicating the reason and clear information about yourself and the child. Application example:

If you want to transfer your child to a specialized group (for example, speech therapy), then in addition to the application, you need to provide data from a medical examination and a review of a medical and pedagogical examination. Then the child is accepted without additional discussions.

If you have been informed that moving to another group is currently impossible, you should constantly “feel for mail” and reapply after 5-6 months.

Video story about the service for “kindergarten exchange”

If you have a need to transfer to another kindergarten and are offered an option that is not very convenient for the location or are even put on a waiting list due to the lack of free places in preschool institutions in the area you need, then you can use the services of the presented portal and contact other parents about this problem . There is an option that through exchange you can solve your problem:

Life situations are different, and sometimes you have to change your usual place of work, housing, children have to go to another school, kindergarten, or clubs. There can be a great many reasons for this: from a truly urgent need to any dissatisfaction with a particular institution.

It so happened that any changes of this nature in our country are in one way or another connected with paperwork, which, admit it, is depressing and confusing. Therefore, some parents turn a blind eye to some controversial issues and continue to take their children to what they consider to be “inappropriate” educational institutions.

One way or another, when a pressing issue arises, many parents frankly do not know how to transfer a child to another kindergarten, for example, in connection with a move, and what is required to solve the problem. Let's take it one by one and look at the most popular problems.

For what reason can I transfer my child to another preschool institution?

For any reason. In principle, parents have the right to choose a more suitable kindergarten, in their opinion, and have every right to visit it (if they are ready to accept a child there). Moving is one of the most common and significant reasons for transferring from one kindergarten to another, and in this case you are required to allocate a place as soon as possible, i.e. You will have priority among other people on the waiting list for this institution.

But you don't have to move. You can change kindergarten for other reasons, for example, if you do not like the work of the teachers, the living conditions and other points. Of course, no one can guarantee that it will be better in another garden. Therefore, it is better to solve such problems a little differently. For example, if there are like-minded people among other parents, try to join forces and resolve the issue at the level of the head of the kindergarten. And if nothing has changed after that, then you can write a collective appeal to the education department of your municipality. After checking, the changes will be more than noticeable.

How can I submit documents for transfer?

The document submission procedure can be carried out in three ways:

  • ▷ in person - the fastest and most reliable way to solve a problem, especially if the speed of its solution is important;
  • ▷ through the State Services portal - it is convenient to submit documents if you are moving to another city or remote area, when it is not possible to visit your priority kindergarten or education department at your new place of residence;
  • ▷ using MFC. In this case, the multifunctional center is a kind of intermediary between you and the education department, which affects the speed of solving the problem. But it's convenient.

What is the procedure for the transfer?

The general scheme of the process of transferring from kindergarten to kindergarten is quite simple and is common to all regions of our country, but in specific cases it may have some nuances that depend on the preschool institution.

The procedure itself and all the legal subtleties are prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 28, 2015 N 1527, but its general sequence is as follows:

  • ▷ searching for a suitable institution;
  • ▷ submitting an application to the regional education department (to which the new kindergarten is attached);
  • ▷ obtaining a voucher to a priority preschool educational institution;
  • ▷ filing an application for the child’s expulsion from the old kindergarten;
  • ▷ submitting a new application and package of documents to the new kindergarten, concluding an agreement.

Now in order:

  • 1. Before leaving your old kindergarten, you are looking for a more suitable and convenient option for you. You should definitely inquire about availability. You can submit a request, including via the Internet, or contact the education department directly and discuss all the details of the issue with a specialist. He will tell you whether you can be accepted at the desired institution, help you fill out an application, and answer any questions you may have.

You can fill out an application on the spot; it must include your full name, date of birth of the child, full name. parents, residential address, information about the current kindergarten, the reason for this decision.

As for the reason: this may affect the speed of obtaining the voucher. As a rule, the decision to provide a voucher is made by a special commission. If the reason for the transfer is relocation (i.e. a forced measure), then in this case you will have an advantage in enrollment in the kindergarten (even if there are no free places there at the moment). Well, when the reason for the transfer is, say, your personal whim, then be prepared to wait.

In addition to the application to the TU Department of Education, you provide a certificate from the old kindergarten (take care of this in advance), the child’s birth certificate and your passport. Are you one of the beneficiaries? Wonderful! Be sure to indicate this fact, then you won’t have to wait your turn.


  • 2. When a referral to a new kindergarten has been received, you can safely go and write a statement of expulsion. Please note that you should not delay this, since the voucher has a limited validity period (30 days).

The paper is drawn up in the name of the head of your previous kindergarten, in it you indicate information about the new preschool educational institution and the reason for the transfer.Within three days, the baby will be expelled by order and the contract with you will be terminated if you have no debts. Therefore, in order not to waste time, take care of payments in advance.

As soon as the order is passed, you will be given all the documentation, including your personal file and medical card. It is possible that before enrolling in another kindergarten, you will need to go through some doctors or a pediatrician again, but check this directly with the new preschool educational institution.

  • 3. With all the piles of papers and a referral from the department in addition, you can go straight to the office of the head of the new kindergarten and negotiate on the spot. You hand over your personal file, medical record and, in fact, the referral itself. At the same time, you need to write an application requesting enrollment and provide copies of your identification documents (often you only need your mother’s passport).

All that remains is to conclude an agreement, after which the head officially enrolls the child in the preschool educational institution, and all you have to do is visit him on the appointed day with the child.

Can I submit an application remotely or through the MFC?

Yes you can. You can submit an application to transfer your child to another kindergarten remotely through State Services. This is very convenient when you plan to move to another city or area that is difficult to get to. Please note that registration on the portal must be confirmed by presenting your passport at any authorized center (detailed information on your region is available on the portal itself).

To submit an application through the portal, you need to register on it, find the appropriate section (“preschool education”), fill out the forms and upload scanned copies of the necessary documents. Simply put, you re-enter the queue for a specific kindergarten. Next, you receive confirmation of your application and wait for information about receiving your voucher.

It will not be possible to complete the entire transfer procedure remotely, since when providing a voucher you will have to be personally present in both gardens. The State Services portal is convenient because you can submit documents remotely without leaving your home.

To apply for a transfer, you can also contact the MFC; to do this, it is enough to have with you the minimum set of documents described above. Next, the center transfers your documentation to the district education department, and that, in turn, informs you about the possibility of providing a place.

What problems might arise?

It is impossible to foresee everything, and anything can happen, but among the most common problems are the following:

✓ R The child does not want to go to the new kindergarten

This problem is rather psychological and is a consequence of a change in the usual way of life. Try not to put pressure on the child and change the garden gradually. For example, in the first days, go there as a guest, together, get to know the children and teachers, then leave the baby for part of the day, for example, until bedtime. And when adaptation takes place and the child begins to feel confident in the new team, then leave him there full time;

✓ There are no places in the new garden

Unfortunately, this is a fairly common situation. In this case, consider the options of other preschool educational institutions that have places or stand in line. It’s funny, but according to the law, you do not have the right to be denied a place in a kindergarten, so you can write a complaint to the head of the education department, especially if your child belongs to the preparatory group (5-7 years old);

The new garden did not live up to expectations

For example, you thought that the new kindergarten has a better program, there are additional classes and much better food, but for some reason this is not really the case. What can be done? Talk to the principal or write a group letter if other parents share your concerns. Often this is enough for the situation to change. If not, then write a complaint to higher authorities, as we have already described above.

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